Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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2 A
Hail Expert Sayt En-itching- Traf
fic Fncceeded In Securing Un
due Tarif! Preference.
CHICAGO, March 12. Assertions
that six or seven large packing
lion sea had combined to obtain from
fb railroads special advaatagss In
tha shipping of treat moats, that the
patronage of the packers was shitUd
from road to road until tha advan
tage wr granted and that In con
sequence tba railroads were required
to carry packing house products at
Inadequate rates were made today at
the Interstate Co mm woe commis
sion's Bearing of the forty-one west
era . railroads' petition for higher
rates. -
F. X. LelanA of CM. Ixmls, chairman of
the southwestern tariff committee, mad
the plea in behalf ot the railroads before
Commlnkner W. M. Daniels. An array
ot attorney (or the packer from Chi
rare. Kansas City. Omaha and Fort
Worth. Tex, was present to oppose the
rate Increase asked by the rallroada,
which ofl tneets amounts generally to SVs
cents a hundred pounds.
Tmfl B area a la atfieetlva.
"The nU on packing bouse product
always have been too low. considering
the eharaoter ot tha traffic, the nature
tt tlse rv!o dtaaauded c4 tha value of
tha commodity handled." testified Mr.
Iceland. The truffle la peculiar. Other
classes of freight are obtained from
.widely distributed shippers. A railroad
can get a earload here and a caroad
there and In all attain a large tonnage.
But with the packing fimias products it
la different, for tha entire tonnage is
controlled hy six or seven large packing
firms. The packers hav alwaya de
manded and received the highest class
of service and the lowest rates. They
hv always rnalntalned the moat ef
ficient traffic organisation, and if any
carrier falls to give prernrred Service
the traffla l taken away from It
fervle la Rxpeuatve.
Rates on these packing house products
are far below what they should b and
hWIow rates on other commodities of the
aetme clasa. The traffio requires ' quick
(service In shippers cars of ' excessive
weights. It la of a perfshaMe nature and
about three tons of Ire must be carried.
Cars tnnst he stepped. In tranirtt. foe re.
tcrtr.g. The traffic, therefore, is of an
exxijvrire nature.
'"Tha propose adTanoe ot H cents a
hundred pound oonld not be reflected In
the prloo of aseat to the consumer. It
amounts to enly cne-thrty-h1rd of a cent
per petutd. Iakr generally changed
the prloe U of a cent a pound at a time,
w 12 ceata par 100 pounds.".
Waking housea were represented by B.
Jr. Cowan, Fort Worth, Tex.; Thomas
Oetxte of the Cudehy Packing company;
Bk J. UoVaaa, Omaha, and W. F. JLamb
and Luther jaC. Waiter, Chleatf
British Troop3 Movo
Four tlilcs in Vicinity
: Of iluoYo Chappelle
;orreRpondenra Of the Associate! Preet )
LOtxN, March 4-At harbor etw
irsuicva end other strategto points around
the lirfUsh tales the admiralty has set
allies of submarine traps to catch under--water
craft enrnRitd In tlocklnir England.
.It -i art has Jt U three submarine were
cauOit during tha first tan doys of the
lioikaJe. but cWlrma'Jun Is iauV.lug.
Th trap t sui.niTlBes are not
.i.::i.e till nets tied for ftaherraen.
i'la.'Uabla Iron frames ten feet square,
th.rm f ,-." Joined, are sunk to a depth
cf tiwvjr ft ft, from luimens
fivr. Te submarine la a blind tiling
lini-nr water, steering by chart and cora
ls. Entering one of these frames its
sld. are caught, causing the lower frame
so DucKje upura. Thus hold the ctali
s In tho poeiUon of a fish Xloundering In
rt and its ocoup&nta are omsd.
T-:z tins to time r.-ltis?i a&Uors u:t
She hwcys and Inspect the frames much
a fiihermaa would look after his set
i'r.a. 11 the impart that throm eubtnerlnee
Jitte ia oauKht la correct, thoaa whe
ne:t( J the mint have broutht
to ,..; is.tUiuis vtivh auiy this
aw .-ra intr with. Its wwtorn. ejuljinent
t v furiJaticd crew ot dead tan
a-Lyil.Ud at their aoeta In UaeJr a
Iaud boat.
