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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAllA, F1.1DAY, MARCH 1J. . WAVrrT) TO BUT Tal biiyt""iverrthlng 3dH7tndfyTer' 14lC 1 furniture lou(ht and Mid. J. sj. Reed, inrrf Fsrnsm. Doug. K14S. ,WB BUT td-hand cloth's. I4il N. 14th." IlKAIj KHTATE frAHM A HAM II I..4.3US FOR SALH 1,000-AcreRanch Hlfrhly Improved. Sonoma Co., Call fornla. right at town and railroad; clone to Sen Francisco: running stream through the property: water piped to all butldlnxe; new bungalow, ft-r., 2 baths, foreman's house. in-r. and bath; laborer's house, 6-r. and buth; modern horse barn, cow barn, rapacity 100 cows; granary, tool shed, machinery shed, with steel boiler; rreamej-y house and separator, smo, 240 tons capacity; calf and hog pens. 33S head Jersey, In head of horses. 25 head of Rerkshlre hogs, buggies, wagons nd implements. This ranch has Its own Irrigation sys tem, dam and rewrvolr. The property la In firnt-eiass condition nd Is for sal aa a whole to settle an estste. Price haa been made low to af fect a quick sale tl2o per acre. Includ ing stock and Implements. Terms can be made. If you want art Ideal California ranch, this Is an opportunity that is seldom of fered. This ranch would not be on the market were, the owner alive. There iri big money In thla tor some one. Address for particulars, W. T. Smith Co., Exclusive Agents. City National Hank Hid. D. 2S19. 8 TO 10 TONS ALKALKA PKR ACRE. Ho. S A splendid 40-acre Irrigated larm in Patterson colony, Munixkui county, California, only 2 miles from town. Half now In alfalfa and naif cultivated; small new house, barn, weil. etc. Suil a rich warm loam I to feet deep. Abundance of water for Irrigation and the lines cilm.ite 'n trie world. Alfalfa In tbis section yields S to 10 tons per acre and gies you green teed practically I ho year round, 'treat for dairying; cream brings big prices, as San l'Vanclsco only throe hoiu-a awny. 2 acres sup ports 3 cows; Stanislaus Is the ban ner dalrv county of California. Hogs pasture on alfalfa and fatten on milk. Add some poultry and you have nn Ideal money-making combination In an Ideal country. Owner lives In eastern Nebraska, haa other interests here and would ' accept In exchange a good Omaha residence. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block, Omaha. Dream of a California home like this 40 acres, pan. In alfalfa, young fruit, flowers, new 6-roor bungalow, barn and outbuildings, two good wells of splendid water. Irriga tion ditches in, located 2Vi miles from town. In a well Improved neighborhood. Price low.' Will mako terms. Go look at this MARCH 15. It is well worth ths trip. .Will sell you any slsed tract you may want, improved or unimproved.-- This land is close to Sacramento City, with unequalled train service. W. T. Smith Co. Doug. S19. City National Bank Bidg. Rjekraslta. THE ROSEBUD LAND CO. 414 Barker Block, Omaha. 7a0 acres of good land, eight miles from Kilgore, Neb.; a good 6-toom house; barn for 7 head of horses, cattle shwl for HO head of cattle; all fenced and cross fenced; exceptionally good 65 acres In cultivation; good well and windmill;. 67 head of cattle, described as follows: 17 mlloh cows, from 1 to H years old. tilx 2-year-old holfers. Fourteen 2-year-old steers. Five extra good yearlings. One thoroughbred; - registered Durham bull. Seven fall calves. Seven head of horses, described ras follows: One black horse, 12 years old, weicht L200 lbs. One bay horse, 9 years old, weight 1,200 (bp., matched team. 1 bay mare, 9 rs. old, weight SjO lbs. Two buckskin mares, 1U years old, weight S04 each. One good yearling colt. One bay horse, s years old, weight 1,300 lbs.; each of these . horses are broke, rlngle, double and to saddle. rhree wagons, good as new. Two dou- boxes, one hayrake. '. .me John Deering mower. One M cCor i.ilck binder. One John Desre lister.. One John Deere two-row machine. 1 end-gate seeder. 1 hand corn livelier. Onb grindstone. Two complete sets of harness. One breaking plow. One bay sweep. One good saddle. Two water tanks. One top buggy. Nine shoata, weighing 75 lbs. each. 1 chickens. I Osborn dlso harrow. 100 tons of hay. 1.6u0 bu corn, 1,000 bu. pats. 100 bu. of potatoes. All loose fence posts, lumber, wire, and. In fact, every thing that is now on the place. This whole outfit, land, all, for 113.000. He will carry 6,000, 6 years, at 6 per cent Interest. ' I&4-ACRE ALFALFA 4c STOCK FARM. No. 7 Flv miles from Hershey, on U. P. R. R.. to exchange for a good Omaha residence, or on larger farm. Hood 6-room house, barn, granary, com crib, chicken house, etc.; ail iriigated and paid-up first i class water right; 1 mile to school; , 66 acres fins stand of alfalfa. It acres hog pasture, 30 acres of other ' crops. 15 acres hay meadow, bal ance pasture, with running water. FAY N hi INVESTMENT COM f AN Y, Ware Block, Omaha. ONE OF THE BEST RANCHha IN NEBRASKA. A 4.000-acre ranch that produces all- ths-year-round pasture of the kind that makes fat cattle, owner an old man wants to retire and will exchange tor good Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm. A big new house, big new barn, 5 wind. mills, and wells that you can't pump nry. two otner sets ot improvements. A creek, with timber for winter shelter. Land gently rolling, all hard soil, and good for alfalfa. Near a good railroad tiwn In nnrt hwestMrn NAbrajika with fine schools, churches, stores, banks, etc. Uood section line road; no gates between ranch and town. Let us send you map and full description. JPAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block, Omaha. THE ROdKBUD LAND CO.. 414 Barker Bik., Omaha, Neb. Farming and ranching Days. We wilt take your city property at what m worm ana give you plenty time on a farm or a reach, whore i hey are raising finest crops of all kinds, white face cattle and alfalfa; tbs best ot water. Far from umaba t. IFOR bALU Practically crop paymeut plan; W to 14 per cent cash, one to tun years on balance. Have around 10.0UO acres to sell on those terms, if taken soon. Tbis land will raise to 4s bushels of wheat to the acre. Plenty of rain, near good town on main line Union Pacific 1C R. For particulars write J. A. Woten casruar ol Una rotter Mate Bang, 1'otiei IRRIGATED 80 ACRES. SCOTT'S (BLUFF DISTRICT. iNo. 10 Owner will exchange for city property or on a larger farm. This is a very sightly piece of land with lust the rialit alope to the south for easy irrigation and perfect drainage. Nearly all Is In cuitiva tion and soil Is the very beat. It Is located sis miiea from an up- to-date town on Burlington K. R., la In a good neighborhood. Owner Is a nonresident and you can maks r a good aea for tnia nne so. roin log better for alfalfa, potatoes, sugar neon, grain, etc. karmei are making big money here feed ing alfalfa, beets and grln to hugs. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, War Block, Omaha. HEAL ESTATK. RANCH LANDS rOR BAVU FARM a. Nebraska. FOR flALPI acres. mlie. north cf Central City. Neh. Mrs. Amy Staidly. SOO Lincoln Ave.. Cot inc.! I Rluffa. t Inraaaf TO SETTLERS ONLY 3J-acre fr IJOO; rich cam, alfalfa and wheat land. na sand. 3. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan. Colo. Kaaawa. BARGAIN 40-acrs dairy farm, near Ra il oa, Kan.; writs for full description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale In central Kansas. V. E. Nluuettc. Halloa, Kan. Why "Pay Rent? We will give you possession of a 1H- scre farm home, with cows and hogs sup. piled, all worth from Ss.Otn ti lio.uin. tor a cash payment of only t-Vv. later pay ments amount to less than rent and can easily be made out of the crop you will raise. In addition to giving you a good living. located in the lied River valley, I'olK county. Minnesota. THE VOfJF.I, KRALTT COMPANY. 101.V1D W. O. W. IMclg. Omaha. Neh. Mlssoarl. BlOOEST land sale of the year now on. ion forty-sore farms H each. Good land. Well settled locality. Close to railroad. Ill per acr is half actual value. Great est bargain in South Missouri at senrn tional price. Write today for free liter ature. I. Merriam. Ellis 4V Benton, Kansas City. Kansas. WltegiiU. Upper Wisconsin Pest dairy and general crop state In ths union: settlers wanted. Lands for sals at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. M on Wisconsin Cvntral Land Urant Excellent lands fpr stock raising. It Interested In fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Laad and industrial Depattmenu Moo Una Hallway, Minneapolis. Minn. IlKAL KSTATE FOR KENT ' Fa rat aad Ranch Lands. rXCHANOE.f-Sllas ROBB1NB. P. M41 UNIMPROVED 4 John N. Frcnxer. and U-acra Douglas 534. tract. REAL. fcSTATE LOAN 3 CITY aod farm loans, ft 6V. 6 per cent. J. H. Duraont Co, 416 State Bank. WANT Kl Oi ty loans Patera 'I rust Co. WANTB.U City loans and warrants. W. I'arnain Smith & Co.. IZSO Karnam. tluo to SlO.uuv uafe promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg., tsth and Faxnatn Sts. UAUV1N BROS &.,??.t"BdaSir. BEE us first for farm loans in eastern Nsb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. CITY LOANS. U0-H2 Brundels C. O. Cr!ber. Theater Bldg. CITY property. Largs loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. 4S State Bank Bldg. MONEY on nana tor city and trm loana, H. W. Binder. Ciir Natl Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms, O KEEFU REAL ESTATE CO., I01 Omaha Natl. Douglas 1711 100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Utb and b'arnam Bts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES PEED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 'JO Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 106 5. 17th SI Fbona Douglas t47. REAL ESTATE WANTED WK have buyers for homes in all parts of the city, but must be worth the price. If you really want to Bell your prop erty try - - - O'NEIL, 1505 Farnam. Tel. Tyler 1024. REAJj ESTATE ACREAGE ACREAGE. We have a number of clients who want to exchange small tracts of land, both unproveu ana unimproved, tor city crou- rty. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 101S-16 W. O. W. Bldg -O FOR SALE Two acres near Krug Park, DiocKa 10 car, cemcm siaewaiic rrum car to land; city water; or will trade for cottage. Address R. F. Rain, Coun cil Bluffs, la. AND 10-acre tracts close in for sub dividing. Phone Doug. 2047. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE Good Home Only $2,850 , We have a practically new house, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor: two large bedrooms and bath on second floor; large closets .and good furnace; full basement; shades; water meter, etc.; uavwi sireei; close 10 scnooi; xzso cash, balance very low monthly payments. uvt-eieu mi Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Clairmont Bungalow igalow on boulevard Fine bungalow on boulevard In Clair- mont: ouk finish, fireplace; block to ear; all specials paid In full. Price. SS.&W): t.rnu terms. Benson & Oarmichael, Doug. 1722. 42 Paxton Block. ELEGANT. LOT South front 00x130. paved street, one block from car line, located near 4Mh and ranter, nr iiiua. suniect to paving. C. G. CABLBERG, 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. 7677 EVANS 6-r. Biod nome, oak finlait throughout: easy terms. Web. 29 6. WILL sell beautiful modern home, eight rooms, one oi umini s nest residence districts. Deal direct with owner. Ad dress L 114. Re. 7 ROOMS, modern, hot water heat; on corner lot; boll) streets paved, paving paid: would consider north side lot as part payment. Price, Si. 100. 