Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 28

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    4 C
Why Do You Suffer
Piles and Fistula Can
Be Cured?
I rura without surgery. My patients are not confined to bed tnd they
do not lose a moment's time from their business.
Mj method Is not a "home cure" or a correspondence treatment,' but
It Is an application of skilled treatment, administered under the moat rigid
antiseptic conditions In my office.
Pay When Cured
Tr. Maxwell has resided In Omaha for twent y-e ight years, and during 1hla
entire period haa been ensured in treating Diaeascs of the Rectum, Pile,
Fistula, etc. .
Hundreds of the most prominent people, In Omaha and all parts of the
I'nited Htatcs have been cured by lr Maxwell, w hone namea may be obtained
by request, and who would gladly oTtlfy that Dr. Maxwell accomplishes ail ha
uialmn In hie advertising and nt rcaeoioble expanse.
Peraona are cautioned against Imitators, substitutes or Inferior methods of
Patients mint ronv to the office for treatment,
JIOUHB: TO 12, J TO 6; HUN DAT, 10 TO li
Dr. William Creighton Maxwell
4t-fM0 Omaha National Punk Building.
Seventeenth and ramam Htreets. Omaha.
Graduate of Belle-vne Hospital College, New York City. New
Piles, Fistula Cured
Dr. E. H. Tarry cure pilea, fistula and
other rectul diseases without aui glial op
eration. Cure guaranteed and no money
paid until cured. Write for book on rectal
illaeaeea with testimonials. DR. E. K.
TARKY. 140 Bee Bldg,
T-fiintiiro Cured In a few day without
HUpiUrO , Cmll or wrlt, m wray
mi Be rtlda . Omana. Established 1II o
KIT8 1 cured my daughter by simple
discovery; particulars free. '. JLiepso,
lfl Island Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. o
Ageats. Sslesmsa aad Solicitor.
&ALMS.ME1N 'Whois time or side line; 10
minutes' time paya you flu. Pocket
samples; prompt commissions. U wood
Mfg. Co., inu., Ill Michigan Ave.,
THE proleroua agent Is tha Davis
agent. Why? Our soap and toilet oom
bl nations get the money with 160 per cent
profit. Write E. M. Davis, president. 36
Jxyvia Bldg.. Chicago.
MAKE U to 110 a day reflnlahlng lighting
fixtures, brasa beds, etc.; experience
unnecessary. Write for free samples,
showing finishes. Uun Metal Co, Dupt,
4 Decatur. 111. .
WANTED Representative) we desire
placing valuable agency, guaranteed,
eells to business men, repeat orders come
unsolicited, samples free, protected terri
tory. Western Co., Tajo BJdg, Lus An
aelea. AjQENTH New game for cigar stores;
easy seller; big repeater: particulars
free. United Salea Oo 2U6 Walnut Place,
Philadelphia. Pa.
CLEAN CUT, ambitions salesman, with
a successful record, to represent promi
nent manufacturer of high grade special
ties oiling to Jobbers, dealers and con
; salary, expenses and double
plan. Iroquois Mfg. Cos, Cleve-
land, Ohio
SAL ES M AN For general mercantile
trade In Nebraska, to sell a new propo
sition of merit; vacancy now: attractive
oom mission contract; MS weekly for ex
penses. Miles V. Bixler Co. Wholesale
Jewelers, 821-10 Carl I a Bldg, Cleveland,
WEN AND IOUNO MEN-Wlth selling
ability can make splendid Income sell
ins; our high grade oils, greases and com
pounds commission only; give references.
Anchor Oil at Chemical Co., Cleveland.
FNAPPTK8T seller out. absolutely every
one buys, needed In every home, office,
factory: don't wait; grab this chance;
particulars free. TwUford Mercantile Co,
OWN a business: 1.000 per cent profit.
manufacturing Inks at home snare time;
capital and experience unnecessary; enor
moua commercial demand; our secret
formulas and sure selling plana Insure
luorative, steadily Increasing bualneaa;
no canvassing; Investigate Immediately.
Particulars free. U. M, Covert, secretary,
Kenwood Ave., Chlcao, III.
OROW rloh In bualneaa of your own; get
out of the wage-earnara' class; your co
operation with our factory starts you
with little capital during spare time In
your own homo. We manufacture exclu
sive articles; no canvassing; experience
unnecessary; write fur booklet and propo
sition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept D
Broadway. Buffalo. N. Y.
BIO K ansae company wants you to co
operste with them evenings at heme;
make $;l,0 and more yearly; nn canvass
Ing; no experience: fat growing business;
we furnish everything; write for unique
selling Plan. free. C. W. Kyestone, Pres.,
CI Ji. frth. Pittsburgh. Kan.
jtdKNTM-M-ke up to 1 dally selllngl
our new world beaters, nulck salea, big
profits, no experience required. Catalogue
and sampli s free. Cruver Co., Jackson
and Campbell. Chicago.
WE pay fft) monthly salary and furnish
rig and expenses to iutrodvice guaran
teed pou'trv and stock powders. Klgler
Co.. X-Ti. Bprlngf'eld, lit
AOENT8 10e and ISc; war specials; write
quick. A. 1'lerce Co, i Lake Ht., Chi
cs ge.
marvel. World startled. New marvelous
vlothes washing crystal. Clothes wash
ing ideas revolutionUed. positively abol
ishes rubbing, washboarda, washing ma
chines: women astounded, wild over It,
absolutely harmlesa tl.OiO guarantee goes
with It; make u to 1100 weekly easy.
Marshall of Pennsylvania amaxed. Tele
graphs "rush S.oun packages." Exclusive
territory; no experience necesssry; credit
granted; own a business; supply cus
tomers; pocket big profits: nature's
mighty elements do work. Hurry! Write
today get overwhelming proof, all free.
21 W. Superior. Chicago
where oil lamps are usetl, needs and will
buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantle Lamp,
burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives
a light flv tlmea as brisht aa electric.
