TIIF. BEE: OM.VHA. FIUDAY, MAKCH ., 11 FOn RKXT Homm aat ottaeea. tS-ROOM modern house, wtlh barn, not water heat. Mil Hainey PL. vacant March L Inquire T. J. O Brian. H. UH ! 11 SJo 8. l'TH, t-room house, 13.;. Phone Web. 6372. W HnBa,n " Prt ' the cilf f UOOBel1 Cralirh Bona A Co.. B Bldg. Globe Van&Storage mm, moves, packa. ships: s-hcrs via and 3 men. It. 22 per hr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. ixa A Ty. 23. I-ROOM house, 46 Decatur . St. Walnut 8124. Call Maggard's Vaji and 8tor age Co., Large van. I man. II. 6 per hr., may. t men, $1.2 par br. 1711 Webster. Doug. ltlnV l-r , modern. 711 8. 7tn At. 7-r., modern. K14 Leav. fen., food location. Web. i,90. J. C. Reed J XVV,V. 1 uv7 Karna moving, storage. arnam. D. fc.4. FOB RENT We have a complete list of all houiee, apartment and fiats that are (or rent. Thl list can be seen tree of charge at Omaha Van Htoraate Co.. 80 Bo. :4th St. FOR RENT. 8-rm. brick house, modern $28.50 8 rms., mod. ex. heat 20.00 8-rm. bungalow, Dundee ,oo B-rm., modern ex. heat 3.00 7 rmi, large living room....' 80.00 6 rm., modern, never occupied 22. SO 6 rms., modern, paved street 25.00 6 rms., modern, paved street 2.V0O 10-rm. flat, all modern 38.00 I rms., modern 27.60 AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT, Wsi. 3 '37, Douglas 6013 or Har. 2645. o tore and Offices. AVAILABLE MARCH 8TH. Bulte of three rooms on 17th Bt side of building. Very desirable location end the only rootriH obtainable on the street; 11x20 ft.; 30 per month. THE BEE bUILDINQ, Office Room 103. tail N. 24th 20x45, good location for black- smith shop, 25. HASTINGS ft HETDEN. 161 Harney St WANTED TO RENT .WANTED to rent an unfurnished house of 10 rooms: must be first class, with all modern Improvements; In a district bounded on the east by 28th St, on the north by Dodge 8t and on the south by Poppleton Ave, Give rent, number of street and where key can be had to see house. Address J 89, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Tale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1418. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146, WH BUY 2d-hand clothes. KUl N. 14th. REAL ESTATE FARM At RANCH LAKDI FOB BALM California. NO WINTER THERE. PATTERSON COLONY, STANISLAUS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. No. as. Here Is your'chance to exchange your farm or town residence for one of the choicest 15-acre irrigated tracts of fruit, English walnut and alfalfa land to .be found in California. It is 3 miles from Patterson, on Las Palmas Ave. This avenue runs from town to the Ban Joa quin river and Is lined with beautiful date palm and eucalyptus trees; the soil is the best, and located as It Is, and sur rounded by beautiful homes, you could not find a more delightful place in which to live; and It s a money-maker, too. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. Neb. . Coloraaa. TO SETTLERS ONLY-320-acres for 1200; rich earn, alfalfa and wheat land, co and, J. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan. Colo. Florida. Snow , People are rejoicing, and we rejoice with them, that tho snow is a good thing for next summer's crops, but while we are rejoicing for the prospect of next summer's crop the farmers and gardeners on our land In Florida are actually pro ducing crops that will bring returns lar in excess-ut any summer crop we have In prospect These crops will be out of the way in time to plant corn and All the other summer crops grown in the north. No one-crop country can compete with a two and three-crop country. Don't talte our word for it but Join our excursion March 16 and see for your self. Call at our office or write us at once for full information. BENMON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Illinois. HIGH-CLASS ILLINOIS FARM. Owner lives here and wants a good farm nearer home that rents well. If you have something choice we can help you make a good exchange. There is 000 acres In the farm; about two-thirds will be in corn this year, balance grass. It is all tillable, black sandy loam, level and well 'drained. Good Improvements, and close ' to big town near Chicago. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha, Neb. i ' kaaia. BARGAIN 140-acre dairy' farm, near ga llna. Kan.; write for full description and list ot too kums farms for sale In central Kansas. V. E. Nluutte 8s Una, Kan. Hlaanoia. Red River Valley For list of Red River Valley Jand write the Vogel Realty Agency, 1015-16 W. O. . W. 'Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SPLENDID MINNESOTA WHEAT FARM. 100 acres of the best land In the state to exchange for 80 acres in eastern Ne braska or good city property. Boil black. rich loam, level and well drained. Raises linesi cropa or wheat, potatoes, corn, , alfalfa and clover. Half cultivated, bal ance hay and pasture. Price, 160 per acre 19,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha, Neb. Mlaaoart. GOOD land, close to R. R. town. 20 acres, M00, 6 monthly; 40 acres, 1700. 10 mommy; u acres,- il.tuu; no interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain in South Missouri; literature free. D. Mer- nam. Kills Benton, Kansas City. Ksn. POOR man's chance; $5 down; 16 monthly; buys 40 acres good land and timber; near town; healthy location; price only 1-00, Box 425-Q. Cartnage, Mo. Nebraska. FOR SALE 80 acres, 6 mlits north of Central City. Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely, ICO Lincoln Ave.. Council H luffs. CLOSE-IN FEEDING FARM. S36 acres in Elkhnrn valley, only 2 miles from towns of Valley and Waterloo, on U. r. R. H. Moat of the farm Is on the bench and Is vevy best of corn land. Some good bottom pasture and a few sores of timber. Improvements, 10-rocun house, barn, 40x80. granary, well and wind mill. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Ware Block, Omaha, Neb. HIGH-CLASS CATTLE RANCH FOR FARM. Owner wants to retire and will exchange his fine 3,000-acre Sheridan county ranch for a farm nearer home that will rent well. Ranch has big, new house; fine, large barn and all necessary outbuild ilngs and another smaller set of Im provements; I weUs and windmill, running ,water, timber for fuel, posts and shelter. All hard land, no sand; gently rolling; best of buffalo and grama grasa pasture, and cuts big lot of hay. About half sec tion cultivated for roughneas. One of the best ranches in Nebraska; 14 miles by good road to Gordon, on C. & N. W. R. R. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. Neb. Wlimili, Upper Wisconsin'. Bast dairy and general crop state In the anion: Millers wanted. Lands for aala at low prices on easy isrms. Ask fnr book let No. 84 oa Wisconsin CXotral Land Grant Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested la fruit lands ask for book. let on Apple Orchards. Address Land an4 Industrial DopartoMtal, Hoo Lute Hallway, ollieavulla, iliua. REAL ESTATtC FIRM A RC II LAN Di FOR AI.K w York. NEW YORK FARiS FOR PA1.K. The news Is spreading, like a prairie fire, of fertile soli, good climate, splendid mar kets, friendly neighbors, perfect macad roads, fine ehurchesi high school and Ideal farmlnr; conditions of New York state Rixty-two-acre fertile land, good build ings, running water, on state mauad Mail, railroad village one-half mile. Price $?,:0; $.in cash tiown. $100 yearly, cowa If desired. Nlncty-elght-ecre farm, 15 cows, team, orchard, woods, brook, fair buildings. Price li&On, $.00 rash down, $100 yearly. One hundred and flftv -acre farm, build ings worth Isf.Oiio. Price t.000. $s00 cash down 1200 yearly, write for photos, rail road fare one way to purchaser. E. ML'NSON. J43 P. Psllna, St. Svracuse. N. Y. W yomlnar. HOMESTEAD Homestead. $28,000 aore. Just opened: SJO-acr to each applica tion. Particulars, write at once. F, Lavalleur, Burns, Wyo. REAL KSTATE LOANS CITY and faun loans, 64. per cent. J. H. Dumont at Co, 41 State Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. F arnam Pmlth ft Co., 1220 Farnam. tiuo to $10,006) matle promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg.. IWh and Farnam Bts. "WANTED City loan a Patera Trust Co.' UAKV1N BROS fr'; "AVSe 6EE ua first for farm loans la eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. 6 P1TV 1 A KJ r r " C1.IT properly. Large loans a specialty. w. n Toomas. 8 State Bank Bldg. W.tiN5.1f on or cltv nd Knn loan. H. W. Binder. CUr Natl Bank Bldg. OMAHA home. Eaat Nebraska farm O KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. IOTI Omsha Natl. . Douglas 1711. 1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. I. Wead. Wead Bldg., urn ana Farnam Bts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of. fice In Nebraska. Brandeis Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 30Q 9. 17th St Fhone Douglaa Us7. REAL ESTATE FOR EX CHANG b TWO small Improved Nebraska, ranches; small payment down and terms on bal ance. Wiiy pay rent? Investigate and get price and description. Have good ex changes to offer. J. A. Olson, ban Bee Bldg., Omaha. WANT TO TRADE FOR AUTO. Six-room cottage, now renting for 112. Price, 11,400. Want a small car. Address, B 46, care Bee. EXCHANGES Bilae BOBBINS. D. 2842. 4- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Lands. FOR RENT Dairy farm, the Mynster Spring place, Joins city limits on north, good set of buildings, about 26 or 10 acres in altulla, about 15 acres in corn ground, balance in pasture: .extra good dairy proposition, about 2o0 acres; rent $740 for the season. Geo. G. Clark, IV Pearl St, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 174. REAL ESTATE: ACREAGE Poultry Farms Going Into the noultrv business? And do you want a pleasant suburban home on which you can specialize in chickens. yet raise some vegetables, hogs, a ntue fruit and nearly everything you need to live on? Somolhina; close enough to tho Omaha market to assure you a good price for your products and near enough town to steadily rise in valuer Then sea - us about the acreage 'plots listed below and others we have. These Clots will demand a higher price April If interested see us now. We are acreage specialists. x uteen acres, West Center,' five blocka from car. Fine improvements, cost over 110,000. Price-116,000; Twenty acres, a lltue further out. uooa Improvements. All In fruit and conceded to be the equal of any fruit farm in the state. .Price, 115,000. Twenty acres, northwest of Florence. Very fair Improvements, lots of fruit and snruDDery. This land Is rolling, but fine for fruit, noultl-v or hrtr rai&inir Prl 1700. Twenty acres. about miles west of Florence, a short distance from tho macadam road. Very fair improvements, iruii ana snruoDery. iTlceu at 16,000. way below price of adjoining property. Five areM. shout a. mlln muth f u ,.,. Omaha city limits, with A No. 1 im provements, that coBt at least 14.000. Vrlce, Tj,000. " Five acres. In same locality. Improve ments fair. Price, 13,000. 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1506 FARNAM ST. TEL TYLER 1024. 4-Acre Tracts Richland Acres Out Benson Way Adjoining Keystone Park on the north west, tor sale on our easy payment plan, fine, rich, smooth land; some in alfalfa and original prairie; several pieces hav running water. Nothing to compare with it near- Omaha at the prices. Over 25 good homes nearby. Prices, $300 to 1160 HAPT1NQ3 & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. acreage: We have a number of clients who is ant to exchange small tracts of land, both improved and unimproved, for city prop erty. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 1014-16 W. O. W. Bldfi -o REAL ESTATES NORTH SIDE Non-Resident . Owner Offers Big Bargain 7 Rooms $1,800 One block from 24th St. car near Maple St This is a good 2-story house, modern except heat with fine lot and big shade trees. All streets paved; House In good repair. Owner needs caali and makes pi ice $700 below its value. Armstrong-Walsh. Co. Tyler 1536. state Bank Bids. $2,850 Dandy 6-room. all modern home, bed rooms and bath upstairs; elegant lot, "x 160, fruit ana snsae trees. Located near 17th and Laird Sis. C. O. CARLBERO, 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.' 2677 EVANS 6-r. mod home, oak finish throughout; easy terms, web. ana. REAL. ESTATE SOUTH SIDE FINK CLOSE-IN HOME. $3,is. On Botith 2Mb tit.. beautiful modern home, fine slutde trees, paving all paid and offered for much less than the value. Very reasonaoie terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 171, Ware Block. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have several cash buyers for 5 and 6-room houses in the I Ian scorn Park or Field Club Districts. The Vogel Realty Agency, 1015-W W. O. W. Bldg. $30,000 TO $4o,ouo cash fur close la busings cr flat properties. Must pay good In terest or be very' reasonable In price. Give full description, location and pries or no reply. Address mall to Omaha, Neb., Puslofflce Box tStt. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Price Unchanged, with Un certain Market in Both Cash and Future i. CORN BULLS IRE MORE ACTIVE OMAHA, March 4. 191. An acute condition has been reac hed In the cash wheat situation, as the demand exceeds the offerings. Mav wheal is congested. Comparatively little new buai nesB is coming into the market, and the Interests which usuaUy have large stocks at this season are practically cleaned out. There Is some hedging on the part of millers who have not heretofore sold against their cash wheat holding". Borne of It is In Mn.v, but July la regarded as safer than May, because of the scarcity of cajh. wheat. Evidence is rapidly accumulating that the I'nlted States will go into the new wncai crop with pra tlcally empty bins. One of the bet Informed exporters cslled attention to the fact that the highest estimate on reserves for export and carry over for the next four months Is only lO'.Ono.noo bushels of which about 35.000,- 000 bushels are already sold for shipment. Without selling any mora wheat this would leave only C5.000.000 bushels to carry over June Jo, against 76,000,000 bushels last year. i Corn bulls predict' light receipts and say that the bulk of the marketable stocks are now in the show windows. They expect supplies, will decresse stead ily from now on. Continued heavy ex. port buying of oats has created a friendly feeling to the buying side of futures on the belief that the surplus has been ex ported Omaha spot market: Wheat wss un changed; com waa unchanged to lo higher; oats were 4C to lc higher. Sales today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. ll.iB. No. S hard winter: 2 cars, 11.40; i car, ll.SSH; l car. It S: 1 car, 11. U. No. 4 spring: 1 car, 11.27. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 11.33. Sample: 1 car, car, si. n. itye No. 2: 2 cars. i.w. corn No. ,3 yellow: 2 cars. Sc; 1H cars. 7c. No. 4 yellow: 1 csr, 67V, 1 car, 6tiHc. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. 7c. No. 6 yellow: car. 634c No. 2 mixed: car. 6Ti. Oats No. 3 while: 5 cars. 53tc , No. 4 white: 3 cars. 5So. ClearanceH of wheat and flour were equal to 601. 000 bushels: oorn, 264,000 bush els; oats. A2.000 bushels. Corn closed ld lower at Liverpool. Primary wheat receipts were k3.tX bushels and shipments 534,000 bushels, against receipts of 740,000 bushels and shipments of 693,000 bushels lHSt year. Primary corn receipts were 4W.01X) bush els and shipments iTTS.OOO bushels, sgainst receipts of 1.163.000 bushels and shipments of 740,000 bushels last year. Primary .oats receipts were OfiJ.OOO bush els and shipments 8X4,000 bushels, against receipts of 7.fl00 bushels and shipments of 602,000 bushels last year. ' CARLOT REC EIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago .... Minneapolis 42 110 179 21H ... ... nuiutn Omaha Kansas City Ht. Louis Winnipeg 40 .. 11 27 10 .. M 10 11 . 32 33 2iJ ..196 Omaha Cash Prices -Wheat: No. 2 hard $l.ami1.; No- S hard, l.S.Vyrt.40: No. 4 hard, $1.241.88: No. 3 spring, I1.S41 3; No. 2 durum, $1.34&1.3fi; No. S durum, $1.83 tfl.34. Corn: No. 1 white, 68416 V". No. 2 white, R7&6HHc; No. 3 white, SrVjr: No. 4 white, 67rajric; No. 6 white, 6M,6 67'4C; No. 6 white, 6lliifi7c; No. 1 yellow, 6Miti8Vir; No. 2 yellow, 68ff08';c; No. 8 vellow,- 674(fiHi8o; No. 4 yellow, 6Va671Mp; No. 6 yellow, 66Va7e; No. 6 yellow, 63A tropic; No. 1 mixed: 67(&c; No. 2 mixed, tm&mc; No. 3 mixed. 67Vi(&7c; No. 4 mixed, Mi67c: No. 6 mllxed, 66W ItfVc; No. 6 mixed, 66Tft4c. Oats: No. 2 white. 63464ir-: standard, IMUMjfslP: No. 8 white, 63iW6aHc: No. 4 white, 62fo3c. Barley: Malting, 70W7tic; No. 1 feed, 60 70c. Rye: ll.08Wgl.00; No. 3. $1.07V4''fl,1.08V4. t. I.nnls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, March 4. WHEAT No. I red, $1 43; No. 2 hard. $1.46(91.46; May, $1.36: July. IIOSW. CORN No. 2, 72c; No. 2 white, 76c; May, 71V:; July, J4',c'. OATS No. 2, 66V466c; No. 2 white, 67 5714C. . Liverpool Urals Market. LIVERPOOL, March 4 WHEAT Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 13s 7d; No, 2, 13s 6d; No. 2 hard winter, 13a 3d. CORN tpot, American mixed, new, 7 10Hd; American mixed old, 8s Sd; March, 7s 6Kd. New York General Market, N"EW YORK. March . SUGAR Fut ures opened steady and later advanced. on moderate buying by trade Interests and covering aTompted by the firmness of the spot market. Prices at midday were 8 to 4 points net higher. Ray sugar was firm; centrifugal, 4.c; molosses, 3.81c; refined, quiet. BUTTER weak; receipts, o.ass tuns; LEGAL NOTICED. NEW YORK, January 26. U15. ELECTION NOTICE. The Mlssouil Pacific Railway Company. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot The Mis souri Pacific Railway Company will be l eld at the general office of the Company In the Cltv of St. Louis, Missouri, 011 Tuesday, March 9. 1915, at o'clock a. m.. for the election of thirteen directors for the ensuing year, and for the transac tion of anv other business that may ei.me before said meeting. The annual meeting of the directors will be held at the same office on the same day at twelve o clock noon. The transfer books will he closed on Saturday,. February 6, 1915 at twelve o'clock noon, and will be reopened on Wednesday, March 10, 1915, at ten o'clock A. M. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. v B. F. BUSH. President H. L. UTTER, Secretary. Feb 2-D-12t REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS WE INVITE you TO SHARE TIIE PROFITS WITH US ' The prospects for a good year In the real estate line the coming year are ex cellent, and anyone investing with us will share alike in the profits In propor-. tlon to the sharea of stock held. You are absolutely guaranteed Dividend q Earnings and are entitled to a division of the profits above the 7 per cent, which should pay you about 10 per cent the coming year. You can invest In amounts of $100 or more In our profit sharing plan, which puts you on the same basis as an Investor with a large amount of money. See or write us about It. Authorlxed capital, $3o0,000.O0. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY BTRFET. Good New Brick Income Brings $060 per annum, will sell on part cash and carry balance or will consider some exchange If clar. For further In formation cull at 7 0 Omaha Nat &ank. TRAVER BROS. . REAL ESTATE DUNDEE JJEW DUNDEE HOUSE ' ' $5,500 Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath room, finished In oak first floor, birch second floor; south front lot; close to car. W. IL THOMAS & KON, 22$ BUta Bk. Bldg. V. 1648. creaiT ery extras Ci score). Sic; crfnmery (higher scurlns. Sliti3Jc; flrots, :iJK'; seconds. 24Wt ."Sc. ' KtKIS fnsettled: receipts. ernes; fresh gsthered extrim. o.1c; extra flrsls. Mc. firsts. HSWWc; seconds, 1!V ; nearby hennery whiter, 21i)f?lc; hennery browns. !V. CHK KMC Firm; receipts. 770 boxes, state whole ml.k. held specials, lTTjflT'ic; uverage fancy. l"h itic. POl LTRY Steady ; western chickens, l.iWc: fowls, lo; turkeys, IMflTe. Dressed strsdv; western roasting chl.-kcns. froien, 17tf?tc: fresh fowls, 14Vfl7'-c; turkevs. 154IJ1V- - ClfICAfSO,R UN AND PHOVIHOHI Prleea Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, March 4 Sensational reports that millions of dollars in orders for war materials from the I'nlted States had been cancelled In the last twenty-four hours, nearly knocked tho bottom today out of the wheat market here. After a fall of 7Hc a bushel, prices closed Wild St 4'fc4i' 4Tc, under last night. Corn suffered a net decline or 1 Wise to IV, anci oata of lHc Provisions made a ragged fin ish, ranging from lo off to a raise of 5c. Stampede selling so urgent that prices snapped lc to 3o between trades hardly a moment apart took plaoe. In the wheat pit as soon as even a hint was caught of the possibility of an early peace. No details referring to peace were tven ex cept that tho order supposed to havo been nullified w-ere largely for ammuni tion. It waa not until wholesale unload ing had been done by holdera of wheat that denials which seemed to possess authority could be obtained. Tho en suing pwm rally si tna rim ui -' - slon was In line with counter statements that there had been no diminutive re- oently In thev volume of orders for war material, nor had there been any con- collation. Heforn the wheat market had gone to pieoes on me conclusion juinpeu n inm the supposed csncelllng of orders for war material might mean soma Important move to end hostilities, the course of trading wss nervous and Irregular, but within ordinary limits. The break later waa In the face of one of the best demands for cash wheat In some time and of assertions by tho presi dent of one of the Isrgest grain com panies here that all the wheat available at present would be freely taken by for eigners if the market were to advance as much as 20 cents a bushel. Corn suffered In sympathy with the break in wheat. Tbe bull side whs also handicapped by larjte stocks and the. slowness of shipping call. Onta displayed Independent spirit, but finally tumbled like other cereals. The heaviest trading was after prices began to fall In earnest. Support by packers helped to give com parative stability to provisions. Weak ness first In the hog market and next in grain were, however, decided sources of disturbance. Futures were. quoted as follows: Article Open. I Hlgh. liw, Ctc.ee. Ves'y. Wheatl I I I May.l 1 43 1 1 45 1 87 1 89 1 44'4 July.) 1 1 18'l 1 11 1 "7l 1 17 Cm 11 1 I 1 I May.l 73S 7S 72 72HI 73T4 July. I 7iSl ' 74 7441 7b! Oats I 1 May. 6fi&, 57t MV July.) 63V 63 W, 614 61'S Pork II Ma v. 1, 17 30 17 42H 17 25 17 27H 17 374 July. I 17 70 17 80 17 66 17 65 17 724 Lard I May.) 10 40 10 824 10 32 10 30 July.1 10 624 10 65 10 624 10 60 I 10 6i Rlhs I I' May. 9 85 S 06 9 85 9 874 874 July.l 10 20 10 25 10 174 I" 174110 '74 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.3846 1.474; No. 2 hsrd. $1.4tS'1.4.s. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 734'j74Vic; No. 4 yel low. 704j714c: No. white. 704U.1C osts No. 3 white, 66Vig664o; standard, 66.H rc. rtye, nominal. nariey, wrr-wc. Seeds: Timothy. $6.0tff.60; clover, $10.50 014.00. Provisions: Pork, $16.90; lard, $0.80; ribs, $&.76Q.85. POULTRY-Alive. higher; spring, 17o; fowls, 16c. FJOOB Higher; receipts 16,689 eases; at mark, cases Included, 174&'19c; ordinary firsts. Irfl84c; firsts, 19c. POTATOES Receipts, 12 cars; market unchanged. POULTRY-Allve, lower; springs, 16c; fowls, 15c. Kansas Cits- Orala and. Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 4. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.4W1.43; No. 2 red. $1.4txg 1 41; May. $1.31; July, $1,06; September, 69c. . , (TORN No. 3 mixed. 70He; No. I vhlte, 72724c; No. S( 71c; No. 2 yellow. 714 72c; No. J, 71c; May, 6974c; July, 72S724o; September. 72tr72ic, OATS No, 2 white, 654c; No. 2 mixed, 624''eR34e. BITTTER Creamery, 29c; firsts, 27c; seconds, 26c; packing, 17c. BtHJH Firsts. 16c; second, 16c. POULTRY Hens, lie; roosters, 104c; turkeys, 16c. Minneapolis Oraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 4. WHEAT May, $1.33; July, $1.29 bid; No. 1 bard, $1.39: No. 1 northern. l.a44Jl1.8S4: No. 2 northern, 1.30i1.8614. " FLOUR Unchanged. BARLEY 64(1 74c. . RYE-ll.lO&l.U. MR AN $22.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 671V;ffVic. OATS No. 3 white, 62VU024. FL AX-Sl.nViCq.8W6. Omaha Hay MarUel. HAY-Prairie: About fifty cars Of prairie hay waa on all tracks:. Receipts over Sunday were fairly liberal, much heavier than anticipated, amouutlng to about fifteen cars. Receipts probably will run light during this week. ' Choice up land, $11 605112.00; No. 1. $11.00011.60; Ko, X $8.609.60; No. I. $6.00 8 00. Choice mid land. I11.00W11.60: No. 1. I10.60W1 1.00; No. 2. Hi.Wii9.50; No. 3, I6.008.60. Choice low land. $9.009.60; No. 1, !8.&O!j.O0; No. 2, $7.00f.00; No. S, $6.0057.00. I STRAW None on the market. Choice wheat, $6,0046.60. Choice oat or rye, $6.6O70O. ALFALFA There are eight cars on tho market thla morning, very little better than No. 2. Following Is the range: Choice pea green, $13 .604 14.80: No. 1, $13.00 013.60; No. 2, $12.OOQ12.60; No. 8, $10.50 11.60. Coffee Market. NFJW YORK, March 4 COFFEE The market for coffee futures was steadier today In sympathy with the continued steadlnes of Braxtl and on some scattered buying which waa attributed to covering of hedgea agolnst sales of spot coffee In the Interior The opening was unchanged to 4 points hlRher and the market clona l steady at a net advance of 1 to 4 points. Sales, 17.7Ti0 hairs. Quotations: March, ft.fioc; April, 6.63c; May, 5.70c; June, 673c; July, 6.73c; August. .SIc; September, 6.8c; October, 6.96c; November, 7.00c; December. 