THE BEE : OMAHA. MARCH 0Vx WANT ADS Went ade received at any time, but te Insure nrooer riaeottiratinn mwt r-e pre. anted before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition snd 7 9 j. m. for morning unci nndajr editions. Want 'a received sfter uch hours wtll he under the heading, Too Lata to Classify." I . CASH RATF" Seven mimutlvi tlm?s. 1 cent a word arh Insertion. . ... Thm times with In on wwk, 1H cent word each Insertion. One time, t rrnti a word. CHARGE RATE". even c eeeutlve timet. cents a una each. Insertion. . - Three times wlthtn one eeTlU line each Insertion. . Ona tlmv It cents a Una. Count six srersge word to a line. Minimum charge, to onta. An advertlsem-nt Inserted to b ru un til discontinued must ba stopped by ni tea order. AH elatma for errors Within fifteen days after tha last Inser tlon of tha advertisement. Ton van placa your want ad In Tha Baa by telephone. . telethone tti-f.r w Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been railed for and delivered during tn ia week. It la reasonable to suppose trial II of tha people below have made the desired swaps, therefore do no : call for tha balance of their answers. Boa wani f.O. 1408 1411 1412 1414 14IS 1424 1428 14.11 143 14V. 1441 IMS 144 1454 14fd 1459 143 1470 1471 1481 C. i4n 1f 1611 1513 1517 lf.?0 ir.K is 1H0 IMS 1554 IfvVi W7 1570 1B7I 157$ lwr, ir ifc-n 159 mnria 1 Mn nKATlfH. Births-Conrad and A. Carlson, n Hnuth Twenty-third, boy; Clarence and laiy Puncan. ZS'l North Twenty-fifth. y. Joe and Alvlsle Kavalc u . Bouth H. teonth, girl; Teler ad ru.e l.och, North Twenty-eighth, girl; Cllle Neme. 2 iouth J"cltx'J',,i' Augusta and Judith Folsnn, '""Plt"1' girl; A M and Nellla Wells. M North ."thV-Jerry Mellvllle. 7X tleth street and Poppleton avtn. e; frarah Caroline lusher. M years, HI Houth Twenty-first: Martin Carlson, 37 years. 21i Corby; Jamea li. a years, U North Hlxteenth; Carrie B flarrlson. M years, hospital; Patrick McCaffrey, . years, hospital Rosarldo Battalto. 2 months, Bouth Twentieth; Anna lterrmsnn, i years. I? I'hcUIc: Mrs. Mary CJor wsn, 46 years. 1023 South Twrnty-secand; Amelss StelllDK. M years, 40: I'aclflc. MARRIAGF1 LICKT4iaE. Theso couples have secured licenses to Wid: Name and Residence. Richard Tracy. Twin Falls. Ida Ixutli Ilelnbeck. Canton, 111 Walter Vohland, Gibbon. Neb.... Elsie Williams. Malvern, la John Harder, Benson Christens. Ohen. Millard Ate. . 21 . 18 . 31 . i TODAY'S COMPlETH MOVIE PKOtjUAMH Exclusively la The) lie. Dawa Taw aw CAMERAPHONB, 1403 DOUGLAS. Tha Dog Catcher's Bride. Than. Com. Silence. 2-real. Amer. Dra. Initiations. Amer. Dra. KI.ITK NO. 2, 1M FARNAM. The Apartment House Mystery. (Ruth Roland.) Sophie's Homecoming, fcsa. W". mm. An Obstinate Sheriff. lAib. dr. viBN AM THEATER. 1416 FARNAM BT. Runaway June will ba shown hero every Tuesday In connection with our regular program and a Keystone comedy. "gXlt-JP THKATBR. 16TH AND HARNNT Uoma of Taramount "Pictures. AUK. XHaUiTUH. Feature program dally. Keystone Comadlaa. 1 N. 14TH. FAK1XJK, 1408 DOi;GLAS. For Another'a Crime. 1-r. Vita, drama. Tha Creed of the Clan. Kssanay drama. The Cause of It All. Kalem comedy. I'RINCEi'B. , 1317-W DOUGLAS. "Warren Kerrigan ln Smouldering Fires. Kins Baggot In Pressing His Bull. Blllta litleiile in The Avenging Iientlst North. ALAMO, HTH AND FORT. Four reels of the best Mutual plot urea CLIFTON, Military Ave. and Uurdette. Old Maid. 2-r. Mb)sIIo drama. Trtror of tha Mountains. Rel. drama. A Flyer In Bprlng Water. Koinlo comedy. lIAMOND. 2410 LAKJ9. Aa Oriental Romance. 2-reel Imp. Adventures of a be agoing Hack. Rex. dr. Taking Her Measure. Nestor comedy. FRANKLIN THE.. 24lh and Franklin: The lech, 2-r. Kalem drama. Tha Right Girl, Vltagraph comedy. Heart's Hunger, Blcgraph drama. GRAND (Theater Beautiful) Blnney. Five reel of good pictures and vaudeville. HIPPODROME, 14 CUMING. Faithful Unto Death, four-reel war drama. Klectrle features. IT THBATKH, Btxtccnlh and Locust. Tha Broken Circuit. Kal. lra ; Life a Game, 2-r.; Hhoddy, the Tailor; The Gal lantry of Jlnimle Itogcra. CoTHROH TIIEATEK, 24th and Loth rop. Regular Program today. Lest episode of the Million T'ollar Mystery Wednesday. JX)AL. 24U CALDWiLir The Flash. J-reeL Reg. Their Hobo Hero. K-1. Ixve and Dough. Ster ling Com. PALACE, 230J DAVENPORT. Ghost of Smiling Jim. Z-reel. O. Seal. For the Defence. Eel. Dr. SUBURBAN THEATER, S4th and Amas. The Affair of the Ixserted House, 2-r. Kal. Dra.; The Chief s Goat. Vita, Com.; broncho Billy and the False Notes, Ess. tsiiu, ARBOR. MD AND ARBOR 8TS. The King of the Bowery. The Live Story of big King Sullivan, In 4 reels; and a good comedy. APOLLO TiLEATER, 2)C4 Leavenworth. The Fast Mall's Danger, Kalem drama. Underneath - the Pal'it, $-r. Vita, drama. COLUMBIA, 1710 SOUTH Wlii How Cissy Made Good. s-r. vita. com. lironcho Billy and the Baby. Eea. W. dr. COMFORT. 24111 AND VINTON 6TS. A Fare a ell Dinner, 2 -reel Majestic. The Kamlue. K.-B. A Bird's a Bird. Keystone. FAVORITE. 1714 VINTG.I. The Btoieu Ruby. 2-r. Kalem drama. Cactus Jim's Shop Girt. Seltg comedy. The language of the Dumb. Luhln dr. GEM. 12nBOUTH lSTlL Haunted Hearts. 2-reel Gold Seal. J ano Creations. Big U. Won by Dynamite. Joker corned y. I.YR1C. li7V'INTON. Three Bad Men and a Girt. S-reeL Bison. Sight of the Blind. Eel. Dr. How Doctor Cupid 'Won. Nestor Com. PASTIME THHATi-H 2$ at Leavenworth Mystery Woman. Thief and the Chiaf. Our Sunday entertainments are always ok ine tit-ai. r ivv pnaea given away .VENiilA. liU SO. UTU ST. Ftrur reels of Mat -1 plcturee. Wees. MONROE. 