Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bk Publishing Compsny. Proprietor.
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Sunday Bee only 20c !.
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Remit tiv draft einrese or ivwtal order. Otilv two
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Address communications relating to new and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department,
Bute of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa.
Dwirht William, circulation manager of Tha Pea
Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the
average circulation for tha month of February, 1M6,
WU bi.T. .
lAvir.HT Wtl.MAVS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my prmrTii-e and sworn to before
me, thla M day of March IMS.
HOBEKT HUNTER, Notary rubtlc.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
should have The lie mailed to them. Ad
drese will b changed aa often aa requested.
Mate 10
Thought for the Day
ctf by . . Chifmtt
"JlicrtU an infiniU tatitfaction in rtceiv
ing tht fiff 9 Ooi, out th privilegt of In
coming (Aa meant through tuticA nt will htstow
light and lifting upn oihert, it tht grtatet'
priviUgt bestowed vpon man."
However, the poBtofflce efficiency board bad
a fairly good time for tha money.
No, we don't want war with Mexico, but it
wouldn't be much of & war If we had it.
Lawmakers will spare themselves consider
able ear pressure by sticking to a rule requiring
unanimity among doctors as th price of medi
cal legislation.
The lumber rates raise baa been suspended
for two years. Lumbermen will be aafe In lay
ing their weapons aside for awhile, provided
they, are kept wilhln reach. ' '. '
All the Balkan bantams have their watch
towers manned, eagerly awaiting word to
pounce on the bones of Turkey. ' The prospect
of territorial loot Is too tempting to resist.
' Opponents of railroad rate boosting will savo
time and energy by conceding the bewildering
beauty and impressive front of railroad figures,
In volume and variety they defy competition and
daze experts.
With a stock of 160,000,000 bushels of
wheat on hand in this country and a new crop
bat a few months away, the shrunken loaf of
bread has no reasonable excuse tor showing its
face in public. - .
The recent fierce efforts of the Carranslstas
to extract money from the natives foreshadow
early additions to the Mexican colony la Cuba.
Kobbery, politely termed a "levy," invariably
precedes flight.
Still, it cannot be very comforting to the
president to be told that conditions in Mexico
are worse than they were before he made his
original blunder of refusing to recogalie tbe
Huerta government.
Prospects are brightening for a workhouse
in Douglas oounty. No serious objection can be
urged against aa uplift measure of this class, in
asmuch aa it will afford county guests the
itought-for privilege of working for their grub.
Besides, they need the exercise.
The first step toward, putting the public
utility corporations out of politics should be to
divorce the management of tbe publicly' owned
utility from politics. The political activities cf
public utility employes is a detriment to the ser
vice, regardless of ownership.
"To save the faces of the inspectors, the post
offke efficiency, report will not be wholly dis
regarded.' Is the word from Washington. But
what have the faces of the inspectors to do with
the casef If their recommendations are sound
they should be adopted, but if unsound and un
just, as they are, they should be tamed down
without benefit of clergy.
at s:
Our Task in Mexico.
PrMldfnt Wilson's note to Csrrsnta can bo
read only one way It presages more vigorous
action on part of this country if the Mexicans
ihpinwlven do not take steps speedily to end the
long prevailing iswlessness In thst country.
It Is the plain duty of the Untied States
to protect our own and the clUsens of other
countries from further outrage by irresponsible
bandits, or let some other country do it.
The Mexican people, not more than 1 per
rent of whom are under arms at prexent in alt
the several "armies'' that are devastating the
country, are sorely in need of responsible gov
ernment. Intervention would have been Justi
fied long ago by the manifest inability of the
opposing factions there to end the anarchy that
still exists In Mexico. ''Watchful waiting" has
been given a two-years' trial, only to see bad be
come worse. President Wilson must formulate
a more emphatic policy and avoid repetition of
last summer's bootless occupation of Vera Cruz.
Let us keep out of war if we can, but as a
last resort it will be in the interest of humanity
to use force to put down forces of destruction
that have gotten beyond the control of those
who invoked them. To bring law and order to
distracted Mexico, restoring peace and quiet and
setting Us people pa the way to prosperity onco
more, may be the task of the United States.
