Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIM) HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. MAlttll fi, 1915.
Yankee Craft in Oeraan Port Re
turn in Ballast Because of the
British Blockade Order.
BERLIN', . March 4. (Via Ixi.
don, March 3.) In consequence of
the projected Anglo-French measures
against cargoes in transit from Ger
many, several American steamers
now . at Bremerhaven have com
menced to discharge cargoes which
they had taken on hoard 'for the
United States, and plan to return
Jiome in ballast. The step, which was
taken on orders from the owners of
the vessels, affects particularly ship
ments of dye stuffs. Pour or five
nierlcan steamers are now' at
Bremen. .
Mm'Two Frtlitlrn Hank,
PKEMty, March 6.-Vla London.)
The. destruction of two freighter! by tor
Heloes In the F.nglish channel wcj lt
tittsed by the captain' of tha American
hip, CJulf Light, frm Galveston. Feb
fuary 3. which arrived In tha .Weser
Thursday morning with a cargo of cot
ton, according to a story printed In tha
tMdrgen Post. The captain la quoted by
ths newspaper as saying the ahlps were
attacked by a submarine. One of them
la ' reported to have been 'loaded with
rlcos and the ether with coal. The cap
tain. ye the Murgcn Tost, ssserted lie
Jsitrd safely through the mine flelda by
1 ollowln directions lsued by the , Ger
man admiralty.
French Scorch Spanish Ship.
NICE, Atarca 6. (Via Psrla.)-A French
torpedo boat, cruiaing off here yester
day. Stopped a Spanish steamer and an
officer Inspected the paasengera. Among
those on boad were four Austrian re
servists and one German, who had taken
passage to Italy In the hope of being
able to Join their regiments at the front.
The men were taken prisoners and have
teen sent to 'Marseilles.
' Report on Carlo and F.Telya.
WASHINGTON. March I. -Commander
Gerhardl's .suppicmentary report on .his
Invett'gntfon .- of tii sinking r.f the
A merles n . cotton steifmers Carib and
EVHrn .by mines In the North Sea, re
celVed. today from Berlin says:
"Both, beats sunk b mines. No false
directions'-given . by the British. Boats
almtlr ran on mine fields." t v
'If had ben aiid that the. ahipa were
off curses furnished iiy the German 'au
thorities hrd were following routes given
by Prlti.'h Officials.
Trench Attempt to RecorfT Position
in Lorette Kil Lost to Ger
mans is Repulsed.
p. o
at tr homo of Mr. ard
Vt.s Minnie Ounther is wrtl .r ns s-,h-stltuie
teacbrr in the clshth grade. Miss
Floy Cenmlay, the rrgtilsr tearher, baa
the meastiles.
Mr. and Mrs John VI m i f Kiitlum!.
la., while on their wedding trip In this
vicinity, visited at tb home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Pomlnfso Hat unlay night
Mrs. (teorge Shecsley and children
returned to their home at Alvo. nftT
several days' visit at the home of Mr.
RERUN, March 5. -(Via Iondon. )-Th
war office today gave out the following
"Wf stern theater of ear: South of
Tpre we Inflicted considerable lossea on
the .British Uh . arll!t"ry fire, tn the
positions In the Lorette ""Ills, -which we
took away from the Trench, .a counter
attack was repulsed ,y?strda afternoon.
"In the Champagne, district yesterday
and last night the French continued af
tacks north of Le- :.,s.i;i. All their at
tacks were repulsed and our positions
were maintained.
Attacks rail.
"Attacks on our positions st Vauvio.
east of the Argonnc. and in the foreat of
Consenvoye, east of the Meuae, failed. All
attempts to dispute , our possession of
ground captured in the last few days In
the district of Badonvllicr failed. -Vn at
tack, undertaken last r.liht with consid
erable forces, . on' the heights northeast
of Ollaa. broke down with heavy loases
to the French.- Several night atta-sa also
were unsuccessful and over 1.00) Frcnch-
fmen sre lying before our entanglements.
'"Bastern theater of -war: The situation
round Orodno (northern Poland) Is un
changed. Russian -attacks to the north
east and north of Lome failed with heavy
losses to ihe enemy. Many prisoners of
the first and second Russian Divisions of
fuards are In our hands.
