Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Thn British War Veiseli Were
Within few Miles of Conrerted
Cmiier When It Reached
United States Port
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 11.
Captain Thlerichsen of the Prim
Eitel Fried rich lata today formally
Informed Collector of Customs Ham
ilton that It was not his Intention to
intern his reuse and that unless the
United States refuses to grant him
the necessary time for repairs and
restrains him, the converted cruiser
will attempt to continue its voyage
of adventure.
NEWPORT, Va.. March 11 The
crew of the American ship William
P. Frye, sunk by the German cruiser
Print Eitel Frledrlch, were released
from tb Prini Eitel Frledrlch to
day. Twenty-two arrived, but two of
German nationality remained behind
and responded to colors of the fath
erland by enlistment.
9 o'clock this morning the Eitel
Frledrlch had been In Hampton
Roads thirty-six hours and no signs
of any Intention to move wera ap
parent. British cruisers were indefi
nitely reported lurking off the Vir
ginian capes, and a boatman, who
delivered papers to officers of the
German cruiser, declared members
of the crew had told him the Eitel
had been chased Into American
waters by British cruisers.
That at least threw British warships
war la pursuit of ;he FJtel Froldrtch
wbcn it reached American waters early
yesterday morning;, haaxbeen eeiabllshed.
To tb officer of one of the sunken Brit
lab shlpa on board the commander of the
Klthel atated that Judgln from wireless
Interchanges of the British ship, one wti
witbtn ten mile, the other within thirty
or forty miles, and the third within fifty
miles of his ahlp when he reached the
three-mile limit of tlie Virginia rapca.
Waata to Make Repairs.
Collector- Hamilton received written
Instructions from Washington to rovern
his course with the illthel Frledrlch and
he at onve save Commander Tholrlehsen
formal nolkc to leave within twenty
four hours unless reason for a longer
stay In a neutral port cold be advanced.
"The German commander told m,"
Collector Hamilton said, "that he had
corns In for repairs to his. ship. That
reason was sufficient In prevent any
summary orders from this, government.
Today I shsll ask tho commander for a
worn statement as to his reasons , for
sinking the American ship Fry. When
this has been received I will take up with
him the' nature of repairs necessary to
make his ship seaworthy Upon that will
determine how long thb, government will
permit the Eitel Frledrlch to remain in
American waters wlthoJt internment.
Refaeee i0 (Jive I'p Fry ravers.
"1 atktd tho Uermtn torsmaniler for
the Frye's papers. Thus fsrie has main
tained that the papers must go to a prise
court, but has agreed to submit to me
later today a copy of them. When the
captain of the Frye asked for tils papers,
Commander Thlerk-hsen told him, as he
afterward Informed me, that he had not
conceded to the American master the
right to the papers und stated ills con
tention that they should be sent to Ger
many. But he cheerfully agreed to have
ooplea made."
Aa soon aa Commander Ttuerlrhten
aubmtta the nature of the repairs neces
sary to the Eitel Frlmlrich a report will
be forwarded to Washington. Upon that
srtll be determined the qrratlon If Intern
ment. The ship's papers of all the Kite I
Frledrkh'e prises alsi have been like
wise confiscated by the German com
mander. Officers of the Eitel Frledrlch remain
stolidly silent aa to the 'operations of the
ship In Pacific waters, exceot to deny
that It took part of any navel engage
menu. It was reported, however, that
It also sunk the British schooner Qeorglst
In the Pacific and that It took coal from
the French ship Jean, sunk off Val
paraiso, Chile.
Lint ml Vessels Saalt.
The list of vessels sunk, with the num
ber of persons removed from each, as
. announced by Customs Collector Hamil
ton today, la:
British nailing ship Invercoe. W. J.
. King, master; crew, twenty-three;
owner, Inver line, of Aberdeen, ttcot
. land. Hunk February 11
British steamship Mary Ada Short,
A. E. Dobbins, luaxter; crew, twenty
eight; owner, James Wee to 11 of Hun
v. darland, Ungland. Sunk February 15.
French steamship Florida, Uonaetn,
msster; craw, seventy-eight; passen
gers, eighty-six; owners. Compagnle
Uenerale Trana-Atlantlque. Sunk Feb
ruary U.
