The Omaha Daily Bee DIOGENFS lined lantern tint th np-to-dat fcaslneaa in an In Omh usee, the advertising ml nnma of Tha Bee. THE WEATHER Cloudy vol. xlivxo. OMAHA, WKDXKSDAY MOIJXIXtJ. MAKCll 10, l!)l.-,-TVK! .XV. I'AOIK Oa Tralas and at Hotel Bwi Stands, JSIXULK COPY TWO CENTS. sc. GERMANS SLOWLY WITHDRAW FROM LINE m NIEMEN Kaiser's Army Which Penetrated Into Northern Poland Retreat in; Into East Prussia. SNOW IN THE WESTERN ARENA Only New Feature of Conflict There is Air Attack of the Allies on Ostend. TTJF.K POSITION IMPREGNABLE The Oay'o War News rKTROHRID dUmrhri aaa aleaa are advancing larl ICaat Prrasta. The (.frnun right " la snld in b"T- Hen ten a hasty re treat to within eight miles of border. rUTfl.r'. OF (HOIPt;K M he roine less violent. ,n" terraptert fthtlnK In the Vmsrea, Khrrr a Ion a the western front there la ao great activity. Fl hTIIER DV1XCF.. by the Raa alan armr thlrh la atrlWIn lato Tnrklsh Armenia, along the ahore of the niaek Nea, are annonneert at I'el rograd. Bt lAi I I 4, considered the leaat likely of any of the Balkan natlooa now at peace to Join the alltea, la oafrontina an Internnl ctIbIb oyer the j Mention of peace or war. Reports reaching Parla atate that Premier Badoaloroff haa been overthrown by the Influence of Klna Ferdinand becaaae he V alred Immediate action against Toekey. THE .l BF, OF OHF.F.C K la atlll to be determined, althonarh King t'nnalanllne. In hla opposition to war, (a mid .- have the aupport of the a;errrnl staff. BHITI5H .IDMIHII.n placeaat flf , tern. .the number of merchantmen annk by Urmin anbinarlnea from .l.maary 21 to March T, qnt of a total of N.T.1-1 sailings and a r rlvala. IJNDON. Marco !. Obstinate fighting; marks the battles along the eastern front on the continent,- with the Germans slowly withdrawing frcm the River Xiemen in the direc tion of tbelr own East Prussian fronter. At the game time the new offensive movement against Warsaw and on the Pilica evidently has not as yet developed into the great en gagement which has been expected In this locality, " ' ' ." r-f Inthe western arena of hoatlliUea the only new feature lately has been the allied air attack on Ostend. In the Champagne region, where the French have been assuming the of fensive lately, a snow storm has given a forced rest to the troops. It Is not unwelcome, for they have been almost constantly engaged for the last fortnight. Judging from the statement made yes terday by the British admiralty It la ap parent that only one merchantman, the collier bengrove, ha fallen a victim to the submarine-blockade of the German! since February 25. The first, hint of British retaliation against the personnel . of German sub marine ridden ha been conveyed In an official statement that the. officer and crew of the firman under sea host U-8, which foil prey to n flotilla of torpedo boat destroy o:-. nr-tr ' tn hunt for sub marine will he '. ''10 usual priv ileges of prlcono! h ,;. Press (ommenta ai i euvini,' in Berlin indicates a fecline of optimism over the near eastern situation. The Turkish oi'luWn that the Dardanelles are lmpreg nuHe is being endorsed and papers ex ptess the )eilef that King Constantine will hold Greece to a course of neutrality. Negotiations Opened. rtfe.RL.IX. March . (Via Wireless to rluyllle. N. Y. The Berlin newspaper report that negotiations between Austria Hungary and Italy have been opened and there are good projects of an agree ment be'tig arrived at. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Partly cloudy; no Important change in temperature. Teniprratsre at Owaka Vratrrda. LrAll.. 1 ... j a. m 6 a. in -4 7 a. m IS a a. m 2i a- m 2t 10 a. m -H 11 a. m 25 13 in 2.1 1 p. m 27 3 p. m 9 p. in SI 4 p. in . p. m 2j n in 27 7 r. m 2 I p. m 23 t Mm pa rati v I.o,-a Record. t . 114. 1913. UM. Highest yesterday gi 4; yi .,4 I.onvat yesterday a S3 " lean tempeiatura 17 : 4 ' 11 i'rei:ipltatloa w - .00 .of .( I eiuiK-riitur and precipitation depar lii.ea fivni the normal: Normal temperature 5j letii iencv for the day "" ( Total doflctenry since March ! !!' a Ni.mml pre-lpitatlun 04 Inch IWIolency (or the day '.04 inch Total rainfall since March I. ...1.57 Inches Kxci.b sin.e March 1 l.tttnchea -f. lncy for cor. periol. 