a i l lit MA;: l.WAJli, J-lflJJAl, .MAItltl 1J, TAYLOR SQUIRMS DIlDERYERBALLASfl Cotter County Repmentatire Atks Eouie If It Wm Really Laug-h-ing at Him. EATS HE'S POPULAR AT HOME fFtnrn a Staff Correspondent) tJNOOLN, Mrrh 11. (Special )-Th lewer branch of the Nebraska Ipslalsture today rM The Omh Bn a rleor title a dispenser ef reliable Information cov orlng the dolnsa of the members and Cther srotind the building. The matter cmo up on a speulal prlv proposition MkM for by W. J. Taylor, the bellllterent member from Cus ter county, who quoted from an article appearing In The Bee Tuesday morning ' rvgardtng himself and Representative Relsner of Thomaa county. Mr. Taylor demanded thet the members say whether the applause given Relsner was ridicule or endorsement. The house refused to V so and The Bee article stands as it was written, a silent endorsement of its reliability. The statement to which Mr. Taylor ob Sectod was aa follows: A man has not been castigated on the flooroftholiou so in such a nisnner for lyear. so It is said, end the applsuse which greeted Relsner at Its close demon strated that the members enjoyed the occasion Taylor's Interpretation. Mr. Taylor took exception to the state ment, saying that the members were not applauding Relsner . because they liked what he said, but because they were ridiculing htm. ' He demanded that the house express itself on that matter and aay whether their applause was favorable to Relsner or to themselves. He ac knowledged that The Bee had a big cir culation out in his district and be was afraid that his constituents would get the Mea that Reisner had put one over on htm. Relsner represents a district ad Joining the Taylor district and aa a preacher had held meetings In Taylor's home towa of Meraa. Caster Man, ftejalraia. Taylor charged that the .big newspaper of the state were seeking to. get his scalp and deprive him of legislative glory, and that The Bee had only started a campaign which the others were ex pected to take up, and the neat three week would abow It. Admits Ho la Mkea. "No man la mora highly regarded In my district than myself," said Mr. Tay lor In an effort to show the members of the house that Re liner' I attack was unjust and unwarranted. He did not like the Idea that had been conveyed by all the dally papers that Relsnsr bad been applauded la his speech against him and he wanted the word to go out that the handclapping was ridicule for Relsner In stead of applause for his sayings. "Now, I want the newspaper reporters to get what I am going to say." said he. "Had I been the committee of wsys and means, not a single penny would have been given for normal training In high school." . Bala Meley Wa Unfair. During hi address he charged that the chairman of the committee of the whole, "an Omaha gentlemen" (Negley), had been unfair In his rulings when he had said that 'you brought this on yourself, now take your medicine." Negley got the floor long enough to state that the house waa In such an up roar during th speech of Relsner that he was uuable to hold them down, and his response waa to the house aa a body and not to Taylor personally.' Taylor accepted the statement and apologised to Neglay, ' Relsner Answers. Reisner answered Mr. Taylor In a speech lasting about twenty minute. He desired to correct the insinuations that Taylor had. made against the ministry thrown at himself. He acknowledged that he had held meeting at Marna, th home town of Mr. Taylor, and had gone back the second tune at th Invitation of the people of the town and had received no compensation. "We paid you all you were worth." shouted Taylor, . Mr. Relsner sought to luetlfy what he had said In his speech Tuesday and had nothing to take back. lie we willing to go back to Mcrna with th gentleman from that burg and test out tha matter of popularity with the people. Mr, Rels ner spoke calmly and did not show 'any of the landmarks of the "fighting par eon" that he did on the day when. his remarks, aimed at th . Custer county talesman, bad' been reported In The Bee. SEVEN HUNDRED CITIZENS OPPOSE WELFARE BOARD (Trom a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN.. March lt.-gpeclal.V-A pet!