Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9
TllK OMAHA SUXJWY BEE: IWJLMMMgll 1JHM IS.Jm.-J MAKCU 14, 11)13. 9 A f" 1 .111 , ' "i i .I .i i i t ' i Famous Russian Jewish Writer to Lecture ,i , . - . 1 " i , i , i i I.. . . i j L& "Marr Antm Is coming! Mary Antln Is Wiinc!" thrills the htsrU of ttuastan Jewish Immigrants, thrse day, Espe clHy la thia true of lae ,yoiner tkm of immigrants now In tha publlo sc -tools. Trschers report that thr axe beselged with requests from thia portion of tbatr student body, seeking to kaow mora of tha lalt of their celebrate oonntrywoman, and asking If It la poa. slbls. for "dear teacher"' to arrange an Interview with the famoua author for thorn. It la known that many a teacher hat rulatly slipped loma of her puplla tickets for tha Mary Antln lecture, which wilt 'S Rlrea at tha First . Methodist church, March 23, knowing that only at a. sacrifice could tha child afford to hear tha well-beloved author of "The Prom ised Land ' and "They Who Ksock at Out Gates." : . "Oh, If I could only shako, tha hand of her who has so fiU'.hfully ' depicted tha struggle of tha Immigrant V pas sionately esolalmed Max tJotsdtner, 17-year-old Rusvlan Jewish Immigrant, who cherishes a newspaper clipping photo graph of Mary Antln. "1 feel aa If X know 'her. Since reading her books, her face) Is aver bvfora me, I want to thank her for her true picture of our strugglea and aspirations," came la bis halting English. . Sarah Mlnktot, who? life story parallels that of hat famous country 'soman, and whose birthplace wss Vitebsk, In tha Russian Pale of Pettle ment, a neighboring town to Mary Ahtln's birthplace, Folotsk, la also Consumed with a deslra to meet the great author. To Vitebsk came Mary Antln on her very first Journey from her, native vil lage. At that time she discovered that the Dvina river, which flowed through her own Polotsk also ran through Vitebsk, end it Is on the banks of this stream that &arah MlnKhi e parents aad Mary Antln's uncle Uved. It was this unci that Mary Antln visited on tha memorable oooasion which forma the opening chapter ot "Tha Promised Land. ' the publication of which brought her Into the limelight aa tha author of one ot the celebrated hooka of the decade. "It la because I understand my hlttory In Its larger outlines, that I consider it worth recording. Although I have wr It ten a genuine personal memoir, I believe that Its chief interest Ilea In tha faot that it la Illustrative of scores ot unwrittea Uvea." writes Mary Antln In tha Intro duction to her volume. In tha answering heart throbs of millions of her co-religionists has . she been accorded her highest tribute. Tha story of Max Gatsdlncr Is full ot pathos and untold hardships. Tha1 cul mination came recently in an attack of the ayea which threatened total blindness. -and physical overwork. Although la this " country but. three and one-half years, having been' brought here through th good agencies of an immigration society In tha Sam manner 'that Mary Antln and her family were brought to America, Max Is in -the tenth B grade at the Cen tral High school,' ad would have been a Junior by, thia time hut for hit recent illness. 4 .-:,'! ' Max plans to ceiuecrate his life to the cause of humanity. "I aak myself, "Why uvrcaj mm aiiiw mw vm mw w beauty, Joy, ' education, to do good or ill., ia nv,T k fAunfl tha T I in na " especially ? true. Many livo without any , Idea as to why they live. So runs away 'their life without. anything good being done. Others live to 'dress up," and Oth era for education. But many of them ara educated Just for themselves. Good deeds make men great'.' This Is an extract fro mtha rough manuscript of hla own autobiography, a work of unusual merit and deep Interest and pathos, which he thinks he will im prove in later years and publish, a la "Tha Promised Land." . "I want to -rite, but, not for money, only for the enjoyment of my people," said he. ; I would like t write humor ous articles, but I cannot My life has been too tad." . Like Mary Antln, Max has onty