Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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' i
Monday, March 15, 1915.
OMAHA husbands are bravely mincing their dinners alone these even
ings. Now this assertion Is not signaling any note of alarm, and
It Is not because the repasts spread are lens inviting than they
used to be. It Is that very last cup of tea bis consort enjoyed at
ihe Fontenelle that Is taking the plaee of (he wholesome substantiate.
When our new and long-looked-for tea room spreads tucb dalaty
morsels and serves tea In such enticing tea things, how can any one be
expected to relish a dinner, no matter how well It Is done?
One loving husband says he is quite tired of enjoying his food alone,
even though his fair one. sitting opposite, is entertaining to the greatest
Segree. j
But apropos of the tea room many of the guests have ordered their
favorite plce with their tea and Invariably It has not been forthcoming. !
Is it because aplce at the Fontenelle is served only In the original!
Philadelphia Has Not Chanted Or
dinance Since Days of George
Philadelphia has bad (he same
bread ordinance since April 1, 1797.
and thin law Is not regsrded as any
Joke In the Quaker City, according to
information Just received by City
Clerk T. J. Flynn, who was directcl
by the city commissioners to gather
Information on bread laws from va
rious cities.
Ttie rhiIaVlriil bread ordinance pro
vide that a loaf of bread shall weigh one
IMiunJ avoirdupois, and that the seller
mini maintain regulated s-sles o that
purchasers may verify the welabt of the
bread, revision la made tor a fine of
$! for violation, half of tha money to o
'.o the "Informer" and half to the com
monwealth. The clerk of the market shall
"discover and prosecute. "
At the time of the pessage of the Phil
adelphia bread law George Washington
waa tetlrlng from public life and John
Qulnry Adams had been Inaugurated only
a abort time. Philadelphia, has not
changed the law In 11 years.
Ta Take It I' at Tharaa'ar.
The council. In committee of tha whole,
Monday announced the proposed new
bread ordinance would be made a special
order of business at 2 p. in. Thursday,
when full discussion will be allowed. A
delegation of master bakera attended the
committee meeting, expecting that the
ordinance would be disposed of. Jay
Burns and C. W. Ortman. representing
the bakers' association, presented a peti
tion said to contain the signatures of ,0?J
householders and taxpayers who favor
the passage of tbi proposed ordinance,
which gives the bakers the right to aeli
loaves of any weight If the weight Is Indicated.
Information tereived from other cities'
relating to bread laws shows that some
cltiea allow bakers to offer loaves of any
weight. Some cities have no specific
laws oa this subject.
Pome of the complaints filed last week
by City Prosecutor Fred Anheuser, upon
Information furnished by the city sealer
of weights snd measures, will be heard
at 2 p. m. Tuesday In Justice H. II. Clai
borne's court, and other complaints will
be taken up in other Justice courts during
the week.
7.o0 to the California Exposition over
the 'Trail of the Olympian" via Butte.
Ppokane. Seattle and Portland, returning
dlrett. For rates, routes and Informa
tion call on or write Chicago, Milwaukee
t. Taul Ry., 1317 Farnam St.. Omaha.
Wedding Cards.
Invitations were Issued last week by
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mark of Penver, Colo.,
for the wedding of their daughter, Miss
llasel Helen and Mr. Arthur M. Ober
felder, son of Judge and Mrs. Joseph
Oberfelder, of Sidney, Neb. Ths cere
mony will be celebrated March SI at the
Progress club and will be one of the
large and fashionable weddinga of the
Spring. Mr. bberfelder la a graduate of
i the Vnlveralty of Nebraska and ts at
i present general manager of the Rocky
mountala department of the Kedpath
j liceum bureau.
To California.
- Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Coad left Saturday
evening for California and the eipaal
llona. Dr. snd Mr. J. W. Hell wis have gone
, to Pan Diego- Enroute home they plan
f tit viait the Man Francisco exposition.
' Engagement Announced.
Mrs. Thomas Ellsworth Wood announces
' the engagement of her niece, Miss Bee
' trice Irene O'Netl, to Mr. IHoy Mae-
Monagle. The engagement was announced
' at an attractively appointed dinner Pun
i day at the home of Mrs. Wood. The
table was decorated with a huge basket
, filled with spring flower and the place
cards were dslnty cuplds with the sn-
nnunccd newa hidden under ths wings.
' Twelve guests were entertained. Mlaa
O'Kcll has not yet completed ptsns for
i her wedding, but It will be celebrated
1 seme time In the latter part of Msy.
