Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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riaellty terafe Tu Ce. rwrBf. sea.
W. Zk BlVy k Bona, genera! Insurance.
Mara Boet Prist tt New Beacon Frees
vm)ruAi CO. Lighting fUturee.
eraateO Choice real Mtttt loans. W.
Hi Thomas. 2 Stat Bank Blag.
, Have Tour Fhoto Takaa at your home
by Eitnr. All work guaranteed. Mod
erate prices. Call Walnut 1MQ.
TMay-a Complete Merle Fluff"
elasslftod section today, and appears In
Tha Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
tha vartoua moving pletura theaters offer.
XmproTemsnt Clan to JeeeS The Field
Club District Improvement club will
meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at tht
losea Wall riUad Fockst book Mrs. B.
F. West, 1409 Cass street, loet her nock't
book containing $1S0 yesterday afternoon
while shopping. She asked the police to
help her to find it.
Tlaltora From Baydsr The Mlnses
Bertha Wenntnglioff, Esther Johnson and
Edith Wahlstrom were the gueota of Mrs.
J. C. rhllllps of Snyder, Jteb., on Thurs
day and Friday of last week.
Br. Condon Speaks Dr. A. r. Con
don speak today before the Omaha
Philosophical society on "Tho Natural
Defenses of th,a Body Against Disease."
The society meets at 3 p. m. In the Labor
To Battle Annamatlon Parties up
from Lincoln assert that at the meeting
of tha committee on cities and towns,
held Thursday, Bob Druesedow asked for
more time and that the final hearing on
the annexation of Omaha's suburbs was
set for Tuesday of this week.
Xecture en "Combustion" -The Na
tional Association of Stationary Engineers
at their regular meeting Friday evening,
were treated to a splendid lecture on
"Cdmbustlon" by A. P. Williams. Later
in the evening some samples of flue gas
were analysed by A. G. Knight.
meanmea Band iaadaraalp Dr. A. D.
laird has resumed the leadership of the
Young Men's Christian association band.
Ha waa its first director, but gave up
tho position because of press of other
work. Now Secretary A. E. Eaton has
induced him to take it again, tho
temporary leader having left. ,
Folsky Block Fir Damaged Fire of
unknown origin in the Ben Poleky pawn
shop at 1211 Douglas street practically
ruined his stock, late last night. An ex
cited guest at the Arcade hotel who was
aroused by tha confusion, attempted to
leap from a second story window, but
waa restrained by a fireman in tho nick
of time.
Theosophlcel tectnre "Dervishes and
Mysticism and Re-incarnation" is tha
subject of a public lecture, Illustrated by
stereopticon views, to be given by John
T. Eklund at Theosophlcal Hall, Suite
701, Bee Building, Sunday evening, at
S o'clock. The idea of reincarnation in
these ancient religions as well as Moham
medanism, will be shown. The lecture Is
given under the auspices of the Karma
and Reincarnation Legion.
Omaha Guards Will
Have Inspection
Wednesday Night
Monday evening Company A of the
Omaha Guards will hold a reunion, the
purpose of which will ba to Inspire Its
members for federal Inspection to ba held
In the armory Wednesday evening.
The program for tha evening will con
sist, first, company drill, emphasising re
hearsal of tha Inspection, following which
the company and' friends will be enter
tained by prominent officers of the guard
who will deliver addresses, impromptu
cabaret performances and yarns to the
tuna of hot sandwiches, salad and coffee,
amidst the puffs of cigar and cigaret.
Orders hava Issued from the company
quarters commanding every member to
be present for tha drill. Government
rulea regulating Inspection require that
the atate have 800 men present at the cer
emonies. Each company must hava sixty
five men in line.
The armory will be open all day today
for final issue of equipment. The tar
gets, also, will be available and credit
given for tha scores made. A regular
camp supper is planned for the boys
Wednesday evening, at which every man
will appear.
The company is In command of E. T.
Harris, captain, and W. A. Fellers, first
lieutenant, and Arthur Marokits, second
A. M. Pern', acting superintendent of
tha Union Gospel mission for several
months, has been appointed regular super
intendent by tha board of trustees and
will hereafter live his entire time to the
work of the mission at 1514 Davenport
According to reports to the trustees, the
orgsnlsation is achieving splendid result
In its gospel work, over fifty men hawing
renounced old hablta of drunkenness and
tha use of drugs since December 1 and are
now reformed and earning respectable
Superintendent Parry and his assistants
are strongly Inclined to place their faith
in old-fashioned gospel methods and do
not give away soup and sandwiches as a
part of their work, as they maintain their
efforts should ba toward helping men to
help themselves, instead of becoming a
permanent burden on society.