.:.::e debating teams
w?:; c:i hce putfchms
F., it., Mrfh Jl-fSpeclM Tle
; fin) W-Toa " Pleta Cullt-Ke,. Stluhisan
Agnculturst olige sn.l fvroua wnl'
verslty all tld laxt night In a triangular
dfhs on the tj-aeetion, 'The federal
Sfvernment rliould more refljijr aUMUnt
the navy than' at preterit." Kach InetK
tutl--.-a won ea tu home iUKoriu.
r4rlca t oatest Hist.
r-...i.-;K. J., llAroh llipetial Tel
etsrani r.etults ot oratorlosl contest:
Oratorical dafts, flret, Ankon iitrandtterg.
Primi.r; ncr-cni, Wayne liepgea, Ian
b'jry,' Ijramatlo cUas. list. Frances
I fiyd, IVnUon; Second. Vivian Eilnu. Jf.
tuta. Huni'jrtat cltiijs, flmt, Genevtovs
t-i'Ar. Iila Grove; seioiid, Alloe UUna.
J.-ii.jB, CuuntU l-Ui.'fs, and Green, t.
Afraid Allic Will Reject Its Aid
Became of the Long:
BOMB (via Farts). Msrch It-The Ital
ian government . continues to mslntaln
Hence' regarding negotiation reported to
be andar way with Austria coaeernlng
terrttortal ronoesitlona. Nothing has been
added to the eeml-efflclal announcement
that Italy has Instituted no negotiations
but simply has lintened to propnsels ema
nating from Germany through that coun
try's ambassador, Fi luce rort Btielow.
There are perslstflnt reports In Rome
that Austria , has refused absolutely to
even dlsauss the. poselble ceeelon of
Trieste and would concede only, a small
pert Of the province of Trent
The assertion Is made In military cir
cles that Italy la new prepared for any
eventuality. .
It la apparent to close observers ' that
the situation fer Italy la dally becoming
mere eompUoated. The argument Is being
made with persistence that It must soon
reach a definite deoleioN aa to what
eourse It will follow. The case of Greece
Is being referred to; Its assistance, even
If offered, might not now be accepted by
the atlles, and the same thing might hap
pen In the case ef Italy, some Italian
observers believe, tf It proposed to oia
tha allies whan Us halp was no lunger
necessary. Consequently a certain sec
tion of the publlo Is today urging the
government to throw in its lot with the
allies while there is yet time aod op
portunity. ,
Frelade t Dividing; Tarkey.
The possible forcing of the Dardanelles
by the naval locoes of the allies la re
garded here aa a pm'uda to the partition
of Turkey. It is imperative, according to
this faction, that Italy have a voice in
any uoh political division, but this it
could not expect If It entered any agree
ment with the Teuton arnes concerning
Treat and Trieste.'
Ko official announcement yet has been
made concerning tha Intention of the Itai
la government In this regard. The near
est approach to any definite indication
la found In the following paragraph la
the Clonals DTtaJta:
"Italy can at no cost allow Us position
as a world power to be lessened at the
Conclusion of peace.. It cannot permit
Its nation! aspirations to be turned aside
or tu Interests to suffer. This Is the
will of tha people and It must be the
program. No unjuetiflobU weakness can
be allowed."
Frlnce Von Buelow, the German- am
bassador, la continuing his active propa
ganda, the purpose ef which 1 to in
duce Italy to et&nd by Germany. He is
assuring the QulrlnaJ that Germany un
doubtedly will be euoccssful la prevail
ing upon Austria-Hungary to aatlafy the
Italian claims, .These date back- to the
war Of 1864 when the Venetian provinces
were eeded ty Italy, and it la the first
tune tbey have beea reoognlied In Berlin.
Feller- Alltsia Diplomats.
Prinoeas Voa Be u low Is a member' of
a well known Italian family. Bhe and
her husband have been giving a series
of receptions and dinners, to which sena
tors and deputies, and even members of
the cabinet have been invited. To this
campaign the dlpiotnatlo representatives
ot the aUlcut are opposing a pnjloy rad-
cuiiy u;reni ib its ouurr menu; urn on.
They are not endeavoring te exert pres
sure upon Italy .to Induce it to changa its
attitude. They do, however, call atten
tion to the way in which tha situation
has .changed Since lst .October. ,Tue
picture today, aa they are constantly
presenting it, is that Great Vrltaln has
LOOWO men on th continent; France has
organised its reserves; the Turoo-German
attack on Egypt evidently has come to
failure) the blockade atralnst Great Drit
ala has been of questionable success, and
the forcing of the Dardanelles, with the
consequent occupation ot Constantinople,
in proceeding satisfactorily.
Motion to Have Hint Returned to
JIattcawan as Insane Person to
Be Arjued Monday.
