Tin: OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MAKCIt 14. 1015. 3-B hat ,omen Are Doing in the World Nebraska Leaders of the D. A. R. tlfc Calendar. PCNDAT-Toung Wonwii l Christian as sociation vesper services. 4:30 p. m.; free exhibition Fine Arts society at Fontenelle, I p. m to 10 p. Hi. . MONDAT-Onmhi Woman club busi ness meeting, follow by open program of th literature department; Dundee circle. Child Conserv ntlon Lague ot America, Mm. Fred Elliott. Jr., hosteaa; Ttinvinn Bttiriv circle. M rs. Oeorge YVaterman, hotes Young Women -r-t.itian unrlatloti evenlnar party: close of Flno Arts exhibit at Fontenelle; Prof. F. M. Fling, current topic lec ture, city hall. 8 p. m. j T t.'ESDAV Oi atoi y and French depart ments. Woman's club; literature de partment. South Omaha Woman's club. Library hall; miiRic section, Aasoeiation of Collegiate Alumnao, Mra. E. L. Moore,- hostess: Omaha Woman's club luncheon. Hotel Fontenelle, to honor State President Mra. A. O. Peterson: Sunshine club, Mrs. Hirshey. hostess; General I,awton auxiliary. Memorial hall: Hermo club. Miss Lillian Owinn, hoatees: l". R. Grant. Woman's Relief corps, Memorial hall, !: p. m ; Trl City Missionary federation, e'VnX Chris tian church. WKlNEHlAV Opening Daughters ot tho American Hevolution convention; recep tion nt the home of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf ; Mu SlKma club, Mrs. A. O. 1'eterson hostess; Woman's club, railway mall service, Mrs. J. I,. Tjnigfellner, hostess; Clio club, Mrs. Ualph Russell; literature department. Woman's club, 10 a. m. ; Omaha Sutfrngo nssorlutlon tea, Mrs. Thor Jorgonxen, hostess. TIH'P.SDAV lsi;ghtcrs American Revo lution banquet, Hotel Fontenelle; Omaha Story. Tellers' loasue. public library: Kinma Hoaginr.d Flower M's slon;r home economics department. Woman's club. 10 a. ni. ; noon niusrteale, Young Women's Christian association: Onuiha Society 'of Fine Arts, Young Women's Clir'stinn association. 10 a. ni. West Central district Baptist Mis sionary federation, Young. Womcn'a Christian association, 10 a. m. FltlKAY Iaixiiteis oi '-he American Revolution tea, Mrs. Donald Mscrae of Council Uluffs.. hostess; North Side cir cle CI. ltd Conservation league, Mon mouth Park school: Henson Women's Chi 'alian Temperance union, Mrs. R. B. Hi'us'ey. hnsiesp:, Mrs. ,N. H. Nelson, president ct Womnn's club, pt bom to club members: Remls Park Child Con servation league, Mrs. ICnno Thompson, hostess. BATt'KUAY Aisoelntion of Coileglato Alumnae, Mrs. Frank Loomls. hostess. ' (Notices fur this column should bo limited or telephoned to the club reporter before, Friday, noon.) ; HE thirteenth annual confer ence of the Daughters of the American Revolution opens I Wednesday evening: n-lth a, large reception at the home of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf. The T opening business session will be Thurs day morning at. the Hotel Fontenelle and w ill be followed by a banquet Thursday evening, at the new hotel. The business session Friday will be followed by a tea at the home ot Mrs. Donald Macrae In Council Bluffs. Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock the st.ite board of management win hold a business session, Just preceding the open ing business meeting Chapter ' regents will each give a three-mtnute report of the work of their chapters during the last year. Twentj'-nine chapters will be repre sented at this, the' first convention to be held inj the new hotel, and over 100 delegate are expected.' " ( ' ' Among the distinguished guests at the meeting will be Mra. 