Till; HKK: OMAHA, TIKSDAV, MARCH :. 11)15. 9 OK II EXT linn n ml nllnira. 2 r!ii(-H'. l-mor mod l use '.,' tv m;. UoUSt'8 1'.' "'' ra"s "' e ity. v.reiKli & ,. M, f-ROi M It.-, 4.0 Detalur 61. cVl Walnut ,M?4. Storra mil iifftcea. b.,i.-AV1I1-A1M-K MAIl.m 8TH. k.VnJ. ot ,,.l", room on 17th St Hide of tu Idlng rry deslr.ible atlou and tha .' I? room ''hiukI.Ic on the street, lixio ft.; S.'u per month. tmk luildinu. Office K iom 01. KTI1 ana Vmton flat cheap. To I its., one store Hml brb k T Inr lvt. w. Tho buulin;; now occupied Ty American Druggist Syndi cate, 1 (It h and Leavenworth streets, 4 floors. Possession April 1st. F. J. Fitzgerald, ,'?40 Bee Bids. WANTED TO BITI Tale buys evervthliig'Sd Land. Tyler HH. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C Reed. 1.117 Fnriam. Dong. 6146 J. WK BOY ?d-hand clothes. 14-1 N. 14th. KEAL ESTATE FAnil A HAXCII LANDS FOR ALR California. Dream "with a purpose. If you determine to own a. home In California, you can. Our beautiful colony lands In the Sacramento valley, close to Sacramento City, will please you on sight. Rich soil, best of irrigation, (food Nebraska neighbors, rchool on the land, every convenience at hand. Your choice of a home all ready for you, with fruit, alfalfa, house and barn, or Just the land; In crop now. Ke nember excursion March IS. Hound trip fnre 150. (Jet ready and go. You will never regret it. W. T. Smith Co. Pity National Bank Hid a;. Colorado TO SETTLERS ONLY-32tVacres for $200; rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, CO and. X. A. Tracy, Ft. Morgan, Colo. Kansas. BARGAIN 210-acre dairy farm, near Sa naa, Kan.; write for full description and lilt ot 100 Ka.ntia farms for sale In central Kansas. V. E. Niuuette, Ballna, Kan. Missouri. GOOD lend, close to R R. town. 20 acre. 400. $6 monthly; 40 acres, $700. $10 monthly; 60 acres, $1.2u0; no Interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain In South Missouri; literature free. D. Mer Ham, Ellis A Benton, Kansas CUy. Kan. laebraakSk. THE nOSBBUU LAND CO., 414 Barker Blk., Omaha, Neb. Farming and ranching pays. We will take your city property at what It's worth and give you plenty time on a farm or n. ranch, where they are raising finest crops of all kinds, white face cattle and alfalfa; the best of water. Fare from Omaha td. FCR BaLE Best large body high-grade meaium-pricea iana ced land In Nebraska; vory required. C. Bradlvv. Wol- little money bach. Neb. FOR SALE SO acres. 6 mbes north of Central City. Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavelv. 860 Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffa. South Dakota. ITO-ACRE No. J farm land. Price $2.R00. Half cash. Forced to sell. Ixinn wanted pt 6 per cent Interest. Address B 121. Bee. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Beat uu.iy and genoiat crui stuie In tin Union; seuiers wanted. Lands lur sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land UranC Excellent land for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addiesa Land and Industrial Depai Unent. boo Line Hallway, alUineapulla. Minn. FARMS FOR IlKNT UNIMPROVED 4 and 11-acre John N. Frenier. Douglas brA. tract. KEAL ESTATE FOH KENT Farm and Rancb Lands. EXCHANOES-Kllas ROaBlNS, D. 2842. REAL ESTATE LOAN 8 CITY and (ami loans, b 5V per cent J. H. Dumont & Co., 416 State Bank. WANTED-City loans Peters irusi Uo. 'WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Faruam Smith & Co., 130 Farnara. Iiuu to lO.uuu luatle promptly. F. U. Weed, Wead Bide.. 18th and Farnam Sts. GARVIN BKOS oenat". EEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6fo CITY SI 0-3 12 LOANS. Brundels C. i'!berg, Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. jS State Bank Bidg. MONSY on nana tor city and tarm loan H. W. Binder. Cliy Natl Bank Bld. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2711 1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bidg., Join and t'arnam Sts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES DEEP Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. XERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 303 a. 17th BL T'hone Douglas 6487. KEAL ESTATE Foil EXCIIANGb. TWO email Improved Nebraska ranches; small payment down and terms on bal ance. Why pay rent? Investigate and get price and description. Have good ex changes to offer. J. A. Olson, f36 Bee Bidg., Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE a buyer that would like to pur chase a tract of land for subdividing, or jeveral piece of close In property, either Improved or unimproved. Will invest 160,000. Must be worth tho money. State , m ... , . .. locauua euia price in answering, jvaareas . REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR SALE Two acres nar Krug Park, 3 blocks to car, cement sidewalk from car to land; city wster; or will trade for cottage. Address R. F. Rain, Coun cll Bluffa, la. 6 AND 10-acre tracts close n (or sub dividing. Phone Doug. 2S47. REAL ESTATE N'ORTH SIDE 2677 EVANS 6-r. r..uC nonie, oak throughout: easy terms. Web T9' flnlaii 1- . aA'TT.X. .mII K.BIItlfnl ninHi t n hnm, eight rooms, one of Omaha's la-nt residence districts. Desl direct with owner. Ad- drees L U4. Bee. REAL ESTATE MIITH SIDE NEAR HANSCO.M PARK. $1,350. Nice little o-roi.in cottage and good lot 40xlU, close to car mid schools. ilease note the low price. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, loog. 17M Ware Block REAL ESTATE KIHIHHAX Duadee. Dundee Snap Five-room bungalow, fine condition; hullt by dav labor Price, 14 7jn. Phone Walnut 1234. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Government Report on Farm Re serve's Will Be Announced to Public Today. LITTLE EFFECT ON PRICES OMAHA. March 8. 