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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
10 THK VVM: OMAHA. 'ITIISDAV. M AKCII 1(J, BDRLIHGTOH'S LIEN THREATEN STRIKE All Brotherhood on the System Will Be Aiked to Vote on . the Question. DOCTORS MEET NEXT WEEK Missouri Valley Medical Society to Hold Spring Convention at Fontenelle Hotel. Prominent Guests of Woman's Club fs SCHEDULE VIOLATION CHARGED A strike Tote of all train and yard employes of th Chicago, Burlington A Qulnoy system la soon to be called for. This is the net result of a long con tinued effort on tbe part of the Hons brotherhoods to secure adjust ment of grievances with the corn (any. A meeting t)f the grievance committee of the brotherhoods wan held In Chicago recently, adjourning last week after a complete failure to secara any satisfactory conference with the rorapsnj- officials. It la proposed by the. company that tha matters Involved he submitted to arbitration, without consideration tn con ferertc between the nen and th com pany. Tha men object that former arbi tration hav not bean satisfactory, be cava of delay and be-auae of the failure a tha company's official to live up' to tha tarroa of the awrd. At Trainmen's hall,- South Omaha, on Bandar afternoon a meeting of the Bur Itngtoa .employees involved heard report rrora tha committee that waa In Chlcsgo endeavoring to secure conference, and t tha sentiment expreaaed wn unanlmou In favor .of taking a atrika vote without alar.. ... The grievances complained nf at mostly violations of working schedules rn the part 'of tha company's officlata, and soma 'of them havo been pending (or laager than a rear. Engineers, firemen, conductors, bratae tnen, witchmea and telegraph operators era concerned In tba proposed atrika. LEASING SURGEON TO BE HEARD The fir mdlal eoctety mr-ofliM to ) held In the Fonff iille hotel la to he thai ' Jot the Medical Society of the M.aeourl; Valley, which l to hold the epring con Jventlon in Omaha March H to tn. !r. i Granville N. Ryan of t Moinea ia t.real drnt of the society. Tha local rommlttee, ronslellng of Drs. J. P. Lord, B. B. bavla, ; Rodney Bllr-s snd txuls Bushman, haa j oompletiHj all tha plana for the incil en-i trrtalnment. All eexeiona are to be held in the han-i quel room of the Funtemlle hotel. Tne Omalia-Dotiglas County Medical ei.rl.-ty I , to give a smoker Thursday evening' of the convention week. The Commercial club la to entertain the member at a luncheon Thuraday noon. The via ting women are to be entertained by a special committee. An oration In aurgery la Jo be celiv ered Thuraday evening on 1 The future of Bone Oraft." by !r. Frederick ' If. I Albee of New York. He illuatratea his lecture with lantern elides. The ssmo e vening Dr. Tharle Hpencer Willis msntt ; of Chicago 1 to give an oration in nvdl-' cine, -.n Kxterlmental Study of Cardiac, Cneretrsin." j A long program of technical paper and ' Atacuealnne la planned for the vurlous sessions. Pome of the leading phvalr-taiia ! and aurgeona of a half doien atatea are! to participate. Cold Weather in State Heads Off Danger of Flood Soma portions of Nebraska, according to reports ta the railroads continue to be getting a touoh of winter. Pown In the southern portion and well over Into Kan aaa. there waa a general snowstorm Hun day ntgtit. the fall ranging from on to thre Inches. Farther north ther a-era light flurrlea, with now and then shower. Tn th. western and central portions of the atate, according to the rallroada, tha weather la clearing and la constderabla a hove f reeling. ; Tha continued cool weather, . tha rail road official contend, haa - been the aalvgtioa of the state In tha (natter of preventing flood and damage, from high water. Thaw during the day and freesinK during;' tha nights, tha railroad men asaert has permitted the flood water to run away without doing any damage. All 'through the ttat the' atreama ' are practically free of tee and in a few local ities te any high water reported. Butler Reports on Auditorium Check City ConSniiaaloner Pan Butler has re Dorted to tha cltv council on the