Tlffi ttEK: OMAHA, TIU'UsDAV. MAKCII 11. l'M.V (Pma rm Tin ff cri tdtiti no mTToio .uiicoiiiiiiiiiiicniiiiuiii o kS) iuiiiicaiy u 11 wuiiiiivc e tara am IS Wmi fas N I fcuy Omaha-Made and Omaha-Cut (T IT T 8 All the New, Beautiful Patterns and Designs at Reasonable Prices. EVERY PIECE OF CUT GLASS WE SELL IS OUT RIGHT HERE IN OMAHA. Omaha Cut Glass Manufacturing Co. 1215 Harney Street OMAHA, NEB. SEE OIK VERY INTERESTING AND KOI ATIONAL EXHIBIT T HUIUESS-NASH THIS WEEK. BUY EViADE-m-OMAHA o err F y See Our Exhibit at Burgess-Nash All This Week. t National Fur and Tannery Go. 1925 South 13th Street, Omaha. w r - THE SENSATION OF THE EXHIBIT Tl7 P. J 99 TUE7 ZJ7 D 1717 rn "T WATERPROOF 1 tliL riLKr ILK I SHEETING CONTAINS NO RUBBER Hot Waterproof,. . Cold Waterproof, Germproof , Impervious to Urine and other bodily excretions, Organic or Inorganic Acids, Ether and Chlo roform. Will not crack nor peel off. ! Sanitary and Durable MADE IN OMAHA BY Steril Waterproof Fabrics Co. 3906 North 24th. Webster 6813. SURE ITS PERFECT ST3 nMV-P U -UNJ If FOR ALL PURPOSES 7 BD II IN cm You may have our catalogue, which gives complete Information on every article we manufacture, for the asking. We would be pleased to have you visit our modern factory. Nebraska and Iowa el Tank Company 13th and Spruce Streets. S Only Face Brick Made in Nebraska Get our interesting literature. We can build you a house of clay as cheaply as frame. Let us prove it. Hyd raulic Pressed B rick Co. 1302-3 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. MADE M OMAHA WEEK AT- M ASM CO "EVERYBODY'S STORE" SEEDS THAT GROW! NEED ANY? See our Exhibitat the "Made-in-Omaha" Show at Burgess-Nash Store. im NEBRASKA SEE OMAHA, NEBRASKA. i The Mina Taylor House Dress "A Revelation in Comfort and Economy ' We soli tho MINA TAYLOR HOUSE DRESS under an absolute guarantee that il is perfect in workmanship and material and will give satisfactory service. We will cheerfully replace any garment bearing this trade-mark tlint proves otherwise. We make this unqualified guarantee because: EVEN THE THREAD IS INSPECTED, to mako sure it is of tho proper strength. WAIST SEAMS CANNOT RIP, because sewed with an overcast look-stitch that is practically unbreakable. AMPLE WIDTH IN HIPS provides for perfect com fort. EXTRA FULL SKIRTS give ample room for running up and down stairs with full freedom. WAISTS ARE UNPIECED, fitting perfectly, and adding to durability and appcaranoe. BUTTONHOLES CANNOT RAVEL, because worked with a lock stitch that cannot rip even if broken. FASHIONABLE IN DESIGN So good looking you can use the higher priced numbers as' afternoon dresses. Come and roc this astonishing garment, and get n nifty little dust cap fro? a your souvenir. smti-lMk Oo- TUr Xloor. "IDEAL" Shirts Many men have expressed t heir surprise J hat such splendid shirts are made in Omaha. We know them to be the equal of any others made nt the price. Ready here, in all the latest fabrics and styles for spring. lufMi-VMli C Mai. Fl.ot. n manufactured in the United States are made by us. See our exhibit at the "Made-in-Omaha" Show at Burgess-Nash Store. IITH-lOd mm 2323 South 13th Street. Buy Omaha Made Goods Are Good Shoes Made in Omaha For men, women, boys and girls You can do big things with Kirkendall Shoes Burgess-Nash Company carry them