116. The government report on farm re serves will be made public today. There have been n.any iiur.WK as to the amount of the various grains held lv farmers In the United State and an average of tho estimates sum up about as follows "heat. lht'i,iMl,OtiO l.ushels: corn, V,oiu bushels; onts. ,YAti0.i bushels. These compare with wheat. ir.l.w9.t bushels: corn Kill. He ia.1 ti.,..l,..a Mti.t nata 41.Uil.H" bushels, a year aa.v This report will not ut much of a figure In price making, as It Is known that the country has been pretty well cleaned up of surplus wheat by exporters. Owing to the enormous wheat cr p of 1914. however, the farm reserves are likely to be larger than esti mated hv manv. I 'nder 'present conditions the May wheat Is likely to sell higher, and as the stocks In the elevators ure almost nothing. It will be impossible for the shorts to get out of their present predicament via the delivery route. Thoe in the ranks of speculators on the Board of Trade who are friendly to corn, and among these are somo of the best Judges of conditions known to tho world, advance the opinion that there will be smaller receipts for a time at least, aa farm work Is now under way In tn belt, and receipts are likely to fall off still further. Exporters are taking more com. but tho east la not buying any worthv of mention. The situation In hog products will con tinue to hinge on the run of hogs at the yards, coupled with tho fact as to whether the outsider becomes a real par ticipant In speculation In thla market or not. The cash trade in both meats and lard has been light and the stocks of manufactured products at Chicago and III the west are large at the moment. Liverpool close: Wheat, not quoted; corn. Vo higher. Primary wheat receipts were 594.0OO bushels and shipments 6lrt.00n bushels, against receipts of 102,000 bushels and shipments of 436,0uo bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were t;7.00O hush els and shipments 63S.0H0 bushels, against receipts of 1,479.000 bushels and shipments of SUO.noo bushels last year. Primary outa receipts were 771.000 bush els and shipments 9M,000 bushels, against receipts of 1.074,000 bushels and shipments of 784.000 bushels last year. CAKLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas I'lty St. l.ouls V'lnnls?g Those receipts were Wheat: No. 2 hard. 1 . 89 72 Hw .19 .142 . Hi . r: . 7 rw S4 66 ,.! reported today er xi.4fi: 1 car. 11.44. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, llv. a cars, $1.44. No. 4 hard winter. 2 cars. 1.42. Kve- No. 3. 1 car. SI. 10. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 1 car, k No. 4 yellow, bulk head, 67c. No. yellow, 1 car, ftTVc; 1 bulkhead, 67c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car tnear white!, ffc; 1 car. SVc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 67Vtc. No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 67 Vc. Oats: No. 3 white, R cars, R4c. No. 4 white, 2 cars, fi3c; 4 cars, 5.1Vo. lmaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard. Jl. 43411.46: No. 3 hard. Sl.ti'dl.464; No. 4 bard. Sl.H3'al.43: No. 3 spring 1. 41(11. ; No. 2 durum, f 1.3011. SB; No. i durum, Ul.sydl.37. t:orn: No. 1 white, I'.tJiOVc; .o. 2 wniie, ni.'iliw , no, d wniic, 'v4if Pr; No. 4 white. 67Vfic; No. 6 white. ti.tiiic; No. 6 white, (;Vni7Vc; No. 1 yel low, H ft fin-Tic; No. 2 yellow, 6SVc; No. J yellow, OiViWc; No. 4 yellow, .fi; 67kc; No. fi yellow. 6Hfr7Hc: No. 6 yel low, 66VU7e: No. 1 mixed, Kir9Ve; No. 2 mixed. SaVc; No. 3 mixed, 6iTrfSVc: No. 4 mixed. 67,fc74c: No. 6 mixed. 7(3 67V; No. 6 mixed, ikiVuwe. Oats' No. 1 I while, MVnelVjc; standard, iAHr; No. .1 wniic, ojlfUfHc; iNO. 4 wnue, o-i''ioon.c. Parley: Malting, K9r7Se; No. 1 feed tWi so. Hye: No. 2, SL10S1-H; No. 3, JLtWrf 1.10. CIIICAtiO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, March 8. -Wheat jumped up ia In value today owing to urgent buy ing ascribed to the war crisis regarding Italy and Greece and to well founded be lief that domestic farm reserves would prove small. The Washington figures on farm reserves as made public after the close or trading, 1ml Ira ted that the percentage of the I'nlted States crop still in first bands was the least which had RAILWAY TIME CARD UMIOM STATION Tenth and Aiasea Chicago A Northwestern NORTH. Dspart. A rrlre, altVM pm a .16 am a 8:4o pm all .14 am a T:U am a 7:M am Twin City Eipreu 1 T.tt im D.kota Paueurer b T:4ft am Bloui Cltr Local Mluneapnlli Express Twin City L,lnilt.a KAST. Denver Special ,.a 11 am .a :4i pm .. 1:04 pm Carroll L.oc.1 ... H.wkeye lUuret Cbic&go Local .. C.i roll lxio.1 ... ..a 7:00 am ..t :M am ..alJ4 pm ..a 4:30 pm . .a 6:00 pm ..lll:M am ..a lot pm a f 00 pm M:2 S Lo ooJS (tllf.no special 8.n Kr.lKt.co Llmlled. . . . . a 7 :20 am .10 16 am a t:30 am 10.L6 am aU:W am Overland LKullea iHgon-w ..illusion iimitea. .a l it pm La, Annies Unilted ..a f.M pm WEST. ChaJron Loral Uucoln-Dallas Llncoln-lxms Pin ... Hilnf-Huprlor .... lie.d wood-Hot bprlot t..per-Lniler ....a 1:20 in a t SO am ....a 1 11 pm b 8:15 pm a I II pm ....a 161 pm ....b i to Bm a I 20 pm alO:l pm b 130 pm a 6:2 pm all. 00 am Albtun-oa.aais b l a pm Chicago, Mllwaakee A St. Paul Psctfle Limited a 1:60 pai ali:U am ducaso SPial a eu pm Chicago IMyllsht Special. .. a T IS am lillturnla Mall a 6 W pm WaLllla Local a t.SJ pm Chleaajo Ureat Westej-n Tela cur Limltad a 1:30 pm Twin CUy K.preaa a am Cbuaao Kxpraaa a t o. pm Mlaauarl raclflo K c a Ht. L. Bxpreaa a l:l am k r. a St. L Kipreas all :1b pm K. C. BU Paul al.Wpm a 7 .M am aU:16 am a g:n pm all:M am 1 I M am a t to pm a 1.6 pm a t:lt am a t oo pm a .m Chicago, Hock Island ctflo EAST. Rocky Mountain Illumed. ...all it am Cbtcao Local P.K!Dar biO.oo am Chicago U.r epr.e a JS am Cnlcago Nlgbt fc.preen a 4:lu pm Ilea Molnc. Loual riuuiiu.l . pm Cticago-heoiaaaa 1-lmiieu. . .a w pm (Sji -Neb. Limited to Luouoln a I 46 am luiuraoo c.illnala kip.. .a l.tn pm Okiaboma a Texas a,.pieaa...a 4 M pm Kwr Mouautn Uiolied all .47 pm Union Pacific all:06 nm S'JPmiW a 1 11 pm ail.ii u a tJiH am a I 4; pm ll il M 11 .M am ali.lf am 1 Overland Ltmiwa , .a 100 am .a 4 0 am a 14 pm all M am S 6:4) pa a : am a t en pm a 4 On pm a 7:00 am a'rii'poi a 1:1a pm a 4 m pm alo.M .m tU.at pm a a am liM pa a 44 am .11. W pm California Wall Cuuna gxprecm AUauia fcxpreea Ujs Angelee Umlted... Colorado B.preaa Colorado bpsclal , .all :6a am .a 4 20 pm .ail.au am o am all .40 am luu, KranciMO limiiea Jfic Uimlted ., U.rlaoa-Wa.nlngtoa UmlUd..aUI: am Nona Platte tc Suonlabu. Loc' BU U P Illinois 1'Sir.. tklcago LlrnlMd ( hicgo Wibaia r..JLha-cC Ul llipreas.... U pm Mall and g.preaa.... ... 