One farmer cleared over iuoo D six weeks;
hundreds with rigs earning S100 to
per month. No cash required. We fur
nish capital to reliable men. Write quick
for wholesale pri-e, territory and samplo
lamp for free trial. MANTLE UUP
CO.. 70 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago. Ill
teTAliT a alagaslue 24 pages, axil. Your
imprint- 11 words, to uiaaaxtnes, 1 1.
Particulars, Crescent Syndicate, bu
t'R BALDriMEN are making big money
with our splendid line of household spe
cialties. O-NHI LJJAMiJti CO- SO W.
Kadlaoa Bt, C'hlcasTQ.
PORTRAIT MEM24-bour service on
prints and finished work. Write for cata
logue. Roberta Artists, 1430 MoOee, Kan
sas City, Mo. o
WANTED Capable man with aute and
working capital as partner selling Ne
braska farmers stapls line. Will travel
with and teach business. Ready April L
Addrasa K 113, Bee,
territory. New ii.ventlon, guar
anteed by reputable corporation; saving
i per cent to gasoline users or money
refunded. Automobile, ntotorboat, sta
tiooary engine owners buy at first of
fering. Territory going quickly. Oas
eater Bales Company, 17W Broadway.
New Tors. . .
trBU, Halrimra aad solicitors.
BIO manufacturers will employ every
where men and women of honesty, am
bition and energy, to become representa
tives and devote spare or full time to
marketing produrta enjoying large saiea
to homes and store. Immediate Income
ami assured future. tarKo returns. Credit
Kiven. Exclusive rights. Permanent.
Write today. Kales Manager, I-pt UK,
Unite 2117,-111 Broadway. New York. o
TERRITORY agents for Klein's Cough
lro In tins; liberal campling creates
demand; write for proposition. Alk ISeles
Co., Ht. louls MoX
AOKNTH-Soll Aunt Ijydla s "Blessed Be
lief Herb Remedies; established half
netiturv. I,ydla E. Hmnll Company, Fen
way Ktatlon, Boston, "Msss
WANTED AT ONChJ Men and women
everywhere to aid us In our Great Na
tional Adv. Campaign on Make 'em White
Washtig Wax. 15 to Per week. lib
eral crodlt. Free goods adv. help,
Newberry Co, A-K 200. No, Peoria Bt
WH will pay you IB0 to distribute re
ligious literature In your community; 60
days' work. Experience not required
Mm or woman. Hpare time may be used.
CHHW1NU Oum Hell to dooler: biggest
line manufactured: meet any competi
tion, send for price list ana sarr.piesv The
Helmet Unm t o., nnclnnatl.'
1 NEED branch managers for my world
wide mall order business. Operate from
your own home In spare time. No can
vanning or peddling. Experience unneces
sary. You ahould make 10 weekly. But
ler. HI Factories, Toledo. Q.
AOKNT8 A new one; Just out; big
profits; quick sales; every home a pros
pect. "Flt-Ur-Pot" aluminum peroolator
makes belter coffee, aaves haJfT converts
any coffee pot Into percolator; going with
a rush. Write quick tor agency proposi
tion. Oct our new and original free prem
ium offer, i treat ly stimulates sales. The
Standard spinning & rifampins Co,
Toledo, 0.
Invention startles world: agents am axed;
ten Inexperienced men divide MO.Ouu; Kor
fclad, a fanner, did &' In 14 daysi
Hi'hlelcher, a minister, (lift first 11 hours;
II, AO cxild cash, made, paid, banked by
HUmeman In Su days, ILi.ouO to date; a
hot or cold running water bath equipment
for any home at only a&GO; selfbeating;
no plumbing or water works requited;
Investigate; exclusive sale; credit given;
send no money: write letter or postal to
day. Allen Mfg. Co, rn Allen Bldg,
Toledo, e
BANKERS pay for agents' work. Start
ing at nine with nothing quitting at
five with o one man's record. New
Invention. Grab's Improved Automatlq
Foot dcraper on Doorstep saves drudg
ery Insldu. One automatlo operation
cleans shoe. Free territory worth for
tune. Dept. JT7, Acme Specialty Co,
Manufacturers, HO 8. Halsted CL, Chi
eago AGKNTa wanted everywhere to sell high
grade proposition brand new household
article, quick seller, big profits. Par
ticulars free. M. Puts. 1M E. 53d M..
AGENT.--Kend for free sample "Fret
not." Enough for one wanning. He ton
vinced you can do a whirlwind business.
You can clear at least J0 to tlUO weekly,
according to epare or whole time. We
only want live agents and give exclusive
territory to men who can produce. You
don't have to talk. If ahe doesn't buy at
aight leave a sample, rlhe will be looking
for you long before you are able to make
the rounds again. Free premiums for
your ciirtomers. Our proposition Is such
a result getter that we can afford to
i-lv. yon all tne. samples you need,
t rdit given. Particulars free. a n
'"""V Dons, a:u warren Ave,, Chi
ca po.
AGENTS Here is an opportunity to
muke f wi,. tut ... -. - .1 . .. i . .
... . , w... uajr. CCH UOn-
HT- 1-lQuor En tracts for making
. "-" anjuvis and mraiaia oi all
kinds at home. Something entirely new.
a long felt want filled, every home a ueor,
at mole and vnay. .avea over W per cent.
A few minutes does the work. Strictly
legitimate. No license required. Can be
Tit. ryWin?' 5T.4nr. Enormous
t... i ' . - wins you money,
bniatl compact, carry week s supply In
& Vf.x,t",'v 71ory being snap
ped up. All pr spare time. No expeHence
' " a7ciiu lajflll TOOslV
for sample outfit and full partlculari
Clm-lnr.,,1. W.
tul ,n,,s will employ everywhere
reliable jieopls to take orders for dreas
fabrics, hosiery, undarwer and nek
wear from samples Factory prices
RllUI- , nil tin. kT. ,
, . v,imvt. i vxperif nee. r wr-
manent. Many making over Ml weekly
Hteadfaat Mlllg, Tw-pt. 10. Cchoee N Y
.tL.V.L""!..1"?'- Mran new
In nve, ..Vn "I" -,"''Am-
er. , x,,,ed- rnteln'S motVeT0
St.. Wpalc. d.. ""na"' . Oak
Factory aad rradee,
Tri-City Barber
Tuition. tK: electrlo nmsaage and sham
poo taught; sanitary liydiaulio cnau-a
big trade; call or write. Catalogue tree
U-4 Douglas Nt, Omaha.