British steamship Wltlerby. J.
Wedgewood, master; - crew, twenty
seven; owners, Ropoer Co. of Wast
Hartlepool. Bunk February 3X. ,
Rusalan sailing ship Isabel Browne,
Aimer Erik son. master; crew thir
teen; owner, Tronberg, Finland. Bunk
January 17.
French salting ahlp Pierre Lot!.
Tranchant, master; crew, twenty-four;
Society Noucalle Dermoment of
Nantes, Franca, owners. Bunk Jan
uary ft.
America sailing ship William P.
Frye, H, H. Ktehne. muster; crow,
thirty-one; owner, Arthur Bewail
Co. of Bath. Me. Hunk January a.
Cargo of wheat fjom Beattle, Wash.,
to Queeaatown. Kt&tand. tor orders;
declared to be contraband by Oermaa
French sailing ship Jacobsen. V.
1 Itous, master; crew, twenty-three;
lcMy Las Volitrs, Dunkarquols,
France, owners. Buk January JS.
The Captala'a Story.
H. H. Ktehne of Baltimore, maater of
the American ship, aftet' having the
Kital Friedriuh with Customs Collector
Hamilton, today told a dramatic story of
his experience. With hint were bis wife
tud two children.
"Despite my protestations that I was
I he American master of an American ahlp,
the German cruiser Eitel Frtedrich sank
the WUUam P. Frye on the morning ef
January 23, blowing a big hole through
iui vttala with a charge of dynamite,"
aid Captain Kiohne.
"I was almost becalmed when the Ger
una ship appeared about I o'clock in the
Text of Carranza's
of the United
VERA CRUZ. March ll.-The following
Is the text of Oeneral Carransa's reply
to the note of Secretary of state Pry an,
delivered by United Plate Consul Hllll
msn: "Although the terms. In which' this
not worded would afford me cause
for not answering. It Is mjr wish not-w-lthntandlng
that alienee be not con
strued aa a Justification of charged con
tained In the same. I have tried to put
aside for the moment references which
are made to mv Dersnnal roftnnnaihilit
and, looking only for the good of my
country and for the benefit of the cause
which the Mexlraa people have entrusted
to me, I thought It my duty to answer
at once.
"On the other hand. In view of the Im
portance of the subject discussed In the
aforesaid note. 1 hav thought myself
aulhorlxed not to follow the time custo
mary channels, but to address you (Pres
ident Wilson) personally concerning a
matter which may Involve the success of
the .Mexican revolution. In the note I
am answering. It Is taken for granted
that the Immitstinn mart- n-
eral Obregon by an International com
mittee of foreign resident In the City
of Mexico, the substance of which also
nas oeen communicated to me by Mr.
Bllllnian In his nn nt th it i.t
are true, and this assumption has been
Indulged in when the answer to those
imputations are being prepared.
Has Tint t reated Conditions.
"Reserving" the nnvnr r naa,in
more fully and In detail tiirnn.h k-
customary diplomatic channels the note
rwirrren 10 lately. 1 take this opportunity
to state In en earnest knd .mnh.tin
that Oeneral Obregon never hss Intended
to Incite the huntrry populace of the CHy
of Mexico to commit outrage of any
cnaracter. He hits not prevented In any
way the entrance of food supplies Into
Mexico City, but on the contrary has
facilitated such Importations. He has
not created willfully the distressing con
ditions, which prevail at present In Mex
ico City, but ha done evervthlnr in hi.
power to alleviate them.
Burn a situation Is a consequence of
a painful but unavoidable state of war
In which we are and which for the first
time real I v ha reached Ml,n ci h...
It has been aggravated by the conduct
of merchants, who were, openly defiant
and with concert of action closed their
commercial establishment In momenta
of. greatest nubile tfutraaa nn.t..t
agslnst the humanitarian relief tag which
General Obregon Imposed.
"In face of the charges expressed by
the International committee In their com
plolnt to the State department, 1 point
yot) to Ihe fact that Oeneral Obregon
baa been In the possession of the City of
Mexico since January 2rt unt'l today,
without mob, assassins, looting or any
other of the nnfrairra uM,.ii -n A
occur and which frequently do occur In
tin to or war.
