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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
P A Till: OMAHA srXDAV ttKE: FKHRUARY 23, 191"). DRESHER BROS. IN NEW BOOTH Braadeis Store Consents to Place Dresner Receiving Station at Entrance of Pompeian Room. CLEVELAND BOOSTERS COME, Leading Cleveland Men Coming Wednesday Fifty Representative Business Men to Spend Day Here Looking Over the City. TRAVEL ON A SPECIAL TRAIN Busy.Dep't in Busy Store. Dresners Already Sub merged With Spring Cleaning Work. Pri-shcr Brothers. tha Cleaners & Dyers, with the $57,000 plant at C21 1-2213 Farnaro St.. are ver on the alert to bring their excollent art to the tmp ana vtth that end In iow have prevailed upon the- man acenient c The Prandnls Stores to ngaln place the Drerher branch re reiving statinh at Its original post tlon at the-entr-nce t the evr lively and pulsating Ponipelan Room. So. when oti again visit that met ropolitan ' ("tore please note that Dresner -'hate switched places think of the ' Pompeian Room think of Dresners and find the Dreeher booth right as you go Into the PompHan Room from the store proper. Dresner's plant Is undergoing Its Wednesday. som flftjr buslneps tnen of Oveland are to be here on a trade oxf urslon. The Commercial club Is to alve a luncheon at noon In honor of the visitor. The Clevelnn I boosters sre to rcsrh Omaha on in arly mornln spe clnl train. Musical numbers and Informal tslks will be alven si the bind, eon. Ilnslness aco.intanccs will he r. nrrt snd new onm mail durlns; the afternoon. Ths visitors will call on the various busi ness house In Omaha during th after- j noon. The Itinerary lncii! lc Moines, Ksnsa City. Omaha. Minneapolis. St. Tsui and Milwaukee. A day I to be spent tn en"h plnee. ICitlnK Wednesday a portion nf the tltv.e of some of the visitors will he s;--nl in Council Muffs, where entcrtsinincnt. sr.- to lie feat ured fur them. ' Thnar Who Are I omlnar. Nsjnes of tlio f'rms tcpr sriiled and people on the train are sent abend. Hern I list of the visitor .and tho firm represented: Albert M. Allen. Albert M. Allen 4 Co.; L. W. Jared. American Multiirraph company; R. O.' A. Phillip. American MaftlRraph comtsny: Morrl A. Hlnck. It. Wack company; A. W. Newman. It. Black company: II. It. I.ynn, Horn Kteel Ranse company; John C. Mcllunnon, annual Spring rush of business most everybody is aendlnc In some- Uvntrnt National bank: C. II. Miller, thin or olhr to be cleaned last jrhamplon Rjve company; J. K. Wllklaon, year's Spring or Fall Suit or Dresa ; chandler A Price, company; r'icd H. to bo cleaned, or djed, or altered, or jCaicy. Cleveland Automobile club. Mun all three. They do thla so as to be ; son Havens, Cleveland Chamber or Com quite In readiness for Easter Sunday ) rrerce; w. p. t.loyd. Cleveland Chamber and the Spring reason which Is ml.0f commerce; Adolph t. Klelri, ch-ve-so far a-vsv. Raster this year oc-jIllnd njoctrlcaJ and Machinery Manu curs on April 4th and time flies, JOU j faeturlnir company; W. F. Hlbhona. must admt iclevelnnd Hardware, cmpany; l. l. When sending In your SprlnR ; Klmmel. Cleveland X-.vl-.wcar company; ClothCa you UlUhl al0 send In yourjR T r Hardlna. Cleveland Plain rugs, curtains, drapea, hangings, D,ier- F. (1 . Puckwrll. Cleveland Twist etc. May as well get winter's tnusU- DrU . ,aMy. j. T.tur. Columbian iia out of them. Have them crisp, company; V.urm.s r". Has.. freFh. new. ond In sanitary condition ,.e ,,low. ornnilny). A. B. Marshall, for