Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
By Advertising in The
Uee the storekeeper takes
his show window Into
the home of every reader
VOL. XL1V-XO. 231.
Oa Trains end at
' Motel Mews Steads.
Most Audaoioui Aviator of America
Falls Seven Thousand Feet
in San Francisco
U. S. Repeats to 'Bull of the North"
Demand for Bringing1 McManus'
Assassins to Justice.
Admiralty Announces Collier' and
New Three Thousand-Ton Cot
ton Craft Sank by Sub
LINCOLN BEACHEY, the dare devil aviator, and some of the tricks he performs in the
air, flirting wiih death at every instant. He showed these stunts and others equally dan
gerous to thousands in Omaha during the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival last October.
Maohine Plunges from Great Height
Into Water and Body Is
. SAN FRANCISCO. March 14.
The spectacular career of Lincoln
Feacbey, one of the most daring of
American aviators, was ended today
when he fell to his death at. the
ranahia-raciric exposition in light
of thousands of spectators.
Beachey was completing hia Sec
ond flight of the day when the ac
cident occurred. Having previously
electrified the crowd with a series of
serial somersaults, the airman
sought to add an. additional thrill by
making one of theensatlonal per
pendicular drops which usually
featured hiH flights.
The fatal fall was attributed to
tic fact that Beachey entrusted bis
life today for the first time to a
An exceptionally Urge crowd had baea
attracted to the fair grounds to see
whether he wou:d attempt tha same
bio: th-tnking stunts in the new machine
tli-t ho hnd performed In hia trim little j
rt Fllwlit (iocs Well.
On the ,"irt flight all went well and
Hi- n Utor familicr tri'ks were Indulged
In v.- ill t lie exception of the perpendicular
''i":. Tliis Beachey had saved for the
c'mihx. It pioved too much of a strain
lor the frame of the monoplane.
Th.' mechlne wag at an altitude of about
7.1 ifl feet when Beachey shut off his
I owcr. For several thousand feet It
iJupr.ed head-on for the earth and then
the aviator grasped his control levers to
nd.iuf-t the planes for the graceful descent
which had characterized his previous
Machine Wlusta Cramhle.
At that point the wlnrs crumpled like
a collapsed umbrella and the aeroplane,
turning; over and over tn its fall, plunged
into Baa Francisco bay. narowly missing;
a. vessel lying at the government trans
port docks. ' ' '
'Thousands ef spectators rushed t the
nearby waterfront, but with the exemption
of a few splintered fragments of the aero
plane floating on the surface of the bay
no sign of tha wrecked machine cotil t be
seen. Launches put out immediately
equipped with grappling hooks and a
boat's crew from the battleship Oregon,
which was anchored In the stream a short
distance away, joined in an attempt to
recover the body of the aviator, who was
strapped to hts machine tinder forty feet
of water. ,
The body wss recovered shortly after i
o'clock. , ...... '
Lincoln Beachey was regarded as the
mod skillful and daring of' American
aviators. He earned' his reputation loi g
before French fliers began gliding through
the air upside down. Beachey was In re-j
tironent when Pegoud began to perform!
unheard of feats In the sir and was drawn )'
back Into the game by his desire to j
demonstrate he could duplicate the ' re-!
markable flying ef the foreigner.
tVoald Rival the Birds.
- Beachey had made a machine with a
small flying surface and a, powerful
motor. 'Then he started out, aa he ex
pressed . It, "to outfly the birds." He
Hew (upside down,' made spirals, while
head downward, looped the loop and
did other "atunta" a thousand feet above
the earth which the Wrights and other
had never believed were possible.,
Beachey was Interested in aeronautics
as a school boy. He was born in San
Francisco in September, 1SS7. At 13 he
entered the employ of a balloonist an
began to study aerial navigation. He
reads his first flight at Jdora park,
Oaklanft- Cel., in February., 1905. piloting
George I lea ton's dirigible balloon. He
was 17 years old at the time.
In August of that year lie flew at the
Lcandep-Clark exposition at Portland,
Oie., as aeronaut for Captain T. S. Bald
win. His flights there were not com
pletely successful, but he kept on trying.
In IMS-Beachey joined Itpy Knabenschue.
