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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1915)
4 t I 6 A TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: MAECII 14, 1915. I! 55 i ! S t ii t CITY PLANNING BILL MEETING WITH FAYOR Citic Leagnie Heart Report from Worken at Lincoln that Measure Will Be Passed. GARDEN CONTESTS TO CONTTNTO Encouraging news of the progress of the Omaha elty-planning bill, sen ate til No. 94, la the legislature, ass reported last night at th an nual meeting of the Omaha CItIc league, held at the city hall. Thoma R. Kimball was elected president. "The clty-plannlng bill haa been kindly received and is coming along nicely," said Jesse Palmer, represen tative from Douglas county. "I feel ure that It will pass at an early date." The measure has been passed by the senate and Is now pending In th bouse, nith the entire Donglaa bounty delegation working bard for It. I OrgnaUatloK nee.e. About thirty delfts ta the league from various improvement elube and other civic bodies attended th meeting. General Frederick T. Brnlth was presi dent and active head of the ra-antsatloa until he moved away from, Omaha. Mr. KImban. as rice president, prealded last aucht. In addition to hla election to the presidency, the following other effloere and directors were chosen: Flrat vice president, Francis A. Broraa; otood Mea preeklent, Charles hi. A. John son; third vice prenldsnt, Mrs. A. W. prfferUi secretary, Hny Towl: treasurer, . H. Green; directors, C. 1 Hhemp. CMrmT. Morton, Paul W. Kuhne, Victor SToeewaUr. Mrs. C. W. HaVfe. Robert H. Wnnley, W. R. Watson. Joseph Poloar, t;or J. Kleffaer, K. J. Morton, Her bert M. Bogexs, Charles A. (Jose, F. J. Tarsart. H. U. Peters and Watson Town sec d. , ' Annual reports were mad by John A. FUne oo etty planning, Cbartea E. Ai Johnson on city sanitation and Thomas K. Xlraball on city fceauttflcatlon by aardens. Suggestions war mad for better sanitary conditions, sewer exten sions and cleaner streets, alleys, yards and vacant property. It waa announced that the league's plan of garden contests, held last year, would be followed again this spring on a larger scale, with attractive prises to tbe winners. Details of tbe contests will be arranged by th committee, -Contestaate. The following contestants, In the order named, were announced by Mr. Kimball as winners of last rear's garden contests: . W. Preston. J. IL Cramer. F. W, Ureenman. Arthur Klanschie, John Rabbe, Rhea Ilardtmeyer, Fred Tltnme, Stanley Wallin. Frank Novak, Lillian Hagsdale, Conrad Waldllsh, Mrs. J. F, MazwelL Helen Tracy, Mrs. J. 8. White and Able Kohn. Only five prises had been planned, but on account of th ex cellent garden work exhibited, fifteen prise, totaling SMO, had to be given. Investors with money read th Real Kstate ads ta The Bee. Advertise your property for a Quick sale. Morrissey Advises Young Lawyers Not to Fear High Court "Do not be afraid ct Uie supreme court" This wss the advice given to the young attorneys of the Barristers' club by Chief Justice A. M. Morrissey of the supreme c urt in a short talk to them at noon at the Commercial club, lie told them that too often the young lawyers fear the su preme cdurt because they are not sure just how to act there. "I have noticed It my short experience on the bench there," he said, "that the young lawyers get along as well as the older and mora experienced ones." The Justice aald aU lawyers, young and Id. aeom to forget one thing, namely, that the supreme court is not familiar with their case when tt comes before them, and that they must state their case clearly, why they are before the higher cenrt, what the case was to begin with, hat