NEW TORK, March l3.-arryj
Kendall Thaw was acquitted today
of conspiracy In escaping from the
Matteawan asylum August 17, 1913,
the charge upon which he was
brought back to New York from New
Hampshire. Roger Thompson, Rich
ard J. Butter, Eugene Duffy 'and
Thomas Flood, the four men who as
sisted blm In his spectacular flight
by automobile from Matteawan to
Canada, likewise were acquitted.
Th jury bad labored all night and
until 11:20 o'clock this afternoon.
As soon as the rerdlct was an
nounced Thaw was glreln Into the
custody ot Sheriff Grlfenhagen of
New York county. The four co
defendants were discharged.
Ask Betara to New Hampshire.
A motion to have Thaw committed to
Matteawan asylum aa an Insane person
wss made by Deputy Attorney Oeneral
Cook Immediately after tha jury had
rendered Its verdict This motion was
combatted by Thaw's counsel, who an
nounced that Inasmuch as Thaw was
brougtit here on the conspiracy charge
and found not guilty, he should he re
turned to the state ot New Hampshire
aa a sane man.
Format motion that ha be so returned
waa then made by Thaw's lawyers, -
Justice Fage announced that he would
hear arguments on this motion next
Monday afternoon, March 15. In the
meantime Thaw waa remanded to the
Tom r e.
Shortly before the Jury's verdict waa
announced the court room was thrown
Into an uproar by a passage between
Pherlff Grifenhagen and John Lacyon,
a dotecUvn employed by the attorney gen
eral's office. Lanyon struck Grlfenhagen
In the face and waa placed under arrest
for contempt of court by Justice Page's
England Sets Traps
To Catch German
Undersea Vessels
PARIS. March 11 The advance of the
British troops In the vicinity ef Neuve
Cheppelle is estimated at about four
miles, in a dispatch reaching here today
from Beth tine. The Genoese a declared
to have been f oread back byond the
forest. This advene of the British In
cludes their various forward movements
since the beginning of their activities at
this point '. .' , . .
"The bombardment with which the Brit
ish preceded their attack -on Nouve
Chappela and Auber , was particularly
effective," telegraphs ithe Matin's cor
respondent at Armentleree. "Their work
waa So good around Lille that the Ger
man headquarters was moved from that
city to Tournal, YoreetiRdowing ,a gen
eral withdrawal of troops.
"Tha Germans lost very heavily In the
fighting, for the Canadian fought with
magn!fleot bravery. Their euocese ever-
whelmed them with Joy. AH th soldlars
German War Of ice
Reports Defeat of
Britons and French
ErrjjT." Msrch M.By Wireless to
Sayviil. The German official report
totlay on the progress of the war reads
as full owe i
To the south ot Tprea isolated British
attsrk were easily repulsed. Our nsove
iim.t fur th recapture cf the village of
Neuve Chappella began successfully, but
thereafter encountering a superior Brit
ish force, for Uil reason it was not con
tinued. The British In this locality have been
showing great aerial activity. The day
before yesterday on and yesterday two
British aviators were brought' down by
German fire, - .... .
"la the Champagne district there has
been a renewal of fighting at isolated,
plaoea. All the attacks made by the
French hare been repulsed, the enemy
long heavily. Two hundred French sol
dlare wer takaa prisoners. Fog and
snow have he!Ted the oparalioaa In
the Vosges.
"The KuatUne have retreated from the
Auguatewo district and the country to
the northeast, until they are beyond the
Hons river and under th gun of (irodno.
At a point northeast of Prsasnyea, near
the Orsye river, a Itusstan attack haa
been repulfced."
RtvraM feeaai sVenlstereg.
U:nCvL.N", Mjrvli It i.-n -ei tjJ.)-b'Ut
Auditor Kuillli Ua rtir'.sters J t.C.CiO aorth
of sewer bond for Ota V1IU40 of Ravenna,
MoKelvie Thinks
Dodge's Criticism
Not WeU Founded
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LrNCOUf, March 11 (SpeIl. For
trier lieutenant Oovemor McKelvIo, who
was th subject ot much roasting in the
senate at the hands of Senator Iodge ot
Douglae. yesterday, was at the state
house this morning, smiling aa ever. It
being evident that tie had not worried
very much over the "castlgstton which
he received for alleged tie-ups with the
gas people of Omaha as charged by
Dodge, who said that in appointing the
committee fh lieutenant governor had
consulted th "Interests."
Ueutenant Governor McKelvie looked
up th records of the last session and
discovered that the members appointed on
the enramlttee to look Into the Omaha
gaa proposition were Buahee, Saunders
and Ollla, and he does not believe that
anybody oast ony reflections oa either ef
the three member. ' . . ,
"Senator Dodge goes off half cooked,"
said Mr. MoKelvie, "that really not much
credence should be given his utteranoee.