He created a sensation In July of that
year by flying around the dome of the
national capttol to the astonishment of
thousands snd caused the adjournment
of the houae of represent stives. Scores
(Continued on Tsga Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair.
( omparntlve
si Record.
J15. 1M ISIS. Bit
Highest yesterday S4 S 44 J
latent yesterday 40 TO 1g
Mean trmoeriture XI bi M JSI
Prerlpttatioa 60 ".00 .it .1
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temiierature 321
Iwfuiency for the day 4
Total defU-leucv skice March 1 44! j
Normal preciottatloa o tr.on
Ix tH'lencv for tha day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1....1 iT inches
Ku rM since March 1 1. A3 Inches
lriiciemy fur cor. erlod, 1 i t . . in h
KiCtsa for cor. period. 19U 1 3 Inchus
1'emperatnre at Omaha
- ' i Hour.
n TT 10 a. m.
?Bf H. 11 a. m-
0 IS
g f s p. m.
HjSr- S v. m
i 7 p. ru
. , , T 2 Sw &.4?JfVXJeDS oa
1 )
l V'" "' ' ' ''' ' Tj ,,,.rtrlW ' I'
- A JIM C i
! meMAd& v
Artillery Bombards Cathedral at
Soissons and Ypres Civilian
Population . Are ''ctims.
PAR1B. March H.-tVia I.ondon.)-The
rtatement kiven out at the Yv"ar office
this afternoon is as follows-.
"Belgian troops, cpntlmss to make
progress In the bend of the Vser. Their
srtlllery, supported by our heavy srtll
lery, destroyed a point of vantage org. ti
lled by the Germans in ,a cemetery at
Dlxmude. The enemy bombarded Ypres,
where there were several victims among
the civilian population.
"The German artillery also bombarded
the cathedral at 8olsona and the sur
rounding district. To the north of
Rhelms, opposite the , Luxemburg wood,
the enemy attempted to seise one of oiir
advanced trenches ' and . was repClsed.
Rhelms was then bombarded.
"In Champagne, towsrd nightfall yes
terday, we repulsed two counter attacks.
pursued1 the enemy and seised several
Jrenchea. In one of these we found about
KiO dad and some war material.
"In the Argonnes, at Feur de Paris, an
attack attempted with the object of de
bouching" against our line was checked
"In Lorraine our patrols occupied F.m
bcrminell. "In the Vosges there hss been artillery
Eaemr hrlla Meaport.
BF.RL1N. March 14.-(By. wireless tel
erranhy to Sayyllle.) Tho War office
gave out the following statement today:
"Several of the enemy's ships yesterday
afternoon shelled without result positions
at Nieuport from a direction north of "La,
"Near Neuve Chapelle, except for one
Isolated British attack, which was re
fulsed, there were only artillery duels.
"In Champagne tha French yesterday
repeated their attacks, although to a
leaser extent, to the east of Bouan , and,
north of Le Meanll. All of these attacks
broke down under the German fire, with
heavy losses to the French.
"In the Vosgea the weather is better
and lighttna haa been resumed.
"In tha Argonnea the French are now
using a nw aort of hand grenades,
which fill the air with a pestilential odor,
also explosive Infantry hulleta. which pro
duce flames when striking objects, were
brought Into use once more In yesterday s
engacements. , ,
"Oti the eastern front the situation Is
Mra. trr tlim,
tSTK! J..A, Neb. 'March 14.-.-pecial.)
Mis. Nsn v Mason die r'aturtlay at Hi.
home ef I er mother. Mrs. Tolb; rl Curtis
after a two aeeka' Illness.
Little Tot Burned to Crisp When
Gasoline Stove Explodes at 1 :
South Omaha.
v Samuel Galizlg, 20 months old, was
burned to a crisp and bis parents, his
grandfather, and a roomer are In a
serious condition in the' South Omaha
ro5ui!al as, the result of a gasoline
stove explosion at the Galizla home
1 at 3:30 'o'clock yesterday afternoon
at 2604 M street. in. a building con
trolled, by L. C. Gibson. The loss to
the building waa about $4,000.