114. .35 Inch JJeflclenc-y tir cor. period, 1H13. .3t Jnch Mellaril froaa Btatlona at T P. at. eiatiun and State lmp. High- Rain- ol veatner. 7 D. m. eat. fall ('hf)enne, clear 34 to I avt npurt, clear 34 licnvtr, artly cloud r lit 40 4 4 XI '.la 2h 42 2 lit Moines, part, cloudy-. ' 1 .a mier. clear ..4 .. ..3X Omaha, clear Pueblo, partly cloudy.. l'npifl t'lty. clear Mieridan. clear Mnux itv, cloudy Ml;i.tlnf . clear .U 1 lii'Hi'lea traiw o f r)r.,.tnii m U A. WKUU, Locl t'orecaater. M. P. STOCK SHOOTS AS GOULDS GO OUT Retirement of These Interests An ticipated by Early Advance in Rail Shares. BUSH HEADS COMBINED SYSTEM NEW YORK. March !. The re tirement of the Oould interests from control of the Missouri Pacific rail road. and silled properties was an ticipated in the stock market by an early advance in Missouri Pacific and other Gould shares. After the an nouncement of the .election of this new MtHsourl Pacific board of direc tor that stock yielded about a point of its rise. Hnnh Henna t'onthlned KyMem. ST. LOUIS, March 9. B. V. Bush of St. louis todsy was elected chair man of the board of directors of the Mlscouri Pacific and of the Si. Louis. Iron Mountain & Southern railways, and also chairman of the executive committees of both roads. In these offices lie replaces George .f. Gould, who mi eliminated from official relationship to the Miasnuii Pacific-Iron Mountain system at the annual meeting of the ronds today. Mr. was re-elected president of the (Oinnined system. The changes made today were considered as definite In mak ing the transfer of the control of the so called Gould system from New York to St. liouis. Twr vice presidents In- Pt. Loula In active management of the road were re-elwted. Vice Presidents Ke-KJepted. The mm le-elertrd vice president were E. J. Pearson, in charge of operation; John 1. lrew. account: J. M. Johnson. traCfie. -md Klndley J. Shepard, In charge of the New Tork office. Klngdon Gould and Frank J. Gould mere no re-ejected vi presidents. H. I titer was elected secretary treasurer and will have his headquarters In New Yolk. F.. T. Jeffrey, chairman of the board of jircclors of the Denver Hlo Grande, was not re-elected to the Iron Mountain directorate. " O. B. Huntsman, one of the former vice presidents, was elected assistant secretary-treasurer and was appointed vice president to look after the valida tion of stock certificates In the New York office. The new tdlrector are Kdward A. Faust. William If. lee and K. J. Pearson of St. I.ouls. and Nicholas V. Brady. New comb farlton. A. J. Hemphill, Cornelius Vanderhllt and W. II. Williams of New York. Old Director amed. The . old directors re-etected are Ben jamin F. Blah. Edgar K Marston. Kdwln O. Mer-lll. Flnley J. Shepard and R. Lan"aster Wtlllamj. The , oi l directors who are not on the new board ara'Oworge J. Gould, , JSiltCln Gould; Klngdon Gotdd .TameS' Apeyer, K. O. Adftbig; T. fT." Jletcaire, " E." T." Jeffrey and P. F. Pryor. The new directors of the sit. .taula, Iron Mountain Southern are Nicholas F. Brady, New-comb Carlton, A. J. Hemp hill. Cornelius Vanderbllt, W. H. William and Festus J. Wade, a banker of St. Laul The directors of the lntermountain re elected are Benjamin F. Bush. Kdgar I Marston, Edwin G. Merrill. Flnley J. Shepard.-Albert Wlggln and also E. C. Simmons of Bt. Louis and C. A. Pratt of Little Rock. Ark. The old directors of the Iron Mountain who were eliminated In the organization of the new board are George J. Oould, James Speyer. E. T. Jeffrey, Jacob G. Metcalfe, Jay Gould and S. F. Pryor. Postoffice Clerks Fear They Will Get No Raise This Year Experienced employea at the postoffice. Who have been counting on the usual In crease In salary this year, are now fear ing that the expected "rale" vill not be forthcoming, because of the 'allure of the poetorfice appropriation bill In con gress. When the new bill failed to paw. the old bill was continued by resolution for another year, and It of course