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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1915)
( Bringing Up Father rr v rrr-i T FILLirV A. FOONTMN PEN ls NO WOKK FE A. NERVOOt 1 i. . . V MAN FOUNTAIN. PEN. --QUT THE NELXT TlhE XOU WANT IT Pll LPPi. I XOU ,T AH ENCINEER ' TO DO it: J Tin: www-. QM.MiA; kktday. march i:, hi. 3 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus , . .oMb vv.ii M rrrRTOWWfi Copyright 'H4. lnternatloaa; News orvioo. XOURE A SWHT HURR AND DRESSED 3 COMING to Dinner; V III ( III S ' u I 111 II J v THERE.SNO UoE TALK IN M AGS IE HAh JEALOUt OF ME! OH! NR. JLTk COULD TROUOLE YOU TO FILL MT FOUNTAIN PEN? ii i "SAFETY OGLIN. f 4- .' i raatmuuiuiuiiumjuiuaiiim i i 'in mill i i7- i'l'i i'il n'ini iS r"-ffl EXTRA PERIODS IN STATE GAMES Klmwood, IS; Seward, 5 Ravenna, !; Ewing, 24. HlSTlXtiS ASI P1ERCK LOOM IP Appear to Be SIrnnit Contenders In First Division. Ewing and Exeter Battle Through j (From a Staff Correspondent.) Mim,(.. f PTtr. Pliiv Dl: ! LINCOLN. March ll.-(Spcclal Tele- fore Former Wins. gram.) Hastings and Fierce loom up I strongly as contenders for the basket bail LEXINGTON COPS SECOND TIE liar- frv (3). Hartlev (2). Arlington, 1 vard 10. Referee: Lindstrum. (ienna. OKNOA. .Anderson vs. Hampton HAMI'TON. ForlhHVcr R.V. R.F. Hansen UF. L.F. lrown C. O. A. Peterson ....R.G. R-G. S. I'ctoison Ij.O. IaU. Fitld goals- ItanstMi Brown (21. Andf-rson. throws: Anderson I.) champlonnhlp of the state In Clap A division of the Nebraska state tourna ment, as a result of the opening round LINCOLN, March 11. (t-'pcclal.) Kwlns lice this afternoon. Hasting and Tier, e i-nd ICxeter furnished the thrills for the j merely toyed with their opponents, llast morninp Bnmes of the state basket ball j lnK beating Nebraska City. 2S to 13. and . ...f i,,... ir,,iuv in H-nme which I Pierce beating l'lattsmouth. 2X to 14. itoswcll Jlnskll, an old university star, Is coaching Pierce. Pnrke of Hastings got nine full goals, Beatrice finally nosed out. Hardy and Lincoln did not make a very impresHlvo showing against Wilber, in spite of the fact that the four members of the last year's champlonRhip team are on the team. Following are the results In the first round of Class A: Lincoln, 11:, Wllbcr, I. , Norfolk, 11; Hroken Bow, 3. Beatrice, 19: Hardy. 14. Pierce. 28; Platismouth, 14. Hastings, 2S; Nebraska City, I:!. Uenoa U". Hererce, Hebron v UKRRON. V. Bailey 11. F. Lawless L.K. Wilson C. R. Bailey K.O. IMllie L.(l. Field goals: Johnson Larson Venger Olson Feelhaver (21, Johnson. Free Hampton (.10), MlUiken Maillaon. MADISON. Ft.F Halser L.F Smith t' Reynolds U.C. Hohbs L.(j Kohl required nine extra minutes to cumpleto. Three times the two teams were tied, ome nt the end of the regular playing peiiod, and twice at the end of 'Jsr'e minutes extra periods. Kwing finally managed to nose out an IS to 16 victory. Lexington and Fairmont were also tied at the close of the regular game, and an extra three minutes was required beforw Lexington could carry off the game. Sixty-seven of the seventy teams en tered reported to Manager Reed this mornlns. making the. tournament by big odds the biggest event of Its kind ever held In the United States. The crowd are much larger than last year, large delegations coming all the way from the western part of the state to see the games. Play in the Class A division, which in cludes the larger towns of the state, started this afternoon, at the same time the consolation tournament was opened. The following are the results of the morning games today: Lexlnalon Axnlnst Fairmont. KENTUCKY DERBY LIST ANNOUNCED Probably Largest Field of Horses in History of Event Will Face' Barrier. SIXTY-EIGHT ARE" ENTERED FED HEARING CONTINUED Postponement Granted to Give Gates Chance to Confer with Harry Sinclair. WILL SEEK A COMPROMISE LKMNGTON (171. Crandall R.F. Tesch L.F. Tlmmerman C Ximmcrer R.G. Kwen L.O. FAIRMONT Ol.) R.F .'