the .armor weather that's com-:vlr(l prMlirtnt yiTHi Na.10nal bank; Hev. , ' I lr. ' A, B. Meldrum, first Presbyterian l'i .t,uui n 4iiv tuiiiiiiK me man Hon of out-of-town trade more than ever, now that Dresners pay the re turn charge- on any sld bundle to any rolnt In America. This makes it enay for oul-of-townera. Don't stay without the premier service of cleaners -who "know how" simply because you happen to reside' away from Omaha. Hy tho way, Dreshera Issue a hanu innm llliiHtratol h nr. LI. I mnA tn a I r aa ist which they would be pleased to J K,,e' 'h1" fend free to out-of-town folks Rnd Morr'a J for It and see what a modern, $57, 000 plant looks like anyway. Just addr-sa your letter to Dresher Broth ers. Dresner .Building, Omaha, and it will reach ua. Or. if you live in town you cannot use the phono any too often to suit Dreshera. Just. rail Tyler 345 It's a private exchange and you will get the prompt eat kind of attention. Remember It's time to send In Spring clothes--to be cleaned aa only Drerhera can clean them. LI . 1 '-I I VtSIT OUft CAIAT FASHION EVENT 8PRINO 1 STYLE SHOW sylei riCLUIITB WOOX.HI'l.. i The Kallsb Z.acfs' Tailor 1 ; A IC3-S 7aaton Brook. iiiniiiinii I (hunh: II. If. ConoKhcn. Franklin Oil end Gna company; Pert Keller, Pried, Keller Knhn comtwinv. H. K. Klelo. Oas Plxture and Hraaa cimipaiiy; J. VI. I. itodier. tlrassel.l t'hcuitcal co;ipay. "W. A. Orecnlund, . Orecnlund, Kvniirrilell company; I.. N. Uroa. L, N. Gross com pany; William M. llant'c, Wllllnm M. Hardle company; A. D. Ilatilold. Hat field. Murray Walker; Hunter Mor rison. Hill Clutch company; Ailmn W. llollcnilcu Hotel company; Wolf, Koetoli KnlttlnK mills; W. W. Kelly, Kelly mmnany; HiKnvund Koraih, 8. Krach :o.; Hairy New, Landoamuit-lllrschlierrnvr company; J. . Monmt. 'jr., l-ader-Ncw; Richard H. lee: William J. Iucl; l.uck Illustrating i company ; J. K. Hc'.chcrt. J. M. & L. A. 0birn compHtiyi Hamuel 11. Maaon, Msnufacturera and Wboleaalcrs Merch ants board; Kdward Bower, Otis & Co.. I R, i K. Powler, Prints. Blcderman emu- pany; A. E. lllester. Rlcstcr Thcs mwher company; K. A ihwarentciB; E. 'Hperllna. K. Spsrlln company;; Brm-e TaVlor. Taylori ;balr company;. O. A. Tlnnerman, Tlnnerman Btove and Hantc. company) - F. I - Hunibci atone, comnny;'0, vompany. 1 ( . l s'"- S. ' I -t: - kl ra-.' m mm I II I , II V f II I I Vn ) ' a II Oliver W Upson s Jf Spaniard - J i ? J f .J'i- :0 yAy win v TALKS AB0UTJ00D ROADS Prof. Chatburn, Before the Commer cial Club, Predicts Farmer. Will Soon Use Auto Truck. TRANSPORTATION OF FUTURE Some day big gasoline '.Turks will b common carrk-ra thrviahout the nirnl districts, and will b cuirlna the fann ers' produce to town, and brlnf?ln hi sup piles to him, iisiicrtej Prof, (ieor Clintburn of the I'nivernty of Nebraska, who spoke at tbe Commercial club at noon. Prof. Clintburn t:rtdli ted that when the day of Rood roads over the coun try comes, the big tru. ks will he 84 cor.' mon us Jitney busses are In Onia'ia, o: more so. It will then be cheaper for tht farmer to have tho truck do his heav." haullna; than to kep a tru-k or his ow; or than to keep teams and wagms. Thi. It will take Kuud hard loads everywhere, he admitted. The professor spoke of the Importance of Rood roads to the community and to tverv phase of life. He talknd of the possibility of illstrlhutinR equitably th burden of taxation ncery to build i;ood roads. He admitted that this Is nlwnys a problem. "If we could put good roads all over the t'nited Statea at onee," he said, "there would be no question about who should pay for them. It would make little difference If tlwy wer Paid fur i. ut of tl.e nation's 'i-.crsl fund. Cut so long aa only small str ps are bulit at a t in-, tho r-:e: iWii of who Is most benefited Is a bis one. 