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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
9 A EIGHT IS BETTER THAN SIX So Sayi Charlei S. Crawford, Chief Engineer for the Cole Motor Car Company. CHANDLER SALESROOMS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. ARE "A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire ' V A" i 99 THK OMAHA sfXnAY UKK: FERHUAUY LESS EXPERIMENT ON NEW CAR The eight-cylinder motor car which has so taken the publlo by storm is really a mystery to th. majority of the "motor wlse," snd discission of Tarious point In Its construction are of common occur rence. For the enlightenment of those Interested In the eight. Chief Knglneer Charles 8. Crawford of the Colo Motor Car company, who spent three connec tive months at the Northway plant assist ing In the construction and completion of the motor, states that the Cole Eight la today In a better state of final develop ment than any new four or six motor that baa ever been placed In a Cole car. Mr. Crawford recently gave a talk on the Cole Eight-Cylinder motor In which he explained Its perfections, lie said In part: "From actual experiment it has been proven ao far as we are concerned that we have had less development and ex perimental work to do on our elght-cyl-Inder motor to make It a practical com mercial success from the layman view point than we experienced on either foure or sixes of rest an nf.w design. "Some time ago we realised the grow ing public Bentiment for a power riant which would approach the turbine con trol effect. And when this demand as sumed commercial proportions, through our long established connection with motor building specialists, we were ready to meet the demand with a developed iroduct. Public Demand Commands. "In the pnst It hs hopn the policy to design motor cars under the supervision of one man with more or less fixed Idess of construction and engineering. But motor ear building has automatically re solved Itself into a democratic process. The will of the people now rules. Tubllc demand for the eight Is Irrepressible. Hut this demand, by the more conscien tious builders, la being met with their responsibility for correct construction In mind. "The Cole Eight la today In a better state of final development than any new four or six motor that has ever gone Into a Cole car, and Cole cars have un deniably been famous for their good motors. The carburetlon of an elght cyl'nder depends is.i-aely uron the design of the manifold, and Its relation to the general construction of the motor. The scissor typo connection rod employed In the Cole Eight permits of maximum bearing surface, which is far in excess of the bearing surface In positively suc cessful sixes and fours of equal piston displacement. "The extreme simplicity of the oiling system In the Cole Eight motor makes It permanently positive and efficient. The continuous flow of power in tho eight makes It possible to generate vastly more horsepower with greatly reduced weight, which from an engineering standpoint means that the eight Is headed In the right direction." Work Twenty-Four Hours Every Day in Paige Factory Twenty-four hours Is all the Paige-Detroit Motor Car company can squeeze out. of a working day. but the big factory where the Paige "Slx-46" are made la I alt In g advantage of every second of the Iwenty-four to meet the demand for its l!i!5 models. Any time Is a good time to report cheer ful news, but for obvious reasons, no time la better than now to be the messenger of commercial good cheer. It is. therefore, especially pleasing to report that so great Is tho success of tho Paige company, so insistent the demand for the new ''six'1 snd the popular Olenwood "four" that tho inauguration of a full twenty-four hour schedule of three eight-hour shifts was recently found necessary In order to keep abreast of the ordera Tho new Paige "six" was an Immediate success, but as soon as the automobile shows started the orders for cars became so heavy, the Immediate sales from the floor of the shows so large, that the factory would have been swamped had not heroic measures been taken.- The Paige company sold more than 11,000,000 worth of cars at the New York and Chi cago shows alone, which Is believed to be a record, and the enthusiasm and prac tical results at the other shows through out the country continues so great that the tweny-four hour day will probably be mnlnalned at the factory for some time to come. Ford Invades Field, in South America Elias Romero, a multl-mlllionalre; in fact, one of the richest men of Buenos Aires, owns nine big Panhard Levassors automobiles, four of them for delivery purposes. Yet he has Just bought a Ford for touring, reports E. H. Hampton of the Buenos Aires branch of the Ford Motor company, and In the spring ex pects to Introduce Ford equipment for his delivery Mr. Hampton, by the way, writes that crop conditions In that part of South America are excellent, which means big sales, big business and prosperity in which American manufacturers now can share. The fact of Branch Manager Hampton's presence and activity and success In Buenos Aires Is another demonstration of the Ford Motor company's policy of going after the business aggressively whe-tsver U may. In any and all the markets of the world. NEW IDEA ADOPTED FOR SELLING AUTOS The Mclntyre Auto company has adopted an entirely new method of sell ing new cars. It la sending out a travel ing man with an old Stearns-Knlvht car that has been In continuous service for over four years. By so doing, the prospective purchaser can see just what he may expect after the new ear has been used that long, and M will not have to depend on the sales man's word, or anything else, as the csr la there to show for Itself. The salesman will also have a signed statement from the former owner, who has bought another one of the same kind, but with the many body refinements and equipment which goes on the If.te up-to-date cars. Mr. Mclntyre believes that no amount of argument or persuasiveness will equal hat the purchaser mill see for himself in the perfect working and absolute alienee of the old