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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
TTTFi REE: OMAHA, RATC1.DAY, MARCH 13. 1913. Bringing Up Father COTTTlKtlt. tDtCrBBtlOUAl Neva eas lea Drawn for The Bee by George McManus PSlVT ON tOU HrVH;.f V t r 11 OTTri TrREO op ccin- rchooeleo evtwr I J " y MOW- WHCt-fl to i ;o TO .E"T one or TVC HAH I VCrj DOtrT have To COT PLENTY or Time : 7- J AX THE BARCC II. . a.. mm m r a i THEM IVE MB. ANOTHER MAN. CURE! vow.- . r I I 7 u oi.'ffiii.'S . !j - LOOKS LIKE OMAHA TO PLM LIHCOLli Tbeie Two Teams Doped to Meet in Finali for Baket Ball ' Honort. BEATEICE TSIKS PIHICE FTVE WT1COVN. Marsh ti (Special '"tele. r7Ti.V-OirMha and Ilnooln ar doised to fight It out for the state cbemplonahlp in the Stat Hlh school baalcet beJl tournament In the Claaa A dlvtalon. The aerol-flnale tonight took place be tween Omaha and South Omaha and lAn coin n4 Hastings.' Omaha U aura to sret tnto the flnala. but Haatlnra looks dangerous and mar Lincoln team a close fight. Omaha eliminate the etron York teem this aftnrnoon In a thrilling game, IT to 10. Tork looked dangerous all through, but better teamwork Main won for nvnita.. Kmith Omaha waa pftted aelnst Alliance and had IHtlc difficulty In walk ing off wUH'a 1 to. I victory. After tha manatrement had declared tha Beatrtoe, (tim forfaited to Fierce, tha Beetrtne players arreed to play off tha 11a and defeated Pierce In an extra ftro minutes' period, W to IS. The. gam ended 11 to 11 for Beatrice, but tha official threw out ona point, and whan Beatrice refused to play off the game, forfeited It to Pierce. Halting made Quick work of Boat rife later, by a 17 to t eoore, thereby eliminating the Queen City boys. LJncoln showed real claaa In the game with Untrereity Plao. winning. 87 to t. The rfeml-flnals In Claaa B, Including the amoler towns of the state, were reached tonight. Frtomd and Hebron and Jlinrten and fUrorosburg fought for plecqi In the flnala. No Ramaa will be played during the day Saturday, tha finals eominf Saturday night, . Defeat for CaTa Omaha kept going nicely In the CUM A itamc.a by defeaiin the atrong Oetiiva tcnn. The acore wae cloee, but auperlor ti'imwork won for the Omaha boya. York and HaUng both played brll linn'.ly, Tork mowing under Central City and Hasttnga takfof Columbui out of the rend Hoiith Omaha kttll retained a place In the 1uirnmcnt by defeating Crete In a alow game, and Lincoln showed up not strong 8il"t Oakdale. Tlie I'lilvcinlty I'lace-Norfolk game tu tl in hurutft fought cf the tournament, live extra periods being required before fisl'.etflty ria.e flnalry nosed out a vlo- lori. The r-Kulls of Round I of the claaa A in.-a tils morning folnw: . nratrlc. , Pierre. RKATRiCK ll!i. I P1KT.CE (11). ... it ii.F.iK.r w. untfln Vmford UK V'owtira 1 IWe ".n Manitkq tvnirmtii-ha .,. ROina Vanlrpl ; 8'liuts L,.0.U Hubert Uualu: H.U ( ', l;urroirha, Munnkn (St. r, tliiuy: It.itt ('. Mnke (). Hef reu: Charieanorth. i Ink va. Ceairal City. ' YORK ?7). ("KM. CITY tll. Trauktwr R.K.IR.K Woodward . TrtHt throw: Bohmtdt. Kranoh, . Referee: PLAYING I CLARA B DIVISION gtrnebara a ad Hrkroa Appear Lrfnlg TkM flamee. IfNCCIN. March 13k fprtiU. Play In the Claaa