He waa noted in that session as being
unreliable . in hi arguments and there
fore I don't think anybody will take mucn
stock in any oharge he may make against
Eecord of tho Bills
Nov in the Senate
(From a Staff Correspondent)
UNCOLN, March 11. (Special.) Of the
fc bills which war introduced In the
acnate, according to Colonnt Gus Bescho-
ner, official bookkeeper, V$ have passed
and seventy have bean killed up to ad
journment Friday noon.
There are still sixty-two In th hands ot
the committees and twenty-seven oa gen
eral file. There are eight on the third
reading board to be eons!dered.
There have been received from the
home lu bills, of which forty-three have
pasoed the senate and two hair been
Four British Ships
Reported Destroyed
' in the Dardanelles
ElcntJK, March U (Py Wireless to
Sayvill.) The Overseas Ntrva Agency to
day gave out the following:
'A Netherlands news agency, with
headquarters at The Hague, haa received
a dispatch fruin Athens saying that In
tha fighting la th Dardanelles straits,
twe Xrttlah torpedo boat destroyer and
two mine iceprds have been destroyed,
while also two bl7 battleship hav been
To get th genuine, call for full name,
t-axatlv ltromo Quinine, lxiok for signa
ture of E. W. Grove. Cures a cold In on
Uy. tS cents.
Let Ik Llaha Your Easier Suit
In addition to a perfect fit, I give you
' tho newest fabrics, tho latest styles and
, . expert shapo-retaining workmanship.
SUITS - TO ORDER $25, $30 end $35
Every Gamtzt Cut, FillcJ end Hals in Osioha
eomrng back from the front are beaming
with pieasur and rinsing cheerily.
"One thousand German prisoners vmre
taken. Several hundred ,t theee. Includ
ing some officers who were raptured at
Mervllla, were lodged tpmporsriy on
canal barge on the Lye. Th German
officer are unbending and are trying
hard to maintain their confident atti
tude. The snen are a mixture of Very old
and Very young. They seem depressed
and are a aad sight Their well-worn
uniforms are bespattered with mud.
The battle continued on Thur1y as
fiercely as ever. The British do not dis
guise their confidence In their ability to
mak a prompt clearance to the north
BECOMES GRANDFATHER (via London), March 13. A
son has just been born to Count snd
Countess Brandenstalo-Zeppelln.
The countess la the cnly dauKhter of
Count Zeppelin, inventor of the Zeppelin
dirigible balloon. At the time of her mar
riage, th king of Wurttemberg con
ferred upon her husband, Baron von
Brandeneleln, the title ef count, with
the name Brandenstcln-Zeppelin. Thus
the name of Zeppelin e borne by a des
cendant of the inventor, although he ha
no son.
Author Sings New
Missouri Song
Missouri's state building waa dedicated
today at the Panama-Pacific Interna
tional exposition with the singing of the
prue song, "Missouri," as the feature ot
an elaborate program.
Mrs. tiiieie Chambers Hull, winner ot
the 1 1.000 prise offered by Governor Ilad
ley cf Missouri for the most acceptable
state song, .was the sololnt.
Tierey U Ford, preeldent of the Mis
souri Society of California, presided.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Marcn 1J. Complete
returns today from ths primary election
he'd yesterday made certain the nomina
tion of A. IX. Frederic for president of
j 1 1 1111 i "" -
the board of aldermen on the republican
ticket by more than plurality.
Francis M. Curlee, defeated Adam
Wackman for the democratic nomination.
Curie received 17,11 vetes and Wack
mnn 4.06.
Both Frederick and Curlee were recom
mended by the Municipal Voters' league.
Thnma Speaks at Wnheo.
LINCOLN. March .-Speclal.)-tate
Superintendent Thomas went to Wahoo
today to snesk at a meeting of the school
boards Of Baunders oountyl
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, March 11 (Special Tel
CRTiim.) Mnrsaret B. McKIm was ap
pointed poptnmnter at Wendte, Stanley
county, 8outh Dakota, vie Bertha Gone
way. reelKncd.
Civil nfpvicn examination will be held
on April 10 at Bassett for postmaster at
Cams, Neb.
Postofflce at Verdi, Waahmgtuii o'inly.
Iowa, has been discontinued; mall tc
Danish Vessel Ashore. .