2SM FARVAXf BT Cabman Kate, Vita. com. feat Kate Price Air iiy a msnuing iny. r.dL drama Mllhon Dollar Mjstery No. Ik ads aura jet result. HO. fG C. B.C. JIT 1" V WH 404 Wl Tit itia 4it ltfT til r s w rt en 4i ini til CI 417 1344 r.t m 4i ii m J? tn x n OT $g 4?7 11 tm m 4 i) Iff M 4M 137 M a m ifc K7, K " 1 W Ml 11 l-WI M 1M 1 1 1 ki e i: m vm rn i.w i r uui 12 84 1J14 14ffT toimvs complete movie programs Exrlnlpr In Th IW1. Reaean. PF.NW1N, r, MAIN 8T. Mnwter Kcv Nn. 11. Special irrlnl. Mow th Fooled Aunly. Irior. The. MdkIi- Mirror, J'ker coinrdy loancll Hlofts K.I.I TK No. 1, :.4.i imOADWAT. l-ne. 2-r l-7dton comedy. Henret-SollB No. The t'nderntiidy, or Hehlnd the Seenee, VltHKreph drama Nli'llMLAS. :.7 HIlOAmVAV. Hin New .loh. J-r.FeennMv I'om , Clmplln. ! the Alter of Love. VltfiarHitli drnma. The Horrowed Nerlclere. Hloernph dreme. TtoI'KH. K7 UtlUAUWAV. The Aneaer. J-rerl J'rl. The I.auRh That l'l-d. Victor. Teklntr ller Mrnmire. Nentor omedy. oatk Oaaaba. nrKK. 24TK AND N. 1 1 In Nliflit Out. ffhapllnl Z-r. Kna. com. The llHnppearnnre of Harry Warlnifton. j-reei Knieni rirnnin. MA UK', .'4TU AND O. Animated Weekly. Threads of Fale. 2-reel Hex. aaevllle. onntEUM. :ith AND N. Regular program and five reels of Bel gian war plctuna of the Tribune. ANXOUXCKMKNTS NOTICE Ladles golnr to roast should plana their orders early to avoid any delay ln their plana. ANNA 5I8TEK, Ladles' Tailoring and Prrssmaklng, MTU 203 (. Ity National Bunk Bld HOMKMADK sausage, only one ln Oma ha. Bam l-latier, 1Q Ieavenw h. I). Wedding annotincements. loug. l'tg. Co. HAZKL lal l'llo Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Mo postpaid; samplea free. Uherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night a booL LUCK If wedding lings at Broucgaard'a. AL'TOMOHILKS I HAVE a 6-cyl., 60 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of eijual or greater valun. H. I'eilon. t-tia Farnam. Foil Sa LE CHEAP Five fine touring isra for jltncy buses, from p to VM. Cadillac Co. of Omaha, 2 Far nam St. Use Overton's for leaky radiator, dealer. A L'TG PAINTING. FOHIW, $15; OTHF.Ki.-. 130, up. rtrlggs, 144t N. lHth. Phone Weh. 1730. FONTENELLE AI'TOMObTlE CO.. dcal eia In uaeil cars that guarantee avrvlce. 21 HolKlh St 1 WILL take a good late model car and t.fA rash for equity In good, sightly lot leu than one mile from court house ami on iUh street. Balance, H10. payable $10 a month. Call Harney UM4 today or after p. m. Monday. ELKCflUC COCTE Best bargain In flniiira. four passenger, first class condition, new tires, cheap for cash. Address K-73. Hee Greennugh Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 2020 Far. AUTO Clearing House, 22t Fat nam, buys and sells used cars. Phone Douglas 2310. CTE LBA 8S K R, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 702. 2601 Leavenworth Induatrlal Garage Co., ?'tli A Harney fits. $100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colls repd. Baysdorfer,210 V.I8.-0 Motorcycles. IIARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Boos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 lavenwortn. 191. INDIAN MOTOBCVcLii; now readv; bargains in used machines, OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. -litn and Chicago. D. 172. 1U8INF.8S CHANCES AUTO repair shop, garage and black- amlth allOD for rent nr fur saU. hrliis Sinaxal, Papllllon, Neb. C. J. Canan can ay 1 1 your farming land. DRUG STORE For bale in wehtkrn neb. town OF ?60. SALES $10,OiO. For nnrtlculnea ad,trB- v dAn V4 Omaha. IONELBON doea more than list your business, be sells It. 301 Omaha Nat l Bank. FOR SALE-lIardware stock, one of best towns ln state; good doi.ble brick rooms with; long-time lease. Address Y 383, Bee. FOR BALE $3.0)0 practice, office furni ture, fixtures and drugs, everything in an up-to-date office; reasonable price; good community; no crop failures; must letire, as hsve lost health. Investigate. Address Y Bee. FOR BALE Stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods In good live Nebraska town: have other business to take rare of; a good proposition for sume- e. AQuress Box in, Beward, Neb. LIST business chances, property for rent sale or exchange with me. I will write all manner of Insurance. W. G. Tern pleton, Gen. BROKER. 603 Beg. Ty, gp LIST YOUR BUSINESS ' With us fo- niil.'W ..(In. - -- - . . . .. V u pHU MUm treatment QUICK 8ALE COMPANY, 41$ Bee Bldg. Phone Red 1264. 6l'JXi. snow cards. Clark a- i4on. D. U7 8AIXfNSt everywhere In state. Harms owijr .o., nonou, xi e o. TO GET In or out of business. Call on OANOESTAD, 4"4 Bee Bldg. D. J477. THEATERS Buy, lease or aell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14o Farnam BL Douglaa lng7. W' A NT ED A good partner in established business In a good town of 4.000. Must be a wide-awake oung man of good habits and a good tailor. Write or come and In- vesiigate. mrutg. The Tailor, Atlantic la, YOU R business or real estate quickly soni. write Jim Wray. Sioux City. EDUCATIONAL EXPERT ladv stenographer will take puplia. FHORTHANI) touch tyi'e writ ing, siielltng. punctustlon, etc.. taught and complete training given fur business ca- rritsit inatrucuon ir aseireu. 4ai4 DoukIhs St. Tel. Walnut 2317. Tbo Van Sant School Stenography Dsy school, (.00 to 4 00. Night school. 