Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THH r.KK: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAKtll S. 1D15.
hai&F city news
bTst moot FrlB It New B,-on Prtst
arr(-araaAn Co. Lighting future
X. X. ClalborB. Jostle of ths Fsscs,
I13-1J I'axtim Plork, Tel. Red TOM.
T Tonr ruoto Tsksa at your
fcomo by Kitnrr. All work guaranteed.
Moderate prior. Pall Walnut 1!W.
Xabruka Savlnra asS fcota WV
Nw office between ctty hall und Fon
Unelle hotel, 211 .South Eighteenth St.
Todays Complst Mvtto rroeraa"
lsssi fleet Motion today, and appear la
Tha I3m EXCLUSIVELY. Find out whal
tha various moving plctura thaatere offsr.
Miobigan Lnncfcsos. at roatanalla
The next monthly luncheon of Michigan
alumni of Omaha, will n held Tuesday
noon, March 9, In the cafe of the Fon
tenelle hotel.
Bart atvaa Bmokar O. E. Berg gava
n smoker at his home, US South Thirty
eighth avenue Friday night. Those pres
ent were: W. H. DeFranee. Pr. Hellwtg.
rr. Wagner, t). C. Hurley, F. P. Mil
finger and J. J. Rait.
Quickly X.ocat4 and easily accessible
are two prime requisites of a deslrabl
offlca location. Tenants In Tha Bea build
ing, "the building that is always new,"
find these two condlUons of great servics
In building up their business.
Wstaka in Warns Owing to an error
of the police it was stated in Friday
evening s Bee that II. M. Carr. driving
a Jitney bus, hindered the progress of
the police patrol. Another man was
rllntlng the ear.
Fookst la Ftokad C. B. Lowery. K005
Itarney street, reports to the police that
his pockets were picked on a Farnam car
Friday evening of $11 in cash, IXX In
notes and some valuable papers. The ar
ticles were contained in a wallet.
Loch Wins Suit A verdict for the
defense was rcuurndrl by a jury in Judge
Hstelle's district court In the suit brought
by Thomas W. Morrow against Peter
Ixich. Morrow sued for S13.000 on the
ajleged ground that Loch attacked him.
usual Meeting of Club The annual
meeting of the Field Club Plstrtct lm
provement club for the election of of fioers
will ba held on Monday evening, Marcn
. Discussion of police protection, dis
trict lighting and other subjects of inter
est will be held.
Wanted in Colorado Ous Krekos
fugitive from Justice, address the Ne
braska hotel, was arrested Friday by De
tective William Devereese. Khekos is
wanted at Greeley, Colo., for, grand lar
ceny. An officer from that place has
been dispatched to get him.
now Blocks the Trail Health Com
missioner R. W. Connell states that he
Is unable to reach the smallpox hospital
on the West Center street road on ac
count of the deep snow. He has a small
automobile ambulance which he uses for
hauling smallpox patients, but there is no
snowplow attachment on this vehicle.
Orand Jury Called A federal grand
Jury has been called by United State
District Judge T. C. Munger to meet at
Lincoln March 16. The date set is some
what earlier than had been expected.
District Attorney Howell and Assistant
A. W. Lane are busy preparing for the
examinations scheduled for the grand
Dloe Players Arrested Detectlvo
Frank Williams, leader of the morals.
squad, and Officers Barta, Holden and ,
neterson. raided a dice game in a Greek
pool hall at 510 South Thirteenth street.
A dozen men were gambling, when the
officers entered. Spiros Coulouris is bald
as the keeper of the place.
Open Meeting of Philosophical Society
The Olcott lodge of the Omaha Philo
sophical society will be an open session
Bunday night at o'clock at the Dicker
man Dramatic school, 1511V Dodge street.
Lecture by Prof. William Yerlngton; sub
ject. "Pragmatic Study of Religions."
Music. The public is invited.
Theoeoyhieal lecture "A Vision of
the Spirit" is the subject of a lecture by
Burd F. Miller at Theoaophlcal hall, suite
701, Bee building. Sunday evening at S
o'clock. This concludes a series of sev
eral lectures, the subject chosen to In
clude tho idea of evolution, from Inert
matter to the enlightened soul and Its
Journey through the different forms
Hipped for iPorg-ery Joseph Vols,
8821 Q street, South Omaha, was arrested
at Fifteenth and Dodge streets Friday
night by Special Officer Finn of the
Brandels Stores, who brought him to the
station, where he was charged with for
gery. Vols Is alleged to have forged the
. signature of A. Moore to a S7 check,
which he cashed at the Brandels Stores.
Woods Bound Over John K. Woods,
charged with violation of the Mann
"white slave" act, with his own daugh
ter as the alleged victim, waived pre
liminary hearing before United States
Commissioner H. S. Daniel Saturday
morning and was bound over to the fed
eral grand Jury under $3,000 bond. In de
fault ot bond, he went to' Jail. As the
Douglaa county Jail, ordinarily used for
local federal prisoners. Is now crowded
to capacity. Woods may be transferred
to the Hall county Jail at Grand Island.
Investors with money- read the Real
Kstate ads in The Bee. Advertise your
property for a quick sale.
Meeting Held by
County Teachers
The Douglas County Teachers' associa
tion held a meeting Saturday, which was
attended by most of the 130 teachers of
the count'. . number of persona who
appeared on the program are engaged In
school work In this county and all dis
cussed their subjects In an Interesting
In addition to the Douglas county teach
ers, Mrs. Charles Thelm and Prof. W. L.
Hetherlngton assisted Miss June Brown
in a musical program. Prof. H. C. Fllley
of the Agricultural college of Lincoln
gave an Illustrated lecture on "The Farm
stead." DON'T USE SOAP
When you wash your hair, don't use
soap. Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali, which
Is very Injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle.
The beat thing to use is Just plain
mulalfled eoooanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely grease! ess. It's very
cheap, and beats soaps or anything
else all to pieces. You can get this at
any drug store, and a few ounces will
last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it In, about a teaspoonful Is
a 'I that la required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Ad veniremen t.
Systematic Campaign in Centers of
Population Decided by Pub
licity Bureau.
A systematic, campaign, urging visitors
to "Stop tiff at Omaha." has been planned
by the Bureau of Publicity and adopted
by the governing committee by unanimous
vote. Details ot the campaign have
been under consideration for the last two
months, but final decision was not made
until yesterday when the entire plans
were accepted.
The plan Involves the expenditure of
money, which must be raised to Insure
the successful outcome of the campaign.
The governing committee anticipates no
difficulty in raising the required amount
of money, believing that Omaha will
respond to the call to permit the city
to place Itself alongside other represen
tative cities.
The "Stop Off at Omaha" campaign
will be one of the most complete propo
gandums ever attempted by a city. The
campaign will be built around advertis
ing in daily newspapers In eastern cities,
where the crowds will gather for their
transcontinental trip. This advertising
will be reinforced by appeals from all
Omaha's organisations, which will get
Into direct communication with affili
ated organizations in different parts of
the country.
"Mop off at Omaha, visit the city, your
friends, Ak-Sar-Uen. and learn of the
great resources of the city and state,"
will be the appeal to every man who
goes through Omaha. The campaign will
even go farther as It will urge people
from the eastern states to route through
Omaha, and take advantages of the stop
over privtlogen given by the railroads to
study Omaha and Nebraska.
Other Oraynnl nation a to Aid.
Assurances have already been had from
Ak-Sar-Ben and the Retail Dealers' asso
elation of Omaha that these organisa
tions will leave nothing undone to make
the campaign successful. K. Bucking
ham, president of Ak-Sar-Ben, Is en
thusiastic over the possibilities of the
campaign and has assured tho governing
committee of the Bureau of Publicity
that Ak-Sar-Ben will be In the thick of
the campaign and In addition will enter
tain the visitors at the Den in a manner
which will make them glad they stopped
off at Omaha.
The Omaha Retail association hss
pledged Its co-operation and has ap
pointed W. L. Holssman of the Nebraska
Clothing company to represent the as
sociation in it co-operation.
Ilnalneaa Men to Co-operate.
Business men, who have not been sup
porting the Bureau of Publicity will be
requested to assist liberally In this cam
paign to swell the fund now made pos
sible by tho contributions ot Omaha con
cerns, who have backed the bureau fi
nancially for five years. The only thing
that would prevent the waging of the
"Stop Off at Omaha" campaign would
be the refusal of these to contribute. The
governing committee does not fear any
such action, feeling that any legitimate
plans for placing the city in Its true
light will be received with favor.
If the Bureau of Publicity's plans are
carried out every citizen of Omaha will
be asked to co-operate In this campaign
to get people to -stop, off at -Omaha.
Within a very short time every organi
zation in Omaha will be asked to send
representatives to a meeting to consider
ways and means to make the campaign
most effective.
The bureau plans to co-operate in every
way possible with the local automobile
club In assisting to divert automobile
traffic over the Lincoln highway Into
Omaha rather than to permit autoists to
travel over the 8anta Fe trail.
Smoke Consumer
Under City Boiler
Proves Efficiency
During the last week the Installation
of the smoke consuming furnaces at the
city hall was completed by Dan Whitney,
who had the contract for this work. In
stallation Includes three Herbert down-
draft water-tube smoke censumers, for
which the contract price Is $1,000 each.
The first boiler ot the new devioe was
fired on February I and tests showed
that the building could be heated and
the elevators and pumps operated with
the one boiler.
Speaking of the result, Hollls M. John
son, president of the Omaha Sanitary
Supply company, which has the agency,
"This efficiency Is obtained from the
large additional heating surface In these
furnaces. While other appliances burn
the smoke none that burn the smoke
as efficiently furnished the additional
heating surface."
E. H. Herbert of Chicago, the inventor
and owner of the device, was also here
during the week, inspecting the instal
lation and explaining the operation of
the device, which was also approved by
City Boiler Inspector W. A. C'brisman.
Social Settlement
' In Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Social Set
tlement association was held at noon
at the Commercial club rooms. Mrs. J.
H. Dumont, vice president, presided. Sixty
of the women were present
The report showed that more than 1,000
persons had visited the settlement house
at 2319 South Thirteenth street in Feb
The financial report showed money re
ceived $3,86 74, expenditures ot $3,3t3 and
a balance In the hank of $503.74. The en
dowment fund was reported as $623.60. The
$210 given the association by the Rotary
club, it was announced, Is still Invested
in a building and loan association where
It is drawing Interest.
Mrs. Dora Foley In a suit for separate
maintenance against Charles Foley, pro
piietor of a chattel lean concern, al
leges that he struck her and railfd her
vile names and otherwise treated her
cruelly. She asks an allowance of 175
a month, alleging that her husband
makes $300 a month and that he is worth
$10,0h0 to $15,000. A former suit filed by
tier was dismissed following an attempt
at a reconciliation mede in obedience
to a request of District Judge Sears.
A going business can be sold quickly
thiougii Tim liee's "Business Chances. "
School and College Notes
( hedroa Normal
Mrs. Fred Seidell visited the Normal
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Munkres and Miss Munkres were
visitors in the model school last week.
The students In agriculture are engaged
In laboratory work of testing com for
Miss Clark, Mr. Phllpott and Mr Hargls
were Judges of the high school contest
Material for manual training Is begin
ning to arrive. The first arrived Mon
day morning.
Ijist Mondav the punlls of the fifth
and sixth grades surprised Miss Pclzcll
by giving her a fruit shower.
Miss Schuchel has returned to the
dormitory, which she will make her home
during her sisters absence from town.
Mrs. Mclean and daughter, Jean. Mrs.
n. O. Jones. Mrs. Ralph Good and Mr".
Cnthnnk visited the primary room last
The seniors observed phonics In Miss
Frasler"s room last week. Games were
played which gave review, drills and in
dividual test.
The students In agriculture 111 are
studvlng the dairy cow at present. The
last week, the laboratory wo-k consisted
of testing milk for butterfat.
The advanced chemist rv have Just be
gun the study of group four of the hases.
This group includes barium, strontium,
calcium, magnesium, potassium and am
monium. The pupils In the fifth and sixth grades
have been much Interested this week in
the study of the picture titled "Wash
ington Crossing the Delaware" by
Fmanuel lycutye.
The fourth grade geography class have
completed the study of the states of tho
southern section. The study of coral,
turpentine, sugar and cotton have been
especially Interesting.
Mlsa Augusta Beckman has found it
necessary to leave school on account of
the serious Illness of her brother The
young women of the dormitory are ex
ceedingly sorry to loee Miss Beckman
from their number.
During February, tho month of patriots,
the third and fourth grades have been
enjoying some interesting language les
sons concerning Washington and Lincoln
under the direction of Jessie Washburn
and Ruth Sturdevant.
Friday morning at chapel Prof. Phll
pott gave a very enthusiastic talk on the
basket ball game between the hlRh school
and normal which was played last Satur
day night. School songs and yells were
given tilso with considerable spirit.
Miss Lou Sehuebel's class in third (trad
geography has been making a very In
teresting study ot the natural resources
and industries of our country. Margaret
Wright contributed some very nice
samples of wool in connection with the
wool and sheep raising industry.
The high school and the Normal hsd a
remarkably close and hard fought game
last Saturday night, with a score of 13
to 11, In favor of the former. As the
number of field goals for each side was
(he same, the high school won on foul
throws. For once, lleyer of the high
school team failed to throw a basket.
The Authors' club of the seventh and
eighth grades held Its regular monthly
meeting last Friday afternoon. The pro
gram committee, with Marvel Campbell
us chairman, had full charge of the
program, which was patriotic, and had
to do especially with the life of Lincoln.
New officers were elected: James Owens,
president; Edy Randall, secretary, and
Itlta Morrlrsey, chairman of tho program
committee. The next meeting will be
held on the Friday nearest to Mothers'
day, and the program will be along that
The advanced physics laboratory Is
being Improved. A large shutter has
been provided for the window to make
the room dark for experiments in light.
The apparatus for Young's Modulus and
for determining the time rate of the
swing of pendulums by electricity has
been set up. The most important piece
of apparatus, however, is a large clock,
which, by means of an electric connection
can be made to give a loud click every
second. This will enable students to tlmo
snv exneriment much mnm a.ll v anrl
accurately tnan they could with thie slop
President Sparks arrived home last
Monday morning from his trip east. He
was in Lincoln where he met with an
educe tion committee of the house, rela
tive to Normal school appropriations. He
reports that everything appeared then
to bo In good condition for tho appro
priations for the Normal schools and that
Senator Mnllery and Representative Nay
lor are looking after thlnas carefully
and adequately. Friday and Saturday he
attended a conference of Normal school
presidents at Chicago, with about thirty
five present. Thie la a regular annual
conference of sixteen states In the upper
Mississippi valley. From there he went
to Cincinnati to a national meetlnar of
superintendents, where about 4,000 were
present, from all parts of the nation.
President Sparks reports a very profitable
unu pleasant trip.
Boylea College.
Leona Smith is now office atenocranher
for the Equitable Loan company of this
Iva YandCI'DOOl has inlned the nft'lcA
force of the Mid-West Klectrlc company
of this city.
A. H. Thege. a former student, writes
that he now works for the First National
bank of David City.
D. H. Lewis recently became hnnk.
keeper and stenographer for the Johnson-
uansworth company.
Irene lngelsbv of Bovles Iowa cnllere
Is now a stenographer for the Droge Lie
vat or company. Council Bluffs.
Paul Jacobson. graduated from the bus
iness department recently, is now a book
keeper for H. Beselln & Son. Omaha.
Lily Anderson, a recent student in the
stenographic department, has accepted a
piiHHiou wun ttie world un corporation.
Marian Marshall la now acting as
stenographer and manager of tiie em
ployment department of the Royal Type
writer company ot this city.
Wedding bells have just rung. Martha
Kruger, a former student, has married K.
Myer Clarke of Omaha. They will reside
In the city at 2G0b Fowler avenue.
Mrs. W. A. Wlllard addressed the girls
Friday afternoon. Her subject was "A
uminer Trio lo Entei Park Colorado.
She took the girls on an imaginary trip
from Omaha to the beautiful mountains
of Colorado.
William Dewald, a graduate from the
stenotype department, has just accepted
a position with the Martin Bros. Commis
sion company of South Omaha. Ruth
Dunnlngton, also or tne stenotype depart
ment. Is now at Lyons, Neb., with the
First National bank.
Clement Chase, editor of the Western
Banker snd Omaha Excelsior, addressed
the young men students Friday afternoon.
He touched on a few phases of the Ku ro
pes n war and what it meant in the way
of Industrial and. commercial opportunity
for the young men of the near future.
He also pointed out the Importance of
education as capital In the business
world, and demonstrated by figures that
a man's capital is Increased I a day
from the &iv he starts in the A. B. Cs
until he finishes some higher course of
etaer t alversltr.
Chancellor Oeschger Is still a. Kansas
Clly continuing In the meeting at the
Temple Christian with A. J. Holllngs
worth. Work wlil begin on the new stage as
soon as the weather permits. The fund
Is steadily being raised bv popular sub
scription and alumni members
The delegates to the state conference
at Hastlnss returned Monday expressing
their gratitude at having the opportunity
to attend this great gathering.
The Cotner baaket ball squad played
its final game Saturday night at York.
Games were also played at Hastings
Thursday night and Kearney Friday
H. K. Winters, singing evangelist with
Rev. F. E Dav, has been a university
visitor during the last part of the week.
At the Wednesday chapel service Mr.
Winters rendered two vocal solos to the
delight of the student body,
"The Teaser ' was staged Tuesday eve
ning bv the Mithesian Literary society at
the colleee chapel, and was a decided
success throughout. The play was a
rural comedy In three acta snd each char
acter wss well laved. Miss Maurlne
Burnell directed the play.
The concert under th direction of Prof
l.iite mas put "n Wednesdnv eveninv at
ne Bettianv church lv the uni prslt v
chOMh i hc-l " e j -t ,-, I '-v i t,
male glee ilub and orchemr.i The cc-
oml part of the program was "The
Daughter or J amis. rendered ny the
choir. The olilts were Mrs. K. S.
Luce, soprano; Homer ConU'ton. tenor:
lesllc Stisln. bass.
Doe tie C'olleae.
The college library has lust received a
complete file of the ' I'nglncerlng
Magazine from 1WS to date. Tills Is the
Kit t of A. C. Gavlord of Hinsdale, 111..
a former student of Doanr.
The Piano ntinlla of Mrs Jean Llndsav
Carlson will give a recital of music for
two pianos at the conservatory i uestiav
cvenlng, March K They will be assisted
In their program by the girls' quartet.
The Phi Kappa Delta worked an In
novation here last Krldav evening with
their mld-jrear part v. The couples as
sembled at the home of C. H. Anderson
early in the evening and spent a social
hour and were served with light refresh
ments. Thev then adlourned to the Hon
Ton theater, where the guesta were enter
tained with a well prepared program be
fore going to the Ulnst Cafe where a
delicious five-course banquet was served.
The Phi Sigma Tau society's annual ban
quet took place In the parlors of the
Congregational church Saturday evening.
The entertainment whs planned as a
lournev In a railway train and the ban
quet rooms were arranged to represent
cars. After securing tickets for the
Journey, the guests went into the ob
servation car, where they were enter
tained by shadow pictures and limerick.
From here thev were ushered Into the
dining car and a three-course dinner wua
served. In the sleeping car the young
women staged a short comedy by W. IV
llowells. "The Sleeping Cur."
Ilastlnaa College.
Tho German club met last Mondav eve
ning at the home of Miss Lurlllo Keith.
The debaters are getting In readiness
for their home contest preparatory to the
debate with Grand Island to be held In
the spring.
President Crone returned from the trip
lo Heaver Citv and Wllsonvllle on Tue-
dav. He will be at Ump City the next
Sabbath and the following week at Su
perior. Tho Glee clubs are getti-ig In readiness
for their unnual trip. The first engage
ment will be at fcMgar. There will ea
ten consecutive engagements extending
through the spring vacation.
Mrs. Isabel M. Fisher of rM Liver
pool. O., who with her husband ga.v so
generoualv to the llrst endowment of
Hastings college, recently passed away at
hr Ohio home. She was a consistent
friends to Hastings college, only last
spring being one of three to give funds
for the refurnishing of the college chapel.
The voting people's conference, consist
ing of 'the student volunteers and gospel
team bands, held their largest state con
vention at Haatings Inst week. Kewer
than 'jno delegates were expected, but al
most ; were In attendance. They repre
sented all the colleges and normal schools
of Nebraska. Their meetings were thor
cughlv Inspirational and all their meeting
places were crowded.
York College.
The annual Young Women's Christian
association banquet was held In the din
ing room of tho I'nlted Brethren church
Thursday 'evening. About seventy-five
girls were present. A four-course din
ner was served by the domestic science
department of the college.
Educational day was observed by the
United Brethren church. February !.
President Mclaughlin spoke at the morn
ing service and again at a mass meeting
of the students In the college chapel
In the afternoon. Dean Aahcraft spoke
at the evening service at the church.
Nine York college students attended the
Young Men's Christian association and
Young Women's Christian association
convention held at Hastings. Monday
evening at tho regular meeting of the
Youna- Women s Christian association
Miss Clark. Miss King and Miss Harner
reviewed the convention before tho local
Friday morning a baaket ball rally was
held at the chapel hour preceding the
Cotner game that evening. The team was
called to the stage and presenter wun a
large floral horseshoe In the college
colors. February 2R Central City college
boys' and girls' basket ball teams met
the York college teams on the York floor.
York was able to win both games. The
boys won, 60 to 4, and the girls 14 to 1.
Fremont College,
The subject of Prof. A. Hoftiey's ad
dress for Saturday morning literature was
a sketch of the life of President William
Miss Rose Cerny has organized a good
sized class In violin at Columbus anil
left for that place today. She will be
greatly missed about the college.
On Wednesday evening F.dmund Vance
Oooke delighted an audience of college
students and citizens of Fremont, who
filled the auditorium to its capacity.
President Clemmons was called to Ver
dlgre for an address Friday evening and
Saturday morning before the teachers'
association which convened at that place.
Mr. Hancock and Mr. Barnes, who at-
tended the Young Men's Christian asao-
I nlatlnn ennvjtntlnn til Hnatlnira bav thole
! reports before a Union meeting of the
uasociatlon Sunday morning In college
Kdmund Vance Cooke was the guest of
President Clemmons while In the city
An Informal reception was given him In
th college parlors following the enter
tainment. Mr. Cooke left on an earlv
train direct for his home ot Cleveland, O.
nellevae (olleae.
The new $20,000 gymnasium, for which
Vice President Raakervllle raised the
funds in a campaign ending New Year's
night, will be completed as soon as the
weather permits. Contracts will be let
March 15.
The German rluh held a meeting Thurs
day evening. Miss Carter, head of the
department of Oerman, read soma of the
poems of Helnrlch and gave a short talk
on his life. Miss Margery Dlddock sang
two songs from Heine.
Carleton Yoder and John Bloomoulst
attended the Young Men's Christian as
sociation convention held at Hastings
college the last three days of February.
Helen Allen and Helen Heydon repre
sented Bellevue at the Young Women's
Christian association convention held at
Hastings at the same time.
At the request of Cotner inilveraltv the
triangular debates between Bellevue,
Doane and Cottner have been noatDoned
from March 12 to March 111. Kach school
In the league lias an affirmative and a
negative team. The affirmative teams
remain at home and the negative teams
alternate In their trips each year between
tnc two other colleges In the league.
Nebraska Wesleyan l alyeralty.
About twenty students sttended the
missionary convention at Hastings Isst
Dr. Schrec kengsst Is back from a ram-
faign of several clays n the Orand
aland district in the Interests of the
endowment fund.
Convocation Thursday morning wss
given over to a rousing Jollification over
the result of the basket ball victory In
the Nebraska game Wednesday evening.
The Summer School Rulletin is being
mailed from the Registrar's of rice to all
who apply. An large number
of college courses are being offered In
addition to the regular work for teachers'
Chancellor Fulmer Issued a etatement
Friday morning to the effect that the
average grades uf the vsrsltv basket ball
quintet for the first semestur was R4 per
tent and that one member of the team
h:d a semester average of to per cent.
The statement was made to show that
athletics need not necessarily be divorced
from iicholarshlp.
The Life Underwriters' Association of
Nebraska tendered a farewell banquet
to Charles Junod, who hag been general
agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance company in Omaha for a num
ber of years, at the Henshaw last night.
Mr. Junod bids adieu to Omaha to take
ui a position in the bond underwriting
department of the Kountse Bros. In Nw
York City. Twenty-four members were
present lo say good by to their former
Working Bodies that Will Hare
This Year's Entertainment in
Charpe Made Up.
The standing committees of Ak-Sar-Ben
for 11R hse Jus been made up. Charles
K. Black Is to take I he place of D. J.
O'Brien as i lialrtiuiit of the amusement
committee. O'Hrlen becomes chairman
of the house committee.
Following Is the 1st ot officers, gov
ernors and standing committees as they
now are:
President -K. Buckingham.
Vli e-l'rcMdent --Oouhl Diet.
Secretary -J D. Weaver.
Treasurer l K. Haversllck.
Joseph Barker. (J. K Hateretick,
Charles D. Beaton. V. I'. Ilosfnnl,
C. K. Black. F. W.Judaon.
Itandall K, Brown, L. C. Nash.
K. Buckingham, D. J. O'Brien,
Oould Dletx. J. I e F. Billiard".
Finance llaersll k. Barker. Bucking
ham. Parade-Naah. Beaton, Richards.
HallBarker, Diet. Hiicklngham.
RltuaK-r.eaton. O'Brien. Black.
Amusement Black, Brown. Hosford.
House O'Hrlen. Diets, Judson.
I rlntlng Richards, Brown. Barker.
Light Judson, Hosford, Beaton.
Music Diets, N-xsh. Haerstlck.
Hallway Buckingham. Judson. Nash.
Purchase Hosford. Hax-erstlck, Rich
ards. Membership Brown. Black. O'Brien.
Get laltlatlon Ready.
A dosen carpenters and mechanics ape
now working under the wing of Ous
Renze. artisan of the Den. preparing the
initiation contraptions for this fall. Ous
Rcnae announces that he will be ready
with the biggest of guns for the opening
night, which is to be June 7. The first
outside bunch to be entertained Is the
Traveling Passenger Agent organization,
which hopes to have nearly l,0O0 delegates
In Omaha at that time for the convention
of that organisation ot traveling men.
They are to be initiated at the Den
June 14.
The order for Hie 1!1! button has been
given, and the new buttona are expected
to be here In a few weeks when memlers
will begin to wear them.
w Attrwetlona In Vlevr.
Charles Black and "Dad" Weaver are
to go to Chicago lo be there March 8 and
10 for a conference with a lot of heads
ot shows and rarnlva.1 features who are
to meet the officers of some twenty state
falra and other carnival organisations at
that time. Tho Omaha fellows are look
ing for the very choicest In clean features
and shows for the King's Highway this
Furnishing Begun
At Hotel Castle
Carpet laying will be commenced Mon
day morning by the Burgess-NaSh com
pany at the new Hotel Castle, Sixteenth
and Jones streets, which will be opened
for business Saturday, March 20. tlffico
fixtures have already been inatalled by
the Welrlck Fixture company, and to
morrow the Burgeas-Oranden company
will begin putting the electric lighting
fixtures In place.
The Castle In Omaha's newest hotel, a
handsome structure, six stories high and
shsolutely fireproof In every respect. Kven
the window sash are uuburnable, being
made of metal. The building Is of re
inforced concrete and steel.
Have Regrnlar Rowel Movement.
Take Dr. King's New Lire Pills and
have a dally, easy movement of the
bowels. Cure constipation, only 2To. For
sale by all dealers. Advertisement.
The Travelers' Protective association
magaslne for February, carries as Its
leading article for the month, an ex
tended article on "Omaha as a Banking
Center." This .Is the official magaslne
for the Travelers' Protective association,
tho national organization, which Is to
hold Its annual convention In Omaha,
June 14 to IB. The magaslne Is said to
reach many thousands of traveling men
over the entire United States, and is tak
ing this means of informing them as
to what kind of a city la Omaha.
As a cover design the magaslne car
ries a half-page cut of the Fontenelle
hotel. The banking article Is Illustrated
with a picture of the City National hank
building, the interior of the Omaha Na
tional, the First National bank building
and the new home of the I'nlted States
National bank.
Do You Face the Day's Work
With Vim and Energy?
Morning i Uic time when, workers need fool that
will not overload the stomach, but ffive stengtli and
mental vigor for the day.
Much dejH'nils on the start. For one can't he keen
and alert on a heavy, indigestible breakfast.
is not only easy of digestion (digests iu about ono
hour), but it aids in the assimilation of other foods.
Made of whole wheat and malted barley, the malting
of the barley awakens the digestive ferment, diastase,
one of the essentials in the assimilation of all food.
Grape-Nuts comes ready to eat from the paekago
with cream or milk; delicious, economical, and a pow
erful energizer for folks who "do things."
"There's a Reason"
sold by Grocers everywhere.
Man Who Heard First Spoken Word
Over Telephone to Visit
Local Men-
The man who heard the first, spoken
word over a telephone wire Is to be in
t Inviha thl ftvpk lie 1 Thrtman A Wat
son of Last Halntree, Mass. lie built
the first telephone line also. Thnt was
after Alexander Crnlinni Hell, tlv In
ventor, had spoken to lilm over the first
little wire through a crude hox-llke trans
mltter the two had built In Boston In ls?i?.
Mr. Watson Is to sipcak at the public
affairs luncheon at the Commercial club
Thursday noon. March It.
It was Watson who was at the Califor
nia end of the wire a few weeks hro when
the American Telephone and Telegraph
company formally opened its first trans
continental long distance line. There
! W atson sat at the Sn I'ranclsx n end of
the wire and heard again the voice oi
Alexander Graham Bell, this time 3.10'
miles away. In New Yoik.
Besides being a builder of telephone
lines, he has superintended the building
of some of the great dreadnoughts of the
I'nlted States navy.
To Mslt Local Men.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson have been In
California since January .', when he par
ticipated In the formal opening of the
rross-oontlnent line. They are now on
their way back to the east. They will
stop In Omaha to visit with Casper Yost
and other officials of tho Nebraska Tele
phone company.
