Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    THH OX! AHA SUNDAY HKK: MAIJCll 14, 1015.
5 AV
Controversy Over Naming of Broken
Bow Register Seii to Hold Up
the Entire List.
Federal appointments for the po
sitions of registers of public lands
in Nebraska are all ready to be an
nounced except the name of the man
to hold that position in the Broken
Bow office. Federal appointees,
would-be appointees and also-rans
are watching the appointment situa
tion closely enough to feel that they
have this information definitely.
Again, it is a controversy between
Secretary of State Bryan and Senator
Hitchcock that, is holding off the
final official appointments for these
places. Just what the list is la not
known yet, but it is said to be defi
nitely known that the whole matter
hangs by the one thread of the ap
pointment at the Broken Bow office.
Bryan has a candidate. Mr. Ross Moors
of Broken Bow, for this plaoa. Senator
Hitchcock, refuses to stand for the ap
pointment of Moor. Thus does the dead
lock result, even as It has successively
resulted when these two have been railed
upon to agree on any set of appointments
for any given office In the state during
the last two years.
Will Not Stand for Moore.
That Hitchcock will never stand for
the appointment of Moore Is said to be
a certainty. That Bryan will cling to
his candidate a long time before he will
compromise la said to be equally cer
tain. And thus it la that a few dosen
perfectly rood democrats In the state
who are slated for these jobs and as
sistants In the offices are still held at
arms' length, while the two worthy Ne
braskans remain deeply burrowed in their
respective trenches with bayonets leveled
at one another.
Hummel Says Time
Soon Up for the
Start of Viaducts
City Commissioner J. B. Hummel says
be wishes to place himself and the other
city commissioners right on the Missouri
Pacific viaduct situation.
He states that this company agreed to
start March 15 on the work of placing a
subway under the tracks at Thirty-first
and Sprague streets, at a point where tin
new Crelghton boulevard passes under
the tracks. He also declares that this
company agreed to start the Locust street
viaduct on this same date, and he avers
that it this company does not hold to its
agreement "there will be something doing
next week."
Commissioner Hummel held a confer
ence with several other commissioners
on the subject, but he declined to st&tt
lust what the "something doing" will be.
Mrs. Mary Sullivan
Severely Hurt. When
Hit by Automobile
Mrs. Mary Sullivan, aged 60 years, liv
ing at 2765 California streets, sustained
fractures of the nose, jaw and ribs when
ttruck by an automobile at Twenty-sixth
and California streets, Friday night
Charles E. Bancroft, 1038 North Thirty
second street, who drove the car, gave
himself up at police headquarters Satur
day morning and is held under bonis
fixed at S2.CC0.
After the accident Bancroft picked the
woman up and took her to the Lord
Lister hospital, where her condition is
Mrs. Sullivan, while crossing the street,
dodged out of the path of one automobile
directly in front of the car run by Ban
croft. .
' . ,l
Members of. the Bohemian Bachelors' Club
i' 1
H i U P'i N .t,..,J J va, 11 i. '
i to kk K1- r, i i 7 v 1 1
ll,!al V, -. psi:i:asusiiiiisissi nimsi. huh i asajjs... ussa. i niissTiiTirTTTrr.r' s:a:akig --jjtzai
Back Row, Left to Right Anton Fisher, Emll Kllment, John Hayduk, Charles Vrana, Joseph Peska, Michael Kalclk. Center Row Frank
J Rlha, Frank Kaspar, Anton Krelker, Frank Urban, Karel Macku. John Kotysa, Jerry Vajgrt, Anton Stransky. Seated Oldrlch J. Jelen, sec
retary; Charles Pavel, Edward Letnipole, Claude Jelen, mascot; Ralph Hovart, John Posplchal. Vaclav Sorlln, president.
A club of thirty-two bachelors, who will
impose a fine of 125 on any member who
gets married without the consent of the
club, is one , of the newest and most
novel of Omaha's social organisations. It
li the Bohemian Bachelors' club.
Rules of the club, agreed to unani
mously when the members organised in
January, prohibit any member front de
sorting the life of single blessedness and
joining the ranks of the benedicts with
out the approval of the club. Each bach
elor joining the club agreed to pay a pen.
elty of twenty-five "iron men" if ne vio
lated the rule.
