rUK r.EE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAKCH 3. 3915. BLAME BERGE AND BRYAN FOR DEFEAT Hall lUilway Meunre't Falling by Wayiide Attributed in Part to Theie Two Men. THEY CALL IT PERNICIOUS fFYom a Ptaff Correspondent I LINCOLN. March 7. (Fneclal.) The defeat by the taouso of H. K 207, known as the bill fathered and ronaored by Thomas L. Hall, rail war fommlanloner, In laid at the door of many, but none more so than those sturdy folowers of President Wilson and his policies. Charles W. Bryan and George W. Berfre. ProliaMy no two mfn In I.tttfoln, and In the state, for that matter, havs ad vocated "holding op the hands of the president," more than have Mr. Bryan and Mr. Berg. They fought the Mill fathered by Mr. Hall, because It was placing In the bands of the Plate Rail way commission a power that they should not hare. Pwlats Oat Hall. tn fart, Mr. Berge, In a public address In Lincoln a week ao with Mr. Hall slttlnit In the audience, pointed his fin ger at that official and chanced him with trying to bring" about leglalatlon that was "pernicious," and a kit of other thins, which could net be found In Webster's unabridged, strong enough to express what Mr. Berga desired to say. Mr. Bryan likewise made an attack on the Mil and was frequently In constil tattlo with democratic leader In the house, urging the defeat of H. R. 2HT, be causa of its pernicious tendencies. While strong In their denunciation of any democrat, who will not follow In the path prepared by President Wilson, It might be well for theaa men to look back a little ways and see how President Wilson stood on the same proposition which they are charging la "pernicious and giving power to a commission which It should not have." PrarvtsUaa Bill. The Mil known as H. R. 207, which Mr. Berga and Mr. Bryan say Is "per nicious." provided that "No person, firm, partnership, associa tion or corporation shall segin the con structkm or contract, or put In opera tion any plant, aystem. etc etc., without 1rst ascurlnff permission rtf the Ne braska Ptate Railway commission." "When President Wilson waa a candi date for tha presidency one of the strong points made in his campaign waa the oqe regarding his grest public utility law which ha had passed when he waa gov ernor of New Jersey. 'By refernng to the taws of New Jersey and that portion cov ering the powera of Its commission hav ing In charge the same duties as the Ne braska commission, the law reada; . "The board shall have general super vision and regulation of. Jurisdiction and control over, all public utilities, and also over their property, property rights, equipment, facilities and franchises so far as -may be necessary for tha purpose of carrying ouf tha provision of this act Deflalttea at Tena. "The term 'pubUo utility la hereby de fined to Include every Individual, copart nership, association, corporation or Joint stock company, their lessee, trdeteea.-or receivers appointed by any court whatso ever that now or may hereafter own, operate, manage or control within the atate of New Jersey any steam railroad, street railway, traction railway, canal, express, subway, pipe line, gaa, electric light, heat, power, water, oil, sewer, tele phone and telegraph system, plant er equipment for publlo use. under privileges granted or hereafter to be granted by tha state of Nuw Jersey or any political sub division thereof." Tha above section will be found on page 871 of tha session laws of New Jer sey for the year 1911. At another place In the same laws will be found In chapter 1(6, page & section 14. the following: Mast Be Approved. "No privilege or franchise hereafter granted to any publlo utility as herein de fined, by any political subdivision of this state, shall be valid until approved by said board, such approval to be given when, after hearing, said board deter mines that such privilege or franchise Is necessary and proper for the publlo con- venleco and properly conserves the pub lic Interests, and the board ahall have power In so approving to Impose such conditions aa to construction, equipment, maintenance, service or operation as the publlo convenience and Interests may reasonably require." If the To mHall bill wss "pernicious and gave greater powers to a commis sion thsn It should hsve" In Nebraaka, what kind of a word would define the powers given to a Ilka commission In New Jersey under the above law written and fathered by President Wilson when gov ernor of that state? The law as proposed In the deceased 307 and the one authorised by President Wil son are nearly alike, but differ only In one regard, that the powera given tho New Jersey commission are more "perni cious" thaa 207 dared to give. Report of Conditions Of the State Banks (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 7. -(Special.) Peport of the condition of the state banks of Ne braska. 