Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
THH HKK; OMAHA, SATURDAY, MA1J011 13. 19to. 13 HKSh KSTATE. rAB H4.1t II l,MII rod SALM 1,000-AceRanch Highly Improves Sonoma Co., 4'all fornla. right at town and rallroaJ; close to Sun Frnnciseo; running stream through tho property: water piped to nil JniiMIn; new bungalow, 9-r., 2 hatha, foreman a houae, w-r. and hath; laborer's nous, 6-r. an1 hath; modern horse harn, row barn, capacity loo rows', granary, ol shed, machinery shed, with steel holier; creamery house and separator, alio, 24n tona rapacity; rait anl hog perm. 2n head Jersey, It head of horses. 25 head of Berkshire, hoes, buggies, wagon and Implements. This ranch has Its1 own Irrigation sys tem, dam and reservoir. The property la In first-etass condition and Is for sale aa a. whole to settle an estate. Price haa been made low to af fect a, quick ale 4126 per acre. Includ ing stork and- Implements. Terms can be made. tf you want an Ideal California, ranch, this Is an opportunity that Is seldom of fered. This ranch would not be on the market were the owner eMIve. There U big money In this) for some one. Address for particulars. . W. T. Smith CO., Exclusive Agents. D. 2819. city National Bank Bidg. THERK IS A REASON, BOIU WATER AND CLIMATB. Patterson colony In tHanisiaus county. California, has three things to perfection. and they mean everything when It cornea to raising Ingllsh walnuts. Deep, rich soil anil abundant water to produce the ihree and no irosts to ntp the tender buds. English walnut trees bear In als years and while they are growing you raise 8 to 10 tons of alfalfa per acre be tween the trees. No. 96 Is a oeautlful 15-acre tract two miles from town on Los Palmas Avenue, which la lind with eucalyptus trees and date palm trees. The tract Is all In cul tivation and there is finer in the valley. Owner lives in Omaha and will consider exchange lor good property here. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha, Neb. In Dreaming of a California home would this help to reaHas ycur dream T Forty acres, 9 acres In peaches and prunes. 4 acre vineyard, alfalfa, berries, house, barn, bunk house, etc., all In good order; miles from town; In well Improved neigh borhood. Twenty-two trains dally, to and from Sacramento City. Will make price right and give you terms to suit. Ex cursion MAHCH IS. Lt us show you this. Far $S. - - v.. -.. W. T. Smith Co. Doug. 119.- - City National Bank Bidg. BARGAIN 840-acre dairy farm, near 6a luaa, Kan., writ for full description and list of 100 Kanaka farms for sal iu centra! Kansas. V. E. Nlauette, Saltan, Kan. VUeourl. BIGQBST land sale of the year now on. 100 forty-acre farms (480 each. Good land. Well settled locality. Close to railroad. (12 per acre Is half actual value. Great est bargains In South Missouri at sensa tional prices. Write today for free liter ature. D. Merrlam, Ellis 6fc .Benton, Kansas City, Kansas. Nebraska. THE ROSEBUD LAND CO., 414 Barker Block. Omaha. 720 acres of good land, eight mtiea from Kilgore, Neb.; a good 6-room house; barn for 7 head of horses, cattle shed for u head of cattle; all fenced - and cross Unced; exceptionally good 45 acres in cul tivation; good 'well and windmill; o7 head of cattle, described as follows: 17 milcn cows, from. 4 to years old; six 2-year-old- hellers, fourteen 2-year-old steers, live extra good, yearlings, one thoroughbred registered Durham bull, seven fall caive. Biven head of horses, described as fol lows; One black horse, lil years old, weight 1,200 )bs.; one bay horse, 9 years old. weight ' 1,200 lbs.; matched team; 1 bay mare, yrs. old. weight o0 lba, tw buckskin mares,' 10 years old, weight 9uu rsch; one good ' yearling colt; one bay horse, 8 years old, weight l,2uu. lbs.) eacn of these horses is broke single, -double and to saddle. Three wegonn, ,gooU . new;, two double boxes, one hayrak one John leerlng mower, one McCormlek binder, one oohn Deere, lister, one Jonn Leera two-row machine, 1 endgata seeder, 1 hand corn shelter, one grinustone, two complete sets of harness, one breaking plow, one hay sweep, one good saddle, two water tanks, one top buggy, nine shoats. weighing 75 lbs. each; luo chica ens, 1 Osborn diso harrow. 100 tons of hay, l,5(Xi bu. corn, l.ftm) bu. oats, ltx) bu. of potatoes; all loose fence posts, lumber, wire and, in iMct, everything that ts now on the place. This whole outfit, land, all, for fU.uuo. He will carry t,vuo years at t per cent Interest. l iiarker tik.. Omaha, Neb. .farming ana. iancning pay a We win take your cuy property at what it's worm and give yuu plenty time on a farm or a. rancu, wnere tney ate raisin' finest crops oi all klnus, wium taos caiua aud alialia; toe ucst of water. are iruui tjmsna IU. 'OR FAkH, Owner wanu to re are and will ex change his fins t.tMU-acr Hheridan county rancn for a tarm nearer home, that wlu rant well. Ranch haa big new nouae, tine large barn and ail necessary out-oulid-ngs, and anotner smaller set of improve ments. S weila and windmills, running Tiatef' "tJm,brJior ,u!' lH3mt halter. Ail hard land, no sand, gently roiling, best of buttaio and grama grass pas Lure and outs big lot oi bay. . About half section cultivated for roughness. One of the best ranches in Nebraska. 14 miles by good road to Gordon en C. A. N.-W. FATNB - INVESTMENT COMPANT. SSJiSFS?13 IRRIOATBi; FA.BM TO BXCHANOK FOR . CITY RliSiDKNCii No. Ti. As tino and level a 40 aa von ever aaw; only 2 miles from a. rapidly growing town on the Burlington roai with best of scnools and and businesa houses. 8oil a warm Mn.)y 0a growing Uie biggest kind of crouiL Adapted to alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes! grain, etc Plate is all in cultlvaUotTeasv to Irrigate and well drained PAYNii INVESTMENT COMPANY FOR SALE-Practlcallr crop payment Plan; 10 to 16 per cent cash, one to ten years on balance. Have around 10 000 acres to sell on those terms, if taken soon This land will raise IS to 45 bushels' of wheat to the acre. Plenty of rain, near guod town on main line Union Pacific H. R. For particulars write J. A. Wotan. Cashier of the Potter Btate Bank, Pottei, Nb. 80 acres, irrigated land, all under cultivation. In Deuel county,.' Na braJka, within 1 miles of Jules burg. This Is a smootn piece of ex tra fine land and will be sold cheap. Will make terms. . W. T. Smith Co., TSS ocres In Elk horn valley and miles trom towns of Valley and Waterloo on tne II. P. R. R. Most of the farm Is on tne bench and Is very best of corn land. Honie good bottom pasture and a few acres ol timber. Improvements. 