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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1915)
TllK OMAHA-. SUNDAY BKK: MARCH 14, 9B ;' YfflEH CHIEF DUE HELD THE "SOUP" Thrilling Experience in Connection with the Transportation of ' Two Bad Burglart. CLOSE CALL FOR. A BAGGAGEMAN Chief of Police H. W. Dunn will never forget an boraston when he wrtit to Jop lin. Mo., with th late Chlrf J. J. Dona hue to bring heck two men charirtd with robbing a local furrier. After having been detained at Joplln three day by legal teohnlcaltti over the prisoner. Dnnn and Donahue were given custody et their men ten mintrte before train time. Mr. Dunn threw two suitcase belong ing to the prisoners into the front of a hack and proceeded to the depot, where he checked the baggage and suitcases. On the train one of the prisoners asked where the ultcae were placed, adding that one contained "soup." The chief said ha checked the- suitcases, . whereupon, the prisoner remarked upon the chiefs care lessness.' What "Boar" Is. "Soup" Is a mixture of nit Ho acid and glycerine used by safe blowers. It is a high explosive. ' Upon arrival at the Kan sas City depot, Mr. Dunn hastened ahead to th b Kg axe car and was Just In time to stop the baggageman, who waa going to throw the explosive-laden suitcase out as he would any ordinary piece of bag gage. VThWth chief explained to the1 bag gage smasher the contents of the suitcase, the tatter's face blanched. Had the suit case been thrown as intended, there would not have been any salvage worth while to that baggage car, nor would there have been much Mt of the baggageman or the chief. To Illustrate the force Of "soup," it might be stated that a blacksmith placed two drops on an anvil, brought his ham mer down on the anvil and the head oi the hammer wu blown through the root of the blacksmith shop. . ' flow -"Soap" la iremdled. "Teggmen" usually carry "soup" In bot tle wrapped in cloth to prevent harsh contact In the suitcase In question there were two loaded automatlo revolver and two bottles of the explosive. The chief empt(ed . the explosive In the river at Kansas City and considered' himself lucky; The usual operation In blowing a -safe with "soup" is to pry a small space or spring the lower,' part, of the door with wedges. Then a dam of soap is built up around the crevice and the explosive poured into the opening. A fuse Is In serted Into the soap cup and the fuse la then lighted, A a rule gunmen on the outsMe watch for person apprised by the sound of the explosion. These gunmen deter any intruders while the Inside man fortes -the inside door of the safe and loot the strong box.' , - What Women Are t v' Doing.; (Continued from Page Three.) the plot and the structure and Mrs. T. Combs the characterisation. In view of tha fact that the story telt era' section of the Association of CoN leciate .Alumna la to provide tha program at the' opening meeting of the alumnae, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Loomls next Saturday,' the regular meeting of the section on Wednesday will be omitted. Misses Ollvo Coff man. Louise Etegner and Edith Halght were voted upon to represent the section on the open program. Mrs. Stephen Davie it chair man of the committee. Jay Burns of tha Burn J-akln) c jv pany. who was to have addrejsM the home economics department of the Omaha Woman's club at the last meeting, but was deterred on account of the Itvcljmoot weather, will' talk on the high price of wheat at the department ms jtlnj Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock. ' , Beginning Monday, March 22. the Scot tish Rite Woman's club will serve lunch