Mnsic in the Air.
The legislature at Lincoln has let the edict
go forth that it will create no more fee-grabbing
state boards, but, of course, it will make an
exception for the proposed State Board of
Music. According to the bill as Introduced,
this board is to be made up of the governor,
attorney general and the state superintendent,
but because their own qualifications are
likely to consist only of chin music, and may
lack harmony, they are permitted to serve by
proxy by sppolntlng three competent persons to
act for them, mlsbranded aa "secretaries." Tho
"musical secretaries" to the, governor, attorney
general and state superintendent, will, of course,
be musical prodigies, able to catch a budding
genlua before it blossoms out. The main thing
the "secretaries" are expected to catch, however,
Is tbe tune of the tinkling ten dollar gold pieces
which all future Nebraska music teachers will
have to drop into tbe contribution box (by kindly
concession the price for present teachers is re
duced to the bargain-counter rate of one dollar
If dropped Into the slot within three months),
while any one undertaking to give a lesson on
anything from Violin to bass drum and collect
money for it in violation of tbe law, will have
a $60 to $100 fine or a thirty to ninety-day Jail
sentence In front of him to help take the music
out of his system. But what of that, If by such
means Nebraska can be made a musical oasis in
the desert?
By resolution tha eouacUtiMAilo committee couaM-
tr( of Redfleld. ItaacaU wud Thrane has bven named
to repurt on aa allKlUe location far a market houee.
and to Invlta propoaala for Induoementa or a bonua
from citizens along- the atreeta eelected for that pur-
& Mota la tha happy father of a boy.
lira. Frank Rioe. formerly of thla city, now of
Luruport. lad., ia vlaltlug her parent. Mr, and Mrs,
A. Laraon. ,
Weatbrook Jb Ilackar. profeaalonal bioyefteta. have
returned to Omaha after a three week trip througk
other slate. . i
Charlee B. Waatras has purehaaed the ah re of his
partner, M O. McLeod. In tha Uraad l'hka Tea ooan
Pany, of wbkb ha become sole proprietor.
Tee day was fitly obaerwed with memorial aervice
at Hrowriell Hall and at Trinity cathedral aa the
anniversary of the death of Hlhop Clarkaon.
The tiM market basket column reflect theae re
tell prior: Hirlulu. U. woti a pound, roaat riba. ll'j
cent; vesl, nl-h. at It to cenU; Early lrie pota
to, 4j vffiite. cauliflower, 15 to cnt, eparasue.
J n & wearing, at cent a bunch.
Censorship of International Mailt.
A timorous member of the British Parliament
has asked the government If a censorship of malts
Is not required, the purpose being to prevent
Germany from sending to the United States
pamphlets that do not give the English version
of the war and Its developments, Home Secre
tary Reginald McKenna replies that tbe Oerman
pamphlets complained of are harmless, and that
a censorship of the malls has not been consid
ered beeause of its enormous cost. " 1 " ;
All of which Is beside the point.',' The ques
tion,, unanswered by the home secretary, Is:
Has Great Britain any right to censor the Inter
national malls? Conceding the British govern
ment the, right to inspect all correspondence of
any kind originating within the United King
dom, by what show of right could it undertake
to inquire into the nature of correspondence
passing between the cltlsens of Germany and the
United States, two friendly natiotls? The cen
sorship Great Britain has established over cable
correspondence la sufficiently annoying; to un
dertake the censorious Inspection of the malls
would be going too far.
Germany Is not alone in the matter' of dls-'
ssmlnatlng biased Information concerning the
war by means of pamphlets and other use of the
mails. Great Britain has sent out an enormous
amount of "Inspired" literature. Generally this
output of the interested governments has been
either disregarded or discounted, for the Ameri
can people are not sufficiently gullible to be
deeply Impressed by the prejudiced statements
of either side. The Incident in the House of Com
mons serves, however, to show to what extent
the combatants' sense of proportion has been
distorted by the war. .