10-room houne. barn 4dx, granary, well and windmill. Handy lo Kouth Omaha market. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, t Ware Block. Omaha. KOR tiALK i acres. ulKi nortll of Central City. Neb. Mrs. Amy biavslr, 20 Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffa. WlmU. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop stats la tit union; Millers wanted. Lauds for sal at low prices on easy terms. . Ask for book let No. S4 en Wisconsin Central Laal 11 rant. .xoellut Uods for stock raising. It interested in fruit Lands ask for buoa let on Aiple OrUtarda. AAdreaa Ijui I ki.4 Industrtai Lepat4uint, evoo Lin Itaiiwsy. kliiineaiHilis. aliua. W t VHtlMsT. HOMKSTKAn-lliMiiei'tead. OJ0 acres. Just iiiied; iJl) aires to each applica tion. Particulars, writ at onuew r". -..bii,ir. Wuroa. Wye. RKAL ESTATE FOR lUCNT Karon anal llssrli Laaats. FyCTIANriFS-Pllae ROwrUNS. T ts. UN1MPROVRU and 11-acra tract. John N. Krenser. tKmglaa 664. REAL rSTATELOANS CITY and farm loan. SW. per rent. f Li . a. AM tl 1. WA.TFI City loans Pe'.ers 'I rust Co. WANTED-City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1S20 Farnam. tiuo to tlo.wiQ made promptly. V. It. Weed, UAKVIN BROS te;7 6KR u first for farm loans la eastern Nefc. United State Trust Co., Omaha. 6 P1TV I ilKra r ti - " iut-ip at . a 4 aaj i niU, CI TT property. Larce loans a specialty. w. H Tnomae. t Slate Bank Bidg. JNKY on nana tor city and farm loana " mwir, ji.t iitu , Hank Hldg. OMAHA home. East Nebraska farms. O KEKFH REAL. ESTATK CO.. WHt Omaha Natl. Douglas 2711 1100 to UO.00O made promptly, r. 1-1. (Wd. Wead Bidg., jutu and Karruun Gil ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REFT) Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 20. Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 30S a 17th St Phone Douglas 64HI. IUCAL ESTATE VOU EXCHANGE AVnntft tTlpar Land or clear lots for equity In fine completely modern Omaha home; mortgage, 24,500, payable monthly. Write today. O'Keefe Keal Estate Co., Douulss 2716. mis Omaha Nat RKAIj ' ESTATE -ACREAGE FOR SALJOTwo acres neer Krug Park, t blocks to car, cement sidewalk from ear to land; city water; or will trade for cottage. Address R. F. Rain, Coun cil Bluffs. la. , I AND 10-acr tracts close In for aub- 2vtdlng. Phone Doug. 2M7. reaij estate: downtown Down Town Trackage Bargain ' Southwest corner of 12th and Dodge , ft on Dodge, 132 ft. on 12th St.; track age In alley. Considering the location. chsaDeat avail. able trackage lot In town. To close an estate It will be sold at a price far below Its value. A.P. Tukey &'Son Ption D. 602. m-ts City NaU Bank Uldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE TRACKAGE 66x132 Located at v ; 15th and Burt Handy to the Webster street station. Price Is right Good place for a small mfg. concern. Ameri(.Seoirity Ca Dottglas M, or Wal. 8037. Har. ?64S. North Side Bung4alow For Sale, $3,000 Eight rooms, all modern, hot water heat, fine cemented basement under whole houee, with laundry tubs, fruit cellar and coal bins. Nice level lot 46x122 feet, wittt large -shade trees, also Dlentv of shrubbery and fruit. One-half block to 24th St. car line. This must be sold, so don't fall to. see us at once. George & Company Tell D. 7S. KB City Nat. Bank Bidg. New 5-Room . Bungalow Strictly modern, oak finish, beautifully decorated; large attic can be mad Anto two large rooms, with furnace beat al ready installed; full basement; screens and window shades- south front lot, ft0xl26. Located st 1104 Fowler Ave. Price 13,350. Easy terms. ' Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bidg. . - Tel. .Douglas 4270. Ten-Room Modern House For $100 Cash payment: then 223 per month. On large lot fronting south; located north, Just off Florence boulevard; a splendid place for a large family, or the locality would just ify the renting of some rooms. The house Is well arranged and modern. W will show you this today. Phone Douglas 4i. Shuler & Cary, 224 84ate Bank Bidg. WHERkiViOH YOU BUY. See our lists for exceptional bargains In new 6. 6, 1, 2-roura houses and bungalows. M. F. NORRIS COM PA NY, 003 Bee Bidg. Phone Douglas 2372. 2677 KVAN8 t-r. n.od iiorae. oak finish throughout; essy terms. Web. WILL sell beautiful modern home, eight rooms, one of Omaha's best residence districts. Deal direct with owner. Ad dress L 114. be. NfcJW - e-rouro, modern, oak finished bungalow, worth $3,0w)i mtg. 21,600; unable to keep up payments; will sacri fice equity, for $1,0W cash. Address Q. 137. Bee. . . REAL ET A T E- 80UTH SIDE BKAUTLFUL HOMK. SOUTH 2iTH ST. Owner sacrificing e for tjuick sale on a strictly modern, high class 7-room house and a large esst front lot, fine shade trees, good neighborhood. It's a great chanoe for you. Call us up. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1W1. Waro Block. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE EASY PAYMENTS. Several sll-modern S, 6, 7-room house and bungalows are listed for Immediate disposal, well located and at the right prices. New and well built. M F. NORKIS COMPANY. a03H Pee Rldg. Phone Douglss 17. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson Real Estate and Insurance . 644 Braudeis Bidg, $25 PER MONTH , Only tlbO cash payment and the 22S monthly Includes principal and Interest All modern, new, Just decorated, full cemented basement, first-class furnace, oak floors throughout, window . shades anil everything complete. SAUNDERS CO., -. Daaur. K2t ltu W.o.wWi,. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Disposition of Market to Rally Put Fear to Press Short Side in Wheat Operators. rmcE up two to three cents OMAHA. March .11 1MJ. W heat traders have become accustomed to fluctuations of I and S cents a day. Operators sa- the market's deposition to rally so rapidly after breaks shows that It ponspss Inherent strength. Were, it not for the war, traders would be radically bearish on the Julr and Sep tember, but they are afraid to press the short aide to any extent. A cable from P room hall says the T nlted States has 8.ono.noo biwhels, and Canada .i0.0r Inighela of wheat still on hand for export, or equal to 4.O0O.OHO bushels weeklv. Some of the whent traders who are bullish are more friendly to the buying side of corn, on the theory that the high price of whest will prevent com values from declining sharply for some time. Btrlctly speaking, the situation Is re garded aa bearish, but trndors In explain ing the advances ssy It Is due to there being too many bears In the market. Omaha Spot Market Wheat was to to Sr higher; corn was Ho to a hlglicr and osts were Vfcc higher. Clearances el' wheat and flour were equal to 1.075.rt) bushels; corn, 106,000 bushrls; oats, 82.O0O bushels. Corn closed Wd lower at IJverrool. I'rl'nary wheat receipts were M bush els and shipments e0.i00 bushels, sgalnst receipts of K39.0.10 bushels and shipments Of :nt.i.00 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 5fR,000 bush els and shipments (40.000 bushels, against re eel- ts of "flS.000 bushels and shipments of IH700 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were Mfi.000 hush da and shipments 1. lit. 000 bushels, against recel ts of 640,0110 bushels and shipments of 77f.,0:0 bushels last rear. CARLOT IIECKJPTR Wheat Corn. Ott Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Louis Winnipeg 61 120 lffi ... R5 ...11 ... 11 ... 1 ....4 ...201 3 n The following sales were reported today. Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 ear, II.MH; 1 car, II. MV.: 1 qar. 1 car. tl.KS. No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, I1.S2. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car,- f 1. BO, Rejected hard winter. 1 car, $1.47. No. 4 spring, 1 car, 21.S2. No. 2 durum, 1 car, $1.47. Sample durum. 1 car. 21.42. Corn; No. S white.. 1 car. 71c: 1 car. 70c No. 4 white, 1 car, 70c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 70Vt3. No. 2 yellow, 2 cara, &o; 2 cars, 6SWc No. 6 yellow, 1 car, "SWo No. yellow. 1 car (wet), 6So. No. 2 mixed, 4 cara (near white), 9Vic; 1 car, 9o. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, Sc No. mixed, k car fnear wHte). fc: Vt car. 7c. Oats: No. 2 white, 1 car, fc&Vc. No. 4 whits. 1 car. Boo. Omaha Cash Prices WTisal : No. 2 hard, 1.6m!l1.53tt; No. I hard, Jl.BK 1H'4: No. 4 hard, 1.41iffl&l; No. 2 spring. rL&on.M; No. J durum, i.4a'i.; xno. 2 durum. tl.4Vfil.47. Corn! No. 1 white. 71 V4 710; No. 2 white. 70A7mej No. t nniic, wu'iic. ou. wmic, wthi"" E white. tUfiWlc: No. white. HW&M:: No. 1 yellow, 7071c; No. 2 yellow, 71 70Wc: No. t yollow, 4iMc; No. 4 yellow. tr,P: No. 6 yellow, W4 hc: No. 6 yellow, fWniWfeo; No. 1 mixed. Hii70c; No. 1 mixed, wiiw; ino. i mixed. RWTic: No. 4 moxed. RVt'EWOc: No. t mixed. WSSHc; No. mixed, m3 We. OAts: No. i white, oW.ifiVtc; stand sr1. finVunfiftr- No. 2 white. 6e4(hiWc: No. 4 white. 64S?ttc. BarVy. Malting, 7&9 7"c: No. 1 feed. 0tfr71c. Kye: No. 2. 21.11W gJl.U1; No. 2, XLioWl.lli,. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Pea tares of the Trading; and Cloalajr Prlece nn Board of Trade. CHICAOO. March 12. Urgent European demand tor both the cash delivery and the Mav option kept the wheat market today to a higher level than was reached f yesieraay, mainiy as a resun or inn gov ernment report showing a decided falling off in the supply held by Interior mills and country elevators. Prices at the close were strong lWMKa above last night Com scored a net gain of "MJto to r, oats of Hfae to 1HSC1V4C, and pro visions a shade to Sc Much of the buying of wheat appeared to he baaed on current estimates that, ac cording to the government figure, any further exports from the United r'tatea could be spared only by reducing the average carry-over at the end of the crop year or by cutting down domestle use. A great deal of attention was also given to reckonings that th danger line would be touched by exports at the rate of more than 3.000000 bushels a week from now until July 1. Export sales of wheat for spot cash amounted In Chicago alone today to 400, 000 bushels and there were said to have been 1.000,000 bushel, disposed of to Trans atlantic . buyers at the seaboard, with other foreign business elsewhere, notably st Duluth. Cash wheat premiums were the tallest of the year. None of the set backs In price today for future were of a grave or lasting sort. Corn was helped upward by tha light ness of rural offerings to arrive. On th other hand. Improved demand sooth west waa offset to some extent by the slack ness of shipping call from the east. Oat were strengthened In consequence of re ports that the Argentine surplus would be far less thsn had been supposed. As In the case of wheat, Europeans bought the Uay option as well as the cash de livery. Higher prices for hogs and grain gave a lift to provisions. On the bulge, though packer sold, especially July ribs. I"uture wen quoted as follows: Article! Open. High.) low. Close. Yes v. Wheat May. 1 M July. 1 20 Corn I May. 72 ' July. 74V Oats ) May. 57H July. i2 Pork I Msy. 17 70 July. 18 UH Lerd I May. 10 July. ,10 82 Klba Msy. 10 15 July. 10 45 i mu 1 2141 1 3 1 20 1 K2 1 1H 14 1 21 73S , 7671 R 63) T3V1 744,1 I 7H 751 r2H trr 07 634,1 17 24I 17 70 1 17 70 II 22'4 18 12 18 12 ll 18 L I 141 57 10 77 10 12 10 42 10 80 I 10 B34 10 17 10 1J! 10 121 IV Ci 10 46 JO 46 Chicago Cash Price Wheat : No. 2 red. tl.6xtil.Ci9; No. 2 hard. tl.6HH&l.fl0. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 73'gi74e; No. 4 yel low, 70"371c. Oat: No. 8 white, ffca 6K,c: standard, fctic. Rye: No. 21.15. Harley. "Xunyei. Seeds: Timothy. 24.6ti.S0; clover. J.KVp13.6a Provlnloiist Pork. $17.80; lard, 210.07; ribs, 8!.12iy BUTTER Lower; creamery. a0g28c. iXJOS Lower; receipts. 