the contentions were and how and .hy the rase was lost In the lower courts. "The attorney must state ' clearly to the supreme court his position in the lower, court," he said. "The supreme Judge knows the law. but he is not ex pected to be familiar with the cases that come to him until he haa heard them." He said the lawyers assume too often that the eupreme Judges knew alt about their case -without their' stating It nnn L1UL1L3 M -wMk-asw Phone Deuc. 3100 "It Got Popular in a Night9 9 The Only notion Pictaro Hcsso in On:ba Shcving the Digest Fcsture Prcd::ti::j j ' j '- ' ! j 1 j ' l j I li - 1 Now 11 Continuous Per formance from 12 Noon, until 11 P. 11. PRICES: 10, BKIEF CITY NEW3 Save moot Mat r New Beacon Free are-eee-OTamaea Ce.. Lighting future. sTebreska Barlajrs aaa feeaa Ass New office between city ball and Fo tensile hotel. Sit South Eighteenth Bt Todays Complete Merle Frag-rasa lasslfled section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. ( Ta Mate Beak f Omasa paya 4 per cent on time deposits, t per cent on savings account. All deposits in this bank are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. X aspects Fori Charles A. Mac ate. United 8 tat re customs agent at BL Louis, is la Omaha on a regular trip over his territory, which Includes th port ef Omaha, of which Cadet Taylor Is col lector. Walter Ore Aoqnitted Walter Grow of South Omaha was acquitted by a jury In Judg English's district court of a charge of manslaughter arising from th shooting of Frank Glrard June 2. Grow pleaded eelf-defens. Qaieklr Hooated and aaally accessible are two prime requisites of desirable fflo location. Tenants m Th Be build ing, "tb building that ts always new," find thee two conditions of great service bt building up their business. lerrloee a M. ! fit MarVS English Lutheran Churota. TwentietA and Burdett streets. I Orott Pastor-U a. m "The Building. Tbe AxcMteci.- t: p. hi., -Prayer, Faith, Means." Sunday school at :4S a. m.. Christian Endeavor by yonng people, f iS pv sn. nee KaUroad Oeorre H. Marten, an attorney, haa brought suit In district court against th Chicago A Northwest ern railway for t250fi0 tor alleged libel a th reerult of th filing ef a eta rem eat In tbe Pottawattamie eotnsty Oewa) dav trict court by Aleaaader Ketenyi, a former dleat of Marten. Zoee Two Tlngea Cam FonruMo, 3U Woolworth avenue, laborer at th Inner MaaaroM ooibpSay, Fonrttmth end Jaekson streets, lost two finger eg his right hand Saturday rooming wheel the members caught la maahlnary at the plant. He was attended by Dr. CL St Fpcra Piloo rn vna.ttAe liner Infia a mA mi your druggist today ar4 get a 14 oent t.ox cf Pyramid Pile Kemedy. It will give quick relief, and a slns-le hex often ciiraa. A trial Faokage mailed free In f you send us coupon plain wrapper below. FERB AMPLS COUPON PTRAMrD PRVO COOTANT. Ill iyramid Uldg Marshall. Mich, Kindly eenfl me a Pte aaraple of lryrasnM i Uj Isemody. ta plain wrapper, , g treat For Grip Influenza, Cougha, Sore Throat Bucklof a gtlok. of cudy. may lubrlcats th throat and eaaa. tb coagh for m time Don't bo satisfied with Jnit Urn poraxy relief tako Dr. Humpbreya' "STBty-wrB,M a Cold ramady of merit that baa stood tb toot of years, and la more popular today thai oror before. Pleasant to take, handy to carry, fits the vest pocket i :o and 1. at all druggist ar mailed. Xtunphreya nomeo. Medicine Co., lt William Street New Verk. :qI Featuring the Magnificent $125,000 Production of WITH rs. Leslie Gar i r f.. 'rll ft mi ik Betldot Several Ciher Ei turprisst Oompleto Symphony Orchestra. Solos by High Class Vocalists. Our Own Animated Weekly. ; See and Hear the Musical Movies. Starting tomorrow evening, seats may be purchased in advance for Night Performances, good for the entire evening show, starting 8:30. 