eons and dinners at the cathedral for four days, tha proceeds to be used for pur chasing linens for the cathedral. . The - next two lectures in Prof. F. M. Fling' series of current topics talks will be given on Monday evenings. Instead of Tuesday: The first change Is occasioned because of the Tuesday Morning Musical club's evening program at the Fontenelle and the second by the Mary Antln lecture . at the First Methodist -church. . . Mrs. Edward Johnson, chairman of the house and home committee of the Omaha Woman's club, la receiving reservations for, the luncheon which will be given in honor of Mrs. A. O. Peterson, president of the state federation, at the Hotel Fon tenelle, Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas Q. Winter, president of the Minneapolis Woman' club, will also be a apecial guest at this luncheon. Mrs. Millard Laaafeld and Mrs. Fred erick T. Rouse will give the program for the Omaha Society of Fine Arts Thurs day morning at 1 o'clock at the Toung Women's . Christian association. "Tha Roman; His Amusement and Place of Amusement," will bo the subject for the mora ing.' Mrs. Langfeld will present the history of Roman games and Mr. Rouse will develop the Roman theater, showing its evolution from the Greek theater and its relationship to the late revival In our modorn university centers. ' The Bemis Park circle of the Child Con servation league will meet Friday at the horu of Mrs. Zane Thompson. 3J Haw thorne avenue. Tb parliamentary drill will be conducted by Mrs. II. J. Holmes. Mrs. Thompson will read a paper on "Tuberculosis and Its Cure;" Mrs. D. H. Fair, "Fresh Air Schools and Delicate (.iilldren;" Mrs. Prawl, The Drinking Cup and the Roiler Towel Evils." and Mra. L. V. Nicholas. ''Woman' Aptitude for Work on the Board of Health." Mrs. H. Frlck will give a reacting from Schil ler's "WUtiam Tell," and Mrs. llawkln son will . give musical selections. The regular meeting of the U. 8. Orant Women's Relief corps. No. lot. will be held Tuesday afternoon at Memorial hall. In tha evening Women's corps will be en tertained at a musical by the Orant post at Memorial hall. Mra. Joseph Miller wa re-eiected presi dent el the Central Park Mothers' Wel fare league at the meeting Friday. Mra. Herbert Cox Is the new secretary and 'Mrs. George Bryant treasarer. Mrs. George Richards Is chairman of the ad visory board and will be assisted by Mn. L. B. Maaaaoar, Mrs. H. A. Hollander and MUl Elisabeth Rooney, principal of the chool, who will provide the open-day program The league voted to affiliate with the National Congress ef Mother and Tarent Teachers' association. The White Phrlne will meet Thursday evening at Masonto Temple. Mra Willi Reed of Madison and Mrs. Xandcrs of Columbu. members ef Betbsny shrine No, . will be guests of honor at this meeting. Wr. Cuthbert Vincent Is at the head of the Whit Phrlne. The Weat Central district of the Worn an' American Baptist Foreign Mission ary society will hold Its qusrterly busi ness meeting Thursday morning at the Toung Women's Christian association. Mrs. Maria Reynold Ford, Who wa connected for Six yrara with the Porto Rlcan schools ard for an equal rjerlod with the nusnos Ayres missions, will open a two months' campaign fn Ne braska by addressing the Tri-Clty Federa tion of Christian churches Tuesday after noon and evening at the First Christian church. In th afternoon her talk will deal with mission work and Jn the even ing she will apeak on "Condition and Need of Latin America." Mr. Ford will be- entertained by Mr. E. O. Jones and Mrs. W, W, Widoe of South Omaha, senooi mend, during her atav. Mra Wlllard of Bethany, state secretary, will also be present at the meeting. A dinner ju oe served by the church women In their honor. General Henry W. Lawtno Grand Army of the Republic, will meet in Memorial hall, court house. Wrtna.,i.J afternoon.' ' The auxiliary will a-lvn a h nni.i i Magnolia hall. Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue Saturday. Friends of the auxi liary are Invtted. The Dundee circle of the Child Con servation league of America . will meet Monday the hgme of Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr. Roll call response will be Items of current Interest and papers sill be read a follows. Mrs. 3. H. Beaton, The Bolflsh Child; How Develoned. Itii Bearings on Our Present Social Evils;" Mr. P. J. White. 'The Period of In dlvldusl Prowess; Its Value and Pmnr Development;" Mrs.' I. N. Arey, "WJsy pete Licked His Boy;" Mrs. Elliott. "Dle- aavantages of an Only Child." dis cussion, "Under What rimirahn... Should the Fighting Instinct Bo Eneour- asear Musical selections will be given by Mrs. Don C. McCowen. Mra Bruce McCulloch Will IffAll thA nru gram on BiLIo history, which will be given or tne literature department of the South Omaha Woman's club Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. E. M. Sloan will read an original poem by Mra. O. D. Mabery, who is m at her home, entitled "Lite's Les son." Mrs. McCulloch will read a paper on "Palestine-Post and Present." Itm. of current interest will b given by Me- aame c. Martin. C. W. Sears. P. w. Shields and M. F. rt.vnniHa w a n Randaft will give a reading from "On the n ay xo Betniehem." An . extended program on Brawnlna-'a Lyric will be given by the Mu Sigma club Wednesday morning, at the home of Mrs. A. O. Peterson. Mra. C U rt.m.t and Mrs. George C. Thompson are leaders or tne program. Browning's Interest in human living will form the basis of Mn Thompson' half of the program and she win db assisted by Mcsdamea George Damon. E. W. Axtell. flnnilsnn X'll Patton, E. V. Gunther and Mis May xuaie. Mr. Ball let s program on the lyffc win be carried out . by Mesdames Lavender, A. B. Soinirs, 6. Q, Lund. Ryan. Pearl Wclshans and George f lamer. Mr. O. W. Noble will sing. Thl will be the last program meeting of the club year in which the, member will participate. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tha second In the rlea nf tn!U nn " Girl' Relationship" '. to be given Sun day afternoon at 4 30 by Dr. 0. E. Jenk ins ef the University of Omaha, whn will ppeak on "Municipal Friendliness," or the "Social Conscience." Mix Etta Young is the soloUU After the devotional serv ice a socmi nour Is held until 7 o'clock. All women of the city are moat cordially Invited to these services. Miss Odlorae is mo iiueirBs mr mis wees. On Monday nlirht at 8 n'r.lnrk ihr be an Association party to which all young worn of the city . are Invited whether they arer members of the asso ciation or not. It Is to be an advertise ment party and every one in to come dresed to indicate an )nMiumnt either tn costume or wearing a Placard1 wnn Buiiio tnaraciennuc auverttsemant "saylnp." The social committee has planned various stunts for the evening ni,p uirrui IIIIH IN mHKing Of a Vmovie" out of picture of advertise. menls. On Thursday from 13:1S to 1 o'clock there will bo a noon muslcRle In the auditorium The pupils of - the Boyd Hrandela school wIlL furnlah ), tK. talnment. . Miss McHugh's elaaa begins a new term this week of ten lessons which will be Iriven tor tl.W. ' The modern writer of nuun iiiriMuri win do aiscussea. Teacher Resents Notation Made on . Her Report List Bell M. Ryan, assistant superintendent of public schools, ha many little tangled