2714 N. 24th. o REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE . HOT WATER HEAT 7 rooms, all modern, birch finish, ele gant east front lot, paved street, splen did location. Jum north of the II eld club on Sth Ave. close to school and tar line. Price 13.6 0. C. G. CARLBERG. SIS Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE NEAR 34TXI AND WEBSTER Nifty S-room house, strictly modera, oak finish downstairs, oak floors up stairs; lot 4"xlU; paved street, cement walks; S block to school. Will sell on easy terms. THK VOGEL REALTY AOENCT, 101i-16 W. O. W. Bldf. Douglas SW1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With Sentiment on Exchange Mixed Wheat Warert After Jump and Remain! Still. DROP EXPECTED BEFORE RISE OMAHA. March It. 1915. Italy has bouxht a big lot of rash heat In the I'nlted States and Canada within the last three weeks. Purchases have been at ths rate of about l.OOO.tx bo. per day and a good prt of the wheat haa been bought on a declining market. Many wheat traders have the Impression that fa recent decline was due to ef forts of foreigners to secure supplies as low aa possible. Sentiment of the wheat trade Is mixed. It would not surprise most of the trade to see a further decline before there Is another urturn. A nervous feeling pre vails and sharp changes In prices are ex pected. In explaining the slow domestic demand for cash corn and oats attention Is called lo the fact that the use of patent fords, which amounts to about l.nOO.0 tons per J ear, haa considerable to do with It. Cnnndlan stocks of wheat are about IW 000.' 00 bushels, of which tt.Jno.OTO bush el 111 be reoulred for food and seed, leaving 35.7"4).0flO bushels for export. Omara Srot Market Wheat was VJrie higher: corn, unchanged; pats, nominally The following sles Were repotted todJ Wheat: No. I hard winter. 4 cars, car. 11.47. No. . mixed. 1 car, SI . Corn. No. white, H car, Sc. No. 2 yel low, 1 car, 70c. No. 3 yellow, t cars. 69c. No. 4 yellow, 2 car. Wo. No. 5 yellow, t oars. 6S'4c. No. S mixed. S cars, tSo. No. 4 mixed, I car tnear white). tfcSc; 3 cars. 7Hc No. t mixed, 1 car (near white), Wc; 1 car (wet). 6S4: 1 car (wet). We. Sample. 2 cars. 68c. Oats: No. 4 white, 1 car. M4c. Clearances were: Wtieat and flour, equal to 723,000 bu.; corn, JW.OOO bu. ; oats. 125.O0O bu. Liverpool closing: Wheat, uot quoted, corn. V,d higher. Primary wheat receipts were ;S,0(y) bu. and shipments WS.000 bu.. against receipts of 4a.00i bu. and shipments of 42,0W bu. Primary corn receipts were 313.000 bn. and shipments S.12,000 bu.. against rerelnt of fws.000 bu. and shipments of M3.O0 bu. PrimBv oats receipts were S13.000 ba. and shipments 1.3M.0CO bu., against re ceipts of 6S,0fi0 bu. and shipments of Wf,. 000 bu. last year. CARLOT REOKIPTfl. neat. t.orn. uais Chicago 1 47 It Minneapolis .... 101 6 4 44 Duluth Omaha 10 ft 22 Kansas City ... St Louis Winnipeg 132 Omsha cash Prices Wheat: No. S No. hard. Sl.47m.MH; hard. tl.MVfll.M No. 4 hard. Sl.40tfil.4SH; No. 3 spring. S14WI.60; No. 2 durum, Sl.4MPl.4fi; No. 3 durum, S1.44iM.45. Corn: No. I white, TCVETiOHc; No. S white, Wi5 TOc ; No. 8 white, 94tiOHe: No. 4 white. bSV(6fHc; No. 5 white. tiS'S8V,o: No. t white. ST' 8c: No. 1 vellow. 70f70Vfcc: No. 2 yellow. S,f70c; No. S yellow. tVic: No. 4 yeltuW, i!Jikc; ino. o yeuow, wprnic, No. 6 yellow, fiTHa10; No- 1 mixed. 9ViJM9Hc; No. 2 mixed, Kxhic; No. I mixed, owwc; no. 4 mixea, oiiibwic; No. 6 mixed. fitsi7Hc; No. 6 mixed, r.THo. Oaus: No. 2 white, H68o; stan dard, ftfinrshc; in o. wnue. wniim:; No. 4 white, 64iOt.4Hc. Barley: Mslt Ing, 72ni8o; No. 1 feed. fiOflTlC. Rye: Ho. I, SLUWl.U; No. 3. Sl lOgLU. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fatnres of the Trading; and Closlasj . Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO. .March U, Wh-a swayed In price today, largely according to the varying character of cable reports, es pecially the course -f quotations at Liv erpool, l ne close nere was weaK at o decline to c advance, compared with last . night. Other lea-ling stapleo all showed net gains; corn, a shade to V,c; oau, HfiHc to s&o. and provisions, in 6c to Uhic. weakness at tne start in wneat was followed by a derided oulge and then quick reaction. The veering was w:de, covering a range of lust 6 rents, with May swinging the furthest both down REAL ESTATE- TNAESTMENTS ONLY GET 3 to 4 WHEN YOU CAN GET From 7 to 10 The last year haa certainly shown that mortgage on real estate and real estate itself Is one of the best and safest in vestments a person can get. If you will Investigate you will find that there was a great deal of money lost the last year In railroad stocks and other kinds of In vestments. When you investigate you will find that there Is nothing that is any safer thsn mortgages on real estate and real estats Itself located in thla great middle west country. We have several different plans where you can Invest and be assured from 7 to 10 per cent on jrour money. Why not call or write us about it at once? Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN DasSet. Your Chance to buy one of the nicest S-room bungalows j ukes of which have never been offered to lyou before. This is absolutely one of the beet built houses In Dundee; house Is l ..ii. . . i . . ... . new. built with brick aad concrete founda tion (not cement block), finished with oak In tbs large living room and dining room; other rooms ma pis; big fireplace; good slsed tile bath room with all the latest plumbing. To the right party will sell for SouO cash, and balance la) per month at I per cent uwnor leaving city tms week and must sell st once. A. W. Burg, 140S W. O. W. Bldg Douglas 4404. NEW Dt'NDEK liCNUAUOW. Five dandy nice rooms in oak, with beamed celling and paueled walls, also sleeping porch. Only SS.UJ0. Possession at onos. l rash, balance monthly. PAYNii INVESTMENT CO., Douglas 171(1. War Block. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Seven-Roo;n, Modern Brick . House Corner lot. street paved, nut far out Can make terms. W. II. Gates, 447 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1&4 LEGAL NOTICES V. B. FNOINKKR OFFICK, YKLI-OW-ton Park, Wyo.. March 13. 1115. Sealed proposals for lurnishlng material and eractuig steel highway bridges in Forest Reserve aujolniiig this park will be re ceived until April 12. 