75 banka, at the close of bus'ness February t. la as follows: RESOURCES. t osns and discounts I 3,MW.I4.53 Overdrafts 66.t! W tends, securities, judgments, claims, etc 1.0U0.410.28 banking house, furniture and fixtures I.WW.1K1 W Other real estate M. .S4.M Current expenses, taxes and interest paid 1.07(977.(5 Lue from national and atate banka J0.I74.I15.O0 Cash 17 Other Steel U SfcM4 LIABILITIES. Capital stork paid la t H.lU.loaa. Surplus fund S.blt.Mli 6 I ndivided prift .4i-,l7 iJivtdends unpaid J3.U7.74 Individual deposits subject to check 4J.E30.W1.IJ Ifemand certificates of de posit t.H4.0U3 Time earttficats of deposit J,ul.4tf.S Iue to national aod state banks l, Notes and bills rediaeouated. wt.lsu.4s Kills payable r.'.7.'l t4 Other liabilities WJOI.X IxrpoeUora' guaranty fund.... SNk.ut7.u 9lMJX.mM Average reserve, St per cent. Total number of depositors. t4,7JT. Since Oc tober tl. 114. resourcee have Increased tn.Vi7.U5 tZ; deposit. I7.1U.S30 04; loans and clicouni. lx-t.7-4.Be: cash and due from lBa. Kb4-124-U- BUas payable and re-J discount- have decreased U. 131,701 (W; overdrafts, . TwentySTx'Bills Originating in Senate Are Passed by Body tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 7. (Special.) The senate during the week Just passed made Into laws, providing the hou-e and the governor feel likewise, twenty-six Mils whl'-h originated In that body. In addl tlon to these they sanctioned nineteen hills frm the house Kleven of their own Mils went to third reading, eight were killed, while four teen from the house went to third read ing and two were killed. This makes the record for the session to date stand lit senste hills passed and sixty-four killed, while there hss been received from the house a total of 142 bills. The eight senate bills killed during the week were 73. 159, 163, IT. JO. 3M, 257 and 27. Those passed were 2J. 73, 10T.. 12ft, ISA, IS. 131, 1.15, 1.17, 141, 1fit. 140. 15, 171. 1, IK, mi. ESJ. J48, 240. Kl. 2'-,7, 275, 2S3 and 24. Secretary Walrath of the senate has started a new proposition which ought to meet with approval by the newspaper men of the atate. At the close of the week he prepares and sends to esch of the leading dally newspapers a list of all hills passed during the week with a copy of each one. This will enable the editors of these papers to keep their readers fully advised as to passago of legislation. German Submarine Mistakes Hospital Ship for Transport WASHINGTON. March ((.The German embassy Issued tonight the following ex planation or the recent attack on the British hospital ship Aeturlas: "Government sorry to admit British hospital ship Asturtaa wss attacked on February 1. 8:50 n. m. Pominr un In twilight carrying lights as prescribed for ordinary steamers, ship was taken for transport conveying troops. Instinctive marks showing character of ship not being Illuminated were only rerognlsed after shot had been fired. Fortunately torpedo failed to explode. The moment ship was recognised as hospital ship, every attempt of further attack was m- meaiateiy given up. The statement, signed by Ambassador Count von Uernstorff and In quotation marks aa shown, has the appearance of - cablegram which had not been filled out on translation from code. No comment on the atatcment waa obtainable. The Asturias waa about fifteen miles northeast of Havre. France, when It was attacked on February 1. Pres. r.n.i-. aald Its commander observed the tomedn fired by a submarine and aueciiii tn evading It TAGEBLATT ANNOUNCES LOSS OF SUBMARINES LONDON. March . A dispatch to tha Exchange Telegraph company from Am sterdam aayst "A correspondent of the Berliner Tage- blatt declares that alnee tha beginning of the blockade seven British merchantmen hare been sunk, but admlta that, accord. tag" lo news received in Berlin from neu tral oan tries, more than seven German submarines have been aunk during- the same period." The Oerman admiralty, tha Eichanm Telegraph company aaya. publishes no Information concerning the loss of t. submarines. DEATH RECORD- Mra, Aim Rteliele. Mrs. Anna fitelsele. widow of Ik. lot. Anton Btetsele. died at the hnma .f h.. aon. Peter J. Stelsele. 1506 South Twenty- nun, xnursaay evening, aged 71 years. Mrs. Atelsele came to Omaha with i... husband In 1STT. Aha leaves four sons ana two daughters, ell reaidenU of Omaha. The funeral will be at ih dence Hunday afternoon at J:80. Fraak Matehett. M'COOK. Neb.. March I .Ki.i.i n-i eTam -Frank Matehett, for years em ployed in the Burlington ahona . t.i. point, died In a local hospital yesterday o cancer. nuriai will De made In this city. Sunday afternoon. Dcead i .-...- a wife and several children. Mrs. A. I Bromaa YORK, Neb., March 7.-8neclal.)-Mrs. A. U Broman died at the home of her daughter, Mis. Hllma Swanaon. 826 Green wood avenue, yesterday afternoon. 8he bad resided In Tork more than a quarter of a century. She waa 94 years old. Mra. J. II. Weadall. YORK. Neb., March T. (Special.) Mra. J. II. Wendall died at her home near Charleston yesterday morning. She was 6S years old. She, with her husband, csme to York county In KM. !NIat Coaahs Relieved. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your cough, soothes the lungs and Invites sleep Only c. For sale by all dealers, Advertisement. Cnjlls from the Wire General Antonio Zavler, Correla Barreto has been proclaimed president of the Re public of Northern Portugal by a congress of demo, rats which has been tn sesaton at Lainegu. The late William Deering. harvester manufacturer left an eelatu of llo.206.i..S after payment by his executors of all debts and exiensea. according to a final court"1111' md ,n U,e Chk probate The Religious Flucstlon ssaoclatlon has elected theau officers at Buffalo: Preal-?Sr"lv1?-H- Ht,"Jt- I'resldent of Auburn ..-... i icviii.k ai seminary; vice presi dent, Henry 8. 1'rltchett, president of the taniegle roundutlon, New York; treas urer. lavld H. Kurgan. Chicago! secre- ,j, r . iupe, ntlcagu. Tha l'nltwt Rimiam i . i t, frl lxu"tf ,OOH alatlonej at the ..w.un ni.j yarns, was ordered Into the dry dock at the yard after aa ac cident wi.i,.h, r .i i . . . J'gntsen-lnch pump valve blew out. Be- .I- i ... goiisn unaer con trol the ship had a pronounced list. v?h 0rnjt Cutters' union at Barre, vt., decided to accept the working and Wa?.J'rTe",nnt "ered by the manu fa lurer for a period of five years. Tha agreement provides for a rats of 42 cents UVVinU " hour un March 1. Kit. ?Si "'I'" " hour ereafter. About 4,(M men lutve been on atrik. A coromlsalon appointed by the Knights of Columbus to seek the causes and sources of religious prejudice met ia Chl- - v. '"u. Among tne speakere were Martin J Wade of Iowa l.p.rM Tn1 Tli. r- . - I - "imiHi'in comprises Colonel V. H. Callahan of Louisville. ' ' - Mi -aimciea. Thomas C. Tawlor. lanlng, Mich ; Jo seph C. Pelleller. Boston, and Alfred 4. Bagley, Vancouver, ti. C. FOREIGN WOMEN IN MEXICOJNSULTED Stripped in Streets of Mexico City in Daylight, According to Refugee Stories. STARVING COMMIT SUICIDE R1 I.I.K.TI. NKW ORLKANS, March 7 Three hundred native priests are Impris oned In Mexico City and all the In stitutions with which nuns are con nected have been closed, accordinr; to a statement given out here tonluht by Archblnhop Jose Mora y Del Rio, head of the Catholic church In Mexico. In addition, 1R6 priests of foreign birth have been driven from Mexico. ST. LOUIS, March 7. "Half the population are 'out of work, many persons are dying; of hunger and many others, are committing suicide rather than face starvation, " declared a letter written In Mexico City Feb ruary 24 and received here today. The letter was written by a woman who, until recently, was secretary to the president of an American con cern In Mexico City. F-verytklaa. Safferla. It continued: "Everybody here Is suffering. The whole city Is unssnltary, as we have been without water for a long time. The streets have not been cleaned for months. No