Audi. tnrlum financial check which he made, Ms finding being that tha present In dehtedheaa amount to t)43,SK.M. He -!matea that W.tiGD would be necessary to Improve the building to a dlrable condition., meaning that tha property would coat tha city about JCo,000 atiould tha voters approve of a bond Issue.' itr. Butler , reported that the lot. building, improvemente. furniture and fixture esi the' Auditorium company I'.W.fcVJ.ri. i Tha cfty commiasionera decided to make the Auditorium matter a areola I order of business at 10 a. m. Thursday. : B. Hlmoneon. representing the Norden Pinging society, told the cominletloncr . tliat ls organisation favors the city Sc. . o.tlrlng tha Auditorium property. ' This , society expects to entertain the Swedish , Virion Singers of America during June, 3J. .There will be nearly' 1,(X si'n.-rrs .her oa that occasion, it was stated by Mr. eimonson. - r y i r - B ak - a ', -. . E. as J . - y , .r ? PLAN BARGEJJHE ON RIER NaTifntion Boosters Plan to Start One or Two Freight Carriers on Missouri Within Year. THEN MAKE PLEA TO CONGRESS Sutton Bank Failure Comes Up Once More Mora Indlctmenta ni xnecteA In i-nn. nection with the falluie over a V"r ago or tha Hrt National bank of Hutton, when a federal grand Jury roeeta at Lin coin Tueaday. The-dutton bank case al ready haa resulted In the Indictment and conviction of Thomas H. Matter and the Indictment of President M. L. Luebben. "The Button bank caa will be rein vestigated by the grand Jury," said Cnlted SUtes District Attorney F. 8. Howell. "It will be considered from a dilferent angle this Urns." . .. , lilt m-JJiowaa ir. muter fl CAPITALISTS BUY HORSE BARNS AT GRAND ISLAND A deal has been shout consumated by which the hers yards and barns of O rand Island are to pa Into the hamla of a syndicate made up of tloaton, Kt. Louis arxl Kansaa City capltallsta.- Th purchase price, t',,noo, ha horn sgreed upon and about all thst remains now to I'RESIPENT NF.PRAPKA FFDli RA TION OF WOMHN'8 CLUB3. While a delegation of prominent clu- woman. Including Mrs. N. II. Nelson, Mrs. F. H. Cole. Mrs. K. M. Byfert snd Miss Kate McHtjgh, waited patiently at the station yeeterday to welcome Mra. Thomas Q. Winter of Minneapolis, resi dent of that city's Weman'a e'lub and chairman of the literature department of tli General Federation of Women's Clubs, that woman arrived, waited for someone to greet her and finding no one departed for the Fontenelle, where ahe waa later discovered comfortably ensconced. There Is 4 strong suspicion thst tha aforaaald delegation waa chatting away at great pace amongnt themaelvea when the distinguished visitor's train arrived. "Or else they were looking for some in1 l'RESIUENT M1NNEAPOU8 WOMEN'S CLUB. . on- ;;..... c J . ,1 Mni." laugh- I Inaly remarked Mrw. Winter. Mrs. Winter spoke on "Literature and Life" for the open program of the lit erature department of the Woman's club Mondsy afternoon. Rhe will be an honor pucet at the luncheon which the Woman's club will give . In honor of. Mrs. . A. O. Peteraon. president of the Nebraska Fed eration of Women's Cluba, at the Fonte nelle today. Mra. Peterson also Spoke t tha Woman's club meeting this after noon. Both guests were entertained at lunch eon by Mra. Cole and Mra. Byfert, and waa. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. II. ' Nclaon at dinner last evening;, fol lowing which a party was made up at the closing exhibition of the Fine Art aoclety. be done ta 1 Inning the deal la tha working out of aome minor detail.' It la aald that the aUrand Island horee saie barns and yards will be increased materially In size and that an effort will be made to build Grand Island up Into the greatest primary lflrse market la tha country. ' ' To get one or two river barges in shape Sfid have them carrying freight between Omaha and Kanaaa City within the next year or eighteen months, is pretty def initely known to be the plan of the Missouri river navigation booeters In Omaha: although they ara practically pledged to aay nothing about It until they are about ready to launch their boats. They have been working largely