Keep Yoar Bowels Rearalar.
As everyone knows, the bowels are the
sewerage system of the body, and it is
of tha greatest Importance that they
move one each day. If your bowels be
come conatipatei), take a dose of Cham
berlain's Tablets just after supper and
they will correct tha disorder. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement.
Warren Henly, police character, la In
jail becauaa he couldn't make his voice
sound prosperous enough to be mistaken
for that of Dr. E. R. Porter.
Just before closing time, the manager
of tha Walk-Over Shoe company received
a telephone call from someone claiming
to be Dr. Porter, asking that a pair of
17 shoes bo delivered at the Owl drug
store, where they would be called for.
Tha amount was charged to the phy
sician. The shoeman'a suspicions were aroused,
and after doing a bit of sleuthing on
his own account, called police headquar
ters. total Blasts f'aase Br tat lea.
Sloan's Linlmont will help your sciitirs.
tiit a 15c bottle now. It penetrates, kills
the pain, stops many aches. Advertise
ment. Mrs. R. Hustikin announces tUat she Is
no longer connected with Houm of
Mcnagh and baa opened a millinery
tore at North Sixteenth street.
Teachers'" Committee of Omaha High
DitftYowi Reported Statement
Regarding Magic City School.
Rumors of reduction Ir the nun ber of
(trades at the South Omaha High school
were put to rest at a meeting, when
Attorney J. J. Rreen, chairman, read a
communication from thi teachers com
mittee of the Omaha High school dis
avowing the reported statement of Prin
cipal C. E. Reed that the local school
would be reduced In the,event -f con
solidation of the two school districts.
Not only was the allegrd statement dis
avowed, but the committee added that
It did not believe that Keed had made
such a statement. Further it Is said that
not only would the local school be "con
tinued at its present rtatus, but it would
be enlarged and Improved.
Chairman Breen. who was the unani
mous choice of the meeting explained
that an amendment prescribing the main
tenance of the four-year high school
In South Omaha would be embodied
in Senate file No. 211. Communica
tion from the Omaha Commercial club
waa along the same line and a commit
tee of five South Omaha men was ap
pointed to take the amendments to Lin
coln Tuesday. The committee consists
of J. J. Breen, J. Koutsky, Paul Hcnnl,
James Chlsek and E. V. Lorlg.
Brem'a Labors.
Chairman Breen explained that lie per
sonally had labored to see that the pro
posed bill would tako care of every
Interest in South Omaha. He explained
that the teachers, Janitors and employes
of the local school system would, under
the proposed bill, become part of the
Omaha High school automatically.
Principal Moore, who called the meet
ing, made a speech in which he repeated
his statement of rumors. Called upon
by Chairman Breen to give, the name
of his authority, he said he hid gathered
his idea from a conversation with Prin
cipal Reed of Omaha at a banquet re
cently given.
According to the antis who returned
from Lincoln. S. F. No. 2 is deader than
a door nail. If not throughly dead now,
It was said that an amendment to call
an election some time In the future would
put the finishing touches to the measure.
Assertions that the house of representa
tives had listened to the beguiling voices
of the officeholders and their allies were
given out and altogether it was said that
the campaign to beat the measure had
won out once more. However, tt w9s re
pcrted, that some of the antls had ex
pressed a doubt as to the stability of
some of the members and work would
be commenced again 'Monday morning.
In the meantime literature from an anti
league, headed by the regular opponents
of the measure, was being gotten out and
Concerned About Report.
It appears now that certain an'is sre
concerned about the report of a slush
fund alleged to have been raised to de
feat the bill. The question is as to the
exact amount rather than, the existence
of the fund. It seems quite certain the
police,, firemen, saloonkeepers, office
holders and contractors contributed. It
is understood that even among the antls
there is quite a little discussion as to
how much was collected. It was said
that tha sum collected was for necessary
expenses of the man fighting the passage
of the bill.