B dlrlalon of the tourna- sneot le Hearing tha temt-flnalt. Stroma- burr and Hebron loom up tha atrongeat a tha reault ef the day a play. Ptrome burg eliminated the atrong Bln( fire by II to 14 victory, and then later tn the morning ateo rut off the Ord team, tt to t, after Ord had defeated Chadron IT to . Hebron put out Wert Point by a 11 to 4 a co re In a game featured principally by the, cioae guarding. TAoIlowIng are the Claaa B reeulta today: Ord vs. Chadraa. ORD 1T. I PHADHflM rtt. Marta RT. RP Ritchie Lonir UP...Ur.. latK)ll Jleyer R.O.. Alhrlsht lc Weymouth Onweke Chamberlain ,.R(. Barnea L.O. Gm i: Iona IS). Marta (8). Tiarnea 21 TJaboll, Ritchie (2), Heyer. Free throwa: Marta, reyr. Kefaree; Mllliken. Kwatkarf va. Kwl na Relmer Rplttlnr Ooolittie STROMHBl'KO 0!j Q,.... poniard R.K. rt.O. C"laon '...UP. UQ.. Mct'ue "J- Leaner , RAM oaL MoO (71. V. Pntttler (I). Relmer (S). T. frttler. FY throwa: V. Bplttler (4). Htei. Mllliken. Hrkrae ew. WmI Polat. WMT POINT (4). R.I" fiowarth HT3BRON (in, V. Halley R.F. Iwlea UF Wilson ....;.C. ntllle RjO. H. Kalley .UUw Onaia: Uh" I ..IT C. ...... HO ua (4). V. RUley, Elliott. Free throwa: lieferee; lr. Clapp. Frlaad va. Kliare-I Wella Elliott Hlch .... Krauae Bailey, R, Klilott (J). FTUENX CIS). Henry R-O. Kcheldt UF. Weber C. Krdcamp RO. Makena UO ruiwoGD rv R.F R. Tyaon UF Moraan r. MoCorry ftS V. CHementa UO : ' Boetlnr Uoalai Tyaon. McC!orrv 8. Webber (). Free throwa: R. Tyaon, Henry. Referee: Dr. Claw. Mind MINDKN A nderaon . . . Miller Cuirraan .... (FT). ..K.F. ..UF. C. ..RO. Klnirxley l.(l. (.ioHi; anaeraon 1 liomtiBon I.FX1NUTON (121. R.F Crnndall UF Tench t: Zimmerman RO '.Imiiwrof UQ Ka-en 2i. (Tannan 4 Thompson. Teach, Zlmtnerman 2 . Free throwa: Thomyuon tt), Zimmerman (.). Referee: hlclda. llroMibarf TnOMPBl'KU (.!!. Howard R.F C'olatn UF. M.s-ie C. I.imlhurg R.O. 1. t.nner ...,UH MutMtltute: Kunraor J l.r ('olm olaon Ml, llowaiil, MoCue (6) Ord. ORD V n.F.... Barnea UF Ixng O Oeweke R.1... Chamterlan 1(J Marti Joule; a (-. OIV (it Uhrta UF UF.... (.rleve ' t'onwuy C. C.. Crtiea.. . St.ipei ltvan . O!orn UO. UO M orruw li.j.ln Conway ?OX (f. Trauphrr t '. loro-r, riv Starrelt. F r-e u,ni. Ti..i, (iiltvo (i). Referee: 3r. CLsjp. fuletltute: tHarrett. Oataka . (!. OMAHA 113). I Ob-NEVA (ll Uuir ... U.FMtF I'rI'e I loiln7W UF jl. l" Mnrtln . t'nynter , (l. ,. Anhton . J xrmen R.O K.O J. Koehlrr t-rtMiom UIi.lL.4- jUsdelfs l.,ls- Uiea , rlolh (31, Larman, !'!.' i... .MhiIiii. I'.. Ki.t'lili-r, Killiaii, .'. tl'rnaa: Mulhow iMlce. Hof. i no: Uiltter. Subetituta: H. Korhler, eatlt Uwaka SO. OMAHA (II) I '' t-a.h ...R.F.RF. V i.i i tie .. . .. . UK. UF., Oeweke. Fre throwa : Long, Marli. Referee: fchWlda, ' Caaanlatlan Taarney, The ennaolatlnn tournament la alao near m a rloae, with the flnala coming Kttt -frday morning. 