Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1915, Image 2

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Colorado Solon Bay Money Not
from ri;'i Sale, but to Be Paid
to Woman Sleuth.
DENVKR. Colo., March 14. An Infor
mation charging perJrv. wa filed her
yerterdav by District Attorney J. A. Rush
agalnat WUlUm W. How I and of Denver,
a mrmbrr of the Colorado hous of rep
lesentativea. Howland was taken into
custody and lt default of 2,l bonda
was remanded to the county Jail.
The action of tha district sttomey
wss baaed on testimony given by How
land before a special lejtielatrv commit
tee Monday night, regarding tha receipt
by Howland of a pack ace containing
money, while at hli dealt In the houae
February .
Wa 'iMgr Meaey."
Howland teatlfled the money, which he
raid, wa tit, waa ent to htm by George
C. Waterman, hla ranch partner, and
waa the proceeda of the aale of a hog.
Last night Howland before the commit
tee teatlfled hla former explanation waa
Howlead UUr amplified hla atory by
a ring the money waa Tit- by Dr. Mary
itetes, prealdent of the Woroan'a Iro
tactlve league, to be paid to a woman
deteottve. Mra. U 1 Hartaell testified
aha had been employed by Dr. Batea
to "ahadow" Officer John 8. PhUllpa
of the teerrer Juvenile court. ovr which
Judge Ben B. Lindaey. preelded.
Mmrafr Bey Held.
Carl Gibson, a meeeenner boy. who de
livered the money, waa arreated today
at Sterling. Oolo. Olbaon If reported to
have laid the money waa glren him not
by a woman, but by a man.
Bllle are pending la the legislature for
the abolition of the Juvenile court.
The whole affair, according to Dletrtct
Attorney Ruah. will be placed la tbe
handa ef the grand Jury.
(Continued from Pag One.)
holder for trying to hold on aa long aa
they can, but the member of the Icglsla
ture hav been made to underatand rhat
their object la, and that their pleaa for
amendment are merely eubterfuaee."
Contractors Hold Oat.
A atory la current In Mouth Omaha that
tha mainspring of the la-ditrh oppoal
tion to annexation comes from the public
work contractora, who want time to
work through a lot of paving and street
Improvement contraete. which would
mean money to them, and for which they
have always been willing to pay the pro
motion expenr. These contracture fear
they1 might not be the favored bidder It
theae Improvement go over and the con
tract are let by th Greater Omaha gov
ernment luatead of by their friend now
In control In routh Omaha, ( . .
Jtet hla position may I misunderstood
and to counteract the report, that ha p ra
rer the emergency clause, o that can
net Into the running for commissioner a,t
the Impending city election, Mayor Hoot
has aaked The Bee to print the following
statement front him:
In view of the fact that there have
btrn intirnMlon In your paper recently
to the effect that I mlnlit not be really
displeased if aeaaU file No. I waa passed,
permit me to reiterate my poaltlon with
reference to anneiation. . I alwaya have
been and now am absolutely oppoaed to
annexation without a majority vote ct
each municipality effected by the me
ure. I believe now that there are a suffl
dent number of member of the nous
who are firm believsre In government by
the consent of the governed to Inaure tha
drfeat of aeoate file No. X or any othor
rpeaaur that deprive tha clllsens of any
community of their right to Belt-government.
It ha been said that In the paat
urn expreaalon were unavailing because
the election machinery n In tho control
of thcac eppoaed to annexation. With an
election under the upervllon of our
pieacnt election comnilaaloner and con
trolled by our preient election lawa no
t-cb charge would b poaalbl and an
absolutely lair expreaalon of tha wlahee
of the voter would be aaaured. That ,1a
II I ask and we should not be aaked to
aubmit to lc than that."
Emperor of Eussia
Leaves for Front
I.ONDON. March H.-The emperor ef
Ruaala left the Imperial realdence at
Teatakoo Brio thi morning for the bat
tle front, according to a dlapatch from
l'ttregrad to Reuter's Telegram company.
WEnT TOINT. Ntb.. March H.-Spe-tal.)
Judge Gravea adjourned court
from Friday evening to Monday at t
o'clock, when the trial of Joseph Vance
will be resumed.