1916, and then pub uoly opened, information on application, AMOS i. KlULri, Malor, fcngr Si LV-li-l4-k -7 and tip. On the bulge from the extreme low point of the season, there seemed to be plenty of evidence that foreigners and domestio cash grain handlers were ab sorbing futures because of Inability to meet requirements In the spot delivery. At ths same time, advices were at hand that early weakness at Liverpool, whlcn had been reflected here, had been suc ceeded by an upturn due to reduced es timates of the surplus In Russia and Roumani. to the sinking of two Paclflo grain vessels and to storms In Argentina. Realising sales to collect Profits for speculators seemed to have much bearing on the downward tendency of the wheat market approaching the close. Domestic reports on the crop outlook were slightly less favorable. Dispatches from Illinois and Missouri light soli sections referred to signs of considerable winter killing. Improved demand frrm shippers west and southwest was responsible for a good deal of the strength shown by corn. Shorts here bough freely. Oats ad vanced chiefly on account of Chicago sales of 1.100.000 bushels for export. Ho far this week shipments of oats from this city amount to 1,300.000 bushels more than arrived. Shorts In provisions ware finally forced to cover owing to a stream of small buy ing orders that poured In nearly all day. Weakness st the start was said to be mainly the result of larger receipts of hogs throughout the west. Futures were quoted as follows: Article! Open. 1 Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yea y Wheat I May. I July. Corn May July Oats I 11 1 July. fork May. July Lard May. 57H1 10 4S 10 oTHI 10 (0 10 77H! 10 OS July. 10 87H 10 80 I 10 87V Klba May July I I I 10 0JHI 10 IS I 10 OCHI 10 13H! 10 OS 10 SiH1 10 45 I 10 &Hl 10 43HI 10 Chicago Cash Prices--Wheat : No, 3 red, nommai; ivo. s red, si.mwi.S4,; No. 2 hard. SI.S$ l.fcS. Corn: No. a yellow. 72'v; No. 4 vellow. 70H1"lUc; No. 4 white. 70'4Hr71'io. Oats: No. 8 while, 57tf niMrc: stHiiosro. S7Vi!&7o. Kye: No. s. 7iiSnc. Timothv: U.oOf.SO. (iover: S9.00 flis.00. Pork: S17.I7H. Lard: $10.05. Ribs: W.tKWiUjn. Ht'TTER Lower; creamery, 30c to 20 SSic. BX3S Higher; receipts, S.7W oases; at msik. cases Included, 16H(fi17Hc; ordin ary rirsts, iwNo; rtrsts. lPfco. POl'LTRT-,Alive, higher; springs, 17o; I'OTATOBS-Steady: receipts. 14 ears Wisconsin red, SPOttc; Wisconsin whit, OMAHA OBTYKRAt. MARKET. . PUTTKR-No. 7. -!. canons, Hoi No. f. Mb tubs. tic. CHKEBE Imported Swiss, S4c; Amer ican Uwlss. Use; block Swiss, ZJo; twin, ic, aaisies, ifci iripieis, ire; xoung Amorlcas. 10c: blue label brick. 17Ho: 11m- buruer, S-lb.. 10c; l-Hv, 80c: New Tork whits, IK; Imported French Roquefort. POTATOES-Colorado Rural. 78o bu.; Red River Ohio, SOo bu.; Minnesota, whites, 06o bu. FISH Trout soci large crappias, Uoi Dauoui, ik; cnannei catnsn, mo. bWKKT POTATOESKansas, J3.7S bbL titer cutb no. i rios, ic: no. r bs. 14c: No. S ribs. 104. c No. 1 loin. 17 Ho; No. a loins. 16Hc: No. 8 loins, llic No. 1 chucks, c; No. t chucks, CWc; No. -1 1 7V. k'.. f . .... v.iuv..., , jw. v, m rvuiiua, tsci rtQ, t rounds, Ua; No. 1 rounds, lOHc No, 1 pistes, sc. no. I pistes, iho; No. I plates, 7c. POULTRY Broiler. 14He: sarins? chtok ens. 11c: hens. Parllc: cocks. 8c: ducks. loc, geese, 8c; turkeys, 10c; pigeon, pr aos., wv, aucHs, xuii leaxnereo, tuc; geese. run icainerea, ec; squaos, no. i, gi.ou: no. 2. 60c. Market quotations furnished by OUInskl Fruit company. FRUITS Oranges: Per box, extra fancy Alphabetical, all sixes. Si 76; Paul Neyron, iark sixes, ixov; buiikisc. an sizes. si.tO. Lemons: Per boir, fancy, Sunklst, 800s, t.Oi)4.M. Orspetrult. Per box, 3tM, Apples: Per box, extra fanoy, Washing ton Whit Winter Pearmalnes, S1.71; . ls..nKii..wsi I r,il UNnUAWaa til "B Tll..U OLuir:iiwiiDi f 1UV) w i ( fa,MI. A'SaxVSJf. Ben Davis, 11.26; Black Twigs, $1.W; fancy HlacK a wigs. i ; exira tancy uanos. S1.3u; faucy Rome Beau Ilea, S1.6S; S-box lots, II. 4U; Ben lavls, very highly colored, . Lkl 4 JC fl r - TX A .11. r.. 1 1 nia Emperors, 13-50. Pears: Per box, A- tnus. .leraevs. Hlieldnns. ttoseo. Easter. t'i.21i. Bananas: Per bunch, S3.00if3.26: per !b., 40. HtrswDerrtee: rer owe. LTtn terries: Per bbl.. Let itowsll, S7.W; per box, $2M. NUTS No. 1 Ca.llfjmla walnuts; 1o per Ib.i black walnuts, 3Hc per lb.; fll berts. Uc per lb.; pecans, 12Ho per lb.; Kraxils, 12Hc per lb.; almonda, SOo per lb.; M S-os. figs, S3 per box; sugar wal nut dates, SL40 per box; Halloween dates. So per box. VtOUKTABLES-Callflower. whole crate. S3. 76; half crate, Cabbage: New York Danish. 2c lb.: Wisconsin. Holland seed, lHo lb.; California, new, Zo lb. Cel ery, Jumbo, wo do.; neaa lettuce, gl.oo do.; leaf lettuce. 400 dos. Onions: Red, 3o lb.; yellow. So lb.; white, S!o lb; Spejt IbIi, S1.75 crate. Artichokes, SI. 50 dos.; endive, S5C lb.; Bnuaels sprouts, SOo lb.; peppers, aOc basket; tomatoe, Sti.00 crate; garllu, Italian, 25c lb.; shallots, GOo dos.; radishes, 60a dos.; turnip, 6O0 dos.i spin ach, nOo cos. ; parsley, Hk: dos.; bean, S4.60 hamper, union seis: xenow ana rea, bu.; white, 11.75 bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals, 75a bu.; Red River Ohio. 0o bu.; Minnesota whites, 0c bu Sweet Pota toes, S2.76 bbl. MIHCELLAN FOl ir ohelled popcorn, 4o er lb.; limes, S1.7B per box; crackerjack, .160 ner case: crackerjack. one-half ease. S1.75; checkers, S.60 per case; checkers, one-half case, SI.7B. HONEY 44. w per eaac. tlDKR New York cider. S3 60 per keg. OOCO'.N't'TS SS.M per sack; 75c dos. PEANUTS Raw, 7o per lb.; raw, sack lota, Jumbo, Be per 2b.; roasted, SHc per lb.; salted, S1.60 per can. MUSHROOMS wc per id. New Yark Oeaeral Market. NEW YORK. March 11. SUOAR Fu- tuies were quieter earlier today, but the ifndertore was firm on scattered trade buying and prices at midday were 4 points net higher. Raw sugar,' steady: centrifugal. .twoi.fu; moiasses, i&siib J.M. Refined, steady. BUTTER Weaker; receipts, 4,3W tuna. creamery extras, 2 soore, c; creamery. higher scoring, spring, sue; creamery firsts, 2aatHc; seconds, S3H4r2SHc. EOtiS bteady: fresn garnered extras, .O'flWic; extra firsts. lc; flrt. 1814if UHc; seconds, lTHtflHc; nearby hennery white, fine to fancy, ZKg'iAc; nearby hen nery browns, 21c. POULTRY Dressed, steady; wsatern frozen roasting chickens, ntulc: fresu fowls, ltj'isc; turkeys, ISfsSOc; live, steady, western rhicKens, KVioc; lowia, iuoilsc turkeys, 13tfljc. Kansas City Ural aad PrsrUlssi. KANSAS CITT. March 11. WHEAT No ! hard. SlOttl 61H: No. 2 red. S1.4SH Q-l.SOH; May. 1144',; July. Sl.U'A; Be temoer, ii.uimm.wi. CORN No. 1 mixed, 70c; No. S whit. TlHc; No. S yellow, 71Hc; No. 3. 