TjONDON, March 11 The wireless -station
ei Fair lale, one of the shetlnml
Islands, Sootend. reports that tha D"
leh etcamer Cadi from Newport' News
on February 24, for Chrlstiama, ran
ashore near the Sceddon Lighthouse. The
crew was landed.
r i
1512, DODGC
i a .,n
f r-t j"M '
.? J c4; 24
A Dress Dis;
Exceptional Styles Interest
America has clio3en her fashions this season from the quaintest period of her
existence. The modes and pace of an earlier day have returned.
. ' - " ' ' ' .
. i ' - . ; t,
- The fall skirt, the high waist
, line, which so dominate spring .
. ' styles, are characteristic of 1830.
; '!
Dresses, with a freshness and joy that capture;, one's admiration, have ; been
adapted from the curious old gowns of our great grandmothers. Clever! Yes, im
mensely so. Practical? Decidedly. '
In our offering of Spring Dresses we are showing a number of exact copies of
dresses worn in 1830. ''
It i highly Interesting: to notice the adaptations and modifications in Milady's
gowns for the Spring of 1915.
; Apparel Second Floor.
Our Millinery '
Astonishes Omaha
Trimmed hat at eight
zeventy-five, ten, twelve
fifty and up to fifty
We extend a special ' invita
tion to visit our Millinery
Section Monday to see our im
portations of the latest styles
in French millinery-.
ry'e believe it's tho finest col
lection the women of
Omaha have ever been priv
ileged to view.
Particularly interesting is tho
display of reproductions
of these ultra-fashionable crea
stions, offered at prices which
will be attractive to the woman
of moderate means' ,
"Yeomen have told U3 many
, reasons why they favor
our millinery, tho most import
ant being the fact that they DO
NOT "meet themselves com
ing along the street."
'..'., We' extend a cordial invita
tion to view this exhibition. -
; (Original)
An attractive crepe de chine
' blouse selling for , 5.95
. ' It would easily bring more,
but that is not the policy of the
"Store for Shirtwaists."
Really New
Moire Ribbons, Satin Edge,1 Six
Inches Wide, Extra Fine Quality
For Hair. Ribbons and Girdles; colors, white,
black, Alice, pink, blue, cardinal, lavender, green,
navy, maixe, Kile and old rose
Only, 35c a Yard, t
The Favorite Glove for Spring
Thsy have just arrived and will be shown first oa
Monday. !
Washable Pique Capes
In the new Putty and Oyster shades; combination
stitchings , ' ,
$1.75 a pair.
See them at your first opportunity. They are
unlike any glove ever before offered.
Silks for
Easter Gowns
In a most wonderful variety
of spring shades, and in-
. cladinsf every weave and tex
ture that f ashionable women
will wear thi3 spring.' Ex-
' qui3ite evening silks, silks
for street costumes and af ter-
, nocn gowns, silks for simple
little morning frocks' and
wash blouses.
for ffprinj
now here
10c 15c
Of enduring goodness at mod
erate cost. These extra special
prices 6hotsld induce every woman
interested in shoes to replenish
her outfit for spring at once.
Unprecedented bar.
gains are now offered.
$5 to $7 Values
Sale Price .
$r9S $ A 75
0 SI
Drapery Specials
ecru and cream color, with
ribbon edge and drawn
work strip in border, plain
body. This is a double
threaded filet mesh; worth
45c, Monday only - 30
all plain, standard material,
same double threaded filet
mesh; thi3 material is wide
enough to split for small
windows not over 26 inches
wide; colors, ecruN and cream.
Worth 50c, Monday only QQG
ecru and rrem, soft, fine mer-
cerlsed material that launder
and looks nlre at the window;
worth 80c, Monday only 18 A
'-'- y-
Toy Silk Poodles
Wi have on sale this week a litter cf 4
1U rtlceKt doirs cf this kind wlit-h w l-av svee
i a4 ajt of i ort'imty te curry In sto.a. Tiicy ars J
lnontii oii Mul kuow wuue. luvuryuo Is a
l " regular (riv.' ia tii, w o.'i.r tliein tl'
week .L, web i.tJ
V vv on hand two beautiful TOT BOS-
TOJI lu, i, a monilia ol.i. Iwnt in ira couo
trv, out ( wiiiniug stock, the r I'bmml
"Vn.m-lxHWi' strain $-&-u eaoa
Scotch Collies, at aia.00 each
For klont
muf mak you want
1 snd Up Per Month
C Tlf-'Ti'T Ffieee
aullol IjfWttiUvl LAt,ilwi.u
S07-S09 Soath 17th.
rtoue lMvg. 4121.
Bargains in
practically new
articles in "For
Sale column; read
4 4w4M4w-Hr-4