Cross, Feverish
Child Is Bilious j
or Constipated
K.very mother realises, after giving her
liiliireo '"California Syrup of Flga." that
this ta their Ideal laxative, because they
love lis pleasant taste and It thoroughly
vlta-nee tbe tender little stomach, liver
and bowels without griping.
When cross, irritable, feverish or breath
is bed, stomach tour, look at the tongue,
mother'. If coated, give a teaapuonful of
this harm!ee "fruit laxative." and in a
few hoar all the foul, constipated waate,
sour tils and undigested food paaaee out
of tbe bowels, and you hav a well, play
ful child nun. When it little system
is full at cold, throat eore, ha atomacn.
he. diarrhoea. Indigestion, colio renvm
fcr, a good '1 until cleansing" should
! be tbe flrat treatment given.
aliniun of mother keep "California
fyrup of Fls" handy; they kaoar a tea
tittonf Jl today evc a altk child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for a -cent
bolt e of "California feyrup of Klga,"
w M h tits directions for babies, children
f all atta and growa-up printed
(! bbUi- heware of counterfoil ol4
-r. i oVn't t.e fooled. Get tha genuine,
trs4e ty '! iforiiia Klg Biup Company.
-ilvHt.1 Ii)Tit-
(Continued from Page One.)
of congressmen greeted him a h
alighted at the atep of the capltol. '
Perfect DlrlalM.
Reachey then left Knabenschue and
atartcd out for hlmaclf. He built a hat
loon forty feet long, much ahorter than
any he had previously flown.
July X. 1W, hundreda of thousands
topped their work In New York to watch
him Hour over the city. He made a land
ing at Battery park, but waa compelled,
to rise almost Immediately to eacano the
thouaanda who flocked to the a pot.
Beachey aalled over Rroad and Nassau
streets and Park Row. Over Wllllams
burg bridge hla motor began to mlaa fire
and the wind carried him toward Bunken
Meadow. Within fifty feet of the giound
a mat of wind whirled the ga bag
around, carried It acroaa the river and
daahed It hard agalnat the tall ateel apar
on ftptndte light, he bag waa Impaled
and Peachey saved hlmaelf by throwing
hla arm around the pole. He waa res
cued by flahermen.
Beachey built another dirigible and con
tinued to make exhibition flight about
the country. In 1OTQ hi Intereat turned
to heavier than air machlnea. He con
structed a monoplane and wrecked It In
a flight at ft Taul. He made hi flrat
aurceaaful flight In an aeroplane at Los
Angelea In January. I'll. Later he
wrecked thla machine and broke up a see.
ond flier at fan rranciaco not long after.
('rtlaa Tall II lm Fallare.
Glenn Curtlaa told him he waa a failure.
but Beachey perflated, and on May I, 1911,
he wa tha flrat man to circle the cspltoi
t Waahlngton In a heavier than air ma-,
chine, he flight made him famou, and
a few weeka later the nation gaaped when
It read he had flown over Niagara fall.
On June CT he circled above the cataract
and with the machine obacured In fog
awooped beneath the archea of the f.pper
ateel bridge and down the gorge almost to
the whirlpool. It wa the flrat time an
aviator had cut through the air current
and mlat that have lured) many adven-
turera to death.
The week following Bechey won the
firat Intercity aeroplane race held on
the continent flying from New York to
rhladelphla in two hour and twenty-
two aeconda. In the month he waa the
moat prominent flgurea In the notable
aviation meet In Chicago. He tplraled
at auch anglea that persona thought he
waa falling and telephoned ambulances.
He played leap dog over the steam en
gine In Orant park. He did what he
called the "Tex Tommy" on Michigan
boulevard, Jigging the wheel of the
charts on the pavement and riving au
tombile to the aide walk.
Violated Bales of Air. (
He spun hi landing wheel on the
lop plane of another machine. Other
aviator were flagged down and Beachey
wa lined for violating the code of the
air that machine muat remain ISO feet
apart He established an American record
for altitude by flying heavenward until
hi fuel waa exhausted and then vol
planed 11,400 feet to the earth..
Karly In tha spring of loia, Beachey.