7.06c. Spot, cjiilet; Rio No. 7. 7S; Santoa No, 4, V:t. Mlllrels P'lces were unchanged at Santoa and 60 re is lower than the last quotation from Rio but Brazilian ex change was 4d higher and cost and freight offers were rtported unchanged to lomi) 10 points above yesterday's figures. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 4. METAI.K Lead steady; $3.8741 3.9.14; London, L'3 s 3d. Spelter strung, $10.!$ 11.40; London, i.43 Us. Tin strong; 6-ton lots. (ttdOfKIW: 26 ton lots, 43 60 bid. Copiier, steady; $14.6:'4 ftl4 674 for electrolytic; casting Il4.i'.i((i 14 634; at London, spot, 63 2s d; fu tures. 63 l'.'s 6d. Iron quiet and un changed. Antimony, 72375 at London. ST. LOUIS. March 4 Lead, quiet; $3 85. t'lelter. quiet; $i0.0oS 10.60. Leaden Wool. IONDON. March 4-The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 8,758 bales. The seluctlon was quickly sold. Crosnbreds are now 10 per cent higher than a week ago and scoured Merinos are often a half-penny dearer. Americana paid 2s 6d for the best clips of scoured. New Zealand greasy cross bred sold as high as Is 6d. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 4. The Japanese government. It was announced here to day Is about to form a corporation to adjuat and maintain the prices on raw a lk, which have slumped as a result of the war. Light weight men's wear wor steds were In demand Cotton goods were quiet. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Msrch 4. COTT S' ?po. quiet; middling' uplands. 1.66c.' eales 6"0 pales. The citton market closed steady but at a nut decline of from 11 to 14 points. Investor with money read the Real Estate ads In Tba Bee. Advertise your property tor a quick rale. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET , viuiiiiri uiisj uivvii 1"IU,UUI CntUe Open Stronger, but Close with Advance Loit Fat Sheep Slow, but Strong. HOGS SELLING A SHADE HIGHER SOUTH OMAHA. March 4. PIS. ftereirt were: Call's Hogs. Sheep. .. I.Of" 10.1' J l'.'.O .. 6 I'll 17.S.M I7.l! .. 4.:'H 17.IOH 1S.67 .. 11.") .7ff' Otflclal Monday tliiiHl TtieMlsv .... Official Wednesday.. 1-Min.ate Thursiiay. onr days this week . 17. 2M W.! Same days last week..l7.!7 60...PS Same days 2 wks bko.. M 4.V. Ssiiie days 3 wks ago. .KIT: .W Same davs 4 wks ago.,ls.6v, r-6.73 fame days last yer...l7.s;0 41. I 64 121 60.612 The following tablo shows the receipts of rattle, hogs anil aheap at the South Omaha live atoek market for the year to ute as compared with last year: v mu. ln". sttle ita.rsM PW.ifS S.4U ""Ha Mi m 5.50.743 101, Sheep Soti.lm; 41,2 1 1 The following table shows the average Price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last taw days, with companions: Date. I 1116. I1I4. 1113. -lll.lU.l10.Ha). Feb. (6.1 61 eb. if.,1 6i I i'h. It! I 6 b4l 14 rb. 1T. 53S I I 7 Ml 011 7 011 ft 7 r i-t. Feb. 5 SliI 1 11 t M T 04 I 16 S Oil Feb. 1S.I 4.'4ki I 4 Ml Ki-li in l i: ivil K.ih Ml I 4v , i..b! tl Feb. 22 I 6 K4k Feb. ;'3 6 ao1 ! Feb. I M wr k i iu I &s I 90 I si I 3.11 7 W S Nil 7 OS I i 97 S 34 8 10 I Otl 7 Oil I 9S I Ui C W 1 00 I 02 i 36 I 04 11 7 10 13 14 I 3.'. I 8 19 $ t 041 I SOl ll 1 Ml 5 9 7 4j 7v 8 l 9 IK I I 001 70 ll Feb. 2w 47 4 9 40! 8 13, I 02 9 81 Feb. 27. Feb. 28. Mar. 1. War. I.l 4D 8 42 1 8 34, 8 M C 081 8 82 8 18 111 6 861 89! 8 50 ! It 16 021 47! 61 I 464 I 28 108 261 6 93 S 6ft V4 Mar.S.. 424 8 4 R 1011 I 78 I 60 2 Mar. 4 . 1 6 4:14! 8 291 8 24! 821 6 82' 9 6n 6 2 Sunday. Rerelpta and disposition of live stock t the I'nlon Stuck Yards. South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECKl TTS CA R LOA I f. Cattle Hogs. Mhecp.ll sea C . M. & St. P 3 1 Missouri Pacific .... 1 I'nlon Pacific 27 C k N W., east... 6 i N. W.. west... 2:1 C. St. P., M. O.. 2T. H. A Q, east... 4 C, H. A y., west... 2H C . K. I. c P., esst. 1 C, K. I. & P.. west. Illinois Central f 34 II 60 1 26 8 4 I 10 i 3 1 12 Chicago U. W....f.. 3 2 Total receipts ...126 164 27 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Mieep, Morris & Co 42 1...77 1.414 1.133 1.043 4,786 Swift & Co 60 Cudahy Packing Co 763 Arrhour & Co 670 J. W. Murphy -.. Lincoln Packing Co 10 So. Omaha Packing Co. 13 Kormall Packing Co 2,244 3,244 3,9.18 601 316 W. M. Vansant Co 31 Henton, Vansant & L.. l.'Ji F. B. Iewls 60 Huston & Co !. 75 , J. B. Root Co 74 J. H. Bulla 48 MeCreary Kellogg..., 37 Werthelmer A Degen... 101 ,H. F. Hamilton 6 Mo. k Kan. Calf Co.... 49 Christie )4 Hlgglns 1 Hultnian ' 10 Roth 4 Meyers 5 Baker. Jones & Bmlth.. 6 John Harvey , 49 Other buyers 130 346 Totals 3,461 11.923 11,721 CATTLE Re cielnts were llharal fnr a Thuisuay, 116 cars being reported In. For the week receipts now foot up 17,264 head. ueing Slightly smaller than for the same period last week or a year ago. The mar ket ou beef ste-rs opened very active and steady to a little higher' than yesterday. Alter ttie nrsi round or two ouyers seemed to come to the conclusion that wun otner market points reported n opening ateaay tnore was no gooa reason for advancing prices here. The market accordingly lost its early activity, closing slow and weak with the morning s ad vance lost Cows and heifers showed the same strength and activity as beef steers In the morning, but they, too, closed slow and weak. Ktockers and feeders were firm, owing to the good buying demand and moderate tiJjf that has prevailed all the week. Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice cornfed beeves, $7.7518.30: fair to good cornfed beeves. $7.oo7.75; common to fair cornfed beeves, $6.00tt7.00; good to choice heifers, $1,2647.00; good to thole oowi, $6.7616.60; fair to good cows, I6.G09 6.76: common 1 to fair cows, $3,6045.00; gcod to choice stockers and feeders, $7.00 Wl. 60; fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.