7.tt am BtKLIJfGTOJI STATION feat, aaa Masoa. Barllngtoa Desert ..ali u am . a 4 1 pm ..a 4 ui pm ... I k am ..a 4 ui sm ,..b 110 pa ...all 14 am .a 14 am ..at 14 ,m .. .b I 04 pm ..a 1 11 am ...til 14 pm . a 7 si am ...a I 4. pa ,. a 4 M pt. ..b I k pm . a l a pm ...a l ii aai .. .an .04 pm AfrtTa ait si am il N pm a 1 W pm a 1S pm a I ts pm alt 14 pm a 4 14 am 4 1 pa en am bio .m a 40 am a i tv sm Iwnaer Limited ........ 1S...I and Lllfrnl.. lfug.1 aomid E."aa... IN.bit.ka Polnta - , f Hill I Lincoln Uil lr.orih.Mt kipre-a N.biaaka Sipraa I lJoculn l-ocel 'ttbuyier-PUtumoath I latiameum - uw I u.ieue-rltimouth .... I i n leas '.'P"' Ctncaao tip"" thicago ra.1 kipreas... Crc.ioo Uecal ... hi. U A a- C. Bpectal. llital a 1 an .m til hi aa "ail" "&4 ani a 14 pm a t.M am hi. Luula npeciai.. k c. a si Joseph... Joeepo.. K. C. at. WEBSTER BTHKET STATION Flf teeata aad Webster. Ihleasjo, Oanaha- St. Paal, Minneapolis A Depart. . b t v am ..b S pm . . m aa ArrlT. b 4 x pm bit U aa Tela C" Paaaenger... Hon. Ur S.pree. Htui Clir P.Menger.. Kmermoa Lscal b -.us pm '"ii'sil a dailr. b eatli except guaaw. been reported at any .responding time In more than seven vear. The market closed nervous. 3', e tv vtc aNve Satur day night oil-cr nrt advances were Corn. Sc to V'l-V-: osts, U.c to l1'. and provisions, i.'t,,- to .kv. It was especially In the last hour that flurried bin mg carried wheat up with a rush. The crest of May whest was fl The tinish was slightly under the tc level of the session end Wajc down as compared with February 5. the highest record of tlie war. Juiy. the option 1n which speculative business was most ac tive, bulged 4V) before the greater up ward swing of the earlier month was stopped. Big cash sabs In the I'nlted Slates since Saturday and higher Liver pool guntatloii gave tho bulla an early advantage and them were in addition to the disturbing advices Horn Athens and Home, tidings that Spain had suspended Import duties and that enlarged compel i mm son liniavorsnie weatner were nu- i"' , 'rets 01 nonicr in Arn-iiimtv -v notable falling off In the weekly total of the I'nlted States visible siinnlv counted against the tiear. Slowness of cash deniand as compared with Immense stocks on band prevented corn from responding freelv to the strength of wheat. Farm reserves turned out to lie smaller thn expected, but this circumstance did not develop In time to Influence today's pritc. Oats ho".ed fironounced firmness, notwithstanding cssened call f r m the srnlmard. Vtulllah help came from a decrease In visible si.pply and from a correct belief that farm reserve figure.! would be snisll. Provisions rose with hogs and grain. ljirgT exTiort clearances ot parking house products were also given full ef fect. Futures were quoted as follows: Article: Open. High.; Ix'W, Close. Sat y. Wheat j i j May. J 41 J 491, j 4!nJ 1 401,! 4,14. July. 1 16 1 1V 1 1 1 1 lev I IS Corn I I I May. T3 74 I 7r!, 7S ' July. 75V .'s! 76-y 7;.y Oats III May.' S6 R7S! Msv J7V (A July. I SIsv M I 62VI M 1 61 Pork f May. 17 71 17 92V 17 7" 17 KJV 17 JV Inly.! IS 10 is xu, 18 10 li S2V1 17 7 Lard I May. 10 fir) 10 fin 10 R7 10 V 10 fc July.l 10 ) 10 96 10 W 10 110 75 Hlbs I j I May. 10 IS 10 jo im 10 Vi 1" July.' 10 4?H 10 50 I 111 42 H 10 Ml ! 10 X7S Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red, ll.4tMil.fil; No. 2 hard, Sl.f7Vhl.fc!. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 74c; No. 4 yellow, 7QV&'71r; No. 2 white. 705,41 71c. Oats: No. 3 walls, fitVnfitiHc ; standard. (V6IH,4jt)7e. Hye. nomi nal. Barley. 711iS2c. Seels: Timothy, $4.6U4iii.:0; clover. SlO.furUH 0J. Provisions: Pork, 117.50; lard, 110.10; rlhs. S.12Va9.tUi. lil'TTER Steady; creamery, 2.1-u29c. ECHiS-Ijower; receipts, 140i7 caaes; at mara sea Included. 17'ilKsc. onlinary firsts, 17VolSc; firsts. 1NV. POTATOES Receipts, 4S cars; un changed. Pot LTRY Alive, higher; springs, lftc; fowls, l4c NEW YORK tiKEnL MARKET (tnotetlons of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. March 8. FIiOI'R Firm; spring patents. Si.3oi7.40; winter patents, !" iSra6.S0; winter straights, KftKfjl.5; Kansas straights, $6 6Vi(6.(irt. WHHAT-tipot, strong; No. 2 red, Sl.'4. and No. 2 hard. Jl.ttfv all rail, c. I. f. track, export; No. 1 northern, Duluth, si.t1, and .No. 1 northern, Manlioha, .1.7a, r. I. f. Buffalo. Futures were May, $l.n9V strong: CORN Spot, firm; No. yellow, Wc, c. I. f., to arrive. OATS Spot, firm; standard, 2V; No. S white, 6,'c; fancy clipped white, fi4Jjtinc. BRAN City. 1011-pound sacks. 126.30. HAY Steady: No. 1. $1,074; No. 2, STic $1.00; No. 3, xiVriSOc; shipping. 7Kk:. HOI'S Qulei; state, common to choice, 1914. UJ'dltie: Pacific coast. 1914. 134fltk': 1 101:4. HWlc HIDES Steady; Bogota, 31c; Central America, 30c. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 32c: seconds. SOwflle. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. S19.50 i2.u(); family. S22.0mh23.o0; short clear, SlK.00ii21.SiU. Beef, steady: mesa. S21.0.fi 2S.IJ0; family, $24 OiVq 36.00. Lard. Urm: mid dle west, $10.00jrt0.10. TALLOW City, 6V,c; countn-, 64&S7.c; special. 7c. WOOI t Steady; domestic- fleeces, XX Ohio, 33c. BCTTER-Steady; receipts, 5,228 tubs; creamery extras, 92 score, 30c; creamery, higher scoring, 31c: creamery firsts, 2bV JjiV; seconds, 2liC6e EOUS Unsettled; receipts, 26,890 'ases; fresh gathered extras, 2uV4(b21c; ixtra firsts, 19Vc; firsts, 1819c: seconds, Isijji lK'.c; nearby hennery whites, 22 ft 33c; nearby hennery browns. 21c. CHEESE Firm; receipts. 2.324 boxes: state whole milk, bold apecials, KiiK'ic; state whole milk, average fancy. lva 1BC. 1 POULTRY Live. Irregular; western chickens, 14c; fowls, 17VnlNe; turkeys, 14 tU:bc; dressed, steady: western roasting chickens, frozen, 17ij21c; fresh fowls, Ut 18c; turkeys, IS 20c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 8.-METALS-Lead: Steady. $3.904.10; at London, 20 13s M. Spelter: Strong. $11 N), asked; Lon don. :44 10s. Tin. nominal; five-ton lots, SSo.orKi62.00. Coper, firm; electrolytic, I14.7.Vf14 lf7: ra.llnr lllKAII !,UHdy: No' 1 northern, '$14.aOfid5.00; No! 2' $"-l-''5: No. 1 southern. $14.26'14.75; 1 No. 2. $12.4Mja4.7a. At London stxit coo per was quoted at 6.1 17s 6d; futures, 64 7s bd. Spot tin, 190; futures, 1S. An timony. 72ST6. ST. IIlllrt, Mp.. Marvh. 