1S.0K3 cases; at mark, cases Included, nVgaTo; ordinary firsts. lltH4c; firsts, 17ie. POTATOES Receipts, . 18 cars; un Chsnged. PtiL LTRi Q-Lower; springs, fowls, Uklfto. ic; Kaasaa City Grain a ad Provisions. KANSAS tHTY. March 12. WlIEAT- No. 2 hard. I! t:fl No. 2 red, II 61Wi 1.42; May. 81.46; July, 1.1431.14S; Sop temher. I1.WVM.044,. C ORN -No. 2 mixed, 7ly71c; No 2 whlt, 72c; No. 2 yellow. 72Wc; No. 2. 71Uc: REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Seven-Room, Modern Brick House FOR ONLY t2.50O. Corner lot, street paved, not far out Can make teems. V. U. Gates, 47 Omaha Nat l Bank Bidg. D. 14. REAL ESTATE SUBURhAV toancll Blnffa. FOR SALE All modern house, t rooms; practically new; garage; in Council bluffs, 1 blocks from itreet car r.ear schools and church Mr. A;ma render. 14 Park Av Council Ulufla a ZngTskrh ofkick, YELlJbv L. . KMilMKBH OKK1CK. YKI. IiUT. stone Park, Wyo., March 12, lla. Mealed proposals for lurtiisiiing material and eictin steel hlguway hiidgus In Forest Krser.e aujolnli.g ti.U paik will be re ceive.! until Aiiil ii, l'Jij. and then pub lu ly opened J nlortnat ln on applies Hon, AMOS J. r'Kltrf. Major, Engrs U lU-lt-16-A -7 Mav, 70'4r7TV; July, TMTTSSc; 8eptember. 7'Lc. OATS No 1 mhlle ftlKAf Vn 1 ml.t E.1Si.'4V. MtTTK.R Creamery. 20 ; firsts, 2c; seconds. 2c; packing. 17e. K;us Virata 17c; seconds. 15a. PtH'I.TRY llena, l.tul4c; roosters. 10H; turkeys. ISc. OMAHA OBIfBRAl. MURJIRT. . BtTTTKR No. 1, oartona, Bel No. I, Mh tubs. c. C1IKFS10 Imported Bwisa, 24e; Amer ican Swine, 26c: block Swiss, 22c; twins, 10c: daialea, l'c; triplets. . lie; Young Armtrloas, 19o; blue alel brick. 17c; Hm bunrer, 2-lb.. 20c; 1-lb.. 20c: New York white, ltc, UJD ported lfVaiich Roquefort too. POTATOES Colorado Rural, Tto bu.; Red River Ohio, 80s bu.; Minnesota, whites, Cia bu. FISH Trout. 2t-( large crapple. Uoj ballbut. 14c: channel cattish, 14c SWEET POTATOES Kansas. 82.78 bbU BEEF CUTS-No. 1 ribs, lc; No. t ribs, 14c; No. 8 ribs, Kc. No. 1 loins, 17c: No. 2 lolna, lic: No. t lolna, UVo, No, 1 chucks, o: No. I chucks, (io; No. 2 chucks, 7o, No. 1 rounds, l:o; No. 8 rounds. Ho; No. t rounds, lHo. No. 1 plates, 8c, No., 2 plates, 77-ic) No. I plates, 7c. POULTRY-Broller. 14j; spring chick ens, lie; hens, Mllc; corks, so; ducks, 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 16c; pigeons, per do., We: ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, fullfealheitjd. 8c; aquaba. No. L 1.&0; No. Market quotation furnished by Olllntkl Fruit cotnpHny. FRUITS oranges: Per box, extra fancy Alphabetical, all aliea, 12.76; Paul Neyron. larsa slses. U.bO, Huukli-t. all sties, HvO. lemont.: Per box. fancy. Sunkist. Sunt. 3a.t. 2t.0r4f4. Orapetruit. Per box, Jttia, ns, e2.iv; a anil mm. w; . Mt, W.aft. Apples: Per box, extra fancy. Washing tjn White Winter Pearmainea, 21.75; Si Iticnburgs. 21.10; Hoovers, $l.Sf; Black Ben Davis. 81.2ft; Black Twigs, $1 to; fancy Black Twigs. 11.86: extra fancy Oanos. ill.2;.; fanny Rome Beauties. II. 60; 5-box lots, 11.40; Ben 1 avls, very highly colored. .er bb.,. 2X2.V drapes: Per drum. Califor nia Emperors, IS.W. Pears: Per box, An Jotis, .letseys, Sheldons. Bosco. Kaster, :..o. Banansa: Per bunch, i.0iif li, per lb., 4c. Strnwberries: Per at., ftOc. Cran berries: Per bbl.. Late lioweli, 27.00; per box, 12.50. NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, c Per lb.; black walnuts, 2e per .b.; fil berts, 15c per lh.; pecan. 13e per lb.; Braxlis, 12c per lb,; almonds,' 20o per lh. ; CO 6-os. figs, 23 per box; sugar wal nut dates, 2140 per box; Halloween dates. So per box. ,- - VKGETABLK8 Callflower. whole crate, J J 76; half crate, 11. W. Cabbage: New York TanJsh. 2c lb.; Wisconsin. Holland seed, la lb.; California, new, to lb. Celery.- J umbo. 90c dos.i head letture, 21.00 dos.; lesf lettuce. Wo dos. Onions: Red, 2o lb.; yellow, Jo lb.; white. 2o lb; ftpan lah, 11.75 ere La. Artichokes. 21.50 do.; endive, tbo lb.; Brussels sprouts, 20o lb.; peppers, 60c basket; tomatoes, 80.00 orate; Karl I o, Italian, 2Ao lb.; shallots, ioo doa.( radlshea. 60c do.; turnip, too do.: spin ach. 60o dos.; parsley, 60o doai bean, 14.50 hamper. Onion sets: Yellow and red, 11.60 bu.; white, IL75 bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals, 760 bu.; Red River Ohio. Mo bu.; Minnesota white, 0o bu. Sweet pota toes, 12.76 bbl. MISCELLANBOU8 Shelled popcorn. 4o per lb. j limes, 81.76 per box; erackerjaok, 8.1.60 per case; crackerjack, one-half rase, 81.76: checker. 13.60 per case; checkers," one-half case, 11.7V HON KY 84.00 per caao. CIPKR New York elder, 2S.60 tier keg. X)OOA NUTS-8S.&5 per ack; 76o dox. PEA NUTS Raw, 7e per lb.: raw. aack lots, Jumbo. 8o per lb.; roasted. 8o per lb.; salted. 11.50 per can. MU3HROOMS-S0O per lb. MlaneaaMIU Grata Market. MINNKAPOL1B. March 12. WH KAT May. 81.44 asked;- July, tl.40: No. 1 hard, tl.62; No. i northern, fl.4S31.51; No. 2 northern, ll.443a.. FLOUR-l'nchanged. BA RLrTY tofj7tc. RYB tl.tlWI.14. , BRANS.00. ' CORN-No. S yellow, RHWo. OATS No. 3 white, tWaWkc. . I I .1 I. ,1 I St.. Loala Oral Market. ST. L'OnS. March 1!. HTCAT No. 1 red, 21.56; No. 2 hard, $1.66$; May, 11.61 14: July. 81 lS CORN No. 3, 73c; No. t white. 76c; May, 78c; July, 75a OATS No. 2. 68flac; No. t whlt. 69c. Liverpool Orala Market LIVKRPOOU March 12. WHEAT Spot, Manitoba, 12 4d. CORN Spot. American, mixed, new, 7 d; old. 8s 8d; March, 7 4d. l,oal Stocks kvsid Beads. QnntittoBs ramlihsd by Burns. Brisker A Ca, 44 Omslia Nstiensl Bsok bulldlag, Omaha i tnocke . Bid. Aaln. Continental Ota A Blee. 2 Mill IS to Pear A Co. pld 4 at rurnont Croasiory T fti O0 1l"4 Croat Weatorn Huaar fti lot ju, lxMM-Wllos Biscuit lit pU 15 u U,o Stock Not'l, Snutk Omobs. ...... .174 Omaha a Co. BlutfS Bt. . pfd U Tt Oiunt A Co. Bluld St. At. ooai tiv, 7yi Roekr Mountain Pool pt4.. com. bonus W 14 Mots Bank of Omaha ,11, n, Btork Yaroo Nat'l, Suatk Onata.,v.. .. HJ Hwltt A Companr.......... 101 lu tJnion Btork Vords, Omaha ts H Updtko Craln com loo Copilnontal Oas A Sloe. la. 1MT (Nok.). M OeuTor ia ntK, mi... n rtallaa School 1IM2 104 Humboldt. !eb.. roi. 4a. . 