MO LER Graduates always In demand.
Special summer rates. Make back yoar
tuition while teaming. Write for free
catalogue. 110 N. 14th Rt. Omaha.
M laoellaaeoaa.
A thorough, practiced automobile edu
cation at minimum cost Ask fur cata
logue "CT' and txplanaUon of our get.
results method.
14U-17 Dodge rltrret, Omaha, Neb.
OtlVEKNMENT lHOtilTlONkClThousaods
of apimlnuiienta to be mads: free book
let, telling where they are, what they
pay. with specimen examination ques
tions. National Cor. Institute, 4JU 7th tit..
sail mt. a'- V-
(WANTED ls men to eat barn and
ggs. lac Coffee John, 14io and Capitol.
1 lacellanenas.
T?c nn Auto Mechanic
and draw a large salary, or go Into tha
auto business for yourself Our com
pletely equipped school and shojs will
bring this result for you. Wrlto for fix
Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n,
f14 N. SOth ft., Omahn. Neh.
VANTEI Laundry man to oversee and
run a steam laundry, murt be able to
manage plant and turn out first ciaes
work. Box 4, I'lalnvlnw, Neb
Thorough Instructions, $.'.; returned If nut
appointed; particulars free. American
C:l v II Hervt'o H hool. Washington, I. C.o
WANTI1D At once: Young men for auto
mobile biiMlneaa; big pay. We make
you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us
after wo secure you position. Century
Automobile Institute, le Angeles, l
AHLE-BoDIED MEN to prepare for fire
men, brakemen; high wages; roAltlona
obtained fn-e. state age. Railway Asso
ciation. Y JSIl, Hue.
B1XXME a secret service operator; earn
big lay: easy work; travel over world
or work In your own locality.; excellent
opportunities to esrn hlg money while
learning. Write, Fidelity Peret Hcrvloe,
Wheeling, W. Vs.
BE A DETECTIVE Big wages; ey
work. Write Wagner, 134S 1exlngton
Ave, New York. Dept. .
WANTED Traveler, ago 27 to fio; ex
perience unr.ei'eaaary ; salary, commis
sion and expense nllowanre to right man,
J. E. McBrady. Chicago
(JOVEKNMKNT: Postofflce, dopajrtmental
clerk, bookkeeper and other civil service
examlnat rma soon: pet prepared by for;
mer government examiner; Booklet n flo
free. Write today. Patterson Civil 8enr
c Bchor.l. Ro. heater. N. V.
I NEED branch mnnagersi for my world
wide mall order business. Operate from
your own homo In spare time. No can
vnaatng or peddling. Experience unneces
sary. You should make inn weekly. But
ler, 812 Factories. Toledo, O
WANTED Responsible man with re
liable friends who vouch for him to
oversee and manage ncvcral 10 and 3
scre fnilt and truck farms near Tampa,
hn metropolis of Houtli Florida, and In
the most remarkable and delightful sec
tion of Americn. To right party we will
give & to 20 acres of land free for co
operating and osHlsting us, nnd we mu
tually arrana to Tampa and
a fair minthly compensation while act
ing as "fjrm manager." Hplendld op
portunity. Cfirlsi.n, R.T7 Marquette Bldg,
V MONTHLY and expenses to travel
and distribute samples, toko orders, ap
point aircnts, permanent. Mannger, aiii
Ogden Ave, Chicago.
WANTED Carpet man. one who tun
match and sew cerpets. lav linoleum
and make (hades. Address, Y 41T, Bee.
OMAHA government clerk examinations
April 28. 170 month. Common education
sufficient. Bami'e questions free. Apply
Immediately. Address Y 8fil. Bee.
jobs, 166 to IM month. Write for list
positions now obtainable. Franklin In
stitute, Dept f31 C. Rochester, N. Y.
MEN Women, $3 weekly collecting all
kinds namea end addresses; no can
vassing; send stamp. Buperba Co, X 17,
Baltimore, Md. o
BE your own boss. Good pay for honest
work. You can make tJOO to taw per
month at home, or travel If you prefer.
For particulars address, The Arjay Co.,
P. O. F.ox U4. Gothenburg, Nob.
WANTBH i By an experienced young
man. 'a. a position as cashier, bill or
office clerk Id Omaha. Can do any kind
or general orrice work. Am college
graduate, good calculator and excellent
penman; best of references; willing to
start work at a moderate salary. Ad
dress, K 78, Bee.
MIDDLiU aged woman would like a posi
tion as practical nurse, ID years experU
enee. D. Ii7 after 1 p. m. Haturday.
WORK. PHONE WfclH. 1110.
WANTED Employment by middle-aged
man. I vari. rm 1 1 rcm.A rA
sffioe experienoe; prefer position as
traveling salesman or office work; can
use i pe writer i not a stsno. K U2. Bea
EXPERIENCED, reliable practical nurse
wants position. D. 7H3o.
TOUNG man wants piaoe to work for
board while atteudlna Bovlea colleaa
Telephone Douglas 1646.
EXPERIENCED young man wants work
In a hotel or restaurant; can do any
work. F 26. Bee.
WASHING desired for Wednesdays and
inurausys. XH4 r. lutn Ht. MJss Meyer.
EXPERIENCED mu.n and wife, small
family, want farm work: will work rea
sonable. H. !H0. 709 No. 34th St.
WANTED l'osit ion by young lady
stenographer with montlis' exuerlence:
high school and business college graduate.
m operate salary to start. wettw ito.