, "Further oh ,as far us the Vistula, the
Situation Is unchanged; A few advanrea
by Russians esst of Flock were unsuc
cessful and strong night attacks executed
by the enemy east of Efcternlewice filled
completely.' .."'-.
French Version af Affairs la West.
' PARIS. March 6. (Via London.) The
developments At t tv front yesterday are
recorded as follows. In a statement this
afternoon from .the war office:
. "To the north; of -Arras, near Notre
Dame De 1 .orette, , we ' have recaptured
moat ', of the advance trenches we lost
the day before yesterday. We took ISO
prisoners. .
t "The enemy again ' bombarded the
R helms cathedral.
- ; ln Champagne, to he north of Bouain,
Mesnlk and. Beausejout, there has been
homing fre4h.Jo.. report since yesterday
evening's communication.'
'"In the At-fonne, st Vauqols, we have
repulsed two. counter attacks and made
new progress, Inflicting appreciable losses
upon th,e enemy and taking many pris
oners. We are masters of the greater
part 'of. the villages." !
Miesley'a parents. Mr. snd Mrs. famvel
Rev. tleorse Reed, who has recently
returned from seventeen yi-ars en th"
African nil'slnnnry fields, will wpy
the eu'pli st the Congregational church
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Artolph iitte sent to Ia!e Friday
to visit her arents.
Miss Rose Wlttc went to Ttenninstou
Saturday lo lt her sisler. Ms
lili kev, and family, a few days.
Mr and v Mrs. .luMus S htililt were
Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Mm. Amy Cslxeit and Mrs. II. Milkn
cral to Omaha Monday.
Mr and Mrs. llenrv Palion moved !
the tllbhons farm Tuesday.
The firemen entertained their fanilllea
at a .bamtuet Krldav evening. '
J. Mackland loat'ed bis car and,'tnrted
to Minnesola. wheie he has purchased
Mr. and Mrs. Medt IVern are moving
Into tltrlr cottaice this sk.
Herman Oite moved with bis family to
a farm south of Wretna this week.
Miss K.lla Deerson of Falrhiirr was
I. ere a fi-w diiva visiting her mother. .
A. II. Hansen of Omaha, who formerly
lived here. Is sick. Mr. Hansen ia 87
years old.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mangold arrived thla
week' with their housrhold goods. Mr.
Mangold contemplate start ng R bank
"Mrs. Otto I'lamhei k H here this week
taking care of her parents. Mr. and
Mr. Jonchum Bull, who are ill with the
grippe. ,
A surprise nnrty was given for Thllin
cefua VVcdncsdav evening at the home
of Mrs. U'cpgerjon. A pleasant time Is
reported, rhlllp leaves soon for Oreeley,
Neh.. near which rlace he will farm.
" Don't Kntw How Yoa Can Do ltt Bat I
Don't Care; These Shirts Look Good to Me!"
'J I
if marked a customer the other
. 1 1..4,1 ...!,
: I UV, JIM llf scinivu t-iKin vii
the best ebirt hnrfrains we are
confident, lie ever purchased. He
didn't stop there, either. When'
he left he was quite a number. of j
dollars short in pocket book, butt
almost doubly long in value of
You Have Fully as Good an Op
portunity Saturday. Be Sure
to Profit by it.
m wi.t im r t m bvm mi
Jim, iinrj o imriBB aniKiB inei
'''isainples and surplus of a promi
I iM nent maker; $1.00 to $2.00 values,
4lt and UU
asa iwf t ni n i - -.
Fancy Carnations Qr
Ml nln, each wv
Genuine Kentucky Blue Grass
and l.awn Grass Mixture, now on
sale. Sow early for boat results.
Men's foiir-in-MaviMl Tie 50e
values, all colors 25
Men's 811k Msle Socks 26c to
'60c values. In two lots, at.
pair 121 25t
Guaranteed Hark 6 pairs in
box. special, box.. 40
l.fK Muslin XlRht Shlrta All
'sites, well made, at 4l)C
Mercerlaeid Madras rajamas
Regular $1.60 value. . . .GOc
Outing; Flannel Mght Shirts
'and Pajamas $1.60 values,
sale price fl7
Men's Wool Union Suits To
$6.00 values, all perfect, In 3
iota, at
$2.98. 92.50. 81J8
2.fl0 Union Suits 81.45
Heavy Wool Sweater toats-
To $8.60 values, all styles, on
sale In four lots
Men's Sample liath Kobea-
To $12.50 values. All rolors, on
sale In five lots Q.0H,
Drugs and Toilet Goods
For Saturday
II. 00 slxe reVltts Kidney I'llts. . . .tto
ROe site Sal Hepatlca 3o
ihe size sal Hepatiua lte
1 .00 size llorllcks' Malted Mllk..To
IJc else White I'lne Cough Cure...lSo
4 -10c rolls Crepe Toilet Psper. . . .ao
Sc pkg. Washing Ammonia Towder.