. Klchatedt L.F Brown C Moul R.O Miller LG Margaret Ooals" ZfrntriT'rmer, Tfmmcrman, Cran ia yy, Tesch (5). Kichstedt, Moul (3), Mil ler. Free throws: Tlmmerman, Kichstedt. Referee: Hascall. Kwlnir Against Exeter. KWINC? (IS). I H7X1STER V. Spittler R.F. Rntledgo L.F. Keimcr F. Spittlcr R.G. loolittle L.Q. (lfi). R.F.... Adams UK Dally C K. Kovanda R.G S. Kovanda L.Q Sheehan Goals: V". Splttler (5), Relmer, Rut 'edge, Sheehan, F. Kovanda (2), Adams 12). Dally. Free throws: V. Splttler (4), Adams (4), Referee: Charleswcrth. I'ullertoii Asralnat Havrloek. Fullerton forfeited to HaveJock. COZAD (131.. I M IN DEN (24). Herrop R. F.R. V Anderson Atkins L. F. L. F Etzclmliler liriinm CC Carman Kuntsun R. G.iK. G G. Kinslev Allen .....L. OJL. G Thompson Goals: Atkins (4), Harrop, Grimm, Thompson, Carman (5), Anderson (2), Ktzelniiller (2). Free throws: Grimm, Thompson (4). Referee: Towle. I)e Witt ARainut trd. DEWITT (4). I ORD (10). Brier R. F. K. F Long Howlett L. F.IL. K Marts t'assel C.C Geweke ( ......II. G.IR. G... Chamberlain Bailey. L. G.1Q Barnes Goals: Geweke, Martz (2), Long (2) Plndnctt Referee: Dr. Clapp. ( hHilnin Aaalnxt Ohliina, (M I ADRON (T). I OI1IOWA (SI. Ritchev B. G. R. F Pflug Dalian ,x. t.iu cnaier Heyer C. C Moor Albright R. G.! R. G Garrison Weymouth .... L. t. L. O J. Pflug' Goals: Ritchey, Heyer (2), W. Pflug (2). Selia'Vr. tree throw: Heyer. Referee: Dr. Clapp. K. l. A. Axalust Arnold. M. A. (22). I ARNOLD (10) R. F.lR. F Mills . .L. F. L. F Mylar C. C Tubbs ..R. G.I R. G Dennis ..It. G IL. ( Gettys inna. Taylor (, ttecaiora, X. Bailey, Lawless (SI, U. Ballev (2). Haiscr. Reynolds, r ree throws: R. Bailev. Revnolds, Kohl (2. Hebron, IT; Madison. 7. Referee: Mllllkrn. Hundred Fifty-Four Games in American Association's Card 4 CHICAGO, March II. M. Cantillon and A. F. Timme. two of the three members of the schedule committee, who were In Chicago today, gave out a signed stnte ment in regard to the American associa tion schedule, which pays: "The schedule that the American asso ciation instructed its committee to pre pare nd adopt at its annual meet ins; has been handc to t1'" president today with request that copies of It be sent to the club owners us the official schedule School Basket Ball tournament here to- of tm American association. Accord night In which seventy high schools are ing t( tnig erhedule the Beason opens participating. The university gymnasium Aprj 22 and closes September 22 and was jammed to the doors on the opening , cau8 for 154 games. The opening are: night. j "Minneapolis at Kansas City. In the extra five minutes of play Shel- "St. Paul at Milwaukee. leveianu hi i unniimin. "Indianapolis at Louisville," George Tebeau, president of the Kan- I sas City club of the association is the tne scncuiue coniimurc. ys ago that a 168 name LOUISVILLE. Ky March 11 With sixty-eight horses entered for the. IMS Kentucky derby probably the largest field In the history of this event will face the barrier at Churchill Downs. May K. The entries were announced today at the offices of the New Louisville Jockey! ,,, club and Include the ciinmpion ear-om , Frnrrni league, an opportunity to confer of the east, last year's horses that showed W(U ,,al.ry sinolnr. Jo whom the fran promislng performances on the Kentucky cMm WB tran8rorr(,rt m attempt to and western rlrcutts as well as a number ,n(lu(.p n)m to r0nsent to operate in Kan tb.t have run good races ns 3-ycir-olds I mfl (Uv th,s