Anyway, the committee on cities and
towns will pass on the measure Tuesday
and It seems sure that the bill will not
die in the committee now. Members of
the house who have given the matter
some thought and investigation are
quoted as favoring tha measure. The use
of the word "force" Is said to have been
overdone by some of the antls and there
Is a question as to how much for?e was
used to make city employes contribute to
funds to fight the bill at Lincoln.
Pie, at 8evrny.EIKht,
William Fletemeyer, 78 years old, died
yesterday at his 13l North
Thirty-fifth street. The funeral will be
held Monday afternoon at S o'clock at
tha residence.
Corbrtt Funeral Tomorrow. -v
The funeral of John Corbett will take
place tomorrow morning at t o'clock at
St. Bridget's church and at St. Mary s
Child Dies.
Malina, tha 4-months-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dogoda, died yes
terday morning at the family residence.
Tha funeral will be held Monday aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock at the residence. Bur-
ial will be In the German Catholic ceme
tery. Poles to Relieve Safferers.
In order to bring relief to the Buf
fering Poles, who are bearing tha bur
tien of the present war. the Polish peo
plo of South Omaha have organised a
Polish relief committee, to collect funds
for the relief of the suffering Polea or
Europe. Permission was granted by the
city council to canvass the city. There
fore the Polish relief commute wilt ask
the citizens Irrespective of nationality, to
donate their small mite.
Dr. DeLsiatr Relieved.
Aftr two years service aa resident post
surgeon at Fort Crook, Dr. E. L. De
Lanney has been relieved from duty and
will resume his South Omaha practice.
He has moved to his new home at 1414
North Twenty-third street. Dr. Lx ban
ner, who Is a lieutenant In the medical
reserve of the United States army, was
detailed to active duty .at the post two
yeara ago, when the rarrtaon waa or
Uered to Texas In expectation of a brush
with Mexico. He has served contin
uously sine that time and la now sue
ceeded by Dr. Coffee of the regular army
Mote. Depage na Toar.
Dr. E. L. DeLanncy. acUng Belgian
consul for Nebraska and the Dakotaa.
has Just received notice from the Wash
ington Belgian legation of tha tour of
Madame Depae. who la raising funda
for a Belgian ambulance corpa of which
there Is great need in Belgium. Madame
Lepage ia tha wlfa of tha noted Belgian
Burgeon Depage, now at tha front In
France, The letter states that Madame
Depage will b In Kansas City on March
4, and will probably be In Omaha to
ward tha end of the monttr.
Masooa Askcel o Atlead Faaeral
All tha members of Bca Hive lodge
No. 1M. Ancient Fr.-a and Accepted
Masons are requested to attend tha fu
neral services of Past Grand Master
John J. Mercer, to be held at the Masonic
temple, r'lxteenth and Capitol avenue,
Omaha, Sunday, February Is, at I o'clock.
Maavte City tioaalp.
The South Ride Improvement club will
meet at the Madison school Sunday at S
p. ni.
l-w Ruthlnz for a Taxi, Po. S3J.
The women of the Chi Istlan' church will
serve dinner at McCrann'a hall Wednes
day. Mar. h S
Want ads for The Hee may be ;rfl at
The Hce hi (inch office. lh N St. Rate.
Jc a word for one time, l'c n woM raih
day tor three days and lo a won! each
day for a week. Prompt ano" courteous
i vice.
Office space for rent In Hee offlr-e. 211
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Pmith 27.
St. Mnrtln's Woman's auxiliary will
meet with Mrs. W. I. Adklns. IleO Noitli
Twenty-eevond Mrect Wednemliiv at i
o'clock. ,
Bernice Kevin, one of the twin daugh
ters of Mr. and Mr Joe Kevin. SMi V
street. Is Improving lapl'lly after an oer
atlon on her elbow, which was Injured
lnt week. Ir. Allison erfomed the
olHTaticn. Thu talna aro 11 months old.
Woman with small boy wishes house
work In city. N.i trlflers need apply. rt
dreea S. Hee office. South Omaha.
Clarence l.lnd nnd Mis K.xther John
son were the recipients o. a miecellntieous
shower Thursday evening at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. l-'ted l.lnd, I'll North
Twenty-first street. Many userul ar
ticles were recclvi-d. Those present were:
MenM-a. anil Memlnmes: A. liHlsieci,
VhatU-s Karliiist. Tom Ken, (lust l.tm1,
Sam Nielson; Misses Frelda Johnson,
Martina Pnxar.n. Kinma Bloom. Ixirena
Bloom. Mabel Palareen, Ruth Ken, Sarah
Kea, Rose Rca. Rose l.lnd, Ruth l.lnd;
Messrs. Herbert l.lml, Clarence Dnlxreen.
Curl tl. l.lnd. Roy Karlquist llenning
Karlqulst, K. Israelson. T. Uurklund.
Reynolds roller rink open every Sunday
afternoon and evening.
The Entre Nous .-luh was entertained
Friday evening at the home of Miss Marie
KeJley. JS24 l street The evening was
spent at cards and music, followed by a
dainty luncheon. Miss Map lllckey was
guest of the club, and Miss Mnrle Kel-
ley won first nrlxe at cards. Those
preernt were: Misses Ann McCulre. Pearl
MctJulre. Mnrv l.lsmond. I.lsmond.
Julia Hroslnlisn, Florence Collins. Mar-
saret Farrell, Margaret l-oye. Rose Law
less. Ixretta Rvan. lxdtle Martin. Add'e
Collins. Katherlne Wlnterliottoin, Marie
Schmidt, Mae Hlckev and Marie Kellev.
today. Krlnr all the children. In the aft
ernoon. I'nsiirpassed photo play. Monday,
Charles Chaplin In his nlht act; also
Ruth In "The Disappearance of
Marry WarrlnjrUm." Hesse tliester.
A going bumess can te sid quickly
through The Bee s "Business Chances."
School and
Pern State formal.
Prof. Jean, who has been sick for the
last two weeks is again in school.
Newell Dwight Hlllls of Brooklyn gave
a lecture here last Saturday night.
Prof. 11. C. House went to Pawnee City
last Frld'iy to help tho chorus of that
place. This chorus of sixty voices will
aid in the June festival at Peru. .
Prof. Oregg went to West Point last
Friday to appear before the city insti
tute. On Friday night he will lecture on
"Making (iood Cltlxens," and Saturday
he will lecture on "Dynamic Kducatlng.
Prof. Oresg lectured Sunday afternoon
to the Young Women's Christian associ
ation on the subject. "The Ideal Woman."
At the same time Prof. I. i Wilson gave
his lecture "Marking Hood'' to the Young
Men's society.
Miss C'lelar.d, matron of the Mount Ver
non dormitory, gave a reception to tho
students and faculty on Washington's
birthday. All of the rooms were hand
somely decollated and student eecorts
took the visitors to all the rooms. Punch
and wafers were served.
Prof. House took his Girls' Olee club
to Nebraska City for an entertainment
whleh was; Riven under the auspices of
the high school. There are thirty-two
Itirls In the club. He will take the club
to Rrownvllle next wdek where they
will appear as one number of the lecture
The manual training department has ex
panded to such a degree that another
room ' has been fitted up to meet the
conditions of Increase. There are now
W taking the work. It has iust received
;)00 worth of tools and four more new
benches. There are thirty girls of tho
trainer's claas taking the work that is
outlined for rural schools.
Doaae Collesje.
Rev. W. D. King of Aurora was a Doane
visitor Wednesday.
Miss Lois McMillan of Thedford is vis
iting Doane friends. ,
The freshman class presented a very
charming program here Friday evening
under the head of "Freshman Frolics,"
"President Allen left Crete Wednesday
for an extended eastern trip. He will call
upon the college alumni and patrons In
the east and will preach in several New
Ungland pulpits.
The Crete Public schools and Doane
College joined in a patriotic meeting Mon
day afternoon at tne congregational
church. An address was given by Prof,
II. W. Caldwell of the University of Ne
braska. -
Doane has four delegates In attendance
st tho Joint conference of the Young
Men's Christian issociation. Young
Women'a Christian association and Stu
dent VolunteorH at Hastings. Messrs.
Kluvri Kawver and Solomon Zeorian are
ucle'getea from the Young Men's Christian
sssoelstion. and Misses Ida btewari ana
Trilla Ourdner from the Young Women's
Christian association.
The preliminary debate for choosinfi
the teams for the Cotner-Bellevue-Doann
triangular debate was held Tuesday
evening. As a result of this contest the
following teams have been chosen:
Against Cotner, R. I. Blatter. O. E.
Brandt, R. W. Nedrow. against Beltevuo,
J. (-.. Whitehorn. C. V. Hobaon. R. H.
Noyce. The date of the triangular ia
March 12. Doane will debate against
Bellevue at Crete and against Cotner at
Nebraska Wesleyan Vnlverslty.
Twelve or fifteen students are spend
ing the week-end at Hastings attending
tho missionary convention being held
there undet the auspices of the Christian
Dr. Honahue. a returned missionary
from India, and now connected with the
general mlaslonary board of the Methodist
church addressed the students at convoca
tion Friday morning.
The revival meetings of the Methodist
Fldaenpal church are being well attended
by the students. Ross Harper of the
ouartet Is chorister. The orchestra and
the quartet are assisting in the music.
Vice Chancellor Schreckengest has been
out In the field working on the endow
ment cenipalgn for the last week. It Is
the plan now to push this work vigor
ously during the remainder of the confer
ence year.
Root Y. Lee. a native Korean, who
graduated from the College of IJberal
Arts last June, Is now on his wav back
to his native land where he will do mis
sionary work under the direction of tho
missionary board, probably aa instructor
In one of the mission schools.
FreJ L. Francis of Wsshlngton. D. C,
has presented the university with a
splendid flag and staff. Mr. Francis was
one of the flrtU students to register at
Weslevan anti helped plant many of the
trees which now adorn the campus. He
Is now connected with the Department of
Chadroa Normal School.
Miss Violette Evans Is now making her
home at the dormitory.
Mrs. Rnstln visited her parents at Hem
Ingford Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Frailer visited over Isst Saturday
and Sunday with her sister in Alliance.
A drawing rlass of thirty-two membora
has been organized under tha direction
of Mias Driscoll.
Mrs. M. M. Blsnehard and Mr. Sollen
berger of Marsland were visitors in the
Normal Thursday.
Ora and Newman Card were absent
from school all last week on account of
the storm and bad roaoa.
Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Sweeney enter
tained the dorr.itorv girls last Saturday
evening at a dulightful informal Somerset
I,m Riselow of Harrison, a brother of
Rav Blgelow cam to hee "Charley's
Aunt." and remained to vlelt the Normal
last Friday.
Mins Ruth fiturdevsnt was In charge of
the fifth and sixth grades of the model
school Isst week In the sbkenr of the
director, Miss Delsell.
Miss Mary Mann, a members of the
rlass of '14 who Is teaching near Way
side, vlxlted with friends snd tcaTliers
In the Normal Friday.
At the regular business meeting f the
seniors Isst Tuesday, the prsldnt. Mr.
1 luelow. appointed the following lommlt-leea-
(Miss dav. Mias Scott. Miss Cirubb
Matter Expresses This Opinion in
Explaining Vtt of First Na
tional Bank Certificates.
"When you use Inine amount of
money, tlie more ynu lisr, tlic Wttrr
off you are."
With the above remark, lin k- Inci
dentally In the course ol his testimony
In his own defense under croas-exami-nntton.
Attorney Thomas II Mntters
censed laughter In fediial court Satur
day afternoon, and the trial was stopped
a minute, while order was restored.
Matters had been asked by 1'lsirlct
Attorney F. S. Howell concerning the
Issuance of certificates of . deposit ly
President Luebben or the defunct First
National bank of Sutton. The accused
lawyer explained thst he got certain
certificates as cashiers' checks, for the
purpose of getting a Icsn by using the
bank's credit, while the personal cheeks
he sent In exchange were being rlrcult
ously returned for payment.
He said that be did so sometimes when
he had considerable money In his Omaha
bank account, and by way of further
explanation, made the icmark that
caused the laughter.
I'nsaln Case Alona,
Judge Frank A. Youmans continued the
afternoon session of url until 6 o'clock
and ordered the trial to proceed again
at 1:30 o'clock Monday morning, thereby
lengthening the daily c tirt session by
half an hour.
Jn his morning testimony. Matters went
Into details concerning his account with
the Sutton bank, and sought to prove
College Notes
nnd Mr. Cnrlev; school memorial. Miss
Murdevant. Miss Coekrell and Mr.
Iewenthal' social, Miss Schuebcl, Miss
Good and Mr. Ioowenthal.
Th Hcore for the Chadron-Speai f Ish
basket ball game should have been to
(I In favor of Speaiflsh. Instead of 37 to
2.1 as was reported last week.
Misses Blanche Daniel. Kllxabeth TCaton,
Vlda Mackey, Gladys Sewrlght, F.riiesllne
Thomas and Al'ce llahn spent the week
end In their respectlvo homos.
Ilastlnas College.
President and Mrs. Crone attended the
slate oratorical contest at Crete lHSt
Friday, accompanying the orator. Burgess
Ex-Governor Phallenberger gave an ad
dress to the college last Tuesday, which
waa listened to with rapt attention by
the student body, and a few of tha
The new officers of the Young Men's
Christian association have been installed
aa follows: C irtis Gait, president; Grt
xlnger, vice-president; Trlnce, treasurer;
Chandler, editor, and George Howcn,
A debate has been arranged with Grand
Island college to take place on May 7.
The home content will bo held the latter
pari of March with about a doxen stu
dents competing for the opportunity of
making the team.
Last Sabbath the Gospel Team band
had charge of the services at Stockham.
President Crone occupied tho pulpit at
Kdgar during the absence of the pastor.
Rev. Griffith, and presented the work
of Hastings college.
President Crone Is to be at Beaver City
the coming week speaking to the Teach
ers' association on Saturday and in the
Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. Dean
Remo expects to be at Fairfield speak.
Ing before the Teachers' association of
Clay county the following Saturday.
York College.
Monday morning Prof. Mianer reviewed
the oratorical contest held at Crete.
A piano recital waa given by the Junior
class of the conservatory in the chapel
of the college Saturday afternoon.
The Young Men's Christian association
held a mass meeting of the boya Tuesday
following chapul, to raise money for their
Mr. Waldorf, the York college repre
sentative, took fourth place In the con
test. Mr. Wnhlorf ia a freshman In the
c.olleg. while his opponents, excepting
one, were seniors.
Friday morning was turned over as
Fenlor Recognition dsv. The seniors
were dressed In can and gown. Recogni
tion speeches were given to the class by
representatives of each class.
"An Kmntv House'' was presents! bv
the expression depsrtment Tuesday nltrlit
in the chapel, or college auditorium. The
house wss crowded, a large per cent of
the audience being York cltlxens.
The chapel exercises Thursdsy morning
were in charge of the muslo deoartment.
Miss Kline rendered "The Butterfly;"
Mis Hsrrltt the Instrumental solo. "The
Lorelei;" Mrs. Salveter sang "Summer."
Kremoat College.
President Clemmnna has arranged with
Edmund Ygnoa Cook for an entertain
ment to be given early in March.
President Clemmons Is in attendance
at the National Superintendent and Prin
cipals' aosociation at Cincinnati.
Elmer Barnes and Wilbur Hancock
were elected delegates to tho Youn Men's
Christian association state convention.
wnicn mot at Masting last week.
The German club presented a creditable
program in chapel Wednesday morning.
Music was furnished by the club, nnd
also the orchestra. The speaker of the
morning was Rex-. Schuldt of the Ger
man Lutheran church.
Prof. R. M. McDUl look charge of the
exercises Thursday morning in chapel,
presenting two classic poems, after which
Prof. John W. fcwlhart favored the au
dleme with three violin numbers. He
was accompanied by Miss Amy Grau.
Bellerne College.
Following the Putton nrlze debate Mon
day night the two Bellevue debating
teams wera redlvided In anticipation of
the triangular Intercollegiate debate In
two weeks. I'nder the new division
Hernia Berkhelmer, Anne Johnston and
Walter Webb, on the affirmative, will
debate Cotner at Bellevue; Bernice Dunn,
Talma Jensen and Dean Fales, on the
negative, will go to Doane.
Prof. Edwin L. Puis of the Boyd-Brsn-deis
School of Expression, who succeeded
Miss Fitch as instructor in drsmatlc art
at Bellevue college, has a class among
the senior academy pupils, who Intend to
put on a plav March at McDermutt's
sudltorium. It will be a farce. In three
acts, entitled, "Tommy's Wife." The
Bellevue Players, the college dramatic
club, are preparing to give an evening's
program before the Faster holidays.
For Sprains
and Bruises
The first thing to tto for a aprainer
a bruise is to cover tha hurt with a
piere ef flannel soaked with Omega
Oil. Quick relief usually follows this
f-mple treatment. Trial bottlo toe
tl'St he hs.,1 not been credited with nil the
deposits lie made He also Insinuated
the allCFnttoti timt l.iul.l.en. now un.lei
indli tmi lit as piinclp:il. handled
teis' Sutt n lvnk aic vmr ftandiilcntly
Some of Msttets' testimony was excluded
from tlie record on ob.icitlon if He
proseeut Ion.
a. Del.lts padded.
In hli afternoon testimony under ill
re t iiuestloiiliift of counsel, Mutters (Its
cussed the debits aiiainst his a. i mint
with tie Sutton bank He allege, 1 that
a total of over JIT.'"i had been wroim
fully i tun Red n-:n'ti-t linn duiiiih the
last yiar Die Imnk opcite.l
Prosecutor Howell Ial not piomcssed
fur Into the crosa-ex.'ininstlmi. when
adjournment taken. He quest toned
Matters closely snd (!to latter frequently
hnd to be directed ;y JtidKc . iciTiians
to answer questions as put. the vitness
having a tendency lo make replies un-
satlsfaclcry tu Howell The latter paid
particular intention to what Matters gave
snd received In Ms deals Involving the
bank's certificates. The Indictment In
eludes counts alleging that he misap
plied funds raised on sin h paper.
Pharmacy Class
Entertained by
Local Drug Firm
The l!M."i graduating cla" of the Cieltilis
ton College cf Pharmacy lulled the
Richardson Dvug company Tuesday. Prof.
J. K. O'Brien of the Crelghton faculty
and I. W. Fredei -Icksoti, president of the
class, having arranged for the visit.
Arriving they were taken through the
various depart mints, Including the bottle
floor, crude drug department, patent
medicine stock, general order floor, pack
ing room, stationery stock, sundry sam
ple room and basement, containing all
heavy barrel and case goods. Finally
they went to the laboratory, whero tables
had been arranged to accommodate the
entire class, and light refreshments were
served. The room and tablea were
decorated In blue and white, the class
colors. The offh cm and members of
the class are:
K. W. Frederlckson, president, Fre
mont, Neb.; D. W. .McComlm, vice presi
dent. Genoa, Neb.: KuIhIIh Mteliiniier.
secretary and treasurer, btelnnuer, Neb.;
II. W. Bauer, Sutton, Neb.: J. .1. Bax
ter, WIKsonxllle. Neb.; F. Ilenolt. Twin
Falls, Idaho; G. F. Herkenkotter, Peters
burg, Neh.; D. A. Brooke, Hastings, Neb.;
II. N. ChrlMtensen, Fremont, Neb.; R. 1.
Dame. Htratton Neb.; Pauline Dansky,
Omaha,' Neb.; Ixmlsc DoFrnnee, Gllenil,
Neb.: II. O. Drew, Council Bluffs, Ia.;
W. K. Kngelbnrt. Fort Dodge, la.; A.
J. Frledrlck, Dubuque, la ; A. (Jauviean,
Omaha; C. T. llanfclt. Omaha; T. M.
Bailey. Uockport, Mo.; .1., Wls
ner, Neh. ; D. tlreenlierg. Omaha; K F.
Gaeth. Schuyler, Neb.: !,. A. Johnson,
Omaha; S. ORourke, ComliirHiigo, Colo.;
B. E. CJiiick, Rock.iort, Mo.; F. A.
Schlelds, Park City, I tan; L. M. llerrod.
Columbus. Neb.; J. Meeker, Pierce, Neb.;
H. E. Hodsdon, Schuyler, Neb.; H K.
Lincoln, Dunbar, Neb.: F, Marsh, Coun
cil Rlufrs. la.; W. F. Mcldicr. South
Omnha; II. K. Murnhy, .1. R. Murphy,
Omaha: J. P. Mclaughlin, Anaconda,
Mont.; Margaret O'Connell, Grand Rapids,
Mien.:. -. u. rismple, south Omaha; W.
W. Beyfer. I-eJflva. Colo.; H. It. Smith.
Omaha: A. T. Stavn, Bruno, Neb.; F.
Swobodn, Omaha: F. F. Toepfer, Vic
toria. Kan.; V.. L. Thompson, Ohadron.
Neb.: C. P. Trepanler. Grand Forks. N.
D. C. F. Wlencinan. Ilartlngtnn, Neb.;
R. R. Zastera. Ilo-vells. Neh.. snd F.
Schobel, Bloomlngton, Neb,
A going business can be sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances.
HE can give the population of anyplace in America of over 5,000
HE can give every important date in the world's history
HE has 300,000 Facts and Figures stored away in his brain
William Berol is this man's name
and a few years ago his memory was
distressingly poor. His present amaz
ing efficiency has been developed
through his own simple, practical
He is now teaching his system with
He Can Build YOUR Memory
So That it Will Never Fail
Ha can fivs you a tnaonorjr that will always rs
tnsmbsr Narnss, faces, Dates.
His simple aystsm will curs mind-wandering
and tsach concentration.
You can rsrosmbtr tha facta in a book aftsr
ona rsading.
You can rscall any fact or epiaoda that you wish.
You can bacoma a clear thinker, and in public
psaking navar ba at a toss (or a word or ssntsncs.
Dsvota 13 mlnutaa a day, to hla Mail Coursa in
your home or offica, and you will ba astonished.
Ha makes no claim for hie ayatam that ba can
not aubatantiata in his own parson.
Sign tha Blank to-day and Mod it for full fras
particulars of this man's wonderful msmory and
bis offsr to YOU.
334-360 Feextk Aeao'te, New Yerk
School Review Sold i
To Zane Thompson
Ti e Middle West Si Pool Review of I
Om.ibs i hanged hands yesterday. the
Ixtopp ,4 llaitlitt company selling the
publication to Zane Thompson, formeily
editor f the Western Trader
The policy of the new owner is to con
duct the publication Independent of tac
tions an on the s. hool Interests of Ne
braska, hut along, tlie same standard of
typographical excellence maintained by
Klupp Hnillett. who have owned and
published II e Journal for the Isst twelve
The Mlldle Went School Hex lew was
estahllshedj seven cms ego by Frank
I'llner of Norfolk under the name of the
Nebraska School Jtel, It bus main
tained a conrlHtent prowth since Its estab
Suit for t-'.".0i against Charles Lewis
and Lewis II. Peterson, saloon proprietors,
and the Illinois Surely company has been
begun In district court by Mrs. P.mnia K.
Lindsay nnd Jaines Jr., aged 1.1 years, on
tlie Ktiiuiul that liquor sold lo James C.
Lindsay rinsed him to lose Ills health
and earning capacity.
Da)-In and Da-Out
THREE hundred end sixty-frfo clays
a yearwhat perplexes- you most
at meal time ? It's the problem of dessert ! In
xJariaLlp, what do you turn to as a CeritsbU
stand-bx)? It'i Ice Cream so good, so pure,
to appealing that all doubt Danishes instantly.
answers natural craving for wholesomeness
and quality". It's best bp test, and stands
that test day-in and day-out. Make a habit
of eating more Ice Cream daily but be sure,
for your awn sake, that it's
aot emvss
beneficial ayatam of V A ;$
home training. v X
All tprreepon-
dance strictly
confine n-
Headache usually comes from a alug
glsh liver snd bowels. If you feel bil
ious, dizry or tongue is coated and
stomach sour. Just get a 10-cent bog of
Casearctsj to start your liver and bowels
nd your hesilsrhes will end. Adver
tisement. A chock Recount I
more of a noresslty
than a luxury, and you
can enjoy It without
Ask a ninn with a
check account If he
would be without it.
55ft? Cream
- of
All Ice Cream
the HUJOGit
great success to large classes at many
of the leading educational institutions
in New York City, having been in
dorsed by the heads of the education
al departments.
He desires to impart his method
to YOU by mail.
jCT" i?3 PS'ir Confidential particulars by mall
B r- no agent will call. Dsuch,
"eaBBBi ass fign mj maij Bj,nk nj
you will recsiva interesting dstaila of thia ra-
markable man and hia equally remarkable
brothers; Of tha wonderful feate of memory
which they perform aa a result of their 4jF
easy practical method of memory- .
building. Every student, business V XT
and. professional man ahould VS ,v
learn how ha can become J x
"forget-proof" by devoting A j,
some of hia epare mo- a .O .
.vlr '
rT rj'.f
T W" y'
A", r
xx. V