j TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1913. li ! i I s i: i i n ? I WANT ADS Went ada received at ny tlmi. but t Insure proper eiaweittcation must be pre WM be'ire It o'clock noon for evening r1tt,en tod l-.M p. m for mo-nlng and Sunday editions. Want received after neb hour will be under th heading, ' Too Lata to Clnsslfy." I CATI RATES. mwn crmeecutlv times. 1 cent a word ch Insertion. Thrr time within on week. lVfc cent word each Insertion. On time, i rent a word. CHARGR RATES. 8eyen cemseeutlv tlmca, cent a una -h Insertion. Thn times within on waea, 1 cntg line each Insertion. On t1m If cents a Itn. Count l sverore words to lm Minimum chart-, ID cent. Aa adt-ortlaement Inserted to VJZ.'.Ii?" til discontinued must bo atoppod Wf wW tea ordar. An claim for error moot ho wimin fifteen day after th MM" tnaer tlon of tbo avertlsetnent Tern can plac -roar want d In Tha Be te-io. Unclaimed Answer to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreda of otbar answer hv b railed for and delivered during tho last weak. It la reasonable to ouppoee that D of th reopto below have mad tho desired mM therefore do not cmltTo tha balance of their anwor. Bo want ads gur sat result. B.d sc. ia IT m a i.vn 4 44 I.va l 31 611 l fig 4W 1. rt r imj HTl 417 144 r !i 4i m rn ta 4 i rt ". ti m 7 11 xi 4 irrt r t aa i.fht J 3 130l K JH T i.wo re w vm l.Tt I4 34 1.04 im w ! urn gat fnj 17 lt ri int i Wa 1214 !W 141 1!V l.il U.17 5S li.i 1540 t!i 14 lS'A 1,Tt Hit 1411 1414 1418 1424 14M 14 14H3 HX 1411 144ft 144) 1464 14h4 14ft? 111 1470 1471 ua 157(H 1572 157 15VS ie is-rt 16M TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PBOGKAMH Excluslvelr in Tho Ilea. Imwi Te. CAMERAPIttNK, 108 DOUGLAS. Khorty'a Secret, 4-reel. Branoo Lra. Kearta and HlancU. Key. Com. Tha Other Man. Kel. Vrm. J-LITE NO. . 11 FAKNAM. 6tara Their Coureea Chanre. tF. X. Huah ntan.) J-reel Kaaanajr dr. The Toung Wan Who FlBKred. B. Quirk.) Vlt. com. FARNAM THKATKR, 11& FAllNAM ST. Hunawa June will b aliown her every Tueeday In connectlun with our recular program ann a tveyeuino oomeoy. Hll-i llifcATliR. lilH AX0 HAHK&X Horn o Paramount Picture. VAliki lklb.A.Tk.H. Vfatur'prorajn tUliy. Keyaiona Cotnedlce. iu N. k'.TH. IARLOU, 14U8 lOUC.iA8, A Ntitht Out (Chaplin.) 2-r. lia. lr. Th little Ix-tective. Luhln drama. Tl .e Quality of Mercy. Vllaa-raiih drama. PRINCESS. Iil7-1 DOUQtA8. I ina nf Kafle Mountain. (Cieo Madlvnn.) Frhults'a Lady Friend. ( Max Aalier.) Com. Martin Iowe. Financier. (Frank. Lloyd.) North). ALAMO, S4TJI AND FORT. Four reela ot th beat Mutual ploluraa. 4 L1FTUN, Military Ava. and Burnett Her Youner Ulster. Beauty drama. Mabel and ratty at Hen Diego, y.udora. No. 16. reela. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKH ST. bmouldering Ftrea. -r. Kerriiran Victor. nin-ja vtlihln Wheels, Big t,. When H Proposed. Neator comedy. FltANKLINT MTU A"n! FRANKLIN. TMrd Hand High, t-reel Kaeanay drama. The tlreen Cat, Vita, eomKty. l''orkel Tralla. S-llg W. d rum a. Orand. "Theater Be utlful," 16 A Blnncy. The Dtwlelon, 2-roel. Tha Sheriff. 2-rtii., Key, Com. Big Brunn will alng hla own aonga tonight. Hll'WDItOMi 2bl4 CUMINU. Mabel and Fatty and th Law, com. Th Tlnran Shark. Amer. Ira. Xndora, 14th eplaode, In two parte. "iff fa. AND li6T6Tlr Hearirt-Sellg. No. 14. Tho Spirit of tha Violin. -r. Rrllg drama. Uronrno Billy and the Falae Note. Km. IVr THhiA.. 16TH AND BUHL) KTT k7 Cancelled, t-recl. Kjclalre. IMerry Mary'a Marriage. 1 Ko. Com. And another good reel. LC LOTH HOP, S4TH AND LOTHROP. His Tryst lng Place, 2reel. Special' Key. And three other good reels. 1 Aj Y AJU CALDWElLIr Black Box. 2-recl. Special. The New Dre. Eclair lr. leaved by a, Shower. Joker Com. I'ALACl 230 DAVENPORT. Master Key, No. 11. 2-reel Special. The Hlank Note. Joker comedy. bt'ci URBAN, S4T11 AND AMEd. The Red Signal. KaJem drama. Mother's Roses, t-reel Vltagraph drama Moath. ARBOR. SID AND ARBOR 8T8. Jn Fear of HI Past 2-r. Majestio drama. Colored Vtlltany, Keystone comedy. Th Spirit of Giving. Beauty drama. APOLLO. 2S24 LEAVEN WORT 11. Her Martyrdom, 3-r. I.ub. drama. Ham and the Haussge Factory, ksl. cora, COLUMBIA. TllO KtJl'TH TI-JnTH. An Amateur Prodigal, 2-r. Kse. drama. Toe Professor's Nightmare. Vita, comedy. Ulim HiKgln. riel. W. drama. OMKORT, 24TH AND VINTON STS. Runaway June, Episode No. 2. eihoitya Secret. -ree Broncho. A Good Keystone comedy. t A I'ORITE. KlSVINTONL The I m ie on the Fast Freight. Kal. Dr. 'i tie Rcaeneratlng lxve, i-r. Lub. drama. Iff ( oiuiiinBtiiin. vita com (KM, 1.6 8. UTli of. His Last Serenade. Lacmmle drama. Coat s a Coat. NeMur iMineily. LVRIC. 1617 VINTON. Photo Play Without a Name. J-r, eMiioe Niiintmare, Joker oomtdy. Imp. 1'AaTlME. 134 AN li LEAVEN WORT II. Continuous rhow, 2 p. in to l-S' p. m. Kieht Reels of f'lciures? Klgtit (Ini. teatiiie. I. very Olrt, 3-reel Victor. Viil-EZLr LiIio. .ml-fT Fuur rueU of Mutual picture Monroe. farnam. ; ha Loe of Women, t Josephine ttnilry.) i;-r. Lubin dr. Roiling a Bride, tv Ug C. diaitia The V'Kl'ir. Keany conieUy. Mea HENS)X. Main Street. An Ksample, i-r., with M. Mcijuarrle. 'lie t 'outieerfcit wHn Mary Fuller. tl..w Or ctipil Won. .N'eetor roiiiefly. 4-vaacil Ukuttm. ."LITE No 1. t,4j BROADWAY. J ens, i-r. lxiixon comedy. llesrst-SWlg No, Ja. '1 ho I'ndersludy, or iivtiind the hieiie, VitHgratih drama MCllnLAH, 617 Broadway! 'Ii uon laiwn, 2-r. Essay drama tier. Oruets leH (irk. Vita, comedy. 'I he Voi. tf Conw leu- K.lisoii dram. R il'Ut . Jj"b ROaT W "a ? 'I i nil AtKtut Dan I-ir ing, 2-r. Big U. M k or Niiw , ur drerua. I t:s V it.-s lluwiinnii. Senior comely. bo. I t IlTII AND N I e, ii ;.u the rV, t reel I.ul.iii drama. 