Mrs. Galizia had but recently re
turned from an Omaha hospital and
was in bed. The father was frying
steak on the gasoline stove and tho
baby was In a cradle beside the stove.
The father went into the adjoining
room to attend to some of the wants
of the mother when the stove evi
dently flared up and exploded, in
stantly enveloping the cradle and the
entire room In flames.
The father, Tony Galizia, the
grandfather, Frank Palaz, and a
roomer Joseph I'alpavina fought in
vain to reach the child, even the
mother rising from her sick bed and
joiniug in the battle all to no avail
All these were more or less burned
about the hands and face, while the
mother is In a serious condition from
the effort. All are in the hospital.
Mra. Vozliarodo, who had been
visiting the family, had just taken
her children with others to g moving
picture show and thus escaped injury
from the flames.
Detective Michael Glllan noticed
the flames and hastened to the rescue
of the family, but too late to save the
little child.
U. S. Ship Sinks
After Hitting Swede
NKWPOUT NKWX, Vs.. Mar h 14 -The
American a huoner Willlsm J. Qutliea
nnk after a collision with the Norwegian
steamer Tally, ettr'y today near Cape
I In tiers. The captain and Its crew were
rescued and brought here tonignt by th
Boosters Expect Enough to Join
Ranks to Pass It with Emerg
ency Clause.
According to present calculations,
the Greater Omaha consolidation bill
is expected to come up Tuesday fori
final vote on the third reading In the
house at Lincoln.
Most of the members of the Doug-
las delegation Sundayed in Omaha. iof the w.r by dhlt of superior numbers
as did also members of the commit- and weight of srtlllery. The enemy for
tees who have been handling the!the time being was beaten and on the
I a. . I. 1, ...... . .hi.
campaign both for and against the
pleasure. The vote ordering the bill
to a third reading wan 05 to 43, and
the main effort now seems to be to
secure or prevent the Increase of the
affirmative vote to the two-thirds
necessary to carry the emergency
clause and put the law into opera -
inn t nn
We are sure every one of the fifty
five who voted for the bill last week will
uv i4ii, nuiwiinniaiifiins too ancge.'
claims of some of the opposing workers
Visa (kau as au s-. 1 a a 1. ... . m a i .
..... .... . ... .. .e ..,, o, i"-.-:lhrmith ambulances and transport, and
vote, away from us, To the contrary, we . bfXen iht wllUn, Tunk of OU. .
l'!.V; r?"r"M'" t.h't :h"" b"' ,,cei serves, afforded no little encouragement.
' v Jirmt IIIBUIII1B lis rilBCl
ment. enough recruits will come over to 1
make more than the stxv-seven we ought
to have," aaya one f the consolidation
promoter. "We can't Msmejhe office-
(Continued on Pago Two. t'olumn One. I
Omaha'a magnificent hotel
f a c i 1 i t i e fit all require
ments. A new million dol
lar fireproof t hotel, erected
aa a public enterprise, can
satisfy the most fastidious;
and another new hotel is
soorr to open. At the same
time the older hotels offer
all the varied accommoda
tions called for according' to
the demands or means of
the traveling public.
Bombardment of German Trenches
Described by "Eye Witness"
as Most Furious of
Whole War.
Victory HfMtsns. Enirlish
Makes Them Think They
Cannot Fail.
... .
l,OXffl).,iirriM. - - in - Kr. -
fu" tonlpht made the following an-
"A heavy counter attack dellv-
; cred by the enemy aurday afternoon
nnd several minor counter attacks
I ., . . .... ,i raKiiUail
amer .n nr .,.... -y- - .".i.wasaae whirl, had p.eMn.isly been sent
"Judging by obervatlons on r-;,n M(xlro ,.itVt nltll ,.,,,,,, , Uy
tors positions of the field of battle -the mntter before Oencral Yli:a ami urge
! nmi hv salements of prisoners, ofipromnt attention.
! i cm there now are 1.720, the
! nemy's losses. mwjt have been very
j heavy and cannot have fallen Tar
hhirt of 10,000 men within three
i f; ys '
"A train at the Don satlon was
litwii up by our aircraft Sunday
LONDON, March 14. The British
. . . . t - .. . Jot . rn
' successes oi tne iaev w j " . -
due to their artillery, which appar
ently is superior to that of the Ger-
i mans, according to the atory of the
"British eye-witness,' lsnueu wuiim.