! At the Orpheum.
Among those mho have made reserva
tions for the Orpheum this evening are:
I J. T. Moss.
vv . H. Mai hews,
A. V. Photwell.
tidg Pulilvan,
member of B. K. chapter of the P. HL O.
sisterhood at luncheon at her home
Thursday. Following the luncheon there
will be a business meeting.
O-Atka Club.
The O-Atka club wss entertained at the
home of Miss MurM Butlln Friday even
ing, the decoration and favors being
suggestive of Pt. Patrick's day. Those
present were.
Marie Ptelger.
HuWn Klllson.
Mabel Chtlaon,
Hose Hearth,
Hose Phean,
Luna Cased,
Mildred Hansen.
Marv Have.
Kthel Hheete.
Oertnide Hill,
Muriel Butlln.
W. Htephen.
.1 sailor y.lealer.
J. A. C. Kennedy.
Franklin Shvtwell.
Tt. Kltehen,
R. I. Huntlev.
Colonel Jewell,
K. A. Crelghton,
1'r. 'Measim,
Or. Hs'nes.
Judgo Baker,
To Sew for Needy. '
Mrs. Clyde Bsbcock entertained twenty
women at a kenslngton at her home this
afternoon. Ths afternoon was spent In
sewing for two needy families.. .
Future Affairs.
Mrs. John Franklin Blrss will enter
tain at a musicals at her horns Wednes
day afternoon. Miss Hasel PlWer will
1 give the program, accompanied by Mlaa
Mrs. Clyde Babcock will entertain the
Original Monday Bridge Club.
The Original Monday Bridge club met
this afternoon at the home of Mra. Arthur
Hemlngton to sew for the Child's Paving
Institute. Those present wer;
Meadames Meadames .
Oegood T. Kaetman, A. L.. Heed,
leUMO 1'ole. I'harleaT. Korntae,
W. A. Hedli k. . Arthur Remington,
W. K. McKeen, Joseph Barker.
A. O. Beeeon,
Stunt Party at Y. W. C. A.
A unique sffalr will be the monthly
party at the Young Women's Christian
association this evening. It Is to be an
advertisement party and every one Is to
come dressed to Indicate an advertise
ment, either In costume or wearing a
plscard with some characteristic adver
tisement "ssylng." The social commlt
ef a "movie" out of pictures of adver
tisements. These affairs sre largely, attended.
At the Fine Arte.
The Fine Arte' exhibition at the Fonte
nelle denes this evening. Today's host,
Meadames- Mesdamse .
Palmer Flndley. Z. T. Olndaay,
H. O. Clarke, f. N. Diets,
Thomas Kllptrlck. A. F. Jonss.
New. of the Wayfarers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCord are regis
tcred at the Qreenbrler hotel at White
nuipnur Springs. W. Va.
4 i
Personal Mention.
Mr. J. J. nrnrniM i. m -. wi.
, v nn noine
en Oeeraie avenie.
Ur7. N. UnV.m... I. ..1.1., .
--. ...... . iivinK nr
daughter. Mrs. John Shields, ami Mr.
Shields, in Chicago.'
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bmlth of New
Tork City were the guests of Omaha
friends Isst week on their way to California.
! Disinherited Children of Late Rich-
ard Marnell Secure Possession
of $200,000 Estate.
! Edward W. Maroell. Mrs. Delia W.
Cunningham and Mrs. Kate A. Rich,
children of the late Richard R. Marnell.
disinherited by the will of the former
i Omaha policeman and pioneer, secured
possession of the 1310.000 estate Monday
; when decrees were signed by District
! Judge Redlck In two suits which were
; pending.
! By the terms of a settlement for SI.0,
1 approved by County Judge Crawford, no
j reaistsnce waa made by Mra. Mamo
j Connolly of Milwaukee and Mra.. Anna
, K. Long of Omaha, iiictea of the dead
! man and heirs by the will and by deeds
. signed before his death. The will waa
; set aside by Judge Crawford on the
ground thst Marnell was mentally In
competent te make It and an appeal was
dismissed In accordance with the terma
if the settlement. -A
deed of property te Mia. Connolly
; and a contract of ! to Mr. Long,
signed by Marnell prior to his death,
: whk'h took place Decemlcr 7. MS, were
set aside by Judge Redlrk on the ground
that Marnell was Incompetent snd wss
' subject to Insane Jeluslons. Marnell,
' who waa an Omaha pljnetr, wss Ti years
! old when ha died, lie accumulsted large
( holdings of real estau und was lino an
; as a recluse. Many years no he served
fur a long period on the iimana police J
force. ,
Mra Cunningham, Mrs. Rich and Ho
ward W. Marnell was given linroedlate
poaaeaslon of the real vatsts by Judge
ludick'a decree.