1 lie t.un Man S U:t hnifj Vll com I'l'iiic'io t- h.y lr.tl cr. K. W. dr rania. i,'". T .D O. MAOIC 24TH AN TP.- lJ et 1. l.ney M-itu-j . !-lr.l Bla.li TODAY'S OO.IIPI.KTK .MOVIE PKOtiKAMS Fxrluaively in Tho aadevllle. OnPIIICt'M. 2ITH AVD M Special Kryetone featurce, realurtng 'h"rle Cheplm. Fee Ztidora here every Wednesday. ANNOVNCKMENTS MOLKIi JiAUJlKK (X)LLYmi Kprrlnl epring rntB. T'oee harhere rail ing on ua fot help. MOI.KK Uradiialee qunliriod for lwft .tohw. Kern while you learn. Kr -e rolah.g. IM 3 14ih 8t : mel e. IfOMKMADB aauaige. oncy one in Qina- he. Sam Kleher, 1 lnvenw'h. P. Wedding unnoun' ervnta. l'oug. Ptg. Co. HAZtL, Iaf Pile Conea. Beet remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllea: fc postpaid; namptea free, bherman A McConnell Drur Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night arhooL LLiCKY wetiding rinaa at Broili'Sanid'a. "MILLINERY TKADK REVIEW," mag azine for denlqner and Beitinner. Re view, 2217 CnpiH'I Ave . Omnha. Neb. 6HKEP feeders, notice: Two western shearer to handle your clip. Addres J. l.nmr-. Hnuth Omaha. ALTOMOBILES ll VEL1K, 4-tyllnder. &-paB., M-h. p., Gray & Davla elec, light and starter, left aide drive; very complete equipment; good condition; coal li.OOO new; pay to Inrvestl gate; private ownrr wants larger oar. Price $S50 cimh. Call Walnut al or Doug laa 400 and arrange demonstration. "JITNEY" BARGAIN. Eight -passenger Jitney llim, 45 horse power, f'Mir-i'v :lnder. Price IT'0". MITCHELL MOTOR CO., Kcount t jr In purmictit. 2iif4 Fnrn.im St. C. ElXASfcKR, expert radiator and levma repairs. Ty 70t, Wi Leavanwortb. I HAVE a -ryl 40 h.-p. White car that I will trnde for a modern home of equal or great" value. If. I'elton, 2'Xi6 Earns m. AUTO PAINTING. FOKU4, $16; OTHKHM, 30. PP. Brlggs, I4 N. lh. Phone Web. n:w. Use Overton's for leaky redlator, dealer. FONTENEIXE AUTOMOBILE CO.. deal er in used cars that guarantee service. tl Bo. lth Bt. FOR SA I. K Second-hand Maxwell, model (J rondstnr; just overhauled; oash. A. J. Freed. Hotel llarley. ONE 1918 tverland touring car 4i0 CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA, 8ufi4 Farnam St. Groenough Omaha Rail. Rep. Co.. 1020 Far. AUTO Clearing House, 2209 Farnam, buys ad sells used earn. I'bone Dnuglaa Ml 8. Iniluatrtal Oarage Co.. 2nth Harney Bta. FOR HALE Five-passenger Overland, complete, good condition, new tires, 1H6. !l0 Fsrnam St. Motorcycles. H A RLEY-DA VIDBON MOTORCTCT.E9. Burgalns In used machines, Victor Rooa, "Tho Motorcycle Man." 27i Ia vnnwoitn. 116 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready7 bargains in used machine. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., iith and Clatao. U. SKi. 15LSINKSS CHANCES A LARGE and wcll-eitilpied garage for ale; have other business and unable to operate boh. Jf you want a good estab lished buslneos, trila la your chance, D, Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la. AUTO repair ahop, garage and blaolc smith shop for rent or for Sale. Charles Sinaeal, Papllllon, Neb. DON ELHON dots more than list your buslneas, he sells It. SOI Omaha Nat' I Bk. FOR SALK-Barbor shop and baths at bargain. City of H.600; good husinc-; fine, permanent location. Address Y 432, Bee. LlhT biiyineas chances, property fur rem sate or exchange wun mo, i win write nil nuiniifr of insurance. W. O. Tem pletmi, Oeu. BROKER. WX ! Ty. -Ii-'O. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us tor quick action and squar treatment QUICK SALE COMPANY, 411 Be Bldg. Phone Red 8854. ElON.S, biiow crd. Clark .k riun. L. Ut TO OKI In or out of busmen. Call on GANGEHTAD. 4o4 Bee Bldg. D. S477. MEDICAL practice for suio In the richest part of eastern Neb., H. 10 anil 22 miles to nearest town. Practice established la years: one competitor; population, 00; electric, lights, water works, good schools and churches; sell or rent office. Terms essy. Address Y 4.0. Bee. C M. EATON, Bus. Broker, 1UM W. O. W.. will help you In or out of buslneas. Patents That Protect and Pay Rooks and advice free. Mend sketch or model for search; highest references; best results; promptness assured. WATSON E. COLEMAN, Patent lJiwyer. 2S V Ht.. N. W.. Washington, I. C. PARTNER wanted in Ktulill.ihed, well advertised real estate business in north western Minnesota. One fiimllar with stenography preferred. Jt,lJ required. Address Y-4'-. He. TIIEATER" Lu)', loiiMf hi sell your the ater, machine, and supplies' through Theater Lxchang Co , icii I'ariiam e't. oulas li ; TuVR huslne-s or reul eetut quickly old. Write Jlin IV ray. Stoux City. la. PLUMBING busluusa for ul. Wlirull for Invoice price. Add ey Y i. Pee. IV RVTEfTKN mw7otMhfhuyi Roosatasji Hoosea fur kale. How to sell a rooming house. C. J, Canan. EDUCATIONAL Day Snhool; Nlurht School; oomnlet businosa couras; complot shorthand or tenotyp course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches and Eng HU. Studenta adrn'tted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1S16 catalogue. HOI Ll'.b C'OLLEGE, H. H. liuYl.K.3, rt-wUdent. Boyles Bldg , nuuilu, Neb. Tel. Doughs FoK al Uie fuiiowlng s.holarsiilp In first clas Omaha Hualuea Cullrge: On unlimited comhiuution busiae nd hortl)and course. Oru unlimited buaiurss course. One unlimited stenographic eaurse. One lK.ee tncutlia' buines or steno- CiKiHiic iiiurx. Will be sold at a d;uouat at th ofrlcs of l ne (.imaiia Bee. flhc Van haut School Stenography oy aclifH't. i u 4.1.. Niht ..-iiuol, ..U w 'j.ii lflb and earnam bli :yu 47. EXl k KT lady vtenogi apher will take pupli. bllollTHAND. touch typew i lt Ing. spelling, piinct nation, vtc, taught and cunipl-'ie training given for buu-a rareer. Private uiMrucllon if desired. 