Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Image 18
Sunday Bee Magazine Page sfs-Bfifliifi-Siiii;Scill)aici HE UM4HA- A j ., :"" Y rl ..:. ' '. ! J : : ! 1 - . ' ' ' IV .if ' ' r -Jt - '.f . . - a: Philadelphia's Prettiest Heiress, Tired of Papa's Social Pugilism and Preaching, Able to "Knock Him Oat in Five Rounds Any Way," Picks Oat for Husband the Heir to the Duke Tobacco Millions, Who Isn't a Bit Like Father "Tony Mr. Angler Dtike, Whom M Biddle Will Marry. "D' Mr. James Duke, the Lone Aunt of Mr. Angier, Who Tried 10 Hard to Marry. Him into European -Ariitocracy. .ID the BlddW of Fhlladel- phla come over In the MayflowerT" once asked en cwestrlcken beholder of their gloves at a Philadelphia assembly ball. "Oh, .' my dear," answered -the-tbocked listener, "nothing to parve nu. It was the ark, at least." Which anecdote elves a faint as to . the interest the engagement of Mies Cordelia Diddle, the beautiful young , daughter of A. J. Dreiel Biddle, to' Angier Duke, the heir to be tobacco millions 'of Benjamin M. Duke, la. causing in Philadelphia just now. Altogether young Mr. Duke will In herit about 150,000,000 and has for, years been stalked by well nigh . every ambitious mamma in America. Betides, he was the subject of a special foreign campaign by his charming aunt, Mrs. James 'Duke, who took him abroad with the earnest Intention of marrying him into one of the noblest families. ' Young Mr. Duke, however,' wouldn't have it.' Not that Philadelphia thinks It at all strange that young Mr. Duke paused up princesses and duchesses and things' like that for little Miss Biddle. Far from itl -,Tbey only wonder how little Miss Biddle could bend so far as to take up a mere Duke even with fifty millions! . Just why she did it furnishes Uie title to this in teresting romance, and proves to us that although some trees are bent as the twig is Inclined, there are othriy twigs that get so tired of being Inclined that they Justv go ahead and bend entirely different Little Miss Biddle, to tell the truth, picked out Mr. Duke because . he ,was totally unlike "Papa Tony," and, presumably because as Mrs. Duke she wouldn't have the same inter esting but curious environment she has known ever since she was a baby. Now. Just as there is no family higher than the mid dle of the pedestal' on which stand the Biddies of Phila delphia, so among the Biddies there Is none Blddler than the A. J. Drexel Diddles. The only thing that has distressed fashionable society there is that Mr. A. J. Drexel Biddle, or "Tony,", as he Is called, has never been content to go on in be time honored ancient . manner of the Biddies,. and of Philadelphia. Hirst of ail, be blossomed out as a real pugilist. Not an amateur, but a very capable one. Jack UcAuliffe was his sparring partner, but Bob FlUslmmons and other giants of the ring put the gloves on with him. He bulit a special gymnasium in his home, and fitted It up with a fighting ling de luxe. The Biddle home swarmed on boxing days with pugilists snd trainers. It amated Mrs, Biddle and the fashionables for a time terribly. It was do hard for Mrs. Biddle to be carrying on a real social function with the latest pet poet Tecltlng verses to a daisy, say, and to have the reading, punctuated by tfce sound of body blows from the gymnasium and shouts . of 'That was a corker. Tony!" "Soak him in the solar," etc.. etc. Finally, Indeed, Mrs. Biddle put her toot down snd there were no more prise fights in the ex clusive Biddle mansion.' But, besides being a fine pugllllat Mr. Biddle is deeply Interested In Christianity lie runs a Sunday-school v, ys . A ' K-H 00fi' rc""'''' W' '"IU class every Sunday. Some of his best boxers have corns from It, This also provided a curious atmosphere for little Miss Biddle. Finally, Mr. Bid dle Joined the ranks of the Billy Bun layers. 'On January 2, last year, ha declared forever for tee to tall am, an- . nounced there was more punch la a glass of milk than In a glass ot whiskey, and turned bis wine cellar literally out Into the ,gutter. "Tears ago," said Mr. Biddle, "I drank a quart of rum a day. Never again!" . , And exclusive Walnut street panvd while , Mr. Biddle' s servants brought out bottle' after bottle of flue wines and let the contents of the bottles How down the gutter. All this seems to be more about Mr. Biddle than bis adorable daugh ter, but it is necessary to show that what Miss Biddle apparently found a trifle oppressive. It has been said that young Mr. Duke successfully resisted many onslaughta on his heart Equally, Miss Biddle was not easily won. Mr. Duke, with all his millions and his prestige, found the winning of "Tony" Blddle's daughter an arduous task. His rivals were as thick ss blackberries in Summer, but fortunately for him, he happened to fill the specifications that Miss Biddle had drawn up two years ago as to what she thought her husband should be. And these specifications are the crux ot the romance which Is of such Interest to society at home and abroad. Now we begin to see why the little sketch of Mr. Biddle was necessary. Little Miss Biddle was