8-METALS-Iiead. stronger at $3,874 spelter, nominal, Minneapolis ftrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 8. WHEAT -My. S';0T: July. Sl.S&V. No. 1 hsrd. S14U; No. 1 northern, $1.41H'S1.46H: No 2 northern, tl.37Htil.434c. FLOUR Advenced; fancy patent, S7.I0: first clears, $6 10; second clears. B A R L E YWU 7.V . RYE $1.08. BRAN-$22.00. CORN No. yellow, 6,flni.c OATS No. 3 white, 64VipMV' FLAX-$inV41.8fi. Kansas City f.raln and Provlalona. KANSAS CITY. March 8.-WHEAT-N0 2 hard. $1.44tfl.4S; No. 2 red, $1.4.VcH 48v May. $1 4H; July, $1,134: September. $1.06 CiRN-No. 2 mixed. 704c; No. 2 white 724c; No. S yellow. 714c; No. 3. 71c: Mav" Hc; Septemher. 73ie. OATS No. 2 white. B64c: No 2 ml. erf 624fif34c. BI TTER Creamery,' 29c; firsts, 27c teconcs. '; pucslng. 174c EiJS l-lrsls. 174c; seconds, 16c. ' POULTRY Hens, 144c; roosters, 104c; turkeys, llii Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails NEW YORK. March 8. EVA PORATETi APPLES-Dull; fancy. S1; choice. 1 tiiic. p-inif. WiT DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady: Cal if onia, 4Vk'911c; Oregon. ftfcftlOV&c. Apri cots, quiet; choice. 94(tf94c; extra choice. IikJiIO1.,!'; fancy, l(j.fllc. Peaches, quiet; choice, fnS'ac; extra choice, 6','o6c; fancy, 7i7c Raisins, dull; loose mus catels. 61f7Wc; choice to fancy seeded, 7M0i7e: seedless. 6HJc; Umdon lay ers, $1 4.VS1.50. Dry l.iM4e Market. NEW YORK, March 8. DRY tVJODS Cotton roods were easier with the de mand r-.o.lerate. Rutall trade in the Metropolitan section waa more active. Haw tdlk was firmer. Dress goods were quiet fur immediate delivery, but fine and fancy worsted dress goods were bought liberally for forward delivery from the largest mills. Liverpool (.rain Market. LIVERPOOL. No. 1 Maiiliohu March S.-WHEAT-Spot. i'B id; No. 13s id; So. 1 hard winter. 13s CORN-Sp t. American mixed, new, 7g ifkl: American mixed, old, sa td; March 7s 4.d Fl OUR Winter latent ft. HOPS In I.ndon ipailflc coast), i'l lM4eA4 15s. C0IIO.-1 Market. NEW YORK. March 8 COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 7t. Salea 1i bales The cotton market closed steady at a pet eVHtne of 1 t' 8 points LIVERPOOL. March 8 COTTON S "of, firm; good middling. 5 15d; middling, 8 0ad; low middling. 4 61, sales. 8.0CO bales. j tit. !. Ore I a Market. I ST. LOUIS., Mo. March 8. WHEAT I No $ red $147. No. 2 btvid. Sl.ti; May, $l.fM.r: July. $1 14'4. 1.,V-NVi. 2 ',L- No. 2 white. 78U.iv' May. 7M.'5r7l'Ac; July, 7frc. OATS No. X KHc; No. t whfta, 57c OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Oenemlly Actire and Strong to Ten Higher Active De mand for Sheep and Lambs. H00S MOSTLY FIVE TO TEN UP SOUTH OMAHA. March 8, 191V Receipts were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep Estimate Monday S,U S Same day last week .. koi 10.H Same day 2 wk ago.. 3.M1 8.M Sam- dav 3 wks ago . ..'4I S R Same day 4 wks ago.. 3 Iff. 7N4 Same daya last year.. .' 4.241 .hu 8.4""i ls.i 13.246 The following table shows the receipts of cattle hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to j date, as compared with last year. 1 1915. 1914. Inr , Cattle 17117s 1U17 1.91 Hogs K49.014 6h3.iii3 K7.nl Sheep 612,940 etH.017 .923 The following table shews the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for tho I net few days, with comparisons: Date. I 1915. 1914 1918 l!'li 1911 I19I0. 19n Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. rah. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. S 86' M 8 93 Mar.8 Mar. 4 Mar. 8 . Mar. 6. Mar. 7. Mar. 8.. 7S M 26 821 9 861 29 I 8 681 6 16 19 I 801 88 i .1 ( b74J 8 j6 8 371 I7 S 881 I 1 8 891 8 471 Sll fl ; 8 781 e m I 6 4 V I 8 Ml 6 341 6 76 1 8 78' 6 48 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADft C . M A Kt P 2 Missouri Pacific .... f Union Paclllo f C. & N. W., east... 8 C N V.. west... 17 t, St. P., M. A O.. 19 C , B. & Q.. east... 29 C, R. 1. & P., east. 2 Illinois Central Chicago O. W 3 Total receipts . . 88 K.I 4 a.aal 1 33: 7 Mil 8 M 1 081 i 97 II I 8 S3 10 S 021 t 01. S 98 82 I 84 til 031 7 09' 02 a at,k 1 a 9bi 1 041 s i a e It ! 6 M i $ I9l 8 HI $ 891 I i 19! 8 11 84.1 I 60 1 I U I t 4fi I 1 7 10 Dh 6 4741 I 4.1; 8 11, S Oil 9 16 18 27. 4Hi 8 41 8 OKI 83 6 14 28. I ft 34, 8 18 6 11 86 I 89 1. M 8 SOI ISl Oil 8 47 t OS 1. 46U ft SRI e I a fc, a ui 1 M 6 04 I 6 4:'V 8 34 8 80 4341 8 29 8 241 I 6 UU! 1 5 .. 1 'i 21 t 11 3 8 9 .. 2 3 4 2 4 2 2 37 28 13 DISPOSITION H ISA D. C attle. Hogs. Sheep. 871 2.203 827 1,368 Morris Co 3M Swift At Co 3al Cudahy Parking Co 829 Armour Co 4fi9 J. W. Murphy Morrell 1 Lincoln Parking Co 7 S. S 171 W. B. Vansant Co S3 Benton, Vansant & L... 76 F. H. lwia SI J. B. Root Co 18 1.. F. Husi M Rosenstock Bros 106 crthelmer Dcgen.. 8 H F. Hamilton Kt Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... I Higgins 3 Tanner Bros 16 John Harvey a f 1 9.'2 68 965 othor buyers 101 700 Totals i.W 3,803 8.908 CATTLE Receipts were small this morning, only 8 ears being reported In. This is the smallest run for a Monday since liiree weeks ago and only one-third sr. large as for the corresponding day a year ago. Beef steers were sought after and the market was active, with prices strong to 10c higher than last week's close. Tho best beef steers sold up to $8.40, the high est price paid since January. The mar ket was active and practically everything was disposed of at an early hour. Heifers were also free sellers at prices that were strong to 10c higher than last week. A bunch of heifers and cows sold up to $7. As was the case with beet steers prac tically everything in sight waa cleaned up aT an early hour. Stockers and feeders continue In good demand, with prices firm. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed beeves, $7.7tV83. SO; fair to good corn fed beeves, $7.00.75; common to fair cornfed beeves, $6. OW. 00; good to choice heifers, $6.263ft.O0; good to chotoe cows, $5.7tVQ.0; fair to good cows, S6.000J 6.76: common, to fair cows. $3.6otyi5.o0; gcod to choice stockors and feeders, $7.00 ti7.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, $6..'Vflff.0O; common to fair stockers and feeders. $3.756.60, stock heifers, $S.t09 t.CO; stock 00 ws, SS.Oihb 31; Mock calves, S6.0OC8.00; veal calves, $7.0Jl0.