4-4 Ixiufclui f i. Tel. Walnut 23.T. FOU SALE Furniture, lluusekald ;a4i, Etc. X)R teALE Complete set ot quarter- sawed oak poaiottice fixture; about 4w roinhliu4llon lot k boxes, dumping table, bat rsu k, cabinets. et Addre Y . Ilee. Hltfll gtaiie quality furnuute at barualn (or quick sale, no a-H-ond-hand dealer, llarnev 2ls. 114 N. th St. Kew 4 2d-lioud (umiture. coon or terina; rateiutbit. Amur. ii a. Co.. t N. 11 I) hK'S bought aiwt sold. J. C. Reed. IJJ,OIIO,W tarnuiH rt. I. 1146 Ii.iIvIkiM and riming room furniture, including piano, tor sale wry reason able. I'bone Wel. S'.'.'i'. FOR ?ALK Kitchen r.i.K't In good con liiiion. $ht. Tel. LHXiglM 473. Ilarova and Irblclc. Ui fsrui marcs, tmref and mules, jff Mo. I ranch. i L. I iil 'h i, 210.' Ctinit'tg ft TTiT-i ;lrOK SAI.I--1--HII. w-iulit 2..i lbs . uw In fun!; nleo t.-a.i w-ighing W-: oin lo foil. 'run to yiai. I'all ic. : i''. u. e. I " I'.J.l.c. FOR SALE tioraea anal Veblrlea. I MARKS, t geldings, offlre, Ji'th and lele. Coal I 1.10O-1,400. For 8A1K Young, well-matched team; wi'laht 2W pounde; eounil; heavy In foal and gorvlee pa'd; party h no tor eto k: prlvnte renMenre. &2i Todg. 0M(M Work horee ?or4e, l'J. 221 Henard Tyler Til. Kdlt H 4 Ten hend of good, young work horee nnd good mere. In foHl age lrom 6 to . weight from l.aro to 1.4"0 re"h; solng to dlfpo of our entire eioek. Iioreea and 1n wegona and 1i oet of 1oiill harnre; all good etuff for ferm pnrprae. will acll on terme to roeoonelhle pertv. 0!oorp" Hhormeker, foremen of jtho Cnnlrarlorg' On., g: W. Ferneni Kt. i eHIP live atock to South Omaha. Suva mllr-age and shrink Your inlgn menls recOve prompt and careful attn tlon. ti HEAT), all sles 4M7 N. ntth Ave. lor.si. ireh, hiiiiiv hi.f Jcrst y tow for sale, rail Welnut lUKi. FARM wagons. PA end up; hnrneaa, 140. Johnaon-Panforth Co., llh A Clark Ste. FOR HA LB One horse, one Holoteln bull and one blaik yearling heifer. Telephone South S0. 34th and county line. Live Stock (onmlnlii Mrrehaats. MARTIN BP.03 ft CO.. Excnaruco Bldg. Mnaleal last ratnenle. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 1017. HAVE you piano you would like to save atorase on and leave with a careful, re liable party for a time? If so, please address J 618, Bee. I'naltry, Kaars and Nappllea. STEREOTYPE matrlon make th best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23, Inchea, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7o a hundred at The Bee office. DON'T forget that throe tiroes mure chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty Incuhatora than in any other In ruhator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dress. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb, , Ix'ghorn hatching egg. Tel. Florence 21R. tET chickens pay yourTent: send for free boox, "Tutnlng Bggs Into Chick en Into I'ollsr," and free sample world a only hatching chart; book describe Kayo Inouliatora; give most chick; hatch on one gmion oil. Kayo incubator Oo , ion B. 12th bt.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red SUA. Mixed grain, I K) lbs., 91.75. Wagner m N.18. R. I'. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Vigorous, hardy stock on country range. SI for IE; 18 per 100. A LI It'VUtllO TCI.' u Phone riorieon 747-W. R. F. D. No. t S. C. White Ieghorn eggs for hatching. My hens are from pilxe winning layers at International egg kaytrig. contest, Stoors, Conn. $1.60 for 1$. 6 per 100. A. H. Bakr. Benson, Neb., R. T. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747 W. 60-KOG Cycle Hatcher, combined Incu bator and brooi.er; simple, compact and easiest for a lieglnner on snuill scale. Price $i. R. B. Doud, 144 N. 41st St. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, MormrTi end Smith Premiers of their makers. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougla im. Rental credited If you purchase sad only very newest ana highest grudo ma chinea sent out. Itatea, three months for $6 for understroks machines or $2 per month for luteet model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS eo.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 3C7 H. 17th RENT An Olivor typewriter. 1 month for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 21 Miscellaneous. FOR SALIC New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tabiea aud bowling alleys and accessories ; bar fixture of ail kinds; ensy payment. Tho Brunswick Halke-Collencfer Co.. 407-409 H. 10th St. $-hand nich. Omen Wrwk Co., l'1 fc Faul. lu NEW automatic weighing scales, i and $10. Match machines and lifting mn chines, electric fixtures and supplies. uuguy harness, tools, lumber and other miscellaneous article for sa's or trade. J. C. 1SH, EXECUTOE 0$ So. .list Ave. Phone Harney 243. PRACTICALLY new lieauty parlor equip. mnt for aaie at a baigain. lju Har ney 8t. FOR SALE Popcorn and peanut wagon, run hy steam engine, burn gasoline, cost tiM when new; In good shape; sell cheap If taken at once. Addresa Y 427. Boe. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER and reception room girl for lawyer's oftlce; high school edu cation, of neat appearance and aome ex perience prcfirri-d. Give full particulars In first letter. Address K 84, Bee. N(7fTl1nu FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROOr.nrl KKF. CO., Mate Bank. Factory and Trades, LEARN hs'rdraaalng. Oppenbeim Parlor Agents and Saleswomen. TWO experienced solicitors. Monarch Cleaning Work, 1510 N. 24th. EXPERIENCED SHOHJ SALESWOMAN Wanted, -thoroughly experienced shoe saleswoman: line chance for advance ment to the right party. Apply Super intendent Office. BALCONY B' RGESS-NASH CO. liour keeper ana boaaestloa, THE dervaiit Glr' Problem Bolved. Th Bc will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FRKK until ydu get the desired resulta This applle to resident ef Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff Bring ad t The be office or telephone Tyler ltXX WANTKDAn xije. rinod er'ivnt ulrl for houMWork; inum b a F"ui L. , U.