Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    nn: r.KK: onluia, fimdav. mauch :, i;i:.
Refusal of War
Order Heralds
New Civilization
By Nell Brinkley
The Lover Sees a Halo
and It's Only a Hat
I ; '.
IT v v, s .
Copyright. 1915, Star lVminy.
Many prediction hnve been made of
the near approach of the new millennium
mid the coming of a worlil teacher. The.e
lredktlons have been made by theosophl
al peers and others
during the la-st d
.sde. When this ter
rible calamity of
w Mr-spread slaugh
ter came upon the
world there- was
much scoffing of un
believers and sar
is stle reference to
theiw predictions of
a p p meshing peax-e
and universal broth
erhood. But now has been
sounded a high clear
note which would
seem t herald the
possible coining of
the new millennium.
Tha. note has been sounded from the
heart of materialism, ritlshurgh. So
wonderful, so remarkafe. is this new
sound hi American hueness life that it j
should be echoed over t'e whole world.
'in Ferruary IS the ltcctric Steel com-
psny of rhlladelphla. I'n., refused to bid
on a contract which would have netted
that c-.-mpany ftJO.OO. The contract
w for l.dnrt.wo drop force shells, wanted
by the British government.
Attached to t?ie blue prints returned to
the commission by the company was a
noa which read:
"For humanitarian reasons this oom
IHiny finds Itaelt obliged to refuse to con
sider the contract."
The value of the contract offered to
the compary was estimated at IISO.OW.
Charles E. Tiryson, president and gene ral
manager of tho company, said: "Our
company refused to consider this con
tract because we don't think warring na
tions should be etivouragrd. As long ai I
they are able to purchase supplies of j
this nature the war will continue.
"We are looking for business, hut wo
would not consider the furnishing of
ammunition of war to any country that
is engaged In conflict. I wish to state
in making this refusal that we are not
opposed to England or Its allies, nor to
Oermanjr and Its allies. We don't desire
to make money from Instruments that
are used to slaughter people, and we
think that other companies might do well
to consider the matter In the same light."
This, ts one of the most remarkable
events which ever occurred In the busi
ness world. It Is a herald of the new
civilisation and the new humnnity which
Is to take possession of the world. It is
not difficult to believe that a wor!d
teacher with the spirit of f'hrlyt in his
heart is on the way, and that his coming
Is not far distant, when In this material
age and with the whole of the old world
engaged in a commercial war, ond with
greed and graft and strife ramnant
everywhere In our own land, such a de- j
clsion for such a reason could be made i
In one of the money centers of America. J
This Is an event to think about, to talk
about, to write about, to preach about.
Send broadcast the great, good news.
God reigns In heaven, and nil Is well with
the world when aurh things aa this can
happen In such times as these. The day
not so far distant when all decent
business men will be ashamed to make a
livelihood In tho manufacture or aale of
my death-dealing implement or object,
lust as tho higher order of man today is
ashamed to bo engaged In the manufac
ture or sale of drugs and drinks which
debase humanity.
There was a young chap with a "broken heart" who pouted to mo
a day ago his hair was ru fried and his heart was cracked, and the
world was black and blue like his feelings, and, said I, after his tale
was told (while I smiled behind my' face where he couldn't see oh,
fsmlled very hard for you see he complained that the "girl" waa not
"what she seemed to be," and I knew that she was Just exactly what
she had always been since she was la frocks above her knees and
chewed her lead pencil and flipped her braids over her shoulders;
It all lay, this change, with this poor chap and the spectacles that
Danny had 'fitted him with)- well, after his tale was told, said I,
the soberest 1 could manage: "You were looking through Ixivn's
telescope, poor chap that's all. And the little maid who couldn't
help that yon were Hoeing her through the glorifying end of It,
seemed to your rose-blinded eyes to be wearing above her braids
a glowing, gleaming halo that out-glittered and out-rayed tht
circlet of any saint. There were downy, silvery wings shadowing
her shoulders, loo, and her eyes were stars out of the meadows of
Paradise. And now, dear chap, you've pushed aside the telescope
and takeu a look yourself. And the halo Is only a bat (that
might cost a chap more than he guesses) , and the wings are the
rustle of her skirts, and her eyes are Just kind, laughing gray one
that many folks have. It's you you are seeing different where
you saw halo there ts only hat and remember that It always was
a hat! Nell Brinkley.
Read it Here See it at tide Movies.
By special arrangement for this paper a
photo-drama corresponding to the Install
ments oi "Runaway June" may now be
een at the leading moving picture the
aters. By arrangement made with the
Mulua' Film corporation It Is nut only
possible to read "Kvnaway June" each
day, but also afterward to see moving
pictures Uluitrallng our story.
(Copyright, 1915. by Serial Pulbloatlon
ankles. He limped awkwardly forlire naa had a fight, they say. He has
CHAPTER Il.-Contlnued. J
Slowly and with infinite pain Ned
finally freed his hands. They were quiv
ering as. with a mighty effort, he raised
them to the back of his head and fum
bled with the knot which held his gag In
place. It seemed agea before he waa
able to remove that tight bandage. He
removed the tight thongs from around
half a mile, bent and stooped like an old
man, but exercise restored him, and by
the time he found a road he was his
vigorous self again and full of the dogged
determination which had led Mm so far
In the pursuit of his runaway bride.
Down the highway a mile or so he
found an obscure road house, and he
strode In at the saloon door.
While ordering a "bracer" for his shat
tered nerves he saw his two captors sit
ting at a table. He rushed madly at
them and knocked them both to the
Door. Dashing out of the place, he saw
tiieir auto. He Jumped In, pressed the
ctarting button and sped away.