But the new society and its unusual
regulation puts no damper on the busi
ness of Danny Cupid, for the constitution
of the club provides that should any one
of the bachelors fall a victim to the lit
tle matchmaker's darts, he may marry
the girl of his choice and still avoid the
penalty. It la only required that the in
tended wife shall communicate with the
club and present her request that the
bachelor be allowed to make her his wife.
Then the other bachelors will graciously
"The county will not take drug fiends,
neither will the hospitals, so the only
thing we can do for them la to let them
lie down on the floor of the old county
Jail or turn them into the streets," said
Police Captain Henry Heitfeldt when
asked what, if anything, had been done
to provide for the victims of drugs who
have been deprived of their poison by
the federal law.
Captain Kline of the Salvation Army
took one sufferer to the Salvation Army
Industrial Home Friday afternoon, where
he will be kept until able to look out
for himself. The captain said he would
willingly care for a tew more cases.
Business Good at
Both Coast Expos,
Declares Mr, Fort
Passenger Trafflo Manager Port of the
Union Paclflo is back from the Paolfto
coast, where he spent several days at the
two expositions. While there he was en
tentained by numerous of the business
associations and at ill the meetings ho
was impressed with the spirit of optimism
that appears to be general.
As to the expositions, Mr. Fort asserts
that up to this time the attendance has
been satisfactory, exoeedlng all expecta
tions. Both expositions are now finished
snd in perfect condition for the recep
tion of the visitors.
According to Mr. Fort,' there has been
an abundance of precipitation over the
coast country during the last winter and
the outlook for an abundant crop was
never better.
surrender their claims of brotherhood
with the would-be benedict, and he will
be allowed to march rejoicing to the altar.
Of oourse, after that he can no longer be
a bachelor and his membership in tin.
club lapses automatically.
So far all the members are still "heart
whole and fancy free," but, then, "you
never can tell." It may not be long be
fore some of the original bachelors will
be organising a club of newly-weds.
Twelve well-known unmarried Bohemian-Americans
started the new club on
a New Tear's Inspiration, January 1.
Twenty more bachelors have already
been added to the rolls. All are over 80
years of age, that being one of the re
quirements for membership. They meet
on Friday evenlngsat Tel Jed Sokol hall.
Thirteenth and Martha streets. James
Solln was chosen to be the first president
of the club, as he was the oldest bach
elor. Other officers are Oldrloh Jelen,
secretary, and Joe Peska, treasurer. The
club haa an entertainment committee of
three, of which John Posptchal Is chair
man. , -
Bachelor stunts are not the only aotlv-
nice President Marshall will be in
Omaha half an hour next Thursday
morning, arriving at 7:30 and leaving at
S o'clock. He Is enroute to the Paclflo
coast to attend the San Francisco and
6an Diego expositions. Accompanying
the vice president and Mrs. Marshall
will be Secretary Lane of the Interior
department and his wife, and Assistant
(Secretary of the Navy Koosvelt and his
wife. The members of the party will
arrive over the Northwestern in a spe
cial car and from here west will go over
the Cnion Pacific. .
First Big Through
Train to Expos to
Stop a Day Here
The Union Paclflo has received the Itin
erary of the first exposition train that
will run special, passing through Omaha
en rout west, stopping here to permit of
the passengers to see the city. This train
will be occupied by 115 members of the
International Association of Milk Deei-
i. They will be joined by twenty-five
to fifty more, who will take up the west
ward journey. The milk dealers' train ar
rives over the Northwestern at 1 o'clock
the afternoon of June 21 and at 7 o'clock
continue Its trip over the Union Paclflo.
Apply Cream In Nostrils To
Open Up Air Passages.
Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the
State Suffrage association, and Mrs. R
S Rood, president Of the Equal Fran
chise society, have returned from Indian
apolis, where they attended the Missis
sippi Valley suffrage conference. Mrs.
W. E. Berkley of Lincoln, who accom
panied them, was elected a member of
the program committee of three, Illinois
and Texas being the other states repre
sented on the committee.
The Nebraska delegation and Miss Doris
Stevens, an Omaha girl who is connected
with the Congressional Union headquar
ters in New York City, were entertained
at dinner Tuesday evening by Mrs. Mere
dith Nicholson, formerly Miss Eugenie,
Kountse of Omaha. Mrs. Nicholson U
vice president of the Indians Suffrage
association and occupied a prominent
place on the convention program.
Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos
trils open right up, the air passages of
jour head are clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling-,
mucous discharge, headache, dryness
no struggling for breath at night, your
cold or catarrh Is gone.
Don't stay Muffed up! Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your
druggist now. Apply a little .f Oils
fragrant, antlseptlo cream in your nos
trils, let it penetrate through every ur
paaaage of the head; soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed mucous mem
brane, giving you instant relief. Ely's
Cream Balm is Just what every cold
sum! catarrh sufferer lias been seeking.
It's just splendid Advertisement
Daring thieves, "who evidently are
familiar with electricity and Its pranks,
cut away 100 pounds of copper power wire
from over the electric light company's
South Omaha station Friday night As
the wires were carrying power at the
time It Is certain the thieves have a
knowledge of electricity. The polio are
Investigating the theft
Horrible Effects
of Skin Troubles
Are Quickly Removed by the Use of
runs. rt's (JaJclum wafers, the Erad
lcator of All Skin Eruptions
Just in a few days one may clear the
skin of all manner of blemishes such as
pimples, blotches, liver-spots, etc., jf one
will use Stuart's Calcium Wafers. -
Don't use pasty lotions and creams to
fill up the pores when' they are working
constantly with the mood to throw ott
the impurities of your system.
"Beauty Senends TJnon Clear Com.
plsxlons and Stuart's Oalolnm Wafers
Are irajnona for ama Cleansing."
. It's because pimples and eruptions come
from the inside Horn impure blood and
you can't cure them by rubbing stuff on
the outside of the face. Purify the blood
and the blemishes will disappear.
You will spedlly enjoy a beautiful com
plexion if you use these wonderful little
Wafers. Tour face will become as clear
and pure as a rose. ' Nobody likes to have
ptmply-raoea peoria around. with.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers you don't have
to wait for months before setting results.
Even boils have been cured in a few days'
time with those -remarkably effective
blood cleansers. Your whole system
will feel better In a marvelously short
time, and, my, what a difference In your
You can get Stuart's Calcium Wafers
of any druggist at 60 cents a box.
ltlea of the organisation. In fact. It was
formed for the purpose of promoting edu
cation, one of the leading Bohemian at
tributes, and charity, not the least by
far. The club makes generous donations
to the Bohemian school and frequently
helps those of their people who may be
By way of proof that they are not
bachelors of the "old fogy" kind, ,th
members give dancing parties that are
distinctive social events. Formal dress Is
the rule, and other features of exclusive.
ness put their social affairs In the ultra
class. The club gave one of Its dances
March 6 and la already planning an
other. A big summer outing is also con
templated, and a grand outdoor . party
will be given by the bachelors for the
youngsters to show all the Itttlo boys
snd girls of the neighborhood a good time.
Although each member of the club la a
cltlsen and voter, the majority of them
were born abroad. As a result they ap
preciate the advantages offered In this
country and make It a point to help new
Americans from Bohemia. Bo,' although
called Just a bachelors' club, the organ
isation has varied purposes and Interests
that make It a worthy addition to
Omaha's activities.
Piano Buyers' Attention
When the time comes to
purchase a piano or player
pinno for your home, which
is a lifetime investment
there aro three very impor
tant things to take into con
sideration. First Quality,
Second Priee, and Third
tho responsibility of the
firm yon deal with.
We believe if you will carefully read over the follow
ing makes of Pianos and Player Pianos, Steinway, Weber,
Hardman, Steger & Sons. Emerson, McPbaiL Lindeman
& Sons and Schmoller & Mueller Pianos and Aeolian Pi
anola Pianos, that you will agree with us that no piano
house in the middle west is in a position to offer you so
many high grado makes to select from.
Owing to the fact that we are In a position to buy pianos In
large quantities and for spot cash enables us to Klve you bed rock
prices and easy terms, on real high grade Instruments.
Our record of 65 years in piano merchandising proves that we
always strive to satisfy our customers.
In the last two weeks we have received nine carloads of theee
beautiful pianos and player pianos all of the latest models and
we cordially lnrite your Inspection.
