Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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The Bee Puhllshlns; Company. Proprietor.
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Address communlcatlona relatlnir 1 M and adV
torlal matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
State of Nehraeka. County of Douglas, a.
Dwlght Wllllama, circulation marmaer of The. Bee
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should have The Bee mailed to them. Ad
drees will be changed as often aa requested.
Xarca IS
Thought for the Day
Selected by Mre. H. Evm Nat tin ft
The longer on thii earth we live
A nd weigh thevariove qualiliel of men
The more tre fttl the high, item-featured beauty
Of plain devotedneee to duly.
Steadfast and eti'J, nor paid with mortal praiie,
BU finding amplest recompense
I'or life's ungarlandtd txpente
Jn ork dine eqvarely, and unicasted days..
am ft Ituetell Lowell,
Record of Reckless Extravagance.
A more complete Indictment of the demo
cratic administration la not extant than thnt
found In the statement Just Issued by Chairman
Flttgerald of the ways and means committee of
the house. It ahowe that the sixty-tnira con
gress. Just adjourned, has made the biggest
total of appropriations on record, exceeding by
more than one hundred millions the record of
the Sixty-second congresa, and by nearly two
hundred millions the total appropriated by the
Sixty-first, the last congress controlled by th
republicans. For Its twoyears of existence, tho
Slxty-thlrd congress spent of public money the
stupendous total of J. 231.000,000, and thU
huge sum of expense was piled up by an admin
istration that made the crux of its campaign for
popular support the denunciation of republican
Promisee of economy made In that campaign
were flung aside with other campaign pledget,
and appropriations were made with utter disre
gard for the income of the treasury or business
conditions of the country. New forms of taxa
tion were devised, and a war tax levied, but Mr.
Fitzgerald estimates that If no change for the
better Is made, the deficit on June 30 will be
$133,000,000. The recklessness of this course
Is sufficient to condemn the party responsible
for It. Mr. Fltigerald's .complaint mat tne
method of making appropriations Is unscientific
will not exculpate the majority party from Us
Mr. Gillette, ranking republican member of
the committee on ways and means, places some
of the blame where It properly belongs, when he
The esecutlve liaa been more reckl and Im
provident than congress and with lee eacuse. Tho
prevalent opinion that congresa la mainly to blame la
Incorrect slrs the executive which la primarily at
fault. It ought to be vaatly easier for the president
and cabinet, a email executive body exempt from the
danger of log rolling, to aurvey the field, calculate
the revetiuee and cut the estimates to correspond.
The change In methoda of handling the busi
ness of .making, the appropriations, demanded
by both Messrs. FiUgerald and Gillette, will
come, but not until the country Is freed from
the menace of democratic mismanagement, and
the republican party ia again in control.
Greater Omaha also wants its, rightful place
In the sun.
Only ten more daya for throwing bats Into
lh city election ring.
Come on in, you would-be city commission
era. The running is fine.
.Refrain soon to be popular at Lincoln :
are sifters:' We are llftera!"
While the lawmakers are about It, why not
shrink the weight ot a bushel of wheat?
Those Wright brothers had the right idea
when they decided to let others do the flying.
Granting a new trial to the cash register
pebple is a Judicial hint to Uncle Sam to ring off.
Old Man Winter evidently finds that
snow bablt clinging to him even after he wants
to ahake it off.
Lincoln Beachey: Dare-Deril.
A lightly-built flying machine failed under
the stress of a desperate feat attempted by Lin
coln Beachey, ' most adventurous of all airmen,
and brought a spectacular end to a career that
was full of thrills. Dally Beachey pushed his
daring beyond the limit of reason to supply a
sensation for the multitude. He did it with a
full knowledge of the risks involved, risks
those of mankind who are bound to solid earth
know nothing of, and found bis reward in tho
plaudits of the populace and the cash paid htm
for assuming the Jeopardy of his calling. Hla
fearlessness has been much descanted upon. Its
service being, as far as known, that he might be
cited as an example to others who are trained
in the hasardous vocation of the aviator. The
use he made ot hla skill waa to cater to man's
insatiate craving for some new thrill, and in
this hq waa supported by an equally unsatisfied
ambition to accomplish what no other had done.
Many foolhardy flyers are Imitating Beachay,
turning flip-flaps high above the earth, with
death continually smiling at theou but It may
be seriously questioned lf toe :Once ot avia
tion Is benefited even In the remotest by their
exhibitions. ' .