- tlon signed by 70S Omaha cltlsen pro testing- against the passage of H. ft. 1OT wee red in the senate this afternoon. Th bill provide a public welfare board for Omaha. It has passed the house and Is now . with the municipal affairs com jnitte of the upper body. The petition dtee the long Hat of bu reaus provided for In th bill and object to the measure aa a needless enhancement cf the already heavy tax burdens resting upon the aching shoulders of the dtisens of Omaha. Legislative Proceedings Bills Paaaed by th Reaat. 8. V. 1S9. Klechel at Nemaha Requires the Inspection, registration and branding of all live etiKk foods and remedies. . F. 110, Ken-er of Uae Lnablrs state banks that liquidate or nationalise to withdraw Ti per cent of th funds til Into bauk guaranty fund, ttllta Killed ea Third Heading by ttaalc - - a r. Z. Bedford of Doulas Provides that reteuts and tilaie board of Control may ,nploy only Nebraska architects. Ay OA. 1; nas. it. Ueeeaaaaeadea ( P.m by Seaal Unmlltt, ,f ke Whale. -. , 8. r. , Klechel of Nt maha-Provides fur the i(t rihut r-- ., w..,, an. w.i, U VUf ,lus funds of dminattu districts by pro- ti. it. 21! I u ... Tl. - k...w , - - - - I't.jriAuiaur' le a levy of nut lo exceed one mill for Iil,llo rou.io In clues of from Vuuu to z population, upon unanimous , vote Bills r-o.4ixM.e4 by Oaasaltle of th Wk.lt, H. K. . Howell of Dourlas-Conipa. bill to K V. . Put. leles of llUei. uLt" ure,,r on tulaury Becoaaaaeadeil I rasa by Heae l aaltre of W hole. K K. 2. Howell of lou-I-firetar OriiH.1,. ii,,TKr ll! L H. K. t4 kluorut ad Corrupt tii" act. prac- HARHY K. THAW-On trial in New York City, charged with conspiracy in escaping; from the Mat teawan Asylum for the Criminal Insane, August 17, 1913. ' y' . 8 . sr"' ' I J ,W,.M,.M -j I Sbt thaw 1 MUSIC TO HAVE AN INNING Lahner'e Bill for Lery to This End Barely Wins in the Home. FOR BANS CONCERTS AND LIKE .(From a Rtaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March It-tSpeclal.) Musto versus democracy, was the issue threshed out In the senate committee of the whole tbla morning, and when th smoke of battle had cleared away, It appeared that th laurels of . vlotory rested upon the brow of Orpheus and that our old friend Demos had been thrust for the none Into th discard. It wsjs all over & V. Ill, by Lahnera of Thayer, proposing t authorise th mayor and council of cities of from 1.000 to ft.000 population, to lay a levy of not mora than a mill for th support of publlo music, band concerts, ato. BeaJ of Custer rose aa tha champion of democracy to inquire why it was that th bill did not provide for the submis sion of the levy to a vet of th poptet qulnby. of Douglas didn't know why It hadn't been so arranged, but he did know that he had always been hungry for music, that ha had been cheated out of his lust share and . that If possible he waa going U p th people to get thslr Just desserts, whether or not they realised what their desserts were. v Opponent of th council vote were somewhat appeased by an amendment offered by Pplrk of Baline,' requiring a unanimous vote Of the council, all ex cept Beal, sturdy defender of th peo ple rights, who voted no to th bitter end. Even with this concession th bill had hard sledding, th trot . to recom mend It for passage being a tie, fourteen each way, until Chairman Bushee cast a look at muslo-lovlng member of the Douglas county delegation, bethought himself of the latter' soul-hungry andi oast a faint "yea." FISH HATCHERY MONEY j REDUCED BY COMMITTEE 't (From 'a Staff . Correspondent) : LINCOLN. March ll.-pectal.)-lt has been decided by the finance committee of he house to allow the sum of 14,500 for additional Improvement and equipment for the stata fish hatcheries at "outh Bend and Valentin. Th proposed ap propriation of 110,00 for this purpose was scaled down by th committee. The special appropriation bills Intro duced at the request of th Grand 'Army sf th Republic, carrying- HS.O0O for a Thayer monument and 115.000 to pay it. penses of civil war. veterans attsnding th Vicksburg memorial celebration, will probably be reported tor indefinite post ponement. NEARLY TEN MILLION BOOKS CIRCULATED IN NEW YOflK NEW ' TORK. March ll.