(l0: bulls, stags, etc., $4.7V1) 2f Representative salea: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 mo I oo 14 tan T f I Ml 4 iiO n 1114 7 70 6 Wl 4 7.1 S T 0 1 940 4 7o p) 1117 7 70 5 HBO 6 70 17 1014 T TO 1 M0 7 00 3 J6 7 76 I mi t 00 1 mt 1 n II. .. Wl T 10 4 K.TT T H III 10J7 7 b 10 mio 7 o 10 U4i 7 K It 1160 T PI ken 1 40 II ..Ub4 SO 10 101 1 IS 32 IM t 04 6 604 T 4t U lll I 10 7. 4017 1 It 8 lilt ft ie $ U T to 10 ..1434 t 111 , .IK 7 M 11 1470 10 14 1114 7 M II ....12r7 I 11 21 lXfl 7 tO 1 1-A 10 It Xt ll'i 1 13116 I 10 lit Ml 7 40 4 11M1 t M 31 1341 7 W 14 1111 ft 2A 1 l'-7 J It 14 UU I 40 ftbft 7 tt S'lEr.R.-. AND HEIFERB. ft .1160 7 W I l I 00 4 441 TV COWS. k t. InO 4 2i 1 1100 H 1 77k 4 It 1 lmst ft o I Hi fU d M4 im il .....two 4 to 1 on 6 7 4 I 7W ft 00 t no 4to t 1040 in 7 77 1 4 44 1 tit ft 16 t tat 4 7 pert Hi 1 lie. 1 t to I D4t t 100 84 ft 1177 IN 4 10H ft It ft IIM ft itl 1 ml 6 lb 4 lilt g to 4 1070 U I 770 ft to 3 Ki ill 87 1060 i 10 7 eVl t tO 1 1110 fyl 2 11 M. t tO 7 1111 to 7 lott t 00 7 K.1 ft 71 I bio t i I ir ft so ft 1U7 6 44 170 IK 1 844 t 46 HEIFFRS. ft tit I 71 t 1104 ft ef. I Set 4 i 1 KWI T IU 4 ill IS ii 106 7 On 1 ;.. 710 i a i 104 7 uu BULLS. 1 1X41 i 40 1 1410 I IS 1 14eu I t 1 140 U I Mil I H 1 W70 6 a I 7 Ml ti an 1 .ltw 1 v 1 1440 6 10 I PUS) 6 It 1 Ifrfl 71 1 1e U I U.40 00 t rw to 1 MM 6 00 1 40 I to 1 17M) ft 10 CALVES. 1 - m ft M .... Itl im IS III 1 1 10 ft tt. 1 IS" 7 00 I 0 I 76 I. 1x1 7 on 1 101 t on 1 110 1 00 I IU ID 1 Ion 7 76 17 ft tt 1 440 7 7S I. 140 I 7 II 1 iS 7 . 1 14t I 71 nT'oCiaER AND FELl K.s. St. IU 6 IS I. 1040 7 an 4 , al T a II- t't 7 46 m mi 1 to a I4 1 m HtiOo Another very light run show up thla morning and the market waa Juat a repetition ol saluraay s, oeing very dull at figures that were largely 6&10C higher. KUIera' early offers wera not much better then steady, but nothing waa sold until bids had reached a nickel higher basis. Even then only a few hogs were sold and packers were finally forced to tark in another shade in order to clenn up the offerings, so that In the end most of the hogs wera cashod at ifflOc higher flgurea What hogs sold to shippers went on about the sania baaia, so that the general market can be quoted as largely totlOr higher than the average at the close of last week. As la usual when receipts are so light, the trade waa very alow all through. The big string of the sales was made at $6X. with a sprinkling at HUH, an oc casional bunch at 16.60, and a few up to $6 7u. the top. Supplies were extremely small, even for a Monday, there being only atmuttblrty eevan cars, or 8.601 head on sale. This 7,600 smaller than last week, and Is 1,700 short of the receipts on the corresponding day a year ago. 1 No. it ... 1 ... 7 . . i. 11 77 17 7 .. 41 At. Kb. Tr. Mo. At S Pr. .fit So ft 40 U Ill ... I 46 IM M ft HVt It IT ... 6 It il 40 4 00 70 til 40 6 It . ... ft at 7) nt ... 1 16 .uu ... 1 ai 47 r 1 ... 1 a. .pi ... 1 12'4 m ai ... 4:i4 no 40 6 rsi. t ri I 47 PTl ... 6 Ui 44 7 It 74, lit ... I it 44 lit ... ft 74 JU1 10 ft til, 64 17 St 1 70 .Ml ... lea St. ta ... ST .is to 1 at 11 art ... te s g 4 '. is . . . i 06 . : ..;.( ,.1 M SHr.EP-ln kieping witu the 1 xpe. t.i tions of the trade .al IhhI w e k s !" ttie receipt- w, r irry moderate tcl1 momma and a strong tone irii.ilieo Only some 60 heal wire r.p.i.ed In and unlle natural.! tlie 11, ki r boxers were on deck eaiu and began to fi.l orders In good season prices geni-rallv i.n hoth sheep and Isinlm were strong to a dime Mgher, with fat ewes snowing the most improvement Dining the eailv hour the movement a. ab-ward whs bilsk. but Inter on trade was not unite as ac tive. This was due to the packets claim ing i lower tiend 10 prices on eastern markets and to an Increase In the re ceipts al Chlcagti over tlie rarly el: mate Una'lv everything was weighed up at a acasonalsle hour The quality of the ofierlngs was nvicb the same as at last weeks close, with most of the lambs finding an otiilet at $9.t .. the latter figure being a fresh lop for the season to date. Four or five cars of fed western ewes made 11 new top for the year, the price being $,V There wes no feeder trade of 1 onseipience Quotation nn sheep anil lamp's: Lambs. Mexican S9 3 ti!.7'i; lambs, fed westerns. $1 .vai (HV lambs, shearing. $S.aife 50; ) enr llngs pght. 8vS"liVr... yearllnns. b'Hyy. IfOdiW. wether, good to choice, Iiyin h,i .,1. uootl 10 I'non-e. ,t..iui " cm e. good to civ'lce, fair to good. $7 ItVfT ?B $7 3.'W7 80. ewes. ! Representative sales 1 114) fed ewes MS 7 i-O in' 1 "I 1 M ' f.S ; ;i 9 no 1 ;t t-i ! ; i ii't I o! 1 00 96 & HI 4.V fe ewes lamls lambs lambs lambs iS fed :07 fe.t h8 fed 297 fed i fed ewes 22 cululs t lllt at.O I.I V F. STUCK M II K F.T tattle Weak llnaa Slow In lllaher Sheep Weak. CHICUIO. March H.-CATTLF.-R celpts, 17,i0 head, marked weak: native ateers. S-Vsn-ilO .m; western, $.'. bVtn.Ki. cows and heifers, $3.4tsiv NO, calves. Si fv,,i,v a. HOUS-Hecvlpta, 2t;.iM0 bead: innrket slow to Uv adv ance, bulk of alel v.i 5; light. ti 7o.ii7 .00; nitsid t.. ,iu 7 .'; heavy, $;.t.v!i'7-0o; rough, Wi&'i, pl. SHEF.'l' AND l.AMHS-Recelpts. 17.0nn head, market weak; sheep. $,' tai7 .90; yearlings, $7.65(0". m; lamt. i.iioni'.s... St. I.oals I. Ire Stock Market. ST. U)U1S, March 8.-C ATT I .E Re ceipts, 4.4U0 head: market steady; native beef steers. $; 0m)i on, cows and heifers. $8.fS4i.2a; aotithern steers, 8.2M7.75: cows and heileis. $4.00UO 0U; native calves, $t.OiKjlo.75. Hoi IS- Receipts, ." bead: mark-t higher; plaa and lights. $:.7.Vo7 70. mixed and butcher. $i.MiJ.10; good heavy. Su.w (f7.(. SHEEP .N1 t.AMBS-Recelpls. 1.500 bead; market steady; native mutton. 8a, Jfn7.50; lamli. $a.7WRt.ai; yearlings. $7. otvy. 60; sheared yearlings. Stl ni 7 2"i. 1 Kansas City l.lve Stock Market. KANHAR CITY. March 8-CATTI.K-Recelpts. lO.OOn head; market higher; prime fed steera. $s.25t(6.7S, dressed beef steers $70Oi8.u); western steers, $tl.Mii 8 25; stockers and fwilers, $ii.ixKii8 00; bulls, $&.ntVfi-5fl; calves. $6.oOi 10.75. Hot IS Receipts. 4.3HO head: ni'irket higher; bulk of salea, $6.Mk;i6 90; heavy, ftii .uw.in; packer and bnlcher. tH.Hm .9(i; light. S 75if.90; plga, $n tMipOfV SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 14.000 head; market higher; lamb. $. l'kr : yearling. $N.Oian.76; wether $7 2.V1W 0i: ewes, 7.inr7.60. Sloas City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. March s.