From 1R7H until 1M Watson worked
steadily developing the principles of the
art of telephony. He was then the "chief
and only engineer of the Bell Telephone
company. Today this company bus more
than M0 engineers devoting their exclu
sive time to exiM'rlliiental work. In 1S7S
Watson took a trip down to Washington
and persuaded Theodore N. Vail to go
Into tho telephone business. Mr. Vail la
now president of the Bell system.
In 1SI Mr. Watsons connection with
the telephone Industry ceased and he went
abroad for a two years' rest. From 1S.SI
until 1WI0 he was a member of the ship
building firm of F. V. Wellington Co.
By 1! he had become one of ttie lead
ers of the shipbuilding Industry. It was
Mr. Wstsun who founded the great Fore
River Ship and Knglne company at
Qulncy Point. Boston Bay. and was Its!
president for three years. This firm, one
or the largest In the country, has con
structed many of our navy's dreadnoughts
now in service.
In 1WW, when the battleships Vermont
and New Jersey, the protected cruiser
lies Moines and tho destroyer McDonough
hsd been completed under Mr. Watson's
direction. Rear Admiral Francis T.
Bowles, head of the naval construction
work, was called to the presidency, and
Mr. Watson retired from active business.
Mr. Watson Is now living at F.ast Bain
tree. Mass. He Is a member of the Amer
ican Association for the Advancement or
Science, the Boston Society of Natural
History and the Massachusetts Horticul
tural society.
Itas I'srd t'hamberlala'a ( vagh
Remedy for Twenty Years.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hss been
used In my household for the last twenty
years. I began giving It to my children
when they were small. As a quick re
lief for croup, whooping cough and or
dinary colds, It has no ecUul. Being free
from opium and other harmful drugs, 1
never felt afraid to give It to the children.
I have rtcoinmcnded It to a large num
ber of friends si.d neighbors, who have
used It and speak highly of It," writes
Mrs. Mary Mltiko, Shortavllle, N. Y.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
Omaha la soon to liuve the visit of
Madame Depage, wife of Dr. Depage,
the celebrated surgeon of Brussels.
Madame Depage Is giving lectures In the
United States to collect runds to organ
ize a new Belgian ambulance corps.
Madame Depage has a personal letter
rrom the queen of Belgium, besides a
telegram sent by the queen, received on
landing In New York, expressing tho
great hope of success or her mission.
Dr. Delsney, Belgian consul here, has
received rrom Mr. Havenlth, Belgian
minister or Washington, a letter Intro
ducing Madame Depage and hoping that
she will receive in Omaha, the same gen
erous support that she had In the east.
Madame Depage and h r husband have
taken care of the Belgian wounded and
when she saw that the needs of tiie
Belgian Red Cross fsr exceeded the sup
plies, decided to mako a personal and
reusing appeal to American generosity.
Madame Depage Is on her way to Cali
fornia and will he in Omaha In about
two weeks.
World's Standard
Nemo is the only corset that
has held its own during War's
depression. The demand is now
greater than ever sales exceed
ing even our vast output.
Nemo is a real corset; creates
perfect style, preserves health,
outwears all others two to one.
It has seen the absurd "corset
less" mode fa Jc into oblivkm,
and is the first to give sensibly
fashionable women the new
For "Tallor-Mades"
Each of the forty Nemo models
gives you this new and healthful
are lor different STOUT types
-and have no
equal, tor tull
figures, at the
price . .
Self-Redocing No. 322
This model (with No. 326
same with longer skirt) is worn
by at least a million women who
won't wear any other. Strong,
stylish, comfortable and durable.
Long skirt, Lasticurve-Back.
322 and 326 ) 0 Afl
Coutil, sises 21 to 38 t
"Invisible" Self-Reducing
The new, model with tape
strap reducing bands concealed
by the corset-skirt. Improved
Nemo "bridge;" free breathing.
No. 341 (short full) i$O.00
No. 342 (ts.ll full)., f 0'v"
Instantly popular with women
who object to outside straps and
like a corset a little lighter.
A Nemo lor Every Figure
$3.00, $3.50, $4 and $5
Be a Wise Woman!
Take time to be properly fitted
in the Nemo that best suits vour
figure. Then you'll always Lava
the Nemo habit.
Is N Hrfiaaic.FukUa I art !!, If. T.
Remember that
all check books,
bank books, etc.,
are free, and it
costs you abso
lutely nothing to
have a bank ac
teral DUrrtbatM
( if oln