71c; Ma. sttfwc; July, trwtic; neptemoer, 72V-. OATS-No. t whlt. r"57Hc; No. V mixed. iivuiAi: Bl'TTKB-Creamery, Ic; firsts. 27c seconds, 2ro: packing, 170 Mil-Mrt, 17c; flvcnds, 16c. POULTRY liens, i4c; roosters, 10He turkeys, lie. Mlaaasolla Ural a Market. MINNEAPOIJS. March 11. WHEAT- Uiv. I1.41S bid: July. SI H' asked; No 1 hard. I1.4PS: Nc. 1 northern, II. l.i: no. 1 bortnern, i.ini.wik. FlOl'It Advanced; fancy patents. S7.Sn first clesrs, S : second clears, St 10. W A K L K Y M'r7c, RYhi-II.OkHtil.ll. RAN-rS22.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 74,iW1o. OATS No. 8 white. &4yU'c. KLAX-tl.8;H61lH. St. I.oals Grata Market. BT. LOUIS, March 11 WHEAT No. 1 red. S164H; No. 2 hard, nominal; May, 11.49: July. Sl.loH. CORN No. 2, 73Sc: No. S whit. 76q 76V: May. 72Hc: July. 71Hc. I OATS-No. 2. 664i7c; No. 3 wblt. 67W9 ;7c. Llverpeo! Cvmla Market. LIVKItPOOL. March ll.-WHEAT-Bpot No. 1. Manltol. 11a 6d; No. 3, 13 41: No. S hard winter, lJe 2d. CORN 4pot. American mixed, new. lOri: Amerlian mixed, old. 3 3d; March, 7 4d. "AanoulTceinenl" suit. ds brisg good r 1 49 1 M I 1 4 I 1 3H 1 SIS 1 17HI 1 SI 1 17SI 1 L 1 1M, I I I I n 7SHI 71 73l 7TH 74 I rM, 74 I 74 74-, I I I I RTT4I (), S7SI tt 17 SO I 17 'l 17 1 IT rH 17 K7l4j IT 93H' IS UH 17 rn) IS OTWl 17 (6 II 10 45 10 571 10 4S 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET! Cattle Eftrywhere Sharply Lower Than Last Week's Close Heary Kan of Sheep and Lambs. HOGS SHOW BUT LITTLE CHANGE OMAHA. March II. 1V1S. Receipt wars- Cslile Itoas Sheen. vmrlal Monday...., Offli'lal Tuemlar Official Wednesdsy 12 6.7.i ij.itN r.:i:i .; 14; 18.00 Il.onu ' R14M 4S."!7:! (W.S.M .?.4S ho.m.'i r.i.4;v ; 77.1VK r..o 41.7T.:l 44.t Pour davs thla week. SO DOS Same days last week. .17.411 Same days S vki ago..lHi K.r Same days ks ago.. .K) Rame djs 4 wks ar. ,l4.J42 Ssme days last year...i;.do Tbs following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: Ittlt tail Tne Jwttle 1K..w; 14.2 M4S I'ogs IWt.IRO IWl.ttl 107,174 Bheep bM.MS sV7S! IS00 The following table shows the average price for hers at the Mouth Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Dale. I 11S. IIS14.HVIS HSU. i1ll. 11410 1. eh. It I t lu-v I I U! I All T W I Oil S Sl7f4issn S fl S 111 !.! V 19 8 00) 74iS70jSlM S M 04 S 11 7 1 t IS 14 S OS 04 S 34 S 1 s so Feb. tX S H.'i rn. n i s u Feb. S&.I SO FVb. M 47H! llllt S 43 IS 0X1 S 34 S 18 S ren. 17. Keb. 2S Mar. 1 Mar. 3. S S3 S SI S 02 47 4H(i ( 43H1 S 34 S SO) 4.1H! 291 S Ml S 264 S s w, Marl STS s H Mar. 4.. R2 9 (A Mar. S . Ml S 191 I x' I W 9 IB Mar. 1. I STtkl S 3 S S7I 7I SS Mar. 7. Mar. . Mar. IS SW S 47 S 31 S W S 7J 4 I S 63: S 34 71 t 7 67j S SR. I 6 Stl 0l ' M H S 331 S S2 I (I 7S:0 22 S b3 Mar. 10 Mar. 11! il I S U S 3 40! a SOilO 27 1 40 Sunday, Receipt and dtscmattloa ef live stock at the Union Block Yaids, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hour ending at S o'clock yesterday: RBCBIFTa CARLOADS. Cattle.llosa.8heen.Hses. c, M. ft St. P n Wabash S 7 4 I .Ml 73 . . II KS 1 1 1.1 II 4 40 lo K .. , 2X Dfi 1 Missouri Pacific .... ! Union Pacific C. A N. W.. east..: 31 C. N. W.. west... H4 C, ft. P.. M. O.. 20 C, U. & Q, east... 6 C. R. A Q.. west... (it C, R. ). A P.. east. H C R. I. ft P.. west. 2 Illinois Central S Chicago Q. W 5 Total receipt .,.292 DISPOSITION-HKAD. Cattle, lloas. Sheen. Morris A Co 52 2.W12 M2 Swift & Co 1.0K.1 3.74:. 4.4JO Cudahy Packing Co 4.2.11 3.0K, Armour ft i', 1.3J7 3..Jii Schartx ft Co 2.f.w J W. Murphy 1.8hS Morrll Lincoln Packing Co Bo. Omaha Packing Co 24 3 2T.I 2K 121 1.1 i n i 2 M 218 Kl 4H .31 17 113 DO 13 6 14 1 30 41 244 4M n. ft AV. B. Vansant Co Benton. Vansant ft L. . Will ft Son F. B. Lewis Huston ft Co J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla L, F. Ilusx Rosenstock Bros. Kellogg wertheimer ft Degen... 31 F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. ft Kan. Calf Ob..., Christie Hlggtns .Huffman Roth Meyer Ulsssberg Baker, Jones ft Smith,, Tanner Bros. John Harvey Other buyer 1.1 Totals tt.371 18,242 15.21 CATTLE The modification of the etau quarantine regulation brought In a larg number of Iowa cattle. Unfortunately a good many of them were not billed ac cording to government regulation, whloh caused more or less confusion and delay. Iowa, South Dakota and Missouri ship per should remember three things: First, t' ship all cattle In cleaned and disin fected cars; second, have agents state oe the bill of lading- that the cattle are shipped in cleaned snd disinfected tars, and that they are intended for stocker Ot feeder purposes; third. If the above plan Is followed the cattle will have the ben efit of competition from both feeder and packer buyers. If these rules are not followed the cattle will go Into the quar antine division, where they can be solo only for Immediate slaughter, regardless of whether they are fat or not. The Chicago market slumped badly yes terday! price being quoted .ITitrfoc Iowa, than the high point last week, and ert advloea from there this morning Indi cated a still further decline today. Wits big reoelpts and such unfavorable ad vice from other points It was not sur- f rising that buyers started out thla morn na; bidding sharply lower prices, and that It was very lste In the day before enougi, business had been transacted to really es tablish quotations. in the end a good share of the killing cattle sold around 10c. lower than yester day. There were several good buying order for cattle on shipping account which helped out a good deal. The best feeders did not show much change, but the medium n in-between kinds of cattle. Hi kind that I would h considered neither very good for feeder nor good stocker, were slow and lower. Quotations on cattle: Wood to choice corn ted beeves, 7.76fM.S0: fair to good 0o ruled besves, S7.0tMJ7.76: common to (air oornfed beeves, tS.0O47.OO; good to choice heifers. tt.2677.00j good to cholo flow. SS.7btrt.S0; fair to good cow. M.