&O7.00; common to fair stockers and feeders. $5.76ii6.60; stock heifers, $5.fco4 6.60; stock cows, $5.0094.25; stock calves, $6.00(28.00; veal calves, $7.QOtfl0.00: bulls, stags, etc., 14.766.25 Representative sales: BEISF BTKS. H: At. rr. 11 T 0 i M W 4 US U 41 11' K t 7W V) I 'J 7 ll 1141 7 06 80 HIT 1 10 i 1104 7 SO to m 18 10 1111 7 ! II 142 7 W ti m 7 4 i liu 7 w n . ..ht 7 30 No, A v. Pr. I. ... to.... 21.... 12...., IJ.... 21.... II. ... 20.... 21.... .... 21.... 7.... 17.... 11.... ...1J04 7 6 ...llti 1 40 ...111 1 16 ...1116 7 W ...PH0 7 bO ...1110 7 40 ...1S10 7 .0 ...Ui 7 't ...veit 7 74 ...1271 T 60 ..Ml 7 to ...us; 7 16 ...tin t ni ...1400 1 M STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4t0 4 00 ,71 (40 , M) 4 6 , til 4 16 I. io i as 1.' II m 7 2. 4 7 4 , Ml 1 14 14 f H 18 IH I... COWS. 1 140 4 as 3 4b 1 at 1 440. 4 41 1 1171 I 71 140 4 IS 3 I lt 4 M i 1X11. I nj i 4,0 4 la 1 ll4 I M t mt 4 hi, UM I 7........... Hi li lot 1 764 I 04 ' 1 1M4 00 1 1100 I 25 1 1240 4 14 t 11110 I Kb I ....1170 4 It 1 80 I 14 11" I iV t 7 6 4n 1 1170 4 444 I 44 17 1047 6 M 4) Hi) 4 u 14 II. J I 26 1 1140 I K 14S I 15 I lit I 10 14 1135 I 4o 1 1072 I TO If I I 40 2 tub 6 76 10 T73 IN HEIFr.lui. l 967 4 00 I 1 410 4 10 I 16 C) 4 26 10 ja m in 1 147 I 40 I tlLLLa. ,.13M to ..lull 13 . . :.a 7 06 ..III T 10 .. KJ0 7 li ..1I0S I K 4 lift I 4ft 1 I I'.-O I 26 1 XV I 60 1 144 6 a 1 1.V.10 I XI 1 H30 ISO 1.... 1 1410 I 46 I.... . .MI0 100 ..1N 100 ,.17M as . 440 I 26 . . M0 IK .. a) k ..144 I bO .. l. M 32 136 I 10 1.... t tan i 1 4-ALVLo. 4 j... 417 7 IIS I.... U U... 440 7 15 1... 1 410 7 U 1.... 1 S40 I I..,. I jj I 00 I.... 4 1M I 40 1.... 1W 10 Oil 1W 10 00 BlULftrjin Anp r r.c.L'r.uo, U I 24 1 10411 7 00 474 I M 14 Ml 7 IS 1 4H3 4 60 SI 70S 7 SO tl S2 4 J t 4-4 I 44 10 442 I SO I 1024 7 40 WEfcTfc. K.VS Ol ilOKA DO. 80 feeders.. 1085 7 40 . 4o feeders.. 94 7 60 23 feeders.. 112 7 50 6 steers.. ..1128 7 10 2 steers. ... 7w 4 00 HOGS At the time of closing yester day's report there were still In the neigh borhood or forty or firiy loads still In flist hands which packers were trying to buy around li.S7VH.40. in the end most of these sold at $6.40. although some ten loads were held over for today's mar ket. As these last hogs, which sold slightly lower than the earlier ones, were not weighed Until late It was lmpossihle to get them in the representative sale column, and for that reason the market aa shown there looked slightly uetter than It should have done. Only a moderate Thursday run showed up this morning, and sven with the few held over from Wednesday there was only a fair supply on hand. A heavy snowstorm which started yesterday sft ernooa and was still In full swing this morning was probably responsible for tbs decrease In receipt. Trade opened out dull. Early packer bids were barely steady w'.th yesterday's average ,or about the same as yesterday's close, and as sellers were asking a nickel higher noth ing much sold on the early rounds. I-ater on offers were raised to a full steady basis, but only a few sold at this time; and a general movement did not start KZl'KJ rs" ,;hi.:r:hh:d shout given up hopes of getting a Sc sd- I vance, and after buyers started oriering I prli-es that were shout 2'e better than yesterday s aversge It wss not long until the big end of the offerings started to move sralewnrd. Trade never became cry active. The general market Is Just a -ehade higher than Wednesday's average. Bulk of the supply moved at $6.4244.4.Y. with a sprinkling at 16.40 and a few hoas sold as high aa l.474. Tops reached Irt.fA Representative sslrs: N. At. 8k. IT Ho. AT. 8k. tT Its IH ... r4, 43 ' ... 4S ti Sl ... TV T ?M ... I 4 i ju ... n M in:, ... 4 4.4 in rjn ... i,i h ::i ... 2M J . . V 424 SI mi ... JO Joti at 44:4 u i ... m SI1E1C1' 'I he lower trend lo himb values on Wednesday's market brought in a moderate supply this morning, aa only some 6,TiO head were reported In, as agiilnst 12,402 head a week ago and 11.000 head on the corresponding dsy a year ago. on account of the snow storm a great many of the offerings were wet, putting them In poor condition for ready sale. Aa usual, when the receipts are wet, Ihe market was a drag n.ost of the fore noon, consequently little of consequence took place until near Ihe noon hour. What few salea were made during the early hours Included a load of Mexican lambs, that sold on shipping account at $!.60, and a car of fed western ewes that were good enough to bring 17.60, the highest since April, 1010. The general t ti market was steady lo easier on lambs 0 18 and strong on aged ahtep. The clear 1 07 ance was late. 1 OS Liberal receipts. Bccompanled by an ad i 91 vance of 40iKtOc all along the lino on both sheep end lambs since the close or last week baa been the d stlrgutshing reature of the week's) trade. The light runs at Chicago have been a bullish farture, as well aa the satisfactory condition of the eastern dressed mJtton trade nnd the consequent strong shipping demand. Feeder lamb selling to shear and for a abort feed havo luao been In good de mand and commanded prices a shade higher than last week. The week's re ceipts to date totalled 66,263 head, as com pared with 4!.3m4 head last week and 60. 612 liesd a year ago. Quotations en sheep and lambs: Mexicans, $.irti.60; lanil.a. ted westerns, IO.OCWiO.M); lambs, shearing, $7.9M8.S0; yearlings, light, $..60ti8.76; yearlings, heavy, 18.0008.60; mothers, good to choice. 7.fO'1i7.7.'ii wethers, fair to god, $7.2ftJ 7 60; ewes, good to choicv, $7.26g'iYjO; ewes, fair to icimmI. t? OV,iT.2."i. l Representative salea: Av. Pr. 8 fed yearlings ... .... IS .... 71 .... 72 .... 72 .... 83 i .... 74 .... 87 .... 69 ....101 .... W ....102 ....101 ....101 .... 90 .... 76 .... 76 . . . . 75 ....111 ' 1 6:3 fed lambs 40 60 9 40 40 9 46 25 60 9 46 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 7 60 6M fed Ismbs 4M4 fed Ismbs 610 fed lambs f fed lamlis 1 640 fed lamb 3OT0 fed lambs 900 Mexlcsn lan-Vs 20 Montana ewea . 187 Montana ewea .. If.3 Montana ewea . 308 Montana ewes . li Montana ewes . 49f fed lamhn 78 fed lambs 2:W fed lambs l' fed lsmts 197 fed ewes CHICAGO L1VK. STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hows Strona Strep Unsettled. CIMCAOO, March 4 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000 head: market weak' nntlve steers, $.i.TMr9.n5: western. I6.109i7.60; cows and heifers, 3.60iU7.7; calves, $6.7iVii 10.25. HOU8 Receipts. 