-A total of .fcleVesa books were given out by the New York publlo library last year for home us, aooordlng to a report submitted to th trustees of President Ueorgw L. Rive. This Is an Increase of 1.1M.U volume ever the previous year. Increas ing Interest In American history and la arts, music, economics and science was reported. Paola, Kansas, October 31, 1914. Bankers Life Insurance Company, Lincoln. Nebraska. ru Ge,tlepieas 1 received through'your agent Miss Hannah E. White, draft for S1,UL45 in cash settlement of my policy number 3357 which I took out twenty years ago. tni,p(fidina,,'lof$7190:)'have twenty yea"' protection for 51,000.00 and mve received $392.00 more than I paid you. I am highly pleased vrith this settlement and will be ghd to speak a good word for your company whenever the opportunity affords itself. I know of no other company paying as well. Thanking you for your promptness, I am '.v.: 'Very truly yours, Ask the man who owns one GEEATER OMAHA BILL HAS CLEAR WAY AHEAD NOW (Continued from Paae One.) the balance of the municipal year. This was psssed without any opposition. An effort will be made to secure suf ficient voles to csrry the emergency clause and thus enable the people of the annexed territory to vote at the coming city election Find Vote In Committee. The ovte on the bill was as follows: For th bill and against postponement: Alrilsy Meredith Anderson (Phelp Miner liarker Mooeley Kurkrr MrvlJr ftronme .Veff ursreas Neslev Chambers (uoug.) Nelson lau Nichols rrtieedoW Norton Kterman Ostermsn Klmelund I'ar'lott Foster Peterson Knits Itelsner Hnfrmelater. Reuter Mont el tier, Iteynols (Lincoln) Howard Reynolds iRed Hnwurth Willow) Hunter nirhmond llutton Mcurttier .tearv Porenson Kauffman, Htehnnn Kock. (eve nun n LaHounty Tlbbetts T.anWun Trumbel Larson Van Dusen Lifrgett , Wsrd Lundgren . Woodhtirst Meara Mr. Breaker . Against the bill and for postponement: Andersen Of Boyd Harrett Korff Pete ' tJndeav Manner Matteaon Urant Mysenbur Chambers Mockett of Thurston Nutsman Clsvburn Palmer Cnnley Parkinson Crlnklsw Began Cronln Belfenrath Pafne Belarhtrk Palbey Rudnsll Rvans Saas Fox fccnrt, Fries Kelvers Fuller Hlndelar Oormley Hmlth Oreenwalt Snyder Harris Mem Hornby Htelnmeyer Hvnek Taylor U. Kline ' Old Soldiers Who Live Outside Homes To Receive Eations (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. March U. (8peclal.)-The old soldier, his merits and demerits, came up for discussion In the senate this morn ing when Bygland of Boon moved to re consider the body's action of yesterday In passing H. R. 11 Tha measure allows soldiers living out side thh home at Grand Inland In cot tages of their own to be served rations instead of being forced, as they are at present, to tramp to the home to secure their meal Borne feared that this provision would make for a colonisation of the old soldiers of the gtat around Orand Island. Other feared that it might lead to the- mainte nance by th state not only of the old soldiers, but of th latter' friends friends and relative. These fears vanished when Kleckl of Nemaha pointed out th amendment that provide that thos furnished rstlona shall be only those who are regularly admitted Inmates of th homo. " Discussion of th bill led Senator Hoas land td make tha charge that the old sol dier of th state had been none to well cared for. He spoke of ho crowded con dition at th horn and of tho unused appropriation voted by the legislature two years ago for Improvements. Regents May; Have Widest Scope in the Choice of Architects 'From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March lL-Sp!lal.)-Bed-ford' bill. 8. F. 158. which provide that th university regent and board of con trol shall em I or onlv Vhrk reM. tsota. didn't vn get to firrt baa In th enat thi morning on third reading. It was neatly executed bv a vote r es-atnat T for. It got through th committee of the Whole veatardiiv f margin, after ' Howell of Douglas had cnucisea me regents for giving the tm 000 university campus contract to a Chi cago man. Howell aald that this was wholly unwarranted when it waa consid ered that Nebraska, had architects of national fame. Including th president of th national association. Dodg and Saunders. . also of Douglas, defended, th regents, pointing out that campus architecture was a specialty. i nose voung lor the bill on third read ing this morning- were: Bedford. Brock ley, Buhrman. Howell.' Filler, Qulnby nnd Wilson of Dodge... Splrk. Randall and Pouthett