(M S.7S; common to fair cow. S3.6O4j00: tc.od to tholes stocker and feeders, 17.00 47.60; fair to good stocker aod fscdera. S4.604T7.4W; common to fair stacker and feeder. tt.76.6v: stock heifer. S&.6ut 3.60: stock cows, SB.OOtfO C: stock calvea, S.00X.0O; veal calve, 7.00al0.2&; bulls, stags, etc., S4.7S46.36 lie present a live amies: UK HIS" STEERS. Ma, At. Pr. Ns. At. Pr. 4 11 1 M MS 7 41 s 104 4 M 4 1IS4 t ii, HI lt IS ISti 7 44 il 144 4 44 41 U4 7 45 l Il 4 US U MUJ4 T 44 t VU T to !0 tl61 7 a It in T ft) M lmm 7 H m sua 1 10 t set 7 44 I 1114 7 SO t 11T 7 ts n 11" 7 00 11 list T H u m 111 14 ma 7 to II s4 7 10 j ur?t T 14 i, S94 7 10 14 Ufil 7 44 , SUA t 10 14 1314 7 K t 111 3 1410 1 U 10" 7 14 14 1141 In 4.... U?7 7 15 18 Kl IS PT4 7 10 44 kl 1 M it its 1 m it no J 1 4 gt !M 7 10 X I 7 40 S Iff T 34 It 1S47 T 4 t tent T m 9 ItM 7 ts II sst 7 t 23 Wt T 1i 12 VMl 1 U 4 1UK4 T U 7 7 inn 7 7i l ua 1 it, 4 t 7 it It an TS 7 Sr T 74 I 117 T SO to 1171 T 7 M 1IM T an 17 14 7 15 is ii4 7 ar aa isus 7 7. 14 HI 7 IT 1460 f ti it iota 7 15 s lata t to as lo4 7 6 ia M 7 so 11 54 n 14 Uoi t aa I UWt T U 4. llJs 7 45 iz v47 1 44 n lasa 7 an J Wt 7 40 . 14 1540 7 so I 1074 7 44 t lit 4 SO I iat 14 14 lta iso 10 1150 7 40 IT.. ....... ..1144 00 I.,., MO 7 40 IT 1W4 3 1" I I:' 4 tb a iui I to . .12l T 40 list ( 1 1 VU 7 40 I 11H4 S 34 gTr-KR.S AND HEili'KKH. 4 101 7 as It 1104 7 45 1 SO! 7 14 4 754 4 4 U 54 7 35 10 ISO 1 4 t.., 1121 7 l 15 104 7 40 I mo t fc 4 ia4.i T 64 I. au 7 'Ml fit T M 1.. ... 5l 7 lh 14 1957 1 7fl II 471 1 44 COWS. 4 n IN 1 1143 4 SS ait 4 40 1 14 t 4-44 4 ft It 1IH0 to IM 4 15 4 l.'l I TOW 4 14 11 ln4 4 1') 4 lost I 41 U I" I 4 14 1 7lu 4 7 IIS) 10 1 i) 1 14 a iim 2 la0 4 U 4 1 j: 1 I:, a i'vi 1 a mil u, 4 1154 I 4 5 1114 4 15 t aw 4 40 1; 7T a j., I IHO t 51 I I"k4 I S. 1 i--,a 1 m 1 iij a 25 4 1. t an 11 1.4 a m 4 W I 40 17 LU4 4 a 1 . 10.. la ... J .. t11 n 11J , 17 t Zt IMS ilt' 11 o !a i l :( 10H yi 'l.'T 41 iia n t i . . 1I3 ...... Kl 7 : t 7 1111 r . n f list 1 M .. .. s... ti... I... -irCIFKRS. TS ( Of, 4 in 16 7M 4 I Hl'Ll.h. , K3 IS CALVK8. ?m is 1 IMS 40 , T OA . n 7 : ill 14 on . .... tie is n elTOl 'In Kit-. i :. ms ;r. m 7 7 is AND FF.EPKRS I u 1 it, . I'M 7 Jn m 7 is noun Another lllieml run snowed up this morning, lii cars or lg,ok head, lelng esllmnled. Thla brings the total for the four days up to W.4H head, wjilch. Is only 4.00. head smsller than lusf week, and is a gain ot nearly over the cor responding days last year. Conditions this mortiln were much tb HHinx aa yesterday. Local receipts were larxe and as Chicago was reMirtlng a tttMc break, local packers made their tarly Mils on a oiu 10c lower banla. Fellers were sll very bullish, asking prices that were pretty c'ose to steady with yester day's high time and before killers were able to do anything tliey were forced to raise their hands a tri'le A few of the first hogs sold went at figures that were fully a nickel lower thsn yesterday's average, but a general movement did not start until buvers ralred their bids to a shade lower level. By this time a good strong buvlng demand had become very evident, and under the Influence of strong competition a good share ot the supply sold at -rlce that were fully steady with yes'.erdav's average, and In some rases looked nearly as good s yesterday' best tlne Trade closed up In good shape and while the last sales were hardly as good as those at the high time they were fi;lty steady with yesterday's average. The general market was steady to a shade lower snd the average cost wss Just a pinch under vesterdaa-'s. The big strings sold at SMJH. with a pretty good showing at S.(. A few real esrlv snles landed under S 00 and tons reached SH.70. the same as yesterday's high figure. In spile of the hesvy runs of the last t-o days vnlucs have held up In good shape and the trade for the week to date shows a net gain of pretty close to 6c. Representative sales Ne. .. 7t.. V.. 74.. :.. id.. At. tl N. At. i. Ft. .114 ... '." ... ItJI, .IM ... H SIT 110 4 3 ,V4 ... tft .3m ... n JM ... IS .137 ... I ..1M ..I'M ..CM .SIS ..2 ..r.'t u 7... 4l... 71... 41... 73... 19... M 46 ... Ill ... 40 ... ... I 40 . . , 4 41 ,.lll ..Hot ... 4) 71.. ... 40 The receipts this morning were SI IKK I'. larger thsn those at Chicago and Kansas Itv comnlncd, as the estimate called for some 21,000 head. A week ago tne receipts were S.7M hend and a year ago 10,3(1 bead. The proportion of aged shuep amounted to about a doccn loads, there being ten of ewes and one of yearling. Like yester day most of the offerings came In from Colorado and the Bcott'a Blut country. gulte naturally with a liberal run on hand the packers look aitvantage of the situation and pounded the market most of the forenoon before any actual bual nena of ronssnuence took place. A long! toward the rloon hour a general move ment besan with the bulk of the lamb selling weak to lOtjlftc lower, while aged sheep held about steady. There wa no feeder trade of consequence. During the early hours some Ismbs sold on shipping account at til 76. Quotations on sneen ana lamDs: einn, Mexicans, V MHW.80; lambs, fed westerns, 9.0(11 . 76 ; lamns, snesrina, yearlings, light. S87M7.w; yearlings. ii,vm,i:(. vrethera. rood to choice. tr n' nft- wethers fair to aood. S7.60W7.75; ewes, good to choice, ..-s'i.i; i ' to good, S7.2bTJ W Representative ssles: No. Av. .... S4 .... 