car. J J V ' Heyn.) R. E. DAVIS, Jl. E. Davis, to whom the automobile public of Omaha needs no introduction, opened the new Chandler salesrooms at 2214-16 Farnam street. "1 spent a great deal of time In choosing the car that I was to represent In this territory, ' said Mr. Davis. I visited every booth at the New York show, snd not having entirely satisfied myself, repeated this Investiga tion at the Chicago show and carefully weighed each feature of every car. com pared specifications, weights, appearances and prices. "I was determined to sell the car that had every cnsentlal of the high-pri'-ed car, but a price that would appeal to all. I had Just about decided on the Chandler when I received the news that the price of the Chandler had been reduced I.3W. "Mr. Chandler convinced me that the reduced price did not mean reduced qual ity. Every big feature for which the Chandler has always been famous is still there. This makes the Chandler abso lutely the best buy on the market. The specifications that the high-priced cars brag about are still found In the Chandler. This year's car. with Its extreme stream line pressed steel body, la certainly beauty." 'All-Weather' Tires Prove Popular With Makers and Owners "Our great Increase of output In 'All Weather Tread tires Is, among other things, a sign of how car manufacturers are giving better and better equipment with their products." says U C. Rockhill, manager automobile tire department, the OooUyear Tire and Rubber company. "A few years ago cars were sold without wind shields and without other things that are provided as a matter of course with cars of today. And the tire that came with new cars were usually plain treads, unless soma special arrangement for noneklds has been made by pur chasers. "When we started to push our All Weather Tread tires for rear wheels, be cause of their obvious advantages, we considered we were doing well If sales of All-Weather Treads were 23 per cent as large as sales of plain tread tires. A big change has come In the last year or two. We estimate that for 1515 Good year tires will equip approximately 200,00 new cars. Of these nearly half will have All-Weather Treads on rear wheel tires. The demand for this popu lar, sate snd fine appearing type of tire Is growing by leaps and bounds, and automobile manufacturers may be com plimented for recognlrlng It and supply ing All-Weathers to the car user, though All-Weathers cost more to make than pluln tread tires. "Not only car manufacturers, but users as well, recognize this era of the All Weather Tread, and our sales to dealers, to be sold in turn to consumers, are now divided between All-Weathers and plans, practically fjO-ffl. Hospital Room in the Dodge Brothers Plant at Detroit Muck-rakers on factory conditions will find little material to work on when visiting some of the big Detroit motor car plants. The fine twenty-acre factory of Dodge Brothers In the northern sub urbs of the city is a striking rase In point. In addition to serve-self restaurants, rest rooms and other features provided for the comfort of the employes of the company, the visitor of Dodge Brothers' factory will find a completely equipped hospital In one of the big I0 foot build ings which make up the plant. In charge of an experienced physician In a suite of first-aid rooms which would do credit to many a small city. Finished In shining white enamel throughout, the Dodge hospital consists of an operating room, physicians' room, nurses' room and sep arate wards for men and women. Only In rare cases does the physician In charge deem It necessary to turn over any of his patients to city hospitals for further treatment, as he has the equipment and material necessary for all save excep tional cases. Through the Institution of an Intelligent safety-first campaign, and the safe guarding of all dangerous machinery, Dodge Brothers have cut down accidents to the minimum In their factory. Safety first with the familiar red circle In the renter are posted In all sections of the plant, together with, occasional pictures of an en loye who failed to take ordinary care ami lost a ringer or thumb thereby, By placing a premium on carefulness tho factory managers have greatly cut down the minor mjurles so common' few yesrs back among workers n a big inuusiriai concern. NEW MINNEAPOLIS HOME -FOR FEDERAL TIRE FIRM Largely Increased business In the northwest lias caused the Federal Rub. ber Manufacturing Company of Milwau kee, Wis., to plan a magnificent new home for Its Minneapolis branch. The new building will he located at 1117 llen nepln Avenue and will be the clearing house for a vast amount of new busi ness handled In that ttrrttory. Tho new structure will be two stories in height, with a full basement. II. F. Bigelow, well known In the tire business, is Min neapolis manager for the Federal company. Get competent h.lp through. The B through The Bee's "Business Chanosa." WmrStf KEEP A TIRE RECORD PwfM $1tW:V S5 ------------------- "'wt:rj mmL mm W. JW mrW WWfev- : 0xMW Factory capacity doubled ample supply of the famous "Chain Treads" now ready, and at the lowest price in their history Our total factory capacity has been doubled. Now we are ready to supply "Chain Tread" Tires in unlimited quantities at popular prices. For several years we have built "Chain Tread" Tires for a limited trade, but heretofore we have not been able to produce "Chain Treads" in large quantities. Cfaaie I read. 99 ires Safety experts acknowledge our rubber chain tread, built on this powerful modern tire. to be an absolutely marvelous non-skid device. We challenge any competitor's tire to show you the same combination of real anti-skid protection and low cost per mile. We challenge you to keep a tire record and prove it for yourself. Send your name and address for a set of Free Tire Record Blanks, to Omaha Agency: Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 Harney Street "Chain Tread" Tires arc sold by Leading Reliable Dealers. Do not accept substitutes ft Made by the Largest Rubber Company in the World (Operating 46 Factories) Coo DISTRIBUTORS lb08 Haroy 66 JUST AROUND TIE COMER 09