15 and 25 Oto. Felts and removed to Bt Joseph's hos pital. Bays Me Was Meld Vp Ben Hudson of Rock Island, 111., appeared at police headquarters Saturday morning and de clared that while waiting to register at a lodging house he was held up st the point of a revolver and robbed of his gold match. He could not locate the lodging house or give the police a very good description of the man who held him up. Detectives investigating the V V. if fe3er S i I . i iiiiii -- 9 f Theae Qtoves I a Made U Yhaao Qtoves Made In 21 Styles INVESTIGATE THEGE BEFORE DLii' o a song MM IN FAVOR OF W081&.W1BEPCACI SPRCAO THIS IDEA OekOwaisekaew a aa e bjs 1AM IN FAVOR CF WO RtlUVtSC PEACE IPREADTKrSICCA ANDWARUItlUAil. lPWADTiUllZtA I iiisj iiimm mm 1 ( Tti MM , r.SM, ,, , j J T"" ' Mwra MIS. pt4 L III ' j I lAfilN story hsva arrested on msa on us plcion. asa Besaraa Sylvester R. Rush, Sfeclal assistant to the attorney general of th United (Hates, he returned from Florida, where he has been for somj time In connection with land fraud cases growing out of the everglades swamp land promotion. He says the government won a victory In the pending suits by Will Your GAS RANGE Cook With the Gao Turned Off? It sounds foolishbut it isn't For we have the Gas Stove that does that very thing The Chambers Flrolcco Cook ing Gas Range. Kl LTW" co. ID f y" a a CwHHHT fJpSjsrTV A wSftdaAwVB CD 7T tCblCSi Help to end the by using these stamps v ... The business of the old world is at a standstill while the flower of its manhood is being crushed, lands and homes devastated, thousands of women and children dying from wounds and starvation. We are losing millions of dollars in exports and this loss affects YOU as a citizen. Help to spread the idea of peace The stamps are beautifully colored and are desirable additions to stamp paster albums, or for use on corres pondence, envelopes, show cards, etc. MR. BUSINESS MAN: Start things going by ordering 100 sets for your corres pondence, or other use. There are 16 in each package, all different designs, price 10c, . .t,i.,......e On Sale at The Bee Office,' 'Bee Building, Room 103 h ; ; lAMwreoaof ! -' 1 ; IHi v0 I! i sPRtAo twis idea !; frii rwjf !: convincing the district Judg that he bad jurisdiction. enlarged wttk Aiding SeUagaeaer Order to file charges of aiding and abet ting the delinquency of Weldoa Parland, IT years old, against persons in charge of the saloons of Peter Rooney and James Pllk, Tenth street and Capitol avenue, at times when, Psrland said, he visited them at night, wsre Issued by Juvenile Judge Scars. YOU BUY i 1515 HARNEY S Jtjifc ..anjia. i J 1AM IN FAVOR OF SPREADTWSlCtA AMOHrASivriua Sunday Dinner Musicale " Leave oara at borne. . Dine wliero the but roundings add a charm found xwwhere else in ; tOwTi. Every Sunday night a Dinner de Luxe at one-fifty the person enables you, at mod- , erate expense, to learn the culinary delights of the now hotel. There is no expense in the enjoyment of a music program of rare excel lence from six to nine. This new hotel, with ita Dining Booms, is a realization of a neces sity in a modern, progressive city. Moder ate prices make it a convenience to you and not a luxury the luxury is all in your sur roondings. BUILT FOB YOU TO ENJOY." f Hum apns s taaaM C Hotel ktenelu tilll)imi)H:t"'.'H- I IAMINFAVOROF f ? WORlD-WIOEPfACI ) J SPREAD THIS IDEA J Ji ANOWARWllUtASt j j I I toeieiaer ""5"i2JS 9 IAMINFAVOROF WORlD-WDEPEACr SPREAD THIS IDEA ANDsVARWUlOAtl. I AM IN TAVOR OF VWRUJttfimAa SPREAORILSIDfA a.t taiw l lUMHIII Itrrrn .ihiiiii 1 1 Mini lw SasailSSaassawS