'My Idea la that In u case of this kind the locality should Fay (iboiit f.r-tenthc of the expense, the couc.iy three-tenths, tba state two-tenths and t ins nation onc- tcnth. That would make the ten-tenths and 1 believe that is un equitable distri bution of the burden." Trof. Chatburn cnlled attention to the fact that th nation has given hillions to the work on hsrbors, and that It mlRht well spend similar am units on Its roads, which arc the means of. primary trans portation, while the '.'.arbors are only a factor In secondary transportation. "The cost of the Panama canal," he said, "would have built 40,000 mllea of good roads aa a cost of $10,000 a rnile. In other words, It would have built ten trunk lines of hard road acroea the continent." It's a Good Thing to Be Well Prepared TPCag A E. "Br own T. P. Cagwla la commercial superintendent of the Cleveland Telephone company and a member of the Manufacturers' and Wholesale Merchants' board. A. K. Brown is a member of the executive committee of the Manu facturers' and Wholesale Merchants' .board. Oliver W. Upson Is president of the Manufacturers' and Wholesale Merchants' board J. C. Bralnard is chairman of the committee on trade extension excursions of the Manufac turers' and Wholesale Merchants' board.. For Grip, Inriuciiza,; Coughs, I'ioe Tlivoat W. I pjon, I'pson, Tis.t'ic Wallon Col. Welsh Accuses "Dad" Weaver of Base Ingratitude Ittgratltudc! Tfiafs what fqloncl Welsh - of the weather bureau calla It. For many yeura bo has been predicting Omaha 'weather and giving the city and stale as' lood a rllmalc as he knows how, and providing Ideal weather for Ak-ar- Hcn week sometimes. result? ica be get? vt nai appreciation is aiiown ior iiib.ioii . The commutes appointed by Mis. Wl-:nm self-farkerflse? tcr N. Halsey In accordance with autbrn : x ,.um BnBrr. taken at the nesre meeting mlilrcssia ly ( j. i. Weaver, better known aa Mine.. Roslka Hchwlmmcr Wednesday eve-1 ,.,,. ,llo tne ,.0,',ncra offlco Peace Party Move . ;. is. Bearing Fruit! jl, "Had." a few non to investigate the. feasibility ot form- , weeks ami and ,lmiilres what kind of liig "a .lo,' al branch of the peace party, I went her can he expected this year be wlll , niel Tuesday, afternoon nt 2:r , twt:en September I".' tfnd October 9. o'clock at the Young' Woman's Cbrlstlati ' lad" is the secretary to the King of Stsodation,' The committee Includes j gi Ivera. and he is anxious for good Mesdamea W. P. Harford, Hraiwr Mnltb, i VrnUii r during the great annual fcstlvl Nelson, C. W. RuscU and l W.MIct,' liayca. Th advisability of holding a filled nMh MUalt Inara. largo masa meeting to promote the ! eao j- (Vrhups bis heart was filled with mls sentlinent will be dlscusaed. irIsIiirm ut the rcnuiiibrance of firmer .A. movement la. being started to brlns '. years Winn tl'e week was somewhat COfcDS Mme, rSchwlmmer to (inialm for a n turn j address. Her talk made a profound 1m- . prciston oh to email present, I the attendance having bean limited be-j cause of other attract ona that evening. ' It is understood' that local Hungarians have signified a desire to co-opcralu with marred by Interference from Jupe Plu vlus and Old Boreas. But wliat th ! iloncl doesn't Ilk Is that "Dud ' came to him hxailng the olive branch of trn;t, and the colonel took Mid In not In the low alsngy sense but he received him and treated him as a la aa barren of weather information as a chicken's mouth Is ot teeth. But,, oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth hi Ingratitude. Tho colonel is going to TRY to forget It. Yes. he la going to try. It la bis duty But- Omaha Ohio Club to Hold Meeting in May The Ohio club, committee on arrange ments for this year a entertainment met and decided to hold the annual even. aoma time In May at a date and pi set- to be announced later. The committee decided ,alo on havlmt for thld year 'lmply a social Catherine of all Ohlowana who can attend, with tlu usual banquet feature omitted. , STOMACHS against any trouble that might arise from a bad stomach, an impaired diges tion, a lazy liver or clogged bowels These, ailments quickly upset your general health .make the ippetite poor the blood impov erished. They should not be neglected another day. Try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It will help Nature restore the di gestive system to a normal condi tion and assist in every way to ward the maintenance of health. Dr. Epstein at the Jewish Synagogue Dr. B. Epstein will speak this evening at S at the Jewish aynagogue. Eight eenth and Chicago streets, on "What la tho Future of the Jewish Nation, aad What Is the National Fund?" Dr. Kpsteln, who comes from Cologne, Cermsny, on behalf of the Jewish national fund, has been doing organization work for the fund, especially In Russia. The disturbance ot Zionist work in Europe hat Induced the national fund headquar ter to transfer him to the t'nited States, pending the war. He received a rabbin ical training In Kflssla and Is a graduate of the University of Marburg, where he studied under Prof. "Herman Cohen. He speaka several languages. As an organ izer he la said to understand mass psy chology and appreciates systematic propa ganda and organisation. Wherevor he goes rio organizea well disciplined groups devoted to the national fund work and f lieu them with enthusiasm. ASKS OHDER TO STOP THE COLLECTION OF JUDGMENT the. women' In kn effort ti linvo Mint- i friend and broke bread with lilm, or fcihw immtr. apeak In Omaha ugiiln.'. . would have done so If there bad been any . ; i i bread around the office to break. WAP. BRIDES TO BE GIVEN ! ' the cornel told Mm. to the very . OM Cnrial ICTC PnnftP&M ibcet of h" uhl-.Uy aa meteorological scl- , VMS VWMinuuiy I :,rp ,-lvo lgMi ..''' ' . ! expect about that lima of ' The socialist rarty Has ior many year.i Ernest II. Thompson In a suit In dis trict court against Jo'.m R. h'tinc and Archibald P. Kelley, aska V,001 damn Res and a restraining ord r . forbtildlng tho bringing of ' garnishment suits In tin at tempt to collect a $12 Judgment. Thompson asserts that he lost a Job aa awltchman w;lth the t'nlon Pacific as a result of the defendants' a.leged per secution. - To-Push the "Buy it . In Omaha" Slogan Th "opportunity for American n.anu fncturers at the present time" was dwelt ujion by Prrsldcnt John W. (Jambio of the Omaha Manufacturer' association at a general meeting of the aaaoctatlnn Friday, when Mr. Gamble gave bis in- leugural address. New officers were In itialled uiid home patronage plans were I dlfcussed. I The association advocated a campaign ! .if painting delivery