2 for B
9 bars sssorted. box Jergen'a Soan BS
10 hars Jan Hose or Palmollve Soao So
Jl.r.O bottle Oriental Cream SSO
'2ic bottle Jergena' Benxoln Iotlon..lfo
fc tube Teheco Tooth Taste 38a
"50c bottle Phenolax Wafers.
;!ie bottle Dr. Illnkle's Caacara . . . .He
fcOc box Java Rice Powder. ..... .38
ller-Klss Face Powder So
50c bottle I.axatlvs Syruo of Flga.SSa
The Auto Sponges '. 10O
- 75c Rubber tllovea for ...SSo
$1.15 Hot Water Bottles for...;..4to
$2.00 Combination Syringe tlJS
$1.50 Fountain Syringe S80
' Wo Fhona Orders.
Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear
Saving on quality poods that every
really economical buyer will k'eenly
$1.50 Perrin's Kid Gloves Black,
white or tan, two-button len
spc hl, at, pair $1
$1.00 Cape Gloves, 69c Tan
white; also chamoisette gloves
fancy backs.
Ladies' Muslin Gowns Da
trimmed, well made, extra
pceial -49
Gowns and Combination
Suits - To $2.00 values, all
sizes, at .98
Knit Union Suits Values
to $.1.00, silk nnd wool and
nil wool, broken lots. 08?
Italian Silk Union Suits
To $7.o0 values, loose or
tight knee, on sale, $3.98
75c Lisle Union Suits
Lace trimmed, your c' 4 'ce
for b5c
Men's and todies' Umbrella To $.1.60 values, tn all silk or
American taffeta, paragon frames, 3 lots, f8, 81.45, 81.08
& r 1
$1.50 Silk Hose, 98c-Pure
thread, all the new spring1
shades, all sizes.
50c and 75c Hose Wayne
Knit or Onyx brands,'
black or colors, slightly i
soiled, on sale, pair, 35
Misses Silk Pleated Hose5
50e quality, black or col
ors, on sale, pair. , . 35
Burning Oil Sprayer
Used By the Germans
, ! Patented in France
! ., I
. I .
PARIS, March 6.-The effect of the
tnjrnlng- oil and chemical sprayed by the
Germans , upon the French advance
trfn? ths woods it Malancourt,
which" was mentioned In a recent official
communication (February 27), Is described
by1 a nurse at the front. Incidentally, it
Bag been learned that this new Instrument
of,1 warfare, which Is a German Invention,
'was patented In France.
The nurse , -was at a railway station
rlien- the-TOldier victims " arrived.""" Their
fates were badly burned, their limbs Mis
tered and their uniforms charred. -A sol-
Ilr who acted as spokesman told the
BUrse 6f their experience. ' t ,
He said that at nightfall, after a rela
tively calm day, tha Oermshs began to
attack With flaming liquid.
Incredulous Rt first, the French soon
discovered thtit.this Mrvltd was belns di
rected against them from several Jets.
",Non or Us could cscspe the torrent of
fire," said, tt-.o soldier. '"Our clothes
flowed with ll and some of us bcam
living t'jrchetC Surrounded by flames, we
had to retire,. but not until our comrades
of the second line were ready to resist
the sttuck of the enemy, which began six
minutes after.
"A. -bayonet counter attack by the
"French wa carried out with veritable
fury, sso treat was their desire for re
verrge.", ',
.t the end of the combat the Germane
had lost 1W killed and sixty taken
n,ii-,, TTit- "Dill
UUUUbJ. UUlb JJi.ll
iHas lieen rostponea
i (From a Staff Co-respondent.)
LINCOLN, . March 5. (Special.) Repre
aentaUve Tibbets delivered a half hour's
speech in tha house Thuraday afternoon
In support of his county unit school bill,
11. R. it. Ho called attention to the fact
that tho plan is optional with each
county to adopt it or not. Mr. Tibbets
admitted that there is widespread oppo
sition to the' county unit proposition, but
he thought ths legislature should give
eoUntlea, where the people want it a
chance to secure It, even If there were
not more. than, four tr.flvi such counties.