Aimed at Omaha
Children ot the suburbs need not. worry. All
the plain and fancy playthings will be cared for
In the big tent.
What's the use Investing millions la battle-
tihlps an
submarines to sink?
Wanted A Bill of Particulars.
On the floor of the state senate at Lincoln
the other day, Senator Dodge made the specific
charge that the presiding officer of that body at
the last session, Lieutenant Governor McKelvIe,
had ."packed'.' a conference committee in the ln-
s the use Investing millions la battle- tMMt of th,,0K.alled otaaha gas franchise bill
d cruiser. Just for little Inexpensive Refertnce t0 th Mnfct. Journal f0P im dl8.
Judglngs by reports from Turkish source
the allied fleet in the Dardanelles cannot hit
the side of Asia Minor.
Czar Nicholas Is going to the front, llavlnj
too miles of it, be can't miss It. Moreover, the
scenery hasn't changed since his last visit.
"Watchful waiting" Is also the policy of tho
allies' warships that are Just "sticking around"
till the Prlns Eltel Friedrtch comes out of Nor
folk harbor or interns.
The life of an aviator hangs by the threads
of his canvas wtngSi The hold la altogether too
slender to Justify the aerial thrills which are
little short of a challenge to death.
closes this record on this measure, otherwise
known as House Roll No. 336: ,
Mr. President :' " I move that a conference com
mittee be appointed on llouae Roll No. 3m. Dodge.
a The motion provaura.
The preaUlent appointed the following senators a
conference committee on Ilousa llou Mo. xw:
Charire Saundcra, J. A. Otlla. 11. K. Uushee.
It strikes us that It is up to Senator Dodge
to make hla complaint more specific, and to tell
Just how this committee was "packed."
Was It "packed" by putting Senator Sauu-
ders on It!
Was it "packed" by putting Senator OUls
on it? . .
Wat it "packed" by putting Senator Bushee
on UT
Let us have the bill of particulars.
Haitlnas Tribune: It must be admitted that ther.j
are several paper In the state that never loae an op
portunity to take a 'fall out or1 Oman ana nous...
countv. .lust Why th should be is more man .
comprehend. Pomehow the fact seems to be over
looked that Omaha, la a city or innaonania.
and aa such It Is entitled to more lawa than a city
of o,oo or 20.000 Inhabitant, or a mere vmae. am
that la why aa many bills are Introduced In me k sin-
lature that have only to do with the people ot Omaha
and Douglaa county. Bvery loyal Nehraakan ahoulj
feel proud of Omaha. It I as good and clean a city,
moraiiv and otherwise, aa any city of Ita slse In the
I'nlted States, furthermore. It possetee mora reei im w
energetic business men to the square block than any
other cltv In the country. It Is a great manufacturing
city, and a large wholesale center. And It haa done
more towards putting Nebraska oh the map. so to
speak, than any other city. Thla being true, why
then should any Nebraska editor, or loyal cltlaen of
this state atand ready with a tar bucket In one
hand and a brush In the other ever ready to beemlrch
the fair name ot Nebraaka a metropolis?
Blue Springs Bentlnel: A district Judge In Douglas
county, which Is In too state of Omaha, save a oe-
clalon the other day. that a marnea roan im
mune from an action for breach of promise that might
be trought against hun by any itinerant female that
so took a notion. Bcmehow court once m a wnno
do thing that go a long ways In alienating that
respect which they expect that we are in duty bound
to pay them.
Newman Grove Reporter: If John O. Yeleer. the
Omaha freak, gets his bill through the legislature that
will regulate the newspapers of the aUte according
to his liking he won't have a chance to get anylhlh
done but write replies to the criticisms that are or
111 be directed at him. Most of the newspaper folks
are sporty enough to go after him )ut for the fun
of showing him how nicely his law will work.
Tekamah Journal: Omaha ia to have another Jim
Dahlmea scrap In their city election this spring. Most
people have hoped that Dahlman rule In Omaha was
about over but there will have to be aoma tall figur
ing to beat the lasso thrower out of his Job.
Nebraska City Press: ."Who Is this Darda Nell
the newspapers are talking ao much about?" asked
Lute Dorklna ot Tough Town yesterday. "Why don't
you know?" waa the reply. "She Is a sister of
Fountain Nell, ho has been the talk of considerable
talk In Omaha lately."
Kearney Hub: An Omaha woman suffrage leader
ette object to expraaalon of ao many of her stster
ettea that "all men are brutes." Thanks for an oc
casional voice In the wilderness.
