Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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The Be Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omihi postofflra a scond-rlas rosttsr.
Rv earner Ry mull
pT month. pr yar.
wally nd "iindar Mc M
Tally without Hunday....' e 4 00
RvanlnK snl "undav no
Evening without Sunday -o 4.00
Sunday P only 2
Pnd notlr of rhn of addrraa tr complaint of
Irrrsnlsrity In delivery to Omaha IW, Circulation
IV pa rune nt.
Remit hy draft. eprr or po'sl order. Only two
rent stamp rece'ven" In payment of amall ac
count. IVrsonal checks, except on Omaha and eaatarn
aichanre. not accepted.
Omaha The Bm T-tutldln
South Omaha Si. N street
Council HI'iffaH North Main afreet.
Lincoln Llttr Btillilin:.
Chtcasi ni Ilrarst HiiUdln
New fork Room llfti, MB Fifth arsnua.
ft. Iml- MS New Hank of Commerc.
Washington Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Addreaa communications rnlatlnr to new ami edU
to rial matter to Omaha Bea, Editorial Dapartmant.
State of Nehraska. County of Douglas, an
Dwlght William, circulation manager of The Ree.
Publifthinc company. 1 clun duly aworn, ay that the
average circulation for the month of February.
waa il.7rt.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Suhacrlbed In my presence snd aworn to liefors
me, thla 3d dv of frarrh, VMS.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
should hare The llee malhM to them. Ad
dress will be chanced a often aa reqneated.
Thought for the Day
5cf sof by HtUn Thompion
Evtl uprin-ji up, and fiowert, and bean no teed,
And find the green earth with tift decay.
Leaving it richer lor the growlh Of truth;
Hut good, onee put in action or in thought.
Like a ttrong oak, doth Irom ill bought $lied
Tli ripe ytrint of a forett.
A united city makes for a united front on
all questions vitally affect Inn tlie common wet-fare.
References to the spring campaign must be
more specific to distinguish between municipal
politics and European war.
Omaha's roster of big building projects for
1916 silvers the clouds of waning winter with
the sunshine of optimism.
White Is a very becoming spring shade for
the corn belt, but the corn belt looks Its loveli
est In green and yellow, the unrivaled colon of
General Prosperity. ,
The experience or gullible people with bogus
dukes establishes a wireless bond of sympathy
between them and the American heiresses who
were similarly taken In.
While the business section Is entitled to first
aid treatment, the outlying residence districts
would also welcome an official snow shovel raid
on adjacent snow banks.
Congressman Lobeck's energy in attacking
the report of the postofflce efficiency board
may be the means of smoking out the animal In
the woodpile. The game Is worth the chase.
While President Wilson is "tied by the legs"
In Washington, Secretary Daniels proposes to
go the whole route to San Francisco on a war
ship. You can't keep a real salted warrior off
the quarterdeck.
Some critics, unmindful of the respect due
the dead, cast a shadow of doubt on the claim
that the Sixty-third congress earned Its salaries
and mileage. What's the good? Members
cashed their checks as they cashed In.
Railroad companies made no mistake when
they pushed Festus J. Wade to the forefront of
their rate boosting departments. What he does
not know about the revenue needs of railroads
It would be useless to seek In the archives of a
Gould road.
It is admitted that physicians sometimes
beat the lawyers to damage costs, but they
have to hurry. It follows that they are entitled
to a first lien on the verdict. In giving that
I rlnclple the force of law, the legislature makes
for Justice.
Divisions of the warring governments which
have to do with purchasing fighting necessities
appear to be shocked at the discovery of exor
bitant commissions being exacted by American
agents and some Inferior goods smuggled Into
the deliveries. The genuineness of the shock
may be conceded. It is always annoying to home
grown patriots to find some of the perquisites
of war going beyond their reach.
J- Of Si
7-7X;.i dDL &r,JM2
W i
c.0 mom mtm ri.i
The report of Mr. K. C. Moore, aecretary of tlia
Women' Chriatlan aoclatlon. showa JiO destitute
families aalatd during the flrat two month of the
year, it aliowa alao that the association received
tl.H from the charity ball fund, all of which haa al
ready been expended.