Spring Opening
Draws Big Crowd
The Nebraska Clothing company's
women's wearing apparel and millinery
sections sre entertaining large and en
thusiastic crowds of woman, 'the ecca
slon being their annual spring opening.
A beautiful transformation Is noted In
these departments. An entirely new col
lection of wearing apparel and millinery
having been assembled for the formal
opening, it is understood that the ad
vance spring stocks of this house have
already been disposed of, which enables
the Nebraska to offer this complete
exposition of the newest and most
suthentlo creations.
Bssldes the exquisite models and repre
fluctlons of celebrated couturiers. The
Nebraska ts showing probably the larg
eat selection In the cltv of nr ii, .i
(ng apparel. Speaking of this feature of
tneir Business, Mr. Henberg, the man
ager of this department, said. "We keep
In close touch st all times with the
style developments In New York ct
One of our buyers Is In the eastern
market every other wfek. We not only
watch the fashion changes in ihe east,
but modify the new productions to con-
lomt wnn the western demand 'or tha
well-dressed wumea of this communis-
who Ilk to wear splendid styles, bat
not me overdrawn mod-la ef the extremis-:."
The opening will continue all week.
Child Labor Exhibit
Will Arrive Sunday
The traveling child labor exhibit, sent j
mittee In charge of Miss Jos
. ei'Mu Ksi-benbrennen. w ill b In-
stalled lu the Pioneer association's
fKimi In the court house next
funuay. The exhibit will be open tree to
toe public every day fur a week, be
tween the hours of is s. m. and f p. m.,
ar.d alao for aereral evenings during the
About fifteen local women's organisa
tion ar cooperating to bring the ex
biuit to Omaha and comuutU-es from each
will act ss hostesses dm Ins the week.
K. D. Ocpson. chsirmaa of ths atate
rhild labor committee, ,J head'ef'tbe
committee of arraageraenis.
Kvery bit of dandruff dlseppearr after
one or two applications of Dandertna rub
bed well Into ths scalp with the finger
tips. Get a ttrent bottle of Danderlne
st any drug store snd save your hair.
After a few applications you can't find
a partlcls of dandruff or any falling hair,
and the scslp will aevsr Itch.-Adverttse-ment.
"Spring fever" Usually la the result of
Uiiflsh bowels and torpid liver.' After
months indoors, you are not likely ts
feel vigorous and sprtabtly. Foley Ca-
ihartle Tablets are "worts their weight'
;n gold for that oer -full feeling, bilious-I
itrss, gaa ea the stomach, bad breath.
- mdlgestlue or constipation. Their action
it utk, comfortable and complete
about niur or griping. Stout peopl
they are a bleeing. gold vr
u !icrc.-ASvr(ieiiienL
Mrs. A. Huster
U 1. North Jt h Street,
II Exhibition Wednesday, March
s i (u. or Beautiful
Chic French
Also Rruert Hats Moderately
Priced From
I $3.00 Jo $7.50
r" I b e r
silk awel sua
l isle Sfeefclaure
With fsncy tops.
Full fashioned
and seamle; re
inforced heel
snd toes; double
A pllr .... 19C
a a w Lift
FlesjMrtasjs asi4
AJIeTeee 11 to
IS Inches wide.
White, cream and
ecru. About 50
styles. Worth to
60e. Bar grain
aquare. or.
a yard.
(J With enthusiasm unabated and with its stocks
still 100 per cent efficient the great annual M
Tuesday swings into its second day. Wonderful has been the response to our sale announce
ment. Great has been the gratification of those who took advantage of the price conces
sions produced by it. Unrestrained almost has been the admiration of those who have
viewed the very extensive assortments assembled for this event. Stocks still most complete.
We give herewith an indication of this sale's scone:
36-inch 69c Silk Pcmlins 45c a Yrd
une or me moet popular of spring's materials
offered In all of the newest street shades. At
this price we consider this material the best
value we ever have offered. An extraordinary
6c value. Very special price this sale: vsrd
To accommodate the constantly
growing patronage, it baa been
necessary to greatly increase the
space In the silk end dress goods
sections. The result of this In
crease Is that the Brandeia
Stores now have one of the larg
est departments devoted to silks
and dress goods In the country.