Nmipllea Distributed.
"During all the time large amounts of
food supplies have been taken into
Mexico City and large quantities of sup
plies have been distributed among the
distressed people, other imnwi,i
measures also have been taken looking
to further relief, whloh I wilt mention
In detail at the proper time.
"While It I proper to state to your
afternoon of January 17.' My ship was
barely moving and I paid no attention td
the first order from the Dutchman to lay
to. However, It bore down on me and I
brought my craft to a standstill. Attar
learning that I carried a cargo of wheat
the German captain told me that It was
contraband and be Intended to destroy It
I protested, but no attention was paid to
my statement!.
A German officer and squad of men
were sent aboard the bark and I and my
crew were set to work throwing the grain
overboard. The German sighted another
vessel, also becalmed, and made for it
He returned about 10 o'clock at night
having sent th other ship to the bottom.
as I afterward ascertained.
Work Not Done Fast Kaoagh.
"Evidently th grain was not being
thrown overboard fast enough to suit the
German skipper, for he sent me a half
hundred of his men aboard soon after
ward and the work went on for hour
without interruption. However, It waa
alow at beat and I was Informed about i
o'clock next morning that my ship would
be sent to the bottom, which was don.
"It was originally the intention of the
German captain to leave enough of th
eargo In the hold of the ship for ballsst.
That part of the grain waa to be ren
dered useless by salt water. A ooa as
I was Informed that ray chip waa to be
sent to th bottom, I, my wife and two
boys, and the crew mad for the German
cruiser In our boata Wa were taken
aboard and ahown every courtesy
throughout the remainder of th voyage.
"For two week before making this port
the German ship molested no ship of any
kind and always avoided them, not wish
ing to give the English cruiser any wind
of Its Intention. It proceeded slowly up
the coast, all lights that were not out
being carefully shaded.
"Last night, while neariug the capes,
the wireless apparatus cn board the Kite!
Informed us that there were four English
warships In our Immediate vicinity, two
ef whluh seemed very close. However,
we eluded and made this port la safety,"
Did Ma Flgktiag.
Aaked why the Eitel Frtedrich left the
Pacific, Paymaster Louaseau said:
"We did no fighting." the officer con
tinued, "but we sunk every merchant
man we could find. Of course we should
have attacked any other converted vessel
of our class, but we had no armor plat
and so we avoided warahlps,"
"We are awaiting admiralty orders,"
was th paymaster's response to the sug
gestion that he might not leave Immedi
ately. They ure coming from Berlin by
way of the Washington embassy."
Tba sinking or th Frye waa regarded
by . the officer a all in a day work.
Mother! It's Cruel
' sor Calomel Into a Sick Child
Look back at your childhood days. Ke
member the "physic" that mother Inslat-
J d on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
against taking them.
With our rhlldrea It's different Moth,
ers who cling to the old form of physio
simply don't realise. what they do. Tba
children's revolt la well founded. Their
tender little "Instdes" are injured by
If your, rhtld's stomach, llvsr and
bowels need cleansing give "California
tfyrup of Figs " Its actios Is positive,
but gentle. Million of mother keep this
harmless "fruit lexatlv" handy; they
Reply to Note
States Government
excellency that the right to occupy or
evacuate Mexico City, or any other place
In the republic, must at all time be re
served and Is to be exercised when
deemed by the responsible military au
thorities to be In furtherance of the
cause of the revolution, the obligation
of the constitutionalist army to safe
guard the live of foreigners Is never
theless fully understood and realised.
Tou will therefore permit me to assure
you that at the time of tne evacuation
of Mexico City every facility within my
power will be afforded to all foreign
resident In that city to depart the coun
try or to go to other and safer place In
the republic.
Te Protect Foreigners.
"I always have tried to give, and have
given, the largest protection that ha
been possible to the live and Interest
of American and other foreigner, even
iurtng the most difficult period of our
struggle. I have purpose of continuing
the same line of conduct and have de
cided to take all measures possible to
avoid all damage to foreign residents.