were absent The other twenty four regU'.ered themselves egalnat th measure. CALOMEL SALIVATES Calomel make you sick and you loa a day's work. Calomel la a maty, dangerous chemical. To Uvea you sluggish liver and bowala when eoostipaUd, headachy, bilious, just get a 10-oeat box ef harmless Cascareta.. They work while you sleep, don't grip, slcksn or salivate. Adver tisement. WM. P. I . of our policies. : We have Berlin Makes Drastic Regulations to Limit the Consumption of Bread WASHINGTON, March lL How the Berlin authorities are handling the food situation, distributing bread to the civil population in allowance of 4.4 pounds weekly to each person. Is told In a report Uust received by the Stat department from Consul Julius O. Lay. "Th arrangements for the regulation of the bread consumption of Greater Berlin are at an end," says Mr. Lay. "It has been definitely decided to appor tion the 4.4 pounds allowed each person weekly by means of bread cards. The lord mayor of Berlin, after a conference with the rectors of the city schools, has announced the division of the. city into 1(4 bread districts. Esch one of these district has 11.000 to 12.0n0 Inhabitants, The bread cards are not transferable and ar valid only for the week of Is suance. "The cards will be given only to a single person and not to whole famine. They are numbered, and thos issued for th different weeks are of various colors, so as to overcome the possibility 0f mis use. The punishments for the misuse of Editor W. R. Nelson is Still Improving KANSAS CITT, Mo., March 11. W. B Nelson, editor of the Kansas City Star, who has been seriously 111 at his home, continued to Improve today. Mr. Nelson spent a restful night and today appeared In good spirits. His physicians, however, were reluctant to make optimistic pre dictions aa to his recovery. SPRING FIKLD. Mass.. March 1L The condition of Samuel Bowles, publisher of tho Springfield Republican, was reported much Improved today. Mr. Bowie 'waa stricken with what appeared to be a cerebral hemorrhage early yesterday, but hi physician aald today that hi con dition might be due to toxlo conarestlon and hop Is held out for hi recovery. British Ship Sunk By Mine or Torpedo LONDON, March 11. A wireless dis patch from Berlin say a report ha been received from Rotterdam that th Brit ish collier Beethoven, bound from New castle for Gibraltar, has been sunk either by a torpedo or a mine. Two of the crew are said to have been drowned. The other were saved.. PROPOSED RAISE IN RATES ON MEATS IS SUSPENDED WASHINGTON, March 11. Proposed Increased rates on live stock, dressod beef and packing house products In car loads from Chicago and the Mississippi liver crossing and othr point In th middle west to eastern seaboard and In terior points, Including Buffalo, Erie and Pittsburgh, were suspended today by the Interstate Commerce commission pending an Investigation of their reasonableness. Department Oxders. egrem.) Ira O. Hpurltng. appointed poat- 1. vrwK, .ieDcn county, H. p., vtoe E. IT. Spurting, resigned; Rob ert Patrick reappointed at Ideal, Tripp county 8. D. F. W. Reynold, M. D. Riley, both of Omaha, and Ray C. Dunlap of Harlan county, Nebraska, have been appointed taperuen In valuation of railroads. Inter state Commerce commlsalon. William Hoist haa been appointed a rield deputy In tho Omaha internal reve nue district. FBEemLES I- I . Tebrnary and March Worst Months Tor This Trouble Bow to Semov . Baally. There's a reason why nearly everybody freckles In February and March, but happily there la also a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. Simply get an ounce of othine. double strength, from Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. or any druggist and apply a llt tlo of It night and morning, and n a few day you should see that even th worst freckle have begun to disappear, while the light one have vanished entirely. Now Is the time to rid yourself of freckles, for If not removed now they may slay all Bummer, and spoil an other alse beautiful complexion. Tour money back If othine falls. Advertisement. GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES For centuries all over ths world OOLD MilUAL Haarlem Oil has afforded raUaf In thuu.'