14414 Kaiiaaa chr. Mo.. B-hool 4a. 1W1 n Omaha A Co. Bluffs HU Br. U, 1101.... u Omaha Wntr 4ka. 1M1 A.n2 Omaha School 4s. 1H1..., i Roi kr Mountain Foal M gwtlt Company ao, 14 -- Tri-ctty Hr. A Lt. 5a. I....-. ten 44 HaTa V) : ID il tintverouy riaco. r.a., iw, un wa Wichita tonk Tarda to. W.44 , as W.. U, H, ft P.. Hot bprinsa, 8. D.. Coffee Market. NBW YORK. March 12.-COKFRB-The market for coffee future was mora ac tive tod.ry and price ruled higher on re ports of an Improvlnir spot demand tha continued steadiness of tne primary mar kets, reports ot further clearance from Brazil to Europe and somewhat small In terior Jtnntc receipts. Tha opening; wss at an advance of 4 points and the market closed 44i12 points net hisher. Kales, 13, 600 bags. Quotations March, t.'Zc; April, S.81c; May, 6.6Hc: June, 6.78c.; July, .4o; AuKUSt. 7.01c; 4Sertemter. 7.07o: October. 7:14:; November, 7.1o; December, 7.24c: January, 7.i9c. Spot, firm; nominal, '') hanto No. 4, V.. LHo exrhane vJii 8 l-liki hlichor, while th nillrels price ws unchanged at fantoa and 76 reis higher a reo. Oil a ad Roala. NEW TORK. March 12.-ROS1N-Steady. T UHPKNTI NB Stead y. SAVANNAH, Ga., March 12. Tl'RP ENTIN1C Hrrn at 42o; sale. 21 bbla; receipts, 4 bbl.; shipments, 208 bbls.; stocks, 81.04) bbls. ROSIN-FIrm; sale. 84 bbl.: recalots. 256 bbls.; shipments, 219 bbls- stocks. 112,257 bbls. Ouote; A and B. 22.90; C and I). 23.02; B. P. O and H. 83.07W: I. limi ne. 83.2i;U:.M. 84.00; N. 86.00: WO. 85.46: WW, 25.56. car Market. NKW TOHK, March U-e1UaAR-Ku-tures openod firmer today in anticipation of the KnKilah embargo being llftod and a more active demand In th spot market. Prices st midday were KkiSll points net higher. Raw, firm; centrifugal. 4.77c; mo lasses, 4c; refined firm, 16 points higher; cut loaf. -c; cruxhed. C.7uc; mould A, f.86o; cubes, .l6r; XXXX powdered, 4 0'; powdered. 4n; fine granulated. 6.9oc; dia mond A, 6.froc; ronfeu loners' A, 6.k0c; No. 1, 6.06c. Centrifugal closed firm at 4.83c.; molasses sugar, 4.040. Bale, 126, Out) bags. Metal Market. NEW YORJC, March 12. METALfl Iead. steady. t-ViA W; London, tHlild. Spelter, st London. 44 10s. Tin. nominal: five-ton lota, 247: twenfr- five-ton lots, 1 37 bid. Copper, firm; elec trolytic, 814. 87Ht 15.00; casting, 814.269 14.62V. Iron, steady and unchanged. At London: Kpot copper. 14 16s: fu tures, 86 6s. Spot Un. ) 10s; future. aii ius. Auiimony, a..t(". BT. LOtTIH, March 13. M KTALfl Load. strong, at tS 87WoJ.W. Hpelter. lower, at W.SWijlO.Ol). t'ottss Market. NEW VORK. March 11 COTTON t? Dot quiet; miildllug uplands, 8.60c. The cotton market closed barely steady at a net decline of 12 to 12 points under general liquidation and spot house sell- in uVEKruou March 12. COTTON Spot prices steady; good middling. 6 4K1; middling. 6.17d; low middling. 4.77(1. Sales. i,vxm Dales. ley Uood Market. NF.'W YOKX. March 12.-HKY OOODH Cotton goooa aero quiet and atcadp to dny. Vxrna were dull; wools generally fair. Kilks for Immediate dtiuvery wire In fair demand: fnatures wore ouiat. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Some Kindt of Cattla Higher, Other Kindt LoweT Lambt Active and rricet Higher. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS U? SOITTII OMAHA, March 12. 1!ir.. Rscel.'ts were: Cattle. Hoa-s Sheep. Off tela' Monday 1 j iMl .75 tfflolaI Tuesday........ 4.s 11.rt?X 6.7I!I 'fficlnl Weilncailav 1 n i'i ens n an Official Thursday 7.117 1'.S 23t Kstlmale Friday 2.0t) 1.(0 11.000 Plve days' totals. ..,..23.22.1 S.I5 1.7M fame day last week.. .17. 774 I.fln7 55.644 Same 2 weeks sa-n I,", irr.HMl tk.54 eme 3 weeks asn 11.217 RM 4lt7 Ssme 4 aeeks aco H.ovi K.m 67. W1 Kama days laat year....lMM 4.4; 4!,i The tollowlna; table shows the receipts or rattle hiers and sheep at the South omaha live stork market for tho year to date, as compared with last year; IMS. 1914. Inc. IM.r 17.1'.7 6.1 7r.,2:T. 6.U.7F! 11l,47 6M.2U5 64,'! tl.212 The followtna; table show the averasw price for ho- at the South Omaha live !1. n"Jk,t for th last lew days, with roinpsrlsons: . 'e. li6. Il!l4.inll unit inn It'tio ni eb. 24.1 fab. 2S.I 4 M 80 I 8 19, a pm mi 11 T 1 H 14 s 608 04 I toot I 4A ft! I To) 1 1 reb. 2x Peb. 27. Peb. 28. Mar. I. Mar 4; 4 40 142 112, 8 w 8 IS i to! i Stil 4! ti 1 8; o t 89 47 54 I 84 I t 2 8 .M t 2i 8 la II 15 6 26 o 22 m t m 61 8 0? 9 Mar. 2.'. Mar A I 8 tn t7K 60 M a 8 t 80 Mar". 6.1 43U 5.1 M. t 24 t r 82 o 9 55 war. C. Mar. 7.. 67T, 8 241 8 87 87, 881 8 2i 8 47 1 62 81 24 i M 78 a to Mar. ,. Mae a 44. 74 t 44 t 68 62 40 8 44 8 8K t 84 60' 9 On 76110 U 8oio r t 87 8 XV I Hi 8 Ml 8 89 8 4t 8 M Mar. 11 Mar. 12. 40 4 HtindaTT " Receipt and dtpomon of tlr stock at the Lnlon Siovk Yard. South Omaha, for the twenty-four hour ndlnr at I o'clock yesterday; RECETPTR CARLO Ar8. C..' M. . ,,,(ittle.Ho..S,eep.H Wllnuh a Missouri Pacific I'nlon Pai-liiu 27 C. ft N. W east.. 4 C. N W a.-. i aa 1 51 84 8 2 'i 3 8i ' 'i 10 j-.. . p. m. a p:: ? v., or eaai... l C. H A , C.. R. I. & P., east 5 v,:, iv. i. e j-., west .. tllllnoi Central 2 Cht Great Wast... 1 Total receipts.. Cattle. Hers. Sheep. MnMi ja i ii atiia j.uvt " v at. v r 1( jij 14B Cudahy Parkins; Co..'.. tM s'laj ArniAiiP A evk- . owin & i'o 2.14S (.Ma l.fl 4a Armour A rn . 4.4 1,875 2.6H2 rlchwarts ft Co. .... J. w. Murphy Morrell i B. O. Packing: Co 11 W, R. Vanaaut Co.... I V. B. Lewis HA Mustnn A I'n la J. B. Root ft Co i? J. It. Bulla im T. V 14,,.. i, Kellotrir ".."."!'.'."."!! fil werthelmer ft Ieren.. 377 lr l. ti...ii. ... t- I . II n IT1IILIH1 . . . . . . . 11 Hulllvan Bros 63 I ... I. kllj A .t.viim iiuii ,. zi Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co. . 6 Christie ,. 24 HiftKlns 15 Huffman 2r Bsker, Jones ft B j . 6 ' t'B n n n tU ... ,.,...... .. vn In'ia IfarvAt .. 7 Jltne (VI Dennis A Francis , 114 Other buyer 2M 7 t TotaU 4.