makes no provision for the usual Increases of sal ary and addltionj to the service. Of course, the younger employes will get their "automatic" increasea. which are governed by their length of service. But the older employer, who have passed the 11.100 !lmlt of automatic- Increases and whoae further salary Inc reases de pend on efficiency and are made only when special funds are available, are this year liable to be disappointed. The situation haa been forcibly em phasised to them by a published letter of Congressman Moon, chairman of the house postal committee. He wrote Post master General Burleson that only the strictest economy would keep poatal ex penditure within laat year a allowance. He aaJd that the curtailment would pre vent any promotions being made. First Asnistant I'ostniaater General Roper haa since Indicated that Postmaster Wharton. aJong with all other pontmaa tera. will have to bring about aome econ omlef, . because of a falling off In rev enues. Democrat Launches Boom for Fairbanks "AN FRANCISCO. March S.-Friends of Charles W. Fairbanks, former repub lican vice president, were congratulat ing him today on what they termed his "democratic boom for prealdent In 11." At a ceremony given In connection with the dedication yesterday of Indlana'a pavilion at the Panama-Pacific exposi tion William B. Lamar, a aouthern democrat, who la the I'nlted States com missioner to the exiioaitlon, said: "Indiana' la stJ a pivotal state in the political scheme of the nation, and who ran say but that tha nation may again go to that atate to select Its leader in the person of Mr. Fairbanks in llii? I am a southern democrat, but I know o! pothlng that would influence me mora in deserting my party than to have the opportunity to cast a vote for th In diana statesman fur president. ' 0EJT of il 7 D'AMADE of the French army, in command 5 i ?d force of Canadians, Australians and French trooi l rcccan, Egyptian vanc ii?- pnstantmopie. DAHLMAN PAYS FEE; ! ESCAPES 13 HOODOO f ' - la.-- ' , t " - r .. - u Hummel Register! Candidacy at the j Same Time and Receives Num i " ' ber of 111 Omen. AN ACCIDENT, INSISTS 0STR0M I Mayor Jtfinen C. Dahlman yesterday filed in the office of the election I commissioner as a candidate for re J election and narrowly escaped being j the thirteenth candidate. In fact, the. mayor only escaped such a catastrophe by the sacrifice of Commissioner J. B. Hummel, whose Iname was ruthlessly. written in blank No. 13 of the list banging In the of fice by Deputy Henry Ostrom.i Mr. Ostrom declared It was accidental. "Both filings were made;hy Burk Tay lor, superintendent of street lighting," he declared. "I didn't notice until, after ward that Hummel was thirteenth." However, thli" may be. It is certain that should Mayor Dahlman receive mora j votes than Hummel, some of the latter'a I friends are going to blame Oartrom. Three city commissioners are now en I rolled as official candidates for re-elec- tlon. Commissioner Charles Wlthnell be j Ing the other member of the trio. The 1 mayor declined to aay whether hla ac tion had anything to do uith hla pros pects of receiving a federal appointment. Kickodamus Dargaczewskl of Bheely-1 town haa paid hia filing fee. ' Jamea McDonald, one of the super- : 1 viaora In the city -park and boulevard dc- ; ' parlment, states - he1 has not decided' whether he will resign hia position aji'J I run for city -commiefiionir. lie una nad j !a petition circulated., lie says he will! confer with T'lty Commissioner J. H. 1 Hummel, his boss, before deciding. Th jeicldlng The ty hall' these gnation of an ; general practice in th-- ci ' days Is to require the reaignati emploe who wants to run for an elec . Uve office. J From twenty-five tu forty votera are ; registered in the election commissioner's I office each day in preparation for the I I city election. Practically an equal hum- I ber are securing naturalization papers In I I the office of the rlerk of the district ! court. There is less activity of this kind than before former elections since the new law went Into effect. It waa said In 'the election commissioner's off'ce. ! 