66 .... 61 .... 76 .... 87 .... 7 .... 80 .... 73 Pr. 204 fed ewes 127 fed lamb 7 M S 10 SOO an culls 62S fed Ismbs s to 1H4 fed ylgs. ana weinere Hi fed ylss and wethers S 76 8 76 75 626 fed Ismbs SO) 3 cull C3I1CA4SO LSVB BTOCK MAHKF.T i.ti. aloTT-lloas WeakSheep Weak. 'cuici rir -March 11. CATTLE Re. -i,.i . ami hesd: mtu-kat slow: natlVfc steers. S.i.70Ta.76; western. If-OtyuJ 86; cows Z-a i,iV-r. 11 Slvfi7.il0: i a Vs. S.3Mr.Tk iinrm Uecelnta. .10.000 head; marke ..k u. uw, ner: hulk. 34.60ft. 70; light, 3D4.14J4I.75; mixed. S6U4i.76; hmvy S.16j) SHEEP 'AND IAMUi4-ltecelPtiOlMt, . a m,hnl weak: ahsen. S7.0OB410 yearling, S7.7.1438.B0; lamta, 7.6M7.0. Kansas City ilock Market. KANfAS CITY. Mo.. March tl.-CAT-TLK ReorllHs, 4.600 head: market lower: prime fed steeirs. S8.0WI4) ekV dressed beef steers, S7.0(Vu.00; western steers S.8yi 8.30: storkers snd feeders, Sfl.OOifl.SD; bulls, SiSOti.76; calvea. S.604vl0.60. liOUtl Receipts. .! neau; lower; bulk. 31.7.00; heavy jn.aaon.isj; ackers and butcners, u.noTr.s"; inm, 16.K0cq7.0o; pigs, S.607.00. oiAr.t? iVh l.AMHS Recelot. 7.000 head: msrket closed weak: lambs. 18 3'4 9.8f.; yearlings. 84 lvf8.8i; wethers. SJ.64) .00; ewes, S0.7647.S6. St. Los Is Ilv stork Market. ST lAlTIfl. Mo.. March ll.-CATTLR- ISeoelpU, 1.700 head: market stsady. na tive beef steers, 87.010.00; cows and hell ers. S6.60lJS.3t; southern steers, S.3'ft7..5; cows and heifers, 84.0Otj.O; nstlve celvtrj. Sj.ioifrio.60. HOUS Receipt, S.MJU neaa; inarsei higher; pigs and lights. S6.a6U'.4S; mixed snd butchers. S710"l..3o; good hesvy, S7.L 4j7 30 b)IC,r.f l,Aaoff-lW"il4, head; market lower; native mutton. $4.76 4j8.O0; laraha, S0ti.86: yearlings, S7.60 S.90; sheared yesrllng, ss.6nr7.w. . . - . leax City LIT Sttwk Market. , SIOUX CITY. Ia.. March ll.-CATTLE , Receipts, 1,000 head; market weak; na-1 live steers, W 7rx!r7.o; butchers. 1i.2uc37.6t. ' cows and heirers, to.uxtKi.sri: i aimers, M.iO fi)4.76; calves, 3d.0Mje.0u, bulls, stags, eto , St.OtXMIW.. HOOia neceipis, i.i.ouu nrsu. msrser ro Icwer; heavy, 8.66j.60: mixed, 36 6 66; light, S6.4i-ti4i.6o; bulk or sales. Six 6 otlKEil' Arv u - )JVAito jiecriuis, nuns. t. Joseph M t4ek Market. 8T. JOSEPH, March 11. CATTLBS Re ceipt, 3,9 head; market slow: steers, 7.(Oii.70; cows and heifer. l.00ifj.26; calves. Sb.oracio.tii. HOO lieceipts. 9.000 bead: market lower; top, Sf6; bulk. S.76it.aD . MHKEP AND LA.MRS lHecelpts. S.000 head; market steady; lamb. .Vmt6. Ceffee Market. NEW TORK. March ll.-COFKEE-The market for coffee future opened at an advene of S to 7 point today on a little covering or trade buying wbloh appeared to be Inspired by the steady showing oi Brastl and somewhat smaller Santos re. celpt. Business was vary quiet, bin price improved furthr during the day. with the close 7 to 13 point net higher. bale were S.6D0 bag. March, S.tKe; Aprfi, i.7c; May, 6.7sc: June,; July. Mo, . . . . . , oAa. m n,i . ssSj.. riAi.k.. 7.0ic; November, 7.08o; December, 7.16c; January. 7.30c. spot, steady; Klo No. 1. 7c; Santos No. 4, tc. Cost and freight offer were reported firmer ia tone, with offering limited and quotation rangln from about 9.36 up to 9.76 for riantoa 4s. Rio exchange on London wa hka hignei and. while there wa a decline of 76 rels In the Rio marxei, nanto wa tm rei higher. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 11. METAL!- Iad. steady at S3.WKrl4.00; Ixjndon, 111 olter. not ouoted: London. 144 10s. Tin, nominal; five-ton lot, S44.76iJMS.T6. Cr.Dner. firm: electrolytic. Il4.7&iau.ur casting. H:&H. Iron, steady ana unchanftd. At Lwndon: fipot copper. M 15; fu ture, tix 3 nd. upot tin, future. iilhft o. Antimony, aiK'o T lUia. March 11. METALA Lead q u lot. at S3. flH- Spelter, unsettled, at . 01010.60. Cot lea Market. -vrktiir kjf.i. 41 rwrftAu HnnL oulct: middling uplands. So: sales. Cotton ruturss uosed nrm: roarcn, s.btc; Msy. S.Wc; July. isc; October, .4Bc; ,. V . ItlA Tha mllni. nL,A. I wriuuri , w.w- . ,w w. ..... -. b . closed firm today, net unchanged, to 4 uuinii iiis"'' . , 1 -1, eu ,1 ti.,,.1, it vr-rii . . .1 - y.A Mt,4.4lintf- X44r.. .rtl,lll,i4T . Ml I u . tivl S it l.l h T 4"'. s-"'. ... .-. . ,.,,-., 1,(11,-. low middling, 4 77c; sales. 10,'JuO Dales. NEW YORK J1T0CK MARKET Keactioiiarj Tendencies of Previous Session Lacking in the Day's Session. PRICE UNDERTONE IS FIRM NEW YORK, March JJ.-Th reaction ary tendencies of the irevious session were lacking in today' stork market, prices showing a firm undertone on a tery modnrate output of dealings. The success of the New York stato bond sale, which may be folloared by a munic ipal offering of no Inconsiderable amount, additional gold Imports from Japan, with prospects of further drafts upon Hrlntaln's goi,i stores in ( ana la were lavcrs ol sentimental value. Other developments which contributed to the better tone of the market In- luded more record-breaking exports and afliimonai prices in certain finished steel products. Some encouragement was also derived from latest advices. tome encouragement was also derived from lateet advices respecting Kuropean and Mexican conditions. The si8e of the Brie Railroad company of 810.0u0.ono, one-year 6 per cent notes Tihlch really constitutes an enlsrged ex tension of a note Issue explrln Apr i I. next, gave rise to reports of more rail- wsy and industrial flnarrlng. lrorert of additional acceptances for the estab lishment of foreign credit were taker Into sconiMit. Exchange markets took on a more var- 1 . I 1 4,nA t 1 1 n am lmlnn h,ln. easier, while greater firmness was shown In remittances to the continent. Thla contrary condition wss attnoutsd to sales of the new Hmlss government note and the new Herman war note. for both of which an Increased demand wss manifested. Mom than the usual amount of tcflsy business in stocks wss devoted to the sutomnhlle shares, which closed the lsy with gains or 1 to 6 points. Rumors of cash or stock dividends, or some other form of "melon accompanied