Mrs. Alma "K. Keith, Omaha.' popular milliner,
has son eaal to purt-haae new good.
The remain of Mr. Frank Murphy, motlitr of
our townsman, Mr. Frank Murphy, are to be burled
In the Holy Sepulchre eeraetery.
Dodg street people are forming- a whlat club,
vumpoaed so far of Mr. and Mrs. Rrlfht. Mr. and
Mra. 1. J. Dickey, Mr. and Mr. Jar via. Mr. and
Mrs. McConncll, Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock. They met
lat eek at J. i. IHckay-s.
Mis Atkinson, who has been vUlllns Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Borden, haa left for hrr home 'In Penvor.
The I'ntoa Pacific has put a new time card Into
effect, moat of the tralna being moved up earlier.
Mrs. E. M. Hooper announces that she can be
found at the north eat corner of Twentieth and
Caas street, where he holds orth aa a clairvoyant
The Administration and Its Task.
Taking the Foundings at the mid-ocean point
of th voysse, that ancient and experienced po
litical msriner. Colonel Henry Watterson, charts
the rent of the course of the ship as follows:
To at least two thing; from now onward the
administration must addree Itself; the reduction of
public expenditure, and the) adjuotment of the coun
try to the chanse wrought by the European war.
For this work, the colonel adds, the presi
dent will need all his firmness, all his sagacity,
and all his common sense, and will need to avoid
the temptation to experiment, producing fartlon
lfm, as alresdy seen In "the ship-purchase fool
ishness." We are Inclined to accept Colonel Watter
Mon's contribution as a cartographer, for practi
cally everything ahead of us calling for govern
mental action can be brought under these two
heads, or by a small stretch under the last one
of them, for the readjustment of the country to
new conditions may be made to include the re
duction of public expenditures to make them fit
curtailed revenues. For the first time In a Ion?
time domestic problems have been almost
wholly subordinated to or swallowed up In
foreign problems. What looked like adequate
or final solution of crying social Ills or Indus
trial abuses have suddenly been found to be
merely surface scratching because new symp
toms have supplanted the old ones with the
world-wrenching war.
But the democrats have never shown the con
structive statesmanship, lndlspenslble to the
solution of the problems confronting us. If
the democratic administration does not measure
up to the task correctly outlined by Colonel
Watterson, the country will at Its first oppor
tunity summon some one else to do It.
and trance medium.
The three-story brick adjoining the laundry
? I'LInt & Evan. 1 rapidly ntarlng completion.
January Record of Foreign Trade.
While the January record of exports and
Imports show a trade balance for the month In
favor of the I'nlted States, the figures have
some significance that may escape attention un
less closely analysed. On the surface, It would
seem to indicate an enormous growth, but un
derneath it shows an unhealthy condition.
While the sales from the I'nlted States to
Europe have enormously Increased, the trade
with the South American countries, from which
so much has been expected, Is less than It was
a year ago. This must mean either that the
South Americans are buying less, or that our
hastily organized campaign to capture that busi
ness has not produced the results hoped for.
An immense outpouring of foodstuffs and
other army supplies has brought the total vol
ume of exports well up. to the normal figure.
Tke United Kingdom has been the most liberal
purchaser, exports to the English ports having
Increased more than $39,600,000, or well over
CO per cent above January of last year. Others
of the allies have bought liberally from us, but
the greatest falling off in Imports has been from
England and France. It is worthy of note that
our receipts In January of goods from Germany
was less than 25 per cent under the figures of
a year ago, but our shipments to Germany had
fallen more than 80 per cent.
Trade currents of the world are still greatly
disturbed by the unnatural circumstances. The
balance In favor of the United States Is a natural
outcome of the abnormal requirements of
Europe for war materials, nd so rests on a
ery unstable foundation.
Russia'! Age-Long Dream.
From the springboard of necessity Great
Britain has executed a somersault In a national
policy that has been the rule of action for over
a century.-
Ever since Britannia achieved supremacy on
the seas British opposition to Russian ambitions
have been consistent and persistent. One of the
great ambitions of the Romanoff dynasty has
been, and la today, a warm-water port which
would afford a year round outlet for the hugo
resources of the empire and unchallenged free
dom In the commerce of the world. This has
been the unrealised dream of Russian monarchs
from Alexsnder I down to Czar Nicholas. To
this end Russia has bent Its energies, and for
which she has fought two fruitless wars. Every
time the dream approached realization effective
obstacles were placed on the besr's path, di
rectly or Indirectly, by Great Britain.
Thirty-seven years ago this month, with its
victorious army at the back door of Constanti
nople, Russia wrung from Turkey the treaty of
San Stefano, which not only guaranteed free
navigation from the Black sea to the Mediter
ranean, but stripped the Ottoman empire of
more territory than the Balkan states won In
the recent wsr. Great Britain objected to the
terms of the treaty and sent a fleet of warships
Into the sea of Marmora to defend Constantino
ple for the Turks and to Impress upon Russia
the advisability of disgorging. Austria sided
with the British. Russia was impressed. The
outcome was the congress of Berlin whk'h
robbed Russia of the fruits of victory.
With the gates of the Dardanelles closed,
Russia turned to the far east and sought an out
let to the aa through Manchuria and Port
Arthur. Japan blocked that movement In the
war of 1904-5, and Great Britain furnished most
of the financial blocks with which the trick was
A few years ago the Russian dream nil raged
the Persian gulf as a haven of relief. At once
the machinery of peaceful conquest were set In
motion and their revolutions soon brought Brit
ish intriguers to the field, resulting in thi
clvlslon of Persia into two spheres of Influence,
Great Britain holding the southern half an
Russia the tldeless northern end.
Now the anlmoelties and rivalries of a cen
tury are buried In the trenches of war. British
and Russian armies are fighting In a common
cause. The three allies must stand together to
win. It one retires the others are lost. In
such a crisis Orest Britain could do no less than
sanction Russia's age-long ambition for free nav
Igation to and from the Black sea, and the guus
of the allied fleet are giving practical force to
an understanding which links Russia to what
ever the fates have In store . for the Triple
Dakota lawmakers have adjourned and gone
to their several homes for an Indefinite rest.
The people, too, seem relieved and disposed to
look on the bright side of life. Thus the en
forced Idleness of servant bring Joy to the
masters, which is not a flattering certificate of
character for the servants
Sympathetic View of
The German Kaiser
DlanlHed Rearlna; thorns F.ialtatloa.
Accordlne; to Ijtidwlg Ganshofcr. the wll known
Bavarian author who wa Invited to spend a day at
sret headquarter in France, Emperor William, en
thusiastic, exalted by the proved unity of hla people
I confident of victory despite the tre and atraln
of the punt month. In dsecrlhlng hi vlirlt In tho
Munchner Neueste Xar-hi li Men. Ilerr Ganghofer
givea an Intimate humnn picture of the monarch on
the field of war:
"In e gard'n surrounded by wall -food the quiet,
well runnlcd home In which Emperor William made
hi headquarter. When t entered I found no evi
dence of an elaborate, household. It wa quiet and
simple. The few guests who hd been Invited to the
evening meal were gathered In s small reception room.
Klnnlly tho kaiser entered, clad In the field gray uni
form of a general. Ilia trp. a alwayn. waa elastic.
I'nder the strea of the storm of thcue past month
the emperor had gained much and lost nothing. In
deed, It waa apparent he has born exalted. We realised
that from his dignified bearing, hi quiet imlle, h'
calm glance.
Kalaer l.lrea Simply and Frugally.
" "Well. Oanghnfer. your P.avarlan are splendid
fellow! They have done fine work; And we are
pushing forward everywhere, thank God I' He re
called oiir laM meeting- In the spring. The kaiser
gated earnestly Into my eye and said slowly and seri
ously: 'Who could have guessed then what haa hap
pened now! And that we would see each other In
France! Under such circumstances!'
"We went to table. The dining room wa s com
fortable room, decorated In hunting atyle. There were
ten gueista, high officer and members of the court.
The aervanta were few In number, the meal wa
hort. On a. amall slip not bigger than a visiting card
wa written:
"Raked Sole.
"Cold Meat.
"Potatoes In the Jacket.
Attend "tereoptlraai Lecture.
"We had French country wine and water, and we
had bread but war bread. After the meal an hour
waa apent In serious conversation, occasionally bright
ened by laughter. In a pleasant winter garden. The
company waa presently Increased by a quiet, well
bred guest a small black dachahund with Intelligent
eye, the kaiser's favorite dog, who I at present
somewhat of an Invalid wl'.h a bandaged paw. A
often as he wished the dog may make himself comfort
able on his maater'a lap. or. to he more exact, make
his royal master uncomfortable.
"Toward 11 o'clock a military lecture wa an
nounced for the kaiser and a number of higher of
ficer. A novelty of military technic waa to be
presented the stereoptloon picture, with an explana
tory lecture by one of the officer.
"Through the dark, anowles winter night the
guests walked over to a nearby house. Here wa a
darkened room containing about forty chairs; back
of them a propectlng machine with electric wlreo;
In front a large sheet fastened to the wall. A long
series of pictures appeared one by one on the sheet.
The first were completely Incomprehensible to me.
Only after awhile the apoken word taught me to
understand, and I began to realize with great aua
pense that thla was a new. Important matter, helpful
In warfare. Repeatedly the kalaer Interjected pointed
quest Ions, and these the lecturer answered. The
lecture lasted until after midnight.
"After the last picture the light flared up. The
kaiser stepped quickly over to the young officer hj
had given the lecture and shook hand with him.
" 'I thank you! That la a splendid thing!' said
he. Tto you think that the French can Imitate this?'
"The young officer In the weather beaten field
gray uniform amlled:
" 'Not ao soon, your majesty; we have Just dis
covered It!'
Kalaer'a Hemtnteeca on Battlefield.
"We! Thst means we Germans. I carried the
word with me with great Joy during the starlit night
And also an Invitation which gave me great pleasuro
to ride by automobile the next dsy with the kaiser
to visit the crown prince. I attended a sacred service
at headquarters as well ss a review of the guard.
How the kslers eyes lighted st the review. 'Gang
hofer, did you see thatT he cried with Joy. 'How
splendidly the men march! Fine fellows!"
"Afterward followed a ride with the kaiser In hi
auto. Only two men accompanied him. Two chauf
feurs with carbines and cartridge belts sat In front.
Otherwise he had no guard. The icalaer wlahea H
that way. When we rode over a temporary bridge
he said: 'That la not dangerou. What Uerman aai
pers build hold!' Suddenly the kalaer spoke of the
great enthusiasm and wonderful unity of the German
people. 'It la my greatest happlnesa that I may ex
perience this! And then he said musingly, 'And If
It had not been Ilk that' He drew a deep bresth
snd looked back to the ruin of Donchery.
"We were on the battlefield of Bedan.
" 'Over there.' ssld the kalaer, 'stood my father!'
" 'Here Napoleon met Blamarck!'
" 'There la Bellevue palace! Here my grand
father's converestlon with Napoleon took place!'
"We continued through the flood lands of thj
Meuae, on a high dike. In the distance a village ap
peared against the dark Woevre forest. Above a
wall rose the walls of a pretty little castle our
K.mpcror CaiTeta Crewa Prince's Cook.
"In the court of the castle the crown prince with
six members of his staff welcomed the emperor. The
slender figure of the victor of Iongwy seemed to
have grown even taller. Hla healthy young face was
tanned, and his merry eyes shone with Joy. 'We have
advanced a good piece! Twelve hundred Frenchmen
raptured!' he announced to hla father with Joy. They
are coming In an hoir!'
"At brrakfaat th- emperor aald to the crown
prince: 'You have better meals than 1! I shall con
alder whether I will not requlaltlon your cook!'
"Scarcely had the fruit been served when it wa
announced. 'They are coming!' We rose and Went
out. A moving operator man was busily turning the
crank of a machine. 'Photograph that not alwsys
me!' the kaiser called to the photographer.
"Slowly and painfully mot of the prisoner drew
near, and upon many of their face was stsmavd the
lifeless, dull expression of months of suffering.
Among the l.OM men not a hundred were sturdy snd
well built. Some of them took off their csps, snd the
kalaer thanked them. Seriously and silently our field
grays stood there.
"The crown prince Invited us to ride In his suto
moblle In order to show hi father sn accessible point
with a view toward the Argonnes. From afar could
be heard a hollow rumbling, so soft It waa hardly
audible In the rushing of the wind blowing over the
hill. On the descent I was allowed to support tho
kalaer, and we went down slowly, as on s ehamola
hunt. Then I stopped myself. The kalaer held me
with s firm hand and aald:
" 'Holdler and cltixens muit help one another
wherever they can!'"
Twice Told Tales
Work Hatred.
"The failure work a In order to play. The success
play In order to work."
The speaker waa Loula J. Horowlts of New Tork.
builder of the Woolworth, Equitable and numberless
other noted skyscraper.
"Yes," he continued, "the succeaaful man lovea his
work, and only pi ay a, or exerclaea. to put hlmaeJf In
the beat ahape for It. But the failure well, the failure
la like the tramp.
"A tramp was told that be could have a hot meal
If he'd wheel snow In a wheelbarrow for some street
' The tramp consented to thla and set to work. But
one of the street clesners aald to him,
" 'You're a quer wheelbarrow Juggler!'
" How ao. friend In what wayr asked the tramp.
" 'W hy,' aald the at reel cleaner, "you ought to puh
a wheelbarrow, not pull It."
" 's. I know,' aat.l the tramp, 'but I can't stand
Hie light of the d-rn thing ' "-New York Globe.
See on rR f Hope.
OMAHA. March 6 To the Editor ot
The Ree: All patriotic Americans hone
and pray that the European war may
soon be ended and that our nation may
not be nrawn Into the conflict through
the violation of ncutrslity nor the reck
less disregard of our rights under Inter
national law and custom.
It appears thst the main cause of the
war was the struggle for commercial su
premscy When such a motive is not
haeed upon fair competition and merit, it
is selfish snd sure to result in trouble.
The fair and Just rule of "live and let
live" is not the gul'iing principle In the
foreign or domestic commcr-lal relations
of the world. Although recognized as the
right snd desirable rule of conduct. It is
ruthlessly brushed salde In tho mad rush
lor wealth and power.
It was not Intended that one man. nor
combination of men, nor nation, nor
group of nations, should control or he
master of the channels of commerce, and
permanent peace the hope and wish of
all Just men will not be realized and
assured until the sea shall he free for all
The appalling spectacle of Christian na
tiona at one another's throats la dis
couraging to the peace advocates, to say
the least, and It causca one to eusph-lon
that modern civilization Is only a veneer
coveting all the essence of the barbaric
ages. The struggle Is Intensified by the
low snd bsse passion of Jealousy, re
venge and aggreialon.
It Is a noble act to defend your home
and native land, and battle for the free
dom of the oppressed. This patriotic Im
pulse has rallied to all the standards of
the various armies the men that bear the
brunt of all wars, the common people,
and the blame for the crime of the
Twentieth century, If placed at all, should
rest on the heads of the rulers snd offi
cials In whose care reposed the peace end
prosperity of their subjects.
The cost of the folly must be paid. In
a large measure, by future generations.
There Is one ray of hope, however, shin
ing through the cloud of deapalr, thst
the masses of all the nations may
eventually be freed and given an oppor
tunity for a broader snd happier life
through universal peace and brotherhood.
This, the greatest of all wsrs, may hasten
the realization of that Utopia.
3f)4 Omaha National Bank Building.
Brttt for Municipal Coart Jadae.
OMAHA. March 6. To the Editor of
The Bee: The bill providing for a mu
nicipal court for Omaha and South
Omaha, will no doubt soon become a law.
As this Is to be s court of much Im
portance to the lawyer and litigants of
Omaha, the Judge to be appointed to
preside over them should be men of
known honesty snd ability. As the main
purposes of the bill are of two-fold na
ture, one to relieve the congested condi
tion of the county court, the other to
relieve a long suffering public from the
Injustices suffered at the hands of in
competent justices of the peace, grasp
ing for fees, and their co-partnership
with collection agencies and whose rul
ings and decision are but a travesty on
Justice. To this rule we hsve s few ex
ceptions, one in particular, thst most
every practicing attorney in Omaha will
concede, is now on the Justice bench, and
his name Is C. W. Brltt. During the
three yeara he has filled this position
he has earned, snd la given credit for
bleng one of the most capable, honeat
and Impartial men that ever discharged
the duties of that office In Douglas
county. In his appointment the governor
would not only reflect credit upon him
self, but upon the bar ot Douglas county.