Mr. -Tibbets declared that county superintendents-
ara elected' now, becaus
they Sre good politicians and not because
''of thelK"profeslonal qualifications. Vn
d?r the county unit plan, tie said, a
county bosrd would hava charge of all
the schools 'and woutd choose a superin
tendent .for his ability as an educator.
"Mr , Bates" spoke, for the bill and Mr.
I !es sfjsinst It. OtherJ were heerd on
Vith sides! .
Ths bill was indefinitely postponed.
Following twp unsuccessful attempts
before different Judges to rain hla liberty
through habeas. ..corpus1 proceedings.
Marry B. Porter Is still In the county Jail,
a federal prisoner on the charge of ob
taining lodging by . pretending fb be, a
government secret scrvl-e operator.' Both
Federal Judges Frank A. Youmans and
Page Morris ware sppllcd to by counsel
for' Porter, With petitions for writs of
habeas corpus, iloth tudges refused i to
Issue tha writs asked for, on the grounds
(hat tha federal authorities had. ample
reasons for holding Porter.
No Omaha police officer will share in
ths reward given tor tne capture of the
Mexican bandits Who shot Detective Tom
Ring. Chief of Police Henry Dunn Is now
msklng up a list of those who are entitled
to a share of th' reward and has msde
that ennounceinent. The chief declares
the Omaha force Is glad to waive any
claims. No reward will be paid for the
tapttlre of eanches" and' less than one
half of the total for. V ths capture of
Fsra!. Dunn believes tluV three farmer
boys and Sheriff Conattt will draw the
largest sums Of reward.
Sew Spring Hats That Will
Please the Men Who Know
At each price you'll find broad
assortments of new styles In
first Qualities Produced to Sell
at any given price.
John K. Stetson's at 83.50 UP
lead the van.
Ha den's Special at 83.00
will please the most critical.
Other splendid values, 82.00
and 82.50
Boys'- and Children's flats
Cloth and felt, spring styles, all
colors, to $1.25 values, in three
special lots Saturday-
J79tf. 45 nd 29
Magnificent Display of Authentic Spring Garment Styles
of Which Quality end Practicability are the Key Notes
Tlfs Uee' Wants Ads are the brst Busl-
0i Boorlers.
'in "spite of ' tho , snowstorm, Federsl
Judge Page Morris arid Mrs. Morris of
Diilulh, are so fsr "successfully traveling
toward Callforiila.They Were in Omaha
tor. a fw hours between trains, during
hich't!m the Judge passed on several
minor cases In the Qmaba division of the
Nebraska federal court. From the time
t'l.ey left Mankato. Minn.. It snowed con
stantly, the Judge., sald.l He and Mrs.
Morris will spend tho remainder of ths
Winter and part of the spring In Califor
nia visiting the two expositions.
LINCOLN, March I. (Special.) Bsmey
Oldfisld, regsrded as the king of automo
bile drivers, and De Loss Thompson, the
tumble bug of the air. will be the star at
tractions at the neat Nebraska State fair.
These two men have been engaged foij
fair week by the Nebraska State Board
of Agriculture.
Old field and Thompson will pull off an
aUto-aeroplane race every day.
, Washington Affairs
The names of Hear Admirals Fletcher.
Howard and Cowlea, commanding the Atlanta-
Pacific and Asiatic fleets, wsre
biouaht forwsrd tn naval circles as Pres
ident Wilson's probable selection for thres
new admirals of the navy. Just authorised
by congress.
Official repoi-ta to the ("nlted States gov
ernment through Its own snd other diplo
matic representstives describe an Intol
erable condition of affairs In Mexico
("itv, where the populace is suffering the
efforts if famine snd lack of communlcs
ticwlth the outside world.
New. Neckwear
A splendid line of new "Lace
Vesteea, OrRandle Collars and
Collar and Cuff Sets. Special at
25. 50 nd 75
lloudolr and Ant Capa reg
ular 60c values, on sale Satur
day, choice . .'. 25
New Mesh Veils In fancy colors,
at. each , 08
Fancy Mesh Veilings, 10 a'
15c to 80c Fancy. Veilings, odd
pieces, short lengths, yd .74
Handkerchief Specials Satur
dayFancy bordered, em
broidered and pure linen hand
kerchiefs, 6c up to 26c values,
on sale Saturday in five lota at
2. 5. 7. 10. 15
Brushes of All Kind.