OOOD Job and ad man munt have work
In Omalia or east Nebraska town; aged 1
rather and mother to support; perma
nent; references. Look Box US. lianum.
COLORED woman wants day work.
T. Kiel W,
PERFECT home washing. Lace curtains
a specialty. Webster 42X3.
COLORED man, experienced mat Cress
naaer, wants jiw as janitor or porter;
can furnish best of references. Tel. Web.
ii at s in evening or write Z3U in.
Ht. Anderson.
VOl'NU married man, up to the minute,
wants office or salea noaltlon. anv lln:
experienced in real estate, farm loan.
Insurant business; best references. Ad
dress. P 10J, Bee.
BOARD with refined lady In exchange
fut rrim ea nlnnsth I tt, h unnan I
.wv waa.pcw.iiwuamj 1 ' . JUUilfJ mUT, TTHl
piovi; bwt of referavei fumUhad.
A .1.1 ra.aas 4 llA llu
V A NT nikjsituatlon hoiuwkrepr in
nO tall. IveaX. mnm aMlrl Vw-kah wi A rlrleoa. A
WIDOW with two children wishes coal-
Hon as housekeeper In or out of city;
references exchanged. Address, B I'J7,
WANTED By good cook: cooking In
auu.i iiuiri. jtanrtss x euu, xee.
CI'RTAINH, bundles laundrled. Wth and
twire. nar. lOJi.
Day work wanted; colored lady. Web. 4v3i.
Fereona having lost some article would
so well to call up the office of the Omaha
Council bluffs Street Railway turn-
fany to ascertain whether they left It in
he street cars.
Many articles each day are turned In
and the company Is anxious to restore
tl em to the rightfal owr fall Doug. 44.
LOrTT elhrlne Din about i4th and Evani
"C. W. C." and "M. M. C": rubv set
ting. Web M76.
IX)T o H. A. pin; reward. South m
$7,000 1)R INVALIDS.
TOO subscriptions to the La H. Journal.
t1.b. the b. K. Post tl.SO. the Country
Gentleman 11.00 earns that 17,000 fcr Tho
invalid i-enaiun Association. Your order
I or renewal contributes 60 cents. Phone
thF fielvatlon Army Industrial borne so
llcite your old clothing, furniture, maga
tinea. We Uect. We distribute. Phone
Douglas 41H and our wagon will call. Call
and inspect our nw home, 1110-1111-1114
Ijodga bt.
TOUNQ woxnea oomuuj to Omaha aa
strangers are Invited to visit the Youug
Women's Christian aasoei .tUjo building at
17th and HI. Mary's Ave., where they
Hll be directed to suitable boarding places
or otherwise assisted. Lock for our trav
elers' aid at the I'nlon -tatton.
OPU M. morphine, cocaine, etc. can lie
sucoeasfulliy treated home; guaranteed,
painless, harmless Address Dr. '' c'
Altken Js Park Ave. Pnuue liar. SJ3o.-o
A B C of Omaha
FOl'R rooms from which to select
your new office. Come In and see
us now. The Bee Bldg.; office,
room M8
EW and 2d-hend motors, dytiamoa,
magnetos, etc., and roei h. ropalra
Be Hron Elett. Workay glVM 8. 12th.
OMAHA 1'lL.r.OW CO., 107 Cuming.
Douglas M67. Renovates feathers
and mattresaes of all kinds, makes
feathei mattreaaea and down covers.
VAC I I..M ick in r a lor sale. Vacuum
cleaning duns In the home, Nanltary
riervlceCo, 30fi Bee Bldg.
WE rent, repair, sell nevdles and parts
fir all sewing maclunea NE
K P in 1 A I'Vr l IT i n 'uuL.i. n
! L'th and liarney. Douglas 162.
E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A . Address 43S
Ramge Hidg, Phone Douglas 74Q6.
Adding Msrklaca,
Dalton Adding Machines. 411 B. 18. D. 1449,
Adder Mull. Co. (Walee), W. O. W. DTaUR.
Amateur Finishing;,
FILMS developed free If purchased from
Photo Craft .hop. 41t Hee Rldg. iept. D.
Everett 8. Dodda, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 2981.
Aeto aad Magneto Heyalrlnar.
Magneto repair work a specialty. D. Sill,
Dowd Auction Co, 1116-18 W. O. W. U. S2f6,
OMAHA Film Ex, 14th and Doug. Motion
picture mac h I ne and film bargain a
Ulae Hrlating.
H2R.HY Ffi PRINT CO, 302 Omaha
Nat'l Bank Hidg.
12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far.
Ilraaa Foundries.
Paxton-Mltrhell Co.. rth and Martha Hts.
t tk V I nisi rat anal as aa I raa g Iiim
STEVENSON, 83 S. 22d. Douglas 6620.
allfoenl- Lands.
W. T. Smith Co, 1127 City Nat 1 Bk. D.2819.
( leanlna and UrelnsT.
DOHA Etwele, H;w City Nat'l. Doug. 3fi.T;.
Ihlna Hnlnllna
Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4841
Civil Elri.
M-LiCJf'J18 BEB5 Bt-TJO. DOUO. 4711
W. J. McKathron. Tel D. M. 1018 Om. Nat
Cream Separators.
The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th & Farn.
Cistern and Well margins;.
NEED well or cistern cleaned or dtigt
JLCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. &8a.
J. E RICKERTT Well ConstrucUon Co7;
nothing too big or impossible: estimates
furnished. 610 N. 21st Bt, Omaha
Coal Dealera.
$5.5(1 ilnBon'" special, also Victor nut,
p ' W OO. Phone Douglas 1702.
Dancing Acaavnies.
Turpln's Dancing Academy. 28th St Farn.
Try Mackle's first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446.
CHAMBERS' Academy, claaslc. D. 187t
INVESTIGATIONS carried out tn any
part of United States, Canada or Mexico.
6c9 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1620.
JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evl
denoe secured In all cases. Tyler 1186.