With this purpose solely In view, I ad
dressed a note to the diplomatic corps
In Mexico City, which I have repeated
twice, Inviting them. In case of evacuua-
tton to come either to this port, or to
any of the cities, for Instance Puebla
Jala pa or Orixaba, which art under the
control of the constitutionalism forces.
where they can be assured perfect pro
"It was only three day ago that the
State department at Washington directed
the attention of American tourists In
Mexico City to your former advice that
they should retire from the country until
conditions should be settled. It I my
most earnest wish that the other foreign
residents follow a Una of conduct simi
lar to the one suggested by you to the
American resident for tho adoption of
such a course would be the wisest
meaaure that can be taken to avoid con
sequences o much to be feared.
"I wish I could adequately convey to
your excellency the political and eco
nomic conditions In the ' city of Mexico
and their cause aa they are understood
and known here to be, concerning which
representation by an International com
mittee ha been made to the State de
partment. Work ef Reactionaries.
"Perhaps a last effort 1 now being
made by reactionaries to' bring about
complications which may causa the fail
ure of the Mexican revolution. After
having ' encountered and disposed of
other and more difficult and embarrass
ing situation In the past when' there
were a largo number of forets-n mat.
dents scattered all over the territory of
Mexico, It will prove to be moat unfoew
tunate If now, when Mexico city alone
Is Involved, a situation shall arise which
win destroy the hopes and purposes of
the Mexican people.
"Because of this consideration permit
me to repeat the hope that foralra veal.
dent may be Induced to save your gov
ernment and the reDubllo of
from embarrassment, by temporarily
caving me city or Mexico. Allow me
to avail myself of this oocortunitv
reiterate to you the assurances of my
mgneat consideration and personal re
gards." "It took th chance," he said, ."It was
carrying contraband to the enemy."
The captain of 'Hta.aPtorlde has tele
graphed the Compagnle Generate Trana
Atlantlque for passage to New York foi
his passengers, ,From New Tork they ex
pect to be transported to their respective
South American destinations. Not a 1n-
gle piece of baggage was lost when the
riortde was sunk.
The Eitel had on board more than mi.
persons, .34J of tb crew and passenger
of destroyed vessel in addition to it
own crew of about too.
No Death Board.
Captain Thlericben reported no death
had occurred on board since the voyage
Captain Klehne of the Frye. in a sup
plemental statement tonight after his talk
with Collector Hamilton, said his ship
waa valued with Its supplies at about
tro.000 and that th cargo of wheat wa
worth tW.ono,
Captain Monselon of th Floride. said
his hlp, bound from Havre for Brasll,
touched at Calais, Liverpool and Dakar,
South Africa, than came directly across
the Atlantic. The vessel, he said, carried
eighty-!, passenger and a crew of
seventy-eight. 11 was five sailing days
from Dahla when stopped by the Eitel.
A boarding party ordered th passenger
and crew to th boat as the ship would
be sunk. Bombs failed to sink the ves
sel and guns from th Eitel completed
It destruction early next morning.
Captain Dobblng of the British steamer
Mary Ada Short said his shin ... ....
tured off Pernambuco, Brasll, February
no was sunt arter th crew and their
baggage were transferred to the German
irutscr. The Short, with .00 tons of
corn, was bound from Rosalia for the
United Kingdom. CaDtaln DohKi i
a charge of dynamite In the hold of his
snip Dirw it bottom out. but did not
Ink it, owing to th nature of its cargo,
several shells, however, disposed of the
Beoalated la loata Attaati.
Captain Rrirkson of the bark Isabel
Browne said: .
I wa becalmed in the south Atlantic, 34 k when the German cruiser
hove in sight shortly after dusk on th
evening of January Ss. Th German cap
tain told m the ahlp would be sunk. A
dynamite bomb waa placed In the hold
and within a few momenta th bark had
Captain Erlckson said he waa bound
from Toltol. Chile, for th English chan
nel. Captain King of th Bark Invercoe, said
hi crew and their principal belonging
ware iranaterrad to th Prlns Eitel at
to Force Oil
know children love to take it; thst It
never falls to clean th liver and bowel
and swveien th stomach, and that a
teaspooafui given today aavea a sick
child tomorrow. It should be th first
remedy given aa it always does good,
never any barm.