4:14 to : lth aad Farnam bu toug 447, WINTER TERM MOSHER-L A MPM AN COLLEGE. NOW OPEN, t'nsurpaasrd classes In business, short hand and Kngllah oranchea. Graduates gusranteed good positions. Places pro- Vli1H r,.v wmma. . . , .. . " .... v . w m wawi. For free catutogua addreaa Mosuer-Lampman College lth and Farnam Street. Omaba, Neb. FOR rale the following scholarships la a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business reurse. One unlimited slenugraphlo course. One three mouths' busiuesa or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a d'.scouat at the office of the Omaha Bee. BOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Writs, phone or call for 11 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. U. BOYLES, President. Boy leg Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglaa U66. FOH SALE Feraltare, II ease held ie4a, F.te. Desks h C. Reed, 1207 Farnam ht and sold. Douglas New 4k XJ-liaud furniture, caab or terms; "" "'g. sinfr. r urn. I o.. SUb 14ll Harare aad trhl.-lrs, BARGAIN for cash. 2.r U,. young farm ,-.,.7am' i M-t- lau. Lady owuer. I7S4 Daxcppurl SU IOU lloreea and trblrlre. MI PT eel team Imy hrewerv horeee; 7 lfri old, 3.KO Ihp.; 4 tennia hlrk merea. In f"Hl, nli yonriK: I lim hron maren. 2.7'W he., henvy ln foal. Call at Hottlo It. er IleT.f , K'I4 B. llth Ht. FH HAI.K I teem of nh e, larire irmree, heavy In foal; wrluht 1.4H0 lbs. each; Biro and 7 year"; Inconvenient fr party to care for stock; private reehlcnce, lodfn St. l.ndy owner. l ull SAI.K-A nhe, iHrge team, weiiiht l.fnfl Iha. eaih; mm In foal; an halea of hay, hlx haaa of cracked i-oin and bran; hlnnketa, miry 111111I19 Hnd hrtiehen; tniiat he eold within next 3 ilava; party leav Iiik city; cheap for ready chh4i. Jamca !! nry, 2223 lndl?e. SHIP live stork to Houth Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign, ments rectlvs prompt and careful atten tion. FOR BALK Standard bred stallion, reg. iM.'t.'d. Volume 20. N'o. 1.73HO, weight 1.2!n; age 4; guaranteed sound; premium winner at slate fnlr E. C. Birkcr, 12J S. 'M St, Lincoln, Neb. FARM wagons, $') nnd up; harneaa, $40. Jnluiaon-Danforth Co., lth Clark fits. SEVEN head good mares, weight 1,100 to 1.4U0 pounds; must sell, l.tlli S. 32d BL Take West Hanscom Park car. OWING to sickness, must sell 4 splendid horses and marea cheap. Res. 314 N. 17th. 60 farm mares, horses mules, Missouri ranch, G. L. Llghtf-ot. 2102 Cuming St. FOR BALI? 30 head of horses and marea, age from 4 years to a years, all well broke to work. Call telephone South 3029. 3322 Harrison St.. South Omaha. Live Stock Commission Merchaats. MARTIN Br.On It CO.. Exonerate Bhlg. Maslral Instruments. PIANO WANTED Pave storage and leave your piano trlth me. It will have the best of care. Addresa j.hI, Bee. Blight ly used high grade piano. D. 2017. Pnnltry, K.sraa and "npplles. DON'T forget thst three times more chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty incubators than In any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dresa, M. M, Johnson Co.. Clay Center, Nch. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry hounes They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7r? a hundred at The Bee office. 1ET chlcens ra.v your rent; send for free UeT.k. "Turning Eggs Into chick ens Into i ollars." and ftoe sample world s only hatching (hart; book desc ribes Rayo incubators; give moat chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1015 L J2t " St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33js. Mixed grain, lOOlhs., $1,75. Wagner WW N.1S. SCWHlfk LEGHORN cockerels, fine birds, $2. W. H. Borcherdlng, 268 Ohio. Webster 2974. R. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Vigorous, hardy stock on country range. $1 for 15; $d per ion. A. H. BAKER. BENSON. NTCB. Phone Benson 747-W. R. F. D. No. 2. Typewriters. ItKNT Remingtons, Monarctis and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase aad only very newest and ulsiest grade ma rhlnea sent out. Rates, three months for $6 for understroks machines or $3 per month for latent modal visible wrltsrs. TYPEWRITERS so.d. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 . 17th RENT An Oliver typewriter. 1 months I or M. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 2919 T VPL'll IJ ITL I) J U.,- ! J a. J ... A 1.1 ... I w lum av UIK. Monarch, Underwood, Oliver, Smith Premier., 4.1 Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Oo.. 21 Paul. Fo:t SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 B. 10th St. lu NEW automatic weighing scales, $S and $10. Match machines and lifting machines, electrlo fixtures and supplies, buggy harness, tools, lumber and other miscellaneous artlclea for sale or trad. J. C, ISli, EXECUTOR 702 Bo. Mat Ave. Phone Harney 143. ONE second hand band saw and planing machine, circular rip. Address L 29. Bee. CIGAR esse,- show carte, sideboard. iiuamia slow, parior suite, sew ing? machine. trssnllna unaln h u , I n cy and belts. Complete cleaning outfit. Pioneer Ixian Co.. 607 No. 24th St., South Omaha. Tel. South 121S. FOR SALE A nice double-barrel ham mer shotgun, 12 gauge, genuine twist hnr r I .nl ...... . ..... I. .-.,, uo--, in 1 1 j ktww nivniiiic. n 1 1 u leather shell belt and backsack, for $12. Address C-71, care Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. NO USUAL FILING FEE. IF you are a stenographer or bookkeeper, aee us today. Many calls to be filled this week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1319-20 Woodmen of the World. EXP. DEMONSTRATOR, hosiery, tig to to $30 and expenses. STENO AND lllvPR.. 260 to $60. WATTS REF. CO.. S38-40-42 Bran. The. NO FILING FEE. Rest commercial experienced dining! girl willing to work out of city; good wages., ROGERS KEF. CO. b3B-8 State Bank. NO USUAL FILING FEE. Bookkeeper (retail) ...206 ....$o0 ....$) ....$46 ....