end to straighten out during the couras of the week' work. . . She recall aa Instance of a teacher feeling very much aggrieved because her monthly report was marked in red Ink "not true." Thl teacher waa hurt at the thought that she would have falsified her report. As a matter of fact, th notation "not true" baa been use! for years at school headquarters to mean "t ut ef balance." In thl case the teach er' report did not bsSanoa, the total not agreeing when added across and up and down. It wa merely a clerical error which she was expected to correct. Mis Ryan labored hard to convince that teacher that there waa no lnrent'oa to lmpbgn her motive when making out the report. The teacher finally wa son vlnced and th clouds upon tier vision were turned into sunshine. Irish Fellowship Club Has Banquet Wednesday Night At the fifth annual St. Patrick' day banquet to be given by th Irish Fellow ship club at the Henshaw hotel next Wednesday evening David Cole will re late hi travel la Europe, Judge Lee Estelle will give an address and J. B. Latch will sing. Thomas J. Flynn will. act a toastmas ter. The banquet will be restricted U men thl year. L. J.'TePoel is president ef the club, Peter O'Malley 1 treasurer and E. J, Water U secretary. Dr. T. R. Mullen and P. C. Heafey founded this social or ganisation, which meet the aeeond and fourth Thursday ef each month la the Arlington block- ... i V . if ? :. . W V v ' f TSv'V ? V 5 ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' J his "' j V. TielleyiilUHc R---?S Ideal , . -i-iv .l -,f X n Grace Actele Irceley ' ' . Ti . ' I -V,': ."' 'J.. ' y i ' I 1 ' jmc---m"-m sis mi - f r- 5 - V ' " W"' IV , w --f- I ,' " I lff -4 r.:. i I - . i 1 -..j ..::: ,-,-. ; I l '-;" ' ' , J TVeteeV ftMW At Nf&Hldei S. I ; t 1 - I McHenry, la equally strong. Mr. Manning J p ' i f u will have the best role yet assigned to ' ,, f , . : 'VV t " ( , t 9 him, that of Jerome ie Geralne, tho per- Jr s: f ; ' Ajf fldious friend of Brjctiard, who takes I 0r ..r---:. '-iV t - -VT advantage of the husoand's confldonre sW!''"" . ; 'K 'V-t: r-''' 1 ' ' ' to win a fortune and to intrigue with I f ':'H T ' ,, . ; ' ' . H'e wife. The climax of the pluy is tre- " v?"-' ,s S- ':-V" Y. ' n fffyy mendous and startling. Mr. Llndholm I ' II I ELsiexhnis Ai Ik Hipp OON come th big event OS SI the Orpheum season. wora I has Just been received that I Umimii Dlmsrtnr Martin Beck la ' sending to Omaha . the Orpheum Road Show for th week starting" March 11. The array of special features I to be headed by Marie Nordetrom, Who. in private life is Mr. Henry E, Dlxey. It will be recalled that her most recent suoceta was scored a Fannie . In ' Bought and Paid For." Assisted by her sister France Nord strom, .she t to present a dlvertlsement called "Bits of Acting.'' The offering is said to display with admirable effective ness the versatility of Mrs. Dlxey. Tom Lewis in "Brother Fans" Is to be another of the'oonsplcuous features. Then there is W. C. Fields, known a th silent humoflst.' Grant Simpson, well known In Omaha, since formerly he wa Identi fied with the Woodward Stock company at the Burwood theater, la to coma with Lulu McConnell in the one-act comedy "At Home," by Herbert HaU Winalow. The sinking band, kno-n a Ralph Dun bar's White Hussars, is to-be another feature. Bankoff and Girlie will be seen In their own conception of modern dances, and' Val Harris, with Jack Manlon, will present a song sketch called "Uncle Jerry st the Opera." ' In addition to the well-know musical comedy star, Billy B. Van, th Orpheum show this week will have a aeeond head line attraction in Ideal, the champion fancy