Newman Grove Reporter: Omaha boosters who
got together and built the Auditorium are not apt to
ever be ao public spirited again. They are not m'y
about to loae all of their original Investment, but be
atuck for a big Indebtedness besides. Omaha la somo
progressive burg, to hear folks down that way tell It.
Lyons Mirror: Do you remember a tew years ago
when some eighty, so-called business men of Omah.1,
but we believe "deceiving hypocrites" would have
been a more appropriate name, algned a circular letter
stating that If the democratic party should come into
power a financial depression would set in and business
would be ruined. "Well, after two years of democ ratio
prosperity and progress, Omaha'a business' for the'
last year la aa follows: Bank clearings, t&ClJSO.Til;
wholesaling. fl$.tM67; new building. K6J0.0H; livo
stock -receipts, ,S4a,14 heed: grain receipts. SS.9g3.ftM
bushels: smelter output, I37.1S1.148. . .
Iioup City Times Independent: It la our opinion
that the legislature spends too much valuable time
trying to exact laws for Omaha, when they ought
to let Omaha enact their own municipal laws. Home
rule ought to be the slogan, and the legislature should
only pass such lawa that affect all cities in Nebraska
Hastings Republican: Htate-wlde Interest was
taken In the Matters' trial at Omaha, particularly on
, the part of the legal profeasien.' The veTdlrt of the
Jury In declaring Mr. Matters guilty on nineteen counts
of aiding and abetting President Leubben of the Sutton
bank to defraud bank patrons came aa no surprise"
to those who had followed the testimony aa gtvtn
during the trial. If Matters had not been mixed up In
so many other deals in which be waa accused of wrong
doing this one case would poaelbly not have gone so
hard against him In the eye of the public. The re
sulta of the case and the- finding of the Jury Is not
without Its lessons. It simply the more proves that
those who handle other people's moneys cannot af
ford to be careless or negligent of other people'a in
terests and that the more promptly and honestly they
serve their friends and the public the better their
standing and reputation.
. Kearney Hub: An Omaha gentleman who has re
turned from a California sojourn, somewhat Impressed
with .the glamour of two expositions, declares never
theless that "right here In Omaha and surrounding
country la the safest place for investments and the
easiest place to make a living on the soil." Thia la
exactly what the Hub haa been talking for yeara
while the golden flood from Nebraska has been pour
ing Into the California, rat hole.
Tarn Mark Atbletle.
KOITH OMAHA. March 15-To the
Editor of The Be: The case of the fine
and manly high school boy Louis Foley
shows what happena when the athletic
business is carried too far in the schools.
He Is probably crippled for life, when if
he had engaged In the old fnahloned
walking and running matches he might
be whole today.
When I wss a boy people alt said I
would die from consumption before I was
11 years old and they came near seeing
the prediction come true, for I began to
spit t lood and I was scared myself. But
I began to walk and run and became so
expert finally thst I beat ail or toe
boys of my home town and also quit spit
ting blood. Many a time I walked a mile
In ten minutes on the level roads of
Illinois and at times when I made ape-
lal efforts I walked a mile In eight and
nine minutes.
Kven now I walk not less than six
miles nearly every day of the year to and
froYn my office and have not mlaaed a
meal for want of an appetite for grub
for many years past. It I ao long since
I was too sick to eat that the time haa
paused from my memory.
It Is time the foot ball and other rough
Plays where aome one Is always getting
hurt were cut out and the boys and
girls started in walking and running
matches where they do not get hurt by
coming roughly In contact with one an
other as they do In foot ball and baaket
ball games.
Sometimes old Ways are the best even
If they are not so spectacular. The case
of Louis Foley is not the only one. for
there are many of them every year, and
It ia time a change of program was had.
Athletes do not stand hardships any bet
ter than those who do not engage In
rough sports, and a great many times
their Uvea are cut short by vicious ath
letics. F. A. AUNKW.
Here's the laformatleB.
OMAHA. Msrch 15. To the Editor of
The Bee: C. P. Martin of Broken Bow
asks where I get my information on
municipal electric plants). Anyone en
closing 25 cents for "Facta on Municipal
Ownership" published by Public Service
Pulbllshing company. Peoples Gas build
ing. Chicago, 111., can get aome Interest
ing data. I am a civil engineer and have
spent some ten years ot may life In sur
veys and outlining water power proposi
tions on the Loup and Platte rivers and
have also examined some municipal
electric light and private plants, many
of which are poorly operated. Another
good book to read Is "An, Expensive Ex
periment on Hydro Electrlo Power for
Ontario," by Jt. T. Button, published in
New York.