'George 'Thatcher Guernsey of Independence, Kan., state regent an J a candidate for the office of national rejront; Mrs. Charles Bassett, historian general, and Mrs. Drayton W, Bushncll of Council Bluffs, honorary Vice president general. . . ' ; ... ., Mrs.,' Warren Perryi, state regent and Mrs. Charles IT. AuU, vice state regent, are in charge of the program. They are being assisted In the arrangements by Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm of the Omaha chap ter. Mrs. R. E. McKelvey, regent of Major Isaac, Sadler chapter, who was most active on the committee of arrangements In charge of the conference, is confined to her home as the result of a had fall and injury to the wrist. Mrs. Charles H. Aull of the Omaha chapter Is a candidate' for the office of regent. Mrs. Aull and Mrs. Guernsey. candidate for the office of president gen eral of the National Daughters, are slaters. " . Monday will be a srala d for ih Omaha Women's' club. Two guests of' disUnction will be present, Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora, president of the .Ne braska Federation of Women's clubs, and Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, president ot the Minneapolis Woman's phib and chair man, of the literature department of the General Federation of Women's clubs. Other guests of honor will be Mrs. G. C. Edgerly, president ot tho Dundee club; Mrs. W. P. East, president of he Wom an's Club of the Railway Mall Service; Sirs. Metcalf of the Ideal club and Mr. Page Morrison of the Council Bluffs club; Mrs. N. M. Graham of the South Omaha club and a representative from the Benson club, since the president Mrs. Silas Wright, is ill. Following tho business meeting the pro gram will be in charge of the literature department Tho program will include an address entitled "Literature and Life," by Mrs. Winter, and a talk on "Modern Drama," by Mies Ethel Dixon, head of the English department of Brownell Hall. Miss Dixon is a Wellesley girl and has taken graduate work at Chicago univer sity and at Harvard. The program to in charte of Mrs. F. H. Cole and Mrs. C. H. Mullin, loader of the department, will preHlde. Mrs. Peterson, who will be the guest of Mrs. N. 11. Kelson, nreslilont e th. Woman's club, during her stay in Omaha, will bo guest of honor at a luncheon KlVen bv h Ali.K . i... . . Tuesday. Mrs. Winter will be the house ue of Mr Cole while in Omaha, Mrs. Cola also being a general federation chairman of the civil service reform de Partment. A number of informal enter tainments are planned for the two guests. A noteworthy fact I. that slnoT Mr 1.1V luTcAe1 Mxs- r" Slre ------ ner department has al iay pumped, a peace pageant for children. suitable fo, ...LT.V.r.": . nil""' '. a prospectus of th" ol a" 'he countrie of the .vu. y moneru literature. The Benson Woman's club was enter tallied Thursday bv Vfr. v- r ir.j Mm. Mart Armstrong wa leader of the juue...... iura. j. y. Hooper read a paper on Spending a Day in OJd Oxford." Mr. W. A. Wilcox's narrative on "English Holiday Customs" was Interesting. Mrs. F. B. Oliver read extracts by Richard Harding Davis concerning Euglibh poll tic a. The lesson on English literature wss participated in by all present Mrs. F. U Rumpus gave vocal solos, after which the bJslness session followed. Mesdames Armstrong and F. M. Paugh were ap pointed to assist in the child labor ex Libit to be given In Omaha. Mrs. F. B. C4r was elected delegate to the annual ' I II M ' . ' v'. i Ell m V i 7C XVxTTJiTI Taff-rr . S V "' ll'. Il7;. i Vi til 'im , , i ;. ... ' ) ; ! 