The British guns. Including heavy
howitzers, opened the way for an ad
vance by the British Indian troops;
which carried them to and beyond
the village of Nenve Chapelle. while
aviators, by dropping bonibg on the
railways, prevented the Germans
from bringing up reinforcements.
Plereeat of War.
ine lire oi me j
scribed as the fiercest that has yet;
been heard In the war, and conflrnu
what heretofore had only been ru-
rnorert that the British and French
have brought up, alnce the battle of
Ypres, an enormous number of guns
of all calibres.
. - . . . 1. I L . U . '
The aerptan trepenes, "-
ertllleiy fire was directed, w ere
Completely WreCKBU, BO uiai bvc"- ,u
one or two places, wnicn naa ir-
Places, which had vk
converted Into fortresses.
. j .
y were able to advance
.u jieiy.nitv
1 tually been
I the infantry
: without much difficulty
! This success hat greatly heartened the
British' troops who have spentthe winter
In the trenchea, and gives Inem hope
that when the great general movement
Is decided upon they will be able to
carry all before them.
The Germans, according to reports, are
lready sending Jarge numbers of troops
to Flandeis in the belief thst a general'
' offensive on the part of the allies has
.Int Pari of Strnlestr.
The Impression here, however, Is that
the British thrust was only part of the
allied strategy, which Sims at keeping
the Germans bnay on both fronts, thus
preventing them from concenli sling at
any one -point. .
The eye-witness said In part:
"It is difficult to give an Idea of the
result of this striking surcess upon our
men. They have been paying off old
scores; they have now inflicted on the
enemy something of that ordeal which
i.. inn..l ii, I,, t Ha arlli.r staves
which filled the hospitals and ambu
lances with the cheeriest crowd of
wounded ever seen there.
"If any further proof of thla was
wanted It could be found In the spectacle (
of an Irishman, shot though the cheat,
recounting his experiences to a delighted !
audience, in a stentorian voice, sudlble!
! ln tne '"rtherest corner or the 1st ge clear-(
i ,naT hospital; it could be found also In the
sight of groups of Injured men on the
roads, talking and laughing aa they
limped back to our firing line.
i '-ne columns
i m.rcne(i bsck
of prisoners, aa
threading their
i The( fare, of many of them were bright
yellow from the effects of the lyddites,
L,!... ..... .... u .... .. .
th. majority looked shaken and all ad-
romlft. mptiM.
j Where Sarcrs. I. lea.
I "Our success doe. not lie in the fact
that w. hav. aslncd an of .,,i.H
probably greater than haa ever been
1 gained In the space of so short a tim.
I since the commencement of the present
i form of 'trench warfare, but in that our
I men, In spite of the dlf heartening effects
'of montha of Inactivity la th. trenchea,
I have ahown the utmost dash throughout
these operations."
I Concurrently, the French continue their
j offensive In Champagne and the Vosges
and are strennthenlng the ground which
j they have w on In recent battles,
j In the east, the Oerman offensive
I sgsinat t'izasnyss Is not developing ss
! fsst ss anticipated. The Russians are
offering stubborn resistance to their sd
; xsnce. slung' parallel roads, snd. owing
' to the Inability of the Germans to en-
trem h In the froxen ground, have accord
i log to the Petregrad reports, thus fsr
bad the advantage In the preliminary
(ignting. In fsct the Germane are said
to have withdrawn their front to the
north of Frxasnyes.
Heavy fighting ia In progress In the
Carpathians despite snowstorms snd deep
WA'-HINCTON. March 14. De
mands by the fnlted States govern
ment upon Governor flMaaar, the
!; nder In Merico City.
for the punishment of soldiers who
niurtlrred John
American cltlren.
B. McManus, an
and the payment
! of adequate eompensailon to Mc
Manns' family were repeated today
to Oencral Villa.
"As Villa and Zapata." said Sec-
retary Bryan, "have been co-operat-
Mng. I thou&ht it was a good Idea to
msk( representations to Villa as
m (hat ,he offenderg wf)Uld bf)
r , wrolhrP..