1918 Omaha National Building.
"I hear that Jones la on his uppers;
H It true""
"I guess so. I met lilnt this mornlns
snd he said he evpecte. to he on his
feet in a few days." Boston Trans
script. 'Top. are people tilways bad-tempered
in courts 7
"Of course, not. What mskes you ask
"Then why do they Always have such
croes examinations thtre?" Baltimore
"I Will not be going cut much durlns
Lent," said the girl, "f hope you will
come and talk to me often."
"Thank you." rfpllel the man with a
suspicious nature. "Hut are you contem
plating a pleasure or a ix nnnre." Wash
ington Star.
"Dook here. Willie!" a trifle Impa
tiently, sold the little )al's sire. "Von
mustn't be talking- when I am trying to
read. Keep still for a little whlln now."
"Itow still shall I kpep, papa?" Inquired
the tnsrenuous youngster.
"As still ss a vice president, my son."
"I wonder how Columbus got 'he Idea
that the world was round?"
"I don't know that there ia anything
remarkable about his deductions. Any
man along In middle are begins to nt
the lilea that the world Is not exactly
square." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Teae her Tommy, you may lefine the
difference between "a while" and "a
Tommy Why, when p snys he's going
downtown for a whll, ma says she'll bet
he's going for a time. Boston Trans
script. The prisoner's lawyer wss making an
Impassioned eppeal to the Jury.
"It were better," he thundered, "that
. Innocent mer. esrapp
that one guilty le punished.
"I csnnot allow tlist statement to g
to the Jury unchallenged." said the learned
J' "Kxceptlon." thund-red the lawyer and
the Jury promptly vot-n to mu'iit the
one guilty. Philadelphia Ledger.
Prof. W. P. Trent of Columbia "tier
sltv has contributed to the N'1"'K
Ptaats-ZeltmiK the following poem, en
titled "Oermany, l!l":
Fronting; the world, she stands erect
In viilor. strength, snd self-respect.
The 'threats and inults of her foes
Hie answers grim, w'th scorn and bloa.
In peace, a wisely ordered state:
In war. she ahows herself as reny.
W itness, the drenching blood thnt stains
Polonlsn. Gallic, Belgian plains.
Whilst Britain's coasts at spectres staro
That leap from sea, or drop from air.
The world ere now such marvel saw
Never, and halts 'twlxt rage snd awe
Vain rage! This etsrk, consummate mign
Is girt with adamantine right
The right to live beneath tho sun.
The right to hold what has been won
By toll and science, thrift snd nrt.
In camp and farm. In school and mart
A right which still without avail
Revenge and cant and greed assail.
Before such prowess rage must sink.
And generous minds he bold to think.
Hypocrisy hath here no plce:
Tlarharlan? that imperial race! 1
Hv heaven, von Germany, today
Holding so splendidly at bay
Those variegated tribes of men.
Is not a thing to hunt and pen!
Enough of hllnd, hysteric fear,
Enough of menace, vaunt, and sneer.
Enough of ghastly talcs untrue!
Give the heroic state her duo!
strength to her arms, and to her brow
All glory that the gods allow! .
frTMnel i . . ,
mi (In i: iiiiSiiiSiaili-nl
Women's Activities
It must have been In the cards for Blrdman
Beachey to give a last thrilling performance,
but. Just the same, there 1. satisfaction In the
thought that his flights over Omaha last fall
were all safe and successful.
President Vail of the big telephone company
says there are 2,000,000 men out of employment
In this country whose yearly earnings should
be tl, 250,000, 000. Of course lt'a a mere coin
cidence that this happena to happen along w!tb
the advent of a democratic administration.
ii nt
The first preliminary meeting of the greet Mo-idy
convention was held at the First Baptist church, Flf
tenth and Davenport. Rev, Mr. Hall delivering to
sermon, and announcing that Mr. Moody will he here
tomorrow and spesk at each end ev-r meeting dur
ing the convention.
, A partial eclipse of the sun waa witnessed at Omaha
beginning at 10. V) this morning and continuing until
li j p. ni. It wa genet ally observed through smoked
glass, the clouds lifting Just at the right time to make
it dtscrnable
Leslie M. Shaw of haw ft Kuehnlt, the well koovm
law firm of Drnlson, lu the city the
.at week. -
Frank Handle, who ia vlaitlng frlsndsiln Omaha.
sill leave during the coining week for bU Luuia, where
he will play wilb the Lucas base ball team.