'l - f -in l 5 i "' ) i " , . ,y . . , , - v, tha home of Mrs. H. Agor were Mrs. Nt'ii True M. Glltner and Mrs,. P. C. Patton. , j Mrs. Thomas H., Matters, retiring presl- rderit, and Mrs. Agor, whose wedding an niversary ' it was, were presented with 1 . hououets of flower. Other off ioera elected t -'i- , I ar": Mr- G W' Tribble. recording sea- ' I retary; ' Miss Frances Chandler, corre- 1 spqndlng secretary; Mrs. Beta Johnston, t """v' rf-Ni s treasurer;; Mrs. H. Agor, chaplain; Mrs. " '' ( ' 1 .' JV.J A. Shropshire, , guard; Mrs. Zella ' " ' I " Bryans, Journalist, and Mrs. T. M. Gilt- " l" . ner, organist. k , " ".' j 1 1 - , ; !' - ; , ' ' '' ' v i, .. - ....... . ' v.. l.. . . . MRS. C. M. WILHELM. . t. . - . ' -. secretary, were re-elected at the meeting held Tuesday or last week. The officers are now as follows: Mrs. Charles M. riotts. president; Mrs. P. C. Iatham, jvlce president: Mr. Jessie Daniel, secre tary: Mrs. O. H. Bun-ham. treasurer. The program committee includes Miss Btta Smith, principal of the school; Mr. Hurcham and Mrs. Galbralth. The next election will be held In September, follow. Ing which election will be heW annually instead of twice a year. wa one of the early divines of the Ban-' tlst church from Virginia. '. The charter members of the charter Jj re: luesaames par a Barren, ivunn v.ui"- land, Minnie It. Crltes. Anna Tierce, Bes sie Bralnard Russell, Ieona Rustln, Annl Sands, FJliabeth O'l.lnn Pmlth, Kate Smith, Llxle Sparks and Jessie BralnaWI Wheelock aud Miss Helen Pairs and Miss Amy Icl.li Paine. Officers were elected for the followinis ear a follows: Mr. Elisabeth O't.tnn Smith, regent: Mr. Minnie 11. Crltrs, ire rcBenl; Mrs. Annie Sands, secretary; Mrs. Sara M. Rarrett. treasurer: Ml i Amy l-elght Pnlne, hlatorlnn; Mrs, Leon Riistln, registrar; Miss Helen Daie. cus. ) !8C The meeting of tl-e tllo Study club, xhic'i a to be held today, has been postponed for two weekn on account of the Krelsler concert this afternoon. The elub will be entertain.')! for the next meeting at the : tod is n; Mrs. llsle Sparks, cl.aplaln; Ml? i home rf MN Pauline Resenberg, when a I K.llth Copeland, organist. Mrs. Annie piogram on Rostand 3 "I Alglon w llit Sands was elected altcrnalo to the tato be given, ' , conference. An address by the state re- j I gent, Mr. I.ula Correll IVrry of Fair- I The oratory depurtmcnl of the Omaha bury. i Woman's dub will meet Tuesday morn- j cb., was read to the members. i The Omaha North Side circle' of the Child Conservation League of America will meet at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in the auditorium of the Monmouth Park school. The program on "Play," which was arranged for the meeting two weeks ago, but was not given owing to the in clement weather, will be given at thU time. ; All officers . of the Monmouth Park Mothers' club, with the exception of the Ing at 10' o'clock to rehearse for the de partment a open-day i rogram. Ihis pro gram will be in two parts, the first con sisting of three dramatic rendlnas and tho second, a sketch' Itr' which- n num ber of the department wllOiartUipate. The Flench department' of 'the Omaha Woman's club hit again ehiuiKcd Its time, of meeting and tor the balance of the club yenr will meet Tuesday after noon e.t';30 o'clock, . at the resldcnec studio of. the. Instructor, Miss May Ma honcy. Tho CHo club win observe St, rutiick's day as a guest day at tho home ot Mrs. Ralph Russell. St. Patrick's tiny dco ratlona