brougnt up oa boxing gloves, wrestling mats, Oxford Bibles and athletics generally. She talked the Jargon ot the ring before she pattered in French, and German. She knew what a bait Nelson was before she knew the date Amer ica was discovered, and physiology was merely another name for solar plexus. On her fifteenth birthday, however. Miss Cordelia de cided that the was utterly weary of everything athletic. "It I ever marry," she said to her room mate at board ing school, "I will choose a man who has never seen a ' prizefight who does not know how to box or wrestle, or plsy footbali or baseball, or do anything at all but read books and be quiet." In the beginning Miss Blddle's parents did not take these specifications and their daughter's boredom seri ously. Mrs. Biddle was too busy leading Philadelphia society, and Mr. Biddle was too busy teaching his Bible class Vow to fight and his fighting friends how to study the Bible, to waste much time oil their daughter's vagaries.) But when said daughter began turning down one after another ot the best eliglbles ot Philadelphia they bean to sit up and take sharp notice. Gallant gradu ates from Princeton, Yale and Harvard and sturdy un dergraduates from the U. ot P. got the bablt ot always being in the picture whenever the Biddle beauty was on view. They met with ahott shrift The trouble was tlat they all knew that she was the fghting daughter of a fighting father, and naturally A ' I YV ' V' i i r' ) i r c. i- i ., i ' ''A $ 'J 1 I J ' r ' - 'f Mr. A, J. Drexel-Biddle, the Father of Mill Cordelia, in ' V Jt " , 1 - ' Boxinar Trim. ' 'K - , ? T--.? v ;. J ; y.t 4 't r i j ' ' ' 1 ' 1 i I I 11 5, t I . ) f ' . 'i v I - ' ?i t f ; - . .. ; II ' - - 4 I they started in to talk "boxing and sports." They would say something like this: "Do you still like to box better than to wrestle?" Politely the Heiress would smHe and say"I gave up boxing two years -ago, after I found that I could put dad out In five rounds!" The enthusiastic graduate would then deluge her with questions and comments and because she kept on smiling thought lie bad made a hit But being polite waa one ot Miss Blddle's loss suits; even when smiling the pleasantest she would be black listing the man, as a possible husband. The more seriously minded males tried her on religion, having In mind her father's famous Bible class. - Still smiling, another name would be added to her blacklist And so it went until at the time of her debut In December, there was scarcely an eligible male la Philadelphia, whose name was not on Miss Blddle's blacklist Mrs. Biddle was p-erturbed, to say the least, for the first duty of every debutante Is to marry aa speedily as possible. - . But as It happened. Miss Biddle had been marked by Dan Cupid way back last Winter. It was during the Thlnksgivlng holidays a year ago that the George Goulds gave a house party at beautiful Georgian Court in Lakewood. Young Mr. Duke and his sister Mary were m the party. Miss Biddle was visiting hter aunt Mrs. William Thaw, 3d, on an estate nearby. "Tony" Biddle -was staying with the Goulds. Mr. Gould suggested a private prise fight lth "Tony" and a sear-professional, fortunately in training Just then on a farm a mile out ot town, as leading gentlemen. The Aght came off la the Gould Casino, one of the most beautiful sport log theatres in thiscountry. Miss Biddle waa there, the had to be. but she vowed that it was positively her last appearance at any of dad's fights. She turned, so the story goes, to a rather melancholy male sitting next and emphatically said: - "This is my very last fight; after to-night I'm done." The male turned an eye in her direction and replied: f " Tie a beastly bore, Isn't lt I came because I had to. I'm a guest la the house, but bah, I never have liked anything of a sporting kind." The male was young Mr. Duke, and that chance remark ot his was a tea strike. From that moment Miss Biddle enshrined Mm In her heart and as he was already keenly alive to her attrac tion, the courtship became strenuous. Mr. Duke, as must already be dear, was not Inexperienced. His. experiences in England alone, would have made him' past master In the gentle art ot elusiveness had he cared to be eluded. Over tUere he has spent a season with bis aunt the lively Mrs. James Duke,, who had In stalled him In her Grosvenor Square mansion, and made a desperate effort to marry him to a titled English woman, even an "Honorable" would have pleased Aunt Nana. It Is said that even the Princess Patricia waa considered by the ambitious aunt who had been a bright and shining member ot King Edward's set, but Mr. Duke, while enjoying the attention he received, refused to fall for any ot Aunt Mary's numerous selec tions. He passed unscathed thtough a very trying ex perience, and. incidentally, so did his slater Mary, who will also Inherit fifty millions. But sister Mary's ex periences are another story. She still mourns for a noble prince who wooed her, but whom her fatlfer would not let her have. He is now fighting with the allies. Perhaps when the cruel war is over well, per