-eHA... -.AHI.Itod i.ll If 1?UT t,ui r , irieinin vg ivMtiiivu. . mt iii ir4. VOl. NG girl or elderly lady wishing a permanent home In the country In ftini lly of two. Call Dougtui 4277. WANTED at mice, a maid. II. 717. Mr S. Md Ave. rook aud u noun B. B. Davis. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 3 In family; good wages; white girl only. Phon Webster X. WANTED A girl or woman fur hanso ms I1; good home for steady help. For particulars rail. St-i N. SSd rt. WANTED A good girl for general hou work. Webster ITU?. ISA Sewsrd St, WANTED A girl for general housework. lMi'J Park Ave. Harney KM. WANTED An experienced woman or girl (or general hoimework, three In fa mil v. Phone Red 2ttid WANTE1 Yucng lyly, who U e.ther eiu ploved half Uuy or one who la attend Init schiHil, to ai.-1-t wllh housework and rare ! small child for board, room and small pnv; must le over i years of age. Rhone Harney 7iSS. YOI'NG lady to awist with housework for room and board. Pltune Walnut 6s. Yol'NG married couple living iu mod ern apartment desire girl for general housework; reference required. Har. eistf. COMPETENT gill for general housework; no washing: good Pay. 14u North list Ave. Har. 2064. sflscellaat-ana, YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa trautiei are invited to vwit the Young Woinou Chi Kalian aao:latloa building at St. Mary's Ave. and li th f,.. whare thay will be dtrectiHl to suitable boarding places or otherwise auisted. Look tor our Haxei Hi le : Liium (anou GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR WOMEN 1 70 toontu. List free. Frankilu Lusti tute. iJepl. it c. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED -M. VLB Clerical aad Ulilae, HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WOT, KEF. BOND AB.S N.. ia- email Nat' Rank Kidg IMll'Alll! PEGS I N SQUARE HOLES. ! We fuel a position that fit you. i 'o-t il' Kit ATI V K ItEKEKKNCK CO , ,, , v., :si1ihi.Is ' ' ",' ' J'":.r"."- l Al. l llo- RlUg. I f i r. ... i . i ur.i;, oni or town (oi a. .u. I .4 A.T .k.4-. fj, U Uiaobl.a T... HELP WANTED MALE rierlrwl mod Offlee. STENOGRAPHER, aalary $60. OH at onre. 1M 20 Woodmen nf the World Rid. CITY COLLECTOR MIDWEST BONDING CO., 112 Be Bldg. Agents, Salesmen asd Sollrltors. Experienced Spec ialty Advertising Salesman Wanted for Omaha, Council TMiiffw nnri SinilY ( Stv liv flip 1MUIIS na OlOHX Uliy, U IIH. Anln;nn K -4 AUI-o r'.cVi, inurovn iiu ino, "'-'"v"- - inn I"! mnrU 'u InrtrdRt nmnu. v., ..v ., ....p,.,. ... e i i ; iHt'iurers oi CACiuhive cojii -righted Art Calendars, Cellu loid and Leather Advertising Specialties. For interview to day, telephone Fred E. Gilbert, Western Sales Manager, Fon tenlle Hotel, or write Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. TWO men to travel, K0 per week and expenses; win ray more later. Acme Finish Co.. 120 West Lafayetts, Detroit. Mich. WANTED Experienced automobile ao ceeaorv salesman to travel In Nebraska: references required. Call or write. Ne braska Bulck Auto. Co., Lincoln, Neb. THB first payment now covers Insurance til Jul v 1. This m&kea our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben ei'lt. Health and Accident Asa'n, 423--S city Nat Hank Hldg.. Omaha. Neb. Drug store nps; Job. Knelat. Be Bldg. WANTED Men with experience pre - fered to do house to houxe canvasslna selling tea and coffee and establish routea In th city and vicinity. This Is a good chance for live wire to take chnrge of territory and develop himself for man age rr hip oi store. JUlberal proposition. Big Inducement with sales. State age. experience and rercrence. f.nnd required. Address Th Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea Co.. Kansas City. Mo. Factory aai 'trades, Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 1S, on account of big trade. Wages for 6 snd 10 cent work. Electric massa$ taught. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 1124 , Douglas St.. Omaha. J MOLElt BAKBEK COLLEGE Special summer rates. Bona barbers calling on us for help. MOLER Graduates qualified for best .lobs.. Earn while you learn. Free ratalogue. lli S 14th St MOI-Elt BARBER COLLEGE MOLER Graduates always In demand. Special summer rates. Make back your tuition While learning. , Writ for free catalogue. 110 8. 14th St., Omahn. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMM EDLATELY, Biggest domand for our Magnetic Elec. Starter Auto gradu ates. Too many untrained tinker repair men. Good men positively needed. Big spring rush. Free catalogue. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OFEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLHOE. 806.7 Farnam St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. GET WISE ' A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost . Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation ofour et results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1413-17 Dodge Street Omaha. Neb. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into the auto buslnea for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring thlg result for you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n, 2814 N. toth St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED tOOO men to eat ham and eggs. 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. MAN to tack signs (or real estate con cern. Salary 3iX. Apply at once. 131H-30 W. O. IV. Bldg. HELP WANTED MA LIU ASD FEMALE. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 28. I A) month. Common education sufficient Sample questions free. Apply Immediately. Address x Ml, Mee. MEN. WOMEN WANTED Government lob. t& to $160 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute, Dept 221 C. lu-icliestor. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Euipkiymuni by iniddle-wg4 man, several years, railroad aud sffice experience; prefer position as traveling aieainaa or ofilc woik, can us jiwritn not a steno. K s.13. Be. YOUNG man wants place to WK.ra for boaid while attending Boyle collegia Telephone Douglas 1M6. COLORED woman T. 8W1 W. wants day work. EXPERIENCED young man wants work In hotel or restaurant; any kind ot work; a willing woraer. Address J Lfl, Bee. - YOUNG girl wants position in doctor's office or at prtval switchboard. Web etor 3133. YOUNG woman, who la a good plain cook, would like position in rctiiud family; can give references. Address J lK Ife. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanta work In tin. city In private house. Addrens E 135. Fee. pTisiTION-by lady bookkeeper, slnuK several years' exfierivnce; von operate Comptometer and (In some stenographic work; can furnish beat ot reference i. Addres. I, 140, Bee. YOUNG man, 26 yoar old, wanla posi tion In dry gootrs or clothing (tore, 3 years experience, ran give beat of refer ence. AiVres Y 414. Bra. WOMAN would like housework or chani ler work. Webster STot. Kl' l.lAI LK, practical riurwe desires posi tion. Tyler PU2-W. EXPERIENCED carpenter. will reasonable. Phone iiod J.6J5. work EXPERIENCED man and wife, small tam.ly, want for in work of any kind Will work reasonable. 7i 8. 34th H. 4k. I ' v Y work and hundle washing. Web, S?67. MAN and wife, with no children, want J.'orkof any kind. Tel. So. IM. PERFECT home washing, a specialty. Wbter 4s3. Lace curtain v A.TEl Position by ftrst-clasa auto mechanlo with 7 yeara experience; have Oil . . n I A C 4 L: ... 1 1 . - WANTER-A lawltion; college giaduato, experienced calculator and office man, with excellent penmanship, wants posi tion in Omaha or elsewhere. Reference. AUilreea r 18!, Boe. LOST AXD FOUND LOST Black Per.lan loinb luuff trimmed with Fitch, either in store or Is muni car; liberal reward Call Wal. 8233. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS KTKET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lust aome article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha 4s Council Rlulta Mreet Ral'way cum pany to asoertala Whether they left It to tile street cars. Many articles each day are turned la and the company is anxious to reatore U em to the riahtr,! or Call Doug. 4k. lfT Fraternity pin. nanie June Brown Reward. "Pel. Walnut 3liit. c MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op rrition Cur guaranteed and money n-,i until rnred. rite for book rectal (hnwfi ii, -..n,v,... i.vUl.Y, -W Bee B.u. UK. E. R. PERSONAL $7,000 IVli INVALIDS. 700 aubitciiptlona to the L. H. Journal, $I.M. the 8. K. Pont tl.SO. the Country Of-ntlorran 11 00 earnn that fT,") for Tho Invallde' Tendon Anorlatlon. Your order or r;neal iontr1hile M cent. Phone Iotir's:i A'ldrJ-s CJOKDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB THE Halvstlnn Army Industrial bom so Helta your olu rlotrilng, furniture, maga Mnos. We tollfct We distribute. Phon Douglas 4136 and our wagen will call. Call and lunpect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 ; Dodte St. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as t stransera arr Invited to visit the Young ( WmTO!n-, Christen nnoci .tlon building at 117th St and St Mary's Ave., where they he dl.ectci to suitable hoarding places ef otherwise asfllpt.d. Look for oar trav- jelers' aid at the Inlon station. LIVE WUtK Bl'SINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha NEW m magn L B and 2d-hand motor, dynamo magnetos, etc.. and mech. repairs. ron Kiect worRa, - s. 12th. 0"j ma ha Pillow co., iv7 cumVngT Douglas 24S7. Renovatea feathers and mattresses nf all kinds, makes feathet mattrexscs snd down covers. V ACt' CM clesners lor sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary hen. Ice Co., Bee Bldg. -- Wis rent repair, sell needles and parts or sll sew ins machine NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Kickers." loth snd Harney. Douglas 16GZ, Account ant a. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A., Address 433 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7406. Adding; Machlaca. Dal ton Adding Machines. 411 B. 13. D. lUx. Adder Mcli. Co. VVales. W. O. W. D. 63S. A inn tear Finishing. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, Alt Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Arcbitects. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxton Blk IX SWL Auto and Maarnetn Repairing;. Maneto repair work a specialty. D. 14 11 Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co., U15-1S IV. O. W. R. 32 Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Bakeries. Z. H. REEDER, lfiOR No. Ixth. Web. 1W7, Illae PrlatlnsT. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nut' I Bank Bid. Barbers. 13 Chair. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Braaa Foundries. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha S ts. Carpenter mid Cwntractore. STEVENSON. 8."3 a 22d. Dougla 6630. fullfo-nl- I.nnds. W. T. Smith Co.. 1127 City Nat l Bk. D.2S19. Cleaning; and Dyelnst. DORA Eiscle. 11. City Nat l. Doug. 3632. Lilian Palatine Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 441 Civl Engineer. M. J. LACY. 618 BEH BLDG. DOUG. 4H5. Ci-enm Separators. Th Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th A Farn. Cistern mid Well Ila;inif. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAF1ER does it Phono Web. 6631. if. K. RICKERTT Well Construction CoT; nothing too big or Impossible: estimate furnished. 510 N. 21st St. Onaha. flsaving A cnrt-uiei. Turpln's Dancing- Academy. 2gth A Farn. Try Mackle's first. 1816 Hmey. Doug. 6446. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D.i87T D-eetlve. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United Statoa, Canada or Mexico. " Paxton Blk. Doug. 1371 Walnut 1530. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evt-: denoe secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. Terry Drgmck'g college. 20th Famam. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed.! H(Ki Cass St. Tel. Red 7-36. MISS STURDY. 2416 Caae.Red 7330. KEIHTEK'S Dressmaking college, day and night school. 1S City Nat l Bank. l)m,-n. D1.1S at cut prices: fre'ght paid on $10 orders; cstalogues free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Dcatlats. . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. W.Bldg. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandeia Bailey, the Dentist, 706 City Nat l Bank. Taft Der.tal Room. li17 Douglas. D. 2187 pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat. Rank. Everything for Wonvea. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, fcox pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. JjQ Oouglaa Biook. D. mad. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacatoT building coming down: cloaks, suits and drewHes sacrificed: N. 16th St Everythlna for Wi.m-s. SWITCHES from combings. $1.60. Psych free. Mrs H. M. K'ck. ! Maroy. H. 6646. HAIRDRESS1NO at your home. R. Electric gupplica. LEBRON Elec. Wks.. 313 8. 12th. D. 117. Florists. A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Harnay. Doug. 1C01. BATH'S florists. Ioo4 Furnom Bl HESS A SWOHtDA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, lol Farnam. D. Ui. Member r un 1st Tvlegrapli Del. Aeon. (.altering and epnutlaat. STOVE repairing. Fire Prevention Co. Douglas 45S4. Halt Dressing. Harper mdhod. R. . Bolrd Bldg. D. 361L llouaecleanln;. Expert European floor waxing. D. 4283. Liataiiaar fixtures nnd Wlrlna. THOMAS DUKKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, eonrraot- Ing and repair work done reasonable. Z4!8 CUMINU. OOUUUAS Bit. Live Stock Uemedle. OMAHA Remedy Co 007 B. 13th- Red 4CS1 Must, Costumes nnu laid. Supplies. MNFR. of lodge regalia aud costume. Tha lareeet stock cf masquerade ana thcalriCiil costumes in the country. Thtto. Llaben Son. 1614 Howard. L. 4iia Meooewaer and Tusmter, WHITE IJNE. M N. 16th St. Doug 3311. mV Ja obs. masa 24 Neville Bk. BATH'S florists. U Farnam. D. 8000. MISS STAl'Llis, mm., elec. bath. D. 7 13. open eve.. p. m.: wunaays. li to a Masoensra. CORA BELL1NGY Evterifr; good, restful Magnetic Other aalistixu- tory treatments. Also vapor biitha. Open 10 to 10. including Munday. Notice: En trance downstairs, 10T So. 17th St, baa- lueiit. coriu'r I lodge. MASSAGE. 1721 lodKe. Mrs. rltcele. ltrl'll and mass., alcohol rub. I .aura lalJl Wilson, 1S02 Farnam, R. t Poug KT. Open evening and Sunday. MAS0 CIW t50 BEE BUILDING. , ADOAUEi Douci-AS tarz B ATILS. 214 Batrd Hldg.. I7tn and I i i g. Ciara Iee, lath and niaaaage. Doug. KiiZ Muvlnsr, Itsr and ll-aalg. W. C. I i-'KKIN. latb and Cavtta. Ty. una. ucnllsts. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can Drs. McCarthy. 11 U W. O. W. Bldg. Talents. II. A. 8tur;es. 636 Brandet Theater Bldg. D."0. I'arrieTl. paxton" Bik. Tel. Bed T1177 Prlatiaa. WATFH.S-BARNHART Ptg Co.. quality trlnting. Tel. Iou. 21i S"4 S. ISth Ht. CENTRAL PRINTING CO liOlHJ. laR'GI.Aa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44j CtREY A M'KF.NgJK PTG. ,X. D. 3644 lliES-IlALL Fig. Co., lt Capitol. D. UoT ijvb wms BUSINESS MEN OP OMAHA Osteopathia Pkystelnsis. Dr. Remcha. ini-4 McCagnw BMy. P. 83. Dr. i eterson. CUi Biandels Bldg.. D. 1144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 1i Be Bldg Patent Developmeat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St Palatine and las-erlas HUGH M'MANf-w, 417 N. 40th. H. $72?. Plnmea Henovated. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned & uyed. IWtha Kmgwr. 421 Paxton. U. 8ffl4. Roach K.jtermlBsiot, B. B. B. Roach powder at Ifufrg. sate and Time Lock Experts. C? A I?T!0 Opened, repaired, eomti. JP IW thanaed. F. B. Daven--' port 14D6 Dodge. D. 1M21. shoe Hepalrlas;. Ekctrtc Shoe Rep. Co., 107 St. Mary's Ay. FRIEDMAN BROS.. ho repair. 211 8. 14. Slltna and IbonrnrU. E. M CLARK A BON. US 8. 1TH ST. Steel elllaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8 10. Store? and Utile rixtarn, DESKS, safes, scares, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, soli. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-M-lt 8. 12th. D. 2724. T4vc Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. II th. D. 62. Trnska and Haiwana FREEING ft STEINLB. 1H08 Farnam St Ta tiers. CHAR C. LANDERTOU. 108 N. 16th 8t OLSEN 4K KOCECME. 1Mb Harney, ti. .. Vetertnnrluns. DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4fl02 Center Wal. Ki Wines sna l.loeor. ALEX JETE?. 201-S S. i3th St. Wines, Glebe liquor house. 434 N. !6lh; California wine. $1.28 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLUX'K LIQUOR HOUSE, lfith and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family Flqruora t Klein's Liquor House. 623 N 16th. Douxlas Utxt. SWAPPKH'S COLTJMN Al millinery business for trnde fur land or house and lot or acreage, or what have you. S. (!. M2, care Bee. AUTO 1S1S e pu. BuiCK, line condition. Will tra'du for lot valued $1,000 on jiaved street. Will pay difference it lot Is worth inorA. Call WeMt-r 4S15. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains see the "Autoinoou cii:i- cauou. BASS Good chance for a musician, good double U baas in good condition; will trade fur a good cow. Address S. C 731), Bee. BL SIN ICS.S CHANCE Soiue yuuritf nian to trade whatever you have for half in terest in real estate tlrm; must know how to work. Make me offer at once. Address, 8. C. 71, Bee. aaOILER (Miorse-power vertical boiler, I want to trade for a horse or wagon or laundry equipment. 8. C. T-'S. Bee. BONE CUTTER Green bone makes chickens lay. One Humphrey green bone cutter, cash $17.60, will taK for chickens or anything 1 can use up to $10 vslue Addreas S. C. 711, care Bee. BOOKCASE Mission oak, good shape; will trade for sewing machine or ko dak. Address 3. C. 672. Bee. 6x7 CENTURY camera, metal tripod, six plntc-hoiders, for aa Underwood or !. C. Smith vloihlo typewriter. Address e. C. "37, Bee. DIAMOND RING Mans beautiful clUKter ring, for good typewriter and piano or motorcycle; make best offer. What have you. Price $1S. Adrireas S. C. 7:. Bee. FOX TERRIER pup, five months old, very easy to teuch tricks; what have you? Make offer. Address 8. C. "18. Bee. FARM IMPLEMENTS to exchange fo7 chickens, cow, horse, or what nave you? Address 8. C. 725, Bee. FOR SALE Or what have you to trade for my clear little eonfectionery store. Address 8. C. 162, Bee. FOR SALE or trade, one complete thresh in,' outfit. For particulars write Lqpk Box. S86. Pllger. Neb. - GROCER'S computing scale; will sell or trade, or what have you: Address C, 727. Bee. HINGES Have several hundred pair of new hinges all one aUe that would like to trade tor other property. What have you 7 8. C. 741, Bee. HOUSE-I will trade my $1,200 equity In an 8-room, well located, modern home for a clear lot of equal value. 8. C. 723, Bee. I HAVE a Queen coal range to swap tor a gas range. Aduresa 8. C. 721, Bee. L. C for SMITH TYPEWRITER, value $100, a diamond. B. C. 1633, ttee. MARE Fine young Arabian mare; trade lor good cow. Audress 8. C. 726, Bee. MIMEOtiRAPH Edison mimeograph. nearly new, to trado for kodak, or what nave you? florets, y. c. in. wee. NOTES and accounts. Want to trade some good notes And account for a light driving team, buggy and harness; will give good deal. S. C. 740 Boe. FI.L'MBlMi goods, or plumbing works to trade for Police Posi'iJ .:; or 3S revolver, or Colt's automatic .32 or ,"8. Address S. C. 2i$. Bee. PIANC 1st class' plana, will exch ge for diamond, auto -r motorcycle. Ad drees S. C. 734. Bee. PIA0 New btaudard piano for young sound mare or vacant realty, well lo cated Address S. 0 716, Bee. PONY TEAM Will trado for anything of equal value; value $SQ. Address 8. C. 714. Be. I'l I -Boston hull pup. 6 months - old, beautifully marked, for trade tor what huve you. S. C. 2U. care Bee. PIANO Will exchange standard pianos or players for young draft mares. Ad dress S. C. 734, Bee. RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing profitable business on Farnam. Will trade for vacant lot or what havs you 7 Addres 8. C. 712. Bee, RIFLE .22 repeating rifle and seven Jewel Elain wateh; will trade for a medium priced stop watch. Address S. C. 713. Bee. ftlUNS, shewrards. Clark Ai Son, D. 1373, TROMBONE Martin slide trombone and case; nearly new; cost b: will sell raoonable or trade for something I can uso on farm. Address Y 40d, Be. TWO-SEATED, fifth wheel surrey, rub ber tires, in first doss shape; used very little. Will trade or sell for something of equal vslue. Address 8. C. 7rx), B"e. TYPEWRITER Hammond typewriter In llrsv-clas share. Address 8 C. 716. Bee va ci 1 ji'w.t s hTngTnTach I N ES lis "v u 26i well knowp vacuum washing ma chine, all new and up-to-date. . A guar anteed machine. .Vgent. here Is your ha nee. tu make a cloan-up this spring. Will swap for auto or what have you? Address, 8. C; 6i0. He. VACUUM 3WEEPE1R8 Have every kind ot vacuum sweepers. Including th best. Would exchange (or small rug. Address. N. C. 710. Bee. ' WATCH A Ui-jwel. 16 slse. 30-year J. Boss 20 gold-filled ease to trade fot shotgun. Addres. S. ft 1621. care Bee. WOULD exthai.ge s'eeoing tent and tw rots, vacuum sweeper, for gas water heater or d.-k. What have you? Ad dress 8. C. 71i. Bee. RADIO tPARK COIL Gives 1-inch spark; will exchange tor re.r.iig rule or ko dak. Add reas 8. C. 731. Bee. RIFLE 3V20 Stevens lae.al rifle to trade (or bookcase, photographic enlarger. canoe or other articles. Tins is the most xpenaive model of single shot rifle mode by the' Stevens people sjid is in good working condition. What have you? Ad dres a . 722. Be. TAILORS complete pressing outfit, four bucks, eight goose Irons to trade. W hat have you? Address B. C. 739, Bee. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie, will wap tor ko-lak. or what hs-oe you?d dree 8. C. 73. Roe. VICTOR TALKl NG MACHINE l.eet make old style Victor Talking machine, 3 wring motor, with over $.it In rtx-orda Will awap for motorcycle or make vtf-r. A1di-es B C. 716. Bee. WINCHESTER RIFLE 40 -O Browning patent; will trade (or camera. East man kedak pi el erred. TeL South 3-36. SWAPrEKS COLrMN WILL EXCHANGE 10 barrels unexcelled black carbon paint for good young; mares. Addres S. C. 73.T, Bt. FOH RENT Apartmeots aad Flats. 1-r.. modern fist Mm 8. 24th. $22. H. 4T1L FOR RENT Most beautiful, fin!1" Ished snd up-to-dato . 4 and tw spartmenta la city. Building J'" tt0n lahed. Flora Arartrnents. 2641 Joncsat. fTdeTity v?ce FREi; Fhone Dougtas 112S for completa list of sll vacant house nnd npartmeot ajs for storage, moving, pachtnghjppin FIVE-ROOM, stcem-heated apanniem. 