Used Bargains at a Saving of $150 to $250
1600 J, & C. Fischer,
$600 Vose ft Sons, square,
11.000 Weber, square
276 Adam Schafr, up
right ?1QO
1300 Richter. upright ..S1S5
S25 Schmoller & Mueller,
upright 8135
$3 75 Steger ft Son, up
right $150
$260 Pianola cabinet Flayer
$360 Schmoller & Mueller ,
upright 8155
$460 Steger ft Son,-upright
$1,000 ChicHerlng ft Sons,
grand 82O0
$1,100 Stein way, grand 8450
$660 Clough ft Warren,
Player Piano 8220
$700 Stuyveaant Pianola
Plno 8400
Small weekly or monthly terms arranged to suit your conveni
ence. Free Stool, Free Scarf, Free Life Insurance.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Oldest Piano Ifous tn the West.
Est, 1809. 1311-1813 Fmruarn St,
The Want Ad Columns of Tho Bee Are Ilead Daily by People
in Search of Advertising Opportunities.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. Btuart Co., 175 srtnart Bid.,
Marshall, HI ah., send me at one by
return mall, a free trial packags of
Btuart'a Calcium Wafers.
Nwii ,...,.,,,,,,. ,,
Street ,. ,
City fltats.
Foir Bom Kills! br Eaploatosu
NEW YORK. March 1. Ths espli.alon
cf a larrs oil tank adjoining th Ixmg
Island freirht yard In ths East New
York section of Brooklyn, shortly after
noon today, killed four boys and se
riously injured seven other persons. Four
nan, employes of the Crew-Uevtck com
pany, which owned th tank, were re
ported killed.
Advertising Js ths Ufa if Trail
Valk tfcrearfc Th Be to yms
ioiuwi. nu UmHtlMi'i luustrl.
rir possisis
cna nn
n n n n
Yes, indeed, this is the time to secure that HOME-OUT
FIT you!! be agreeably surprised to learn how nicely and at what small
rfVfcC vnn aqyi rrni-n aa,mv1iIa T FYAA f0 Vr Tf ML'I M ' a 11- TT ' r , X" , ' " . .Ull.
JUu wu , fai, . (.wuipcic ij-ujiu vuj.111 ai uie union uiuuung ijompnny iuiu wuuo
we are about it, we'll tell you that we have a pretty' 8-IUIOM HOME OUTFIT at only $70.00; a 4-ROOM
HOME OUTFIT at $90.oo, and a 5-ROOM HOME OUTFIT at $liW, and you needn't worry ona moment
about the cash ;wa'll arrange the terms to suit ytu a little down and a tittle each week or month the
new goods are arriving dally. Some single pieces and discontinued patterns are offered this month at
big discounts. ; . ,
rr you wish
yV Mall orders filled on
I rA M advertised specials, !
We cannot too highly recommend
the Direct Action for your considera
tion. They, have all the good fea
tures of every other gas range and
many other features to be found only
in the Direct Action.
Onto your gas bill
fully one-third. Other
makes aa low as. . .
Combine a three-bellows con
tinuous suction action thai take
all the dirt out of the rug, to
gether with a carpet sweeper
that picks' up the lint, matches,
etc. Specially priced above.
Opens into a bed Just as Illustrated above. Especially adapted for
apartment houses and small rooms. Makes an elegant parlor pieoei
aa well aa a splendid comfortable bed. Frames of solid oak:
golden finish. . .
$1.25 value, full seasoned
adjustable fiQf
frames, only. . .
$1.25 grade complete wlta
easel-adjustable frame 'and ad
justable non-rusting 4
pins, special .MM.v'v
001 rn For the UN
ul4.0U ION'S SPE.
A first class moderate
priced steel range. Has
upper warming oloset
and a good sited bak
ing oven.
Three good sized
drawers, French
plate mirrors,
supported b 7
heavy standards.
Built of solid oak
throughout gold
en finish.
.-. it ... Vr, .
' , - rxJ. . .
These rugs are lxll-4 in slse and are
as stated above, full seamless. This
Is not a high grade rag, but is a
splendid rug and a most excellent
value at the above low. price.
We are now showing a
number of styles In this
popular go-basket and go
cart combined. Also a
showing of the new 1916
go-carts. Prices' exception
ally low. Our salesmen
will be pleased to show
yon the complete line.
Substantially made
with high back and
finished in American
Quartered Oak. This
is a good, strong
rocker and is an ex
tra special value.
(C; (C(C))
lTOWTttT MOFt.ll'g STOr