haps, there will be a new story to tell New Universes" Our Eyes May Some Day See 37 Dr. Leonard Keene Kirschberg. ' A. B.. M. A., M. D. ( Johns Hopkins) . THERE sre both facts and reasons to prove that millions of real, ma terial articles are present In the universe which are not only overlooked i? nan, but which are looked completely through. The X-rays were discovered because an KnsHshman, Sir William " had jceviously discovered tbe vacuum globe a large glass bulb with metallic ends, from which all air and gases had been previously exhausted which Is called the Crookes tube. The cathode radia tions wblch came from the cathode cud of ibis tube, hen frlctlonal electricity is Sfiit through the vacuum glass globe, were known before Roentgen accidentally found that aoiue ot tbem penetrate solid tilings. . Kv-n to-day the general idea which ucleriles tbe X-rays or catnode raya Uoia a vacuum tuie is not fully appreci ated by the physicists who use them. - It these rays can pass through Iron, stone, solid wood, and other tilings that the sun's rays do not pasa through, It seems to be a logical judgment that the sun light also passes right through a number of things in space, which we eee through snd are. therefore, unaware ot. The so-called lnter-atullar space, the great outer ethereal nothing aa it seems I to us, which exists between the earth, itne moon, the sun, and the planets. Is vmore than likely a solid mats that la. a relatively solid mass w tilth sunlight penetrates. Juat as X-rays and some ot ' radium's rays pass through wood, flesh, ' and other masses Impenetrable to or dinary light raya. The human eye, to be aure, has In no other generation ever met any ot these uew kiuda ot radiations. Hence, it Sit not yet become developed to the point cf seeing through that la to aay, meeting haif-aay. aurli curious -tns ot sultl fenetratlng light a X-llght radium llsht. ultra-violet light Infra-red light and all ot the other present day Invisible kinds ot light Nature, evolution, mutation, and other schemes ot lite-development however, are already at work to overcome this human eye delinquency. The men and women of fufure generations. I take It will un doubtedly have a greater visnal pfwer. Their eyesight will bemore than lynx like in far and through alghtednesa. Eyes will begin to appear in greater ar.d greater numbers that will equal or sur paaa or meet half way all ot the newly discovered rays. Not even mountains will be opaque to such eyes. That this realisation la not a vain imagining or a fairy tale brought down to . date Is confirmed by the tact that some singularly gifted persons are now to found who see what their prejudlcea and superstitions make tbem think la a ghost, a spectre, a wraith or a spirit As a matter of knowledge, all ot these seemingly supernormal things are ex plainable In the plain terms of actuality; 9- f f . m . it! . ' ,. . , " :. :a " I, I often, a thick coat a linen dress, or something ot this nature Is looked completely through. The moon beams or a fire-light in eemt-darkneea la so rich with X-rtys, ultra-violet, or infrared rays that the persons in happy possession of these "super" sort Miss et eyes see right through a solid form, which they mistake for a flimsy, veil-like spectre. Reality Is temporarily mistagea tor spirit nllty. Koseerchea by the great physicist Pro fessor K. Goldstein, soon to be announced from Germany, bring all of these matters into closer relationship than ever before with human progresa. Ho has found that If cathode raya fall on certain salts, such as table salt potash, and the like, vivid colors are immedi ately produced In these salta. .This and other new discoveries of his form a class of phenomena which eeems to constitute a new condition ot matter which no one has ever before realised. r Cordelia Biddle, of Philadelphia, Who la Going to Wed a Man as Unlike "Papa Tony" aa Possible. Thus common salt at once becomes yellow lah or, rather, amber colored. Bro mide of potash turns tnto a lovely deep ultra-marine blue, while chloride of potash becomes a beautiful violet. Fluo ride of soda takes a fine rosy hue. All of these colors are acquired by the salts In the fraction ot a second, yet they remain for many years, if kept cool and in the dark. Daylight and heat slowly and after some time, cause a return of the white colors. This Is a new and quick way to an alyse and tell what a given specimen ot mineral, salt, or ore la made ot. It Is not only done more quickly, bnt more cheaply, easily and handily. Comblna tiona of aalts, to be sure, produce dif ferent, yet perfectly constant colors. Lithium chloride Is made a bright yellow color who nalone In the cathode rays, but when mixed or dissolved in sulphate ot potash a lilac hue results. Pure cars Donate of potash acquires a reddish tint, but In a solution ot sulphate of potash a vivid green Is made. , No matter how email the amount one speck of one to a hundredth thousand parts ot water or smother salt tbe appropriate cetor la produced. " i Copyright till, by the Star Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved. A . )