1 . j Stock Quarantine j Against Eastern i Iowa Continued l I 1 From j U'COLN Staf Correspondent.) March 9. (Special Tele- 1 gram.) The Uve Ktock Sanitary Board I of Nebraska after an exhaustive hearing jhas decided to allow tha quarantine, Iwhleh would have expired tomorrow, .to dl ao far aa It concerned Missouri and western Iowa and South Dakota, but will continue the aame on all territory already quarantined against. The territory in lowa atlll to lie under restriction com poses all of the territory east of the east lino of the following counties: Worth, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hardin, Marshall, Jasper, Marion, Alunroe and AppaiiooHe. The board a III placu Dr. I my at South Omaha andjr. Olhson, atate veterinarian of lows. ll place an Innpcctor at bioux t 11 f jr a lik purpusv i i - ) ) L and Sengalese making the ad- TWO LADS GET BACK SIGHT ON SAME PAY One Shot by Airgun, Other Injured by Pitchfork Vision Restored by Omaha Doctors. . i ;. t MEET AND TAIK IT ALL OVER I Harlan j Neb., and Hoback. 11. of Peter Duhamel, ' Colon, 13, of rtapia uy, a. U., met IOr tne fim -moved to the American able. It la alated time Monday afternoon under Cir- that the railroad Is being torn up from cutnstances which aroused the inter'-j riPdra Negraa to Nava. It is said that , - . . . .1 aside from the destruction of the rail- est of even the nurses, who are u.ed?rf,d ,t Bot ,nllcln.ted that lhere w, to unnsual situations. ,ny destruction of property.. Pledra s ' Both boys were brought to Omaha j Negraa la reported quiet and there la nt about two 'weeks ago for the treat-i'odu" as yet to the American sido." ment- of - Injured eyes, the . Ho-) Prieats Meat Par Haaaom. hack lad bavins- hPKn Inlnr.H hv a "1 '-Ori ANOKLE, Cal., March -An- " --W3 " - pitchfork and the Duhamel bey hav- Ing been shot by a "BB" from an air- gun held by a playmate. ; Doul ts wore felt by the parents In tach case as to the recovery of the Injured eyt-a, but prompt anfl efficient treatment resulted in the saving of both eyes. ' The youngsters were taken to their homes Monuay evening.. Before leaving the hoHuital the boys were Introduced and allowed to have a little talk between thuinselves. They told eac h other how "It happened " Peter sold he would lie wary of nlrguns In the future and Hai - Ian declared he would be guarded about pitchforks henceforth. Boyish enthuslaam manifested Itaelf as they contemplated the delight of going outside again and viewing the wide, wldo world with te-fclon-d v'aion. Happier still were the anxious parents when they were told they could take Ithilr sons home and that the 1 yea were saved. Dr. H. 1,. Arnold attended the lfh.,k I i ne 11001 i81;0''1"1 "' Har I w I!" ,.he Dl,,,"m''1 rold the 1 -iieu ouihi nosuuai. The Iloback youth was helping his father, a. funner. In a ham when the pitchfork acrldent occured. The Du hamel l.oy was Injured while playing with a friend who waa showing how straight he cnjld shoot with an airgun. faar Lea res fur Klnlaad. PKTRfKJRAD, March . Mm,,eror .-Mcnoiaa irit Petrograd today for Hel uingfori), Finland. In this space The Bee will print an informational series of nutshell articles telling1 why travelers should stop off in Omaha, which we feel sure will prove instuc tive to home folks as well as to strangers. We invite sug gestion from our readers to whom we will gladly credit such contributions of their's as we use, which, of course, must be kept within brief est limits of length. THt'GAT'CITY-OFTHt-WEST WASHINGTON ABANDON CAPITAL, AMERICANS TOLD TO LEAVE HIEXiCO iBryan Again Warm His Countrymen , - TT - A - rt..& T . 