words of tha highest praise for hla teachers, tha showing a picture of Tolstoi In the peas ant costume, ."here he Is aa he was most of ths time, working for the service of mankind and never thinking of luxury or ease lor himself.".' Unlike Sarah, Max do wot hat! front tha same province as Mary Antln, but from tha neighborhood of Kiev a refu gee from the pogroms of that vicinity, He has lived all through the horrors of noble -women who "opened the doors ot the wider knowledge" to him and gave him Inspiration. ..... Occupying a place of honor in the Gots dihefs humble dwelling Is a beautifully framed portrait of Leo Tolstoi. "There was a man," exclaimed Max, "and here." tha night watches. "During Russian holidays we children slept in our ' day clothes because' the Russians might at tack us any moment One) fearless be ginner and the whole Jewish Quarter would be aflame," ha exclaimed. In the Rufiian Jewish settlement In the Kellom school district dwells Sarah Mln kln, who now attends ths High School of Commerce. 8he, too, bears . witness of how truly Mary AnUn has depicted the story of the American Immigrant "the best story of the American immigrant that -was ever written, " declares Ellery Sedgwlpk in the . American Magmslna. 8ara h - has literally, devoured the book, poring over it time and time again, vis ualising the situations, and applying them to her own experiences. . Sarah MlrikfcVs f ressmtfles Mary An tin's in more ways than one. She,, too, came to America at about the same ago as did her famous predecessor, having had no education In Russia because, of tha anti-semlUo feeling. la this God given land where persecutions- no longer pursued them; Sarah' was introduced to the American publlo schools. '- An un quenchable thirst for -knowVsdge .anl more- knowledge oonsuraed her, so that She climbed' up through the grades of the Kcllora school and today, although in this country only five years, pa rah Is in tha graduating class at the Commercial High school Delicate, nnder-slsed and '. aenemle looking, even as Mary Antln, she has com to be known by all the teachers who have directed her course and taken a decided Interest In hor progress.. They toll tha story of how Sarah be came ao interested In her studies that her health was impaired. Her mother reported that Sarah refused to partake f STUDENTS Wfll WRITE ADS Nebraska Clothing Company Offers Frizes for Best Ads Written by . ' Commercial High Pupils. - FIRST PEIZE WILL BE $15 To encourage tha students in tha ad vertising class at the Commercial high prises will be offered to the best adver tlsementa written by the students. Tha competition for prises will com mence this month and at the end of the term, tha successful .students will be of fered prizes aa follows: , First prise, S15. Second rrlie, flO. Third prise. SS. ' These prises are offered by the 'Ne braska Clothing company. In conversation with Messrs'. Swanson and Holxman Of the Nebraska Clothlr-i company, they stated that tha company recognised that advertising Is becoming more Important every Bay In the conduct ing of retail stores, and to encourage the students In their work,, the Nebrasks, Clothing company have decided to offer prtsas for the best advertisements written by the students of the Commercial high. Tli three Omaha dally papers have agreed to act aa Judges of thin competi tion. It Is hoped that the students' Inter eat la their work' will be stimulated. To further encourage the studenta the successful advertisements will be placed In the Om&ha papers, full credit being givon to the writer ot the ad. . Ia order to thoroughly familiarise tha students with tha practical aids of ad vertlslug, all competitors wll be allowed to visit tha Nebraska Clothing oompany to familiarize themselves with tha mer. chandise which they hare tor aula, and any of the intricacies of advertising wiu be explained to them. Th competition ia open to all students of tha advertising class ot the Commer cial IXlgb, and wtit be under tha supervi sion of their instructor. Mr. Brott. The details