'Falla "ly and Harvrd loom up atrong. Following la tha reault of the plav In the connotation tournament this morning: ' Falla City 13; Alexandria, I. Harvard, tl; Pa nee City, t. , Coaaril, 1R; KUnlnn, IS. Arnold won from Kullrrton by forfeit. Auburn won from l'apill'n by (urtelt. Plalnvlea-, 10; Fairmont, 1 , Ronth Omaha va. Alllaaee, SO. OMAHA (14). . AULIANCK (t. Iach K.K.I R.F Iavenport McHitde UF.f IF Johneon Nixon .....O.I 4 Harvey Itott R.O.I RO K(acht Beal UG.t 10 Oinham Only claaa A gamee were played this afternoon with the following reaulta: Bubstitulca: Corr for Mctlrlde. Bhaln hoita fie Holt. Goal. Ueaih (4) io lrtrte, Corr, Johnson. Fre throwa: Mc lltlde Refre: Ruthe-ford. Omki' ti, Yark. OMAHA tIT). ! YUHK (Idt. RITCHIE OUTFIGHTS YELSH ALL ALOIIG Californian TJpteti Dope apd Whipi Britiih Champion in Every One of Ten Bounds. ODDS SEVEN TO FIVE OK LOSER KBTW YORK. March It-Wlllle Richie of Pan Franctaco, former world's cham pion lightweight, outfought and out pointed' Freddie Welsh of Bngland, the preeetit title holder, tn every radnd of a faat ten-round bout here last night. Odda ware I to 5 on Welah. ' All through the fight Ritchie did tha forcing, while Welsh apofled some of hia good work by holding In' aoveraJ rounds. Ritchie at no time during tha bout gave hia backers any conoem. Ha rushed all over the ring, aendlng lefts and rights to the head and body, the body punish ment being the mora Meniere. Welsh ducked cleverly In tha opening round and Rttcltle'a blows did not seem to hare much atlng. In tha aeoond Rltchlo atepped Into a hard right nppercut and while he forced tha paoa tha englishman failed to open up. In the third Ritchie did nearly all tha work, his two moat telling blows being a right drive carer Welah a heart and a right erosa to tha Jaw. Welah kept duck ing away In tha fourth, but Ritchie landed a straight left to tha face, fol lowed by two short right tipperouts. Welsh caught Ritchie with a right book as tha Californian was coming In, bnt Ritchie had the honors of tha round eaally. Falls to Get Laad. Welah avoided a good deal of punish ment in the fifth round by clover foot work and In the elxth ahowed to better advantage, landing on tha body and head several times, but ha failed to take tha lead from the Californian. Rltohla drove right and left to tha body In the seventh and Welah kept dancing away, to hoots from spectators and cries of "why don' you fight T" la the latter part of this round Ritchie chased Welsh all over tha ring. In the eighth Ritchie forced Walsh Into corner and hooked a hard left to tha Jaw and then crossed hia right to the head and again te the body. Both wera landing on the body at tha bell. Keeps I p Hash Work. Ritchie kept up the same rushing work In the ninth and tenth rounds and the champion nsver was able to gain tha allahtest advantage. Neither . man showed any marks of the bloodless battle. At 1 o'clock today both fighters weighed under 135 pounds, according to agreement, and the ringatde weights to night ahowed that neither, had gained more . than a pound. Two previous contests between the two t)ir) were awarded to Welsh. LINEUP FORJPRING GAMES Clan A League of Seven Teams 1 Has Been Formally Launched. EIGHT TEAMS IN CJTY LEAGUE Claaa A league of seven teams was organised last night at the council cham ber In the city hall. Lewis Cook was elected president. . Tha league will bt oompoaed of Bour geois, Townsenda, Alamltos, : Armours, Luxus, Black Kats and Chris Lycks. They wfil ' have another meeting 'next weak. The City League decided to have eight teams In Its league, namely, Monmouth