with the Idea of springing a surpriee. The plsn, of course. Is to get these bargea on the water, get them Into regu lar eervlce carrying freight regularly and performing all the functiona that the larger barge linea farther down the river are performing, so that the local booeters will have something more definite than mere theory upon which to hang their plea of aupport of the movement for Mis souri river navigation. It lx recognised that It Is much harder to aucceanfully approach oongreaa for a river navigation appropriation when no navigation exleta In a given reach of the river than when navigation of aome sort is being carried on. Members of the local committee believe that with a little pull ing of snags and with a little other Im provement that will be possible with the small appropriation the federal govern ment made for this purpoee the river can be put into shape for the operation of one or two. small barges.. Then If theee are regil'arly In operation, the local committee may go unhesitatingly before connreea and ask for substantial appropriations for the development of the river for a larger system. Also they can go before the people of Omaha and bid for mor general support for tha naviga tion movement. Doat Be Toaatlpated. All klnda of aliments result from con stipation. Dr. King s New Uf Tills are mild and effective, prevent constipation. 25c. All drtigglsta. Advertisement. M00RHEAD TO KEEP OFFICE OPEN IN THE EVENINGS F-lectlon Commissioner Moorhead wH keep his office open until o'clock Sat urday evening, and Until the same hour on the following Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, the last thiee days of regla tratlon for the coming primaries. r- -i-i-i-Bnin.nnj-Lriruu-ijnj-ij-i.rij-ij-j-L Quickly Relieves Without Distress 'The congestion of waste and refuse from the- stomach, fermenting in the bowels, generates . poisonous gases that occasion distress and Invite ser ious Ulnesa. Iloalth and comfort de mand that this congestion be speVdtly relleved Snd the foul rnasn expelled. The well-founded objection most people have to the violence of cathar tic and purgative agents la overcome by uaina the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that Is sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A dose at night brings relief next morning, without dieromfort or Inconvenience. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 432 Washington Bt , Montlcello, Ilia. Will tfee Twks V ' JWi IT IE. .Be TTv UJ o raven. THOUSAND PERSONS LATE WITH INCOME TAX RETURN Perhaps . l.oOO or mor Nebraska people will bo subject to penalty for twlrg late In, making their returns under tha federal Income tax law, according to Revenue .Agent S. J. Drake ford. ,. - Person who Tailed to make their rtlorts of Income befora tha end of the Ircome yrsr. will automatically have a penally of an ex tra half per, cent added to their las. Six field deputlea are now engsged ln in vestigating Nebraska cases of evaalon of tha law by parsons who hope to avoid paying any tax by not. making a report at all. .For such viulatkma, prosecutions and serious penalties may- result, ' the rcvenua mea say. . THIRTY STALLS AT CITY , .MARKETARE AUCTIONED ' Market 3aaatr J. li- KUliaa auctioned thirty stalls at the city market plac, the proctads of the sale amounting to I7.M1. This was the regular annual ealH. Tha Omaha Fruit Growers' rxcliango took three of the choice stalls for SIS for the, year, one s'ail bringing the high rat pile paid for a single space. Ther arc twenty-flv stalls to b sold lfcter. FIFTH AND SIXTH WARD . . VOTERS ORGANIZE ClUB Th Fiuti and fcixth Ward Cittsena' 'cl'jto wu orttaalsed rtundey evening at . Twirt) -fourth and Franklin atreeta, with John II. Kelptn as president. Other officers; iantea CulWa. vm preUnt; Cieoigc (ioff, Kcntary; U. C. Ramsey, trraaurer; . William TlAhe, sergvant-at-arma This club expects to take an In terest In the city cuuinilsclon campaign. Tra Yrara Miarrg Haded. . T. Chambers, merchant. Juntsboro, Ark., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills cured in of a ten-year stan-Jing r of