More than 4,600 square feet of
space are used in the main de
partment alone. This does not
Include the large basement sec
tions, nor other space thU fre
quently is devoted to these
This growth is most gratifying
to ns, and is due solely to our
patrons. They know qualities
that are beat and coma to the
store that has them. .
Black Satin Meteor, a deep, rich black in a
fine quality silk that will not "rough up."
This quality it sold everywhere at $1 ; f
11.50 Satin de Luxe II
36-inch Satin de Luxe, sold every
where for 11.60; color selection
is most complete, every desir
able shade being included. Very
special sale price, the sM a A
rr $1.00
Cheney Bros. 12.25 Crepe Meteor $1.50 a Yard
At this same price also is Crepe Radium '
two or tne favored spring silks. The newest
street and evening shades are shown in allur
ing variety. The name "Cheney" testifies to
their quality and style. Regularly soli up
to J2.25; very special this sale, a vard
40-in. Crepe de Chine 85c
One of the season's most popular
materials in street shades, eve
ning tints, Ivory, ereaun, black,
rose, greens, etc. For this sale
they are offered at the ope
very special price, yard..O0C
Crepe Meteor in black and the fashionable
spring colors made by Cheney Bros. A
full selection of best shades, aA
the price very special; yard 2)1 )
special, a yard
Black dress Chiffon-Taffeta, a beautiful, lustrous material, in just
the correct weifht for spring apparel. A deep, raven black, striking
ly beautiful. The price for this sales-event is very special, a yard
Great Sale Tuesday of Women's Dainty
mew spring Dresses in thej95
nasement) only
Absolutely new are the fashions, and the
finest lot of dresses, we believe, we ever
have sold so early in the season at
anything like this . price for Tuesday
Styles are accurate copies of dresses that usually
are marked at three to four times our selling
price. 6
See these dresses fnr vnuroOf m,t ...:n
readily appreciate the extent of the values we
are giving.
The array of materials includes
Taffeta, Messaline, Silk Poplin,
Serges and Chiffon
A great group of the newest spring colorings; also
plenty of navy and black. Assortments are lartre
but there likely will be a big demand, making it
advisable fnr all tn mm dri t.,,.. P
. . . t i uuudjr iiiwruing.
w 1 aw r aw
J --o-
Qwgi-fc for womcn anJ misses, which we consider equal to many $25 $ r-00
kJUlLa and even 30 suits. The fit, workmanship, materials, the styles J.D
salt t ika-a 1 iVa M..U U J - a - att . it
III ff f Vl AC r!tf41 theft fIIK-U Vt! tvU As are -I sw tern n A II J.1 . .i
... w. ..... ...v ...w.. jmcu Kaiuiciu3. mi oi inc newest spring colors: all of
the modes that are most in vogue; all of the newest materials represented and all of this
in suits that we have priced in our Basement Department, at, only, $15.
Buy Undermuslins in Basement at Great Savinas
" ' 'a IIImm. "I m t - l- . . ..... ......
Weeaem'e Sleer ilht Gew
rut full. Kegular (0c nq,.
values, for
Weeaea'a Plata Msjalla 11.
Itrmwrre Worth .'6c. yalr...
Wesatea's Cereet C'ere Home lacs
and embroidery trimmed: 15.
ethers plain. Worth :c. fur...C
Woman's Crepe end Muslin En.
vslope Chemise Worth Am
1.00. Tuesday 4C
A Special Let of Women's Night
Gowns Many different stylss.
Regular 75c values.
Choice for 4C
. res i.r.r siaella 17.
(.ru!lc vaJuea. for HQ
a.,W."'" Drawers.
All alaea. A pair SC
W Mte fettleMts-1 With
embroidery bottom. ;,e ,o
valuea 3oC
n Tuesday Basement Shoe Bargains
SM Pats ef w.a
ea'a Sbeea Odd
and end. Black
dull leather, pat
ent leather and tan
raJf. Broken
elaea. mostly up to
Worth to i 00
Men's a t r y k e r
Hlioe, worth 13.60
. I2.4S
Infants' Shoe Wltfc k.w
turned soles. Prettily finished.
Bliss te t. Worth rn
1.00, a pair OjC
Women's House Slippers
oirap or junet styles.
All siiee. A pair . . .
Wemen'a Storm and
Lew Cut Rubbers....
Women's Underwear
More Men's Shoes
from the 'trkr
hto k Splendid
value, worth to
tl 59. Osford and
regular atvle. in
black and tan
all good M a(
st) le. pr. .
lafaata' Seft Sole
.- Odd aod
end, eorth Sc.
bpetlal Tuea- ar
day, a alr....3C
Hand Scrubs
hra.b,. , tZT.