Announced he had made hi laat flight.
lie aaserted he believed hlmaelf partly
responsible for the death o nine avia
tor, who tried to emulate "my fool
ishly daring exploit." He aald that in
case of war h would fly for Old Glory,
but until then he wa trough. '
But later in the year, when American
newapaper began to chronicle the feat
o fth Frenchman, I'egoud, tho "rail of
the air" maatered Beachey' will and ha
aald he would prove American were the
equal of the French In aviation. He
constructed a biplane Only twwnty-on
feet 'wide with double beam and wire
to aland the extra atraln, and said he
waa going to loop the loop.
l aarrved by Aeeldeat.
In trying out this machine at Ham-
mondsport, N. T., October 7, Beachey
lost control and swept vral person
rrom the roof of a hed. Mlaa Ruth
Hlldreth of New York waa killed and
her aiater waa Injured .
The accident unnerved him for a time
and he did not fly for weeka. Then he
took hi machine to California and be
gan to practice the "stunt." which later
thrilled large crowd In exhibition he
gave In many part of th Vnlted rUate.
Beachey recent exploits Included fly
ing a cardinal-colored biplane at the
big Callfornla-Rtanford foot ball game
at Berkeley, Cel., last fall, flaunting
th Stanford men' color gratuitously,
although It wa reported he waa offered
Hoo to carry the mala and blue of the
State university, lie made a previous
flight at the ranama-Paclfic exposition
la th autumn, being dtawn down by
th cold, when trying for altitude.
Beachey boasted that JS.OQO.eo, persons
had seen him fly.
IMERRE, March 14 (Speclal.V-On in
quiry of the Rate live Stock Board, tha
attorney general hold that there 1 no
provision of law by which county com
missioners can meet expense of com
batting hog cholera la th different
counties of th stale, and that countlea
cannot legally meet any auch expena
It ta also held on Inquiry from Gregory
county that the county commlaaioner
are limited to W a an expenditure for
a county poor farm. At a recent election
In that county, the commissioner were
instructed by the people to purchase a
quarter section of land and place a build
ing upon th earn for a poor farm, but
aa no amount wa apevlfled la the elec
tion for thla purpose, the general law
limlla tha commissioner to t00 for thla
purpose, and regardleaa .of the election,
so long aa no aum waa specified, they
are restrained to thi general law limita
"P. A. Barrows. Th Be cerrespondtnt
at Lincoln. Is a .real hero," aald Stat
Representative Henry C. Richmond, com
menting on th attack Representative
Taylor of Custer county made on, Bar
rowa with hla fist a a few daya ago at
the legislature.
"I'll tell you when Taylor swung at
Barrow. Barrow dodged bark and then
grabbed Taylor and held him mast Now
a man that can hold an old fighting ma
chine like that Taylor la doing something.
Mr. Barrow' conduct throughout th
whole affair waa moat admirable.'
Take I-axatlve Bromo Quinine Tablet.
Druggtate refund the money If It falla
to cure. E. W..Urov'a signature la ea
tack box. S cent.
BUSY BISHOP OF AMIENS, who daily rides through the
French trenches to celebrate mass and cheer the soldiers.
, A ,4,
- 5
(Continued from Page One.)
and the Hart dale, are not mentioned In
marine records. Concerning the other
five, the fact are given:
A New Steamer.
The Indian "City waa a new iteamer of
,821 tone. It waa on it way from Gal
veston, Tex., for Havre with Its first
cargo, which consisted of 14,026 bale of
cotton. H sailed from Galveston Febru
ary IS and touched at Newport New. The
Invergyle had a tonnage of 1,141 and wa
276 feet long. It wa built at Orange
mouth. England In 1907 and wa owned by
the Invergyle Steamship company of
Olasgow. '
The Andalualan wa owned by the Eller
man line of Liverpool. It waa built at
Middlesbrough, England, in 1911. It had
tonnage of 1.4.12 and wa 298 feet long.
Ballt at Saaderlaad.
The Florasan waa built at Hun Icr land,
England,. In 1913 and waa owned by the
Liverpool Shipping company of Liverpool.
It waa SSS feet long and had a tonnage of
1,986. The Florasan wa laat reported
arriving at Havre on January S7.
Th Headland wa a ateamer of 1,933
tona and wa 114 feet long. It wa built at
Weat Hartlepool, England, In 18M and
waa owned by th Befton (Steamship com
pany, of Liverpool. The latest report con
cerning It movement said that It arrived
at. Port. Talbot, England, on February
from Marseille. ' '
' Taraedoed Off Krllly lalaad.