Terry Dressmr.k'g college. 20th tk Farnam.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work
guaranteed 2406 Cass St. Tel. Red T3R.
MISs'sTfRDY, 2116 Cass. Red 7320.
KEIHTHR'S Dressmaking college, day
and night school. WJ& City Nat'l Bank.
DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on $10
orders; cstaioguea free. Sherman dt Mo
Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Nab.
Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.Blde.
Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 408 Brandela
Bailey, the lientist, ;u City Nat 1 Bank.
Taft Dei.tal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. tm. '
Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank.
KC ler Iris Sapplles.
LEBRON Bleo. Wka. 318 B. ltth. D. C71
Everythtnar for Woaes.
ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box
pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and
styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal
Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 19.
NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate,
building coming down: clonks, suits and
dresses sacrificed: Hurt N. ltith 8t
SWITCHES from combings, 11.50. Psyche
free. Mrs ri. M. Kck, Marcy. H. UHe.
IIAIRDRE8SINO at your home. R. 6!1.
A. DONAQHCE, 1(CJ Ham ay. Doug. 1001.
BATH'S florists. 1K04 Farnam 8t
HESS si HWOBODA, 1416 Farnam 6L
L. HENDEItSON, 15W Farnam. D. 12o4.
Member Florist Telegraph Del Assn.
Feathers Cleaned.
BRING In your old straw hats: cleaned,
dyed 500. Dora Elaele. IIS City Nat K'.Kti.
Matterlnsr aad ayoatlaar.
BToVH repairing. Fire Prevention Co.
Douglas 4684.
Hair Dressing;.
Harper method. R- ft, Balrd Bldg. T. tffll.
Ettpert Europuan floor wax Inf.
D. 42S3.
LlajhtlnsT Fixtures aad Wlrtaa.
Electric fixtures and supplies, contract
ing and repair work done reasonable,
Live Stock Remedies.
OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 S. 11th. Red 4263.
Mesaer aad Traaaster.
WHITE LINE. HQ N. 16th St. Doug. IWli.
Mask, i'oatames aad bodge Bappllee.
MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes.
The largest stock of masquerade and
theatrical costumes In the country. Tbeo,
Liebcn St Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4115.
Miss Jacobs, mass., manicuring. D. 4297.
MISd STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. D
713. Open eve.. p. m.; Sundays, 111 to 8
good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac
tory treatments. Also vapor hatha Oven
10 to 10, Including rlunday. Notloe: En
trance downstairs. 107 bo, 17th St., base
ment, corner Dodge.
M AriSAUE. 17a Dodge. Mrs. Steele.
M'sa Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red &U36.
H rril and masa, alcohol rub. Laura
J Wilson. 1S02 Karnatu. R. 2.
Doug. S7H, Opn evening and ffunday.
I'laoo.tUL DOUGLAS 4377.
BATIIrf, 214 BalrdldgjiahnjDour
Clara Loe, bath and massage. iHiug. grsu
Movlaar, Sloracs aad Ilea a lag-.
W. C. FgRMlN. lath and Capitul. Ty. lice
Uc a I lata.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you
tan. Dra McCarthyLIUl W. O. W. BUI g.
Osteopathic) phyeielaus.
Dr. Rer'icha. fQS-4 MeCague Bldg. D. SSW.
Dr. Peterson. 4oJ Brandels Hidg.. U. 2144.
WATERS-BARN HART fHg. Co., quality
printing. Tel. Ioiig. II W. 5!4 8. 13th 8t
DOl'OLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644.
RIEH-HALL ll. Co.. 16J0 Capitol. D llOi
Paleat Develepaeat.
AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 g. 11th Bt
Pa teat a.
H. A. Pturgea, M Brandels Theater Bldg.
D. O. Parnell. Paxton Blit. Tel Red TUT
Palatine aad Paperlag.
HI'OH M' MA NFS. 417 N. 40th. H. 17S1
11 a uiea Hraaxtcil,
PLl'MEt HATS made over, cleaned
dyed Bertha Kruger. 4i paxton. L. a4.
Hoaek Fsleraalaatoi.
P. B. B. Roach powder at Huffa
uvn wire
iukim:sh mem
of omaiia
Safe and Tleas Lock averts.
C A I7L7C ooeosd. repaired, come.
Oil nged F. E. Davtn-
LJJ port. 1 Dodge. D. 1M1.
koe Itrpalrlag.
Electric Shoe Rp Co., IW7 Pt. Mary's Av.
FRIEDMAN PHOd.shoe repair. 211 S. 14.
Signs and Bhewcarda,
E M C1,ARK ft BON. 113 fl. lmt ST.
Steel telllsgs.
CARTER Bheet Metal Company. 110 8. js.
Store and Uffico Flatsrea,
DESKS, safes, scares, showcases, shelv
ing, etc. We buy, seil. Omaha Fixture
and 'upply Co.. 414-1H-18 S. 12th. D. TiH.
Tow e ftappllea.
OMAHA Towel Supply, tm m. 11th. D. 628.
Trsaka and Suitcases.
FRELINQ a- HTEINLE. Isng Farnam St.
CHAS. C. LANDKRTQU. 108 N. ISth t?t
OUBEN tk ROU1CCHE. lhub Harney. D. mu.
DR. Q. R. TOUNG. W Center. Wal. 802S
W Imra and llqnora.
ALEX JETES. 8. i3th St. Wines,
" '""i -isr. r-iaie ainnera 11 to 3, 10c.
Globe liquor house. 41!4 N. 16th; California
" per gai. write ror price list.
16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch.
BUY your family llquore at Klein's
l.lo'inr Hou 'ft N ;nih Do-iria ianl
NEW YORK. Januarv M, Wlb.
The Mlssouil Pacific Railway Company.