Maintain the Quarantine.
Nebraska Is fully justified in malntainine- a
rigid quarantin against Iowa or any other sec
tion. f th country where the foot and mouth
disease exists. It is not tbe Question of a. few
cars of cattle shipped to or from the local
market; the situation Involves the safety of tho
entire range country, from wbenoe comes the
euu or tne meat supply of tho country. No
greater calamity could happen than to have that
most dread of cattle scourges cross the Mis
souri river and infect the great herds of Ne
braska, Dakota and Wyoming. The losses in
cident to the temporary stoppage of traffic with
the region now quarantined against would be
inflnitesmal In comparison. The quarantine must
be effective, to properly protect the sections
row free from Infection, and to stamp out the
disease where infection exists.
Th state's attorney's inquiry Into the ad
vanced price of bread in New York City is bring
ing to light features of the business usually kept
In the dark, it is apparent from the testimony
that the bread supply of the city la being ab
sorbed by heavily capitalised companies, one
being capitalised at $$0,000,000. Another at $6.
000,000. Various excuses were offered for con
certed action In price boosting, but they simmer
down to the simple proposition that the big fel
lows need the money to nourish their watered
The Political Caldron
LIKE the round of a voice out of the political wilder
ness Matthew J. fJreevy, heaer of wood and
drawer of water In party ranka for lo these many
years, announce thst he will vote for seven repub
lican at the city commission primary on .April 4.
"Thla talk of a nonpartisan city commission achem
la an Iridescent dream. It sounds all rtal't in theory,
but how does It work out In practice?" asks Mr.
"Up to nine years aso, when Dahlman broke Into
the city hall, the city sovernment waa In the hand of
the republican. Blnce that time, republican have
(idled and abutted In the election of democrats to city
lob and havo eaten only the crumbs which fell from
the democratic table. It Is not risht. wnen republican
are In the majority, end the majority should be in
control. ,
'Three year Brain the 'Rquare Seven' went out
on a liberal platform. Four of tbe seven elected are
democrat. The democrata have control of the' city
hall and they play polltlca all the way throush. It la
time for the republican to rise up In their might and
proclaim themselves."
PometMn; f a stir was eaueed In the city hall
when John If. Cuslck, ohlef Inspector of the depart
ment of public Improvements, ' announced that he
had resigned and would file for city mmlaloner,
ipectlng to land the position held by hla boss.
James W. McDonald, one of the assistants In an
other department, also la In the race and other minor
official are said to fee combating a desire to ret lnt
the same. No signs, however, of the reelsnlng fever
becoming epidemic.
What kind of a strategic move Is "Charley" Wlth
nell making T Doe he' Intend to upset political prece
dent? Doea ha Intend to have a flying squadron of
women In the field during this campaign? The other
day he entertained the city hall women employee at
lilncheon at the Fontenelle hotel. All during the after
noon following the women of the municipal building
were sounding their host' praise. An Interesting fea
ture is that If the other city commissioners follow the
example tho city hall women will hare several fre
feasts lit store.
"I see that in throwing hla hat in the ring J. W.
Metcalfe accompanies it with a platform which refer
to his position e-s secretary of the Retailers' asso
ciation, and flaunts the alogaa of strict law enforce
ment lie declares it la not the province of any offi
cer to determine wliether a law should be enforced
or not," said a city hall rounder. "1 would like to
aee him try to keep the merchant from stringing
signs In violation of ordinances or to make them
remove all forbidden sidewalk obstructions. I would
like to see him enforce te the hilt the no-treat law
or the smoke nuisance ordinance or the rule of the
road, or a dosen other regulations constantly ig
nored. An officer has to uee Judgment In enforcing;
the laws that are Important, and go easy with laws
that are trivial, and don't you forget it."
Somebody in the rear of tha hall asks whether the
Jack sonlan club still moves and has its being and
whether thla organisation will take a hand In the
little political gams which Is now being arranged.
This club does not seem to be causing any up
heaval st the present time. The seismograph at
Crelghton university has not recorded any disturb
ance for many months.