rhu nuiUm. I suffered rnlkcrtily. A lrlead t-U ui of being cured; so 1 used th'nt. aud they cured mc, tuo." Moat nildti ag4 mn snd women ar glad to leara that Foley Kidney J'ills aflori a y t ekcape alup disturbing tladiter wcaaacaa. bacba'lve, iheuiiM'iain, puf tineas under eyes, ttiff snd olU.n Jflnla aud otier i'U .tUibutJ to kiJnry trooLU. bold tr U.i AavsnWeiattt.. '....' .y . v .; v ... With the British and French warships pounding Turkey's fortifications in the Dardanelles a new and, possibly, the mbstx decisive phase of the war is at hand. If the Allies' fleet should succeed in reaching Constantinople it is asserted that Turkey's powers of resistance would be riear an end. ' The Black Sea would be open to the Allies, , and their, decisive victory would have a great effect upon the Balkan States. j Will the Great Mosque of St Sophia Again Resound to the Chant of Christian Hymns After the " ' Lapse of Centuries? Will the Holy Places of Palestine Be Dominated by Christianity? Sow such contingencies fill the imagination ! iese and host of other speculations arise as the world absorbs the news of the bombarding of the Dardanelles. You must read . THE LITERARY DIGEST for March 13th and learn all the details of the forcing, of these practically the last strongholds of Mohammedanism in Europe. But tha b only one of the features that will prompt you to buy the DIGEST this week. Treated in text and picture you will find also the public opinion of America and Europe as reflected in their statesmen's utterances, and in their newspaper press, on the Allies' Embargo on Neutral Imports Into Germany and Austria; America's Attitude Toward Britain's Ble-ckadV Declaration; Germany's Answer to Our Protest; the whole subject treated in the most impartial and comprehensive manner. . . N , And to the peaceful pursuits of life this favorite weekly also devotes careful attention. All the important in those, subjects, which lie close to humanity Politics, Science, Invention, Religion, Art, Literature,' Music, Drama, Sports, Trade, and Cocnmerce, are presented in captivating style: YOU WILL ENJOY IT-'-FOR THERE'S NOTHING BETTER "THE LITERARY DIGEST is a time-saver, a' money-saver, and a worry-saver. I know of nothing better in the periodical field, and I always recommend it to my friends. -r EDWIN Markham. Author of 'The Man With the Hoe.' The Issue for March 13th All News-Dealer$-'-10 Cents . . - y i I m FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher, of the F.roou NEW Standard Dictiomry). NEW YORK Save On" Furniture. -Make Selections This Week. Don't Miss the Furniture Specials. $1 Organdie and Swiss Flouncings, 59c Tuesday we will place on sale a beautiful new line of Organdie and Swiss Ruffled Flouncings suitable for Com mencement, Graduation and Coaimunion Gowns, 36 and 38 inches wide, broad assortment of beautiful CQ patterns, regular $1 yard qualities, at, yard OUC Heautlfnl Kwisa nnd Convent Kmforolderlea, several special lots, on sale Tuesday at, yard 7 to 30 Some Remarkable Bargains in Cloak Departm't Tuesday Tailored Suits made to frlfl sell at $15 and $IS. ...... 1 U Well made, artistic, new styles, in most approved coloriucs . and fabrics. Come early get choice. New Spring Dress Skirts made to sell at $7.50 & $10. . Hundreds of classy styles, oil sizes and colors, values you'll not find equaled in Omaha. Hundreds of Beautiful Waists, up to $4;00 values, in pretty silk and l&ces, including a pretty line of wash silks, tf i j choice plml0 Jiem Extra Slz Coats, Suits and Dresses for large women. See the Spechils. first $5 New 40-in, Silk Poplins and Crepe de Chines, pp also 36-in. Chiffon Taffetas, $1.25 yd. vals., at. . OuC In all most wanted plain colors, also black and white checks and novelties, values you'll find truly matchless. Special Flour Sale for Tuesday Mas Tour 6wb Braaft. Xt Pars ' On sack of flour will make ovar SO pound loaveJ of bread. .This flour la guaranteed to fflva perfect satis faction or your money refunded In full. Tuesday, 48-lB. sack, 11.75 IS lbs. best Granulated Sugar. .S1.00 IS bars Beat-'Ero-AJU Diamond C, Lenox. White Russian or Laundry ' Queen White Laundry Boa...8Bo 8 lbs. best Whit or Yellow Corn meal 17 8 lbs. best Rolled1 Whit Breakfaat Oatmeal :....85o 4 lbs. bast Hand Picked Navy Beans for 85 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rtce. lOo quality for - as M-oz. cans Condensed Milk THo 32-oz. jar Pure Fruit Preserves. . SSe 2 9 -os. jars pure Strained Honey B&o MaaLaren's Peanut Butter. lb...tSo Grape-Nuts, pkr .,..10o E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. 