Notice Is hereby klven that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of The Mis
souri Pacific Railway t ompany wl.l be
I eld at tiie general o((i of the Company
In the City of St. Louis, Missouri on
Tuesday. March 9. l!lo. at 9 o'clock a.
m.. for the election of thirteen directors
fcr the ensuing year, and for the transac
tion of any o.her business that may
ci me before said meeting. The annual
meeting of the directors will be held at
the same office on the same day at
twelve o clock noon. The transfer books
will be cloned on Saturday, February 6
1915, at twelve o'clock noon, and will
be reopened on Wednesday, March 10. 1916
ut ten n',lr.U A TUT '
. .uairiin t. in- H. r . dIdiI, President.
H. L. UTTER, Secretary. Feb 26-D-lit
fJNlON STATIUN Tenth and Masox
thlcsgo 4b Northwestern
ttmarf. A ,
Tela Cltr Dxiirsss.
Dakota Pasaauser .
(How Cltr Local...
Minneapolis Bipraaa
Tela Cltr Limlttd
tis aiSNeai
b t il am s IS aa
.s I pa a i 4., pB
a 4:45 pa all:W am
a :04 pm a .u aa
" VU"" 7:i0 sa
.a 700 am il M.n
a 7 40 am all :( Dm
Danvar Roaelal
Carroll Local
Hawkers KxDress
Cblcaao Local
Cat roll Local ,
CHlcago RpeclaJ
an lr, nMma T.tmltA
1111 a I 46 po
...a 00 pm a 7:t am
,...altam alOn am
uvoriana uaitta
umon-ouniDpiiii alo is am
Los Angolas Llmltd.....a l:H pa all :4 am
CbaJroa Local a l-aa .n.
Lincoln' Dallas a I ) am
s M pa
ai0:U pa
b 6:20 pat
s IM pm
Llncoln-Loog rtne a 1:14 pat
bajllnin-Huparlor b 8:14 pm
iA-14 nt Mnrina . A K
Caapar-Lanoar a 1:41 Dm
an oo
AlbWn-OaJtilals - b 6:10 Bm b lis) pst
Chicago, t St. Paal
Paclflo Limited a 7:6 am n ir
Chicago Spaclal a 6 60 pm a 7 U am
I -I. lr. Uavllaht M Mr I-1 a 7 la - ..a...
California Mall I l il pa a 1.26 om
Manilla Local a 6.00 aa all:so am
I. a lea g0 ureal western
Twin Cltr Llmlta4
Twin City express
Cblcaao Kipreaa
.a 1 M
a t M aa
a :W pm
a 14 pm
a 7:11 aa
a 4:0 pm
a a w p.
..a t:lo am
.-a 1:04 pa
...a :U sa
..all: 16 pm
Missouri Pacific
K C. Rt. L. Bxprsas.,
K. C. Bt. L. Kiprtaa..,
u r a ut. Paul
-a s.-sv pa
Chicsgro, Hock Island at Paclflo
Rackr atouDtaia Ltmll-d... jill lf am aU:0C om
t blcaso Local Paaasnaer bio 00 am bit at am
Chlcaae Uar Eapraa a 4:80 am a 4:40 im
Cnlo-eo Night axpraas a 4:10 pa a l S2
pea atulnea Local raaaangar.a i t, pnt all M im
Cbloaso-Nabraaka Llmltl....a t.t pa a tM aa
Cbl.-N.b. lJmtt4 ts Llnoolaa 4 4S tm a I 47 am
Colorado a California Kip. ..a 1:40 pm a 4 so Dm
Oklahoma Tsaas Kapraas...a 4. -00 pa all M am
Kocar Mountain ,L4uill0.
.ail. it pa aij.i; u
taloa Pact tie
rwarlaad Limltes ...
so aa a I 4i pa
...(:pa all am
Calllurnla aall
Oi&ahe gipraas ..
AUanta fcxpraae
Aoaelea Limited. ......
a 4:oo aa
a 4:40 pa
a 4.0u pa
all 14 aa
.a 4 Pin
Colorado Bxpreas
Oolwrado ueacial
baa h'ranulaoo Llmltaa
faclfto Linuiad
..-.M.U'aahliutll. Unit a
.aia M
.IU .40 a
Mi pii
a 4:14 pa
a 4:44 pa
alo lo u
blaiM pa
.al0:W am
a 1:11, aa
.a i:xo pa
.bli.u pa
North Platte Local
Ureatl lalaud Local
bliviuaburg Looal
llllnola Ceatral
Chicago Limited
( Bxvraaa
Omaha-Bt. Louts Bxprasa...
stall aad Kipraac-
s J: pm a ID aa
.a 1.60 am a t:te pa
.a 4 IS pa
a 7 .0. aa
a I 44 em
aU;40 pm
BUHUSOTUfl TATION .fcati. mm
au 41 aa
a 4:30 ia
a 4:M pm
a 4 .10 pa
a 4:10 pa
all:;. p
a 4 60 am
a 4 10 pm
b 4:40 am
bio :4V aa
a 4:40 am
a t.H pa
a 4 44pa
a 4 00 aa
sU:0 aa
all 60 am
14 pa
a 4:M aa
n-. LlfflHad ...alX:i& m
Uanvar and California a 4:10 pm
Pugai duuoo axprass. a im pa
Nabraaaa Points - l am
Blaos Uilla ..a 4:ia pa
Mnoola aUI h 1:10 pa
Northwsat Kxpraaa alj:li am
Nabraaka Kxpraaa -a l u aa
, f a. 1 a 7 fc
fck'hulllar-l'latuimouth b 1:04 pm
1 aiuunoutn-!owa ....a 4:14 aa
btfllavus-flallamoutll a!2:40 poi
Chicaso Special a 7 04 am
tbicaso KxpraM e 1:44 pm
Cblcaao Fast Kxpraaa a 4 40 pa
creatoa Looal b 1:14 pm
bt. L A a. C Bpsclal a 4:40 pm
bu Lwula Spatial
K C. St. Joseph -a 4 16 am
K, C 4L Joseph aU.Oipm
teeath and Webster.
Chicago, Bt. Paal, Minneapolis 4
Omaha .
Twin CUT Passenger h 4 26 aa kin pa
vioux 1 uf axpraai 1 1 a pa 011:44 aa
Blums Cltr raaaaaaer a I M aa
Kinaraoa Looal h 4:u0 aa b 4:14 aa
a dally, k Sallr sxcept guaday.
Bryan Cables German
Message to London
WASHINGTON. March C.-Secretary
Bryan cabled Ambassador Page at Lon
don today the full text of the German
reply tc the American proposals regard
ing the German war gone proclamation
and the exemption of food destined fur
the civil population of Germany from
tenure by the British fleet. Officials
here assume that Great Britain's reply la
being delayed in order to Include the view
of England and Its allies on the German)
Pending receipt of some further word
from London. Mr. Brian said there was
nothing In the neutral shipment situation
which he cared to discusa.
Ambassador Page has been instructed
to make representations In regard to
American vessels with cargoes for Ger
many which have been held up, although
they sailed from the United States before
Great Britain announced Its determina
tion to prevent commercial Intercourse
with Germany by sea.
Basic of Eaajlaad Offer.
LONDON. March 6. Tho Bank of
England todav Invited tenders to an Is
sue, of AiO.o0ii.000 In exchequer bonds pay
able in five years, with interest at S per
Pollllral Baro Barter Irflar.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. March l-The
Arkansas state election in September no
longer will act as a political barometer.
Governor Hays today signed the bill com
bining state aad natluuai eiecliona
Frederick Palmer Writes of Visit to
Camp of East Indian Troops
in France.
NEW YORK, March B.-Fredeilck Tal
mer, who lg at the front In France for
the Associated Tress, sends the following
FRANCE. March 5.-Vla Inrtonl The
plcturcequpitesa of the Indian troops of
the British empire breaks the monotony
of the grim, coioilcss business of modern
war at the Uritlsh front The little inulc
cars of these soldiers move about among
the powerful motor trucks from England.
It was firet feared that the Indians
might not stand shell fire well, but they
became used to it and now they are even
contemptuous of it. Accustomed to a hot
and dry cllmat the hill and rainy
weather and the miry mud of Northern
Franco has been their worst .enemy.
When the sun shines a smile spreads
over the whole Indian force. Thanks to
many layers of warm clothes and careful
attention, the sick report of the Indian
troops is normal.
All the food of these men has to be
brought from India. Speaking no word
of English, these dusky strangers have
come from the other sid of the world
to fight in France for Great Britain
Billeted In barns with thick layers of
straw for their beds, each race cooking
Its food to its taste and according to its
faate customs they form a separate
world of never ceasing wonder to the
French inhabitants. This morn ins; there
was seen s.00l cavalry riding by on ft
muddy road with a background of flat
and misty landscape with all the preci
sion they would show at a royal review.
Occasionally among the dusky faces
under the turbans there were the white
countenances cf the English officers, who
had trained these varied tribes and who
have stood with them in the trenches In
Icy water up to their waists against the
Fights at Seventy-Two.
Sir rertab Singh. 72 years old, rode
at the head of his regiment
"They told me I was too old," he said,
"but I replied, 'If you will not let me
fight In France. I will go to Afghanis
tan and fight there. I don't mean to die
In my bed and I cannot live much longer."
Bo they let me come."
Although all the cavalry Is fighting as
infantry In the trenches, cavalry officers
keep up their cavalry drills and tho
horses are In condition. This is because
there may be a chance for the cavalry
when the expected German break comes.
Everybody on the line speaks of the
Germans going back as If this was as
certain as the coming of spring.
One of the British officers with whom
the newspaper correspondents watched
the Indian troops ride past, made the re
mark: "The Canadians in their trenches
are now doing well."
The driver of the motor car In which
the correspondents were conveyed to the
front revealed hla Americanism by the
use or New York slang. He had had
sixteen taxlcabs running In New York,
but he came over, aa the English say
"to do his bit."
Britons from Everywhere
One meets here Ens'ikhmer. t,ihm.
and Scotchmen from every part of the
worm reaay to serve In any menial
capacity in order to heln.
take this message to all my Irish friends
n America tor me," said an elderly Irlah
medical officer in charcc of a hr,niti
train. "Tell them I have been aleeplng
on wist car seat lor six weeks with the
harp alongside of me and the union Jaok
over my head. It was a fine time ws
had when they let me load my train with
wounded right where the shells were
falling, but they do not permit that any
more. In the outskirts of a village where Gee-
man sheila fall at Intervals there were
seen lnrantry detachments practicing at
hand grenade attacks and In the defense
of trenches. Nobody worried about the
danger from German shells while they
rent the air with their own explosions of
bomog thrown at close quarters.
Hospital for Convalescents.
At another place the correspondents
entered a building which seemed neither
wholly hospital nor wholly Young Men's
Christian association. The reason that
the location of this and many other
places is not given Is because no German
aeroplane bombs are wanted. In this
particular building men overexhausted
from their vigil In the trenches remove
their filthy clothes, act warm hntlia anil
a disinfecting spray and have a warm
meal, including bread pudding with rais
ins or currants In it. of which they are
extremely fond. There are also clean
cots where thev turn in and a reading
room with games. Here no nttf ia bnnt
longer than fourteen days. If In that time
uiey nave not sufficiently recovered from
the exhausting demands of the ..,v,
to return to the front they are sent back
n sl. a
vw laic UUK,
'Doean't lom maHnar-var . t --l-
" - - a osncU)
ever hesitate to face the horror of the
irencnes again?'
"Occasionally there ia One." tt.aa h-
anawer. "That's human nature. We are
amased at how few. When well enough
the average mun goes. Ho says he will
Play the game. You will know soon what
ne ia going to do."
Before leaving the convalescent home
the correspondents were irK- ..v,
Identification metal disk with hi.
on It. "It is best to have one." was the
..r. iou are going Into the trenches
WASHINGTON, March 5-Th. ,..
third congress broke all records in the
volume of proceeding in the Congres
sional Record, the official publication of
wis nouse. mi average congress, abort
ing to an inventory bv th nrriciMi r
porters of debates, runs about II 0s) pages
in ins record, while the slxty-thlrd con
gress, which expired yesterday, approxi
mates 32.O0O pages.