regarding tha awarding of the prises will be worked aut by the com mittee representing the threa Omaha pap ers. In several eastern cities. similar contest U fceiti at every season and ttvi results obtained are beyond expectations of tho tnatruotors. DATE FOR ELKS' CONCCP.T ANNQUNCED fOR APRIL 9 The date for the auocert to be given by the Omaha Elks male chorus has bee settled as April The concert will be gtva at Uie Braadeia theater. Stent room ulck with a Bee Wast Ad.' Off ered to Obtain Woman Job With the .i .G0-venmient for S10 How an unsophisticated woman with a desire to work for Unci 8am, was Swin dled out of S10 on promise of a position as deputy United States marshal, is told In conneotlon with the arrest of Lemuel T. Qoldsberry on the charge of being' a suspicious character. lie Is alleged by ths police and federal authorities to be tha man. who separated Mrs. Mary Manning from 110 ia hard cash on the promise of getting her into the government service. He Is said to have been ' living at the Victoria hotel under ths name of A. L. Johnson. , With a , broad Ptctsoa hat, a big re volver, a tile shiny star Inscribed "U. S. Marshal." and with other items of make-up calculated to Inspire fear and respect for th dignity of the govern ment service, Goldsberry - Is alleged to have . represented himself to Mrs. Man ning as being Just such an employ of Unci Sain. ' She was willing to give her hard earned ton. In order to have the proper amount of lubrication placed on the rails that were to lead her to the federal position. . Now she . ts ready to appear against Qoldsberry. He Is also alleged to have Impersonated a government officer to other people. Farmer Stricken Blind While at a Local Theater 1 William Troope. a wealthy farmer of Nshawka, Nebraska, while attending a broal theater Friday evening with two friends, C. N. Hanson -and Otto Carroll, as striiksn blind without warding. Troop was led from the theater by his two friends, who telephoned polio head quarters for a physician- Ir. J. A. Tam iale attended the man, but aeemed una ble to alleviate the trouble, which, bo as serted, was decidedly puasllng. the ea'y solution offered being that Troope's af fliction may result front soma- Iniarnal poisoning. "I oouid mm jrt as good as I ever could U my Ufa up to the very rvmieat I went Wind." Troop related to the pbysioUn. "C was iiiteretited In the show, when suddenly it seemed as If tha lights bad gone aidden!y out It was several moments bet or I realised what had happened." His: Goisdtnjir of a mouthful of food. The family doctor was called in. Hs warned .Barah that she must not study s hard, that she ma ' eat "Instead of poring over her book until th we small hours and that she must be In bed promptly when the cur few whistle blew. But , Sarah paid no heed. - ' ; i , Finally. th desperate mother bit upon an Ides- .Knowing that Sarah worshiped the word of bar teachers) as-th ancient Herbrews worshipped th scrolls of the Torah. she conceived th Idea of implor ing the teachers to advise Sarah. So the quaint epistle was duly forwarded and deciphered at the high school office, after which It was turned over to Miss Sarah Sanborne, who had evinced considerable interest In the child. Thus reprimanded, Sarah promised taithfully to Obey all ths health edicts. when Sarah heard that Mary Antia was coming to Omaha, great was her delight She wildly Implored her teacher to arrange so . that ah might at least gas , upon th features of hep dearly beloved Idol. A teacher In th Kellom nlsht school. largely attended by IUisslan Jewish Im migrants, ssked her class to writ of thlr native land. - . . A young Russian Jew of perhaps 23 years, whs has been la this oountry but two and ne-hajf years, wrote as fol lows: - , "Mkny time I want to writ about tk. glgaatlo buildings where th puhlla schools are la Russia, but I cannot writ about them for when I wanted to learn, tb principals refused ma. because J was a Jew. I want to writ about tha nnhii parks, because I remembered that some times I Wanted to enjoy