Twice Told Tales
A political melon of huge proportions is
ripening In New York state. The land of the
abandoned Erie canal, valued at $400,000,000,
la eagerly sought In slices by municipalities and
corporations, each calmly Indifferent to the
state s rights to some return on an investment of
$101,000,000 in the new ditch.' As legislative
action must be hsd to cut tbe melon the prospect
for a prosperous session at Albany are un
commonly bright.
Osj ' WaahlBsTtoa'e Trail.
On Washington's birthday a publlo school teacher
took her large class on a tour called: "On the trail
of Washington." They went from New Utrecht church,
then to the Battle pass, the Maryland monument and
Fiaunoe'e tavern. .When thsy eame to the statue of
the father of his country at tbe eubtreasury In Wall
street ene kid wanted te know "for why he got stiver
legs on blmT" Then they Inspected the city haJl, and
finally ended up at the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
where they spent some time Wore a huge canvas of
"Washington Crossing the Delaware.". The 'teacher
made a nost exalted speech about painter, and subject.
Then she turned to one little fellow who was absorbed
In very deep thought "Well, Davy, what do you think
of our great George Washington V "He must have
been a chump," was the unexpected reply, "'to stand
up In thst small boat If my daddy had a been there
he would have said: 'Sit down. George, you're rocking
the boat' '
Maaie Hath Charms.
It was In the year 1868, after a battle In the Span
ish revolution of that year, and the streets of Madrid
.were filled with angry, crowds that were bent on de
stroying everything and everyone. Suddenly, an un
known man appeared at the city hail.
"Olve me a band of muelolaaa." he said, "and be
fore nlirhtfall 1 shall mniml ll TutmA-iA .
" .. 1 a v.. .
-. f . . '
muse nave been a man of rare personality to
have been able to persuade the authorities in th.
hour to give hlra anything.
uut he got the musicians and went out with them
to wander throush tha nil. urkiu . .
, j ...Iv ihwj pimyeq nt
sang popular street songa, or some bid national rilr.
ii.ii me oorea ine listeners he mounted old boxes
and told funny tales. '
By nightfall peace ralam-wt In k. . . c
- - - - "."sj mh Kttm muu
broke up and went home to bed. The man's name wis
Felipe Ducasel, and ha
cleverly achieved this result.
we are told a deal about hnmi -
countries by long, terrible ride, at !. i.
sacrifice of onesself by dying in somebody's stead, but
ut us near oi anyone wno saved a town by laugh
ter. Youth's Companion.
Hla Ideal. ' .
Thone ancello-looklns llttu Ivvm miiii. ......
w rW . H V.U Wl, WW,
are usually Just like other boys, a fact often over
looked by female relatives and other adoring women
One of this oherubto brand of small boy cam back
irwn eciiooi ine oiner a ay rather depressed because
he hsd no nickname.
"I SDOke to the teacher hnut If'
his big eyas opened wide, a mournful look about hi
angelio mouth. "I told her some nicknames that I'd
"And what were the names?" inquired a rapturous
maiden aunt.
"Bunoa Ultl e H filurM, .1. - ,.
. - -. .... . itiiiicu uiw anseito
on. St. Louis Glebe-Democrat.
People .and Events
David Hermley went Into "BUly" Sunday's taber
uaole la Philadelphia the other evening and sat down
on the hatpin of a woman's lid. Physicians say he
wUl recover tf no other complications develop.
The California Association of College Alumnae
sends out a Warning agalnat girls and women coming
te Sen Francisco In the hope of obtaining work m
arrival. It la stated that there are ten persons fjr
every Job to be filled. The same warning applies te
every city on the Pacific roast
Death revealed a novel romance at Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Dr. Chartee M. Drake, a roaa of 40, suppoaed to be a
bachelor, la reality had a very youthful wife so boylsn
la appearance that ah dreaeed In boy's clothes and
passed aa the doctor's nephew. Iler death caused the
doctor to reveal the relationship publicly.