swimmer and diver. Assisted by the Beaumont Slater. Mr. Van will b seen in a sketch called "Spooks." Bom of hi most conspicuous auocease have been in "Little Nemo." In "Patsy bo liver,'' in "Patsy in Politics," and la "The Other Boy." Champion fancy swimmer and diver Is Ideul, one of whose remarkable feats wa th swimming of the Whirlpool Rapid of Niagara Fall. Ideal Is a specimen of physical perfec tion. In vaudeville she gives a sensa tional exhibition of diving. Her act Is elaborately staged. Rebla is much mora than a clever Juggler; ho Is also a pan tomimic comedian. Blackface comedian are La France and Bruce, said to be the most diverting team in vaudeville, feantly and Norton will make their Initial local appearance) together. Tr.ey are two dap- jxsr chape, described as slngor with trimmings. Alfred Walleratcln, the boy 'cellist of California ,1 to be another attraction of merit. Hi accompanist will be the composer and planiste, Adele Freebey. The distinguishing leature ef the perforraaaoe to be given by the Danube Quartet is rapidity and variety of new ethiei s feats tby per form. Once again this week the Orpheum Travel Weekly will project motion pic ture oi t'.rang. tn4 pivtureeque place the world evar. "Samson," th great Henri Bernstein drama of high finance and, domestic Intrigue, with it powerful lUustratioa of tb higher and the lower of man's passions, U to be ptseaUd at th Boyd thl week, with Mr. MuhoaU playing th role of Maurice Borchard, th butcher who mow to be tha greatest power en th Pari bourse, presented in Omaha two season ago by Jamea K. Hacks. C The role I one of the most dramatic of all bt modern play, while the part of hi wife. Ann Marie, to be pled by Miss McHenry, la equally strong. Mr. Manning will hav the best role yet assigned to htm, that of Jerome 'e Geralne, tho per fidious friend of Brjclmrd, who takes advantage of the husoand's confldonre to win a fortune and to intrigue with the wife. The climax of the pluy is tre mendous and startling. , Mr. Llndholm has given much care to Its preparation. On Tuesday evening ' tho Grand Opera Quartet will sing selections from favor ite operas. "Samson" will be offered first at the. matinee ;bls afternoon, and will run all week( with other matinees on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday after noons, . l -a r The, expression, "Milk' Man's Matinee," ha long been a standing Joke with show men all over the world. Exactly what It ever did mean has never been satisfac torily defined. It was always a sarcastic appelatlon applied to shows that ran long Into, the night through poor construction and ' stage management or to special freak performance given at election time, on holidays, special benefit per formance, etc. The word matinee Itself ha always been much discussed as to It true meaning, the contention always being that in its pure sens It meant a morning performance. . . "Tlllle' Punctured Romance." th six reel Keystone motion comedy drama, haa the distinction of being the first offering in the history of the amusement world that ha played in New York and Chi cago to a steady stream of patronage twenty-four hour each day. Thl re markable achievement prove that com edy ha tho strongest appeal after all and when situations are acted by a cast composed of Marie Dressier, Mable Nor- mand and Charlie Chaplin, with thelt well chosen support, knowing one do not marvel at the result o much after all. TIM' Punctured Romance" la a Keystone product. Mis Dressier I cast a an unsophisticated country girl, Charlie Chaplin a the suave rlty chap, and Miss Normond a Charley sweetheart. It run through two hour ef uninterrupted fun. Thl motion comedy drama starts an eight-day engagement at th Bran- Will Sing at Boyd . r , , ' '. --r-vw I 3.'