Constable George Karl, returning Mem a highly
unsuccessful duck hunt up on the Ilatte river, reports
that the river Is troseu ovr and that ducks are not
flying low tnese duy. . .
Hvtay 'Lehman of wi.ll peper fame has gtm east
' on tiualrtco.
i 'l Intuit Powell, the well known attorney, ntadw Ms
HP!M-aren e on the meet for the first time ?tm-e hi
. rr'oriy li.mi a fVri attack of erysipelas In th fool
Thimblerigging in Mexico. -
"Now you see it, and now you don't." .la
being played to the very limit in Mexico Just
now. Carransa orders a port closed against
American commerce; In face ot the presence of
an American warship, with instructions to disre
gard the attempted embargo, Carrama revokes
hla order. Both Carransa and Zapata promise
Indemnity and reparation In the fullest for the
death of an American, murdered by a Mexican
mob, but who is going to pledge for either of
these leadera, their own Impotence, so far as
maintaining order Is concerned, being fuljy established.
Whether the artful dodgers who have
brought about the present deplorable state of
affairs In Mexico can undo some of their owa
mischief is uncertain. It Is certain they cannot
much longer be tolerated to pursue unrestrained
their course of lawless wreckage.
American warships are now ia harbor at
Vers Crux and Progreso; American communica
tion with Mexico at these principal ports is car
rled on under the guns of the navy. This very
near approach to war conditions show how
serious the situation haa become, and bow netr
we have come to the end of "watchful waiting
Let us repeat that It the municipal light hill
Insured complete divorcement ot Its manage
meat from pollttca, the opposition would be re
duced to those directly interested in the exist
ing private plant.- The refusal of the promoter'
sponsors of -the measure to Incorporate civil
service provisions would indicate that they
think more of building up a political machine
than of achieving the- promtsed benefits of pub
llo ownership to the people.
Every time John Bull rejoices over his l'i
preiuscjr oa . the sea a permaa. -undersea craft
t ob up and throws a torpedo under tn belt.
Twioe Told Tales
ladlaa Nerve.
Making an address recently, Congressman Victor
Murdock of Kanaas referred to the aubject ot nerve
and told this story as a striking example:
8ome time ago an old Indian la the weet broke
his axe handle and a farmer, taking pity on mm,
fitted the tool with a new one from hla own supply.
Then, noticing that the axe was very dull, Uncle Josh
decided to add to hla kindness by sharpening It. To
thla end be naked the Indian to turn the grindstone
"Well, what la it?" wonderlngly asked the farmer.
noticing that the Indian persisted In hanging around
after the Job was done. "Is there anything else you
"Tea, sir," was the prompt rejoinder of the Indian.
"You no pay roe."
' "Not pay you!" exclaimed.. the farmer, with a per
plexed expression "Not pay you for what?" .
"For turn grindstone!" calmly answered the chief.
"Twenty-five cent." Philadelphia Telegraph.
Tbe Personal Nete. .
In a town' In the weet there is a church that haa
a bright young pastor, but the attendance la unfortu
nately email. Among tbe parishioners there la a
beautiful young widow. One evening. Just aa the tltt'e
widow waa about to leave the edifice, she waa ad
dressed by the deacon.
"tlood evening, alater." he cordially remarked, with
the uaual hand-shake. - "How did you Ilka the sermon
this evening T
"I think that It waa juat too perfectly lovely tor
anything, waa the enthusiastic reply ot the widow.
"It waa. Indeed!" heartily returned the deacon. "I
only wiah that larger congregations would come to
hear him."
"So do I." declared the pretty nttle widow. "T:i
congregation waa ao email tonight that every time the
parson said 'dearly beloved' I positively blushed."
Philadelphia Telegraph.
Briabt Pelleeawesi.
During the early period of the work on the Panama
eanal many persona were injured by, Jumping on and
ft trains ia motion on the Penama .railroad. There
were on the sons police force many West Indiana who
were trained and capable men, but incurably literal.
Jui order waa issued to the force te arrest any person
found Jumping on or of f a train in motion, and the
next day two West Indlaa policemen brought Into a
police station a white man whe waa struggling fiercely
te break, awajr from them. -
"What have you arrested him foe" naked the police
aargeant whe waa on duty.
"For Jumping on and off tbe rear ef a train, ash."
one of th policemen replied,
"The blamed fools!" cried the arrested man. "I in
the tnrakemanWTouth's ''orapsnlon.