The house of Mrs. Vlllard waa closed
nd locked when Ned arrived there at i
o'clock In the afternoon.
In the meantime June and Mrs. Vlllard
and Bouncer were snugly ensroned In a
pleasant hotel downtown, and before her
t the writing table Mrs. Vlllard held
jen a bank book. It figures represented
the price she had received for the sale of
her ten best years, and she spent an hour
in the debate of whether to glveup her
earning. June had been taken Into that
debate, but she had been able to offer
no. argument on either side. She had
leallzed at last a great and saddening
tr'itli that every womm's problem mutt
be for herself alone.
Marie meantime, with Officer !.n ss
interpreter had telephored everywhere
fur tes,vf Ned Warren, but without
result: then In despair she telephoned
the Vlllard house to excuse her absence
to June. That number did not answer
after repeated trials. Marie, more frantic
now than ever and feeling sure tnat she
was about to lose her mind, hurried
straight down to the MM ion and took a
train to the Vlllard place It was closed,
Just as Marie was pondering over this
remarkable circumstance there came
trudging down the drive a natty little
figure, its limbs nestly Incased In
leather leggings, its cap pushed on the
back of tls head, hut his tiny little
mustache all fuzxy. It was Henri, and
in his eyes was a very great weariness.
"Where is Mr. Ned?" screamed Marie.
"Name of the good Ird!" groaned
Henri. "He Is watching the day perhaps.
Such a headache!" and he pressed his
thumping brow.
"Where la Jens?"
"Vanished! I wake up. Jens le no more!
been linked, they say. The enormous ruf
fian who is strong enough to box my
friend Jens has stolen the machine. Here
it Is. Volla! Jens must have returned!"
"Where la Mr. Ned.'" she demanded.
"In the woods." Henri waved lie arms
"Not tied!"
"As you saw him. Mile. Marie." And
once mare Henri was able to laugh. He
blew a Kiss to the sky. "H waa well ex
ecuted, mademoiselle. It was Henri, my
self, who"
'You take me right out there," she or
dered. "Eravo!" he approved. "It Is another
good enterprise'" I have enthusiasm!"
"Then d'n't talk about it!" snaiped
Marie, and llshtly as a cat Henri climbed
over his spare tires, plumped Into the
seat beside Marie, and away they sped.
A: 7:15 oclock that night Bolibie and Iris
Blethering, the latter June tVarners
bosomest of bosom friends, strolled Into
the Cal'e New York. Suddenly Iris grab
bed Bobble by the arm, and he turned to
her in surprise. Iris for the first time In
her life was speechless, and her fare waa
pale, but she could look. She was star
ing at a table In the comer. There sat
the runaway bride, laughing and chat
ting happily with a vivacious biunette, a
pleasant faced lady of mature years, a
Uaik, hamiS'im ii'an Willi a bluck Vau
dyl.e. a pink laced, white mustachc-d man
ho bur all ih evidence of a buu
vlvant and a heavy, round headed ma-i
with thic k eyelids'
Her moment of paralysis past, the hearty
Ilia in de u straight die for June's table,
and it was Hobble's turn to clutch her
by t lie iii in.
"Look hero," he whispered In her ear
while ho held her, "what can wo do?
Wo tnterfeiv'l mce and mussed It all up.
Now, the ri'-'ht thing to do la to telephone
"t"l fit right behind this post find
watc h tlint table!" Iris promptly decided.
"You telephone, and hurry up. Hut 1 do
wish I h:ui h kockI place to cry!"
Ned was tt home when Iiobhie called.
He wa. ready to Htart on any Journey In
search of June and Gilbert Blye! When
he arrived at tho cafe he found Iris and
Hobble liletheiing In a slate of quivering
"You're just in time!" grasped Iris.
"They're leaving." said RobBle.
All the pentup murder which liar seethed
in Neil Warner's heart for days flamed
into his eyes as. with an oath, he started
for the table.
"Ftop him. Bobble! Flop him!" sud
denly rled Iris Blethering, and. Jumping
In. front of Ned, she threw her arms about
his neck and hung her weight upon him
while Bobble, also frightened by tho
terrible expression of Ned's countenance.
Impeded his progress on the other side.
Ned had turned to shake off his dog
ging friends when June, drawn by some
Intangible force, wheeled slowly and
looked In that direction,
"Ned!'' she cried.
l iIUUin,V!"M,a,vninnii
ilk : .-. ... f i
Building Better Babies j
To He Continued Tomorrow.
Oil your gun
with 3 - in - One.
break Joint, magazine every
part in Al order. Prevents
leading and pitting. Banishes
rust and tarnish- Polishes stock
and fore-end.
A Dictionary of a hundred other
' fJ , usee with every bot-1
""X 1 1 tie. 10c, 23c, 30c all
Oil Co.
42 N. Broadway
New xora
means a better crop of stalwart men
to grapple with the problems of war
or peace and they cannot be built
with books and sermons alone. The best food for growing
boys and girls is
because it contains every element the human body needs
for building sound teeth, strong muscle and good brain, pre
pared in a form that is easily digested. Better than porridges
for youngsters and grown-ups.
Two Shrodded Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oven to
restore crispness, served with hot milk or cream, make
a complete, nourishing, satisfying meal at a total cost
of five or six cento. Also delicious with fruits. TRISCUIT
is the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast with
butter or soft cheese, or as a substitute for white flour
bread or crackers.
Made only by
The Shredded Wheat Co, Niagara Fall, N. Y.
fW''! :,;'t-t' - Mi-'i
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