Ask your druggist for a M cent hottl
of "California Syrup of Figs." which
has . full directions for babies, children
of all asrs and for grown-upa plainly
on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits
sold her. Bee thst It is made by "Cali
fornia Ft Hvrun fomnanv." t)fua anv
other kind with contempt. AdvertUe-
, , . . ' . .
B. Pred, for ten yeara In the mercantile
business in Omaha, ha opened a store
exclusively for women at Sixteenth and
Douglas streets with a full line of cloaks,
suits and millinery. The store I now
open for business, but the official open
ing will occur Saturday, when Mr. Pred
has scheduled a program of music and
will distribute souvenir to those who
attend the opening.
Mr. Pred declares that his store will be
at once exclusive and popular priced. He
will carry all of the latest designs and
model, but prices will be reasonable to
all and purchaser will not have to pay
for style, as la so often tb caae.
II is wholesale agent In Nebraska for
eight of the biggest firms In New Tork
City and the .latest creations of these
eight firms will be placed on the Omaha
market first at his store here.
The location at Sixteenth and Douglas
street has been completely remodeled and
redecorated, so that It present a sple
and span appearance of a new shop. Th
stock la brand new, and while of consid
erable dimensions the rooms are qf suf
ficient sis and are arranged so tastily
that an ample display is made of all of
the garments.
noon, February 12. and at J:30 o'clock the
vessel . was sunk with an explosion of
dynamite. He added that of his crew
of twenty-three men' six are under de
tention on' the crulser because they re
fused to sign an agreement not to take
up arm against Germany as a condi
tion of reiesn.
Best for Constipation.
The beat medkine for constipation la
Dr. King New Life Pills, mild end ef
fective and keen vou well. 2Rc an im
gist. Advertisement
Moose Lodge Elects
Officers for Year
Th local lodge of the Lnval Order nf
Moose held Its annual election of officers
at Mooae headquarters, 617 South Seven-
iCTiiiu iiHwi. no loiiowing omcer
were elected: K. A. Morgan, dictator.
Henry F. Wulf, vice dictator; C. B,
White, secretary: 8. R Mosnr. nrelate-
W. J. Normean, Joe Wagner and Harry
Blroeaser, trustees; L. L. Btewart, inner
guard: Max KoDfle. outer ma.rhv rtr T
A. Simpson, physician.. Dr. T. B. Barber.
past dictator, was chosen as delegate td
the national convention, to be held in
Los Angeles next May. Judge A. U Sut
ton wss selected as alternate delegate.
Preceding the election of officers
C. Xhlman addrrfsed the gathering.
Got Larger. Hair All Came Out.
Cried Terribly. Could Not Sleep.
Had to Walk Floor to Quiet Him.
Used Cuticura and Now Well.
La Cross, Kansas." 'Then my son was
e day old he began breaking out on his
fac is Hoy red pimples that seemed to Hen,
a Be was uneasy and couldn't
sleep. The pimples got larger
and changed to water buster.
They would break and rua and
causa new ones to break out
until ha was eovered all over
with a thick cruet. HI head
was so bad w ware afraid to
wash it almost. All hi hair
Cam out. Wa kan4 Kin - .
pillow for fear of breaking th busters,
very Uaa they broke tbey seemed to
smart and burn, a be would cry terribly.
Tb eruption disfigured th baby. Wa had
to walk the floor with him to quiet him.
"When a waa four week old I bought a
rake of OuUcura Soap and bos of Ointment.
The first time I used them he slept better
than h had for a long Urn. Be 1 now. at
th age of nine month, well." (tugged)
Mrs. John W. Sutcllff. June 30, 1014.
Spmple Each Free by Mall
With 3 3-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress peaVcard "Cetlrura. Dept. T,
teav, Bold throughout th world.
Bo uniformly successful has ORIUNE
been la retorlng the victims of the
"Drink Habit" Into sober and useful
ctttsea. and so strong is our confidence
la its curative powers, that we want to
emphasise the fact that ORfUNfci la sold
under this poaltiv guarantee. If, after
a trial, you get no benefit, your money
will be refunded. O RHINE costs only
11.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet.