Mrs. E. H. Town of Washington, D. C
thinks that politics should be taught In
the schools. The fundamentals of law
should be taught in the schools, she said,
and parliamentary law Is merely courtesy
with the personal left out.
Mrs. If. F. Dlmock of Washington is
stilt working hard to secure the neces
sary funds for the George Washington
memorial which is to be erected in Wash
ington at a cost ot It 006.0O0. Mrs. PI mock
Is the president ef the Memorial society.
Dr. Anna 8haw has just returned from
a trip to the south, where she waa re
ceived with the greatest applause wher
ever aha spoke. In Alabama, it ia said
that her speech had done more to ac
quaint the people with the real facts of
suffrage than they had ever heard be
fore. Crowds were turned away wherever
she went.
Mrs. Henry Vllliard. the daughter of
William Lloyd Garrison, who did so much
to free the negro, went through the
streets In New York where colored people
live, last Sunday, and presented the mat
ter of woman suffrage to them. She told
them what her father had done for them
and asked them to vote for woman suf
frage In return.
Six little girls from the Washington
public schools bore the petition, signed by
hundreds of thousands ot children, beg
ging the powers at war to consent to
peace, to the aecretary of state. Mias
Kate Devereeux Blake of New York
brought the petition to Washington in a
big trunk. It had been signed by chil
dren of forty-four states.
The Connecticut Daughters of the
Revolution have found out why George
Washington out down the cherry tree,
and they are going to do likewise. They
want the time to come when throughout
the state whenever any one asks, "Who
rut down the cherry tree," from every
farm and roadside will come a great
shout, "I did." The fact is that the wild
cherry tree breeds the tent caterpillar
that has done -so much harm all over
the country, and the only wsy to get
rid of It aeema to be to cut down the
trees and burn them.
m M
1 53
Editorial Snapshots
Boston Transcript: It Is some consola
tion te realise that amidst the general
Mexican pussy-footednesa the Klckapoo
Indians at least are living up to the front
half ot their name.
Houston Post: Anyway, the old-fashioned
woman who has for her motto,
"Habloa are better than ballots." is net
going out of style with the men who keep
up with the market quotationa ea mar
riage licensee.
Indianapolis News: The failure ef con
gress to appropriate money for elaborate
ceremouiee ha connection with the o paw
Ins of the Panama canal wilt not. how
ever, lessen in the leaat the canal'a com
mercial uaefullneaa.
Boston Transcript: For the first time
squad of trained British war corre
apondcula haa been permit led to go to the
front. They report unanimously that
Tommy Alkina's favorite expression la
''top dog." Marvelous!
Brooklyn Kagle: Nobody will quote
the famous Gilbert, lines. "When I first
put this uniform en," anent Goethala' pre
motion te be a major general. Tbe benev
olent and argss-eyed esar of Panama's
canal sob may not wear a uniform at
all. He bas hla m way ot looking at
. Louisville Cburier-Journal: Daniel G
Held, who aaya that mea capable ot oper
ating S.oe miles of railroad are entitled
te all they can get ia the way ef salary
Is quite right, but it does not follow Uvea
the rattroada are entitled to everything
they want In order that they may pay
great salaries. .
The Day of the
brings forth the merriment of Erin's sons and daughters.
Will you forget to add the successful touch to St. Patrick t
festivities Ice Cream, the purest emblem of the day?
No daintier dessert can you select! No food that meets
with greater favor! But, for yeur txvn sake, bt surt it's
s Groan7
AU Ice CVcams!
3 Good Druggists and Confectioners
3 511 tmH-e
You can have choice of either
a Boy's or Girl's Wheel
it is a famous
It has a 20-inch Frame with Coaster
Brake. Motor Dike Handle Hars,
Eagle Diamond 'Saddle, Motor Bike
Pedals, Motor Bike Crip, Luggage Car
rier Holder, Folding Stand, Front and
Rear. Wheel Guards, Truss Frame aud
Front Fork.
A picture of the bicycle
will be in Toe Bee every day.
Cut them all out and ask
your friends to save the pic
tures in their paper for you,
too. See how many pictures
you can get and bring them
to The Bee office, Saturday,
April 10.
Tike biccle will foe given Free
to the boy or n'M that tends us
the moat itctures before 4 p. in..
Halurday, April 1U.
Subscribers can help the children in the contest by
asking for picture certificates when they nay their sub
scription. We give a certificate good for 100 pictures for
every dollar paid.