will Ve used and Mrs. F. New cuinl), leader of tho prcgrani, has ar ranged an attractive program ot games and music suitable to the day. Mrs. Robert Grant will sing Irish songs and Miss Josephine Craig will also glvo vocal selections. ' Each member will be per mitted to bring, one ruest. "The Rise of Dramatic Music Verdi," will bo tho subject of tho program Which tho muslo section ot tha Association ot Collcgiato Alumnae will give Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. H. D. Moore. Mrs. Herbert Woodland la leader of the program and those who will take part are: Misses Irma Jones, Alice Fryc, EUxabath Fry, Charlotte E. Graves, Mrs. Prank. Johnson, Mrs. Roy Dougherty and John Schwalenbcrg. Mr. Edith 1.. Wagoner will be tho accompanist. The Sunshine club of the George A; Custer Woman's Relief corps will be entertained by Mrs. Hirshey at tho home of Mrs. George Campen, SU South Twen ty-sixth avenue, Tuesday afternoon. "Nebraska Day", will be observed by the Woman's club of the railway mall service, Wednesday afternoon, at the homo of Mrs. J. t Liangfellner. Mrs. M. H. Blackwell will be leader ot the program on Nebraska and roll call re sponse will include Interesting facts about Nebraska. The next meeting ot the Tennyson chapter of the Chautauqua Literary cir cle will be on Monday at the home of Mrs. George Watorman. Roll call will be answered with current topics. Miss Eunice Friend will le id the lesson In "Through England With Tennyson," and Mrs. Ev Benedict that in "Democratic England." Mrs. J. R. Webster will give the history lesson, "Tito Assassination, ot Thomas A Becket." The class will read the fourth act oC "Harold." The formation ot a new chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Is reported by the state regent Mrs. Warren Perry of Falrbury. This makes twenty nine chapters In Nebraska, with eleven other chapters in .the process ot. being or ganized, most of them having nearly the reqplred number of members and hoping to be formally organised in the near fo ture. ' On Thursday evenJagr-'March 4, a Daughters of the American Revolution chapter was formally organized In tiiad ron. Neb., at the home of the organizing regent, Mrs. Elisabeth O'Llnn Smith. The chapter was named after the ancestor ot Mra. Smith, Rv. Reuben Pickett, who The sern-io club will be entertained at luncheon at the home of Miss Lillian Gwlnn, 1S44 North KlKhtcettth street, j Tuesday afternoon. For tho program I meeting Mrs. C. W. pcrgen will read a! paper on "Marys in the Bible" and Mrs. H. H. Mess will read a paper on ".Ian. Austen." Tho Omaha Suffrage association will ) give a tea Wednesday afternoon t the ! homo of Mrs. Thor Jorgens-n, 1X2 Turif J avenue. Mr. F. A. Follansbee, leader cl j Ihe social 'science department of ill. I Omaha Woman's club, will tell how the woman's vote would aid public welfire I work and Mrs. Slvrman Felt will Ull about suffrage campaign work In N-w York state. Vocal selections will be given by Mrs. M. Brillhart EVERY MAN Takts Pride in the ACCURACY of a GoodWatch "What ia the correct time?" Do you erer ask'that question because you are not sure of the accuracy of your own watch? There le a great amount of satisfaction In carrying a watch that you can rely upon, and we should like to show you our splendid col lection of dependahlo time pieces and remember ev ery watch wo. fell is backed by the strongest guarantee we know how to make. h tSTAgllSHtO -1 KJ- VU There is No Coffee jast like FONTENELLE BRAND Try it today with the expectation of securing