Ilev. ' aerauei Jack Nlocels of Rt Luula has Just
celebrated the golds a Jubilee of bis pastorate ef the
Second Preubyterlan church. He entered this pulpit
a young man ot M, fresh from m chaplaincy of a l'snn-
ayivanla regiment In the civil war, and became popu
larly known aa "the Presbyterian bishop of the west.'
The Olobe-Demoarat says the reverend doctor has
averaged a sermon a 'day for fifty years, 'and still
holds bis pace.
Another railroad grievance la put out by the New
Haven road's publicity bureau. Aa enterprising poet
master who combines a general store with the post-
office, having an order tor thirty-two sacks of flour.
sold himself 111 worth of stamps, put thetn oa the
packages and sent the flour by parcel post to a point
twenty-six miles away, holding a mail train ten mln
utea to do It. Th country Nssby made his profit on
the flour and on the stamps, while th railroad adinlta
the Joke. ,
Ise of the Bread Loaf.
OMAHA, March 1-To the Kdltor of
The Beej What Is the occasion for all
thla short weight breed? Old-timers know
there Is sixty pound of Wheat In a
bushel and ml'ler get forty-eight pounds
of flour and twelve pounds of bran out
of tha bushel. Then the bakera buy the
flour that absorbs the greatest amount
of water and with a little salt, turn us
cut an eleven-ounce loaf for I 'cenla.
It looks like there was a Mg marsln
somewhere, and, aa the flurry over high
priced wheat Is over, I think we ought
to get back to the pound loaf for cents.
Mayor of Flerem-e Raeepts.
FLORENCE, Neb. March To the
Editor of The Bee: I see In The Bee
that Florence wants to annex a clear
case of going from home to get the news.
I see tho Commercial club met Wednes
day night more news, as I happen to
be a member ot that august body, but I
failed to hear of the meeting. It I the
rule to notify members of the meetings
by card. A a rule we meet twice a
year, whether we have any business or
rmt, and It has been only five month
since we met so I concluded this was
a special. They send what they call an
appeal to the legislature to annex us at
once, because thore seventeen men want
It and, by the way, some of tho seven
teen live in Omaha, and one man told
me he algned to get rid of them.
Messrs. Legislators, I am not going
to bother and take your time in sending
petitions to you unless you are In doubt
as to the sentiment of the cltlsens of
Florence in reward to annexation without
first letting ua vote on the question. Tf
you want to hear from us In that way,
write me. and I will send you a petition
signed by ten times seventeen names and
thoy will all be bonaflde cltlsens and
taxpayers. You have a bill In regard to
the water company furnishing light. You
propose to let tlie people decide by rote
whether the proposition will be aooepted
or rejected. The city of Omaha is ne
gotiating for the purchase of the Audi
torium: they propose to settle that ques
tion also by a vote of the people. Now,
gentlemen, all we ask Is that you leave
the matter to a vote, and If one-half the
people the annexationists claim are for It
It will carry. F. a TUCKER,
, -
Seeeads the Motion.
the Editor of The Bee: Referring to the
letter of Dr. Sodiacek which appeared In
The Bb recently on tho subject of so
many fanatical prohibition letter appear
ing In the letter box column, under In
itials, without the full name of the writer
attached, will say that I cardinally second
Dr. Sedlacek'a suggestion, and hope that
all these chemically pure correspondents
who have used so much space In avguing
for "temperance," when they are really
interested In prohibition, will hereafter
display their jeal colors. Tours for fair
play, " WALTER. BREEN.
Winter Beaaty.
BLAIR. Neb., March . To the Editor
of The Bee: While the severe snow
storms which have been prevalent the
last few weeks have been general, and
have quite seriously Inconvenienced peo
ple and delayed trafflo, there la another
phase which almost recompenses tor the
troubles they have caused.
There has been a landscape which the
brush of an artist never could paint;
piled high on every side ' are billowy
drifts of purest white, land, where "wails'
of corn" are wont to grew In summer
time, lie walls of snow In, purest lovll
Jiesa The tree standing In maJeaUa
grandeur with crystal boughs glistening
In the morning sunshine, bring visions
of Paradise and hope of a fulfillment of
sacred promises.