foodstuffs sre being broiight Into the city. It seems that they are trying to starve tis out and they surely sre suc ceeding. "I have eaten no bread for dsys and can not get flour to make it. Kven tortillas snd cornmeal cannot be had. No one seems to know what to do. Most of the people here have to stand whstsver hap pens, as they have no money." Priests Exiled. NEW YORK. March . The atory of how twenty-two priests were driven from Mexico by General Oarranza because of their inability to raise ljoo.ono as a tax to be paid to the Mexican government. was told today by members of a groap of seven of the priests, who reached here on the steamer Montevideo. I The priests were in rags. They said they were tho last of tha twenty-two and that among those exiled were Ger man, French, Italian and Spanish piiesta and one Turk. The twenty-two priests, they said, and others numbering 350 altogether,' were summoned by General Ohregon to the national patare In Mexico City and or dered to raise a IfiOO.OOO tax. When the priest pleaded that they could not raise this miney they were told that they would havo to do so or leave the coun try. Mowey Not Ralaed. The money waa not raised and the priests said they were locked In the pal ace all night They alept on the stono floor. The next morning diplomatic rep resentatives of their several governments demandod their release The demand was acceded to on condition that the priests leave the country. A special train wss pulled Into the Buena Vista station, the priests said, and on thta the foreign priests were ordered. By the time tho train reached Vera Crus only eleven of the party of twenty two were left, several having gotten off at way stations. Four of the eleven failed to appear on shipboard, although passage hsd been engsged' for them and the others were assigned places In the steerage. Passengers arrfvlng here on the last train out of Mexico City last Saturday, told of an attack by bandits on a sub urb of the capital, fifteen minutes by trolley from the center of the city, on March 1. it Is reported thst women among the foreigners were stripped of their clothing In the street during the daylight attack. The attackers described themselves aa Zapata followers. Reports Earoaraslnf. WASHINGTON. March 6.-dincouraglng advlcea Indicating that General Carransa might heed representations of the United States and direct General Obregon to permit food and supplies to reach Mexico City, wore received lata today by tha etate department. Whit the situation waa still described aa grave, the Intimation waa given that Carransa was beginning to yield to the diplomatic preasue being exerted at Vera Crus for an amelioration of conditions In Mexico City, where famine has been threatened. Another disturbing element in tha gen eral situation reported to tha State de partment waa the outbreak of an epi demic of smallpox at Tampico. Twenty nine cases are now in the hospital. Within the last three dsys eight deaths have occurred. Consular dispatches ssy It is not known how msny more esses have not been officially reported. With the expected attack on Tampico, by the Villa forces, and the arrival of thou sands of Carransa reinforcements, con ditions In the seaport are becoming al most aa uncomfortable for the foreign colony as In Mexico City. Fressaro oa Okregoa. In the Mexican capital foreign diplomats are exerting every Influence possible to persuade Oeneral Obregon to accept the proffered aid of a relief committee which ralaed SSO,0(0 pesos to buy food and sup plies for the needy. Obregon thus far has refused them transportation facilities to bring freight from towns In the siclnlty. During the day some of the foreign diplomats here received messages from their representatives in Mexico City Indi cating that tha diplomatic corps waa dl- slroue of leaving. One message said the diplomats had decided to leave In a body and asked that arrangements be mads for the care of diplomatic Interests by con sular offices remaining. A somewhat similar message waa received by tha Bwediah minister here from his govern ment st Stockholm. tata todsy he called on Secretary Dry an to ask what the United Statea would advise In case of foreign diplomats desiring to leave, lis informed the secretary that his govern ment had been advised of a report that the diplomatic corps was contemplating such action. it waa learned In this connection that the decision of the dlplomatle corps to leave waa dependent to soma extent on what might be the course of tha United States In ths circumstance. If the Wash ington government la making efforts te better conditions In the Mexican capital, the eUpiomats would be Inclined to stay. TO CURE A COLD IN ON a? DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund the money If It fstls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la oa each box. ti cents. GERMANS REPORT ADVANCES Official Bullftin from Berlin Tells of Slight Gains on East and West Fronts. MANY RUSSIANS ARE TAKEN BERLIN, March 7. By Wireless to h'syvllle. L. I.) The following ststement on the progress of the wsr was issued to day by the German war office: 'Between the sea end the Somme, there were only nitlllcry duels yesterday. Attempts of the enemy to advance during the night south of Ypres failed. "Our troops msilo progreps In Cham pagne. We took a few trenches and about sixty prisoners. A French attark In force against our positions northeast of I.e Meanll broke down under our In fantry and artillery fire with very heavy losoes to the French. The enemy's ad vances east of nadonvlllcr were repulsed. "Battles commenced yesterday In the Vosges wont of Munster and north of Hennhelm hsve not been decided. "In the eastern theater, our operations northwest of Grodno are proceeding ac cording to our plan. A Russian night attack on Mercarce northeast of Lorn sea was repulsed as were strong Russian at tacks west of Przasnyss. "Our attacks southesst of the Rawa river were successful. We took prisoners 3.400 Russians, and sixteen machine guns were captured." FIRST CREW TO DISABLE SUBMARINE TO BE REWARDED (Correspondence of the Assoclsted Press ) LONDON. Feb. l.-One of the leading British shipping Journals hss offered a reward of $2,MW for the officers and crew cf the first British merchant vessel to succeed In disabling a German submarine by ramming It. Submarines, the paper points out, are the most vulnerable form of craft afloat. A ship may easily escape torpedoes by running in a circle and may thus find a favorable opportunity for ramming its adversary. AUSTRIAN ARTILLERY FIRE REPULSESRUSS ATTACKS VIENNA (via London), March 7. The war office tonight Issued the following statement: "Attacka by the Russians on sections of our line east of Pletikow In Poland, were foiled by our effective artillery fire. "In the Carpathians fighting continues for some rldgo positions. Unfavorable weather conditions prevail. "In southeast Gallcla temporary quiet ness has set in after the recent erwntg." AM ER I CAN COTTON SHI P PACIFIC LET GO BY LION BOSTON, March 6. The cotton laden steamer Pacific, bound from Galveston for Rotterdam, which was detained at Deal, England, yesterday, has been re leased, according to a cablegram from CaprsJa Mundy, its commander, today. "Am sailing tonight for, Rotterdam," he reported to the owners of the vessel. The officials of the company now be lieve the steamer waa held up only to take on a pilot. OMAHA SOCIALISTS NAME TICKET FOR COMMISSIONERS The Omaha socialist party announce the following seven men aa candidate for the city commission: Jacob Konn v. I. Morrow, Peter Mehrens, T. Jorgenson, N. carter, Dr. A. A. Holtman, Max Klrschbaum. In acoordance with the custom of tue socialist party, these candidate.! h.v signed their resignations, "which are to bo accepted In case they do not carry out the will of the party," an announcement reads. LEATHER COMPANY FILES PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY MILWAUKEE. Wis., March .-The Herman Zohrlaut Leather company filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy In federal court today. A petition In bank- ruptcy was also filed by Eward Zohr laut, the president of the company. The liabilities of the leather company are given at S304.7W and the assets at KS5.062. The liabilities of Zohrlaut were given at I30C.S61 and the assets at $29.15-5. FRENCH AND GERMANS TO EXCHANGE OFFICERS BERNE, Swltserland. March 7. (Via Paris.) It Is stated here that France and Germany hereafter will exchange captured army officers, who have been In.urled so severely as to be incapacitated for further military service. Heretofore only privates have been exchanged. The Inclusion of officers In this arrangement is believed to be due to Prince Msxtrailllan von Baden, who Interceded with Em peror William on behalf of the officers. Price on Heads of Aviatora. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) AMSTERDAM, Jan. n.-The military governor of Brussels has offered a rr wara ot so.vw tor tne capture, pe. dead," of any hostile aviator. Lant Na I the text PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ' V. Im Holsman. of the Nebraska Cloth ing company, has returned from a trip to New York. Pr. Marble, who Is In a hospital with a broken leg, expects to be able to return home next week. Julius Orkin haa returned from a two week trip in the east, where ha aald. "All wholsaiers consldr Nebraska the garden spot of the country." for ColdinHead and Catarrh Put teupoonf ul of Omea Oil in s cup of boiling water, then inhale the team which goes through the passages of the nose and throat. This simple treatment usually circa quick rciiei. FINE ARTS SOCIETY OPENS EXHIBITION Three Hundred Attend Opening Night of Sixth Annual Show at Fontenelle. FIFTY-SIX PAINTINGS SHOWN The sixth annual exhibition of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts opened Saturday evening in tho banquet hall of the Kontenelle hotel. Mrs. Clement Chase, prenldent of the society; Mrs. ( T. Kountze, chairman of the exhibition commit tee; Mrs. Caroline Dodge of Council Bluffs and Mrs. L. Crofoot were in the receiving, line. The attendance was large, nearly 300 visiting the exhibition during the evening. Fifty-six paintinRs are Included in the exhibit, forty-two being brought here from other cities, and the remaining be ing either the work of local artists or owned by the society or by Omahans. The exhibition will continue dally until and Including Monday, March 15, an ad mission of 25 cents being charged each day except Sunday, March 14, when ad mission, will be free Publlo school children will b given an opportunity to view the exhibition free, certain schools being assigned to come esch morning. A lecture will be given Wednesday sfternqon at 3:30 o'clock by Miss Ethel Evans, sister of Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey. Painting on Kxhlbltlon. Following Is the complete !st of paint ings with fielr painters: Albright. Adsm Emory, "Berries From Mountain Tops." Heckwith, t:arroll, "Portrait of Mark Twain." Bellows, Georfre. "Tho Blue Pool." Rowley, Frederick V, "Girl In Blue" Hreckdnridge, Hugh 11., "The Yellow Jar." Carlson, John. "Snow Flurries.'' t'haae, William M., "Flan." t'ouac, K. Irving, "The Successful Hunter." l"''r,ran, Charles C, "On Rear Hill Cliff. ' Derrick, William R , "Landscape, New Hampshire." Dufner, Edward, "Early Morning." Eaton, Charles Warren "The Crescent Moon. Kolllnsbee. John F., "Winter, Wood stock, N. Y." Frlesoke, Frederick Carl, "Fox Gloves." Oarber. Dnnlel, "May Dny." Hallmnn, Johanna, K. W., "The Vlc torln Garden." Hule, Philln L., "Conversation Piece." Hnir'.son. Blrge, "A Summer Night." Kent. Rockwell. "Road BreaJur.g." . Kin Paul, "Old Houses at Garrets ford." Knight. Aston, "River." Lathrop, W. L "Old Barn In Winter." Muuewen, Walter, "Early Visit." Oar!, "The Wedding." Miller, Richard E.. "A Shadv Corner." Nordell, Carl J.. "Nepolitan Girl." Ohnsky, Ivan, "Ads." Ryder. Chnui.cey F.. "Kfone Bridge." Seyffnrt. L. G., "A Dutchmen." Granvllle-Hmlth, W., "Tho Willows " 8ncer, Robert, "The Marble Shop'" stotson. diaries Walter, "Funeral Prc cesnlnn: Sunset." Iim"""1"' Gainer, "Road Over tho Turner .Helen M., "An Arrangement in Dark and Llttht." era"" Dr Weyd,n' IIaJry. "The Glean Volk. Doiiplns, "Morning Idyl." Wagner, Fred, "The Delaware." twulker. Hi-ratlo, "Moon Rise In Win- Wler. J. Alden. "Figure in the Bun." W ler, John F.. "Sunny Morning." nest"'" l,y c" "st" Ivea nBhlnsr Yates, Cullen, "Autmun In Delaware Valley." By Loral Artists. The four following are the work of lo cal artists: ter'a"ker' Geor, r "OId Mormon Ceme Olider, Robert F., "Afterglow." Johnson, Cortiella, "Portrait of Lothardt Jensen. Wallace. J. Laurie, "Laughing Girl." Prom Former Exhibitions. The following were sold at former ex hibitions and are now on exhibition: Brown. George Elmer. "Off the Coast Jnisterre." Owned by Omaha Society or Fine Arta. Oornoyer, Paul, "Haxy Morning at Fifty-ninth Btreet." Owned by .Mrs. John L. ebeter. Dumond, F"rnk, "Octobe," Owned by Mrs. J. E. Summers. Foster. Ben, "Litchfield Hills." Owned AMISEMEXTS. BRAHDEIS THEATER. 