PENZANCE (via London), March IS.
Th British steamers, Indian City, Head
land and Andalualan, were torpedoed oft
the Bclly Island Friday morning by th
German submarine, U-2S. The Indian City
waa aunk .but no Uvea were lost.
. Swede Ship Torpedoed.
HULL via London). March 13. Four
teen aurvlvora of the crew of the Swedish
teamer, Hanna, which waa torpedoed by
a submarine off Scarborough on the east
coast of England early today, were
landed her tonight by a ateamer which
picked U era up. Sis of the crew were
either drowned or killed by the explosion.
The second mate, who waa on th
bridge at th time of th attack, atated
that he did not ee th aubmarln. which
gave no nolle of It Intention. II aaw
th torpedo approaching the veaael, but
It waa too late to maneuver th ahlp so
a to avoid It. Th explosion caused the
fore part of th deck to fall In, imprison
ing several of the crew In the forecastle.
Have Time ta Mraes Beat.
Th veaael floated for half an hour
after being atruck, giving the survivors
time to tk to the boat.
Th Hanna wa bound from, th Tyn
for La Palma. Canary Islands. When
It waa torpedoed It wa displaying Ita
national color, according to the aur
vlvora, and had Ita nam and nationality
painted on it lde in letter reaching
from th bulwark to - th water Hoe.
Therefore, the rescued men declare. It
waa Impossible for It to be mistaken for
a British ahlp.
Samuel Bowles Dies;
Captain King Dying
SPRINGFIELD. Maae.. March 14.
Samuel Howlea, editor and publisher of
the Springfield Republican, died at 12:3a
a. m. today,
Samuel Howlea controlled tha Repubn
llcan after 1K78, when hla father, the wrll-
, known editor for whom he waa named,
died. He wa born In Springfield October
I is 1M
ST. LOCIS. March 14. Captain Henry
King, until a few week ago managing
editor of the St Loula Globe-Democrat,
waa not expected to live until morning,
physician announced at midnight. Cap
tain King la suffering a complication
of dlaeaae. chief of which la bron
chitis. He la 73 year old and held ed
itorial chair on th Globe-Democrat for
Ihlrty-one consecutive year. Before that
lie edited nwpper at Quincy, III., and
Topeka., Kan. H aerved with distinction
durlna the civil war.
Mra. Jeaaelt Rsaelaia.
TKCVMSEII. Neb.. March U-Speclal.)
Mrs. Jeanett Rubelman. wife of Har
tlaoa Rubelman, now of Loa Angeles, but
formerly of this city, died at th hum In
California. Tuesday. Dr. (I. 3. Rubel
man of Tecumacb received tha new In a
tel grain, but there were no particular.
"Mra Rubelman had been tn good health.
Mr. Rubelman ta on hi way to St. Loula,
th former home of hi wife, with th
body. The Interment will be In St. Louis
on Tuesday.
Try Thi 'far Near I la.
Neuralgia la a pain in th nerves.
Hioan's Liniment penotralre and south ea
th aching neixts. Get a bottle now. All
diugk'.sls. Advertisement.
II fill
I . ' . '- i
f - .5 ;
L :jL i
V ' . I
-"-u - - - - . a
' Ills ....
4 7.'. ' " j I-. i
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Burglar Alarm cq
Telephone Box Leads
To Thief's Capture
A newly Installed burglar alarm on th
telephone pay box in the Myers-Dillon
Drug company, Sixteenth and Fa mam
atreeta, did It work effectively Saturday
night, and a a result Rollo Hall, 3u0S
North Thirty-third street, who had
broken Into the place, waa captured by
the police.
Hollo had gained entrance to the store
by breaking through the skylight and had
rilled th cash register of $6.49. Hi at
tempt to open th telephone box rounded
an alarm In the Henshaw hotel and the
police were Immediately notified. Offi
cer Anderson. Buford, Van Dusen,
Emery and Schwager responded to the
call and arreated Hall, whom they found
hiding In the basement. The money taken
waa recovered, and at police headquar
ter the prisoner Implicated another lad.
Recent pilfering of the telephone de
pcaltory led the Myera-DUIon people to
inatall the alarm.