Parka Murphy Did . Its. Nebraska Auto School, Brown Park Pharmacy, Beacon Press, .Vinton Street Merchant. Mazdas, Mlckel's Vlctrolas. Each manager wal notified to present tl to the treasurer for each player as forfeit money at the next meeting. A new Class B league waa organised, to be known as the American league. The following teams will oomprlne this lesgW South Omaha Merchants, Walter O. Clerks. DuiuW Woolen Mills, Omaha Rubber company, Ford Motor company West Leavenworth Merchants, James Cffrr Electrics. Kennedy Beseltn. E. H. Vernon was elected president and B. A. Gants secretary. A forfeit ot IS Is required to show good faith. Frank Qulgley. president of the Satur day Class A league, has called a meeting for next Thursday night ) High School Loses to Cfeighton Lawyers KAISER TO STRIKE BACK Germans Will Retaliate if British Pla6 Restrictions Upon Im-. prisoned Crews. WON'T SCARE RAIDING BANDS BERLIN , (Via London ) , March 12. , In naval circles It It declared that a searching Investigation will be In stituted ' Into.' the ; report that the British admiralty Intends to with hold the customary honorable im prisonment conditions from German submarine crews' made captives, and that' if 'Great Britain places snch Germans under speclf.l - restrictions retaliatory measures may be adopted. Won't A f feet Pwiiey. ' The navy officials say the Investi gation will not be made through dip lomatic channels, but decline to spe cify how their Information will, be Cleaned. ' ' . ' ... They claim that should Great Brit ain take the action it contemplates this will not affect the submarine' war plans In the slightest particular, nor have any Influence on the spirit of the crews. r'A secret report rms Tjeen nent from Cuxhaven to the admiralty at Berlin that twelve submarine, have failed to report at their base, eight of them being among Germany's newest boats. J "Tha naval council will meet today or tomorrow under the preIdcney ot Km peror William to discu whether or not It would be better to abthdon the -submarine war.", Lutes RF. Fli.thow UF. Paynter C larinon R.Q. Kimntrviin I.U.I I.H. UikiIh: Flothow (Sj. Peynter RF Traugher UF - Cux C Conway H.O., Sioiv.r Oaborne (2), ro ta. Kree throwa- Flothow (7). Cox, Trausher 3), Referee: RutrternirU. Llnrola v. i aivrrwltr t'tnee. Cr4e. CHETE UK ...U Frondell Kiu. , H yT i lita lillhorn n f. (...., i" It UU Il.i- ,..! te, h (4). Free throwa: Me KriOf i n . ru1 il Hi, Referee; llill mr. Si'Lstitiite: .'. Frumloil. Kearney m. Alltaaee, K KARSfcT .. K :-M e . Al , Miiey IISL-H ... (; I RF UF ( 11.(4. LO llMW!'ll l ALLIANCE. R F. ...... Uav,nprt UK JolitiKon " , )iail-y U.(- Vni'ht I. (. ClHllKin 1 mvcni'iii't i5i. Har- V. II LINCOLN CT, Muni R.F Hctunldt UF. Albrerht C.I M. Kinlth .Itl. HKer UO. 1'NI. PLACK (K) R.F Knox UF rune (' t Amos K.O , Rurka UO Baney I r.c tliM, 1 luviT-imrt (4), Vv tlxio t4, l.iitirt-r: lliltnrr. Miixtitule: hanek. Morula T. Oakdale. MNf'OUN (H. I OAKDALE (T). H--4.ii. nit K.F.IT.F Hayes ?fa,'ta UF. I H F l.nm n 4,1.1V 4)t .'.'