y(lar at Juarez. New Orleans mid Havana. i .... rfr1rt o compromise -the dispute CHICAGO, March 11. At the conclusion of the exnnilnntion of witnesses today Judge Jesse A. Baldwin, In the. circuit court continued furlTier hearing of the suit for Injunction brought by the Kaunas City Base Ball club to restrain the Fed eral leaguo from transferring the Kansas City club franchise to Newark, N. J., un til next Monday afternoon at t o'clock. The continuance wns granted to ulve E. Gates, representing the came as a result of a conference held by representatives of both sides last night ' nl the suggestion of Judge Baldwin. At , torney Gates said he was not prepared to fay what the outcome would be of his LINCOLN March 11. (Special Tele gram.) A thrilling scrap between Shelton and Kimball, with a tie score of 10 to 10 at the close of the game, featured the J opening round of the Nebraska High 1 ton made 5 points and Kimball 3, giving the Bhelton boys the game by a narnw margin. Welsel of Alexandria scored all of the I memhtr of , eleven points made by his team In the game against Hartingion, oui a , j,,,,,. waa de8lred by the association EUIWOOD. D. Clements Tyson MoCrary Boeiter V. Clements , .R.F. .UP, lost. 15 to 11 time with Pawnee 1 City and West Point and Hebron were : not compelled to exert themselves in win ning over their opponents). Sixteen games are scheduled for the forenoon and afternoon play ii.arrjay. Following are the summaries lor tie games played tonight: Klmwood vs. .Nebraska Military Academy. N. M. A. R.F Conklin UP.. C Balllngre .R.G.I R.G Morris .L.G.i L.G Phelps Field goals: McCrary, Tyson, Morris. Free throws: MoCrary (2i. Tyson (3i. Iwls (2). Referee: Shields. Elmwood. 9; Nebraska Military Academy, 4. Newnrd vs. Wymore. SEWARD WTMORK Oillan R.F.IR.F.... Weiler UF.lL.F.... Wray C. C..... Graff R.G. R.G.... Peterson UG.UO.... and that one of 154 gameB would not be Coach Mills Is to Have an Assistant To Work Foot Ball no agreement Is reached closing argu ment of counsel will bo made next Mon day and the case taken under advisement by Judge Baldwin. 'Will He H It-best of Year. With $10,000 added money, the race, it is said, probably will be the richest run on the American turf this year. It Is for 3-year-olds at a mile and a quarter. Among the probable starters are the unbeaten lst Coin from the stables of James Butler, with Kilkenny Boy and Pebble Harry I Whitney has entered Prince Henry. Spun Glass and Regret. J. v. Mttiiden has five ellglblcs for tho r derby. 1 Chninberlaln's f'ooali Itemed?. ' Other entiles are Garbage, E. B. Ca- From a small beginning the sale and satt. Double Eagle, James F. Johnson, 1 us8 ( this remedy has extended to all fhe Masquerader, Ralparr and l'ullux, , part9 0t the United States and to many John W. "Whalcn. Jefferson Livingston foreign countries. When you have need of Chicago has two English bred eligible") f such a medicine give Chamberlain's for tho derby. John W. Schorr of Mem- j cough Remedy a trial and you will un pliis has five entries. j derstand why It has become so popular Kentucky's Favorite, fnr coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable Emerson Cochran and Tif. Jr., the entry j everywhere Advertisement of R. L. Baker, is Kentucky s lavorue for the derby. Chalmers, which won eight races as a 2-year-old, including two stake races; For Fair with fivo winning races thin year, and Luke, winner of flvo Post Reporters Are Excluded from the House in Colorado DENVER. Colo., March 11. Represen tatives of the Denver Post were excluded from the floor and galleries of the Colo rado house of representatives, for the remainder of the legislative session, to day. The action grew