Large and Growing
Family Goes West
SOUTH BEND. Ind.,' March 14.-Th
population of South Whitley, near here.
wa decreased considerably with the de
parture for the wet of th rank Bcott
family. ...... .
Although marrUd only ten years, Mr.
and Mra. Scott hav been the parent of
nineteen children,' thirteen of whom are
living, all ona, nd all under th age of
yeara, and therefore entitled under rail
road rules to free transportation.
Flv aeta of triplet have been born to
th Scott. They declared before their
departure they hoped to find a suitable
home for their entire family, however
large it might become, somewhere In
Oklahoma or Kansas.
In naming the children born to their
Mr. and Mra. Scott have picked name
beginning with the letter A. , Thu far
they hav gone from Abel to Austin.
WINAMAC. Ind., March K-Vnable to
obtain hi usual supply of deleterious
drug because of the new federal law,
John Cray. 40, became demented, drov
hla wife and three children from home
and today killed Auguat Walter, a neigh
bor, at whose home Mr. Cray took ref
uge. Cray uaed a ahotgun. He waa placed
In Jail here. Walter la survived by hla
widow and four children.
BERLIN, March H.-Vltal statistic for
Berlin show that there were L421 mar
riage In December, L14. compared with
I.&33 In 1913; 3,1.1 birth against an
almost equal number, and J.T7J weatha in
l14, In comparison with S.467 in Decem
ber. 1913. '
Culls from the Wire
The total attendance at the Panama-
Paclflo expotfitlon for the first three
weeks waa l.o.S74, It I announced, an
approximate average of 70,0)0 a day. The
daily average for the fiist two weeka
wa approximately M.wu.
A Chlneae maaa meeting at Honolulu
to discuss the Japanese- dvmanda on the
Chinese republic, reaulted In a meesaxe
being cabled to the government at lVk
ing, edvtfOng that the Japanese ilemanda
be refused, even if it results in war.
A secret indictment against James K
Henehan, formerly assistant caahier of
a Tolmlo bank, wa made public. It la
alleged that while Henehan waa absent
on hla wedding trip last summer, short
age of 4.70u was discovered. The Indict
ment also alleges falsification of ac
count to cover the supposed shortage.
The three Amerlacn cardinals will par
ticipate In the opening ceremonies of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Cath
olic university of America at Washing
ton, April IS. Cardinal Karlev of New
1 ork celerratlnc the Pontifical maaa.
Cardinal ilbblna of Halllmore, chancellor
of the university, preaching the enrmon
and CardtnaJ O'Cooneil of Boston, de
livering the opening auurea at the
academy exehclaes.
Thirty thousand dollars worth of
radium, the gift or franK A. Vander
llp. prealdent of the National City bank
of New York, baa aaved the life of
Joaeph Pachelll, an Inmate of Hng Sing
Krtson. Pachelll waa suffering from cau-
rer of the lip. Dr. A O. tuuires of
Oeslning Interested Mr. Vandertip In the
rasa with the result that the banker
purchased the radium, which. It waa
aUd, will be uaed a th treatment of
other prisoner.
Mra Edith Hatfield of Portland. Ore
waa awarded t.0tt damage aaatnst the
Traveler' Protective Asaortettoa of
America in the district court at - Dea
Moines. The total of her Judgment now
aaaregatea tlt.mO. two of-era having been
given, one against the Fidelity Casualty
company of New York and one against
the Iowa stale Traveler asaotiauoii.
Tdra. Hatfield, eued to recover for the
death of her husband, William J. Hat
field. St thHr home .in Portland, lre. in
Julia, UU Us fell wliiie driving a acrew
in lh kltcbaa of th houae.
People on Land Witness Undersea
Boat Escape Patroli Aftgr Sink
ins Indian City.
LONDON, March 14. An ey
witness, of the torpedoing of the
Erltlth eteamers Indian City and
Hradlands off the Scllly islands
.el'3 the following story of the
"About 8 o'clock Friday morning
a Oer man submarine torpedoed the
steamer Indian City of Biddeford
within alght of Hughtown, on St.
Ury's island. The submarine re
mained In the vicinity about an hour
and was an object of keen inerest to
the Islanders, who watched develop
ments as the crew of the steamer
rowed their boats toward the shore
Watch Battle.