(127 1T.1D 12.461 CA'l"lir Receipts were liberal for a Friday, eighty oar being reported In. This waa more than any other market re ceived. Fortunately there wa a good shipping demand for good fat bee steers nd they sold very roadily at price that vera generally 10c blither than yeaterdsy. The lea desirable grade of beeves were at leaat steady. The difficulty experienced by shippers to getting: cattl from Chi cago through New York and Pennsyl vania, on account of the quarantine regulstlons of those states) has evidently turned some shipping . orders to this point. 1 . Cows and heifers wero very slow, re quirements of buyers apparently being limited and prices war weak to a little lower than yesterday. There were no changes In stockerg And feeders of any It would be soil for shippers to under stand that the federal quarantine regu lations are being strictly enforced, which means that cattle for interstate shipment must be billed aa atockvr or feedera and loaded In cleaned and dUMnfected car or they cannot be shipped out Into the coun try again for fendlnar purposes. On 1 tie shipped In ran Ibat nave not been cleaned and disinfected can be scld only for Im mediate slaughter and will be yarded in a quarantine division. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed beeves, 27.7Mc4.80; fair to good cornfed beeves, 7.00trf.75: common to (air cornfed beeves, id. 007. 00; good, to cholos heifers. 88. 257. 00; good to cholo cows, 86.7W4.40; fair to good cow. 6MQ a. 76: common, to fair cow, t2.60tgi3.00, 8-od to choic stockors and feeders, 87,a) 07.60; fair to good stockors and feeder. 160(37.00; common to fair tockr and feeders. 85.75i.60, stock helfors, 86.60y 4.50: stock cows. 8S.0O&4.2:: stock calvea $6.0075.00, vasl calves. 27.0040.:; bull. stNsa. lo., (4.764.26 Representative sales: BJGKK H rEKIlo. No. to... A. Pr. No. a?, yy. ,.im 1 m ? tt . im t ai ..114 7 to ..ton t m II H .... 27 11 ... a I 14 7 7li 4 M II , 40 21 IU 7 Oi II. ....... ...104. I 14 1 to Ii4 1 ta ..I iM 7 14 . ll 7 76 W lll 4 170 15 at ...iui 4..... lout 1117 7 M 1 0 8 no I t tt 1. II. I.. 14.. 119 T M .......,.."4 144 1K(I Mil T ID ill. . .IO4 HI ....).- ANTJ Hbllt 11.... 14.... 6.... 4 ... 1 u,... 14 ... ' I.... a.... 4 8,... .1064 4 44 J...-. 4tS f 10 IS IH an 4 to 14.. . II.. ... W Tit ... lot T M ...1064 7 44 4 44 7 ft .1EIFKRS, too it 2 a I 4 tt 8 4 40 7 . 411 1 . 7l . in . M4 IM 4 at t at I tt, 7 tv' I4 414 ALV..O. 1 a 4.... 1.... 2... ta.... a. ... 1.... 4 74 4 6 . W t 76 , mu t to .Ml 111 .100 ti 4 1W 41 1 1 ,......uo 1 it ...... IM I M lo 4 71 1 1 ... 1 ... I ... 1 la I 141 1 . lot 1 tt M7 T 00 M IM " T 4 AN u 14... 1... I.,. It tot 4 TO u 4a t "e 1 t41 TI al IN HOOl Aii extremely heavy Friday run showed up this morning atiout 27 cars, or ltl.Ouu head being received. Supplies for the five days total 6H.H15 head, a gain over laat v.eek of nearly lO.ouu head, and almoat 20,OJ larger than a year ago. Advice from other point wore) encour aging, and In lull of the fact that re ceipt weie o large, the markst opened out a big ntylOa limner than yeaterday's average. One buyer held out, bidding; price that were only a little batter than steady, snd this made trade pretty dead for a wliile. but r.e finally raised hi hand snd in tha end tha bulk of th offer ings sold on the basis named, that is a Mtc tr'iOo gbov Thursday's general mar ket. Toward the t-los. when all buyer but one had filled their order, trade became a little easier aaln, and while some of the late sale Were quoted aa steady with th general trade, other looked a shade easier, or only about a nickel above yes terday average. Tlie general market. however, la fully 6l0c higher. The big string sold at l.70. with a sprinkling at t.0wa4i 67W.' with a pretty fair showing at i6.7'iWU 'h. the latter price being tha top. Moat of the sales ovsr 84.70 were n-ade to shippers, although some of them wer Included in ths packer purchases. UrprcnentH tlve sales. . Ha At. ah. Pr, Ka gt im It 4 t .. a.; t to t tt j... 17 at) I OS 15.. ail fl ... 4 a-IUj 4.. . At. ...: ...iki ...t ...U ...17 8h. fr. ' ... 4 79 ... 4 To ... 4 7214 ... 4 73 ... 4 71 ... 4 11 (4 tt4 ... 4 1 . (.. at 4 ... 4 7 71.. t,t tu4 ... 4 74 flUH. e 114 ... 4 tt M 144 4 a nnr.r.r--A run tj,i.-j neau, aui lamos. a liberal npply for a Friday, and abnu, equal to th combined receipts at Chi- . I. .. - 1 1 u. I ........ I. ....... . a ready outlet this morning to the packer Miyrts on a bonis strong to a dime higher. Chicago reported a run of 6.000 head, with trt de slow and a weak tendency to prices. The bulk of th 1b nib -today moved at t9.eK4iH.78. with five rsrs of Mexicans making a top of 29.66, Th gsneral qual ity was better than In some time, with light and hendyweight predominating, there being few heavy lamba on nale. Buyer discriminated little, If any, against the heavyweights, and th clearance was early. It has been another a1 Isf sctory week for the sheep trader. While th receipts have been liberal, amounting to as many aa 81.7Ho head, price on lambs have ad vanced 2Mi-40r alnce the close of laat e-eek. Yearling have shown about the ssm Improvement. Ewe and wethers are around a quarter higher than a week ago. The tops lor the week hav been $9 90 en lamba and 27.76 on ewe. Born yearlings topped at 8A.76. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Iambi, Mexicans, 9 60r.90; lamb, fed weeteraa, lotah 76; laniha, shearing, 86.liktM.ta 1 yearling. light, 2l.7fwti),o0; yearlings, liravy, 88.5ftTrK.75; wethers, good to choice, ?7..4i00; wethers, fair to good, t7.50jf7.76; ewes, good to choice, 27 60tj7.76; twee, fair to good, 87 25i9'7 60. Representative sales; ' No. . Av. Pr. 1041 Colorado lamlw 81 48 81 culls M 8 60 709 fed lamba 77 60 81 on I la M 8 26 culls 8 26 199 Colorado lamb 7 45 90 fed yearling 8 76 40 fed wothcra lot) 8 26 4 fed ewes 92 7 76 191 fed Ismhs Tf S6 6 fel lambs 71 76 4 fed Ismhs 7 ' 9 Mi l:4 fed lamb 8 M 4 fed lamb 8A 7R Ml fd lamhg , 04 t 75 t0 fed lamb 72 76 8rl fed lamb 4 87 t D K.I Mexican lamba 71 t 7 I fed lambs ... 78 t TS CIIICA4JO IilVR . STOCK MARKET Cattle r lrnaHega dtroatr ta lllgker 9 bees) gtroasT. CHICACO. March II -CATTU0-R-oeipla, 1,000 head; markt firm; native stnera, t.7rW 75: western. t500ji7.36: cow nd heifer. 