The Recretary leiegnnihcd to (ieore C.
(.'nmthets. American consular ag.-nt, an-j
'companylna VlPa. the suhslnnce of the
As finances of the YlllA-.alata gov
ernment have been practically In control
of General Villa, himself, the question of
an Indemnity to the family of McManus.
It la believed, nitl he settled by th
northern chief. General Salaxsr has al
ready promised to punish those guilty of
killing McManus.
Mexico City was reported unlet lata to
day with no. change In the slttimton tnere.
Promise of Ilia.
HI. PASO. Tex.. March 1".-Geternl
Francisco Villa, upon rectlvlnt Informs
Hon regarding the kllllnc
by Zapata j
soldiers of the American, John H. He
Maims, ttlegraphcd the Associated Press
a statement received here today, ss fol
lows: "Plnce we have no i ommunleatlon with
lh capital of the republic have no
kavwledtie of Its occupHtlm by the forces
ef Zapata, nor hart we knowledge of the
happenings In that place. But we will
secure Information and If any disorders'
have been committed, society may have
complete confidence that those to blame
i will be punished by application of the
penalty they desvrve."
Tills wtss telegrsphed under dste
yeslerdsy'fi om Monterey.
-r i, ,i y j Tw ,
Little LaCl WailtS
To Hike, So He Gets
Real Early StartlrV
Hoi Astrovlts. aged 1 , living at
. ce j,,,0Ulu.,.r at
.IIUIW.IV p VIIMV, jm W.I, lift. II IU
I o'clock Punday
( hlorntnt from th Dougies street bridge,
"' "r" umcovcreq njr me 1011
keener. . Th admiralty anneuared- that the In
J,,l,t 'l th-.brW-e at thi.!v a ,UUK ,ff. ,TUs In-
urseemly hour Is fully kplalned In Desk l ,,..,.. ,. B,m
Mar,nBl.. rc,lort for the MlIC,. jj "
;.,.. ... islands, Marcn l.'.' Tha crew of the in-
"""" .
! II. Mi), .r iw.ll... ....!.,... T u -
port reads as follows: , .W(j, mRr, wh,0 ud ,.
inS V." rPW"' r I Po:,",M",lr' 'ty confirmed are
bridge Hunday morning by the, Klor.n. whlch wa. torp.doed at
1 ' " t?,P' I ,7"" ,CT.1 ,h f h- "HMol-channel March
1 1 . m" T Kh'" "mP'n,n' "vn. with the exception of one fire
had been teller, him about hikes they. t. An-.lM,Mli wMch wa. tt.
bad taken. and the he.uliful rivers, val- cked of ,h, 5cllly ulan(li Mar,h .
loo,. h V m1 ? k The crew of the latter vessel U reported
Journeys, so he decided ha would like toj,s rt.cue '
t"fr.r.,rd ilT'.'", . . ,J Th Andenwen was torpedoed In th.
to.d b is mo?, before going to oed he j Br1)in cnanne, Mtrch ,!nc6
1 .. . T,,hr. hl" m,b t " been towed Into Cherbourg. It. er.w ws.
i-k. . -hori ml- . ""'" landed at Brlsham. Th. steamer Heaa.
Tr:'- ...!'- torpedoed March It eff th.
Hol went to bed, but could not Kleen
for thinking ef the beautiful rivers, val.
lev and mountains, and knowing that
they were far awsy he thought It best to
get an early start or he would not leech
"tio he got up shout midnight. , dressea
quietly, snd slipping downstairs stsrted
on his trip. He waa headed for Fslr
mount psrk when the tollman found
At this Juncture the report stops, tha
only further information It vouchaafes
belna that Snl- -i ,, , .
the little fellow horn. "
Beachey Wanted to
Return to Omaha to
Fly Here This Fall
"Had. I want to come back next vsr
I want a six days' contract and I will
stay here much longer, because I like this !
ese were Ihe Is.t words of Lincoln
hey In Omaha last fall aa he bade
Weaver, aecretsry it the Knights of!
Ak-Far-Ibn good-bye as he wss leaving!
the city.
Beachey did his famous lonn h imm.
I for three davs here last fall rinrin. ,.