. ("NN V.. AlntiH M Snvlk. Rtllkd l-eet fulfill uk Jti !iK-n for MnrrU. L. Aukiiii for l'?el. (.,ui: Morris W)'M. , 1 1 1 rt (ii;. lr.n. U Adam i.'i. Fro t iri' M'-iiia lil. 1.. Ad-iiiia. llefereu: (iri,-wf,rtu. tistaltBaa vs. CdIih-H, J! 4ST1M-!. (i'n. I (Vfl.VMi-l'rt ri K.F 1 1, f. Nwmn x ilk tioiee ....UK 1 It F CisV-iin f nn C'CN Ph.iiiia I, ( FMIII-O T-iouii'Kon t. I- :!1 Uli. )!'. ( IIN.-.8 ,iaW-.i'tu-e: J-i rrun fur Nriiji, klun-P-r lor i, iti: V Mf-i,oae iti, j ar. liyi-n. raia. I'lii.u. Frn t Itrnllr I'lare . Kwilolb. CM. I-l-Al'C ('- I NOHFDIJC CST). ' ..... ii F 'I..F HoV'luKh i f. .a U F.l K F h .'iiih (!',' .....iV'i.' Krfiirh I i- ....P. l.M ( .,.rii, , ... 1 ..U H- h i.flU y !!'.! I r .- I .1 Nv Hi Mil. . 1 1 .j, ' ! ' j i - i ''4,j fur ) ,, . .-) i Ufh. l',itli: I i i i ; l,t . m, , ' T i , lin. y ,, . l.jii j,.!.. hruh, M,-my 8ulntltules: Jai-kmtn for Morris, bU bee fur Albrwrht, K. brtiith for Uager. At kin for Aiooa. Ocmin: Morrii iK, Albrrrht, M. Smith, Amu, hw), Free t!iron: Morris (H, Knox (O. Kot ctwe: Muctd. laadaaa va. Beatrice. HASTINGS (in. I PKATIUCK (SV Prku ItF.lP.F Hott V)utehouae ....UF.iUF Ooalord Flvnn CIC Lake Klein H.O.I K.O Kurroulia herrmn UO.iUO t"liu.t Uiml: Whltehonne (-, Kernan, 1'arHa (3). Klein, Wott. foru. Free tliriwa liott. i-arka. . Iteferoe: KiilrMa. Northwest Iowa Fives Compete in Tourney AAIE.T, la., March 13. Hpelttl Telo. (trajn.) Tanty-two Uuuni of northwes Ioa ti I is rt aehoo) boaket ball ahooters aent through the prollnilnariea, coiaprt lng eleven gamea, thla afternoon. Tao courts in the blv Ativea s mi:aaluin were kept on the sum the entire afternoon. Mure of the prcHmlnarkea were called at I U tonlcht. The teams drew lota for mat. lira. In the afternoon t a. vies Bioux City and Bilrtt I-ake evidenced tha moat flnlfhed Si-ine. bioux City, ualtif the iwotit train. ep.(y waJ loved ttiurdan. 'll.e unle fekttd KWnt Lake five tranvpvd Ida Urove. SumiiiBry. r-l.iux 'l(y. Hi; Chnrdan. . I .M,i,,. l-:ur, 14: i-.llorlh, I. J-i ier.n, 17, e-,encrr, if. loun I- alts, 1; lenie.m, tl. - s- iir It 1 j- n lila limit, itk. Iriu. 1: Wlui Uik. 11. I'... .!., li, l.Milw i:r.,'e. Ii. oiri.ia). Auiu taraily staff. Creighton Laws Play The Wayne Normal Tonight the Creiahton Laws and Wayne Normal will meet In a basket bait same at Wayne. The lawi, thousb meklnc only a fair ahowlng In the Commercial Inaeua, on account of tho rules pro- hlbititif their ualnc Linn and Klepaar, their atara, have bean successful In all but one out-tot-town game. The fol-owtna players will make the trip: Captain Linn. Keel. Klepaer, Ka manakl, Featner. Flood, Mulroney and Phllpa. ' By the acors of to 13t the Creighton law si'hool students won from the HighJ cunooi eiecvonas in the first game of the two teams tltls season. ' The tame waa clean and fast, with a number of spec tacular goals by players of both sides. Fur the lawyers the entire team per formed as "tars, while the high achol boys, though ftghtlni. hard, were unable to make headway against their -huskier adversaries. Lineup: LAWYKIW. HIGH SCHOOL. Mulroney R.F.I R.F.... MacFarland Featner UF.L.F Orovea Kamanaki O.lf? uhi Koel (C.) R.G. R.Q Iteeae nooJ KU.IUQ Moaoov.U ft'leld aiJe: Mulroney m, Featner (5) Kamanak (2), Reel (2), Flood (2), Mao Farlamt !), Orovea (4, Uisler, Momco- vits. uoal from free throw: Keel. Sub stitutes: llith schuol, Uelaler for Rohra. ( rowley for