8herman A hfoConnell Drug Co. 16th
and Dodge St. Owl Drug Co. lth and
Harney tftreeU-
Ll&ke Teething Easy for Baby
Ers. VilasIrA Scclt::z Syir?
Cnttcl Flatee District Attorney p. g.
Howell believes that If anybody s will
ing to give sn unfortunate youth an
other chance, the government ought not
Linen Section
Spread Special Satin fin
ish, fine designs, size 75x88,
scalloped, rut corners, in
Friday's sale this $3.98
spread for $2.53
IUhI Nile imperial grade,
81x90 size, full bleached,
seam lew, 3-1n. hem, hard
twist round thread cotton.
"cn 65
Irish Linen Pattern Table
Cloths, the 8-4 size, heavy
grade, best patterns, each
at 81.08
American Damask Pattern Ta
ble Cloths, 2 yds. in length,
ready hemmed, each 81.00
ForHRii All Unen 70-in. Sil
ver bleached Table Damask,
standard $1.00 quality, Fri
day's sale, yard 78t
Flaxon White Dress and
Waisting fabric. Neat checks,
stripes and crosa bar effects.
The regular 36c grade, In Fri
day's sale, rard 25
. . m m
A Great Underpricing on Most Desirable Embroideries
All Kinds of New Embroideries at one-fourth to one-half less than worth.
Inserting. Edges and Headings, worth 6c to 7 He
yard, in Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric, on tale at,
yr SC
I to e-yard Loom End Strips of regular 10c Em
broideries in Swiss and Nainsook, at, yard ...5
llcauttful Dress Flouncing- in Cambric and Swiss,
16c yard values 7V4
Exquisite wide Embroideries
Swiss, Mull and Handkerchief Cloth, a broad assortment on
For Silks It's Unquestion
ably Hay den's
There's not a color or weave that fashion favors
but you will find it here and the splendid north
iight makes matching of colors a real pleasure.
$1.25 Bilk Poplins, Satin Charmense and Crepe do
Chines, in all the new street and evening shades,
at, yard 88
Yard Wide Chiffon Dress Taffetas, a most beautiful
lustrous silk more than ever popular this season,
in all new shades, Belgian Blues, Battleship Grays,
Sands, Putty, etc., two qualities, yd. 88, 81.28
Yard Wide Tub Silks and SUk Poplins, $1.00 quali
ties, in all new colorings, 75 pieces In the lot, at,
yrd : 68
Plain and Fancy Press Silks, 20 to 36 inches wide,
Messallnes, Foulards, Tub Silks,. Chiffon Taffetas,
Satin Stripe Mescalines, etc., up to $1.25 yard val
ues, at 38t, 48t and 68?
Black Batla Dutchess. Chiffon Taffetas. Pallet de Hoie,
Peau de Sole, etc., $1.00 to f 1.25 yd. value Friday, 780
$2.60 and $2.9$ Black Crepe de Chines, 40 to lnchen
wide: on sale at, yard fl.78
Crowd Bringing
"New Spring Dresses, in
Silks and Serges, $5.00 to
$8.95 values, in new yoke
and high waist styles, at
Cf AC JP. 09 OC
(New Spring Coats, big assortment of new
styles and in motet desirable colorings and
Gingham Petticoats, ' cut
full, well made, make
good quality gingham,
at 10
Beautiful Trimmed Hats $A98
For present wear
A . a
A great line or special at
Our most expert milliners who have for many
years trjmmed hats for some of Omaha's best
dressed women have been busy for weeks originat
ing, copying, and preparing this most beautiful line
of hats wo have ever offered, right at the beginning
of the season. -
The Shapes include the new Poke Bonnets, Sailors
from the tiny brim to the extreme large rolling
styles, Shepherdress and the latest three-cornered
hats in milan, hemps, lustritte, leghorn and barn
yard braids, in all colors, solid black and black and
white combinations.
