Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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By Nell Brinkley
Copyright. Wli, In tern' I New Service.
Eugenics and the
Soldier Lad
"A 'Place for Every thing"
-Especially the "Castle Clip"
The heart of many woman, working
for the uplift of her sex. Is filled with
bittern when she read of the encour
agement given to soldiers be lh frelatet
of England and Germany to hastily marry
before going to war. They cry out that
the Europe n war haa set back th
--woman'i cause l.WO year; that the worM
of men la again regarding woman simply
"breeder of food for cannon"; and
on the fare of If. It .does look like
turning hack of the clock of woman's ad
vancement. But for woman to win nut In Ihla bat
tle for her rlshta her faith mmt,le ao
v strong that toothing not even mar, with
'all Ita hnrrora can shake It The
woman'e hour I here not to be turned
back and aha ahould begin to eee that
as mother the- destiny of nation Hep
primarily in Iter hands, not In mm:
that la he that bear and brine
to biil'u all i amrloia that shall ever.1
be lie with her to y whether these)
sons of hrra shall so forth to bottle with .
other ona In a fratricidal war or
whether they ahall learn at the mother'
knee that "He who ruleth hla spirit I
better than he that taketh a city."
And ngaln: Whatever may be the pur
pose of the prolalca who tbija encourage
marriage under auch circumstance, the
probability I that Ifl the lover them
eelve. the aoldler ltd and hi lassie, thl
encouragement come at a special boon.
If ao. It may not result In o dire a thing
at propheicd.
Should little children be born to thee
glrl-wlve left behind, would they not
rather have It ao. rathnr than to separate
with no bond between them to comfort
them In their waiting and possible be
reavement? Preedful a la war in It effect upon
' future cerirration, and from a eugenic
point of view, bocaimo of the unfit left
behind to proP'S"' the race. I It not
pOKHlblo that the children born from
these hasty unions may be of a 'particu
larly fin order?
Not yet had the cruelty and lull of
war, which I Incited by carnage, taken
possession of the aoldler lad; only the
spirit of patriotism and the willingness
to sacrifice hit life, If need be, to hla j
, 'country's call, the quick pulling of hi : "
blood aa In Imagination he marches on to
victory,' I
.While In the heart of the woman who I
love him. and would gladly have mar-j
rled him un-ler any circumstances, theru i
Is a pride In being a eolrtler'a bride, i
There I a weliing-tip of tenderness to
ward htm who now aw to battle for
lietfie and native land. I
.Thee condition of mind and heart
would be conducive to the begetting and l
bearing ofnot a generation of warrior
eager to get at each other'f throat, but
a generation of lover, strong and tender
a rae of men and women who, work
ing together In freedom, might In
augurate Inatead of future, wars a rlgn
of peace that ahould be without end.
And In thla instance If those hastily
arranged nutfrlHum should prove to be
but the craft of warlike men. may we
not believe that thr craft, like "The
wrath ut mm, shall be made to praise
Do You Know That
Lord Rosebery suffer from Insomnia.
Bonar Law Is an admirable ehs
player. . . .
The kalaer possesses is deeorstlons.
Medals as decorations for military rv
lie were first laaued In England by
Charles the First In, 1S,
Motor-omnibuses are to run between
Bagdad and Beirut, fyrla. a distance of
over M miles.
Mrs. Baker So Weak Could
Not Do Her Work Found
IUUef In Novel Way.
Adrian. Mich. " I uttered tmlbry
With femla weakness and backache and
got ao weak that I
could hardly da my
work. When I
washed my dlheg I
had to ait down and
when 1 would sweep
i the floor I would get
i ao weak that I would
have to get a drink
J every few minute,
and before I did my
dusting I would have
1 to lie down. I got
so poorly that my folk thought I waa
j-oirjf into consumption. One day I
found piece of paper blowing around
the yard and I pk'ed it Op and read it.
It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and
tuii what Lydsa Ii rinkham'a Vegeta
Lle Compound ht done for women. I
h d it to tny Lubland and he asid.