them, but on called out 'Haiti Tu are a Jewf n aiways when I think of th old country there comes befora-me a very Bio American flag and I bgin t slag My Country 'Tls oS Thef " tlr, Cyjpliw! Yca-C:a tlc;v Est A lUp-Roarinff, Rich Meal If You'll Taks, a Stuart's DvrpU TaWeH Attw It, nt TsJte Onr Word Tor It. -m Vt end. Ton a Vre aaaapla s Vrove It. All you stomach ' sufferers whm rood has cowed und whe walk te your mesls as thouxh you were about to ener th arena of Nero, hrre Is-a inevsage hi witl make you alad. WW Indigestion ... QVod pigssUaa. Take a little ianly-like Stuart's Dys pepsia Tabid after r'i .meal, aul or, at bs.l litne, and no matisr wlmt J ii eat or w hr-n you il, o4 old-fiiihlui)e)i'honAit-frU-takil ar - boiled food will not Injure you. Many ohvsUl&jia proscribe Stuart' ryspe(,la Thit in their ranea ef acomiu'h troubles and dtgeative dlv orders. ' Thev are sold St evsry d-u; store everywhere, rice 10 cents a boa. If you wan', proof before yo purchaaa fill out coupon below.: i Fr TrUI Coupon ' F. A, fttiut Oo, ISO Sroart Bllf, Caxsball. saioh, snl ma at or. a by return mail, a fi trial pack. ef k) mart a Iapepela Tablets. Nam .,,.,,.,,. Street city .. .'. '. .. . .. . ;.i ; ; 8ut'.,j.. . ( r jj vMSsMsSa TAGKS BRASS Let you and I get away from "high brow" advertising talk pretty sounding automobile slogans : catchy illustrations. Lot you and I got down to BRASS TACKS. You want to buy a car-a real automobile one that is built to stand all kinds of hard service, all kinds of hard abuse ono that is roomy and comfortable and with a beautiful stream line body. s - . . ' , . Two months ago I wasv in a similar fix. I wanted to sell the kind of car that you want to buy. I spent a whole week at the New York show and another whole week at the Chicago show. I literally tore to pieces every car represented. No part or detail was too. small to escape the most careful comparison, the most searching analysis. I was determined to get the best car on the market and, if possible, within oasy reach of your pockctbook. I finally decided on the il 1(1 "'llll'-l mi fc7o) Here is, a car that showed me every feature for $1,295 that $2,0Q0 cars brag about. It showed me the intense painstaking expert cafe that its builders use to make every de tail the be3t obtainable. It showed mo it was the work of trained and skilled mechanics. It showed me the strength and durability of the parta that are "covered up." It showed me it could make high hills on high speed, or slow down to an alligator's pace. . ! Want you to come to my salesrooms at 2216 Farnam street and see the CHANDLER Car. No high cpl- lafed, high priced, factory coached salesmen to sell you this 'carjust the car itself. You won't bo urged to buyyou will want to own it with out urging. . Five and seven passenger touring bodies, and roadster, $1,295. , . Chandler Facts and Features: i - 'f ' ' . ' The Ghandler ; weighs 2,985 lbs. completely equipped. Averages 16 miles or more per gallon of gaso line, 700 miles per gallon of oil and 7,C00 miles per set of tires. Speed 3 to 53 miles per hour on high gear. Climbs every famous "demonstrating hilF in America on high gear. The high-grade of Chandler design, construction and equipment include: the exclusive Chand ler motor built in our own factory, Bosch magneto, Gray & Davis sep arate unit electric starting and lighting system. Rayfield carburetor, Mayo genuine Mercedes typo radiator, cast aluminum motor base ex tending from. frame to frame, enclosed silent chains for driving motor shafts, silent worm-bevel rear axle, genuine hand-buffed leathor uphol stery. Firestone demountable rims, Stewart vacuum gasoline feed, Golde patent ono-man top, motor-driven horn, speedometer, and all ihe usual incidental equipmont ' 1 .' , Distributors everywhere are anxious to get territory rights on the CHANDLER, because it ia no trick to "sell a scller.M . . - - - . . . ' i - 'i ' ' t R 17 T A VQ Distributor for Nebraska . iLi. Ujt V Ip-rand Western Iowa. 2216-18 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO