Daily "WEIOOMK" ir.hUaong Omaha's algnaj arrh. The IW'i advents- THE WEATHER. Unsettled In eolnnuia are the rhsiuicl for yo to signal the visitor. vol. XLiv m 2-ji;. OMAHA. TUKSDAV MOKXlXd, MAKCII 1015 TEN PACMX Oa Trains anil at Hotsl Ksws Stand. So, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The Omaha Bee OBREGON TO YIELD CAPITAL TO MOB; FORCE U. ACTION Cairanza Confirms Mexico City Will Be Evacuated by the Forcet of Hit Commander. DIPLOMATS HURRY WILSON ON Washington Government Compelled to Move Through Pressure of Foreign Envoys. AMERICANS IN A SAD PLIGHT WASHINGTON, March fc Secretary Bryan stated later today that he had re ceived notice from General Carranza confirming the report that Mexico City would he evacuated and that the diplo matic corps hud decided to remain In Mexico City. Scarcity of war munition! in Mexico. It Is helieved here, has affected Villa's cam paign. The possibility that neither fac tion will bo able to fain a complete vic tory and that the situation may remain deadlocked Indefinitely In known to have Influenced the administration to take its Ptand. Phelllna; Continuous. The government recently haa been sub jected to a continuous bombardment of foreign lnnulrles. These activities of the foreign diplomatic representatives have constituted a moral pressure that has now practically compelled the American jrovernment to speak in emphatic lan guage to Carranza. The plight of Americans, however, has been of Increasing concern. Obregon's repudiation of Villa's currency worked the first hardship, because It made many wealthy folk penniless. The poor rioted, clamoring for bread, and Obregon pub lished announcements, practically sanc tioned plunder and rioting, even predict ing the evacuation of his own forces if the riots developed Into extensive dem onstrations. Offer of Committee. An International relief committee, com posed of residents of thfc foreign colony, come forward with an offer of 250.O0O pesos to buy food and take charge of the situation, but Obregon refused freight facilities or permission to undertake the work. The committee recently sent a petition to the State department described as of a ' most sensational character. Secretary Bryan has constantly declined to make It public, although apprised that the object of the committee In sending It was to give the statement publicity in the L'nitod Stutee. Mr. Bryan be lieves that in the circumstances, while the American government . Is bringing strong: pressure to bear on Carranza, it will not assist the plight of foreigners in Mexico City, If the statement la pub lished. In order to give his entire time to con sideration of European and Mexican question. President VVIIbop will receive White House callers only for an hour Wednesdays aad .Thursdays during the spring and summer. Ho will be In almost constant communication with Secretary Bryan and Counselor Lansing of the State department. Wheat Rises Eigit Cents on Rumor War Will Spread to Italy CHICAGO. March a Foreign buying associated with reports that Greece, Jtaly and other countries might suddenly tako a hand in the war had much to do with causing an advance in the price of wheat. The chief upturn was in the May delivery, which rose 8H cents a bushel to tl.H. as compared with SI. 41 on Satur day night The bulk of business, however, was In the July option, which scored a sain of iVt cents on a rise to S1-1SS. JUDGE WADE RESIGNS AS NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN IOWA CITY, la., March S.-(Sreclal rrelegram. Judge M. J. Wade, recently appointed Judge of the southern Iowa fed rral district, resigned today as a member of the ' national demorcatlc committee Trom Iowa. His possible Sjucoessors In clude N. F. Reld, J. W. Reynolds and; J. J. Hughes. The Weather Forecast till T p. m. Tuesday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Unsettled; no important change in tem iieratura. Tempera tar at Omaha Yrsierdav. Hours. Deg. 6 a. m Li. a. m 23 7 a. m ti 8 a. m a. m 10 a. m ..a ..23 .23 11 a. m 23 U m u 1 P. m 2 ! P. m 2 3 p. m fcj p. m 2". 6 p. m 2.1 P- m .....24 7 P- m 24 S p. in 24 Lrfx-al Record. 115. 1W4. 1913. mt. 2 41 K)i It t'oaiparatlrc Slighest yesterday... J.owest yesterday.... .Mean temperature... Precipitation T.mncrfllur. . .... 21 Hi a H .... 24 33 oi 1 ... T .00 .09 T Precipitation depar- f 1 1 1 fnitn Ih. m.r m n I - Normal temperature n Jeflciency for the day '... g Total deficiency alnce March 1... x Normal precipitation 'oi'tnrh 'I-eflcicncv for the day . !"ch Total rainfall since March I.... 1.57 Inch o.fi i i ' ' '" inch I'cfMency for cor. peri, d. H1J. . .31 nch Reports from fetation and State Reports from Platloaa t T . u Temp. High- Rain or eatuer. Chnvsnne. pi... 7 p. m ent. fall .T .00 .III .oo .00 . T T .00 Ail T . no v 2 18 K 34 34 42 24 30 M h 32 ;i 20 I'Hvenport. clear I'enver, cloudy les Moines, clesr lender, clear North Platte, pt. cloudy Omaha, cloudy Pueblo, partlv cloudy Rapid City, clear alt Lake City, clear Bants Ke, cloudy Sheridan, clear .: .) .1 .24 ..I') .44 ...26 ..3-: ..IK Moux i lty, i lnar altnune. clear. ' 1 T am - . . . . 22 U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster STREETS OF ROME UNDER WATER Scene at Piazza Pia, one of the public squares, during the February flood there, when the Tiber's waters reached the highest point since 1870. I - "' ? "If ? j- ,' : : .: . W u s-i . a . ... s ji EFFICIENCY REPORT WILL STAND IN PART Woodard and Kleffner Will Hold Positions in Omaha Postoffice, . Akin to Go. SAVING INSPECTORS' "FACES"' iFrom a Ktaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 8. (Spe cial Telegram.) While there la to be no general adoption of the recom mendations of the efficiency commis sion on the Omaha postoffice, enough will be required of Postmaster Whar ton to "save the face" of the postof fice inspectors and at the same time inaugurate certain reforms that will tend to reduce cost of running the office. This, in substauce, is the report Senator Hitchcock gave out today after hla conference with First As sistant Postmaster General Roper, The - following statement was given out by Senator Hitchcock today: "Senator Hitchcock had a conference with Assistant Postmaster General Roper today on the subject of the report of the cfilclency commission on the Omaha post office The result was thut Assistant Postmaster General Roper announced that action upon the report would be de ferred for the present, as far as It con cerned Assistant Postmaster Woodard and Assistant Superintendent of Malls Kleffner. The assistant postmaster gen eral Indicated, however, that the depart ment was disposed to accept the resigna tion of Colonel Akin and make some other changes recommended in the report. Kfonomles Ordered. "M. Roper Indicated also that the de partment would call upon Postmaster Wharton to bring about some economies in the operation of the Omaha postoffice and that he would be asked to accom- (Continued on Page Three. Column Kte. Proposes to Censor American Mails LONDON. March 8. A proposal to es tablish a censorship over the American malls was opposed In the House of Com mons today by the Home Secretary Regi nald McKenna. The question was raised by Sir Henry Cralk, who sa'.d he desired to prevent the distribution in New York of pamphlets emanating from German sources. ; These pamphlets, he said, accused Ore at , Uritaln and its allies of treachery in i connection ith their diplomatic action In 1 l'.elgium. Mr. McKenna characterised 1 these pamphlets as practically harmless , and added: I "It has not been necessary In, the past to establish a censorship over postal mat ter to or from the I'niled States. To do so would Involve an enrmous addition to the ocnsrshlp Maff." LIBEL SUIT BROUGHT BY BARTENDER IS DISMISSED SIOUX FAIXa 8 D.. March S.-tSpe-cial A $10,000 libel suit instituted against Charles V. Harkett, the veteran editor of the Parker New Kta. canio to a sudden end in the Turner county circuit court and terminated in a victory for the de fendant. When tho plaintiff had . presented his evidence it was moved that the court take the case from the Jury, and this was done, and the court ordered the dis missal ofthe action. The suit was Instituted by an attorney In behalf of an Individual named George Weber, a Marion bartender, and was baaed on the allegation that Kdltor Harkett libeled Weber In an account which he printed in his newspaper re garding an alleged assault made by Weber on another man some months ago. r x ft?" ft ...... - A a. '-' I N . c u . m s'tufl i m imwin i miners 4 .4 ; .1 V ''i'S.V (.swwr V. at LIYE STOCK BOARD TALKS QUARANTINE Holds Prolonged Session to Decide Whether to Keep Up Ban on Shipments. SENTIMENT MUCH DIVIDED From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 8. (Special Tel egram.) The Live Stock Sanitary board met tonight at thq Llndell hotel to consider whether ' to raise the quarantine on live stock r from eastern states. " At 8 o'clock Governor Morehead was introduced and he talked for an hour. A general discussion followed and at a late hour ni decision had been reached. Tho state veterinarian office has been flooded with letters and telegrams the last two or three days, some pleading for and some against th i-ontlnuanre of the foot and mouth dlscaee quarantine, a matter that Is to be, threshed oit be fore the State Live Stock Hanltary board. Kentlnient IH tided. The sentiment seems to be fairly evenly dlv Ided and It Is expected that a real scrap will be staged before tho hoard. The pres ent quarantine automatically expires at midnight Wednesday. It prohibits the shipment into the state from east, north or south of any cloven-footed animals, except those designed for Immediate slaughter, Robert Graham of Alliance, president of the Htate Live Stock association, has wired the board that tho western part of the mate practically Is unanimous for the indefinite continuance of the quaran tine. Ashton C. Shallcnbergrr, former gov ernor and present congressman from the Fifth district, on the other. hand, writes from hlh home at Alma strongly advo cating the discontinuance of the quaran tine. Congressman Shallcnbcrger is an extensive raiser of live t'.tock. He says that the quarantines have caused more loss than, the disease 1U:H; Shallenberuer's View. He writes as follows: 1 note tuat youi honorable board is to have a meeting to consider the question of longer continuing tho present stale quarantine tiiat expires Manh 10. 1 hope your biwd will deem It wise to no longer continue the quarantine. Tho live stock purchuwiH and thuHc who have bwn feeding live stock for the market have exr,enced a tremendous loss because of the disastrous outbreak of foot and mouth disease in this country. Hut you will note tnat the great Iofs is not to thofcc who have i-atlle infected, because ordinarily the government and the Ntate. together have reimbursed them and the live stock Iihs h-en destroyed. The greater loss has been because of the va rious quarantines established by state and iiatioiiMl governments which tiave compelled the breaking up of trade con ditions a r i induced millions of stock to bn aold without 1 1 Kurd to market condi tions of the state of th live stock trade, generally, lieeause of losses feared by reason ol the general disturbance and the possibility of infection or quarantines reaching into n-w territories. If one can be'leve the report, one slate is often quarantined an.mist another largely as a matter of n tall i tl m r ther than because of fear of possib e contagion. I do not wish to protest uKainst quaran tines that are necessary because of pre tention of tbipnient of stork from in fected areas, but I do think the liv m w interests of the coi.ntry, whi.h have mif fered tretnendousiv already, thould not be made to bear the burden of tha limit ing of markets by quarantine unless the same Is plainly Indicated as necessary. The lona upon rattle and hoga that have been slaughtered because, of Infection is trifling compared to the enormous loss upon cattle and hogs that have been fed high-priced feed at a time wtien world wide conditions would warrant expecta tion of high prices for such staple fooJ produi-ts. and have been sold upon a mar kM. that has been depreciated becausr of quarantine.! ordered and enforced to pr vent further sprrading of Infections. I hops your honorable, board will take action to relieve the live stock Interests as far as possible of these conditions), I I --'j. ft .1 aa TWO TURK FORTS SILENCED; BRITON CRAFT DAMAGED Allied Fleet Puts More Dardanelles Positions Out of Commission and Queen Elizabeth Injured. OTHER SHIPS ARE A1S0 HIT Constantinople Asserts One French nd Another English Armored Cruiser Crippled. STATEMENT OF ADMIRALTY LONDON, arch 8. It was offi cially announced in London this eve ning that the Turkish battery at Dardanus and the Forts of Rmlll, Majidioh Tabla and Hamidleh-I-Tabla In the Dardanelles have been sllenred by shells from the allied fleet. The HritiMi battleship Queen Elizabeth wa hit by shots from the Turkish forts and slightly damaged. Statement of AdmlraltJ. The llrltish admiralty tonight mads ublic the following statement speoncern Ins the operations of thn allied fleet against tile Ianlanelles: 'The operations against the Dardanelles arc progressing In fine weather. Vice Admiral Sin kvUlc H. Carden reports that on March the battleship Queen Kllsa- beth. supnorted by the battleship Age memnnn and Ocean, began an attack on Forts llamldlch-l-Tabla and Hamldleli 3, which am matked on the admiralty map aw Forts Forts 1' and V, by Indirect fire across the Halllpoll peninsula, firing at 21.000 ynrds. . "These forts are armod as follows: Fort I", two 14-Inch guns and seven 9.4 guns: Fort V, two 14-Inch, one 9 4, one S.2 and four 4.9 inch guns. Replied to British fiana. "The Q.icen BlUabeth was replied to by howitzers and field guns and three shells from the field guns struck It, without, however, causing any damage. "Mcnnwhile inside the straits the Ven geance, Albion, Majestic iind Prince George and the French battleship Suf fren fired on Souain Dere and Mount I'ardanus batteries, marked P and B on the admiralty map, and were fired on by a number of concealed guns. "Fort Rumill Medjldlnh TsJbla, marked J on the admiralty map, which had been attacked on the previous day, opened tire and wss engaged and hit by U-lnch shells. ."A majority of the ships In the straits were struck by shells, but there was no serious damage done and no casualties resulted. Preach Ships Kntcr. "On March J, the weather continuing ralro and fine, four French battleships the Oaulois, Charlemagne, Bouvet and Suffren-entered the straits to cover the direct bombardment of the defenses of ths narrows by the Agamemnon and Lord Nelson. The French ships engaged the Mount Dardanus battery and various con cealed guns concealing the former. The Agamemnon nnd Lord Nelson then ad vanced and engaged the forts at the nar rows at from 14,000 down to 12,000 vards by direct fire. "Fort8 Rumill Medjldleh Tabla, marked J, and Hamldieh 1 Tabla, barked U, both both were silenced alter a heavy bom bardment. Explosions occurred In both fwrts. Fort Lhus not fired sln the explosion March 5. "Tho tiaulola. Agamemnon and Lord Nelson were each struck throe times, but the damage done was not serious. The Lord Nelson had three men slightly wounded. Light CrnUrr "track. "While these operations were in pros; ress tho Rrltish light cruiser Dublin con tinued to watch the Iiulalr Isthmus. It was fired at by four-inch guns and struck three or four times. "Owing to the ImportHnoe of locating concealed guns, the sea planes had to fly very low at times. "On the fourth Instant a seaplane. Pilot Flight Lieutenant Garnet and Observer Lieutenant Commander Williamson, be csme unstable snd fell Into tho sea. Roth officers were Injured. Flight Lieutenant Douglas, reconnoiterlng at close quarters in another seaplane, was wounded, but re turned safely. "On the fifth seaplane No. 172, Pilot Flight Lieutenant Bromet, with Lieu tenant Brown, was hit twenty times and seaplane No. 7, Pilot Flight Lieutenant Hershaw, with Petty Officer Merchant, was struck eight times In locating con cealed positions. Kqnlpmenl of Ark Royal. "The Ark Royal (the mother ship for seaplaiies) 1 equipped with every appli ance necessary for the repair and mainte nance of the numerous air crsft which it carries." A dispatch from Amsterdam to Reuter s Telegram company says the following of ficial statement was given out today in Constantinople: "The British ships Majestic and Irre sistible have reinforced the enemy fleet. The fue of our batteries put a French armored cruiser out of action and dam aged a British armored cruiser. "Owing to our bombardment, the hostile ships retreated and ceased their fire. Our allies suffered no damage." La Touraine Arrives At Port of Havre LONDON. March . A message to Lloyds from Havre tonight announces the arrival of La Touraine at that port. WRECK DUE TO POOR TIES AND TOO FEW SPIKES DENVER, Colo., March S Poor ties, insufficient spikace and too heavy an engine are given as contributory causes of the derailment of Denver ft Rio Grande train No. 15. southbound, near Fountain. Colo., February It In ths report of the state public utilities commission on the wnrsk. issued todsy. Two enginemen were killed snd several passengers were slightly hurt German Reservists Plead Guilty to Plotting to Get False Passports NF.W YORK. March S. Carl Huocedc. a Crrrntan-Amrrlcan, ard four ilerman reservists, brought to trial in the federal court here today on indictments charg ing them with ronsplrng agitlnsl tho I'nlted states by obtaining false Amer Ican passports, unexpectedly withdrew their previous pleas or not guilty and threw themselves on the mercy of tho court. All five pleaded nillty. Huron. le. who was iccussed of operat ing a bureau for the issuance of false Passports, was sentence .1 to serve three years In ths federal ei.itentlary at At lanta. Tlio others, Arthur Wllhelm, Wil liam Sacbescs. a reserve In the Oornisn army. Walter Mullor, August Meyers and Herman Wegener wer let orf with fines of $J00 each. JURY SELECTED TO TRY HARRY THAW Twelve Men Agreed On by Both Sides at First Day of Hearing on Conspiracy Charge. FRANK F. BAILEY THE FOREMAN NKVV YORK, March S.