8 Days Com. Sun. Eve., March 14th THE KEYSTONE OF KEYSTONES TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE WITH MARIE DRESSLER 1080 FL of Lau.hter FAST UN MY URIOUS cuun chapui IEB T It LIB AMD lOBOET Ail, TROUBLES STata, Bally at 8. 3:JOt All Beats 10c; Ktghts at 7:30 and , 100 and 30o. X1TTXB UKAITSXU OICXEITIU. Devote, to Blrlotly Oleaa, Viaasy TWICE OAllY.'iKk Mai, TcJai BIG i . 1 1-: m -vi .i v IN AVOIRDUPOIS VALUE T .. A.-.n.l BILLY IVATSOH'S DIG SHOW NUT WATIOI (Klmaalf) Two -soraamlagly mnay Travesties "KrousemDyer's Iacladlag Wall Xiowi JOHNNIE JtSb ..omAjr. Baauty Chorus of Hoavioa tKAR KICADBH! T ST.-- anilMir this mk ta lor Br puur Hit. Hy' how II n crrak and amaa hwi Hill', chorus i?ta taio otloo! Erarr visitor I. Hmhuiy Uarkrt vr will Ofluar fear. tbl. tMll.T aw! I-. U JOHNflON. Mgr. Oarstr. Bvaalaga, Baaaaw ft Holiday ISO, So. BOa aad Tfro w,rATS.15eiad25ei & vtira ma It tm Ilka eat a ati. X.ABIX' -fl hnlT AIT Will riCKKTa xat MATiasa -tabyrarrtags Oarage In the I.jtby in i i i .- "oT"li by Omaha Society of Fine Arta" I.lndc. osxip, "Cjimlnt Corner In Brit tany." Oinrd t.y Hrs Charles T. Kountxtv I.oire. J". V'., "New Itonnct." Owned by Mra ThomnK II. Klml'all. Pslmer. Walter L. "I-lngerlng Oak leaves." Owned by Omaha Society of K.n" Arts. W'claa. Jnseplius. "Mountain Road." Owned by Mr. John C. Cowln. Wl.sand, ot;o, "Spring at Sundown." Owned l,v Mrs Clarlea T. Kourtre S hitt.'tnorc, Wlilliini J . "Ilana.'' Owned by Mrs. Chsrles T. Ko mtxc Describes Conquest Of Germans Through Burning Liquid Darts PARIS. March .-At ttie wsr office to day there was issued n statement de scribing in ennit-what greater detail the use by the Germans of a burning HquM against French trenches In the woods of Mallncourt. which was referred to In n previous official communication. Today's statement follows: "On February 2d, toward noon, tho men who occupied one of the trenches csp tured near a path In the center of sonio woods Raw thick and voluminous smoke rising against the parapet of their field works. This column of smoke, of blackish color, rose to a height of forty meters. Thosa who were farthest from tho in terior of the woods perceived It and thought that our men had Just set off a mine. "The defenders of the trench felt a hot wind blow upon them and a few Instants later they were burned with a flaming j ll'iuld which they believed to be from tor. : Tho Jets of liquid spurted upon them j through the smoke aa if hurled from a pump. Thero were a dozen meters of breastworks and wire tn front of tha trenth, but concealed by the cloud of smoke tho Germans, many of whom carried huge sci.ors hanging on their necks, were able to open a passage. "Tliey succeeded thus !n penetrating to the trench and profiting hy the effects of the surprise produced attempted to en hance their success in paining some of tho ground In the woods." STRIKERS GIVE OFFICERS A GOOD BEATING UP GROVE CITY. Pa., March S.-A crowd of striking molders attacked four officers of the Bessemer Gas Knglne company at the entrance to the company's works late today and beat them severely. Police and state constabulary dlapcrsed the crowd and rescued the officials. About eighty molders have been on strike since January. Recently non union men took their places. The officers who were beaten were: John Carruthers, president; John McCune, Jr., 'secretary; E. J. Flthlan, treasurer, and Fred Flth lan, sales manager. Warrants for the arrest of the leaders of the crowd were sworn out OMAHA MODERN WOODMEN . DRILL TEAM WINS FIRST Omaha camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of America, won the first prize yesterday In the big competition drill at St. Joseph, Mo., according to advices received here last night. The local drill team won with a score of 99 45-100 out of a possible 100. Washington Affairs The commission sent by Secretary Bryan to straighten out tangled political ami financial conditions In Haiti hss ar rived nt Port Au Prince, the