Iweeday fee aly.VT.
V aeaeat's Plae Lisle
t tea Salts Swiss
ribbed. Umbrella knee
st ylee: tops finished with
val edatna and allk rib.
eoo tape. 81 sea 4. I and
s. negular vo
quality. Spe
cial, sack
M. Kalf li.lea Salte
far Olrie aud Beya Iw
aeck. aleeveleaa; knee
length. Patent taped
seams: alas buttone.
2,t te )1 yeara.
n orin ase. Hpe
elJ T a a a d a y,
Three Drapery Bargains
Ong ig Let of Single Portlarae Values from $2.00
to 15.00 a pair. Special, each Sc '
M Pieces ef Double Border Etamlne Worth t n
30c Sale price, a yard 9c
run Use Roman Stripe Couch Covers A
good assortment of colors, apodal, each
Good x Candy at Special Prices for
I A. Sllrl.1. J... .1.1.. ... .
.-w...... lwr .aoie a no party Deeerstlens
qussllng PI go Each eye
60c and DC
98c H
Delicious Full Cream
Angel Feed Taffy
VanUla, strawberry.
chocolate and mo
lasses. A
pound . . .
Hats, Baskets. Caaee. Choc a.
late Favors sad Plga. r
Each ....
Sn&kss, Mottoes, Place Card
Favors and Pigs.
All Kinds ef St Patriok Can.
ay Shamrocks and pipoe
special, a oound ise.
! and
Insulting the
ElousQvifc's InfoIligoncG
In Every
the Public
UM from
the Fact
Ce Hisled
Just stop and think liow ridiculous
it is for anyone to make a statement
or claim that the so-called .Alum
Baking Powders arc in any way
injurious to health. The highest
authorities and most eminent scien
tists in the world have after careful
experiments of all kinds decided
that the so-called alum baking
powders are just as wholesome as
any other baking powders.
The Department of Agriculture,
which is the Pure Food Department
of the United States, have made
careful investigations and experi
ments, and find no reason to even
question their sale. They, too,
came to the conclusion that such
powders are just as wholesome as
other baking powders.
So-called alum baking powders are sold In
every State in the Union. If they were
not pure and wholesome, certainly the
food commissioner, would not permit their
sale. The Food Commissioner of each State
is not permitting to be sold anything that
is unwholesome. So-called alum baking
powders have been brought to their atten
tion for years, with the same results
they are pt;re snd wholesome.
It is important that everyone should know
that in the baking they do not eat baking
powder. Baking powder, during the pro
cess of baking, undergoes chemical change;
therefore, in an alum baking powder you
eat no alum, nor do you eat it any more
than the cream of tartar in a cream of tartar
baking powder; but the facts are that a
small percentage of residue is left in the
food from the use of so-called alum baking
powders, which is not injurious, and from
the use of Cream of Tartar powders, a large
percentage of residue is left in the food,
which is Rochelle Salts.
The only one that has attempted to dis
credit so-called alum baking powders or
claim that they are unwholesome is the
$30,000,000 Baking Powder TrotT that is
striving to intimidate the public so that
it can continue to get the exorbitant
prices for its goods, and divert the public
mind from the fact that its goods leave
large quantities of Rochelle Salts in the food.
Don't be misled by false, malicious, mis
leading advertisements. Remember so
called alum baking powders would not be
allowed to be sold if they were not perfectly
wholesome; also remember that 85 of the
baking powders consumed in the 'United
States axe so-called alum baking powders.
Invites Yoa to be Present at Her
Imported Model Gowns and
From Lucile, Paquin, Beer, Callot,
Beginning March 18th
1909 Capitol A venue
U When Women Suffer
No remedy eivee riveter reiiel thaa
Aoti-kamnia (A-X) Tablets in all condi
tions generally known aa "Women's
Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy
any woman that she has at last found
the remedy she has so long been look
ing tor.
Asserted 014 Plants.
lien Klssee All fla
vors. Special
Tuesday, lb. .
ilk Shaav
recks, dozen. . ,
Indigestion Dyspepsia
Are yon aistressea alter eating? Do
you have nauaea when riding in the can
or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab
lets and get instant relief. .
Cenaiaa A-K Telltt, tear (a
graa. At mu Urvggftt.
If you have a Sunhhiny Koora," let peoplo-know about it
in this column of Bee Want ads.