out of an Investi gation by a special commission of the alleged receipts of a package of currency by Representative W. W. Howland. Speaker P. B. Stewart, republican, made a statement, in whlcii he said Stanley Mitchell, areporter for the Post, had told two members of the Howland Investigat ing committee that unless the committee took speedy and vigorous action, his paper would attack Individual members of the committee. Characti riling Mitchell's alleged action as a 'pHrtleu larly object lonal mode of lobbing." the speaker moved that he be excluded from the house. The motion carried and Mitchell withdrew. Later other representatives of the Post appeared, and a caucus was held to de termine iiDiin further action. After the proposed Interview with Mr. Sinclair. If caucus. Speaker Stewart presented a K. Hall Blxby .... Beckford llanna .. Taylor .. Hall (2). Bixby, Mylar oeuys. Free throws: Mvlur( 4). Referee: Towle. Strunmliurg Against llamboldt. Ha pi.M nala- Weller. Wrav (3). OratT, Densmore. Free throws: Wray (4). Phil brick (2). Referee Shields. Seward, 14; Wyniore, 4. Bethany vs. Crel;hon. BETHANY CREIGHTON Strain R.F.I R-F Rich Hoot UF.IL.F (C) Ellis Ellis C.;C Horn Shuck R.G.IR.G Hazen Murphy UG.l L.G Kahler Substitute: Burdlck for Rich. Field goals: Hoot (2), Shuck. B. Kills, Strain, C. Ellis. Rich, Burdlck. Free throw: Hoot, Hazen, Horn. Referee: Thieeen Bethany, 12; Crelghton. 8. West Point vs. Falls City. WEST POINT. . FALlJi CITY. Howurth R.F. R.F J Miller Wells UF. L F E. Frehse Kilott C.'jC A. -Frehse Krause R.O.I R.G Maddox Rich (C.) L.OLO King Field goals: W0II3 (SI, Elliott (2). Howarth, A. Frehse, Miller (21. Fre throws: Elliott (3). Score: West Point, 15; Falls City, . ' Referee: Lindstrum. Tommie Mills, athletic coach at the Omaha High school and coach-elect of Iewls Crelghton university Intends to have an assistant foot hall coach who can stand any amount of roughing. At the present time he has a couple of ex-Wisconsin men in mind, but he will not decide who will assist him until sometime this sum mer. He asserts that the man he finally gets will be good enough to give his men plenty of practlre in tackling. Coach Mills has a hard schedule before him for his first year at Crelghton. He Intends to have his men in the best of condition to face the big teams on the schedule this year. Oneal Densmore philbrick ... Phillips Newman STROMSBG (12). Howard K-F ( 'olson U F. McCue c Lunner R. G Lundhurg L. G HUMBOLDT (2). R. F Gergens L. F Davis C Harding R. G Boyd rg U. i. i irarun Coals. McCue (2). Howard, Colson (l), Uavl. Heferee: Reed. rumn l.rovr Against PaplIIion, NEWMAN G. (K). I PAP1LION (7). S P.Johnson ..R.F.JR.F. Wes Y'ngmeyer Gerhart L.F.I L.F Frlcka Sam Johnson... ,..C.C. ..Walt Y'ngmeyer Klllstead .......R.G.I R.G Calloway Peterson L.G.IL.G Wright Goals: Gerhart (4), 8 J. Johnson, Siun Johnson. Klllstead (2), Walt Youngmeyer, Wes Youngmeyer. Free throws; Walt Youngmeyer (3). Referee: Towle. ft RAVENNA 08). Tibbctts R.F. Minor UF. Franklin C. Kostal R.G Slevacek UO Against krantn, KESKHAW (1). R.F Simmons LF Kid C. Oeslager R.G Anderson L.G Heines Goals: Franklin (a). Tibbetts (2). Minor. Free throws: Oeslager, Tibbetts (2). Referee: Reed. Class B t'oMiflltlon. LINCOLN, Neb., March 11. (Special Telegram.) The second round of class B competition resulted in Minden, Hartlng ton. Arlington, Elmwood and Ewlng no Ing into the thlr droud with Shelton, West Point and Hebron, who all drw bves. Following are the results In the set ond round play In class B: Minden, 'H Haveloi k, 13. I Ui tniKton. 1H; Bethany, 15. Arlington, 17; Ooceola, 11. Osceola vs. OSCEOU. ,R. Reed R.F. E. Koehler UF. Shaw C. Heinemeyer ..R.G. Biers ,..L.G Pawnee C'lt". PAWNEE CITY. R.F Hanley UF Daugherty C Meecham R.