1 J 10 xiasicn vui 01 iruuuiru Republic to the South. CITY EVACUATED BY 0BREG0N His Army Repotted to Have Left Metropolis Early on Monday Evening-. iCARRANZA CAPTURES MONTEREY nlllKTlX 1 WASHINGTON, March a. The Villa anenry here announced tnnUht telegram had been received ftallng lhat '.a pat a force had occupied . Mexico City today and had begun re-' ; pairing Ihe railroad northward. Com- I numlcation with the border would be 1 restored In fix days, the message itald. . I WASHINGTON. March . -Warning to Americana to leave Mexico has been reiterated by the State depart ment, through the Brazilian minister at Mexico City. Secretary Hryan Bald tonight that the I'nlted Statea gov ernment would do what it could toward providing transportation for j those who wanted to leave. I American Consul Sllllman tele j Riaphed from Vera Crua today that ' he had been reliably informed that ! Ihe evacuation of Mexico City by the j force, of General Obregon began at 9 I o'clock lHt night, i l,nte today the emitter Pea Molnea, i en route to Vera Cruz, waa ordered ! to Progreso, where there has boen j local trouble and friction over Car j ranr.ii'g export embargoes. ! Cnrranaa Csplarrs Monlerrr. ' Th t'arrarro agency Issued u statrmrnt iilnlinlnn that Muntercy has hrrn cap Itnrcil hy ("arranza forces, with many I prisoners and a large amount of war aup j piles. Tha Stat department was adviser! that Pledr'aa Negras had been evarnatrj hy Carranxa troopa, who went toward Nirevo Laredo after pleln"tKa ofrirlal record or tha town on tha American aide. The folhuVlm aftwniaara waa tssBBan kv the department: "The department Is In receipt of advices dated March S fom Kagle Pass staling that on the evening of March 7 the VII liFtss captured Allende after a fight !at ln, two hours. The Carrauxa forcea are ttported to he In full retreat . toward Nuevo Laredo. Pledra Negras waa he Inr evacuated on the lth. All documents and customs heuae books have been j awerlug an inquiry aa to the present 1 status of the Catholto Drleata held for j ransom in Mexico City, General Alvaro j Obregon, commanding the Carransa j rorce" at he Mexican capital, telegraphed to Adoito larrllio, conatltutlonallst ren- resentative here, today that 2M Catholic clergymen were held and that they would he kept prisoners until they had paid him JHW.orirt. "Thl la a church tax," ftbregon'a mes sage read. "It la due to the constitution- 11 "(",inment and muat be paid. We I need tn moM' for f"d to relieve thu . 11 erl" of tl", Msxlrlln people here Uhragon also telegraphed that foreign- era In the Mexican capital were well protected and hat he would continue to "caro for them." Let Them Flhl." Hays tbamp. BOSTON. March .-Champ Clark, speaker of tha house of representatives, told callers todav tht Intervention by the Vnlted Statea In Mexican ' affairs would be monumental folly. "Let the Mexkana fight It out aa this country did In the civil war." Mr. Clark Is quoted as saying. If the Vnlted HtaUs went Into Mexico It would take IM.Onn men for cen turies to maintain order." The speaker spent several hours here on hia way from Manchester, N. H., to Taahlngton. ! STANTON IS SUSPECTED OF j ILLEGAL SALE OF DOPE I Police authorities believe that in the ar 1 rest of II. ft an ton. the first dope-boot-I legger !n Omaha, has been brought to j light. Heretofore, It lias been easy : enough for those desiring drugs to obtain ; plentiful supplies at almost any pharmacy. Hlnce the new federal dope law haa been In effect. Inveterate users who have been fortunate enough to get their dope have been obtaining It from men who sell K by the "shot" "deck" or pill. Detective Jack Psxaaowskt and Pel Rich after wasewtng Wanton for aome i time, made the arrest. At headquarters the prisoner bad a large buttle of mor phine tableta, a hypodermic needle and several boxea of cocaine. He la being held for the federal au thorities and will be prosecuted for hav ing an unregistered supply of dings, pro viding a mere serious rharge falls. "We will ! Investigate the caae." said Revenue Agent J. J. Drakeford, "and will prosecute the man on the charge of violating the Harrisoa act. the new drug law,, Jf the evldeace warrants such sctloa." A eajaHy not snore than 12,000 fine ur five years in prison, or both, is pre scribed for violation of the federal durg law. No minimum peaaJty Is fixed. MOVES AGAFS HOUSE TURNS DOWN REQUEST OF GUARD FOR AMPLE FUNDS a ( Nebraska Leg-iilature Reject the J3C0.0C0 Offer of Government to Put Stite Militia on Effi ciency Baaii. STANDS BY COMMITTEE SCALE Piovision of $37.5CO it Made for Two Year or Half that Bestowed Two Years Ago. CONTEST HEATED UPON FLOOR 1 Horn a Star' ( orrrs:ondrnt.' ' "" Mirrn r. i,-(irniii ; Tflegrani. 