Ak-Sar-I en carnlcal ,, he proved the
.best attraction the Board of Governors'
' h,d er brought to Omaha to attract !
"v""" " "cas were mar- I
velous snd people csrn hundreds of miles'
to see him defy desth. J
Beachey's contract in Omaha cslled lorj
three davs' flights, both morning and aft- (
ernoon. and he was psld $1,000 each eve-!
nlng after ha had flnlahel his nights. j
Before coming to Omahs Beac hey had I
made several flights st Ihe state fair at I
Lincoln, but this did not detract from hi"
drawing ability for Omaha, but rather1
enhanced It, ss thousands were anxlousl
to see the man who did such marvelous '
feats so high from mother earth.
' a 1 "
Non-union Lather Is 1
Shot Off Scaffold!
CHICAtJO. March It "Get down from,
there and beat it," railed a man yesterday '
to Pavtd Johnson, a non-union lather, j
and when Johnson did neither Ihe man
shot hi in off a scaffold. The bullet
hit Johnson in the thigh. The lathers'
union haa been "locked cut" by the Con
Usct'iig l.ailieis' association.
APO u vvxiwi
"cis aitis iua
marines Believed to Have Been
Towed to Port.
The Day's War News
K K MiiNK British TrsseU kave
been torpedoed tr Kermts
marines In British vrnlere. Two
nre re nor tee .tsk, the alnlclasT (
tws la net resllrstea efflelallr
and three nre . helleTed hare
heen towed to port. Prerleaa
these he In a: torpedoed elahtr
elaht British merchant veaaela
were sank or tnnrn, twelre helntr
mlnrd and twentr-two sank kr
1VF.IHNII STF. (HRR llaana has
heen torpedoed off Searhoronah,
AM,. OFFK'I A I. REPOHTli respect.
Inur the land operations . Indleate
thai eomparatlre ajnlet preralla
alon; the rarloas battle fronts.
LONDON. Manh 14. German
submarines have been particularly
acih.3 of late In British waters.
with the result that seven British
stoamers have been torpedoed since
March 10. Two of them at 'least
have gone to the bottom the collier
Invergyle and the Indian City, the
latter a new steamer of nearly 8,000
tons, laden with cotton trom Gal
veston.' v . -
Sinking; Sot Confirmed.
Two others may have been sunk,
but thla lias not been confirmed, al
though their rrewg are reported to
have been rescued. , The other three
are believed to have been towed to
port. .
Up to March 10, from the com
mencement of the war, eighty-eight
British inerthan vessels were sunk or
twelve of them being de-
mines and twenty-two by
I aitm..tnAi Tn ttriittttAn ' ktntn
....i .ra hlown un fcr
iwineg and twenty-eight-wera cap-
j tured by hostile cran.
tjdm City's CrerrSaved.
The admiralty announced that the In-
Sdlly Islands. It la reported thst its
crew waa saved. Tha steamer Martdals
was torpedoed March It off South. Rock
In the Irish channel. . Twenty-nine mem
bers of its craw were picked up and two
wer. lost,
Describe experiences.
In describing his experiences, Csptsln
Williams of the Indian City, who has ar
rived here, ssld:
"At 7:30 o'clock Friday morning, when
nine miles south of 8t. Mary's island. I
wni j inuuani was mi penncoi
. sighted what I thought was the periscope
0f ,,Ub;' r Th
i marine dived and came up astern.
j "I kept the steamer going, but the sub
'marine caught up wlth'it, and through,
; th. megu phone th. commander told me to
' put my t:ag up. r hoisted the Germ. n
: enslkti- The commander then told ua to
I get Into the boats, which we did. II. ti.en
! blew up the stesmer."
j Of the seven steamers mentioned In th.
'admiralty statementtwo, th. Andonwen
(Continued on I'age Two, Column Three.)
T7 SO C AllftAft
1 ICC . V- J UUUI1
Good for
25 cts. or 60 cts.
Uy gpeclal arrangement with
the management for the bene
fit of Bee readers. Observe
atrlctly the conditions and limi
tations stipulated In the coupon.
Thla I lee Coupon
Entitles Dearer
to one
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For the performance of
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Monday Evening, March 15.
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