(i P. Shane L.G -. Martin Field goals: Koehler (2), Shaw (2), Reed (2i, Martin. Free throws: Koehler (2), Daugherty (2), Hanley. Score: Osceola. 11; Pawnee City, 2. Referee: Lindstrum. Ilartlnarton vs. Alexandria. HARTINGTON. I ALEXANDRIA. Ed. on It. F.I B-F (Mimiril L- r Johnson C Helrnclunsn ...H.G. l.yiule Bee Electrotypers Defeat Pressmen The Bee electrotypers, who recently beat The Bee engravers in a bowling match, have now taken on the day press". men of the paper and led them to a similar trimming. Tonight they plan to treat the stereotypera likewise. Iast night's scores: E LECT ROT YPERS 1st. 2d. 114 173 172 1SX l:) W races, Including three stakes last year, are other Kentucky horsos entered. Ghetto Girl, winner of the Chapultepee. handicap at Juarez this year. Is regarded as the most promising filly entered. A filly never has won the derby. The derby last year wasj won by Old Rosebud, a gelding, in the track record time of 2:03. FONTENELLE BILLARD ROOM READY FOR THE PLAYERS The billiard room of the Fontenelle hotel will be opened Friday. It Is on tho ground floor. weHt from tne men s inrniH and adjoining 'hi grin. 11 is an attractive room, carpetea in aaru rm and with a special lighting system. It has six tables. Decorations of the men s lounge ate being completed. An especially attractive tapestry paneling Is being placed on the wall of the stairway leading from tha ground floor to the main lobby. This tapestry- shows an ancient oastle of the French chateau type, with round towers and slanting roofs. w Fnlrhnry "tows. FAIRBURY. Neb.. March ll.-(Sperlal.) The Falrbury Commercial club and mer chants have arranged that Raase A Son of Marshall, Mo., will establish a whole sale grocery In Falrbury before May 1. E. M. Schara will establish a 5 and 10 cent store here in the near future. He li owner and manager of the National stores. Mr. Sahara will also put similar stores In Superior, Geneva and Hebron, reoslutlon that all representatives of the Post be excluded from all part of the chamber for the remainder of the legis lative session. Tho hoi:se adopted tho resolution, by a viva voce vote. The Post, in its account of the affair. characterizes the action of the house as "punishment of the paper for the news and criticism concerning the gang-ridden methods of the leglslstur." emaha Honda Bottomless. AURURN. Neb., March 1l.-tKpeclal.)-The roads are the worst now for years. It Is almost Impossible for farmers to get to town. It takes four horses to pull a light spring wagon. The dellery wagons havo been stopped altogether. The buses have been abandoned and light vehicles substituted. The rural mall carriers go on horseback and only make a part of thi route each day. For a wee no at. tempt was made to deliver the rural mail. The ground Is soft and soaked and the roads cut hub deep, and In addition to this there Is about fourteen tne.hos of soft snow. Perfect comfortl Get it by wearing clothes that fit you prop erly and hold their shape. Our Kensington Suits for spring do exactly that. Its just one of many reason's why most Ken sington wearers are loy al, satisfied, repeating customers. Extensive spring dis plays are ready now handsome new models see them at your first opportunity. $20, 25 or more. Stumor spaelaJ. $1S.OO Patch pocket, narrow trousers, a young man's suit showing all the style of much higher priced clothing. VV'o feature these special suits ail the best values shown anywhere. A look Is all we aak. 418 Ho. 16th 8t. Ryan Hudson Marohn 3d. 154 157 152 Total. 452 RI7 3S1 Totals. Voborial Smith .., Morton . 4:W 4 DAY PRESSMEN. 