A thousand million spar kl Ing, transient
diamonds cover the purple topped mead
ows of a few months since. The winds
whisper lullabies to tbe buds now snugly
sleeping, which rise to walls of despair
when they recall the beautiful follaure
that greeted them In the golden summer
clays. No brush, no pen, no plastic art
can reproduoe the sublime beauty that
greets the waking world on a morning
louowing a biiszard in Nebraska.
The primeval forest trees, the pine and
the hemlock, growing In the state, reach.
lng their arms upward toward God's great
sunlit cerulean skies, are even more
powerfully Impressive ' In their pris
matic splendor, than when ladened
with a wealth ot delicately tinted foliage.
ii oiuy our lives were fashioned bv the
purity of this winter scenery, earth
would be an Eden and life "one grand
aweeisong.- ANNIE VIO OATHS.
Efficiency vs Speeding t o.
OMAHA, March T.-To the Editor of
The Bee: I note that in some quarters
the terms efficiency and speeding up are
confused. I find In my experience that
they are not synonymous.
' In plain language an efficient person ia
one who can gain the best results In hi
line of endeavor with the least possible
Imperfection and the least waste ot
energy and material.
The speeding up system Is mercenary.
It cares not for the publ'o nor the quality
of the output. "Oct all the traffic will
bear" the greatest possible financial gain
by the least possible outlay of expense.
A speeding up system s the opposite of
efflcloncy, for who of us can bring out
our best work If we are working under a
strain or In the atmosphere of excitement
present In every place where speeding up
is required.
Speeding changes the efficient person
Into an Inefficient one as readily as
a lack of efficiency will change superior
goods to goods of an inferior quality.
Every man wanta hla money's worth.
He gets It from efficient sources, but
not from sources where speed Is tbe pre
vailing requirement. I. J. C.
Around the Cities
Street railway employee In this country
are paid double those in Europe.
New Tork City calculates that It pays
TO per cent ot tbe money required to run
the stats.
Los Angeles has appointed a woman to
act aa manager of men arrested and set
to work for faUIng to support their fam
ilies. In Mexico the cars. dor. or carrier,
transports bundles so weighty that ordi
nary men could not even lift them. It la
not unusual for Kim to carry a load of
s) pounds on hla .head and shoulders.
Bult Lake City's commission has laid
down tbe rule that the unemployed must
accept the work schedule of the city or go
without city grub. The city offers 11.M a
day for common labor; the unemployed
Insist on S2. S a day. A spokesman for
ibe latter in rejecting the city's terms,
said they' would go hungry rather than
sacrifice the principle of a standard wag.
Editorial Snapshots
Washington .'tar: Re tape la usually
to be avoided, but the mrthod ef collect
ing taxes In Mexico must sometimes be
regarded a a little too Informal.
Indianapolis News: One reason Why
diplomacy doesn't make more headway
la that each communication never eeema
to do anything more than "constitute a
aatlsfactory basis for future negotia
tions." Drnoklyn Eagle: Austria's celiur of
alt food was to have been expected. Vi
enna rolls may roll on, and Vienna
achnltsel continue to reveal Its excellence
under this new and probably temporary
paternalism, but overeating will be duly
St. Louis Republic: That an Investiga
tion by the Interstate Commerce com
mission should be thought necessary to
show that the Louisville A NaahvlUe rail
road mixed in politics Is enough to make
the average ritlten of Kentucky and
Tennessee almost laugh himself to death.
flpringfleld Republican: Alleged assets
of the Rock Island company having a
book value of 1106,000.009 were honestly
appraised by government experts at only
tZO.OOO. No wonder Mr. Reld, who for
merly owned a large part of the road,
bitterly blames "government Interfer
ence with business" for the troubles of
the railroads.