OMAHA. March . To the Editor of
The Bee: A local newspaper is making
a lot of noise over the fact that the ad
dreesograph of the Commercial club wa
permitted to be used by the electric light
company for sending out It arguments
In opposition to the bill In the legislature.
It seem to me that this is a tempest
In a teapot. Everybody knows that the
manager of the water works haa been
using the official addressograph of the
Water board, and a portion of the time
of a number of clerks on the public pay
roll, for sending out campaign literature
boosting the work of the Wster board
and advocating municipal ownership for
purely political purpoaes.
In view of the foregoing, It seems to
me that the manager of the Water board
la the taat man In town free to make a
rumpua over the action of the Commercial
club management In this esse.
Drmocratle Poatofflre Ecoaoiuy.
OMAHA, March 1 To the Editor of
The Bee: The dispatches report that
Poatniaater General Burleson returned
13.610.000 to the Treasury department aa
surplus revenue from the Postoffice de
partment for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1914.
In the district bounded by Fiftieth
street on the east, the Boulevard on tho
weat, Chicago street on the north and
Dodge atreet on the aouth there are now
three residence coating from $10,000 up
ward occupied by their owner, two ad
ditional reaidences of the same clsas
which will shortly be occupied by the
owners; snd in course ot construction
three realdencea costing $10,000 and one
costing $25,000. Thla diatrlct I without
even rural free mall delivery, and a
far as sny Information can be had on the
subject from the Postofflce department.
It seem that the reason given for de
priving this district of mall delivery Is
that the Postofflce department Is short
ot fund and that no further aduition to
the carrier force under the Omaha post
office can be made at this time.
Investigate and verify. X. X.
OMAHA, March 7 To the Editor of
The Bee: To anawer Herman Holm, I
wish to say It I no anawer of snlne dated
the lath. He aaya he is not mistaken
they had to learn Daniah before ltM. No;
why not? It wa under Panlah rule at
that time, but I can ahow him many born
In Schleawlg-Holaleln who cannot under
stand Danish more than one who never
heard It. My father waa In the war of
IMA-Uiit. I, for my part, do not know a
much about it as 1 would like to know.
All I know Is what I have been reading
and what my father told me. What Mr.
Holm aays In regard to nine-tenth of
Schleswlg-Holstein being Germane la no
reason why It should belong to Germany.
It nlne-tentha of Nebraaks was Germans,
would that mean that it belong to Ger
many? I also wish to say in regard to the
names of towns la felchleewig-Holatein.
said to be all German names, how many
have been changed eince 1M4? I can show
many. I aay the same as you do out
with the truth. I am sn American and
neutral p. x. P.
"Pie for hrenkfast? No. thanks! Last
P-mdny morning I finished mv breakfast
with a piece of pie and I was snrrv."
"Wi.v so?"
"I had terrible dreams In church."
Boston Tranacrlpt.
"As a mstter of fsct." said the lawver
for the defendant. trytnK to he sarcasth'.
"you know whether It wss a motor car
or something resembling a motor ia.
that hit you.'"
'It rrsemnled one all right." the plain
tiff made answer. "I was forcibly struck
by the resemblance." puck.
The Housewife Ton have the sppear
ance of a hrd drinker.
The Hobo Madam, you wrong me.
5-'ln e wc specialized the profession I am
regarleu merely as an expert xampler.
T anks fcr de pie. Cleveland 1 lain
"You alwsys seem to be a friend of mine.
"I am. I think the world of you. I vj
been rending shout a congressman s hard
work, long hours and small pay. t "
aolng to ssve my vote for somebody i
U'in't like." Washington Star.
"And what." asked the curiously In-(liif-d
new arrival. 'If the remark made
by human belnss that moves you oftenest
to hsrty hniKhter"'
Satan sns.vered promptlv
"It s the sterotrpel rrmsrk of th
debtor. 'h If I ever get out of dcl't this
time. I II nrvrr fret In acaln!' "Judge.
' Senator Flubdub looks stupid to me.