$35 Bookkeeisji- tbeglnner will do) Office Chrk 14 placet open) Stenographer Stenographer Luger Clerk BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'K. woodmen of the World. STENOGRAPHER for small office, capa ble or nanciiing large volume or dicta,-, tlon, good speller and accurate: must he of good appearance and have good educa tion, will start at .0 per month. Ad dresa F S, Bee. STENOGRAPHER and reception room girl for lawyer's office: blah school edu. cation, of neat appearance and some ex perience preferred. Give full particulars In first letter. Addresa K 84, Bee. Aaeata aad hunesars, SHOE SALESWOMAN. Wanted Thoroughly experienced shoe saleswoman. Addreaa F 40, care Bee. Factory aad Trades. LEU RNJisIr dressing. Oppsnhsim Parlors DRESSMAKERS wanted 604 S. 27th StT Hwaeekeeaers lit Domestics. TUB Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Jt?"1" run Ba'vant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blufta Bring ad te The Bee office or telephone Tyler 10u. W A NTER Experienced chambermaids. Apply at housekeeper. 12th floor. Hotel Fonlenells EXPERIENCED second girl for three and one-half months; city reference re- Quire.L 411 S. 4lh St. GIRL or ralddle-euted womsn to do light housework; no wages paid. 274 Grant St Webster 3136. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework; must be good coek. 137 . win pi. nsrnrj is NEAT appearing girl for general house work; new. small apartment, $ In fam ily; pleasant room. Apply its) S. 424 til., or phone H. 4Ui. A A.TFI COMPETENT GIRL TO DO GENERAL. HOUSEWORK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY WITH RHFER EM;. MRS. LEONARD A. bPALD 1NG, 3S30 HARNEY STRErJT. WANTED AT ONCE A TOUNO GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK. IN SUBURB HOME; EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE ANT PLEASANT HOME. ADDRESS. M a2L CAKai BILE. WANTED Competent gtrl for general nousework; 1 In family; good wages white girt only. Phone Webster SOwx WANTED A girl for huusewoik. Park Axe. Harney S3. 130 WANTED A good girl for general house work; must nave references. ZZii S. J2d aU. ai. A. suiwa, -iiiil. H White leghorn eggs for hatching. My hens are from prlice winning layers nt International egg laying contest, Stoors, Conn. $l.&0 for ID. $ per I'M. A. 11. Baker, Benson, Neb., R. F. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747 VV. IIKt.P W T K I KK.M.t LK lloaarkeepera and Oomeatlra. (ilftl, fir Kner:il homework. Muft gu hone niclite llm-ney z.'v). WANTKD-bciindiiiavian girl for general houccwork, email fiimlly. 4JT,? Farnam. Walnut nn. WANTFD A girl for general hoiiaework. lHiindreea kept 7 a week. 3K'.s 'aia. NKAT. competent Kirl ffr general houae work In family of nvo; good cook neces sary. I'h"ne Harney Ho. (n cri rl for general houeework. V. I.yle, ;,.;4 I'aik Ave. COM I 'El ENT girl for general housework, no wafhliig, g'od wages. .1.11." Hurt St. A GIHI, fop gcrictal housework; laundress kept .1 days; wages H a week. Mrs. E. S. Wrsthronk. ifi"! Harney Ht WHIT1? clil for hoiiscwoik; 3 In lamlly. Wal. 21:11. Mlarellaaeona, YOUNG women cimlng to Omaha aa trangera are invited to Mslt the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding rlacea or otherwise assisted. Ink for our traveler's gu'de a,; Union station LADIES' Si misses' coats, siuts. dresses it skirt samples at wholesale price. Bon offji New York Sample Store. 208 N. 16th. WOMEN get government Jobs. $70 month? List free. Franklin Institute, Dept. o$ B. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WAXTED .MALE llerlcal and office. WANTED Cn pubis organizer and promo tion man; must'hn willing to travel. If you have had experience ln this capacity and nro worth $f..OOO year, see us at once. SALESMAN iito exp... Salary and com. SALESMAN, specialty. .Snlnry ex. & com. SALESMAN, insurance. .Salary and coin. SALESMAN, drapery ex. Salary depends STENOGRAPHER $C, SOLICITOR $4o and com. WATTS REF. CO. S:y-40-l2 Rrandcts The. SALESMAN, automobile experience. The Midwest Bonding Co. 312 Hw Bldg. A-NO. 1 salesman who has called on sa loons, restaurants, hotels, etc. In south west Iowa. Must Iw a hustler nnd able to get the business. Give experience, refer ences, salary, etc. ln first letter. Addresa (- K3. Bee. SQUARE PEOSN-SQUARE- HOLES. We find a slton that fits vnu. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lOirlS City Nat. Bank Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commer.-lal positions. WEST. REF. & BOND ASS'N., TM Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bids. W A NTED SEVERAL GOOD MEN OP GOOD ADDRESS TO TRAVEL; $3 TO tTi PER DAY; STEADY POSITION FOR PRODUCERS. APPLY 833 BRANDEIS THEATER B1DG.. BEFORE NOON. SALESMAN as our general representa tive for the stato of Nebraska; give ace, experience and references. Address district manager: Standard Auto Trailer Truck Co., Wichita. Kan. WANTED Salesman !n every county who has had somo experience selling farm machinery- Must be sober, honest and reliable. To such a man we will pay a salary or a liberal commission that will enable him to make from $1,500 to $2,500 per year. For further Information ad dress, R. N. Gllklnson, Toll Black Hawk, Davenport, la. WANTED Experienced salesman, for Nebraska state, to handle popular line of $9 shirt waists, also a few good num bers at $4.r0. Will pay good commission. Samuel Kreaser. Baltimore, Md. WANTED Glove salesman for Nebraska; A-l factory line of gloves and mittens, both leather and cotton; a hustler can carry aa aide tins; a money making lino for the right man; references required; commission only. Addresa Adel Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. , SPECIALTY salesman for Iowa and Ne braska, one with missionary work ex perience preferred. Write or see Mr. Leonard from 8 to 10 a. m., Loyal Hotel. Factory aad Trades. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE Largest, best ln the west. Special sum mer dates. Make back your tuition while learning. Write for free catalogue. 110 S. 14th St Mr. Whltmore back In charge. GET WISE A thorough, practic-Hl auto mobile education at minimum cost Ask for catalogue "C" and explanation of our get-results method. Nebraska Automobile ocnooi. mis-it Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED A good shoemaker far bench work; references. A. Lang, 6 W. Third St. Bloux City. la. LEARN BAREEU TRArtB. Be Independent; wagea and toola given. Electrlo massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglaa St.. Om. 1033 N St . Lincoln. Mlsrellnneoas. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Else. Starter Auto Graduatea. Too man un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively needed. Big aprlng rush. Free rstalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL- tii-u zofj Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED At once, capable business man for each muniv t nm; n in Ne braska to assume charge of the manu facturing and selling of the beat rein forced concrete silo now on market. Ex ceptionally attractive proposition oixin to capable business men. Nebraska the Mecca for sl'.o salea for 1916. Silo aalea in Nebraska Increased 113 per cent from April, 1913. to April 1:14. over all previous years. We have no Hue skv to offer for ssle; nothing but legitimate manufac turing proposition. If you want to get In touch with the best silo proposition, communicate with us at once. In making inquiry about our proposition, always ad- ise US ln your first communication if there Is a local cement manufacturing piani in your town. Minnesota Jveyslona Silo company. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED Experienced window shade fitter and banger. Steady work to right man. BEATON & LAIER CO. WANTED Reliable man for dairy farm; good references reaulred: aood Discs. Y. M. C. A. Employment. . , Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go into tha auto business for' yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 214 N. 20th St.. Omsha, Neh. WANTED 1,00$ men to est ham and egga, l.V. t'offee John. 14th and Carltol. WANTED Cleaner and presser, all around man; must furnish references. J. W. I-auman, Sioux Rapids, la. WANTED Man and wife on farm; no children. Call S. hilts Hotel between 11 and 12 Tueaday. Aak for Mr. Hrlckson. WANTED man for shipping depart-ner.t. $12 per week to start. Apply from i to f p. in. only. Mutual Film Cocjoratlon, 141& Harney. HELP WASTED MAI. IS AND FE MA LSI- THOUSANDS government lobe open to men and women; $ to $150 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221B. Rochester. N. Y. OMAHA government olerk examinations April 2s. $70 month. Common education sufficient. Baauple questions free. Apply Immediately. Address Y 3L Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS NEAT, colored girl wants position as waitress or chambermaid where she ran t stay ntghts. H. 45. EXPERIENCED carpenter, will reasonable. Phone Red o2j. work WANTKI) SITI lTIOXS VOI'NG ninn wants place to work for board while atteinllng Bcylca college. Telephone Doul-Ihs !."& WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; ran use pewriter; not a steno. K s.12. Bee. LADV with one child would Ilka place as hntisokcprr. Weh. 4119. WANTED I'oFition doing chambermaid work. D. fio:!: A-k for Irene. UIRI, for general hou-cwork. !':? Xi'i' Seward St Webster S ANTKI Position doing chamber work or laundry work. I', v.2'2 jLADY, rellnctC wishes ho.ird In well-to- do family, where conn anhmshlp would bo aei-epted ns irt payment References Oioh.inged. Addics M 22. H e. EXI'KRTKNi'uf'. rTliiTblr. practical nurse. Tvler Vi7'. CoiiltED vC O.MAN wants day work Tyler 2UM-W. ELDERLY lady looking for work, Mrfcr dish washing or taking rare of child ren. Call Doug 1431. Address 2iE' S. 2'th. EX PERI EN' 'El florist wants a posi tion In greenhouse work or for private gardener; good, steady man. no boozer. Write or call for Joe Urosse Rhode, Union Hotel, Omaha; opposite Burlington sta tion; WANTED By an experienced young man," 23. a position as cashier, bill or office clerk In Omaha. Can do any kind of general office work. Am college graduate, good calculator and excellent penman; best of references; willing to start work at a moderate salary. Ad dress K 7'!, Bee. Day work or bundle washing. Weh. S2H7. BoYLES' lady student wishes to trade service for experience ln a private of fice. Address 1' 79. Bee. EXPERIENCED auto driver and repairer would like Job In city or out, after March 4. Address B K, Bee. WASHING wanted by reliable colored woman; scrubbing and cleaning a spe cialty. Mrs. Bailey. Tyler 19. PERFECT home washing. Lace curtains a specialty. Weh. 42x3. COI.OHED woman wanls position as chambermaid In hotel. Phone Web. (vI'Vi. Good maid, steady desires position; references. Call Oxford Hotel, Room 1l. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry goods or gro cery, ltl years old, desires position. Had experience as collector also. Addresa. L 41. Bee. 1X5ST AND FOTJXD OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha aV Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It ln the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore tl em to the rightfal ower. Call Doug. 43. LOST Vanity case, initials "A. J.," In Krandels Theater Bldg. ladles' room; re ward. Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 17th St. $25 REWARD for safe return to owner of Boston hull terrier, light brlnrlle and white face, breast and front legs, one blue eye, crooked tall, long ears, one white tipped; favors right rear leg, which las been broken; name and address on collar. J. Farrlngton, 3.12.1 Woolworth Ave. Harney 3H22. No questions asked LOST Sunday, gold watch and pin, be tween 43d and Ijifayette Ave. and 41st and Charles; finder please call Wal. 2413. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry euros plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE! given in every case treated. Patients roust come to the of fice, 408-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sta. DLL WILLIAM CREIGH'iON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevuo Hospitul Medical College, New York City. N. Y. Rupti nro i-uiea in a lew aaya wunoui ulc Daln. Call or write Dr. Wrav. 106 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. KfetabJlshed 1894. o PERSOXAL NURSE having own home ln Portland, Ore., wtll give best care to limited num ber aged people. Can give good refer ences. Particulars, Mrs. T. J. Loder, Or cutt, CaJ. THE Salvation Army Industrial bome so. 11 cits your old clothing, furniture, mag a tines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 noose at. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and 6L Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. $7,000 to Tension Invalids If we receive 500 subscriptions to The Ladles Home Journal $1 60 The Saturday 'Evening Post 1.60 The Country Gentleman 1.50 Each month till Aoril to eaual last vear'a business, the original $5,000 becomes the proierty of the Invalids' Pension assn.. making $7,000 to pension Invalids. We must have 7 suhacriutlona in Fehruarv. Your order or renewal adds 60 eta Phone Doug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. Psta Daddy jpo can communicate with Dream girl, K. G, Mo. Brokenhearted. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d-haod motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. Le Bron Elect. Work 318-20 S. 12th. o MAHA PILIX3W CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 24tf7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feathet mattresses and dijwn covers. T TACl l.'M clt-sners for sale. Vacu LI ill V cleaning done In the home. Sanitary service lo., a Bee mag. WE rent, repair, aell neidiea and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., Mlckel's. loth and Harney. Douglaa 1661 Accoaataats. E. A. DWOltAK. C. P. A.. Address 43S Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglaa 7 too. Addlag Macklsta. Dajton Adding Machines. 411 8. IS. D. 1449. Adder Mcli. Co. (Wales). W. 6. W. D. 6338. Architects. Knerett 8. Pod as. 612 Psxton Blk. D. 2981. A a to aad Masaeto Hciwlrisg. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 241$. A actloaeera. Dowd Auction Co . 1U&-U W. O. W. R. JCS6. Atirut-tloua. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film barsaina, lllne Prlatlag. HORNBY HI. I 13 PRINT CO.. 30$ Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barbers. U Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 181T Far. Brasa Kaaadrlea. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. nth and Martha Bta. laruenlrr and C'aatraeture. 8TEVENSON t J S. 2Jd. Douglas 6S20. Callfuriil.i 2 auUa. W. T. Stnltn Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D.S1. t alaa l-alaUa. Ruth Ladrhford. decorating, firing. R. 4942 Chlraaraetara. DR. EDWARDS, 24th A. Farnam. D. Sill I LIVE WIRE 111 SI NESS M EX OK OMAHA trenm Separators. The Sharpie, Separator On.. 12th A Farn. Il Engineers. M. J. LA IT, MH BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4718. W. J. McKaihron. Tel 1 . ). I'd Om. NaU Cistern and Well DlgslnaT. NEED well or cistern cleaned or d'lg? Pi 'HAFFKR does R. rhone Weh. 631. J. B RICKERTT Well Construction Coil nothing too blv; or impossible; estimates furnished LIO N. :ist St.. Omaha. t Hal Dealers. ;.") fill Johnson's special, also Victor nut. -, jjfln rtlone Doin 1702. Dancing Academies. Turpln's Dasclng Aridemy, 2?th Farn. Try MaekieV first. 1Sti Harney. Doug. r.44rt. CHAMBERS' Academy".""classic. D.187L Dentists. Dr. Bradbury No pain. 921 W. O. W.RMK. Dr. Todd s alveolar dentTstry. 4i3 Rrandels Bailey, the lienilHt, 7W 'ity Nat'l Bank. Taft Der tal Rooms, 1S17 Douglas. D. iifsftT Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. Detertlres. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. $c Paxton Blk. Dong. 1373 W alnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Ev dence secured In ail cases. Tyler 113S. Dressmaking;. Terry Diessnu-.k'g college, 20th A Farnam. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed: 2408 Cuss St. Tel. Red 723r. MISS STURDY,' 24 Ifi Cass. Red 7320 ' Drnsrs. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Feathers Cleaned. BRING in your old straw hats; cleaned and dyed r.fic. Dora Lisele, 1136 City Nat. IioukIhs ."432. Florists. A. PONAGHi'R, 1(!25 Harnav. Doug, lnfll. Electric nppllra. LERRON Elcc. Wks.. 31S S. 12th. D. 2178. Everything- for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. Douglas Block. D. 19:18. SWITCHES from combings, $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs II. M. Eck, 3ini9 Marcy. H. &M6. HAIRDRESSING at your home. R. 6931. BATH'S florists, 1S04 Farnam St. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1254, Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Mattering and Kpoatlng, FIRE PREVENTION CO. Douglas 4584. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R- ., Balrd Bldg. D. 8e71t. Lighting Fixtures aad Wlrlsx, THOMAS DUltlON Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy COf. 607 S. 13th. Red 4252. Messenger and Teamster. WHITE LINE. 910 N. Ifith St. Doug. .1312. Mask, (lulomri and liiidge 8 applies. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largoet stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lieben & Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. Maaseases. ! CORA BELLINGY SHTSuJKS. tory treatments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. V POR A THSMed,l'ated or plain: I'ousias rxotice entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of Dodge. Call today. Miss Jacobs, mass., manicuring. D. 4297. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sundays. 12 to 5. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 503S. MASSf.E 620 BKK BUILDING. JUilk-OAUXi DOUGLAS 6372. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Douglaa 875L Open evenings and Sundays. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4297, Hours 9 to 9; Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 875L Kathleen Mack, massage & bath. D. 7582? Moving, Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERR1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1203. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic physiclnns. Dr. Wernchn. 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. S636. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. Printing-. WATETtS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M'KEN'ZJE PTG. CO. D. 2014. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Pateat Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Patents. H. A. Sturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Earnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Roach Eitrrmlsstoi, B. B. B. Roach powder at "Fregger's. ' ' Palntlnar and Papering. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. E728. Plumes Henovated. PLUMES i flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. K394. Safe and Time Lock Hxperts. O A T7T7VC Opened, repaired, corns. OAF llfO caned- K. Daven-a-a. jw port 1406 ppdge. v. 1S21 tthoe Hepalrlagr. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. Signs aad SUovrcards. E. M CLARK & SON. 113 S. 16TII ST. steel Celllnare. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. Store and Office Flxtares. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, soil. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel supplies. QMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Traaka and Suitcases. FREI.ING & STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. Tal lore. ('HAS. C. LANDER YOU. 108 N. 15th St. OLSKN He KOUECliE, lab Harney. D. tSJU. Veterinarians. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4fin2 Center. Wal. 302S Wlsni and l.liuor. ALEX JETES. 201-J 8. i3th St. Wines, - "quors. cigars. Piste dinners. 11 to 3. 10c. Globe lhiuor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine. $1.25 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch, BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, tei N. ism. Uiurlai 1S09. - " -i SWAPPER'S COLUMN A SINGLE iicrse cultivator, seeder and aaxortment of farm tools. What have you to offer. Address S. C. 64. Bee. AUTO 1 have a Bulck. 1913 model, thor oughly overhauled and in good oondl tlon. that 1 will swap for plumbing and heating work. S. C. i"7S, care Bee. AUTO One new and (lie second-hand touring car, for good first-class mort gage palietv Ann, quick, s. i ,l. Bee. AUTO Buick 40-horsepower, -passenger. In best repair. lor nouse and lot or lot worth $00. Will assume. Address 8. C. 6K1, Bee. AUTO DU 6 pass. Buick, fine condition. Will trade for lot valued $1,000 on paved street. Will pay difference it lot Is worth more. Call Webster 415. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile barfains aee the "Automobile' ciesaifi cation. BOOK of foreign stamps; want to swap for Victor reeords. or what have you. Addiess S. C. tsio. Bee. BOOK CASE Mission oak, good shape; will trade for sewing machine or ko dak. Address S. C. T.Z. Bus. SWAITEH S C't)Ll M V BUSINESS CHANCE -Half Inlcixst In sn established real estate firm for used ear; must be In good condition. Addree-s S C. Bee. CARPENTER WORK Will exchange services as rarpent"r for two lot grad ing Address S. I '. Vo. liee. CHU 'K ENS Rhode Island Red cockerel, will exchange for pullets, same variety. Address S. C. Ie. CHAIR Large library chair for trade for young fox terrier. Address S. C. fcwt, B,.t,. 1RESS'SUIT an'l Tuxedo, cas sloye, or nanii nial clock, or a mandolin for any thing I nn use on a farm. What have ou? Address S, C. u'!. Hec. GUITAR W aslihui n guitar end ennvas case, cost $22.60; to trade tor picture aid projector ur kodak. Addiess S. C. ..7. Bce: I WILL take a good late model car and $350 cash for equity In good, sightly lot less than one mile from court house and on 24th street. Balance $2in, payable $:0 a month. Call Harncv 6:';i4 today or after 6 p. m. Monday. INCUBATOR old Reliable incubator. good condition. What have you to offer? I want Buff Orpington hens. Address S. '. lice. M itii Ri ' V ( ' l,E Will trade one twin cylinder motorcycle with side car, all same as new, lor anything of equal value. Andreas S. C. Ml. rare Bee. M iTORCYCLE 2 cylinder, chain drive. Harley-Lavlson, 2 passenger, fully equipped, nin 1,200 miles, tires good. Presto lamp; cost J275. Want diamond ring, clear lot or what have you; also havo nearly new $125 typewriter; would trade together or separately. Address S. C. Wo, Bee. OAK. roll top desk, a bargnln. Can call Sunday. Phone Walnut IH24. 