4 t hy d ;n't you try itT ' So I did, and
fur I bad UVen two bottle I felt
lttTandl taid to rny huatandI don't
r tt i m-y more and he said 'You had
! !- r lata it a little longer anyway.'
to I Uh4 it fur tiiri's mouths and got
w-.-:! en J atrong." Mrt. Aionjso E.
I;ak; y., 9 Terurnnh Et, Adrian, Mich.
N.t Well l'aough to Wort.
In ii'- word it i ll. lea tlie traredy
t f lottry a Wviti&n, housekeeper or ok
i.-r iio support heralf and U o(u-n
ii 3 to e'jj irt a family, on meure
i . V lici.!ier in liou, Oll'.ce, i nc-
.', (.hop, t're or kiulien, woman
.11 rrnieiiiti-r that tlire ia one triti
irua r-rnei1y fur the i!l towhirh a'l
.'I bra i n. ne, and that it Lyd K.
i u.U.e CiinKHu.J, It
! -4 tViit v i,;r hi- h "vork
, i u t Vil a li 4'iukhaitt tlviictue
v. i.
I say tKe Castle Clip with a curts'y to the maker of
"Polly." This picture enme to me t'other day when I wiw
the chubby, handsome' mother of thrco big boys turn her
sweet face with the greying hair haloing it up to that of the
hair-artist, and say firmiy, "I want a bob a Castle bobl"
Read it Here See
Bjr trela! arraDirement tor thl paper a
photo-drama corresponding to the Install
hieot oi "Hunaway June" may now be
eeen at the leadlnc movliie picture the
ttort. Br arrangement mad with tha
Mutual Film corporation it la not only
pi.Mbl to real "Uunaway Judo" each
Say. but a I do afterward to moving
picture UiuttraUng our etory.
Copr1Ut, tka. by Serial PulbloaUoa
A rriaoner om the Yacht.
tit 4 Warnar, In front of the blatinf
window of a New York cafe, stood a
one In a da. daf to all the word of
Bobble and Irla Blathering, who feared,
from the aahen pallor of hla face, that hi
murderous freniy might react upon him
ae'.f. He saw again hla lovely, runaway
bride being forced out of the cafe against
her will by the man with the white tnua
atche and that Infernal scoundrel with
the black Vandyke, Gilbert Blye! lie
aaw hlmaeif prevented by the frightened
Bobbie and Irt and the solicitous welters
from da)itng among the glittering table
and grappling Blye by the throat and
strangling htm to death. He saw hlm
aeif rushing to the ornate entrance
through which they had taken his beau
tiful June and arriving In time only to
e her whirl away lnt the night In
Btye'a luxurious limousine, the heavy
man with the thick eyelids up in front
with the driver, the middle-aged woman
and the vivacious brunette with concern
and fright on their eJ faces as ths
dome light of the car ahon down upon
them, and on the rear seat with June
the two men who had carried her away
by violence, the white mueUched man
laughing, and the de.rk. handaoroe face
of Gilbert Blye bending over June with
that suave amlleon hi 1 1 pa.
Too late! Too late for anything but
bis tupor. The Hrooueine had turned the
corner. On that aid of the cat there
wa not a taxi to be seen. Bobble's car
stood In front, on the other street Well
Iris endeavored to arouse the stupefied
Ned. Bobbie ran around and brought hi
roadster. They drove up to the corner
and turned down the street through which
the UuiouMn had disappeared, but wber
In all that wilderness of moving vehicle
could the track of June be found? No
where! It was a It the earth had opened
and awalluwed her UD.
It might sa well, for June, In a swift
mutnrbcit with the gay party which ha
kidnaped her from the cafe, was then
swiftly jroa-hlng a Jong, luw yacht loomed grcfuly shove thera In
the m'iJty river.