wagons, sprinkling jwuRons and other vehicles with the "Day II In Omaha slogan. A campaign oi adveitlslna: of lomt comprehensive ex tent la being formulated by the manufacturers. r 4 Why You Lose Your Hair All soaps are made of vegetable or animal oils or fats, combined with lye or caustic Most soaps, especially animal fat soaps, shaving soaps, etc., make a very penetrating lather and, if used for a shampoo, soaks the hair fibre full of soapy suds. The hair is a long time dry ing and even when dry, much soap is left within the hair. This soap gradually breaks down or disintegrates, releasing the lye which eats into the hair, rotting it and making it fall out or break off. Lee'a Shampoo is different. By using a neutral soap made of vegetable oils, olive, cottonseed and cocoanut, In proper proportion, and combined with pure grain alcohol, glycerine, distilled water ana antiseptic, aromatic oils, we get a liquid shampoo that goes direct to the scalp, cleanses thoroughly and quickly of all grease, dirt and dandruff, docs not soak the hair fibre full of suds, dries tn one-half to one-fourth the time of any other, leaving the scalp clean and the hair soft and fluffy, free from surplus soap. A TRI At SHAMPOO IS VERY ICONVrNCINO Large 32 dram bottle (l shampoos for man), 25 eta. Quart bottle, fills 25c aize 8 times, $1. For asle st most drug stores. Sample thsmpoo mailed postpaid, IS els. v i - ';'J?.' ' ''it-'4 m Mod only ot th laboratories of GEO. H. LEE CO. 5 llllJl.llllbllil Omaha, Nebraska uitiilLiiilulMi; Uuliililtllilillli-illililiiiLlLlullillluiJi liliiJiiiiIi!liiiuJluiiilii!iii! to Just what the .year. And he Kent "Iliul" on hia v refnlclnff observed February ti as -woman's Oay. , ... ,-. ll: will be celebrated thla year by an cn-, ,. ,, . ... ... ,n-,. I tei talanianf . at llifford hull. :Wi t.vilcl . '. . - - , v nst am -1'an ao7 Net a lozenge, not a COUCh drop, jtulMtng. Nineteenth and Kama m. today, ( I)-(J Trlrlr- not simply pomethlng .to allay -the. ,l ' p m: ThV,r,nr',!,a' ".'".ITI he u lack to ,ho ""f-" of the ,m uioiimwv iwkb v. ......... ...v p. v.11 iniilt anil fetuirt In the mval picyiet acanng wun tne position oi wu-; war. A ski ti h of local Irritation but a aorldualy thought out, long tried, Nvell proven ii-Aer( nt 1 An if ihvH-li. frm rtrlv . j,,,, M glven ,nJ 1'rcfefsor of Modical Practlca tn the . and ncltatlons. Ho:i:copr.thic Medical College of I'aiunv Ivi'.nla. . , ; . ,Vf, flun)l)hreya, "6eventy-seven" is a .i'pin(latla remedy for Colds and Grip, pleafant to take, handy to carry, fits tha vebt pocket, :r,c and $1 CO. at all drucRlsts or tnVlled. Uomhrsys Homes. Me. Heine Co., 1 Sit Wi.Uttiii bueet. New Tors. gauge l:celK-r . that ''oluuol Welsh had proirram of inul THREE TRAINS OF BUICK CARS ENROUTE TO COAST ?s ARE VOU ADDICTED TO DRUGS? 5 Days Treatment ' by t!io method used exflU'lvelv b' i he cJ..i("is uf VUa KArcka Drag TivatiuvBt la suaianteed to ru iiiuv i.eri.iauoiitiy ail craving a. id i1-mre Ot'lum. Morphine, . 