The Trimmings are in the new flower effects,
Georgette and velvet ribbons, novelty feathers,
wings and quills, daintily artistic, each hat distinc
tive and the choicest line ever shown at sale
price, 54.'JS.
500 New Hemp Sailors, $1.49 values, in black
and colors, six different styles
- . a a a asaa . W iL 1 SI
Beautuul rrmt wreames
ent colors and regular 98c
To Reduce the
Tr. Vardan'a Tire and yea will
sav from a te oa arooerle
ut ,. Oar alsa is aaUty at
ta - price.
17 lbs. beet Granulated Suar..W0
1 bar Heat -'Jim -All. Diamond C
Ienux, White Rusalan or Laundry
Queen Whit Laundry Soap...s&e
I lba. best White or Yellow Cora-
mal for
T lba. beat Rolled White Breakfast
cans Oil er Mustard Sard toes. .Sao
Tbe best Domestic ilafaroiU Verml-
eelll or Hpaa-hettl. pk TVe
4 lba Fancy Japan Head Rlc ...ta
Tall cans Alaska 8aJnon 10
t cans l.u L.u hcourtna" toap....e
cases tSilane Scouring- oap....S5
E. C. Corn 1as. pkf ae
Grape-Nuta, pka .....10
K-vs. cans Condensed Milk. . . . TVe
i-aallon cans Uolden Table Syrup
for " e
f iba pur Buckwheat Flour.... a
4 lbs. test hand ptcksd Navy Beans
, .,...
a fry H.AYPEKI
to stand in the wsy. Po when Hsrvey
Ives of Talmg came In to Omaha and
offered ta buy clothes for John Olllan, a
federal prisoner awaiting grand Jury
action cn a minor charge, and offered
to give the young man a Job and help
"make a man of him," Prosecutor Howell
readily agreed to release Olllan on his
Underwear Section
Domastlo Boom, Friday
Men's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Un
derwear, shirts or drawers, reg
ular 60c values, at 35t
Boys' Blouse Waists, Percales,
Madras, Chambrays and Black
Sateen, with military collar and
button cuffs, 60c values, 25
Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery, all, 20c values,
t .-...lSHa
Ladles' medium weight Ribbed
I'nlon Suits, regular and extra
sizes, 50c values, at 35t
Man's Press Shirts percales, madras
and chambrays; fine assortment
.neat patterns; worth to J1.S0. at 49o
Men's and Bos' Outing Flannel
Crowns. 60c values, at 9Bo
Men's Handkerchiefs lndlaro blue,
Turkey red and plain white; regu
lar 10c values. for B5o
. i . i r
for Graduation and Communion Dresses in Organdies,
Bargains in Domestic Room SuitDept
AXL Winter Coats that sold up to
$15.00 will be closed out in Do
mestic RoomFriday at one price;
your -choice, '
at ..........
and $7.95
Wash Waists, in white
and colors, slightly soil
ed, to 76c values, on sale
at ..... 15
House Dresses,
$1.26 values,
hams, Madras
cales, at
. hT '
t "
in several outer- aq
values, Friday at. . ft JC
Cost of Living
Advo Jell for dessert nothlnar like
It pka. TVie
1-lb, cans Assorted Soups Ve
a-lb. cans fsncy Beset Sugar Corn.
karly June Peas, Wax. String.
Orsen or Lima Beans iTfee
1-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy.
Sauer Kraut or Baked Beans. THe
SS-oa. Jar pur Fruit Preserves S&
29 -os. jars pure Strained Honey IM
Larae bottle Worcester Hauce.
Pickle assorted kinds. Horsarad-
lsh or Prepared Mustard SV
Parker Hous Catsup, bottle... THO
Yeaat Foam, pkg 3
The beat Tea tilftlngs, lb It We
Golden Santos Coffee, lb SOe
Tb beet Striutly Freeh Sara . . SO
Th beat Creamery butter, carton
or bulk. lb. S3e
Kancy Country Creamery Butter, a
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb...S
Good Dairy Butter, lb.- . . . . 4 . .goo
Full Creain White er Colored Clieea
Per lb , . .aoa
Jenny Bros. Famous BrHk,
per lb . .'. so
own bond. Ives red been befriended hj
Oillsn s parents, Sow dead. Olllan haa
been In iall for several moutna on in.
charge of carrying a fls'k of whisky
onto the Winnebago Indian reservation.