June's struggles vrere unelrss In that
ix-aitiig water and her cit of protest
were imheaid la that lom-ly waste rMronx
i n.a lirt'l h- r to hi r fr; a strong huiiU
duui abuv gra.pcd hers, and h wa
it at the Movies.
pulled up to the deck. Below her she
heard the laughter of the three Men who
had abducted her, and with their laughter
blended the shrill, high voice of that vi
vacious brunette. Tommy Thomas. June's
heart sent out a wild call to Ned. This
had been th first time she had seen hit
face since the dsy of their wedding.
At th door of the sumptuously fitted
crimson snd gold salon on the yacht the
tottering June was confronted by a stolid
steward with gray mutton chop whisker
and a puckered looking stewardess, who
wore, aa tf habitually, a half whimper.
"The dearie looks faint," said the
'"WoU. bring th young lady a glass of
wine, you." gruffly ordered the steward
Mrs. Villa rd came In and dropped tn a
chair, while the vivacious Tommy danced
over to the gold lacquered pnsno. Its
beautiful marine view painted by the
famous Vela. Blye and the white mua
tached Cunningham and the heavy Ed
wards followed, laughing, ss Wllkins
wheeled In from the pantry a portable
buffet, Ita frovty topped bottles packed
In glistening Ice.
-Have a taste of thl. dearie. It will
soothe vour nerves." The whining ste
wardess held to 'June's lips a glass of
sherry, but June drew sway from It with
repugnance, snd, rising, hurried away
from the sumptuouely fitted talon. fh
did not know where that passageway led,
except that U ted sway from that hate
ful conpar.y. The atewardcaa followed
ker. the glass of sherry still In her hand.
Right In here, dearie,'' and the opened
the door of a magnificent stateroom. Its
mahogany walla paneled with Ivory
tinted tspestry, Its brats bed hung with
rich lace.
June hesitated, but down th pases ge"-
way came Orln Cunningham,' his ayes
twinkling ami laughter of wins upon
hla lips. June dsrted Into the magnificent
stateroom, hastily shut ths door . and
locked it
la the crimson end gold salon were the
popping or corks, gay laughter, tn which
even Mrs. Vlllard Joined, and then the
loud strains of swift danc music.
pounded out by the nimbi finger of
Tommy Thomas.
Btys sat quietly, with that suave smile
upon hla Hps and stroking his black Van
dyke with his long. lean, white flngera,
upon one of which sparkled a diamond,
lis roae presently and, tiptoeing down the
gangway, stopped at June's ' door and
listened. lis could hear an occasional
titled sob aa June sat amid ths soft
cushions of th eou.-h. Hefors her.
through a half opes door, could be seen
a glimpse of a suuwy while bathroom,
and In th adjoining Utile pU blue bou
doir stood June's ua liiKg."Ke!
Jed. That brief ih( of htm bad MUd
junr wnoie ou with lunging. 1'or tit
tie runaway bilde!
iu"ti CuLTTuudTVwrrow
The little woman in black and all the managers of the shop
tried to argue her out of it -but she swept but at the end of
a half-hour with her black-and-white locks Dutch-cut below
her ears.
Dan beams at the girl with this done to her haiI, the
Mysteries of Nature and Science
"What condition would exist It there
were an absence of heat or cold T J. W
Philadelphia, Pa." i
Heat is a form of energy whlct keeps
th molecules of a
substsnoe In vibra
tion, and cold la a
negative term em
ployed to Indicate
lack of heat. Ho
we can hardly
tpeak of "an ab
sence of cold," al
though it Is per
fectly proper . to
use that expres
sion with regard
to heat.
It all heat were
absent from all
substances tlie so-
called absolute sero .
of temperature would prevail throughout
the universe. The stste of absolute xero
Implies the entire absence of motion
Lamong th molecules of which matter Is
composed. iusi wnai woum uii:u i
the unlverae In thoae circumstances we
do not know, and we can hardly Imagine.