-CXTTLK-Recelpt. 1.400 head; Him kel 0o higher; natlvo steers, t.H'uM . butcheis. $u .?'r 6.75: cows nnd heifer. $4 ftuflH.oo; canner. $4.0tV(if).00; stocker and feislei s, Sft.rHKn i 15; calves, $5.Ml&0; bulls, stags, etc , $5.00 flfl.flO I It MIS Receipt, 4,00i head; market 5'u' 10i' higher: heavy. $i..6Wfi6.70; mixed, $'m; light. $'l. '(! 66; hulk ol aalea, St!.'. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. sVHJ ead; market 10- higher; ewes, J3.75ii7 X: St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 8. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,000 head; market steady; ateera, $7.I4.50; cowa ond heifer. $4.0nti.u0; calves. 86.0nfi9.7r.. SHEEP AND LA MIS Receipts, 6.0H) luad. glow; lambs, $9iD.50. OMAHA OKNERAL KARKKT. - BUTTER No. 1, mt. cartons. Oc; No. I 60-lb tubs, 89c. CHE F.BE Imported BWiaa, Sic; Amer ican Swiss, 26c: block Swiss, 22c; twins, 16c; daisies, l'c; triplets. 17c. Young American, 180; blue label brick, 17Vtc; 11m burner, S-lb., 20c; 1-lb., SOc; New York white. We; imported French Roquefort. I0O. POTATOES Colorado Rurals, 7ia bu.; Red River Oblos, 80c bu.; Minnesota, whites. 660 bu. FISH Trout, SOc! large crapplos, ISo; halibut, lo; channel caUuth. 14c. AW KlCT POTATOES Kansas. $2.75 bbU BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 16c; No. 2 ribs, 14c; No. S ribs. 1044c. No. 1 loins, 17bc; No. 8 loins. ' IFiVjc: No. S loins, llo. No. 1 chucks. c: No. S chucks, MAr; No. 8 chucks. 7s.c. No. 1 rounds. l.Vic; No. I rounds, 11c: No. S rounds, 1)V- No. 1 Plates. 8c. No. 2 plates, 7'c; No. 3 plates, 7c. Pfll'I.TRT-Broilers, lt'iic: spring chick ens. 11c; hens, letillc; cocks, 8c; ducks. 10c; geese, c; turkeys, lttc; pigeons, tier doi., 90c: ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, lull feathered, fee: squabs, No. 1, 11.50. No. 1 hoe Market quotations furnished by Olllnskl Fruit company. FRUITia Oranges: Per box, extra fancy Alphabetical, all sixes, $2.7u. Paul Neyron. large sizes, $2.M, Sunkl.t. all Uea, ii.o. Lemons: Per box, fancy, Kunklsl. 3'iu, 3M. $4.0jjf.n0. Urapeirult Per box, 3ti. 46s, $2.00: 84a and 80s, $3.60; Ms, $2.25. Apples: Per box, extra fancy. Washing ton White Winter Peariiialnes, $1.7.i: skltsenburg. $1.50: Hoovers. $1 35; Black Ben Davis, $1.26; Black Twigs, $1 fiu; fancy Black Twigs. $1.36; extra fancy Oanos, $1 25- fancy Rome Beauties. I1JX); 5-box lots. $140; Ben Davl. very highly colored. Ir bbl., $3 5. Orape: Per drum. Califor nia Emperors, $3 50. Pears: Per box. An Jous, Jerseys. Sheldons, Hoaen, l'.aater. $3JS Bananaa: Per bunch, r2.00l.2ft; per lb., fc Strawberries: Per qt.. US'. Cran herriea: -Per bbl., ltte Howell. V.W, per box, $260. ... VEU ETA BLEB 4"allf lower, whole crate. $276; half crate, $1.50 Cabbttg: New York. Danish, 2c lb.: Wlsconaln. Holland seed lVsO lb.; California, new, 2c lb. Cel ery Jumbo. 80o dos.; head lettuce, $1.00 dos i leaf lettuce, 40c do. Onions: Red, 2c lb.; yellow. So ib. ; white. 2'o lb; Span ish, $1.75 crate. Artichokes, $1.50 dox.; endive 3oc lb.; Brussels spmuls. 'Jlc lb.; pepper's, Mic. basket: toinutoos. $6.nt crate; garlic, Italian. 4n lb.: shallot. 50c dox.; radlahea, b' dos ; turnips, 50c dox.; spln ach 60c dox.: parsley, Mo dos.; Iwan, 84 50 hamper. Onion sets: Ye'low snd red. 81.50 bu white, $1.76 bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rural a. 75o bu.; Red River Ohloa. mm bu.; Minnesota whites, 60c bu Sweet pota toes, $2.76 bbl. MrSCELLANFTUS Fhelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; limes. $1.76 per Imix , rrackerjack, $3 60 per case, cracknrjack. one-half caae, $1.76: checkers, S3 60 ier case; checkers, one-balf caa. $175. HONEY 14.00 per case. PITKH New York cider, $3.50 er keg. CTM)ANT'Tt4-$3.5Ti .er sack; 76.- dox. NUTS No. 1 Callfirnla walnuts. lXc nr 11. : black w alnut. S'.ic per ,b. ; fil berts i&c per lb.; can. !2Vc r lb ; Hraxlls, 13c per lb.; almonds, jic per lb; 50 t-os rigs, i i"-r uo . usr wiu nut dates, $1.40 per box; Halloween dates, c per bog , PRANl'To itaw, 10 per 10.; raw, iarx lots Jumbo, 8c per lb.; roasted. Vsc per Jb.; salted. $150 per tan. M lArtl I ROTM S- 50c. per lb. Sogar Market. Ntr.W YORK. March 8 COFFEE Fu tures opened steady at unchanged prlcea to an advance of points in response 1 the steady showing of the Brastlian mar kets, but eaaoo orr auring ine morning under a little wan sireei ana iriac rn- ln which may possibly have been In spired by predictions of a diminishing de mand irom r.uroH ine cnniiiiiMm tun receipts and tsik of May liquidation. The cloae was easy ai a nM qerinie or 10 o points. Sale. were 6,500 bags. March, 6 64c; April, 6 72c; May. 5.77c. June. 7c; July, 182c; August, w. Hepiemner. Wic; October, 7.'2c; Novemlier, 7oSc; Deremi ber, 7 lac: January, l.tir. hpot. 'eieauy; Rio No. 7. 7c; Santos No. f. 9c. Hlo exchange on Iond..n was 1 l-16d lower and mllrels prlcea were unchanged. Coat and freight offers were generally higher, ranging from about 6.70c to 694c for Rio 7s and up to 9.'oc for Huntos 4s l.oodoa Stock Market. IiONION. March 8 On the stin k mar ket today Canadian Pacific waa the only active stock In tha American section which closed dull SILVER Bar. 2.iSi per ouni. MONEY 1 Per cent, llacourit rates, short aad three moiulu, l'a per cent. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Securities Make Further Derided Progress Toward Higher Levels. WAR SITUATION NO FACTOR NEW oi;k. 1 III t II. t- lei l-icit ivv il lo.la 1 cii I-. is. 111 s-. holm 1 Mai cli a - Stocks made -to;rei.a toiVMiu hirtticr 1 iHiity laree 1 clonic 01 1 vv hlci w as In liev ed to n pieseni inii stiucni iii'pilri . ' ne new week Ismail with nuincioos indlc.itains o M'nir.ti lladc iin,n 0 . e,i.e,.t in tin' slcel nil,, aliliii .iiiiiinii tea. Advices from t.ie mid. lie wist p. in. ed t.i Hieater activity at .1 lid 1 1 1 m maii.iia. turluic centers and Hie I '1111, 'ii M.ii.s sic. 1 cori'io atl'.n was re-1-erlcJ to cave inc. eai.1.1 H- oniitul to t.i ir icnt o, capa.lt). l o.e.a.its 01 Steel 1 1'l I'i't'al 10 11 a iiii.iinit ti-tuiasc. which will I r is-,.ek, w euni'S.i.i . . a.igscsi a gain of 1101 less than ;ii,n n tons ou r r'eoru.iry. which. In turn showed an In. 'lease of 41.., tve Iocs .ivci 1 ie.