It 1 sld there Is some doubt as t
wbether he would ever be Indicted by
the gTand Jury-
Domestic Room
Friday's Rales of Cotton Good
Offer Substantial Havings.
Sheet inn. full bleached, 81 Ins.
wide, 27c quality, yd. S3
Sheeting, unbleached, 70 Ins,
wide, 25c quality; yd. 20
Muslin, unbleached, 36 to 38
Ins. wide, 8c qual., yd. 4f
Cambric, fine grades, mill
lengths. 10c and 12 He quali
ties, yard 6
Gingham-, skirting Stripes,
greys, blues, etc., yd... OVi
White Aron Check Dimity,
Emb. dot Swiss and Pique,
yard 10t
Remnants of linings, ginghams
and sultines, yard ... .3
Curtain Elamlne, lace border
effects, white, ecru and print
ed novelties, yard 10
Tertales, 38 Ins. wide, light or
dark colors, skirting and
dress styles, good values, at,
yard 7H
Table Damask, 58 Ins. wide,
39c goods, for, yard ..25
Towels, extra large, led wr
ders, soft finished huck. each,
at 10
Pretty 18-inch Flouncing and Corset Cover Em
broideries, up to. 25c yard values. Friday, yd. 10
J7-lnch Flouncing, lace trimmed and fancy scal
loped, up to 7 5c. yd. values, Friday, at, yard .,39t
A Fino Line of Swiss and Convent Enibroideriee, In
srtings and Readings, 10c to 50c values, yard
at ......74 to 29
special sale at 60c on dollar.
Friday Specials in Wool
Dress Fabrics
Two Special Lota of Spring Dress Fabrics, includ
ing all wool Serges, Poplins, Crepes, Diagonal
Suitings and fancy checks,. Friday,, yard
at .....38 and 48
Two Lots of 64-inch .Wool .Suiting, Granites,
Taffetas, Espaqglo, all'wool sponged and shrunk
Serges, etc., in the best. colorings, yd. 68, 08
Black and White Check Suitings, all wool fabrics
44 to 64 ins. wide, splendid assortment, yard,
at -68t UP
New Covert and Gabardine Suitings in Sand,
Putty, Battleship Grey and other popular shades,
yard ... ....$1.48 and $1.68
See the New Dress Skirt Models In our dress
goods department. We make skirts to your
measure, guaranteeing fit and workmanship.
Ask us about them.
New Spring Suits, made
to sell to $15.00, good as
sortment of styles, in
most wanted fabrics and
colorings, g
New Dress Skirts in broad assortment of
new models, light, medium and dark color?,
made to sell at $4.00 and $5.00, n qm
on sale Friday, at choice. . . . . .p4 iO
$1.00 and
In Glng
. and Per-
Whit Embroidered Voile
and Batiste Waists, to $1
values, special Friday,
at ... 39
Try Hay den9 s
.Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese.
per id 4oo
Fancy Queen Olives, auart 36o
aUs-alaad sTaval Oraares for Quallty
The pride of California tree ripened
Per dosen. iaio, lSo, Sua aad 8&
Chase's farnoas Florida Orap Fran.
; . a aad Tt-
Taars Is nothlnr finer rrovn.
is is. iax oooKxao fotatoxi
f o iTVke
Touns Wisconsin Cu.bbas, lb... fie
Red Globe Onions, per lb 1U
Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnip, Rd.
Isbea or fcli slots, per bunch.....
Cape Cod Cranberries quart ... a
Fancy Cooking and Ealing Apple.
per pec k 30o
S large Soup Bunches lOe
. Fancy Head Lettuce, head TVie
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce be
I Arcs Cuoumbers, each ........ too
ttoraeradlah Root, per lb. TVte
Fancy California Rhubarb, lb . . 6e
Fancy CaJlfornla Cauliflower. Te
i large Green Pepper lOe
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnip or Pars
nips, lb t
f """ 1 .W I'll mi mimn, B
i m
Ik vW'
7 V