Hair brushes, cloth brushes,
tooth brushes, hand brushes,
20c up to $1.00 values at
10 P to,50
Shoe Trees, per pair . . .7
Silk Dress Shields, pair lO
10c Pearl Buttons, dps. 3
25c Tango Neck Cords. . .15
Handsome Tailored Suits-Noarly
all samples, made to sell at from
$1S.0 up to $22.50,
A good assortment of most de
. si ruble spring fabrics in Belgian
blues, battleship grays, putty,
reseda, Copenhagens and navy
bines, also black and checks; sur
prising bargains.
More of Those Beautiful Crown
Jewel Tailored Suits at $25.00
. 25 handsome desfgns, every one
distinctive. You never saw a more
attractive lot of suit values. They
are worth more.
Hundreds of Elegant Suits
! Exclusive and distinctive de
signs; surpassingly beautiful
and exceptional quality at
each price
$35, $39.75, $45, $50
In the Children's Department
Classy spring coats, all .sizes
and every wanted style and
material, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95
up to . .$12.50
New. Spring Dresses, in im
mense asortment of newest
designs, at 95, $1.45,
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95 Up
Pretty Silk Dresses-Hundreds of
them, all colors, made to sell up
to $15.00; choice, $7 95
Broad assortment of most pop
ular weaves, eolienncs, crepe do
chines, etc., for. selection in new
est 6tyle ideas the choicest lot
of values ever offered. See them.
New Spring Top Coats All tho
season's nobbiest styles in the
newest fabrics and colorings
$7.95, $10, $15 to $19.50
More New Waists and Blouses
Saturday One lot of pretty
silk waists, $3.00 to $4.00 values
all sizes and colors, at $1.95
One Lot of Silk Waists and
Blouses, made to sell up to
$7.00; at, your choice $3.95
A Special Demonstration Sat
urday ; Simplex " and 4 Dix '
make House Dresses and
Nurses' Costumes. Mrs. Mc
Clelland, an expert demon-;
strator, is in charge of this
special display You should
know about these two splen
did brands. . .
What Are . Your Plans
for the Summer?
Going to Travel?
Better take advantage of the
present special sales on
and save easily 334. All
styles and, to $16.00 val
ues, at... 83.05 to $0.05
Indestmcto Trunks The very
best that money can, buy
Also 25 other trunks, "several
standard makes, mostly floor
samples, $6.00 to $16.00 val
ues, on sale, $3.95 to flO 0
Saturday Specials in
Corset Dept.
The Lce Front Corsets are
more popular, than ver this
season. We're shov 'g a com
plete line tn the popular It. &
O. and Warner'a Rustproof, low
front corsets, . medium bust,
long skirt modes
81.50 up to S5.00
Broken Lots of Corseta that
sold to $4 00, good assortment,
choice 81. GO
TSa Corsets at , 4H Just ths
thins for house corsets. Ask
to see them. '
1.00 Brassisra. at 49 'prettlir
trimmed with embroideries.
Boys' Walts Bloose Waists
.Pleated front, with, or without
collars, alifhtly soiled;, on. sale,
to close, at -. ,.49o
ObUdrea'a Boo Bomvsra.". ... " fSs
Boycf roaasa Bloose Watt-i-
All sixes. 11.00 values. at...Ss
Beys' BOe- Blouse Waists Per
cHles or. madras, at ase
Men's $10.00 and $12.50 Saits, $5.00
In Domestic Room
Saturday we offer choice of all $10.00 and
$12.50 Suits, fall and winter weight suits, all
colors and all sizes, Saturday, your choice
at ..$5.00
Men's $1.50 and $1.75 Pants, $1.00
Marx and Haas Trousers that were made to
sell at $1.50 and $1.75, sizes 38 to 44 waist, all
good colors and most all are all-wool, Satur
day, your choice, at. $1.00
Don't Miss the Big Special Display of t
Boys' Blue Serge Suits, $1.95
In Domestic Room.