-cmi.cr I luted Stales Sieel. with several of the ' Icadliia 1 ail.. 11 y ifstie mid Amalgamated o.il. li il the lliovelllent t tirotlgnout t lie , M s-l.11 tieaiirms tor profits caused I s.ui.e minor i". iittmi In the later ueal- ings. in. I nei pallia ot r.- (aunis were 11. e r.ile Coppers slid Ilie iisn.u miscel laneous giitiip of si-el inltles wire put lor vmii. al oi'u mteiva's. the rise In the metal ali.iri s la lug attended by reports ol tlllge c('.ls Speclitc re. 11111 Hi'- loiupai.liil Inr rise ot certain stocks, no.ai'.y Canadian Pacific. which was .trim,: In London, and .ew Ilincn. will .1 ... . u ... 1 .1... r... UA In its bfioit fT January, stocks ami bonds 01 the M'lcrnl lallitia.is comprising the 1 miild group were active at higher prices, presumably In anticipation 01 lavoralne dev elopmenls at tomorrow's meeting ol tie .ilainiil Paclilc shareholder. Apart ti-i.in v anile rumors, the foreign hit 11a 1 1011 was not a (acior In tho day a .. . . 1.- ..I. ...... .. .-., al n itl.ml - ,,'iri.is. 1 01 "so . ' in.",' " " lulu in ii... ui,. 'ti.e of anv Immeill.ite an II - Ints for Europe, but a fair amount of I iixlno wa ri'portisl In the new leer man war notes Drain markets were alnum "n the large export demand. Tee government crop rcart showed a deer, ase 01 2.117 per cent In tarm reserves 'of ginln. Total salea id atoi'K inr ine nay Weu 2mi.io shares. i Bonds wire snoim, oesoiie tensive selling for foreign Interests. Total sales, par value wera .,oi.i.iw. 1 annum coupon Is adviinccil , per cent on call. Number of sales and leading uuotai ions on stock galea High. Low. Clore. 1 7. .11 sot. :io ;tns I (km ;a '' M' I 7ll 1 '"A, 3Sn ISi 17S '-" 1 M) HI. Vk 1 pii pi'l, till Mat li.' I"-' l' l.l H'V, IJiS l.i" 4.H r.'4 IrVa lil I. am M4 I1 Ja J l Ms, .S W'ai j urn ai M't tvk "k 2 2iM lk I71 17S 4 .i ml liik l'"11 ,vtn 34 S M 'k SO 41V. 4ITk 6:i'4 f .i' P"aj leak 1 pal '. 7t T ... ..... 118 am St', 34 34 4tO 26a 2I4 21 'I 24 7l tai S "1 3 12V, riit. I'J'a mi ma, rms i"H I jki inn, iiiv lS 1. l.vi :' :v. u tin bl a H Asi 104 S) t.k.al l.'.l: W W l.Ttu n "4 ' m r4 1,0110 IMV4 lib IV. llil 6,100 rWi, 641 ;i 7il 11' 111 I"1 111 ft. 500 I2'k 12 II '4 131 3.(00 ti 64H 54V. 4il 1.1 11 tl 1 wo .44 Kit, kl a.iiai tilt, ih r.:", I.Iiki lici, milt nav, t.toi IH4 lftn inav, 10 l.MO int'g in'.tt 1oY.v. una lr.iit 151 1 i:a 1.I.H1 174 17 w I7H 14H 144A, 14 lt.M 011O 'Juki invk , 44 1Vk It 1, mo k,',i, ant , I, Will IU, 1I.A, lMk I.; 1.0 a: 27 w 2714 MSI IU, I'M 1:14 V, . l.n iiai lint. 1J"S , 1 ii nm. lilts lmv. I.n0 M t M'k nm in, 4.1 a, an, lino ana, m A lank, u.il.l Alt'. I. ,111.0-1 fopper A.n.rl..ll Hel Slig.r ... Aiurrl.-.n '.n ' An.iTti'an H a It . . Aiiirrli.il S A- It. pin., Am Sus.r Itednltis Amrrlran Tel Tel..., ALierleen Tnli.i'i'o Auii.iin.lH Mining Al.'lil.nn nalllmiire t'hln . Ilr.s.klvn H.lHA Transit.. 1 alll.irnla rnrnlniin . . r.n.ilian P..'lftr Ouir.l tMllier t'haMl peaks OI1I0 Clni-.au Oreat Western. I'lik.sn. M HI I' I'M.SMin N. W - ttilno tipper N.nr,tn Fuel Iron... i'nli.isi a HinSlitrn... I)l ver lllo llr.tlrte... Isnver Ar H O pf.t Pl.illler.' Securlllea ... Hrle tlener.t Klei-trle Ureal Niirlhern pfrl (Irral No. IHn ill. lltiga?.nliely Kiplnr.llna. Illtm.l. l enlrsl li.l.rlsiroitsli Vtel ptrl ItiiSilralliin Clipper Int.. n.. II" 1. .1 Harvester. Karma I'llv Soul hern .. lhian Vnlley lntlsTlll N.shTllle.. Mill. .11 Pelroleum Miami laiper Ml-siiiirl. K. T MlRM.url I'Mrlfli- N'.lliiu.l llla.ull National lieed Nevaila t'oisier New York ivntral N.V.N H II Norfolk Ar Western Northern r.ririi Paelfln Mull Parltln Tel. Tel Pennsylvania Pullman lvanve liar ItaT t on. Ciipp'' Hearting 'Heimbllc lr"H Steel... iKoek lalauil IV Kis-Jt lalanrl Co. pfrl HI I. a K F. Id pt.l. Snnthera Psrlfle Sntil.hern liallwar Tennessee I'opper ...... Teiaa iVinipanr I'nlim Paiiflr. I'nlnn I'arlMi' pfd tiah t'oisier Weatem t.'nion Meatln.hniue Klerlrlo . T.rtal sale, fur the day 3U..MI0 sharea la'CTV York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 8 -M ERCANTILE PA PER 3Viti3'x ler i-ent BTERI.1NO KXC1IANQF1 Barely steady; alxty-day bills. $4 7960; for cable. $41H5: fur demand, $4.kl. SILVER Bur, uOW; Mexican dollars, 3M-. BONDS Oovernment, strong; railroad, at rung. MONEY On call, steady: high, 2 per cent: low. I, per cent; ruling rate, l, per cent; last loan, I7 per cent; closing bid, I, per cent: offered at U per cent. Time loans, steady; slirtv days, SVMj'.!, per cent; ninety days. 24i3 per cent; six months, IVo1 per cent. Closing quotations on bones today were as follows: t). 8. ret ta, rg.... S'l Hi. Par. it, he .... 49H do enapon i--n. y. 1- g. miv, tj. g. Ie. teg 101 S N. Y. City 4H 1044, do reupnn 101 vt f Y. titate 4',. ...luw V. 8. 4., reg i' N. Y.. N. It, a II. do eovipon l"1, ot. lie lei r.netna im coupon. . HBP No. p.olflo 4. 91V Am. htinalur tin 104. do la .... M A. T. T CT, 4Vs ,o, g. U. raf. ... Wt ..... e,-s 117 . . . . io KH4 4a tt;wj .... kl .... kn Armour A Co. 4'rf . IMSk Paa T. A T. Atcblecn geu m 'a ieau. con. Hal. A Ohio do run. 4 Via I 'bee. OOlo 4S.. 'ltuHng n. n . & u I 4..... ts g l. a fi. p. 1: M A 8 P s 4',e ..luOM 80 Pan. ct. 4a do coo. ta llla do ref. 4e C K. I. P. - 4a Mi do ot. te 41. ek H. ref. 4ta .. IU', Ho. Railway ta.. P a R. U. ret. M.. 47 Union Peilllo 4s Brie gen. 4 "4 '4 do OT. 4a lien, lileritrlo b UU II. ST. ltilhln.r .l.-fA 'lit. No. 1st 4S.S. ra 11. s. meel lie ,.i.!-. W.Vi Walsuth lat b wi an .! I n Ion 4",a M wc, UlSWeet L'lec. 11. ts..0V 174k 111. I'en. ret. ..... K. t' Ho. ref. I.a I.. A M- unl. 4a... M K. T lit 4. bid. Offered. l.nral Stocks ana Honda. Qoolalliaas fiirnlshrd by Hum.. Blinker a Oo., 44k (m.aha N.ilon.l lank building: rltiieke Did. Asked. Oly garvlr pfd tlVt tA O.nllaental ll tt 1 per cant com ... 