"Immediately the attack became
known two patrol boat, which were In
the roadstead, put to aea and hastened
in the direction of the submarine, on
which they opened fire. The submarine
waa then about ten mile from ehore and
the miniature battle was keenly followed
by the sightseers crowding the shore.
"When th patrol boat approached the
submarine the tatter suddenly submerged
Itself, but reappeared a little later about
two mile further west. The patrol boat
topped to pick up th crew of th In
dian City and then gav chase to th
submarine, but the pursuer easily were
"After evading the patrol boat the
submarine sighted th ateamer Head
land of Hartlepool and went In pursuit
of the ahlp. The chase was brief, th
German easily overtaking th steamer
even mile outh of St. Agnea' island.
Both vessel were en to be constantly
turning and maneuvering aa a result of
the merchantman' effort to escape de
struction. Crew Pa 11a Away.
"Finally th ateamer (topped and a
larga quantity of ateara wa seen eaeap
Ing from it safety valve. Than It waa
noticed that preparation were being
made to leav th ateamer and a few
minute later the crew wa observed In
a lifeboat pulling away.
'.'At 10:40 o'clock la th morning
through the telescope I caw an upward
ruah of black amoke, apparently th re
ult of th explosion of a torpedo. Th
Headland evidently waa struck mid
ships for It began to aettl down by th
stern. Th submarine went off to th
westward and apparently waa purtulng
a third steamer when It disappeared from
view. n
"The crew of th Indian City, number,
lng thirty-seven, and the twenty-three
men from the Headland were landed at
St. Mary toland at 2 o'clock In tha
afternoon. Both the steamer were afloat
rrway afternoon. Attempt to salvage
them are proceeding and It I hoped that
It will be poaalbl to bring them to port"
FreeTarms in North
'Dakota Are Offered
CHICAGO. March 14.Annaunrem.nt
that small farm capable of sustaining
u lamuie in North Dakota will be
given free wa made here by F. 8. Neal,
state Immigration Inspector. The offer
cornea from North Dakota landholdera
who hop in thla way to aid Chicago
destitute persons, as well a build up the
communities in which they llve.x
NEWPORT NEWS. Va,. March 11-Re-ports
that two member of the crew of
tho American ship Willim P. Fry had
been detained ' aboard the German com
merce destroyer Prlns Eltel Frledrlch In
port here agalnat their will led to an In
vestigation today by Collector Hamilton
after a telephone conference' with Wash
ington official. ' Two member of the
Fry crew were examined by th collecUe
later and their sworn statement were
forwarded to Waahlngton.
The men remaining aboard the Prlni
Ettel Frledrlch are Charles Frank and
Robert Rogge. said to be German cltisen
and .td have remained voluntarily on the
cruiser and enlisted In ita crew when file
other member of th Frye'a crew were
aent aahore.
The Prim Ettel Frledrlch moved from
dry dock to a nearby pier today.
Washington Affairs
sThe high.achool basket ball team re
turned late last evenlnr from Lincoln,
where they participated in the atate tour
ney. They remained at the Capital city
to wltneee the final between Lincoln
and Omaha.
Th city bowling tomament began lat
nlaht on the Brunswick bowling alleya,
neat to the po-totfi. e. The meeting will
continue Sunday, alonday and Tuesday
of thla week. Tuesday will be devvled
chiefly to singles.
The mid-year graduate senior class of
the high achool will hold a meeting soon
to decide what will be purchased for the
school with the burpius money that wa
mad over expenses throuah the class
play. It la planned to present tbe high
school with pictures.
Mr. Ray Bernard will entertain, the
kenalngton ef the I'pchurch locbe. No.
2, Itogme of Honor, at her home, K
North Nineteenth atrort. Tuesday aft
ernoon, March it), at 2 1 o'clock.
The drill team of ,No. 191. Degree of
Honor, will give a isrd party at the
Moose Home neit Wednesday aff.'nooa.
All member are urged to be present.
The Gavel club of th high school will
hold their meeting next Tuesday even
ing at the high school Roartt of Edu
cation room. A debate la on the program.