-The Jury which will try Harrv Kendall Thaw. slayer of Stanford White, nnd Thmv't I co-defendants for conspiring to t-f- J feet Thaw's escape from Mattruwan i asylum wag completed late today. ' Frank F. Hailey. he second t.ilcsman examined, wss accepted by bo.b sides ' and became foreman of the Jury. Two J other1 Jurors were then accepted within a Tew moments. II j ol hrt lenl 4uer. Frederick Kmmerteh, a contractor, was asked by Thaw's counsel: "If we prove to you that Thaw was sane at the time of his escape would Hint prejudice miii In determining this case?" The district attorney's objection to this question, on the ground that whether Thaw was wine or Insane, made no dif ference when it came to a conspiracy, was overruled. Ktninerich answered In the negative and was accepted. Shortly afterwards Christopher Shultx. an elderly .produce merchant, was selected us the fifth Juror. William L. (Irecr an atchiteet, whu was examined at the afternoon session, said he was in the employ of Stanford White at tho time of the lutler's death. Greer was excused oy tho court. Frank K. Malnhart, a real cstctc dealer, was accepted, making the sixth Juror. Writer the Seventh. The seventh Juror selected wss Law ton Mackall, a nmgaslne writer. Charles B. Curtis, a mechanical engi neer, was quickly selected for the eighth seat In the Jury bos. I The ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth seats In the box wore filled by Kugene Folley, an assistant manager; Harry N. MoConnell, a mercantile manager; Robert O. Wlndle, a clerk, and John D. Hlack- burn, agent of the Baltimore, ft Ohio rail - road, Increase in Price of Bread Causes Many Riots in Spain MADRID. March 8. Vt;i Paris.) Tho economic situation In Spain Is becoming steadily more serious, notwithstanding the efforts of the government to find a solution for the difficulties which con front the country. It Is feared In somo quarters that conditions soon will become so bad that they may lead to a conflict fraught with grave consequences. Dispatches from the provinces tell of numerous riots, resulting from thn high cost of food. In somo Interior districts snd In the Canary Islands the people get food only every other day. Many families are said to bo living on herbs snd roots. A woman, said to have been driven mad by 'privation, drowned herself with her j children at Lasaretos. Fierce rioting resulted at I.acele from the Increased price of bread. The civil guards are reported to have fired Into the crowd, killing one and wounding man'. Werner Horn Taken to Bangor to Answer . Federal Charge MACHIAS. Me., March 8 Werner Horn, the Herman who attempted to blow up the International bridge at Vanceboro, was taken to Raugor todsy for arraign ment before a I'nlted Htatea commission on a federal Indictment charging viola tion of the laws regulating Interstate transportation of explosives. He was ar rested yesterday on the expiration of a sentence of thirty days in the county Jail for damaging property at Vanceboro. United States Marshal John 8. P. If. Wilson deemed It advisable to handcuff Horn to a deputy. The prisoner protested and wept when the shackles were fastened. Counsel for the prisoner was prepared to request a continuance of the proceed ings at Bangor. Horn is Held in Ten Thousand Dollars Bail nANOOR. Me.. March 8.