3lrt and Mason sts.; rcaucru ini" Doherty. Doug. 1B71. - 1106 N. 22D St. 4-r.. brick flat, mod. ex. heat; kitchen cabinet: steel range, gas stovei water paid; $17. Rasp Pros. I. 16"-'. ' CLOSE IN APARTMENT. . Four rooms and bath. In the (.aliform Pee Janitor. Phone Douglas S?37. Most up-to-date brick flat in city; hot water heat; large lawn. D. 66P1. H. W ELMS APTS. 2Bth and Dewey Ave., elegsnts gpts.. east and south exposure; sleeping porcn: Murphy bed and nice lawn. (Tall P. &!I6V I' ui Rooms' THREE pleasant West Farnam rooms; bualnesa women preferred; references required. Addres O 60, !I?!J1. ROOM for young gentleman with good references In private family; has mod ern conveniences, with sleeping porch off room' outmrte door. Phone Webster 404ft. FURNISHED rooms for young men; sin gle or ensvlte, 2244 Landon Court D. R226. TWO nicely furnished rooms, 6v9 S. Kth Ave. Dougla 646ft, modem. STEAM heated rooms. Hotel. Council Bluffs. $2 week. Ogdcit MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; 11U nio. and up: cafe la connection. D.Wl. I'nf nriitshed ttovmo. LARGE unfurnished room, finished In wh'te enamel, two very large closets. very desirable, in the West 1-arnam dis trict, with excellent board. Address A 1V. Bee. , Uoard and llooms. THE Graamere, larg, rnnhog. turn, rms.. private bath, excellent. Doara. n. uro. lintels nnd Apartments. '! Ivi.NtA Itotel. isth and Caltrirrds, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 70R3. IrtiDOK ttOTEI.- M.xd-rn .Reasonabl. Ilouackeeplna ftooius. WARM, modern rooms for housekeeping; reasonable. 1823 Cass. lAv(ht lloasekecplnor Room. ROOMS, use of piano and sanitary wash tubs. 632 S. 22d St STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitchenette, furnished. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. Houses and t ullages. A LI. sixes. $3 per month up. 607 Paxton. i-room mod. house. 2512 Chicago. D. 8145. it-R. 4M Lafayette, newly decorated, new floors, large yard, good location. HASTINGS & HEYDKN. 1614 Harney Ft. . 6-R.. mod. ox, heat, 1020 8. 2i St.. $22.50. 6-r. rew renldence, fronting park; 4318 Ames Ave. $2. ' ' ' 3- r. cottase, bath and electric light, 2201 N. 2.th Ave., $11. 4- r. cottage. 4027 Mla.nl. $10. 2-r. flat, with bath. 2131 N. 28th. $5. O. C. OLrEN. Douglas 1063. Room 108 McCaguc Bldh. Gordon VanCo. IS? US N. 11th it Phon D S$t or Wu. 1383, Globe Van&Storage Bwres, moves, packs, ehlpe; 3-horse van and 3 men. $LS por hr.; storage II per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4S38 at Ty. BO. Maggard's Van ana Stor age Co.. Large van. I men, 11.6 per hr.. uruy. 2 man, $L2i per nr. . 1711 Webster. Doug. 14W. Jf T) J Exp. tso., moving. KL, Kf'Pn Posln storage. XVVtVA vm Farnam. D. 6146. SEVEN rooms, Harney 125. modern. 106 So. 3ith St. FOB RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartment and flats that are for rent. This list can be see rre of charge at Omaha Van A Stprqg Co.. 806 So. 16th St. 8-room mod. house. 2al2 Chicago. D. M4!. H nil Qua " Parta of the city. dOUSeS Crelgh Sons A Co.. JB Boe Bldg. VACANT HOUSES. I can rent them for you. W. R. HOMAN. 310 BROWN BIK. 620 S. ISTH 3-room house. $13.50. Web! rorca and Offices. WANTED Permanent renter for lawe brick store; best location In town; goi ii opening for dry good and milliner', hi men' furnishings or drug store with aod.-t fountain or good live racket store una 10-cont jtore. Address KJ Elm St., Jeffer son, la. A FEW desirable store rooms left In tho new building, northeast corner ltth it ml Cas Hts. ; cheap retit. Conrad Young, Brandeia Theater Bldg. Tel Douglas 1571. WANTED TO RENT WE have clients who want to rent houses In all parts of the city. Others will buy on small cash payments, balance monthly. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas SS91 c , WAJfTED TO BUT SECOND-HAND saddle in good condi- tlon. A ddres M 141, Bee. Yale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1413. OFFICE fumltur bought and sold. J, C Reed, 12u7 Farnam. Doug. 6146. ua le s aeaw V III I V V E AU X Ho-nud cii.lc . I4J1 N. 44 th. V WAKTED TO B(TY Femal Angora kitten, white preferred. Addres lo B. 22,' Fairbury, Neb. HEAL ESTATE. i FARM A M.ANC1I t.MS I-OR IALB t'alarada- TO SETTLERS O.NLY-320 acres for $Juo. Rlcn corn, alfalta 'and wheat land; no sand. J. A. TracyFort Morgan, Colo. COLORADO Offer on easy terms, priced rlcht. 1K acra near Fort Coiiins; 6ju acres near Greeley; 160 acres near Lamar, all Improved. Irrigated a fait a (anna. Will incluue ten-room resldeuce Fort Colllno. Sll sell sparate or together, ftlmut consider Iowa or Minnesota land In part pay. Addresa for partlculare Y 417. Bee. Idaho. FOR SALE W acres of isnd, 1 mile from Rupert, Idaho: all under irriga tion. 7 tres alfalfa, bearing orchard of 40 treeu. no swamps or sour land. Fog further particulars write the owner, J. A. Briggs, North Powder, Ore. Kansas. BARGAIN 340-acre dairy farm, near Sa- lino, Kan.; write for full description and list ot l'JO Kontaa farms for sals In central Kansas V. E. Niuuette. balloa. Kan. - 1 - Missouri. y ' BIGGEST land al of tha year now on, JU) forty-acre furm 4St) each. Crocd land Well settled locality. Close to railroad. $13 per acre la hslf actual value. Great est bargains In South Missouri at sensa tional price. Write today for free lltur sture. P. Merrism, Ellis A Benton, Kan, as City, Kanwas. ataatsnn. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AN EXPERIENCE!.. FARMER to farm one of our farms in the great Judith basin. Montana. We can ahnw you how to form fmr profit and pUoaui. Bargain now for the NEW .SOIL 1 or acre nearly all seeded. tu winter wheat that promises 50 bushels per acre Can you pay $l,."i down and -'.54 within 6 month und pay balance In t yearly payment? Price $45 to ,0 an acre. Fi maps and fact for the asking. 1 v- . .WM'-.H' bhgwn ca, t N. lASaile St.. Chicago JU,