.. ,V. IS f - f .' ' v. 1 . i,-' .' :- -sar,--.nA-..' .-vi-V'' 4 CdZzdy Ston? Girl dels commencing tonight, giving four show dally, at 2, 1:80, T:30 and o'clock. Charles Waldron, produce of the two act musical farce,"Tho Legend of the Ring." in which th "Trocadero Bur leaquer" will be seen at the popular Gayety this Week, beginning with a matinee today, has provided Frank Fin ney, the principal comedian with on of th strongest casts In musical burlesque, in addition to a lavish production, scon, tcally, as to costume and in lighting ef fects. Mr. Finney presented this same clever ' book" at the Gayety last season, but a hi coming wa late and he had to contend with the bad weather of May, many of hi admirer remained away from the theater. However, such will not be the case the coming week, as the ad vance sale I very heavy. Timely sou. venlrs will be given to all attending the grand St. Patrick' day matinee Wednes day, March 17. Ladles' dime matlnes dally all week. An -Innovation Is offered for the first half of the week at th Empress In the form of a tabloid muelcal comedy, with the fulj quota, of girl, musio and Scenery. Max Bloom has revived and put Into tabloid form hi old mualcal comedy uo oes "Th flunnyslde f Broadway," and this I to be tha subject of the first ,tablold offering at the Km press theater. "The Greyhound" will b the photo-play offering for the first half of the week. The last hair of the woe la offered "The Candy Store Girls," In a blending of sweetheart and sweetmeat, with three other act of quality. Clyde Marlon are billed a the Laughing Fiends, white George W. Day and company offer a on Tuesday Night yzy v , th i ti z --yB-: lt 11 LJ I comedy sketoh entitled "In Dutch." Cal loway nd r.lltott close the vaudeville offering In a song and chatter skit, en titled "Squirrel Food." The phot at ti action for the fast half of the week Is "Samaon." Pxcinalve, flrnt run .paramount feature films wl'l be shown at the Hipp theater today, all this week and In each change of program. In accordance with Manager St-Mank'a yearly ntract with the pro ducer. I'nder the Contract tho (ream of the I'nrnmcunt output, lth such stars ate FMe .lanln. llaael Dawn. John ltarry nor. Frltxl ftrheff, Marguerite' Clark. 1'lanche sweet. Duatln Iarniim, Victor Moore, Valeaka Suratt and others will l shown t xcluaively at the Hipp during the next few weeks. -As ea extia special attraction for t.xlay only, liatel Dawn, the !wu:irn rtar r'.-ently seen on the stay In -The Prbutante," will lie sen at the lllpp in her film dehut. "One 6f Our 3lrls," ltrouaon Howard's famous In ternaKonal romnme. For Mnnday and Tueailay Ihe Krohtnan sUr, Carlyle UlarRwell, will appear In the thrilling. A MI'SEM KTS Daily Mat. 2:15 Night 8:15 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE We'k Starting Hunlay, Matin eo, Mar. billy b. mn TBS BEAtmOBTT ItlTIlS In Ihe ne-Act Comedy "SPOOKS" By Bob Janette, REBLA Th Unconcerned Juggler. SANTLY AUD RORTOSI Singer with Trimmings, CANQ8E QUARTETTE Europe' Canting Marvel. ORPMEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY nr wosib at wobi a mo nn. Arouhd the world with th Orpheum Circuit motion picture photographer. yrloe Katlaee, gallery, loo. ast teat (saeept gatarday and Baadag), BSe. ' sflgbt, 100, SSo, boo aad Too. , .. BgAW PBI8 Today 4 P. FRITZ KREISLER , , , Tlollalst Tasarpassad. - ' - TlckeU COc, $1.00, $1.50 and 2.IK. 8 DAYS COMMENCING TONIGHT THE KEYSTONE OF KEYSTONES TILLIE'G PUNCTURED ROMANCE MARIE DflESSLER 1889 Ft of Lmshier FAST unriY