6o Advo Jell, for dessert nothing like it; pkg. 7Vo Tha beet Domeatle Macaroni. Ver micelli or Spaghetti, nkg 7 Ho l-lb. cans Early June Peaa, Kanoy Sweet Sugar Corn; Wax, String. Uroen or Lima Beans, can....7Ho 8-Ib. cana Hominy, Saucr Kraut, Baked Beans or Golden Pumpkin for 7Hu The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 7V4 3-lb. cana Solid Packed Tomatoes for SHo The best Tra Sittings, lb 13Vo Good Dairy Butter 83o Golden Santos Coffee, lb aoc Tha beat strtctlr flash Xgga, dos. ISO The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk. lb. 32c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, 39c Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb.... 96c Full Cream White or Colored Cheesa, per lb .800 Jenny Bros.' Famous Brick Cheese. lb SOo Fancy Queen Olives, at 35c Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese, lb 40 o Highland STarsl Orngs for Quality The Pride of California, jfnll rli- ened; per dos. 18Vso, 15a, SOo. 86o Cbaa' Tamooi Tlotida Drape rrnlt, each SVo, 4o, 5e, 7VaO There Jm nothing finer grown. 15 lbs. Best Cooking- Potatoes. 17Ho Fancy Wlscnnaln Cabbage, lb. .3o Red Globe Onions, lb ,..1H it Tnv mi a vnkn?iii it PITS ftsEssaBV W lilaUl PfY PATS Did you ever try a shampoo with Shaving Soap? If to. mo will kaow how aome him wHm Im the hair with amky ud, taking all day to dry and eves tbea leaving tbe bair libra tilled with soap that Buses tl Micky aaa gummy, finally brittle and braaky. Lea's Shampoo goee straight to the scalp sad rk-aaa quick ol au great, grime aad dandruff. The hair dries quirk: a few momenta ooly for man a half hour lor loag, heavy bair ol woman. Contain, a neutral toan of three vegetable oil with pure grain alcohol, glycerine and aromatic oil. At your druggist', oi noatpaid, 2 CM. GEO. H. LEI CO. Omaha. Nebraska ssa (n i Th am r a v" - i.u i. in I'la'H. The enaUtj printer wri$ his customer to spend momy for good tngravingt, btcaau it u money well spent. The best printer a the business cannot get re sults out of an inferior cut. We make them to suit the job. "Gains 22 Pounds In 2Days" Remarkable Experience of F. Gag noo. Builds Up Weight WwJIerfullly "I wsv alL rua down in tlif vrr bounm." vHt F. 04 o on. ' I hid to quit wnrk I wan wJt. Now, thankn to tSargol. I look tk a new man. I nta4 tl pound tn 23 dy.." "8arfoT ha put 10 pounds on m (n It SaBr atatfi W. O- Kohrr. "k han md m wall, noy what I ate and aablcvl ma to work with Inter aad p.eture." 1 A Mvasp. siiaoao, tosnix-suu More I took Prol BMpU uwd U Mil m klnar but hot my iuii u chaornl. My hr.. body la fowl. lUv II paun4 and an sainlns y. I look Ilka a urw mn.-- Swlairv uiMhar maa wt bad Jnat Onlia tk ,arcoi traatnant. Wouia Ta. too. Ilka t anfklr ut from lu f Si Iba. "of food, an 1 14. "auir-Ucra U1 and maamlar ttaaua btan yonr akia ani boi.-' Doj t amy It m l k Sou. Try H. u, rau (raa a sae porkag af Baraol.aaS prn bn It eaa do lor yoa. Mora thaa halt a aalllioa tkln ,aA o.r.r ha.e aLadiy nuuta thla ut aua tkat iar.j diw ucrd. doa nao ihla tulka tat in mhm all la bu lallad la beat prorad by lh tnareadnu. bualaaM a bay Sooa. No araaiic 1i.t rraniua. im. olla or amulaiuaa, bat a alinpU karmiaM haroa traaunant. Cut out lk. c .upon ..1 and lor tkta ni aackaaa to4av. anclwina v.ilr Iik la allw ta holp pa.r poaiafo, pa.klui .J"- Th. turret C. . 7-c'H.M iil" ; ai.aban.taa W. T. Tak, Sar.l ynar, anil cl It work. Tkta taat lull tall taa at ,ry FREE SARGOL COUPON Tbia aauaoa. ttb tea In atlr u hr.p ra Snataa. (xrkia. u.. aibl I., .inw tl laiih. ailil.-a h,ll.r to un- "e M, kaa at 'S'l A.i lra-a ik t,; , lM . , lta:J lJIJg , ktiagUit:uu, v.