1 -Th sta of Nebraska ! rleprtved of over $300,000 of- j lered by the government today be- cruho the leglHlniure would not make a sufficient appropriation to enable (he National Guard to put itself on an efficiency basis. The finance committee, under the leadership of Norton of Polk, chair man of the committee, slashed the appropriation from (lia.OuO to $37, 500 In tha face of the government's offer to give the slate $.10u,000 and besides equip the Ashland range so It would be a mobilisation ground for the militia not only of this state, but of the nearby states. The committee was supported by a vote of 48 to 41. Meredith of Saunders moved to amend by making the appropriation $03,000. How Tlier Lined I . Tihhets, Meredith. Htelnmeyer, Palmer. Nichols, Chsmhers of Douglas, Jesiy. Broome. Hnstettler. Cronln, el'terson, Mockett and others speaking for the In crease, while Norton, V:'ler, Overman, Tayler tnl lloffmelntei spoke against It. . N'lchola pleaded for the guard and for the appropriation. He said that In the war of the revolution the militia Wua first on the scene of action and the same in the war of the rebellion. "Bight now the militiamen of Texas are being mohlllKed on the frontier for serv ice," said he nl this atate cannot take a backward step In providing In time of peace, hut with danger hovering near, a National Guard whloh'Wlll be prepared for the campaign of hardship Incident to war-1;'--i : '' v ' t i ' ' .' 'Chambers of tiouglns spoke in behalf of rxi..Lai.iu ,iiA.rj r-aX .ixuialaa xorod them unmercifully for what he al leged "dirty work." Taylor esieclally was hitter' airalnst the'mllltla and any appro prlatl6n ahnve the amount' reported hy the committee. Their Service la Tornado. Palmer of Douglaa thought highly of the guard at the time, of, the Omaha tornado and said bia for them there would huvc been much hardahlp and privation. A little later the house put Itself on record s being more favorable to fish than to soldiers by . raising the report of the finance committee ot t.0fl for the Valentine fishery to $10,000. Mr. Jeary waa In favor of the Increased appropri ation because he bad been told that fish niado good brain food and aa this legis lature avemed to need brslns more than anything else he would sapport the bill. Alter oting down by a vote of 40 to M the amendment for an appropriation of for thu national guard, the house then proceeded to vote down another amendment' making the' appropriation about the same as two years ago, or tDD.Ouo. flaw They Lined t a. The vole on the last roll call was as follows: Yes Anderson .f Phelps. Rate. Hanett, Brant. hlau-er, Broome. 1 hamlwra of Thuratoi Burgess, Clayliurn, Chambers of Douglasl'riukla w. COIll! Defoe. Cox. Crnnin, K'melund. Kvana, Kox. Fries, Ki'llev, 'o'ndev. (ireenwait. Hnffineiater. Iicjwhi III. Knifman, Kcch, Korff. I .a Huiinl' , Uagett. Lindsay. Mattcaon, Navior, Neff Norton. Nutaman, aterman, Parkinaon, Parrlott. Patterson. Belfenrnth, Beynolds, Keixchii k.m K uns' I, Heott, Korenson, Hternea, Stebbens. Mrevenaon, Taylor. Trumhle. Via I insert. Ward. Mr. Speaker 4. Ualhey, llau, I)ru sedow, KherniHii, Harris. Itosttetler, II utton, Hjn-k, Jeuiy, Ktme. l.anlgan. La CMell. LundgTen, M.urs, Meredith, My sen burg, Miner. M rkett, Moselev, Nealey. 1 Nelon. Mi hols. Peterson, Ilnga 11. Keisner, Be noids of Lincoln Has. ciidder, Selvers Snyder, H'xinmr) er. Tlbbrtls. V'oodhurst-4l. No Alnley, A nderson of Bord, Impressions of Mrs. Angle's Feet Are Placed in Evidence BRIDtl E7PORT. Conn.. Msrch (.