30,000 head; market stroriff at mrnvf rv from eArlv dat'llne of 6c; bulk of sales, $660416. 70; light, li.4.V(f 6.1O; mixed, ih vith. ,0; neavy, W.ZOiHi.bi; rough, $4 2010.35; pigs, $S.7Mr6.76. SHEEP AND LA M PS Receipts, 12.000 head; market unsettled: sheep, $7.fliVi 7.90; yearlings, $7.7514.66; lambs, $7.7$ j3.73. Ht. Loo Is Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUIS. March 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.0 0 head; market steady; native leef steers, r7.OtKt78.60; cows and heifers, $5.oOfiS 15; southern steers, $6.26if7.75; rows and heifers, $4.004j00; native calves, $6,00 tIO.&O. HOGS Receipts, 12.400 head; market, higher; pigs and lights, IC.6uAi-0.8n: mixed and butchers, $6.660.80; good heavy, $6.70 - . HHr.Ur AINU i.ARiun neeeipts, i,a ibead; market steady: native muttons, 125 1 r7.40; lambs, $8.76t10.00; yearlings, $7.00fJ Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 4. CATTLE Receipts, 2,500 head: market higher; prime ted steers. is.sv?i.7r; dressed Peer steers, $6.9018.00; western steers, $6.7618.26; sto-k- ers and reenere. sb.wu a.uy ; puns, o.ouu.w; calves. 8 6Ojfl0.73. I IO(lS Receipts, 8,800 head; market. steadv: bulk of sales. 16 6mUI.60: heavy. 16 66$f4 624; packers and butchers, $6.5639 riik- us-nt. an imh mi: nivs. sn.annn.oo. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 6.200 head; lambs, 89.of.0; yearlings, S776(f7 8.76; wethers, I7.0WB7.76; ewss. ih.iikdi.du. Rloax City Live' Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia . March 4. CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head: market. 10'al6o higher; native steers, $6.2fy7.75; butchers, $.".2iiW.40; com-s and heifers, $5.0016.00; canners. $3.90i.00; stockers and feedors, $0,364.65: cnlves. $7.00i9.00; bulls, stags, etc. 600tff626. HOtJS Receipts, ,( neaa; market ftc hLh.., Itnai.v t: IV,, VI- mlvAfi la A'hUrtl 8.46; light, 6.40t.424: bulk ot Sales, $6.40 "shVp AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 huad; market: steady; lambs, $7.O0ft.7G. I 1 ' 8t. Joseph Live stock Market. RT. JOSEPH. Mo., March 4. CATTLE Receipts, Z.ooo need; market steady; steer, 17.001:. M- rows and heifer. $4001? a ia. ., i nftniri on HOGS Receipts, 9.V1 head; markot -1.. .r. as 1. hnlV r.f 1A Kit SHEEP ANf LAM R Receipts. 7,000 head; market alow; lamb, 8.75U9.50. SOUTH DAKOTA WON'T i PLACE QUARANTINE PIEJtRE, ti. D.. March I. Effort on part of South Omaha and Nebraska live stock dealer to have South Dakota place a quarantine against storker and feeder from Minnesota, and Iowa have failed. Culls from the Wire New Zealand dedicated Its pavilion and exhibit at the Panaraa-Paclflo exposition at San Franclsvo. An unidentified tramp steamer was ashore last night on tho eastward aid of t'aoe Lookout shoal. The rsnch of A. J. Oehsnor, an Ameri can, thirty mile ei of Manxanino, naa he-n lxed bv Carranxtstea, and 600 cat tle were alaughtered,. 150 mora were stolen, crops wer destroyed and an em ploye' housa was looted. The trial of Mr. Helen M. Angle, ot Stamford, l onn., cnereu wun -i..i,,rii,.i- In connection with the death ot w.li. n Rallou of that city, began there. June 24 Rallou wa found un conscious in the street In front of tha building where Mrs. Angle lived In btam ford. snd he died later In a hospital. , Harry H. Jones, until recently consid ered ono of the wealthiest men in rnoe nix. Arls., fired a buUtt Into his brain and died shortly afterward. Financial troublea following a. fire that destroyed valuable property holdings are believed to have prompted him to take his life. Jones wa wall known In New York and Chicago. Charlea E. Sllgh. confessed robber, de clared, according lo police omcers, umi the murder or jaroD vogei. a rrun vals banker, and hi wife, February 11. ninnnrii bv A. L, Sella his alleged partner In crime, and M. E. Cox, a man nurse, now under arrest In Oakland. The statement -waa made to W. D. Peterson, chief of police of Oakland, and a Los Angeles central office detective. Representatives of railroads, manufac turers, shippers, forwarding agenta, steamship companies and various city chambers of commerce met in the New York custom house to discuss change In rates, and regulations covering tue re ceipt and delivery of freight In New York harbor which the carriers proposed to put in effect January 1 last. The change were postponed, by the Interstate Com merce commission until May 1. pending hearings and Investigations. Appearances were filed by some thirty Interested car rler and manufacturers. NEW YORK STOCK . MARKET Small Amount of Business Trans acted, with Pricei of Securi ties Irregular. WHEAT OPTIONS FALL AGAIN NEW YORK. March I Peace rumors, more gold imports and adlournment of congress were among the incidents of tho dHy In Wall street while the market lor securities! pursued sn Irrrgtilsr course on a small amount or business. Whest op tions fell again as a result of the first named rumors, which lacked confirmation In high banking quarters. Some of tho golrl now In transit to these shores la from Japan: Canada, however, con tributed a small amount. Stocks rose and tell, leading issues mov ing within narrow limits, according to tho whims or caprices of the proiesslonal ele ment, outalde Interest being negligible. There were wider movements In somo specialties, notably the autnmoblln shares, tho continued activity In this group helm; ascribed lo trade Improvement. Much of ihe early advantage was effaced in tho later trading, at which time the short Interest renewed Its recent operations 1111 a moderate scale. Net changes on most of tho stocks wore fractional. Passing ot tho common dividend on American strel Foundries occasioned little surprise, In view of tho known condition of tho com pany's business. Practlcaiiy ail the markets for forelnit . exchanke were higher, London, especially, showing greater llrmness both Tor cshice and dratta. On the advance some of I cr inge of bills appeared, causing allgtit de clines from highest quotations. Tlmo money worked to lower levels, loans for four and five months being made at 5 per cent The quoted rate was a fraction, higher. . Tho Great Northern. Atlantic Coast und I Rock Island systems made Indifferent re turns for January, all showing net losnea of varying degree while the St. Louis fa ran Francisco road reported a net In crease of 131,000 on a substantial saving . 