their ad vance, but ths ' trading was confined srgelv t aoeclallsta In those. Issues, ont- sldn Interest being nellglble. Other seml actlve stocks msde 1 to 3 point gain. the cnler exceptions being Waolworth. I'nlted Railways' preferred, American fugsr preferred and Southern railroad preferred. Erles were strongest of the raiiwsv division. Tot si sales of storks smounled to 173.000 eh rea. ttnnns were mainly Irregular, th ouly feature being the weakness of New York Central delienture Ha. Total sales oar vslue aggregated S1.K7.X. Number of sales snd leading quotations on stocks today were: mim. Hitn. dot. Altuka tenid 5 n ii Uj iei4j US I SMI 5AS H' 5-W 3.700 4n ma ltr l4 17 4 Tf'4, 400 4444 41V, 4 11 t im4 inat, 11 am in, u4 i!s i: ' aa 1, too st "t : 1.700 4TH il R7'4 eft 7 I7t4 lti IW 17V, 171j 11 !KM 1404 154 IfH, 70 l U tt W") 4!1 41 41 a ISO 5T't S74 ITS 138 1.JO0 M St 34', !' 34 , 'i AmalmatHl Cnppsr .... Amsruan sugar.... Amsrlcftn ta Amoiimo H. 4 R An.erlcs g. R. pW... Am. guser Ttetlnlss Amsrhes Tel. 4 Tel.... Amsrlran Tntisn-o AssrovOa Mlsisg AKeilaea Baltimore A Onls HrneklTS BapM TrSMlt.. Csllfornls Prtmlsum .... rnsi1lan Psrlf't Onirtl iMthsr . . .s tesp4ske a CWilo 4tilo410. M. A m.' P i. ( I.lnsfn a l. W t'hlno CVnesr t'okwmdo ICusI 4V lros ... 4'Alsro4o A Houthsrti IVnvr 41 Rio Orn... Ixnver t a H. pts niatllltnr arcurltlsa .... Krlo (kml "CNwtrte Orsst Northern M Great So. Orm tit nuitfthlm F.iplontlos.. llllnott Ontrsl Interhormiih Met. 4... lnsplrsttsn CXPP4r International Hamster.. Kanssa Cltr Meutksrs.... Lshlsh Vallsr IlUlSTlllS NubTlll.., Mtilrn Pirtraltom sitenii Covoer .... MlMourl. K. T Missouri Pant no Nstvsssl La4 Nsvsda Ocipper Now York rVotral N. Y , N. H. H Norfolk 4Y Westarn , Northam Pacirio Vaeltlo Mall Psrlrie T4. A Tol , Pannaytrtnla , Pullman Palase (Isr Itay Con. Oipper Headlns Republic Iron A gtoal... Bock Inland Co Hook Island ext. iH.... Rt. I. A 0. F. 3d I4.. Hoathern Paclflo ,. giralharn tUlltrsy Tanntaas Cuipr Tasas tympany t'nlon racirto T'nlnn I'fc lnc pti. ...... Vnlteal KUtsa ttasl I'. H. fkaal pfd t'tsk nnpper Waawrs Vnlas Waatlngheuss Elactrle . V 11 6O0 (Tl aa,V. u 17.4ns s.iv TJii 4 ito 14 im Si 115 114 inn l 31 MS so 11 1114 ai Ml MS a i 4-4 lt lit 111 4S S its IIS US us s 41 a. too a4 tat, 2. SOO 214 o 11 1.10 1.104 3.110 4.!o I7H -31 n at 4a4 mi 10 US 4414 14 as U 41 H 4.W) 1014 tOO 1014 V9 10114 IS ; 1 lea 10S 10.14 10814 K00 IM liO', 150 1.100 1T44 Uli 17'4 10.400 14SH 14444 14'i ;n 4C0 IS 74 1S 7'4 1344 lOS 7V 8. mo tan ftS ! S4'4 HII4. IH 7i I, an (00 1UU HI 4.400 130t 1 4,500 45S 44 V 4S 400 lor. 5 1(,VI4 10 1,400 5.14 IA r.i 700 4414 4)414 44 aa a4 , New Yark Money Market. - NBW YORK. March U-MERCANTILK PA PKR Sf4j per cent. BTBRLINO KXC1IANOE Stesdy; 4 day bills, S47H7S; for cables, 34.8U74; fdr demand, HkOiu. HlLVKR-liar, 61 o; Mexican dollar, SSSc HONt(t Oovarnment, easy; railroad, Irregular. T1MU LOANg-Ktady; 60 day, VQ 24 per rent; W days, iQ3 per cent; sis month, SS per cent. CALL. MONEY Steady ; high, t par oent; low, IV per cent: ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; closing Ltd. 14 per rent: offered at, t per cent. Closing quotation on bond today war a follow; V. I. tret a, rag.... 4I4 Ms. Pao. ct. 4s 47. 4a Bovsen at "N. Y. t'. g tt.. W4 I). . I, rag 1014 N. T. City 414a 104', Is cotjBBB !4HtN. V. Htau 4Vta....l0lS V. 8. 44, tb lK-S'N. T.. N. H. A M. s eouys 11SS c. 4a 10414 Panama la coupon . . lt4 No. Paclflt 4a. 81 1. Am. Hmrltsra 4a.. .104 do it tj A. T. a T. or. 4Sts. U14 o. g. U rr. 4s.... si Armour A CV 4ia.. H Pae. T. A T. 4a 7i Atuhusm aan. 4s.... 14 Paaa. cos. 4a ., 7w B.I. A Ohio 4a 4015 0o con. 4Vil 101. Chss. A otiln S . S.-4 ksa4lng t. 4a.... . C. B A Q. I, 4s .... M mH, U. A U. r. t. 4a 41 C M A S P g 4a..lon B. P. ct. 4a II 14 4a ct. la 1014 do rat, 4a... S414 H'. R. 1. A P. a. 4a ti o ot. Is au A . raf. 44-... az4 so. tutllwajr aa , l. A H. 0. rat. Is. 4714 felon Paclfle 4a..... 4 Kris sn. aa WW Bo ct. 4a aau Ufa. klactrlo 4s....l4S l'. S. Rukbsr 4s. ...low (It. No. let aia.... m v. e. Btaei as. ...... liu III. tit,. rf. 4t 414 Wabasb 1st as SB It. r. so. raf. ee..., s wbbl vnioa 4a. ... at U A N. ssl. 4a SS Wast. Blac. ct. 4b. to M. K. T. W H.. TTVa t4. Ktim. Local taauka siaal Beads. ciBiaiksu furalshs br Bsrna. ianakar a Ob.: 44a Omaaa Sftuvui i wuama, uaau; BI4. Contlnantal 4bs A Wss. 3 so... .. U .. 44 aa ..1014 tw si ..11 10s Daaes A Palrmonl CrBsmory t ptd 0f4 Wastsra famr 4.. JI-Vk. a dm. klults B. JXr. pit .17 . 14 Kockr aaoiB4MB . r'. www aa 1 n gi a sbb " - ........... ...... ... in iKk Yards Nat l, 80a Ik Osialie. as i.wlft a iwrBHr In ton Stoek Tsrda. Osuba SI st Up4ikB Craln oo a 1st .V.i.l Obb A Els. Is. lilt (nsb.). aa ts PsBTSr Oas Nutaa, . 117 tt ; Iiallaa S.oool 4lt. 1443... j tot lofi, Humboldt, Na4v. rat U. lf -.--;- 14V M514 li sniBt 1 HI, u . ..... vt at s ra. Ulurts Ot. gr. 5s. 1.... trtl k. OoukB Wt 414a. 1441 lot lt. Ou.aru bm oi -- ... w 1 v Kockr Mountain Irosl 44 14 8.1ft A CBBJOanr aa. 144 . t t Tri-Cltr Rr A U. 4s. 1IM t44 si CnlTaraltr PIM. Nsb.. t'a. 141 T a WiUtta tBCk VsrcVs Is. 1414 4 lut 5 ,1., H. A f . Mot BprloAS. B. D Losdts Bterk Market. ' LONDON, March 11. The American section of th stock market wu'modir ately active and firm, with quotations s fraction above, yesterday' New Tork closing. BILVrCR Bar. 14S-ld lr ounce. MONEY 1 per cent. DIMPOl'NT RATW.4 Short aad threa month, lit per cest. EvaaorateA Apple aad Dried Pralt NHW TORK, March U.IDVAPORATEL APPLES-Dull. DRlliO FRUITS Prun, baocely sted Aprloota anil peach, dulL Ralalna quiet. - Why Bonds Are Saft lavestm ents Tb Harris Trust aakd Barings 3&ak or Chicago has Issued a book let Bnlltlsd "Why Bond Are fafe Investment." lu tnedsd for th uaa of peraxma planning to invest in bonds for th first time, it Sim 1 to explain In simple terms the put poe and uses of various clssses of bonus aa safe tnvesrtnient for individuals as well as Institutions. Copies may be ba4 free on request. S