-Impressions of both feet of Mrs. Helen U. Angle, taken - on Julv 1, 1914. at police headquarters la Stamford, were put In as evldenco today by tho state, which Is trying her for manslaughter In connec tion with the death of Waldo R. Ballau. It Is tha intention of the prosecution, ac cording to State's Attorney Cummlngs, to show that the bloody foot prints found la the lower hallway and In Mrs. Angle'a rooms en the third floor of the Rippawam building, correspond with the Impres sions of the defendant s fnet and that the bloody foot prints were made by Mis. Angle. T mm FIRST ANSWER OF CARRANZA IS GENERAL DENIAL Mexican Chieftain, in Verbal Eeply to Wilton's Note, Sayi There it No Crisis in the City of Mexico. WARSHIPS 00 TO VERA CRTJZ Washington and Georgia, Which Are Now at Guantanamo, Will Proceed to Gulf Port. CABINET CONSIDERS SITUATION WASHINGTON, March 9. Qn er Carrauxa hss made a prelimi nary reply to the American represen tations, denying generally the exist ence of conditions in Mexico City, which the United States has called upon him to Improve. In a statement made orally to American Consul Silliman at Vera Crux, the Mexican chief dented that General Obregon. his commander in Mexico City, had prevented food from reaching tha Mexican capital or that he bad sent supplies awajr. Meanwhile, however, orders went, forward to Rear Admiral Fletcher, commanding the AUantic fleet at Cuantanamo, to send two mora bat tleships to the scene. After.the cabinet meeting today It wss xsld that the sending, of the additional warships to Vera Crux was the only move contemplated at the present. , The entire Mexiran sltus(lon was gone over. Washington anal Keorala Meat. Admiral Fletcher selected the armored Tiflrr Washington, now in Hal lien waters with Hear Admiral Canerton, and the battleship ileorgla, commanded by Captain Rohert C. Counts, now at CJuan tanamn, to proceed to Vera Crux. The aelectlon of ships waa left to Ad miral Fletcher, and shortly afler noon today be reported what orders he hsd glvrn. I he Washington la the flagship of the 'cruiser aquadrnn of the Atlantic fleet. 11 carries 41 officers and 90'J men and Is commanded by Commander Kd ward L. Beach. The Oeorglt Is one of the first . line battleships of the third division.' It carries 49 officers and $64 mm., The Washington la a little faster thun the Oeorgia. and both ships, start ing today, should: be at Vera Crut ' by TbUMday jiUjhL ... - , . Secretary Daniels said that th Wash ington and Oeorgia had no orders other thsn to proceed to thst port at once, ecretary Garrison said no army move ments were In contemplation. It was d- dared generally that the course of the' I'nlted Utatea depended upon the atti tude of Carranxa. Secretary Daniels said' the ships st Cuantanamo had plenty of marines on board. te la oi tltlmataaa. President Wilson today said Carranxa' had been called upon by the United rltates to protect foreigners In Mexico' t'lty. The president reiterated that the government hsd represented Its views en what appeared to be the situation In. Mexico City. Ha added that in all such situations it was necessary to discount reports a great deal, because, ha said, certain persona would like to have th I'nlted Htatea Intervene In Mexico, even ir they had to manufacture tha facts on which to baso tha Intervention. When the president was asked If tha latest note to Carransa was an ultima tum, he replies that tha admlnlatration did not laaua ultimatums, but ei pressed its views and acted accordingly. . President Wilson referred to tha fear of outrages In Mexico City aa being mora presalng at present than anything that bad already, occurred. The tear waa, ha said, that the city would be left without protection. No Heaaest for laterreatlom. ' No request had come from any foreign government, the president ssld, for aotlon by the t'nlted States If, Mexico, although diplomatic representatives of two for eign countries had expressed their anx- iC'ontinued on Page Pour, Column Two.) There's Money in Farm Land today, and there is going to bo more money made in the near future than ever before. The farmer's profit this year has been so great that he will want to purchase more land. In today ' classified section of The lie you will find , a lar.rre offering of farm land from most of the states of tho central went. Buy today while you oan Ivefore priwa talce the big jump upward, which they are sure to do. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Krvrtnd "-arts Ua sr. aa