Nsw Tork World. , '
t onc -nv inouini me uiiu i " vr
1 -..-ii
Wss P-R-Z-KM-V-H-U
' " m allng
That deadly thing
At iiwiti ualiv suffering
Hut worse bv fsr is this one; P-H-Z-A-H-N-V-S-Z:
I saw It in a futlpase head
That someone In the subway read.
I ssld. "Be gosht
I II writs to Wssh.
To see If this is but a Joah
This awful jumble reading, P-R-Z-A-S-N-Y-H-Z!
The haughty Russian minister
Wrote this reply: "Exalted air:
This name you chaps
Mv doubt perhaps.
Rut honestly, It a on the map
I'll 4 . k . rrt v ,lh IhiM la a.
How can w doubt It after that
Assuranrn from a diplomat?
We might have guessed
The word wss jest, I
Or but a sharp typewriting test.
But no! There la a to an of P-4
R-Z-A-S-N-Y-&-Z! '
My lips are chapped and so rd pause
Lefore I exercised my Jaws;
Put no. this word
That look absurd
Allures me, as a snake or bird!
Here gees niraln confound It! P-R-Z-A-8-N-T-8-Z!
"ITow did you come out with your law
suit?" "I won It"
"Get damages?'
"Sural I got almost enough to pay
my lawyer.' Boston Transcript.
Father But my dear, would you like
to see your spiritual adviser dancing
these modern dances?
Daughter Certainly not, pa! Where
would the fun come In with him around?
Philadelphia Bulletin.
"That t you paid me makes a clean
slate." said the coal man.
"I hope It's cleaner that that last alata
you sent me Instead of cool," responded
the victim. rhlladeiphla Ledger.
"Tho lumber man your district sent
to congress ought to have an easy time
getting his hills, passed."
"Why so?"
"Because he knows all about log-rolling."
Baltimore American,
nrrmrKl all .VtifiJ
rlike. WU find
'nothing to good
kc0 frsJt Jar
rnbbtri from
crack ine. and Jar lid
from aticklrjK. aU
3-in-One. Puiftllrtta
' on- vmta teal mar jar.
other oaa with
every bottle. 10& 23c
' 50c all store. .
Three-in-Crna 03 Co,
42 H. Broadway, New York
Mil, ;
I? T ill tO
ri in, j a i
6SL Sore Throat
17 TmtrnwrrTnVTNtt
KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed)
DR. CARL S. SLOAN. Inc.. PluUderphla, Pa. St. Lee. Me.
Price, X5c. 50c and 11.00
Now is the time
to look at offices
If you are thinking of moving this spring, now is tha time
to make your selection.
We have only the following offices to show you and we
may have nothing at all in a couple of months. -Just
now, we have no small offices, but applications will
be received and if changes occur, applicants will be given
first choice. :
The offices listed below include some of th most desir
able in the building, if the size and arrangement pleaso
you. '
Suite 222: Th-' la a very choice office on the second floor '
facing the corridor around the court. It is par- .
titloned for a very comfortable waiting roots
( and two private offices. It has north Ught.
v Prico, per month . 845.00 :
Room 420' Thl 0D ' ttk "corner offices which la eon-
sidered so very desirable. It Is J Ox JO feet, and
. has two windows facing north and two west
The large vault Is particularly desirable for
V some classes of business. The door of this office
is directly at the end or the halt, so that the
sign may be seen by everyone walking dowa
the corridor.
Price, per month S4O.00
Suite 426:
This suite offers exceptional apace and desir
ability for the price. It Is divided Into a watt-
- ing room and two private rooms. It has north
light and its occupants receive ail the service
and comfort of a well kept orflce building.
Price, per mouth 837.50
Especially adapted for printing office. Thla has
, been occupied by a printer for many years and
on account of Its location In an office fculldlog
and In tbe heart of the office building district,
the location Itself is an asset In thla business or
any similar business. It has aa entrance from
the court on the ground floor and also from the
alley. There la very satisfactory light and ven
tilation. It likewise has the advantage, from
the standpoint of insurance and safety, of being
In a fireproof building. The floor space la
1.1SJ feet.
Price, per month -8100.00
Apply to Building Superintendent.-Room loi