Reese. Referee; Burken- loan. - BEE ELECTROTYPERS WIN FROM STEREOTYPERS' TEAM Bee Elect rot ypers won In a match gams yesterday en the Farnam alleys from the Stereotyprre by ten pies. The score: ELK'CTROTYPERS. POOL HALLS AND SUNDAY ' BALL ISSUES AT BROKEN BOW BROKEN BOW. Neb.. March ia-(Spe- i!al.) At a city caucus held here Wednes day night W. W. Waters waa nominated for mayor over A. M. Drew, tha present incumbent. . Out of V votes oast. Waters received 156 and Drew 108. The full ticket, as nominated, reads aa follows: Mayor, W. W. Watera; treasurer, Ray Kunaf clerk. Hoy Thompson; city engineer, A. J. Van Antwerp; oouncllmen. First ward. W. j. Harris; Second ward, II. T. Bruce; Third ward. U Cushman; Fourth ward. J. 0. Austen. None ot the retiring coun- cilmen wera renominated. Pool halls and Sunday baae ball will be voted upon at tha coming e'-cctR'n CHICAGO CUBS DEFEAT CUBAN REDS AT TAMPA TAMPA. Fla., March 1!. The Chit ago Nationals defeated the Cuban Reda, 7 to I here today. Store: RUB. Havana SSI Chicago 1 11 1 uativriea: F. Uonaales and (lutlorrea; Robblns, Vaughn, Kurklea, Archer, liar- grave ana lireananan I Ryan 3w4uroha , l-uuaon .. Totals Harper Watt .. fchater lat. Lit HO lbt Id. in 141 M. f-T Vol 1 Total 414 44 TERCOTYPEKJ. let. ikl. rm i"? !!.'L..!!"! im i.i d. lu)( 11 liv) Total. 4.4 47 Totala 5C 4.1 tn 1)8 PEC"! A BOWLERS FAIL TO ROLL BIG SCORES PKORJA. 111.. March H.-Por1a bowlra In both aioKlea and douMea held the al leys this afternoon at the opening of the second dsy's session of the American Bowling oonirress. Fourteen Peoria .and Hprtngfleld (111.) fives held sway during ths night seaalon. ' Local bowlers f aa'.ed to rcS up scores whl.h would be ebuuted as top notchers. la the two-roan event, ana Peoria team touched the 1.0U mark, out ot a total ( twenty-two teams on the elleya. la the Individual. Dunae -f rearla rolled M-t. the hi heat at-ore oat ef total of thlrty-eljht eiitriea. BOSTON BRAVES BEAT TEAM DIWN IN GEORGIA MACON, Ga., March U The Boston National defeated Mareer university here today, 19 to 1. Score: R II E. Itoaton II II Meroer : 1 4 Katreriee: lluhe. Luque and Whal ing; Hunt, Weaver, Clenutnts and Adarua. IN FIELDER MARTIN . BREAKS RIGHT ANKLE MACON, Ga.. March 11. William Mar tin. Inflelder of the Roeton Natlonala, broke his right ankle while pracUtiim here today. Mauager (fallings said Martin would be sent to bis home In Washing ton. Mil barm Bleats Lord. rlHUAFUI-PHlA. Mraeh 11-K. 1. Mti burn of M'lnl'Ms .-iftrd K. M. Uoni. e-0 to X!, in the a'trrruxi! i.nw of th nat!.i't iiiiiaiiir iiUint t.Htmiuneiit . An !' IiIkH runs. Mllborn, -Jvt, a, Lurd. 4 it Jf J t t t r i a : Store Open ' M-MmMHMi-W' UnUl 9 P.. M. Saturday. , , , aa Store Open Until 9 P. M. . Saturday. "Biltmore Special" ; BSme. Serge S $ J g.50 . mis' Young men are going-to "get th idea" of the wBiltmore Special" Blue Serge . Suit the minute they see it; that means they are going to wear it. It's made in snappy, stylish English and Semi-English models that any young man with the right taste for style will want to wear. And, too, there is a "Biltmore" in a more conservative model for the man of more conservative taste. Every "Biltmore" is a strictly hand tailored, faultless-fitting model; excellent quality serge made of long, silky wool; nifty patch pockets; two or three-button models; silk lined or serge lined; sixes to fit every man and young man. "A remarkable blue serge valutf for $18.60. Mothers, A Saturday Special Boy Blue Serge Suit 0j ! With Extra Pair Pants OO A Tprj exceptional bargain for Saturday: -thes suits are sold regularly, f 6.