13 OAK commodes to trade. What have you? Address S. C. 7, Bee. PIANO First class upright piano; want chickens and cow or horse or make offer. Addresa S. (. Bee. 1 PULLETS and 2 cockerels, thorough bred Barred Rocks Make me an offer; want electric fan. Address s. C. 3, Bee. PIANO to swap for an ai to to make serv ice wagon out of It. f on't care for paint, but want a good 4-cylinder running gear; tin junk pllo wanted. Address S. C. K.3, 1 lee. n ANo Swap on well located building lot; hnl. cash. Give full description and price or no attention Address S. C M. Bee, PIANO PLAYER Whit ncy Piano Plaver. fine condition, cost $5O0: will trade for good 2 or 5-passenger auto. Address S. C. M. Bee. PIANO, In good shape to swap, on well located, close-In old style house and lot; will pay balance. Want something that can be made an excellent place; priced n round $2,0"0 or less. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Address S. C 652. Bee. IK A I ST E R Will trade 1314 Metz road ster, used very little, for a good vncant lot or us first payment on cheap cottage Address 8. C. 1W2. Bee. liOADSTER-1912 Ford roadster. In excel lent condition, new 1914 roadster body, car looks and runs like new; have bought a new car and will trade Ford for good clear Omaha lot. S. C. 275 Bee RUBBER BOOTS-Have good pair of rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; in good; size 91 S. C. 451. Bee. SHOTGUN Winchester repeating shot -gun, lo-gauge. with cleanout rod and full box of shells; cost $10 and good bm new; will trade for diamond, typewriter, or what have you 7 Address 8. C. tM, Bee 6IGNS. showcarda. Clark & Son. D. 1378. TYPEWRITER Hammond, used only 3 .iii.iimn, roji iiu; also jiainpton watch; will trade one or both for riiu. mond ring, or what have you? Might con sider niotorcyclo If good, or offer. Ad dress S. C. 6iW, Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Have 2;ij well known vacuum washing ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guar anteed machine. Agents, here Is vour chance to make a clean-up thia spring. Will swap for auto or what have you? Address 8. O. 620. Bee. WATCH A good, 17-Jewel gold watch, 26 year cuse and good chain. What have you and can use to trade. Addresa & C. 6 '9. Bee. WILL trade electric or any kind of piano and pay difference for small car. Ad dress S C. 668. Bee. WILL trade a 4-cyllnder runabout. In good running order, r.nd fine diamond ring for a 6-passenger car. Addresa S. C. 679, Bee. WATCH A 15-Jewel. 16 size, 30-year J. Boss 20 gold-filled case to trade for shot gun. Address 8. C. 1521. care Bee. WOULD like to swap roller top desk. In first-class condition, for small safe or strong box. What have you gott Ad dress, S. C 658, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping, loth A Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 283. NEW 4-room apt., all mod., steam heated. a'Ot No. 2'ith St. i-r., modern flat, 2308 S. 24th, $22. H. 47 1L FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-dato 3. 4 and 5-room apartments in city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2561 Jones St. S-ROOM flat, nearly new, all modern ex cept heat, 15. 3723 N. 3"th St. SNAP Down town, 6-room, modern ex cept heat. See Janitor California Apt. D. . 5237. ST. GEORGE Apartments, located ln select W est Farnam district; one 6-room suite to let. Phone Weh. 1H74. fA vai iqiiii ly- Rooms- THREE pleasant West Farnam rooms; business women preferred: references required. Address G 50, care Omaha Bee. PLEASANTLY furnished room in pri vate home. IT. 4151. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; $10 mo. and up; cafe in connection. D.59D3. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, stesit heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone 648. La Verna, ltl2 Cap., front mis. Stem, ht. LARGE front loom in pttvute family for 2 gentlemen, with breakfast; on car line In Dundee. Address, E 470 care Omaha Bee. THE COLLINS One double and rlngla room, steam-heated, nicely furnished, good location. 24Qi Harney. Hotels and Apartments. CALIFokNIA Hotel, lfittj end California, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglaa 7083. DODGK HOTEL- Modern Reasonable, liouirkerplng ftoome. BLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat. 725 8. loth. Tyier Wil-W. Light Housekeeping Rooms. OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, ooml with kitchenette, steam heat. Phons 444, Houses aad (oiiagri, 12 S-R. BRICK. PART MOD EXTRA Good, aa1 s. ls-i n. tel. r. 42. -o i-lt lUM, all moilern. 24d Parker St. 5-R OM dwelling. l;;20 I'ark Ave., $18.01. Modern except heat. Call J. I. Kemp, Douglas NEW 7-room modern house, 22'.H Burdetts St. llarnev 1149. ALL sixes. $1 per month up. 507 Paxton. 6-r.. modern. 719 8. 37th St. 7-r.. modern. $614 Leav. St., good 'ocailon. vVch. 25S0. " g-room mod. house. 2513 Chicago. D. 8145. Gordon VanCo. 11 N. 11th 61 Phone D 894 or Wsb. 13$$. 12-ROOM modern bouse, with bsrn, hot water heat. 2618 Harney St. vacant March L lnuulia T. J. O Brlen, H. lu4. D 121 IIMiaa1" a'l parts of the city. UOUSt'S creiKh Sons ai Co.. Bae Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 3-hcrse vsa end 3 men. I1.SS per hr.; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4-38 Ty. 130. JC Reed Pa'&ne-" "oTlsi! Ve AVVV.VA X2W Farnam. D, sits.