The ladles' Aid society of Cltftoo Hill
Presbyterian church, will give a rumag
tain at 110 North Twenty-fourth street,
South Omaha, Tuesday, March IS.
ffic Gtrtdtm Hot ,
British Air Fleet
Drops Bombs Upon
Town of Westende
' PARIS, March 14.-Th following of
ficial statement was Issued by the war of
fice tonight:
"The British air squadron ha effec
tively bombarded Weatende.
"The uccee gained by the British
armies at Neuve Chappelle prove to
have been absolutely complete. They
advanced on a front of about three
kilometres (about two miles) with a
depth of 12,000 to 15.000 meters, capturing
successively three line of trenche) and
a fortified work to the south the Neuve
Chapelle. Volunteer attack delivered
by the Germans with great violence were
"The enemy suffered great loss and
left In the hands of our allies prisoner
to a number considerable greater than at
flrt reported. '
"The British heavy and field artillery
very effectively prepare the way and
supported the vigorous action of the
fantry. I
"In Champagne we have consolidated
our new front by advancing at different
point and hav firmly established our
selves on the line of crests captured from
th enemy.
"In th Argonne, between Four De
Pari and Bolante, we hav made our
selves master of more than S00 yards of
trenches and taken prisoners who In
cluded several officer.
"Th enemy made two counter attack
during the day, but were completely re
pulsed. "On the heights of the Meuse. at Lcs
Epargea. the German attempted an at
tack which wa Immediately stopped
by our fire. The same thing happened at
L Chamois, north of Badonvlller."
Coal Laden Boat
Is Torpedoed by
German Sea Rover
BORDEAUX, March 14.-The steamer
August Consell, from Cardiff for Rouen
with a cargo of coal, wa torpedoed by
a submarine off th Start Point, near the
southern extremely of Devon, England
Thursday afternoon. The crew of twen
ty-eight men ta reported to have been
saved by a Danish steamer and taken
to Falmouth:
FALMOUTH, England, March 14.
The Auguste ConaeHl was sunk by the
German submarine U-29. Ita crew arrived
here today on the Danish steamer Ex
cellence Ptske.
Members of the crew say that the com
mander of the German submarine gave
them ten minute In which to leave their
ship, after which It waa destroyed with
bomb. The German commander told
them he left Cuxhaven elk daya ago and
wa aobut to return. He said another
submarine would take hi place.
Th Auguste Consell, belonlng ot tho
Society Les Affreteura Reunls, wa of
1,842 ton. It called from Hyeres,' France,
on January 25 for Havre, where it ar
rived February 5. Maritime records con
tain no Information concerning its move
ments after that date.' 1
Rockefeller Train
Derailed in -Virginia
RICHMOND, Va., ; March 14 John D.
Rockefeller and his son, John D. Rocke
feller, Jr., were passengers on a Rich
mond, -Fredericksburg & Potomac rail
road which ran Into an open switch yes
terday at Milford, Va. They were ahaken,
but received no injuries. The train
crashed head-on Into a ' freight train' on
the siding, damaging the locomotive and
several cars. Another train waa- made
up and the Rockefellers proceeded with
out having left their car.
SEATTLE. Waah.. March 14. A cut of
10 cent an hour in the wag of truckers
employed by operators ot coasting steam
ers at Vancouver, B. C, has led to a sym
pathetic boycott by longshormen In
Vancouver, Seattle,. Tacoma and - other
porta. Th longshoremen will not touch
cargo of vessels that have loaded or
unloaded at the Canadian Paclflo wharf
at Vancouver,
Th Russian volunteer fleet steamer
Yaroalav, with artillery and ammunition
needed by th Russian army In Poland, I
unable to flnivh loading at Vancouver.
The huge royal mail liner Glengyle 1
Idle at Seattle, unable to discharge cargo
because It unloaded good at Vancouver
wharf. An enormous car;o for Russia,
via Vladivostok, is awaiting the Glen
gyle at Vancouver.
Apartments, flats, house and cottage
can be rented quickly and cheaply ly a
Bee "For Rent" ad.
SIOUX FALLS. 3. D., March 14. -Special.
) To die "In the harneaa," aa he
would perhapa have wished, wa th fat
of Henry Gregory, veteran carrier on a
rural mall route running out of Weaaing
ton. Stricken with heart failure he fell
from hla aleigh into the a now and soon
breathed hia laat. He was SO years ot
sge and one of the pioneer homesteaders
of the Wessington territory. Ha w on
hla return trip when stricken by death.