Laces and Embroideries
Merchants' Market Week, March 8 to l'J. ; The new
est novelties, in free .filet, '.oriental, chantilly and Ven
ice laces. I3eautifal chiffon flouncings, bands, edges
and galoons; black flounctngs, ecru and cream, white
and two-tone laces will be shown in almost unlimited
assortment. 1 See Sunday papers for further particu
lars. Arrange to be here. All are cordially invited.
I Saturday we offer bovs' Blue Serge Suits,
' sizes (i to 1G years, Norfolk style? well made
I and well trimmed; knickers full cut; Satur-
day, these suits .$1.95
Boys' Corduroy Knickers, . 50c
6 to 16 Years.
Bovs' School Pants, fine weave Corduroy
dark brown color ami good weight; this is an
Saturday, boys' v
exceptionally good value.;
Corduroy Kuickers, at
Prom. Our. Near Neighbors
Special Sale of Gray Enamelware
3, 4 and 6-qt. Pudding Pans
2 and 4-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans. . . .
i and 4-qt. Preserving Kettles...
3 and 4-qt Mixing Bowla
12-lnch Wash Basins
tUx9i Dread Pans...'.
10 and 12-qt. Preserving Kettles.-.,
2-qt. Rice Boilers .
2-qt. Coffee Pots .'
6-qt. Berlin Kettles, complete with''
14-qt. Dish Pans
10-qt. Water Palls.. . . .
29c xy
Saturday Specials in Furniture Section
Group No. I 6 patterns, white and Ver
nls Martin. Regular values $3.60 to
:.50. Sale price 83.00
BKI18 i
(roup No. II 6 patterns, white and Ver-'
ids Martin. Regular prices, $C60 to
$10.50. Sale price 85.50
(roup No. Ill 15patterns, brass, white
nnd Vernis Martin. Values from $13.00
to $20.00. On sale, for 812.50
('roup No. IV 4 patterns, oak, mahog
any dressers and chiffoniers. Regular
$16.00 values, at S10.5U
('roup No. V 4 patterns, oak and ma
hogany dressers and chiffoniers. Regu
lar $20.00 values, on sale 815.00
Group No. VI 4 patterns, oak, mahog
any and Circassian walnut dressers and
chiffoniers. Regular values $25.00; on
sale Saturday only, 'for 820.00
Group No. VII Genuine felted cotton
mattresses, 4 5-lb. weight. Exceptional
alue, for only 85.00
car of new 115 baby carriages
have Just. arrived aa a special for Satur
day. Regular $5.50 cart, for..g4.5Q
Mr. -J. V. Dunbar was a ' Nehawksl
'. . i
Mrs. Halph flrsham entertained ths
V Oman's club W0neiasy afternoon.
F W. Ruhre. wife snd lrs. Sophia
Worlfy were Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Mra Jonas lruery of nesr Auburn I.
aiteruilns; tho week with Avora relatives.
Mrs. Ktith Trook snd dsufrhter. Qsl,
wits v if tuns; relatives at Auburn this
J. K. Peckhsm loaded his household af
fects Into a ear sad left f Ieuel county
Mon tsv.
: K. Nutsman snd duug-htsr. Ruby, wr
visitln Nehaska relatives the first of
ths reek.
Roy Fshnestoek snd family of Green
River. Wyo.. sre spending the week visit
Iu rlat(ves here.
"l Leinsiitt snd family arrived the
first of th week from Onishs snd will
reside on a laria north of town.
Claud Ktibn-tUxk, assistant cashier at
the hank of Avocs, hss been suffer nfj
with th grip tnis ween.
Miss Lizzie Althusn of Berlin Is spend
ing the week with relatives near here.
Miss Mary Zimmerer of Nebrasks City
Is spendinc the week with relatives here.
Simon Rchmeler snd wife left Thurs
dsy for. Clarion. Is.. : where they will
spend a few days visiting relatives.
Weralaf Water.
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. atrardet snd Mrs.
8. V. Ortun have returned from a .'rip
to Zephyrhill. H.
Mr. and Mrs. YT. A. Davis Jjave left
for an extoiided trip to Ku)lertii snd
other points In California.
Mrs. R. B. Hltehmsn hss cons to
Omahs to help nurse a stck granddsugh
ter st th.i J. J. Plllinj home.