1st. 2d. 123 101 115 11 74 K2 Totals 312 4 454 1,350 3d. Total. 105 lot) UG 309 329 325 251 905 Edward UF C Barker R.G Olson ..L.G.lUG McAnlch itsih lonarii CI). Jonnson (S). Lynde Weisel (51. Free throws: John son, Welsel. Score: Hartington, 16; Alexandria. 11. Referee: Thelsen. Wahoo vs. Friend. Wahoo forfeited to Frend, 2 to 0. fcheltoa vs. Kimball. SHELTON. I KIMBALL. F. Hennlnger. R.F.I R.F Hall V. Hennlnger.. L.F. G. Hennlnger C. Mullen R.G. Wlest UG L.F... C R.G... UG... .... Linn Mangan . . Nelson Dinadale Substitute: R. Hennlnger for Wlest. Field goals: V. Hennlnger (2), G. Hen ninger. K. Hennlnger (), Hall, Linn (2), Mangan. Free throws: G. Hennlnger (2), R. Hennlnger, Linn (Bl. Score: Shelton, 15; Klmbellj 13. Referee: Hugg. Arlington vs. Harvard. ARLINGTON. G. Gllfry RF.R.F. Ludwig UF.L.F. Johnson CIO. ... Fassett R.G. ItG. Khea UO.L.G. HARVARD. Moger Hartley , Smith , Ehrsman Carriker Substitute: Menklng for Gllfry. Fieid goals: Ludwig 14., Gilfry, Menklng, !MiiltU (2), Muger (2). Flee throws: Gil- Dr. Bell's IM nr. Tar-Hoar y eafies your cough, loosens the mucous, strengthens the lungs. The first dose helps. Get a bottle today. Only 26c All druggUts. Advertisement, JESS WILLARD CONTINUES HIS TRIP TO HAVANA EL PASO, Tex., March ll.-Jes Wil lard and his manager, Tom Jones, left today for Havana, where Jack JohnsJ is waiting to meet Wlllard. This was taken as Indicating that the financial arrangements for the battle had been arranged satisfactorily. Falrbury News Sotes. FAIRBURY, Neb.. March 11 (Special.) W. H. McCoy, a Rock Island train dis patcher, is off duty on account of illness. and Ross Gowdy is filling his place tem porarily. After being snowbound at Norn since Friday No. 306, the local passenger train, arrived in Fairbury Wednesday noon. Four extra brakemrli. Including Messrs. II. E. Patterson, Thomas E. Murphy, c. E. Billings and J. B. Anderson, were re employed by Yardmaster S. A. Smart Wednesday owing to a rush of business on the Nebraska division. Jefferson county roods are becoming passable again and rural mall carrier are making deliveries. Several of the carriers, however, have been unable to get out and make deliveries to farmers In the Falrbury postoffice. News Notes of shelton. SHELTON, Neb., March 11 (Speclal. Thomas Peck, an old and respected citi zen and early settler, died Sunday and the funeral was held at the home on Wednesday. He was S3 years of age and for several years hs been totally blind. Jin is survived by four sons and onu daughter. Oliver & Kent pesterday mAA their har ness stock to Ieroy Hauke and he has taken possession of the stock. Mr. Kent will remain with the new owner. ITL TVEW EcrtJim Hots crt ApUmj. we fmd. uprvfi nllmWrSf Sept. 26, 1840: At the Bunker Hill celebration,' 12 of ! AnM I E miimWMyh the soldiers who were in the battle of June.17, 1775 were mill 1 1111 B 11 vl inV'ted l CCUpy the baroucbcs if '"ill . ft 1 8 Sir ' Mmiuiiiiiii.,-. (,:!!;. " i i mti lii mi 1840-1915 Seventy five years ago when Veterans of the Revolution lived, Lemp founded the now famous brew erv: the oldest in America with a national patronage. Each of the 75 year's brewing effort brought Lemp's nearer its ideal of a per fect beer flavor the accomplishment was ;f If FMr ,. WM U. ... W,,.. i""."",-iaui Only such an ideal, readied in such a way could produce the -surpassing Falstaff flavor. Beer is a food. Broad and boer are made of the same materials; cereals, yeast and water. Bread la solid; beer Is liquid both are highly nourishing. Physicians prescribe beer to produce energy, bull! . tissue and strengthen nerves. uood beer U tho elixir of Ufa. Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha. He, Telephone: Doug. 876 ,-'