1 10 Ikseea o p''1 4 at K.lnnimt Creamery T par eant pfd louy I0114 lxoee Wlliai plarult let pfd kt M I.lye Slock Natl.nial, South Ornatia 176 . ... Oii.alia a '. H. HI Ity pld 74 (linalia C fl HI Hy outn f.lV, Htala P. ok of Omaha 114 T7 1.7 'a 116 tVj pa M 10 lnovt to k PSV. Ml l''Aj 74k M't 101', 7V 101 Hit IV ' pai V mo.. Y.ril. N.I hunk. South Dm. ha. sarin and Company.. .lot . M 1'nt.m SUK-k Yard. Onmha lipdlke Uraln com bonds Alalma Toser Co. (. I'll Houlliienlal U. A K. t., 127 INb... i hliago. Ml gilac. Ity. to. 111 tMtir Oas Nolea ft per cent. 1117 Humboldt Neh . lb-f ta. IkU K.naaa Illy. Mo . Hihcml 4a. I MI Uu-.an. Neb. 4ia, V Id lie West L tlllllra U. 111 - Mmlrsal Trajn. Pue. 4Ju ta. 117 llii..li a (' H. It, te. Wilt imi.li. Wul.r 4Vs, IMl lim.1.4 B. h.wl 4.. Mil Han Krani laru I 'al . k, 1 Ml I MO -swift and ftompany ts. It44 Trll'IU Ky A U ta, lkeo I nlyer.lly Plana. Neb. 4V. 111! Wk-klta H4i-k Yaels s, 1M4 W, L . II A Ho' Hprlnav 8 D. . H' . aa , W , M 104 V, , 7 P , 7 kSai I'll , m . kt-4 , fttvt . 0 . k Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Marco k. rilKJAIO-.l'u-liires were quieter early today and after showing a alight decllno under scattered Itqultutlon rallied on covering and trade buying and at midday were about un cha lined. Raw sugar was steady; cen trifugal, 4Tic; malaascs, $4u0c; refined, quiet; cut loaf, $6 !; crtmliod, $i 5ia:: mould A. li.SOc; culi.wa, 6.0i'., XXXX powdered 8', powdered, 6.6e; fine granulated, A Tin:, diamond A, b.7J:; coti- ftctionera A, b.Ooc, rvo. 1. b.ooc. PRESIDENT DEFINITELY DEFERS WESTERN TRIP WASHINGTON, March 8 Formal an nouncement that Presldont Wilson will he unable to attend thj Panama-Pacific expoaltloti at San Francisco this month waa made today al the White House. The president gave a a bl reason tlie necessity that he keep In clone) touch with "the various matters which the gov ernment has to deal with." jyHEAT ON FARMS EXCEEDS YEAR AGO Growers Hold Over Million Bushels More Than on Same Date Last Year. FERCENTAGE SOLD IS GREATER WAS?IIIN(JT(, March S. Owing to th heavy export nnd high price: of whont, extraordinary Interest ren teri'il in today's Department ot Agri culture monthly report announcing the amount of wheat of last year's crop remaining; on farm. March t. Tho department's crop reporting hoard, from reports of Its correspon dents and agents throughout the country, stlniates the amount, ot wheat, corn, oats nnd barley on farms, with comparisons of preceding years, tho proportion of each crop j which w ill he ahlpped out of the i counties where grown, and the per j rentage of the 1914 corn crop w hich was of niorrhantaMo quality, as fol lows: Wheal About 1A2.WI&000 bushela, or 17. i ler cent of the 1914 crnp. romalied on farms March 1. 191 I'ompnred with 151, S09,0iin bushels, or 19.9 per cent of fta 1913 crop, remaining In 1914; 156,463.000 bu.hels. or 21 I per cent, of the 1912 crop remaining In 191.1. and 122.00n.Oia) bushels, or 19.8 per c.nt. of the 1911 crop In 1912. About 60.7 per cent of the 1914 rrnp'wtl! lie shipped out of tho counties where grown, against U1.9 per rent of trie 1913 clop o shipped, and 61 8 per cent of the 1912 crop so chipped. Corn anil iata.- Corn: About 9U.i0 bushels, or 3f.l per rent of the 1914 crop remained on farm March 1, 1915. compared with f1, 39 ,000 bushels, or 8T f per cent ot tha 1913 crop In 1914. and l,29,6ifi,0ivt bushels, or 11.3 per cent of the 1313 crop In IMS. . About 18 8 per cent of the 1914 crop will bo shipped out of the counties where grown, against 17.2 per tent of the 181.1 crop gia rtilppcil and 21.8 per rent of tha 19!2 crop jo shipped. Tha proportion of the 1914 crop of mer chantable quality is about 84. S per cent, lompnred with 80.1 per oent of the 1313 crop and 85.0 per cent of the 1912 crop. Oat: Atmut .T..TRI,0fl0 bushels, r.r 33 2 per cent or the 1914 crop remained 011 farm March 1, 1916. compared Vlth 411. 47G.OOO bushels, or 87.4 per rent of the 19T. t rep !n 19H, and 804.218.000 bushela. or 12.6 per ant of the 1912 nop In 1P1S. About IS. 4 per rent of the 1814 crop will be shipped out of the counties where grown, against 16 S per cent of the 1818 crop so shipped, and 30.S per cent of the 19JJ crop so shipped. Austrian Prisoners in Serbia Have Typhoid Fever and Smallpox GENEVA, March 8-(Vla Parls.)-Ad-vlcea reoelvad here from Serbia set forth that typhoid fever prevails among the Austrian prisoners to the number of Tn.OtiO, who are In the hands of the Serbians. The Swiss government has been notified by the Serbian .military authorities that a Swiss doctor . narraf l,ai'hledor, who has been serving with the Serbian medical corps, was dead of this dlsenee. The Serbians are asking for morn doctors. Smallpox la said to be raging among these Austrian prisoners. HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! It (Jets to That Rore Uke MatTlr. SMt A-a-h! That's delicious relief for those sore muscle, those stiff joints, that lsime back. MUSTEROLE la a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard and other home simples. It does the work of the bid-fashioned mustard plaster, minus the plaster and minus tha blister! You simply rub MU8TEIROLE on the spot where the pain Is nib tt on briskly and tha pain is gone. No muss, no bother, Juat corofort Jog, txxithlng relief first a gsntle (low, then a delightful seruae of cool ness. And best of all, no blisters Ilka the old-faahloned mustard plaster used to make. There Is nothing Ilka MOTSTEROLH for Bora Throat, Bronchitis, TonsUltls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, HeaiWlie, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu matism, iAimbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Bora Muu cleg, Rrulsea, Chliblalos, Frosted Feat and Colds of the Cheat (It often pre vents Pneumonia). At your druggist's In 2tV and 50o Jars, and a aisnclal large hospital slse for 12 on. He sum you gut the genuine M USTBR OI.E. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Muterole Company, Cleve land, Ohio. Trtm Booklet Sent upon tvequest Your SaYtogt Will Bay Good Securities our Partial Payment niethod enables you to purchase hlgti grade, dividend-paying Stocks aad Bonds bv making a email Initial dapoi.ll and propurtliaiata montn ly peyuieiil.. Illvldeuda and tntaieai will be credited to your aoooaat from time ot final payment. Our Booklet L. ihown ahoye. whlck deacrllMie our partial payment mcUiod, mailed to pou upon requeet. BAaaU, WIMTX8VOP k oo. MuiiMia New Turk etork 1,'achaiiae. It Wall St., S. I. Tb aewtry. Ckle.s i oeuaieat am steer York riioi'k Ki.'hanga la TsetmeoA 4iponualllae ate prlnle.1 In alala tOngllah la THH llllll 1 IT HKYIKW. 11 a ysar. ejeud for frea c an an I laaua. 74 SrwaoV 4.,. New YTk I'ltT 11 at