(0. .You may choose from threa different models, splendidly, tailored. Every suit with an extra pair of full-lined panta. All sizes, 6 to 17 years. New Bpring Suite and Top Iteefera for the Little Chap are in. Vestee Suits In new ahadea of torgea, aheperd crteeka and tweeds. Oliver Twtat Suite In sew color combinations. New Top Reefers in Balmacaaa style or Jack Tar models eerKea. tweeda and plenty of sltepherd checks in both styles. The prices range from i.25 to $6-50. Blue Serge Long-Pant Suit For Big Boys ' Boys' Section Second Floor. Strictly all-wool sergesulU. Ages 14 to It years, your choice ot two different models, ahm regular 110.00 ralnea. Special Saturday, HU Stylish Hats for Spri 1915 Here are bate to salt any face, any head, any taste. The smart est blocks, the lartest rariety .shown, in Omaha, and the prioee. are within every mart's means. "Brandels flpedal" ...... $3.00 "Mayo" Hats Sold here excln- slTely for The Famous Hats for . . $3.00 John B. . Stetson $3-50 3,480 Pairs Men's Pure Silk Hose Saturday at 15c a Pair 3,450 Pair of Ken's Pure EDk Hose Made with liixje tops, hecla and toes; double spliced solee. All the new spring shades. , These silk hose are "the run of the mill and are worth up to 35c. ! All in one big lot, Saturday, a pair ....... . 15 Men's Shirts All the choice lots from our big shirt purchase. All new patterns, made of fine qual ity madras, percales and cheriota. Values to 11.50. Choir Saturday of the entire lot. 7J 150 I-oaen Men's Kcgligee and Golf Khirta Sam ples and seconds, worth to $1.00. Special Sat ' urdsy, each ZHit and 5 75 Doaen New SprlBg Kilk Foer4n-Hand Tie Mad of floe quality silk, in the large open end shapes. AU new shadaa. Worth to 60c. - Sat urday, each 5 85 rHurv Men'a Kodlnm and Bpring Weight I'nioa . Suit Worth to 11.16. 8puUl. a suit - 80 New S(tric Manhattan Shtrtn Special showing Saturday. Color and fit guaranteed. Wonderful Taiue. Satarday. for 31.50 and up to 5X0 Men's New Spring Style Shoes Dull calf with gray cloth tops. Lace, flat lOsglUh. one of Rolls Ioadoa laata all sliee. Satur day, a pair . :r.$6 Balmacaan Hats 25c About 1,500 Cloth Hats for Men and Young Men All sites and colors, fl.00 and $1.50 values. All in one lot Saturday, O C choice for ....... mOC Boys' Hats Boys' and Children's New Spring Headwear on sale at Z5c, DOc, 5e and up to -31.50 Bags and Suit Cases at About Price About 700 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases are represented in this purchase. All neW and perfect in every way. All bags and suit oases are well made and built for service,. Values from $5X) to $10.00in two lots Saturday $3.45 and $4.95 We are now exclusive agents in Omaha for the Famous Taylor Theatrical TrunVs.' Another of dark tan ealt -with cloth tops but ton style. All else. Saturday, at. a pair ......yi.... $Q