It seems not unUkely that, with the ces
sation of all inoleoular vibrations, evVry
form of force that we are acquainted
with tn nature would ceaae. All matter,
of all kinds, might Itself disappear, being
resolved Into something else, and perhaps
returning, as Dr. I-e Bon has tug nested,
bac k . Into the Invisible and intangible
sther. " : . '
But . there ' Is another possible alter
native, much more fascinating to regard.
It might be that,' at the absolute sero
of temperature, a new and far more
powerful set of forces would be brought
Into action, vli: the Intra-atomic forces.
Molecules ars made up of atoms, and
the enormous energies that are hidden In
th stoma are probably entirely Indepen
dent of the state In which the molecule
xlst. The vibration of heat which
ahak the molecules must not In the
least affeot th interior et th atom;
but when th molecules fall Into a tate
of Inactivity, through the cessation t
the beat that has kept them la vibration,
th atomic force may rome Into play in
way a yet undreamed of by science.
That to approach toward absolute
sero ia a road leading to a region
marvels Is clearly Indicated by what
happens when cases are liquefied and
solidified by ookl. jfhen hydrogea aa
is cooled to tike temperature of 2.t de
grees centigrade below the freeiing point
of water, tt turna Into a liutilil that
looks ' like pure water, but burna
llj.0 molten fire. "A diop on the arm
freeses blood and skin to a bard mass
f. , ... 1 vV
- 1 and produces a wound like the touch of
! . d l at lron ..
"i U u u'l oJ
even a drop of oil. sinkT tn It like lesd In
wster. It It fourteen times lighter than
an equal bulk of water. When It Is fur
ther cooled to a temperature of SC&t de
grees below sero Centigrade It turns
Into sn Ice-like solid. Solid hydrogen is
within shout fourteen degrees -ot-gigolute
aero; but liquid helium get nearer still,
arriving within three degrees of abso
lute sero.
lost every property of matter
s at such temperatures. Borne
like steel, grow very much
V heraiTertstlc color. Certain crystal
become electrlcaly luminous. Strong
acids lose their activity and become harm
less. Almost all chemical substances be
come Inert, snd are unable to form their
usual combinations, or to produce their
usual reactions when their temperature
drops nesr the outskirts of absolute sero. I
It is the frontier of a realm of nature
that remains, ss yet unexplored. As we
draw near It wonderful things occur,
familiar , substances chsnglng their ap
pearance and their characteristics ss If
some necromancer's, word had trans
formed them, and 'familiar forces re
fusing to act, as If they had been par
alysed. And yet It is probable that tn
stepping across the Uns. If Is were pos
sible to do so, still greater changes,
amounting to a complete revolution,
would be found to occur tn the law gov
erning matter.
When we see a gas-ltke hydrogen or
oxygen condensing into a liquid with de
crease of temperature. nd turning from
a liquid to a solid when the temperature
Is still mere lowered, w are apt to sup
pose that on arriving at absolute sero
they would become infinitely solid and
forever unchangeable But the fact may
be entirely otherwise. When thernolecular
force ceases, how la the force of cohe
sion, which holds the particles of mattar
together, to continue tn operation? And
If that also fails, mstter must fall ssun
der, and suddenly loss at the properties
by which we know It, Including that of
visibility. It ia auch considerations as
these which have led to the belief that
not onlv ia it Impossible for ua ever In
j reach experimentally that critical point
called absolute serd. but that the Ides, of
absolute sero itself Is "a theoretical and
unattainable limit which la merely a
datum for calculations."
A new dress will sometime dlegule an
old loke ae thst hs former friend will
never recognise It.
When a fellow ha not many brains
he can (.unetlmea create Interest among
th girl by posing aa a reformed villain.
For good effort flattery. Ilk paiAt,
must be applied by an artist.
girl with dimples and a young brow and throat the gfrl
with the proud coronet of youth sitting above her forehead
but ohl he howls aloud at the dreadful, hair-raising sight
of a mama of three whopping chaps with her waving, digni
fied hair cut in the Castle Clip! It's a fearsome sight!
What is a Woman's Foolish Age?