the most delicious coffee you ever drank. It will not fail yon. At Your Grocer's 1 fi Mil CP xdEWELERS II 190 SOUOLA V OMAI1A fi The program on ChurchlU'i "The Far Country," which was scheduled ta l.e given by the literature department of tne Omaha Woman's club Wcdntsdav roorr. ing, has been postponed nn-.ll tho April meeting. Locke's "The ForfinV.o Youth" will be given Instead, under-the leadi r-' ship of Mrs. W. O. Perry, who will tell the story.' Mr. John O. Yeiinr will give (Continue on I'sge Nine Column One ) Color Your Lat Year'i Straw Hat With federation meeting and Mrs. Arthur How as alternate.. The committees) for. the-' con vention! are, to be announced, this week. The .nextisesston of 'the fclub -will 'be de voted to: civic discussions with a'speclal speaker. .- Mrs. ' C. - H. . BurrlU will I be hostess.. -, ,: . .. i . ' ' -. - ! The B. L. B. club iof Benson, held. Its regular meeting Thursday at St. Bernard's hall, with' Mesdames. Browning- .and , Post a hostesses. -The next meeting for' spe cial work .will be held Wednesday at) tho home of Mrs. Joseph McQuIre. i During the social , session prises were ;w,on; at cards ...by Mesdames , .Browning .-. and Paterna. ., , . I Tho 'Benson Woman's "Christian Tern- ' pcrarce, union will hold a. special meeting, to which the public is invited, Friday 'aft ernoon at' the home of Mr. K. S.'Beaaley. The postponed lecture by Mrs. N. jl Mo- Kltrick of - Omaha wlU be given ' at this ion." ' " ' 4-' ' Have Your White Chinchilla Coat Dyed are dyeing a great many Chinchillas la Green, Blue, Red, etc., all the new shades. .Why not make a new coat out ot your old one at one-tenth the cost of new? . If you don't want it dyed let us clean It so It will look like new, ' We guarantee satisfaction. - Now is the time to have all your Spring Cleaning done. Just phone for us to call. ;THE PANTORIUM 'Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1915-17 Jones Street. ' Phone Douglas 003. Branch Office, 2010 Farnam Street. . N. B. We pay carrying charges one way elf all out-of-town or ders. . Write, for complete Price List. Makes Old Strata Hats Look New Splendid (of fixing up Ladies' and Children's Hats EASY TO APPLY Dries Is 30 Mimrtcs . Wtlerprsof tni TheiHt Msdsla Jet Bltck Nary Blue Burnt Shaw Dull Blsck Cadet Blue Brown Cardinal Red Sje Green Violet Cerise Lsvesder Yellow . Natural . COLORITE It aUa n&sbl h eolorisf Stria, Silk sod Cimi SLIPPERS; ao BASKETRY Loretta De Lone HARPIST 70S rarnam Strett, Tel. Sar. StTl. Xarps rnrnlh4 for Frantic. Don't De a Drug Slave Our patients are going home... every dsy relieved of all crav ing and desire for Habit Form tng DniRs. They praise In loudest terms the wonderful results obtained by this HEW 5-DAY TREATMENT Guaranteed to remove all craving: and desire (for opium, morphine, cocoalne, heroin and other hablt-formln drugs In 6 days. Absolutely painless and harmless. Terms reasonable and easily arranged. Call or write. ECKEKA CRSa TSEATt.'EST SSS Park Ave. Address . S. Oorehft-a. -raoae Xarnr sasa. 0 InM m COLOMTB Lk or A fib pckt Department and Drug Stores Sell It r Mad ZS. in -teax Dept. M CARPENTER-MORTON CO. Beetoa, Mau. . o MISS HARTELL ' ' ' ' ' Invites You to be Present Her SPRING DISPLA Y Imported Model Gowns and V . Wraps . . . ; From Lucile, Paquin, Beer, Callot, '''.'