-The prellml- nary hearing In the case of Werner Horn, indicted by the federal grand Jury ror violation or inr taws regulating tne Interstate transportation of explosives will be held March IX. This date was fixed by I'nlted Mates Commissioner Charles H. Held, before whom Horn was arraigned today. The prisoner was commlttted to Jail In default of $IO.00u ball. Horn pleaded not guilty to each of the three Indictments, reserving the right to change his plea later. Attorneys asked that the ball be reduced, complaining that 10,ii was ex cesses in view or tne ract that theiIr Mvs hl. , ln heaven. Mrs. Smith is prisoner was a former German officer, a apparently backing her hubnad ln his gentleman of high standing and a pels-1 , lalm und Is also before tile insanity onsr of war." board. A sixth man. Hans Adam von Weddol. also Indicted, and wtvi was a fugitive from Justice, has been apprehended In Scotland, District Attorney Marshall an nounced and negotiations for hi' extra dition are understood to be under way. He was descrlled by Mr. Marsnall as the chief conspirator in the caao. In sentencing Ruroede the court dwelt upon the possibility of this country be- I coming Involved with belligerent r.atluns had the conspiracy not been discovered. . The others wore fined Instead of llng I sent to prison, because In the opinion of . the court they had not been Inspired by criminal purpose In usnm the pnssporls. but were actuated by a patriotic desire to get back to tlrrtmny and fight. CRISIS IN GREECE CALLED ARTIFICIAL1 Correspondents Say Demonstration j is Arranged to Make it Easy for King Constantine. ! ' t WAR IS ALREADY AGREED UPON j HOME (Via Paris), March 8. Special dispatches to Italian newspa pers from Athens describe the situa tion In Greece as grave. Some of the correspondents expressed the belief that the present deadlock between KitiK Constantine and many of his advisers regarding the country's in-1 tervention in the war is the result of antagonism! which had arisen be tween the ruler and Kleutherlos Venizelos, premier In the cabinet which resigned Saturday after Its declaration In favor of Jolng the al lies was frowned upon by the king. Other correspondents are of the opinion that the Intervention of Greece on the side of the allies already has been agreed upon and Unit the crisis which is now sp psrent Is attlfli lal, having been arranged to make It easier for King Conslantlnn to decide against Germany, to which ho has felt under obligations for family and political reasons. The Innuence of tier many Is supposed to have been responsi ble In a considerable measure for Greece, obtaining possession of K avals, and Kalonlkl on the Aegaan sea at the end of the llalkan war. Edison Building Burned; Inventor Directs Firemen i x W F.8T ORANOB. N. J., March I Thomas TMsnn at work in his labrutory j after midnight today discovered a fire In jont of the buildings rf his great plant J here and summoned the firemen it, time I tn prevent what might have been a serl- jous loss. Tho fire practically destroyed a I building w here' the most valuable phono graph records were stored, but most of the records, which were In a concrete vault, woro saved. When ho saw the flames, Mr. Ddlson dashed out of the luhrntory In ills shirt sleeves and stood outsl directing the firemen for some time before his wife and son, who nrYlvcd from thn Kdison residence, nearby, could persuade him to put on an overcoat. Tnc Inventor was soakod to tho skin by a hose, which twisted out of the hands of the fire fighters and fell within a few feet of him. The combined efforts of the fire de partments of West Orange and Orange wern required to subdue the blaze. The building burned was the only one not touched by the conflagration which nearly wiped out the Kdison plant last Dec I'mher. Dallas Dentist is Killed by Fall Down Snow Bank DALLAS, S. D . March 8 -(Special Tele I grain.) Dr. C, N. Duncan, a dentist of I !.ki. . k.. i., . ,. h. ...... ... ... '---' ling off a snowbank along the line of the I Northwestern road two miles west of here. His skull was crushed and his neck broken, death resulting almost Instantly. The North western's rotary snow plow had been boring a hole through a cut west of town and a number of the cltl xens during the afternoon walked out to seo the machine at Its work. The plow had gone through the cut and left tha bank some fifteen feet high on either side. Along the edge of ths cut the Dallas people were walking, Dr. Duncan In the lead. Huddenly the bank sloughed off, carrying the doctor down with It. At the bottom of the cut his head struck the rail with such force that his skull was crushed and his neck broken. Heavy Cannonading is Heard from the Hook of Holland AMSTERDAM. March S.