While passing through the farm of Alex
ander Rosa he waa being observed by
Ros while one ot the farmer aorta had
gon out to meet th carrier and receive
the mall. Suddenly the mall carrier
dropped his whip and tumbled out of the
aleigh into the anew. He waa dead when
Roaa and hla son reached him. H Iwaa
a resident of Iowa until Its, when he
cam to South Dakota, remaining In the
state continuously up to th time of his
tragic death.
Headache usually cornea from a alug
glah liver nd bowels. If you feel bil
ious, dlxiy or tongue I coated and
atomach our, just get a 10-cent box of
Caacareta to Mart your liver nd bowel
and your headachea will end. Adver
tisement. AMI SKME.NTS.
Devoted to tnotly Pleaa, Claaay
TW PC n All V ax.
Mat. Today
i ii iwl. unit, 1 1
HtSI'J 1 n f t n CEHT
With Festly
The Funniest Fellow in the Field
of Folly
Extraordinary Cant of Travesty
Star. Including
Daintf Minnie Burke "B"IJ,Jn?,t
Most Awkward and Can C pnb
ClnmslMt of Comic Bll
Tbe Extrnviurnnt Musical Oddity
Oriental Bizarre Gorsreoun
Timely Souvenir to Ail Ufor! U a r 1 7
Attending the Matineaneu,i"Bli 1 1
It'p a pleasure to itimp alf uare
rrKl' "O. K." oa thla how, tii ton
csa Uks mr word at par. aa bhuh-L tr
I haa my wajr p pt Prank Flnney'a
nama on tha welrom arch at tha Clt
Hall. I'm that atronr for Mm.
r.. i . jptiasiin, Mar. oaratr.
BvecUngs, Bandar as Xoatday atjtta-
. . - AB CM .
w mjv, wv w.i u foe
Che sum If res Ilka, btit 9 annaln
PaViw P i-H trav O r 4 w t
tff'-J .TwyHS-'w'' J '" psawi xilf-'' -f rf n n
Mats. Wad., Thus., Bat., SSe;
Mights, 96c and 60o.
Tomorrow Society fright, Or and Op
era Quartette, Ethel Boloman, Oladys
Aaderaon, Bay Donahsy, W. D.
Bhafsr, assisted by Tontenell Ola
Clnb SO Voices.
IText Week: Tlfty Kile from Boston,
Oeo. M. Cohan's Big Musical Comedy.
r a Advo. vaudeville
Fhon Song.
Other acts thin
week: Riola, La
France & Bruce,
Santley A Morton.
Alfred Wailensteln. Danube Quartette
anrl Orpheum Travel Weekly. Pricea
Mat.: Gallery, 10c; Best Seats (except
Cat. and Bun.), 25c; Nights. 10-2S-S0-75c.
Thirty-Jifih Year
il For Liquor and
Drug Users
Removes permanently the craving
for Liquor and Drugs.
Always Improves the general health.
Surrnunninfra pleasant eyetem hu
mane, nothing "heroic."
Drags. are withdrawn gradually, and
I with the aid of our tonic remedies
.patients suffer no collapse.
Do not be persuadtl that all treat
ments are alike. Ours la the only
- effective one, a time and exper
ience proves. ...
Come to, us without delay. These con
ditions are serloun and there ahould
b nc experiments.
Send for illustrated booklet. Corre
spondence strictly confidential.
The Keeley Institute
, Corner SSth and Case Street.
pains are danitrtut if ne-
alected. If stopped, they
tsen the risk of keari affections..
Those frightful pain, tiff joint
and swollen muscle are instantly
relieved by
one for lumbago and sciatica.
Chaa. H. Weatworth, SiaeUlao. Cat.
v I waa a suffarar froca Acute
Kaeutmatitm (or twelve rear. A triaad
recoaaneaded Bloaa's Liniment. 1 got
a bottle and the pain kit a aoo aa
applied the lialmrat."
At all dealer. Price UctOcO tlM
Br. Earl S.SSoan,loc Pbita. t SlLiuis
M- tfUpWia.a."a .
' 100 efficiency that's
what yoa want when you
place an order for engraved
plates. We pat snap in
ear work, we have worn-
men that we can rely upon.
i men in
I r
tTA fr
my n