.amls upon thousands of cases of lame hark, lumbago, sciatica, rheuma tism, irall-vtones, travel and all othor affcrtlotia of Uia kidneys, liver, stomach, bladdor and allied organa. It act quickly. It does the work. It cleanses your kidneys and purifies th blood. It makes a new tran. a new woman, of you. It frequently wards off attacks of the dread and fatal dlseaaea of the kldnaya It of ton completely cures th dlatreaalns; diseases of the organs of the body, allied wltn the Madder and kldneya. bloody or cloudy urine, aedfment, or "brick-dust" Indicate an unhealthy condition. Total Owh . And 90 BOSWORTH. good agency for you. . . Write us. Assets $3,200,000. be card ar sufficiently heavy to pre vent baker from giving bread to per sona who do not possess the proper cards. The amount designated on the cards ar S. en, loo and 350 grams (O SS, 1.7. t.a and .H ounce). "The greatest difficulty encountered by the authorities In actually working out the bread question waa tho lack of avail able means to check hotel and restaur ant In meting out bread to their patrons. For public places the question Is not yet entirely settled, but It Is thought that day cards win be given ut In the hotels, and that In th small restaurants pay ment will be accepted for bread. "Another dtffldulty that ha Interfered with the working out of this scheme Is the treatment of persons, such a char women, seamstresses, etc., who are em ployed In a given household for only aa hour or two each day. Such person must either bring- their bread or their bread card with them. "Hamburg and other German cities of over X.ono Inhabitants are considering similar measures, but as yet have not followed Berlin' example." TRUTH ABOUT THE HALBRADY MIXUP (Continued from Pnge One.) his abuse of every one about him. How serious his condition was is evident from tho fact that he ha been In bed almost continuously since, and glvea it out now that ha has been sick. Having glvn him several ultimatums before. Mr. Hal knew there w nothing left for her "out to execute her threat, so she Just packed up and took th train with notice that she would not again stay In the same house alone with him under such cir cumstances." Recalls Theatrical Wedding;. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady, parents of th gilded youth, ar expected to re turn home In a week or ten days. It is said that they hav become very fond of th younger Mm, Brady, and were counting on her help to keep the son on th straight path. A a consequence the friends of all concerned ar looking to see the trouble Ironed out by a family council. , It will be remembered that the Var riag of young Brady to a Quincy, ill., girl, playing In a Chicago theater with th "Under Cover" company last fall after a very brief acquaintance, and without parental sanction, was a society sensation of the day. But when the newly wed Hal Brady a made their ap pcarano In Omaha, they were cordially welcomed by th Brady senior, and the young Mrs. Brady was taken up by swelldom, whose practically unanimous verdict was that ah waa a charming ad dition to their circle. Aatf-Deatit Bill Lost. ii?FOR?; V- .March " - b"i to wm kh.llSP'..?UnUhmont ln th, ate wa killed in th senate today, 16 to 8. TEIE CEslTRAL , FQRfllTDRE STORE will pot on SPECIAL SALE FC3 ORE DAY OHLY, SAT URDAY, MARCH 13 th A Dig Shipment of Lace Curtains, Couch Covers and Portieres Thi bi- ahlprnent which include hundreds of pairs of beautiful lace curtains In all the new and desirable weave and patterns, hundred of pair of eleirant portieres, many of them In silk velours and beautiful tapestries In all the new colorlncs. 8unfast Ropes, tc, also an -elegant assortment of handsome couch cov er In plain oriental and floral pat tern. Thi bis; conslrnment which waa bought direct from the. mills at a heavy discount enables us to oil for this ONE DAT ONLY hun dred of lao curtains, couch covers and portieres at a price which will moan a positive savins; 'to you of at least one-half. Please note this sale I for ONE DAT ONLY Saturday, March ' the ,13th, and aa usual you make your own term. Po not delay a minute If your baok ache or you are sore across the loins or hav difficulty whe urinating. Cio to your drug-RiHt at once and get a bo of imported OOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsule. They ar pleasant and easy to take They dlaaolv ln the stomach, and the kidney soak up th oil Ilk a sponve doea water. They thoroughly clean a and wash out th bladder and kidneys and throw off th Inflammation which la the cause of the trouble. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you ar not satisfied after a few days' use. Ac cept only the pur, original )OU) ML. DAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules. Nona other ;nuln. Advertisement. TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured ln the Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Company OK UNOOL1V, NEBRASKA. Name .Wm. P. Boewortb. RtMldcace .Paola, Kaa. Amount of Policy $1,000.00 Total Premium 710.00 SETTLEMENT i- " ' Paid Mr. Boworth. . . .f 1,111.45 Tears Insuranc for NoUtinc-, K3T? ITT) HOWARD IX, Friday We Will Feature a Showing of Dresses Embodying the Style of 1830 from which come the style inspir ations for 1915. This . collection is worthy, of a large style center and will be ap preciated by all women interested in fine clothes. "V SECOND FLOOR. The Store for Shirtwaists (ORIGINAL) Two Models of Silk Rajah Blouses, $2.95 The World's Greatest Uiolinist way. Its prestige is the result of actual superiority. We invite you to call and hear the incomparable Steinway tone. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY UPRIGHTS $500 v ART FINISH MAHOGANY GRANDS. .$750 . . Terms to Suit Purchaser. Your Old Piano Taken in Exchange. Schmoller&Hlueller Piano Co. 1311-1 J Farnara St. Exclusive Steinway Representatives AMUSEMENTS. A BBAXDE1S THEATER, 8 Days Coo. Sun. Eve.. March 14th THE KEYSTONE OF KEYSTONES TILLIE'G PUNCTURED ROMANCE ARIE DUESSLEtl 6800 Ft of lauzhte: FAST UN NY URIOUS SB TTX.UB A BID fOoOBT All. TKOITSX.E Mat. Daily at a, 3:30; All goats lOo; snrlits at Ti30 and , JOe and to. XaTTXKB BBAWDXXa OMOBXITRA. L. PI O Y D OMASA'S MOST . TOBiaXT. MAT. TOMOBBOW MERELY MARY AH II Th Bweet.st Story Ever Told. Mattaei Wednesday, Tkireday, atatoraay. XibM, BSo aad 60. Next Week: "SAMSON" To.. octet y Btrat Grand Opai Quartet, assisted by ronteneli (Ma Club of M Totcas. ThtrtyfifOi Year SBBBBSBBBSBMMSaSBaBBMSSBMaBSBBB. For Liauor and Drug Users Removes permanently th craving for Liquor and tiruga. Always Improves the ireneral health. Surroundinirs pleasant system hu mane, nothias; "herolo." Drura ar withdrawn srraduaUy. and with th aid of our tonlo remedies patient suffer no collapse. Do not be persuade! that all treat ments ar alike. Ours Is the only effective on, aa time and sxper lenc prove. Corns to us without delay. Theae con ditions are serious and there should be no experiments. Bend for Illustrated booklet Torre spondenc strictly confidential. The Kecley Institute Corner tot aad Oaa treats. DR. IlK.aBlRV, DENTIST M Tear la Osaaaa. Xa Sla Wew booatloa, l-M Wooa. au ef tb World Sidy. suite of eUht rooms, the finest and most complete dental offices tit the west. Every up-to-date and pain. lea method known. Consider our reputation, espeiienoa, prices and our iiew equipment and you will acre that we have Veat-htd th highest point t ruodern efficiency. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER mm fif s1 -c-n . 'I'm : W fW If iiv AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Who appears in concert Sunday afternoon, March 14th, at Brandeis Theatre, uses and indorses The STEIN WAY-the world's most distinguished piano. Those who require .the best demand the Stein- AMUSEMENTS. ABEL mum Cr,9 Hour and a Half of Scream's and Roars j CatAJtUV cunn AMERICAN THEATER Grand Opening Friday night WITS Screen Portrayals Par Excellence 0PEE1K3 ATTRACTIOH r.lrs. Leslie Carter In a Superb Production of the Famous Drama DU DARRY Ccirpleta Symphony Orchestra Prices 1 Be, 15c and 25c Boa-. au da villa tats. (US t a. till . at I - a t Other acta: Gordon A Co., Clara lugm. Hal aV Frances, Urown A RyirhAllA EMMA CARLS Him. VOItSKA Tlie Deluty Ei,felih Trio. Orpheiira Travel Weekly. Price Matinee: Oallery. 10c. Best seats tescept Saturday and unday, fee. Ste-tite, 10c. K, ot)c and Tac. JAAJJ ava--. la-aa-bo-T, A U Ceatuneur Pttach OueimaleMl SSSSS. BILLY WATSON'S Hw PurvuwWjf tok fT UMTtianla' HUrtv-H Vk. i Dittarot froaa wtU ou hike kam. "Krokt iyrr la i.mii", fto Kroivr lunu lac tvui t roanii or ttMivina.- uaitr hum mvxiia wm osya. ua rm inmmtg va ,rir ss