-(Vla London.) -For the first time since Admiral Sir David Beatty engaged a German squadron In the North Hea, the latter part of January, heavv tun fire, uvnnl. ... to , dlsnatch from th Mnoir ,.e i Holland, to the Telegraaf, was heard In j ti,e North Sea today. CAPTAIN OF SAMARITAN ARMY VIOLENTLY INSANE YANKTON, ft. D., March 8. (Special.) Captain Itlchard Smith of ths Samar itan army, who has been doing- Sunday school relief work here for a year, is violently Insane, aooordlng to county and ' lty authorities. Smith Insists he Is Christ, j Himself, will pot wear clothes nor eat. GREAT BATTLE IS DEVELOPING TO WESTOFVISTULA Hints from Petrograd and Berlin that Decisive Fight of Eastern Campaign is On Near Warsaw. BALKANS ARE IN A FERMENT Indications that Greece and Bul garia May Get Into the War Within Few Days. ALL EYES ARE ON DARDANELLES The Day'o War "Ncw niHPATCHKH from liree-e reiwirt the situation as srraive us result of the polities! tlesdloeW over the qnestlon nhrther that country shall Intervene In the rrnr on the atric of the allies. IIOVIIHHIlVII'.NT of the lsrHnneHea by the nlllea. vrhleh Is primarily responsible for the present sltns tlon I" brerre, haa had Its effert nls on other nations. London dispatches any the nnlcnrlan pre mier has promised a statement rnnrrrnlnx his geTfrsmest's posi tion. I'ahllr opinion In Italy also Is arowserf. P4III VKWUPtrKR, In descrip tion of the recent battle In Slotro Oarne dc l.orette, says that the Germans lost ft.oOH men. KlfillTIMj In the Cnpathtana, which for prolonged nnd desperate en conntera rivals any phase of tho war. contlnaes vrlthont a decisive victory for either aide. OFFICIAL TATKMK.T" Indicate that there was no flsTbttn.ai of Trent Importance yesterday. The French claim slight aw Ins In harapnsne nnd Lorraine, The (frmrni statement nssert. French attacks la ( hampnane were re pulsed. HIMH1I apparently are main, talnlnar the offensive In northern Poland. The tier man statement tells of Russian attacks at several points, bnt asserts they all wero repalsed. LONDON, March 8. The center of interest on the eastern front again has shifted with the announcement from Pet rograd that a great battle Is developing on the left bank of the river Vistula, at a point to the west and also southwest of Warsaw. It Is not yet clear. Judging from message reaching London, which side has taken the offensive, but in spired sources, both In Berlin and Petrograd, have been hinting lately that vital operations might well bo expected In this region. Messages from the Russian capital have de clared that the old field of action in the direction of Posen and Silesia alone could serve as the decisive bat tleground, while Berlin has been pre dicting another brilliant action ln the direction of Warsaw by Field Mar shal Von lllndenburg. No great activity has been reported elsewhere on the eastern front except at Raws, to the southwest of Warsaw, wrere Oerman army headquarters claims the capture of 3,400 Russians. It is pos sible that this action may be a part of tht great battle which Petrograd says Is now under way. Attacks and counter attacks form the texts of both Berlin and Paris, covering events on the western battle front, but there Is no Indication of a decisive gain by either side. Ferment la Near Fast. Attempts by the allied fleet to force passage of the Dardanelles has caused a ferment in the near east which has reached the proportions of a csbinet crisis in Greece. No new cabinet haa yet been announced and King Constantine may have great difficulty forming a govern ment with the popular former Premier Venlselos leading the opposition. There is no late news of the situation at the Dardanelles and the British public Is awaiting with keen Interest tbe next (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Comfort Need Not Be Expensive VERT attractive front room, light large, comfortabls. In best elose-ln location, south of Karnam; good cook ing snd plenty of It. Very reasonable Call Harney 6JIT. THREE pleasant Wast Parnain rooms business women preferred; reference required. Address Q 10, ears Omaha Bes. MADISON J 1st and Chicago; stesm heat; 1 1 0 month and up; cafe in con nection. D. tL 111 SO. t6TH ST. Single room, mod ern, 111 per month. Furnished Boom Ada liko these examples appear daily in The Omaha Bee's want ad section. They 6how where a modest outlay will pay for a comfort able, quiet, well kept home. Any neighborhood you prefer. Refer to Bee Want Ad 4 every day, ay Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "Everybody Read Bee Want Ada, 1