Doesn't appear to know whether he Is
golnir or coming."
"He is not so sleepy ss he looks Ask
him nbout his mllesge. and you'll find he
can tell you exactly what he Is entitled
to. going or coming.'- Louisville Courier
Journal. "Does Jonnny like his new school?'' In
iiulrei the friend of the family.
" h. Immensely." replied Johnny's lonT
rufferlnn mother, lie haa had a fight
every day fince he started, and acquired a,
t lack eye that Is the envv of cverv boy
In the neighborhood." Richmond Times'
ldspatch. "Are you worried anout the cotton
cro )"
"Not ut at thl minute." answered
Colonel Ptillwell. "With prohibition as
sured and spring lamb too desr for me
to est It, the overprr.drctlon of mint Is
giving me all the worry I can attend to."
Washington Star.
"What are your reasons for refusing to
vote for me?'' ssked the statesman.
Kate MsstersoM. in Jud;c.
The l.enten purple pells the town.
The time hs come for flittimr
To plnv woods snd porches down
For g")f and brlilee and knitting.
The clubs are empty-every one
Who's anv one's cavorting
Where there's s fighting chance for fuu.
For folly or for sporting.
We stroll through Aliniony Ijine
And rest In Peacock Alley;
For merriment we seek in vain
Where tango trotters rally.
Oh.- kindly devil of the grill.
Your warm glow on us csstlns,
Disperse this unrelenting chill
That comes from sloqi and fasting.
The Jell Is on the gsy calf's foot.
The pate de foie is smiling;
The chic poulet in aspic put,
But not for our begiillicg.
For cs no guinea-hen saute.
No filet mlgnon flashes:
We sip our barley fixz franpe
In sackcloth and Hi sshrs.
Away sway to wooded lake!
Dost hear the love bird calling
Where laughing pussy willows shake
And early buds are falling?
Hid in the trees, King Pan, the gay
His harp of life Is strumming
A march triumphant. Clear the way!
Another spring Is coming!
y March
ri; I
' ho
Stack . .
f immtt If
' aandbs, ass
' - -
U rTn m lift tLm
aeistort earSja
All vf -In
This )
Issue 1J
Three Biggest Novels
of the Year
are appearing in the current is
sues of Hearst's Magazine.
No other magazine printed offers
a bigger volume of the best work
of the best novelists.
Hearst's is made to please.
ItS fiction is !(- ritwrcifiorl no
-w r CAa9
to interest every reader and
u is aiwavs the best that
money can buy and brains
Then there are numer
ous Short Stories and
articles read the
list for yourself.
An All-Star Number
Now is the time
to look at offices
If you are thinking of moving this epring, now is the time
to make your selection.
We have only the following offices to show you and we
may have nothing at all in a couple of months.
Just now, we have no small offices, but applications will
be received and if changes occur, applicants will be given
first choice.
The offices listed below include some of the most desir
able in the building, if the size and arrangement please
Suite 222: Jbia is a very choke office on the second .floor,
' racing the corridor around the court. It is par-
imuiicu iur a very comfortable waiting room
and two private offices. It has north light.
I rice, per month $45.00
Boom 420: Tn,s i one of the corner offices which Is con
- sidered ho very desirable. It Is 20x20 feet, and
has two windows facing north and two west.
The large vault is particularly desirable for
some classes of business. The door of rtotg office
is directly at the end of the hall, so that the
sign may be seen by everyone walking dowu
ihe corridor.
Trice, per month S 10 00
Suite 426: Thi offers exceptional space and desir-
ability lor the price. It is divided Into a wait
Ing room and two private rooniB. It has north
lUht and its occupants receive all the servics
and comfort of a well kept office building
Trice, xr month $27 50
Ground Kspecially adapted for printing office. This has
b'n occupied by a printer for manv vear. and
on account of Its location in an office building
and in the heart of the office building district
the location Itself is an asset in this business or
any similar business. It has an entrance from
the court on the ground floor and also from the
Hey There is very satisfactory light and ven
tilation. It likewise has the advantage, from
the standpoint of Insurance and safety, of being
in a fireproof building. The floor space Is
1,232 feet.
I-Wce. per month $100.00
Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103