111 oiiersiing costs. The derma 11 war notes were Du.blicly 1 favored at Chicago and other western points, according to advices received here. Local hankers, so far as Is known, are hub participating in the offering. i Tho feature of the Hank of England'! weekly statement waa another heavy ios of gold, inn contraction amounting almost1 , 10 ju.uw.ww, with a largo decrease in ltd liability reserves. Local bond dealings were smaller, with ' a steady undertone. Total ssles, pari value, amounted to $2,660.tioo. United States' government bonds were unchanged on. ' call. Number ot sales and leading Quotations on siocks toaay were: Alaska Uol4 4.000 Ktt i 'k Bales, HUH. Low. Clu. 6 7'W 4414 M k!' 4.SM 40 !! 4m n l.te J 42Vk 101H iont 101 4t 102 KM4 lrt' lot UI 2214 KJ rss l.Oftl t(4 Si n-, Amalsamstsd. Copper .... Amencsa Pt ktuar.... Airorlraa Caa Aarloaa 8. 4 H Ansrlean 8. A 11. pM.... Am. Hugmr Keftnlng Amsrlcaa Tel. Tsl Americas Tohatwo AnsuABila Mining Afrhlsoa Ilsltlmnrs a Ohio ltriMikirD Itspld TraasH.. ltlltornla Fvtroteam .... Canadian Pacing OntrnJ latlwr l.a0 f74 t 4io ir n 7w 1 lT- 1,400 P.I4 )W T 17 ls4 M4k 404 10 K4 KH4 !'"4 ti 1,4ml 244 31 ispeks 44) Ohio J' 414 41 I'lllrsno Q. W i:hlt-ao. M. Ht. P.... Chicago a- N. W China Coppsr CoHr4o Fuel a Iron..., Colorado at Knutharn.... lienvar A Hit Urands.,.. lKnver a It. O. pi J Distillers' Sacuritlas .... Kris Osnaral Klectrlo l4 400 I6S 4 ' 10 7ii ' ii a l.lioo SITe M4 ?1H 100 1.114 122 !"0 1164 116 l,ui I2 ZZ II lia to'k so "S f. l'U 1.4IK) M4 6l, .s4 I.OOO SO IPS 1 200 VUU, 03 JI4 1,100 litu, 1314 1.13 X)i lit . Hi ill 1,60ft H. MU, M4 1.4IM iS 14 20 1.0O0 1! 104 H4 lO.ont 1214 11 II 14 an 1:14 1204 ln4 I, io 644 4.14 414 l.OI 12S4 lt'6 II I.OOO U 1,314 2S4 1,400 44 4S 4144 100 nil 14 pes 1004 1,000 loi Ml V 10144 200 '204 20H o 2i4 COO 1004 104 '4 104 1M 1.600 ITS 17 174 II. 100 1444 H4 14.14 " l4 Orsat Northsrn ptd ureal mo. una ctia (iitssenhalm Kxpkiratlon., Illinois Central Inisrtmrough Mat. ptd... Insplrsllon Copper Intaraallonal HarvaHer.. Kansas I'll Kouthara.... Ihlfh Vsllsy LMllavilla a NahIUa... Msiiean rairolaum ...... Iiiantl Coppar Mlawarl, K. T Mla-.url Parlflo National Blvsilt Nation! lsaii Navada Coppar ,,. Nw Vork t'mlral H Y. N. H. A H Nerfoik Waatara Nr.rthara INuiltlo P.llto Mall rselflo Tal. Tal ., Pcnt-sylvanta I'ullaian Palaoe car.,.., Kay Cos. Coppar Heading Haiubllo Iron aV Httel.,., Hock laland Oi Ilto-k Island Co. pfd t. L A H. r. Ill pfd.., Mnvtharn Parlflo Soulharn Railway Tennaasaa Coppar Taias 1'umpaoy ., ,,, I l1 14 13 164 M4 1.16 lm I 4:1s l.too 41S tio 16H 700 17 4 81 164 W4 I'nlon Pauitla 4,600 U" 118 t'nlon Paolllo pfd VO 714 74 I'nllad Hi alas HumI W.Too 444 434 v. b. sieei pia Mil ioj l Ub Copper 1.400 a 104S 1"4', 61-4 41 '4 wiliaan pfd Wsstarn Union 100 CT, 43 4'1'k Waatlnshouas Blartrla .. 808 W 474 Total salas for tha day, 174,900 sharaa. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, March 4. MERCANTILH PAPER-vV34 perVent. STERLING EXCHANOE-l-FIrm: slxty dey bills, 4.?J25; for cables, $4,813); for demand, $4.8110. SILVER Bar, 434c; Mexican dollar. 37 4 BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. MONET On call, steady; high, per rent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last loan, W per cent; dosing hid, 14 per cent; offered at 114 per rent Time loans, steady; sixty days, 24fl'J per cent; ninety days, 2in3 per cent; six months, Syih34 per cent. Closing quotation on bond today were as follow; V. 8. rat. la, rag. 4s aoupon , V. . 4a. ra 4o toesos U. a. 4a. ra 4 Mo. rc. or. Is 47ij 444 N. Y. C. i. 3V,s.... 80', 101V4 N. V. C1l Lja....lM'4 1014 N. Y. HUM 44.. .104 1UU'N. Y.. N. U. A H. 114-4 ct. 4a 11 do ooupoa Fanania csupoa..)oiS4 No. Paclflo 4s.. An. Hmcltara 4S ...VMS4 4a la i T. a T. or. 44s. W O. B. L. ref. 4a.... " Armour A Co. 4Hs.. 1V, IV. T. A T. la.... I7 Atoliuoa gas. aa. ... w rans. con. aa 1744 Hal. a Ohio 4a 4H so con. 44s.. .....lie Cbaa. 4 Ohio 44s.. M Raadln gen. 4a.(... K C. H. Q. . 4a .... 14 U 4 . r. r. 4 4 O M a a P g 444..i'4 en. rar. e. a 11 da or. 4a 1011:4 aa rsi. as U'i C. R. I. a f. i. 4a II do cr. Is ta :. A B. rat. 44S.. U Re. lUllway as P. A R. U. rat. aa 444 toiou Paclflo 4a..., 84 tla aan. 4 IS 4s CT. 4a HSmu. Uaetrui U.,10:f. g. Rubbar la..,103U Ot, Mo. let 4"4, I . 8. Slael 6a.... .HW14 ill. ran. raf. 4a..,, 46 Vtabaab 1st Is K. a o. raf. 6a.. 4 avVaat. Vnloa 44a.. no I N. iiai. 4a . . ii4waai. aiac. ct. as.. M. K. 4 T. 1st ta.. (,' Bid. ulterau. Local SiocUa and kionsls. Quotations turalahad br Burns. Blinker a Co.. 446 Omaha National leak building; Btonxa Bid. Aakad. Contisantal O. A E. 4 par cant ptd.. 77 4 Contlnantal U. A K. I par ean( cam., II W Fairmont CrHWrj 1 par cant pld.. H'4 101 (4 Kox Hlrar Uuitar 10 170 ti'lraaton Tlra Rubbar Ck M liOoaa-Wllaa Blacult lat ptd 14 n Lineal Traction Co 44 104 1,1 va xtork Nat. Bank. Boula Omasa 176 . , Onha A- C. B. Bt. Kr. pld 74 77 On-a 1 C B SV Kr. corn 614 47 i, hklnnar Ml, (e 4 Htaia Bank of Omaha, 114 115 Htork Yards Nat. Bank, South Omaha 36 Union Block Tarda. Omaha II 44 tlpdlka Orala 00m 44 100 Bonda ' Contlnantal O I E k, lttl (Nab.).. It so Chlcaio. Mil. tun. Kr. la. 1111 .J.. Is) Ml Denvsr Oaa Nutas 4 Pr eaat, U1T 44 47- OalTaatoa. Tal.. la. UU4 W 10) Humboldt. Neb . Kf. la. UtS I044 !!', Kanaaa City. Mo., Reboot 4a, 1IM.... : a Uncoln. Nb.. 44a. la 60S 1OJ114 Mlddla Waal Utllltlaa 4a, 1411 67 ;! Oniaha B. L A P. 6a, 16a..... ' 44 17 Omaha A C. B. BU Br- 6a. 1I.1 6, 84 On.aha Waiar 44s. 141 101 ion Omaha Bcbo.il 4s, 1411 IT 7 ban l'i iclaoo. Cat. 6a, JU1-M40.... 444 101 Bwttt a Co. 6a. 144 I64 M I nUaraitr Plaoa. Neb.. 44a, llll. ... 16 WH Wichita Block Yard. 4a. uti... 44 100 Lssdos Stoek Market LONDON, March 4. The stock market wa Quiet, with a good business in In vestments securities. Several American gold bonda were Included In the mark ings. American securities opened steady, In sympathy with New York. There were more dealings than recently and tha market closed steady, a fraction below the beet SILVER Bar. I34d per ounce. MONEY 1 per cent DlHCOUNT RATEe-6riort bill and 3 month. 1 7-14ai4 fr pent Bask Clear! s. OMAHA, March 4. Bank clearings for Omaha today ware H.f,WJ.7, and for the corresponding day last year $4.74,0o4. Rent room quick with a He Want Ad, 4a i Q