George Dally of Pswnee City wss look-lnx"8-Her
buninusa matter here Tuewiuy
while on his wsy to Dunbsr to hn
sen. v
Mr, snd Mrs. Arthur Rlsr-kwell of
Akron, o., were Wednesdsy night vUltors
: Read the Big Special Grocery Sale For Friday
It's Quality Good and a Saving of 25 to 50 for the People by Trading at Hayden's for
Groceries. We Are Not Controlled by Any Trust or Syndicate Our Aim is the People.
IT lbs. best granulated sugar, .tl.00
4S-lb. sack best high grade Diamond
H Klour, nothing finer for bresd.
pies and cskes, per sack. . . .S1.8S
HaUa your own bread, it pays.
Yeast Foam, pkg So
Compressed esst, caks le
lbs. best white or yellow Coram ea. I
for ITS
T lbs. rolled white Breakfast Oat.
meal for ,...g6e
I 1-lb. cans Bsksd Beans 100
4 lbs. beat, hsnd picked Navy Beans
for 6e
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c nualltv,
for ab
14-oz. cans comlensed MiU...7Ho
ZK-na .iars pure strained Honey.. too
:;-os. Jars purs Fruit preserves. 86o
MvUrrn'i Peanut Putter, lb..t8Hc
K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 60
Ths best domestic Macaroni, Vemil-
rejli or Hpsghettl. pkg T4e
Advo Jell for dasert, nothing like
it, pkg. 19
10 bars neat 'Mm All. Diamond ',
Iaundry Queen White luaundr)
Soaps for 8e
cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .SSo
Oolden Kantos Coffee, lb BOe
Tie best Btriotly Fresh Eggs, aota.
laa nasr. tossa . . v. Mo
The best Creamery liutter, carton or
bulk, per lb. 30
flood Country Creamery Butter., .30
Fancy Dsiry Table Butter, lb. ..S7e
riwd Dairy Table Butter, lb.... See
2 Ihs. good Table Futterin .Sea
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb. . .80c
The Tsgstabls Market for ths Peo.
pie 01 Omaha.
IS lbs. best cooking 1'oiatoes. . lTt
Fancy solid htwam Cabbage, lb... to
runcy i-ape ( uu . anon . ics. '"-oo
Large bunches fresh Meets, Carrots,
Turnips, Hhallots or KadiHhes. .40
Fancy cooking Apples, peck 90s
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce Be
Fancy Head Lettuce, head 7a
Large Cucumbers, each 340
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. too
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. A'.,TV
Fancy Florida Celery ....00
tood white or red cooking Onions,
per lb. e
Old Beels. Carrots, Turnips or ''-
siilpa, per lb. 1 j .Be
Fn v Rlnihsrb, lb e
S heads Kn'llve so
Specials in Hayden's Big Meat Department
The best Fresh Dressed
Chickens, lb. . . . . . 12l2C
The best quality Fresh Pork
Loins, per. lb. ..... .SVaf
First quality Kteer Pot Roast,
per lb t4S
First duality Hlndquarter Ijimb.
per lb Is 10
First quality Forequarier Lamb,
per lb 'ie
r.-'et I'ork Bhoulders, lb BV0
First quality Steer Round Steak,
per Ih 18o
First uosllty.RIb Boiling Reef.
per lb. He
Home marie Bulk Sausage, lb... loo
lbs. bent Lrsf IJird .too
Smoked tfsat Kpselais for Saturday
Armour's ttar r-kinned Hams, per
lb. 1410
No. 1 Picnic I Isms, lb ....loo
No. 1 Knck Bhcoii, lb 13',o
No. t Salt Pork, ll. 100
n)c pall Pure Iard 3o
No. 1 pure Codttsh, lb I8S0
Freah Oysters, quart 403
When you buy your meats st
Hayden's you get quality goods: t
ounces to tl pound and courteous
treatment. As we advertise, so wo
large ttoun Hunches 10s
aUiruland It aval Oranges. The
Orsago of Quality.
- f-er dozen I8H0, IBe. too. tSo
The healthiest fruit grow e to eat
st tills tune of yesr.
Speolal Grape Fruit and Orange. ,
Sale Saturday.
One carload of l.Mra Fancy Flor
ida drape - rTtiit: nothing floor
crown: Saturday
Kach '. S Ho, 44, Bo
Per dozen ...SSo, 4 So. tb
rS"'.r4 IT PAYS TRY HAYDCfro FIRGT IT PAYS ' &jFi&'&jP&jrj?iUK