A woman wMh the crown of snowy hair
that 1 generally accepted a the symbol
of wttc'om and restraint has been making
a spectacle for pity and derision. In th
New York eourts.
She was too III to be
present, so her physi
cian, said, and those
who listened to the
evidence were glad
of her indisposition,
since it spared her
snd her family the
need of listening to
the letters that had
paased between her
and the man who
had fleeced her of
her fortune and had
shorn her of the
eateem of. the com
munity. Iter husband had worked hard all hla life
and when he turned his face to th wait
because he wanted to shut, out of sight
ths mourning face a bout. him. he died
les sadly because he had provided more
than t.iOO,OOi for tho comfort and well
being of hla family after he nad gone.
That I one of the comforts of passing
from thl known state to the unknown.
that we have worked hard and have pro
vided" a competence for the companions,
or for ths work that survives us.
Now ths widow discloses to ths public
that ah has been pauperised by a man
who wrote her letter In which "love"
was mlegted with finance. Nearly every
letter asked for collateral and told of
hi own desperate ' straita, though each
ended with . "your . Devoted." Generally
the name wa miaclng, a - circumstance
which would have aroused the suspicions
of moat persons, of either sex. It would
And' yet In thst chamber of our hearts
tat echoes to honesty ws women must
admit that a good many of our acquaint
ances might have beea aa easily gulled as
was this widow of a six-tenths million
aire, made such by his toil In the sewing
machine business.
It raises th question of what Is ths
foolish age or women. from 1 to
years w hv not reason to expect much
of wisdom from our kind. Life Is too
new. It bloom is too fresh. Its pristine
brilliance gets Into ths syee and daisies
them. "The follies of youth" bare been
embalmed In proverb. We cannot escape
thm ourseivs end we can only subtract
a little from them in others. That ia
granted to be the foolish period of life.
None dispute It and all excuse tt.
Yet the newspaper spread dally proof
before ua that for some woman the age
of folly would seem to hsvs moved on.
It doe not even halt at the meridian of
life. Fur even I hen thr may be attenua
by llfo
as we
is van- j
st over-to We ring high tide. But ai
Daaa down the mount of life imt the
set. what Is the mitigating circumstance
then? That the glow of th sunset Is In
our eyes? That we fear th shadows thst
lie beyond and seek OHM Wirt Or t A Y?nel
a full grown Joy fromlife? Perhaps, but
Is that enough T Enough to tsmlsh thst
snowy crown that takes the place of the
roy gansnd or youth on a woman's
The man wfr.n dralne1 h vn.
her fortune In the pretens of loving her
an l desiring, when "times were better"
with him to .wed her, Is married. Still
that the snowy crown may be lest tar
nlhd it is clslmed thst she did not
snow this fact. That at ths worst th
ws foolish. Bo foolish indeed that her
relatives tried to hsvs her rommiiid n
an Insane asylnm. An -effort In which
they were unsuccessful, for aa th judge
tald. th It not Insane, but only unwise.
Tet to what depths of public shsme
maw Unwisdom flln n . .
M -- y.ipwii vi (Wily i
fear the rsreasion from the eld reign of
"""' . ny ier mat the present
tendency to let the brain sit aloft and
rule they will become cold-eyed. Maybe,
but isn't that better than to be soft
headod? Better to wear a Judicial frown
than a fool cap.
"Sake A
of cloth with
few drone r. I
S4n-Ona aa it. ulu
drill, saws, chine Ul k.-
pUneg, ail tools, to prevent
gust. Oil automatic tnrda ui.V
S-ln-One. Also nee oa oil atone taw
Quick ode in- -it wexka
bo-- A Dictionary of
ko ot&eg oats with
every bottle. 10c23c,
sue ii stores.
g-tn-une uu Co. t ' i
UI-tBdwy, ,
i .17.
-r y
U EJlATOME" etnblaaon. Omaha
sig-naj web. The Bee't advents
inf coianjM are the cbaaxe4 for
jro- to signal the visitor.
tion and excuse for follies caused by