. Beginning March 18th 1909 Capitol Avenue f 1 1 Spring Millinery Opening TUESDAY, MARCH 16th Continuing Through the Entire Week Mrs. T. E. Brady & Co. 304 South Eighteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. f .aw - . km. ll ill' , Kf- m 9 Is. Benson Woman's Foreign Missionary. clety met Wednesday, at tbe home of Mrs. ' Artliur Atack. The, membership contest a closed In favor of Mrs. T. I Bumpua. A program and social : session, .with ..ap pointments 'suggestive s of St. Patrick's day, featured the event., The mxt meet ing will be held April 1 . , ,' The Benson circle of .the Child Coiiser vstlon league' met Friday at the home of Mrs. H. T. BtahL , Several Interesting papers were given. Including that of Mrs. O. H. BUrrlll on "Malnutrition as a Fac tor In Degeneracy," and Mrs. Lucas John son's on "The Milk Buppty-of Benson." Mrs. Arthur Atack spoke of ''The Pastor and His Work." Several musical 'numbers-were' given. . '. . . The Omaha Story Tellers' league meets Thursday at 4 .15 p. , ni. , In ' the lecture ,m ihA nublic library. "Mexico" Is the "subject of study, with Mrs. P. M. Prltchard "111 charge,, of the program, "legends of Callejon del Padro Lesuoiia." by Janovler. wUl be told' by Miss Kuin ThomtHwn. "Nlxht a-t tho Chalcans," from "The Fair Qbd," by Pw Wallace, wUl be grven by Mlat Eiolse Iflllis nd for the selected story Ml Jeahnette Newleaj will repeat by reuest "The Perfect, Trlb. ute," by Mary Bhlpmon Andrews. . ' Mrs' W. B. Woodward, the new presi dent of. chapter E of tho P. E.' O.' I terhood, and Mrs. S. 11 fieorKe, the new vie president, will represent th -chaptei al ihe ,"li.e 1. K. O. convention, which will' lie 'held la Fu'llertun 'tho' last week I in June Alternates elet-ted Thiirday' at CJflSQnoe TEMPLE 'MM m BOOT' I Bqrioff's N. Y. Sample Store V must vacate premises ' , Entire Spring Stock of Ladies9 Cloaks, Suits, Dresses & Skirts must be sacrificed Come Early and pick your choice Every garment will be sold for less than cost price Wonderful Bargains , in Silk and Party Dresses for Monday. 1 206 North Sixteenth Street I r- A 1)1 'Wifiiiiyipi'ljSiiiii'ii!!iwiiTO!!iii p wiii!!liliitfjiliii"li!i;r!l i-'lj" ;iilBaq ' Wi'nsaL l sw ii ii,;fti i amwmtisnti pjw;iiii ininiijiiinniiiiii . -I Why You Lose Your Hair All soaps are made of vegetable or animal oils or fats, combined with fye or caustic. Most soaps, especially animal fat soaps; shaving: soaps, etc. make a very penetrating: lather and, if used for a shampoo, soaks the hair fibre fullbf soapy suds. The hair is a lonjr time dry ing: and even when dry, much soap is left within the hair. This soap gradually f breaks down or disinterrates! releasing the lye which eats into the hair, rotting it and making it fall out or break off. . , Lee's Shampoo is different. By using a neutral soap made of vegetable oils, olive, cottonseed snd cocoanut, in proper proportion, and combined with pure grain alcohol, glycerine, distilled water and antiseptic, aromstic oils, we get a liquid shampoo that goes direct to the scalp, cleanses thoroughly snd quickly of sll grease, dirt and dandruff, does not soak the hair fibre full of suds, dries is one-half to one-fourth the time of any other, leaving the scalp clean and the hair soft and fluffy, free from surplus soap. ' . A TRIAL SHAMPOO IS VERY CONVINCING , Large 32 dram bottle (It sham poos for man), 25 cts. Quart bottle, fills 25c size 8 times, $!. For sal at moat di ug ttorea, or eoatpald. Saapl abanipo mailed poalpaid, 19 eta, t Mad eJy at th laboratories ot GEO. H. LEE CO. Omaha, Nbraska . if -:- r 3 1 1 I -a ' f ! ii!f!!'!": .iinmin'ii'iii'iiifii'Mii'itfmiiii'tiiin'ttviit'itf'i; INimH'MK(l'it!'tHH tatUUlillttluUllktiiliaittiiiUliail4MI.4iall4uUtlU .ttlll(lirfi.lliJiUiiLUiiii