State de rartmcnt was advised. Former governor of New Jersey. Arthur Biillly-Blanchard, American minister in Haiti, and Charles S. Smith. Mr. Bryan's secretary compose the commission. Government revenues have begun to show slight increase due largely to the uaunl spring import bualness with con sequent enlarged receipts from customs. The treasury deficit, which a few weeks ago wim In the neighborhood of $Ci,0ii0,0i0, has fallen to about $M),Ouo,00O and In the next few months there may be a further reduction. If Increased receipts from customs from March 1 until the end of the fiscal year In June is sufficient to keep the present deficit at a standstill, the income tax may possibly wipe it out entirely. AMI SEMEXTS. MABEL rJORf.lAND One Hour and a Half of Screams and Roars BOYD jfJlf'i ::tr7ro MERELY MERRY A UN Mats. Wed., Thnra., gat., S5o. nights, B5o and 60O. Tomorrow, Bool.ty Vlght, Will Xeth. erlngtoa'a Spring Trio, la Chamber Mualo, between acta. Next Week SAXSQIT. Vhona Sonar. 4M Advo. TaadevlUs Sally Mats. 8:13 V I h t a i a Other acta: Ciordnn KMMA CWltl'S Miiih. VOKHKA &- to., iiara ingu. II al A Frsnces, .... -Jrun cr i.ocneue. The Dainty Kngllah Trio. Orpheum Trsvel lirusn & Hochelle r?i-iy. iTii'ei .naunee: nailery, loc Kest aeata lexceDt faturdav and V. N'lKhts. Ilk'. S. Uk- and Tic. Itt-tlpath Heriea No. It THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR IV tI.Ats.sU' MlhlCALE ArnmnuiM, march 9 10-10-90 cents to holders Of member ships. Reserve seats at Box Office. March . HIPP TXXATXm. Doogiaa aoaa. 1st aad Karaey. TO OAT AID TtTBSDAT, Tha rrohmaa Kaaterpleos, 'A WOMAN'S TRIUMPH" Adapted Trorn Boott's Immortal Vovsl, "Tha Bean of ltidiouaaa." France Is Ready to Move in North Africa PARIS. March 0. The ministry of war announces t tin t the situation in the Dar danelles Is alnrmlns, snd in order to meet every eventuality the government has de cided to concentrate li. North Africa un expeditionary force which will be ready to put to sea at the first sign that It is needed, and be directed to the point where Its present e in required. RETIRING CONGRESSMAN IS SECRETARY TO BRYAN WASHINGTON". March 6 Harvey B. FerKiisRon of .lbiuueriUe, N. M.. who on Thursday retired bs s. member of th house, today became prhate secretnry to Secretary Bryan. Child Gets Sick, Cross, Feverish If Constipated A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow, t'hlldren simply will not take the time from play to empty their boweli. whl'-h become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. I-ook at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is llntlcss, cross, feverish, breath hsd. restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoon fu! of "California Syrup of Figs." then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harm loxs. and in a few hours all this con stipatlon poison, sour bile and fermenting waato will gently move out of thn bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-ccnt bottle of "Califonla Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, chldren cf all ages and for grownups plainly printed on the bottle. Iook carefully and see that it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Advertisement. Back&che? The pain stops your sore ness and stiffness leaves. You are able to walk upright and vigorously after a few npplics tiont of L1NIMEMT Penetrates right to the gore place and gives instant relief. Jimei C. Lee, ol Waihlnton, D. C, write.: "I had a severe iall from s scaf fold, snd suffered with s severe pain la the back or thirty years. I heard oi Sloan's Liniment and started to use it, and now am thankful to (ay that my back is entirely well." At aH dealers. Price Mc-, SOc ft fl.00 Dr. Earl S. Sloin.lnc. Phlla. & SLLotiis Ullave You observed the rzsxa with a coupon neck label? Did you receive a prem ium catalog? If not, better phone Doug las 1889 it is FRED KRUG BREWItiGCOMPANY Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes )$ ornr. I Retouchers I Photographers All Under One Roof Bee Rntlravmttte'ti lsr' u rr - m - . .- . . JMMr-' ' Make Teetliicg Easy for Baby USE Mrs. VYinsIow's Soothing SyTup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VECETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC SLOAN'S I 4Sf a a l 4