URIOUO OsiAsx,xa ramni - uxm mxxa a mo roxAsr axx. Yuorsruai " .k SCats. Bally at 8, Siaoi AH ats lOoj Ktghts T;")0 a&4 . io and ma XRTUta B K1RDCII OBCSCdaA, EHPP THEATER S O U O Z. A B06t 16th k Xaraar an. KXCLUNIY K, VlllHV Itt'X, I'AIUMOLNX FKATU11K8. BPECIAL-TODAV OXLY Film Debut of HAZEL DAVj"! La to Star "The Dbatute, la "CXECF CURGItLS" MONDAY nd Tl'K8DAY IsanlPl Frohman Freaenta OAIILTLH IlIiACKWUUU . "THE SPITFIRE" Nauticiil Laugh and Thrlllfl. WEDNESDAY ana TlfVIlSDAY ELSIE JAHIS In m J3oworth Hit, "Tke wmt OF Kim" Written by Herwlf. FRIDAY ntl SATURDAY Ixl M'eber and I'tUlUp Hruallejr I "SUNSilltlE HOLLY" A Coiiiedy-Draiua of the Oil Fields. Something NewrbrlhoDcprcM MAX BLOOMS laai- TABUOIO b YtlESUIJNY SIDET UFyiTOADVAYa " U SMtR andTlMrt MY HORSC C or coNSciiNct ft me wi r r J r C3 - A.rsire: csr VAUDEVI LLE TtfURSDAY J I KitKVti BIT J lf LSTRs L4 I ! - WslsJlr v- Gt-j i - rHs1VfrBJ iWWBr SUil.flCMTtJES.S WEQ QKLY 1 rollicking romedjr-drama of the se. "The fnltflre." Elsie Janls, wlio la well ret membered liy 'oinahAns s the star of musical comedy at the Brandels, will bt Ihe strong drawing .card for Wednesday and Thuredny in the Boswortlr feature, "Tho Caprices of Kitty." which Mini Jnnls wiete herself and la described ai "a thousand nluhts of vaudeville In on." The hill for Friday and Saturday Is powerful romedy-drama of the California oil fields, "flnnshlnn Molly." with Ioi Wrher and Plillllp Smalle, in the Wadlns roles CLOSE DUNDEE SCHOOL--'. ON ACCOUNT OF MEASLES Because, a number of raaesuof Chicken pox and measles have recently developed among the Dundee si h mil children, the I'UbhV school of that suburb has been closed for a week en advice of the-village council, school board and health officers. There la ralv no epidemic gnd no serious eases so tar as la known, the cloelnt; of he ai'hot1 ' hjivlug beeh dcw'Mecl : upon merely as a f rerautlonary measure.. : AMI "KHIOTs. .Tele-k. phoney Doug.' :494. . . .. . ,i Nature's Masterpiece "ideAK.".' Champion Lady , Fancy Swimmer . and Diver, of -the World. LA FRAHSE & DHuCE Monarch of Black Face domedy., ' "Til Aa0 tTMHTT.'' ' ALFRED niLILESSTEia The Wonderful Boy' "Cellist GRACE ADELE FREEEEY CVimposer and Flanlete. WTTsT ABEL nonr.iariD Ons Bolt end a IhU of Screams end Rcjrs Boyd Omaha's Most Popular Theater Matinee Today-All Week The Sensational Dramatic Triumph, Br Author of "The Thief." Mat. Wed., Thura., Sat., B5c Night, S5c, 60c TneauUy, rtociety Mght, : Orand Open Quartette ' You Kcx"p Your Money " IN OMAHA When You Attend tho Boyd. NEXT WEEK, V Oeo. M. Cohans Ulg Musical Comedy, Fifty f'ilss From Boston . No Advance In Price, ., "OatAKAY TV CIHTIIl ij&rt! LCTl L aUyMaviSJB.BO niie Columbia Circuit's Classiest' now Th Blusrre, pml-rrler,tal Travesty. "Tlie Ix-Kfud of the FUn-." Only mus ic &1 Dhow tn town. "Lucille of London" lieauty Chnriin. Tlmrly souvenir to all at St. lPalrl-k'a Iay Mat , Wert., Mar 17. Xiadies' Sim Matlaee Week. Da. Cora Schwartz Teacher of Singing Wsw iooaUoa S04 Lyrio Bldr. lsth ana Tarana ats. Bssiaeaoe raoae, Uarney 823B. The Wellington Cafe 1X1 yTaraam St. T. V. MUler, Trop, TASUi D'KOTI ttinVVt, SOe. Oyster I'ocklall . ,. roiiBoiums oX vTjiekcin. ' tjuoen Olives . : Raliah4 Cweet Pic kles ' Celery Kont I'rline Kllm of Bef, au Jim llolleci Hed fiiHppci-, MhUio I-"larnnande LraT of felptina Lamb. C'ur hsuc Baked i'hlcken with ireHuis" Maahe.t potatoes Crnjibeny t-auae Hpaa-ltettl a la Italian or June Pea Muahrci New Turnips 1- rult KiUa.l Paiker ilou Hull Pltttd f'lirrlif or Oreen Apple PI Mince Pie with 'ho Wine JIlv. Wlil(ie,l Oleam Bisque of Almond Its l'im trim Cake Coffee Ta Milk Oocoa