8A8nG7.6: calvea IS.6iHtno.nt. HOOS Receipts. lfl.Ono head; market strong. 10c hlirher; bulk of sale, fit .M: light. 2tv5.--JI 45; mixed. 8ft'in7H: beavey, ft.Ki; rough, 24.2ni4l,4A; nig, 26 60 ft76. 14HKKP AND LAMBft-Reoelnls, S.1W) head; market (mng: sheep.; yearlings, I7.864.16; lambs, 77Kf10o6. Kansaa City Lire Mock: Market. KANSAS CITY. March U-OATTMC Recelpta, 1,000 head; market weak; prime fed steers, 14.2Mi8.iW; dressed beef steers, I7.004i00: western steer, t4804i.yi; atock ens and feeder. 8o.O0fl7.S6; bulla, 6.601i4.75; calves, fv'4iil0.5ft. Hi M 18 Receipt. T.709 head: market rteady: bulk of sarns. A864.96; hvv, 84 8M .95H: packera and butchers. tVOSfg 6.96; llsht. 8tl.Marr7.gO; pla. A50ifr4l SO. HHEEP AND LAMBS Rocelpt. t.600 head; market higher; lamb, yearllnv. 88r.iS9.00; wethar. i7.26ii.0Q; ewes. 7.00nT.86. . Loal Lire Rtoek Market. PT. LOinH., March 11 CATTTIC Re ceipts. 700 heed: market steady; natlvo beef steers. 87.O0We.0O: row) and heifers. 5.50fl 5; southern steers. tS.36(S7.76; cows and netters. stooruv.w; nauve-caivea, iti.w tj. 10.00. IIOOS Rscelnta 8.S00 head: markst lower; plga and lights, tH.dnnU tS; mlxnt and butcher, tfi.tCNU'7.20; good heavy, 20. IK) 4J7.0R. SHEEP AND UAstBf Receipts, 2,stio head: narket steady; native mutton. 8ri.764rg.0o; lamb. 8IMXKS10.Q0; yearllntr, eSoOl.SO. . .... Rlong City- Lite Bteek Market. !IOUX CTTYi la.. March 11 CATTLE Receipts. 1,000 head; nisrket steady; na tive steers. IX; butcher. V..fT.TO: canner. t4.00i!l'6.iO; stockers and feeders, tf.6tr.H0; bulls, stags, etc, t4.BOiff4.75. HOOS Receipts, 9,000 head: market Ro lower; heavy. 4.70ihi.0: mixed. tf..70-i2; 76: light, t! 64li70: bulk of sale. 84.70fl4.7B. HK1P AND LAM US Receipts. JIM head. " 1 : t. Joseph Mt gtoek Market BT. JOHEPH. March 12. CATTLE Re ceipt. 400 head: market steady! steer. 87.oorn8.60. cows and heifer. M.2&08.25; calves, $7.0TZr9 60. HOUfl Receipts, a,2fl head: market glow: ton, t .90; bulk of sale. I.0fj4, SHEEP AND LAMBU Reeelpts, 1.600 head; market steady; lamb. tt.OOtjt'.W. Lla Mtaek Is SIg-t. Receipt of live stock at tha fir prin cipal western markets. . cattle. Moss, rnteep. Kansa City l.oto 7.c.o Ihuo M. I,ouls 7"0 ,8il0 19.0i0 9.0A le.ouo 8,6110 t.oto 200 11 .uo Chicago l.ono 1,000 2.000 Hloux City ... Kouth Oman Total ... .... 6,701) 81,000 22,200 gnADITRCErt TRAOta RBJVIBW Peeliaat ef Dlsapaolatsaeat la VI- Ible la Maaey Market. NBW TORK. March ll-BradatreeC tomorow will say: Poor roads, unsettled weather, ar small lot buying In larger line ar probably ineponsime tor th reeling or aisappolnt ment vlaibls In many market. These features contrast with Increased opera tions. In heavy manufacturlna. diminished odleness, activity In shirk building, a alight improvement in retail traae at om lew center, some expanalon in mail order Diistnes, excellent winter wheat crop con ditions, beery Investment demand for bonds, a slightly more cheerful stock mar ket tone end betterment In collection. Th tendency to buy often and In small lots Indicate conservatism. There ar aoma evidence of bettorment In demand for lumber; textile mill are taking raw cotton mort freely: silk factories In some centers sre. working full time; artimunl. tion concerns are rushed; at th leading canter automobile manufacturers ara do ing better than wss expected. On th other hand coal mining I retarded; short time In anl.hrurlte region la th rule and building Is Improved. ' Bank clearings for th week aggregated t2.6tii,772,0MO. a lot of 19 per cent from last week and 11.0 from the corresponding week last Business failures for the week num ber atj a compared with 27 In th Ilk aeek lagt year. New York Money Market. NKW TORK, March 11 -MERCANTILE PAPKR 8 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Enay; tO-day Ml la. 14 7X76; for cables, HO-jo, for da ms nd. M UI6. WlLVKK-Bar. HHo; Mexican dollars, 4e. BONDS Ooyemment, beavy raUrdad. Irregular. 4 4 MONET Tim loan, steady; day. t per cent; ft) days, tjA per cent; six months, J' per cent Csl! money, steady; his heat. 2 per ceut; lowest. ) per cent; ruling rste, ter cent; last loans, t per csnt. cloeltig bid. 1 per cent; offered at t par cent. I,aolos llork Markel. IXNDON. March 12 Amnrlcaa securi ties on the stock market today attracted more attention. Kris, Missouri, Kansas ft Texas and Canadian Paclflo were the most frequently marked. Th latter eased off In the late trading, but the rest of the list closed firm. H1LVER Bar, 24 t-ld per ounce. 1IONKI-1 per cant. DISOOl'NT RATES Bbort bill. IStr 1 per cenU three month' bill, ltfi per cent. Evaporated ftres mm Drletl Px-alt NBW TORK. March 11 EVAPORTED AFHLKR Oultt. IR1ED FKITITS-Prunes, steady. Apri cots and peaches, quiet. Raisin, dull. MRS. W, B. WOODWARD HEADS P. E. 0. SISTEBHOOD CHAPTER Mrs. W. B. , Woodward waa leoted preeldeat of Chapter E Jf th P. E. O. sisterhood, Thursday afternoon, - to suc ceed Mr. Thomas H. Matter. . Mr. S. K. George Is the new vloe presWsnt; Mrs. O. W. Trlbble, recording secretary; Mix France Chandler, corresponding secre tary; Mr. Reta JolinaMn, treasurer; Mrs. H. Agor, chaplain; Mrs. W. A. bhiop hlre, guaid. and Mrs. Zella Bryan, lournalut. The meeting ass held at the home of Mrs. Agor. following the regular fortnightly luncheon ot the club. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Diiplsyt Lett Resistance to Selling rretture at Day'i Sei ion. FOREIGN EXCHANGE VARIABLE NEW YORK, March 12. -Th market for securities displayed less resistance to selling pressure today, some of the specu lative favorites declining over a point on moderate offerings. Heaviness waa most pronounced in the afternoon, the motor share yielding practically all tho ground gained during the- morning ses sion. Obvious manipulation In this clns.o, of stocks has provoked considerable criti cism reoently, although It la recomliel that the motor Induau-r haa profited to an unwonted degree by reason of thej war. 1 Oenernl tinsettlement Uncovered In.thej final deevllnga when It became known that the director of the Southern rail way had declined to peas the dividend on the preferred stock, vMch broke five) point to 46, two point above ts mini mum. At th same time announcement waa made of the suspension of th divi dend on Hloes HhefHHd Iron preferred, That company reoently Issued Its snnusl report shnwinff a very large tmptarmenC of earnings. In nolnt of fact, today market wai left largely to Ita own devices, actual leadership still being lacking. Tha short Interest haa made several efforts to capi talise new development in K.urope, and Mexico, and the constructive faction haa hld aloof, pending a more favorable turn In the general situation. Foreign exchange wm again variable, . the features being Italian Urea, were almut twenty-five point undr rate quoted a week ago. Th break In Urea waa assumed to represent ome4hlng mora Important than mere buying of aupplle, rumor persisting In the belief tnat a. large loan to Italian interest Is Im. pending. Bankl clearing confirm recent advices 01 a halt In trde at leading centers, the decrease In New York being almost HO- per cent comtred with the previous week, Incal bank appear to have gained some cash on the wenky movement. Tlmai money wag freely quoted at recent loar ravVa anil commercial paper waa on flt prlty with long-tlfe maturities. . Total sales of stocki amounted tot 231.600 shares. Investment bond were Irregular wlllg' more ateadlrreas In some of the cheaper Issues. Total sale par value. wr ti,ix.nio. Panama coupon ts were 4 per eenl lower on call. Number of sale and leading quotation on stock today were: . galea Hlltl. Low. Cloaa. Akaslns Ool4 4.4m r:4 tt4 liv emoiaoaoii iwper M.. s.iw -lu. 41 Anierkao Moot Suar. .... 4,"0 4 Amortron rs 7m' l.'S mi An.arlras H. a R t.100 44k 41, A marl ran g. a R. Bf4. .,.... ..... .... !Wa, IU l'i ml 1 -0 Vs 7 Am. Huaar Roflntns..... to lit1 101 Amorlma Tat. To! tv4 1X114 IM Aanortean Totmcoo Anaronda Mining ,. Atchleoa , Palllinor ft OtH Beonkiyn Hanld Transit., illnrnl Fotmloum .... Canadian Parlflo t ttvtral 1 jeather Cbeoasoako OMn t'hifwiso uroat M'ootera., H'hlcaso. M. A H. P... inn 1,100 I. IM 4714 44 SI1 7 ITU, 4a itm 17 H a. lew itnw ii4 imu . kis 4.114 siu 7)14 2 "k'h 41 . . I 41 'ioo 10V4 , 11 V."4 ' 11- 244j rhlnaao ft N. W 'hioo Otaioor Otlnrado Kutl ft lens., t'eloraifci ft Hou Horn .... , ..... iMmTor m tttto Uranrte..... 49 lenTr A H. G. fd , ..... natulan1 tioruritlas t4 4 in .tin l.a Vrla Oaaaeal kUxtrln tlreat Northara rM Umt No. tiro etta. viussanheim Rapioratloa Illinois antrtl IntaTBoroiish Dot. sM.... Inoplralios roeoo International Harvester..' 4.704 it, U2S 14 t.iv J 411 110 OKI 11 3)4 14 4t4 4 "41 10 M ai ! 't 134' lia St 1 1"S, in li 1. eo 2. MO t kanaaa 1lr gotiUiern Iahlah Vallay KlO liiw U4U, lMilavlllo a Nashville ..... Maaleaa rxatmtaaia ...... 2. Wl Miami Copper too Mlaeotirl, K. A T. ....... Mkwoerl Paalfte 1,40 National Blanslt National Ia4 7 11 114. 11 40 . Kl llM 11HS 44 104 i . 14U. u4 M M . M kJii, ' 1.401 lti ' HV4 414, Wl , to 10.14 lniu. n 1H II ,1104 ttii lutvt. lis! isiii2i 4nt lKut iana ttovt 40 .! 17 17 24.10 lit4 )US4 1M'4 Koraila Cowoar .......... New York I antral N Y-. N. H, A H Norfolk ft Waatera Nortbora llcina raririo Mall , Pool no Tol. ft Toi Pennsylvania Pullman raises 4?ir...... Bar (.'oa. 4aaor Heading nfouoiic 1 row 41 meei... Honk laland To 1 4114 14' 'Rock island V. BM.... Bt. r. ft g. r. 14 pt4... oVnithom Pauitns Southern KaJlomy , , Tanneaaoo Ovpper Texaa tympany Union 2ar.lfle 1.000 H4 'lint 44 l.l'O U' 2.ex an I 11 ' 17 ion k.j 1121a 1.11V I.iiu l.o't un-., liss. l'nit4 Htataa ftteol.. 11, OKI 444 44 444 1'. 14. Mtasl B44.. , 4 Jiuv; I'M 44. IMV -'ian ,. i.pu i,x pi weoiern union 1.hi 44 Weailnt-Knuao BlectrlO ., 700 4 K-fllvlinm41. 444 A4 8 Total saMs for ths day, Xil.40 tliara. ' Only Overwhelming Numbers Can Crush Teutons' Says Briton I3NDON. March Jt.-Tha afflcial mili tary observer at tho British headquarter In th field say ta ft report given out her today that there. 1 no truth in statements that the German rank In tho west hav been depleted generally - and! to a marked extent. "Th pluln truth 1 that although tha entmy'a effectiveness in tha west Is much reduced and our Increased, h UU Is holding; an enormoua extent of front, a well a carrying; out operation on hug acakj In tha east," tha report says. "No algng of weakening; are yet visible It th moral of th German troop aa a, whole. There g a yst no reason why an Intensely brave, determined and well organised army like that ot tha German) hould feel discouraged. "It I Impossible to say that lther tha German poopl or th army hav yet definitely lost confidence In their ultW mat) gucoeg. Thla eonfldeno win bo only overthrown and tha morale .of th troop will be shaken by tha conscious-, nesa of crushing dofeat In the field; but this end can only be attained by vcr- Inoreasing pressure of vast number of men ana guns throughout th coming month. "The kaiser can choose at will a Run lan, Belgian or French tows wheretn to make a, triumphant appearance in thej presence of hi troop. Thy are flghtingi In th enemy' country, ruined and de vastated by tha passage of their annle. Wilson is in Charge Of Negotiations Now; WASHINGTON, March 11. -Announces ment wa mad at th White lioin to day because of th pressing character ot 1 th Mexican and other International que tlon President Wilson will e no caller other than government officer for the nxt three) week a Th president want to take personal charge of the negotia tion over neutral shipping and with tha .Mexican faction. Th sinking of the Fry on the ground that it wheat wa destined for a hostile port wag understood to be considered aa having an important bearing on the sj. ' Joct of oontrablnd. Why Bonds Art Safe Investments Th Harris Trust, gad Savings Sank of Chicago hss issued a booaWt entitled "VVhy Bond Are bafe Investment. " in tntded ior til use of iraonn Pwnning to invent in bond for t!i first time, it s sim is to explain In simple terms tlic ij,,. . poses and ues of various cUcc h .it Kn : us sal Investments for in1i 1 luu.s mi well as iliallt vitluna. Copies liia bu haU free on muesv.