Orsraalaed March IS.
WAUHlVllTOV M..Ah x tt.-
k. j, ----- . w i ire new
rederal Trade commission ill bo organ
ised March 15. George Rublee of Cor
etsh. N. H . the only member uncon
firmed by the aenate, will acrve under a
recess appointment.
Iowa News Notes
SHENANDOAH After deliberation of
two hours a verdict for HJi damages
against' the city of Shenandoah was
awarded to Mrs. O. I) Hall by a lute
in the superior court. The suit grew out
of a fall over a wooden water trotieh
across the sidewalk. In which Mr Hall
broke three ribs. The accident occurred
more than two years ago and Mr Hall
has since died. His widow, as adminis
tratrix, carried on the litigation.
8 HEN AN DO AH Adding Insult to in
Jury, a robber a ho stole a watch anj
knife, together with IS in cash, from A
L P. Thompson several months ago. has
returned all but the rash to the mail
box with this note: "Here's vour old
watch. It won't go. Your knife Is no
better. The Is haa been spent."
French Attempt to RecoreT Position
in Lorette Hills Lost to Ger
mans is Repulsed.
BERLIN, March . (Via London.V The
war office today gave out the following
"Western theater of aar: South of
Ypres we Inflicted considerable losses on
the BriUsh with artillery fire. In the
; positions In the Lorette Hills, which we
;took away from the French, a counter
,nttack was repulsed ynsteidaj afternoon,
j "In the Champagne district yesterday
iand last night the French continued at
j tacks north of Les UrcsnM. All their at
tacks were repulsed and our positions
were maintained.
Attacks Fall.
"Attacks on our positions at Vauquos,
east of the Argonne, and in the fotest of
Consenvoye, east of the Meuse, failed. All
'attempts to dispute our possession of
ground captured in the last few days In
tne district or Badonvlller railed. An at
tack, undertaken last nlsht with consid
erable forces, on the heights northeast
of Cellas, broke down with heavy losses
to the French. Several night attacks also
were unsuccessful and over 1.000 French
men are lying before our entanglements.
"Eastern theater of war: The situation
around Grodno northern Poland) la un
changed. Russian attacks to the north
east and north of Loma failed with heavy
losses to the enemy. Many prisoners of
the first and second Russian divisions of
guards are in our hands.
"Further n ,as far as the Vistula, tha
situation is unchanged. A few advances
by Russians east of Flock were unsuc
cessful and strong night attacks executed
by the enemy east of Ekiornlewice failed
French Version of Affairs la West.
PARIS, March 6. (Via Londoa.P-The
developments at the front yesterday are
recorded as follows. In a statement this
afternoon from the war office:
"To the north of Arras, near Notre
Dame De Lorette, we have recaptured
most of the advance trenches we lost
the day before yesterday. We took 130
"The enemy again bombarded the
Rhelms cathedral.
"In Champagne, to the north of SouaJn,
Mesnik and Beausejour, there haa been
nothing fresh to report since yesterday
evening's communication.
"In the Argonne, at Vauqots, we have
repulsed two counter attacks and made
new progress. Inflicting appreciable losses
upon the enemy and taking many pris
oners. We are masters of the greater
part of the villages."
No New Building
For at Least a Year
Nothing will likely be done In the
matter of erecting a new building where
the Bushman block now stands at Six
teenth and Douglas street,, for at least
a year. This Is the corner on which
John L. Kennedy has obtained a ninety-nine-year
"The leases on the present building- are
to run out In April, but I have extended
some of them for another year," sal-i
Mr. Kennedy recently.
"Nothing will happen there for a year.
I want a breathing spell. We have fin
ished the Fontenelle hotel, and that was
no small matter. I have had building
troubles enough to last a few months."
ST. EDWARD, Neb., March B.-(Spe-clal
) The annual banquet of the St. Ed
ward Commercial club was held In the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows' dining
hall Wednesday evening, and despite the
htorm and bad weather about seventy of
the business men attended. O. K. Flory
presided. Secretary EL E. Fellers re
viewed the work accomplished the last
year, showing what can be done by a
gcod live club, and made same good sug
gestions for the coming year.
Rev. R. F. Shacklock gave an excellent
talk on community Interests, demonstrat
ing why the farmers and business men
should be more closely united. Mr. Jones,
president or the club at Albion, discussed
the good roads question. The principal
speaker, H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, held
the crowd for an hour in his usual In
teresting and Instructive talk to commer
cial clubs
The banquet was served by the women
of the Methodist Episcopal church.
PARIS, March 4. The treaty signed at
Washington on September IS. 114
facilitate the settlement of disputes
which may arise between France and the
United States was officially promulgated
The agreement promulgated In Paris
refers to one of the Deace treaties n.
gotlated by Secretary of State Bryan
wun twenty nations. Tha treatiM urn-
vide for the special Investigation of dis
putes In all cases In which the resources
of diplomacy have failed. Great Britain
was one of the other nations with which
a similar agreement was reached.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March . (Special. Vi,a.
tor Howell's bill for the creatlnei f .
state plumbing board S. F. 804 wag killed
by the senate committee of the whole this
But three votes acre registered In fevne
of the bUl. Tha sentiment seemed to be
that there were too many state boards at
Bl-FFALO. N. T.. March R,-.
was arraigned In resolutions siln.a ...
day by the Religious Education associ
ation for Its neglect of the child. Its
rights to be well born, to health to
education and to religious Instruction
are denied, tha resolutions declare and
iere lor growth and for human hap
piness are being turned Into commercial
BERNE, Swltxerland. M.rrl. sa .
of the North German Gazette received
irr. contains seven airrerent rations for
feeding horse, to aid the psopls m finding
a satisfactory reed that does not contain