'w cali.e or other haMt-tornuna iruj. TrsatmtDt AfcsolBtsly Sarmlasa ' and Tainlsss. Ttimi Bsasoaabia, Pay When Satisfied that all deKire has bn removed. Call or writ Eureka , Droj Trealnsat tit Vark As. (Boath tstk A-) Address B. B. OOBZaTAK., , raoaa Bansy liSM. ti M The Rock Island ta bundling: through Omuba thre e,vxll trains of an oven Wo cais, all loaded with ttulck automo biles, going to Ban Krsnclsco. Tbs car are tJi'd with 3) machines. In the ag-grcgi-te. value.! at around FOJO. Tha frelybt cliai'e from the iKtrolt fac tory to Sin Francisco amounts to IW.XiO. It Is assorted that the Kan Francls.'o romi any has sold every hlns In tho sh'pmcnt. THE 0I5AIIA BEE THE HOME PAPEFw rctn la me preucni war. a srck n oi . ..,., ,,.. h,lM l. ...n.. ...n woman'a work In the socialist movement ' f f!llr . lhlv ,... .Mlll the festivities? Not a bit of It. "Pad" went r Ik lit tack to the court and summoned the royal atenotrrapher and dictated a letter to one oh. must! the words be said? Yea. Well, then, to Irl It. Hicks, who has long l.een set up In bustm-aa aa a weather prophet and hurri cane ateerer In Saint Looey. And tho royal stenographer did write and seal the aald communication to the alleged foreign weather prophet, ai.d did place thereupon a I-cent atamp. and did deposit same In a t'nited Statea poaiofflce for - transmission through the I'nlted Mates malls (aa thry say in tha Matters trial). Thut a what "Dad'' did. And ain't It enough? Here Is a great organization whose car dinal principle ta the boosting of Omaha and Omaha Industries. . And what does It do itself? tioa Outside far Dos. fends to taint Looey for Ita weather. Can anything be imagined mora con tiudl. tory, mora antithetical, aa It wera? Nothing can. Colonel Welsh flnda consolatloa la tha lla.tco that followed the effort to Import a foreign brand of 'weather. The letter "lad" received from the pr sun who haa been named aKva and who rt-aidca In Saint Looey amuses tha colonel Ho ssjs It gives leas wsather Informa tion than any other document of slniljar length that be knows of. Including Wash ti.Rlon's fareacll addreaa. Tha person re ferred to rail -Lad' his -dear air" thilce In the U tter ar.u ";iuU w r.-.ats a wtsa thoi.e ot dates" to have the Ak-'f-Hn frstlvttlei. Clierwl the letter of HI, of tha person referred to above. GI0E0NS TO HAVE CH4RGE CF Y. M. C. A.MEETING TODAY The Christian Traveling Men's associa tion, tnewn as the llldeons, w II have charge of the usual 4 o'clock meeting at tho Youne Men's Chn-tl.'in asroclatlun to morrow . Rev. l"r. M. V. HUhec pf the North Presbyterian church will deliver tha address. Ilia subject Is 'The HI Klght." A mule iiuartet and orchestra will f iml.-h the music. All travel og me t are especially invited. OR. MARBLE BREAKS ANKLE BY FALL ON SIDEWALK Pp. R. C. Mnrble, 222$ Kvans street, slipped and fell on an lev sldwnlk Fri day afternoon and sustained a brok. n left lc. A tnxleab was called and the miii removed to the Nicholas Henn liospltHl. Tkiwat ssd Lime Trow'-le.i Qi:lckly helped by Dr. Klng'.s New I)ls covary. In use over forty years. Every heme should keep a bottle for emergenciesAdvertisement, MISTAKES POLICE PATROL : . . FOR A NEW JITNEY BUS j Edgar, Allen, highly charged, took a passing patrol asgixt for a Jitney bus a4 haUt-4 tha veld-le for paaaaga lxar was glveir the bst of arcommolttlons a transfer to the city jail. rtent room quldc with a B Want Ad Trentna I-waea 1 lull. It aeema to be settled thst Trenton will not be In the Trl-tate leamie th's year, snd If the league deciiles to con'iiu I i business the franchise may be placed at l'hilllpsburg. . Suffes1 From PsIcg no matter how long or how bad go to your druggist today and get a 60 cent box of pyramid Pile Remedy. It will glva quick relief, and a alngle box often ruras. A trial packase n.ailol fres la plain wrapper If you send us coupon below. FREE. SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUO COMPANY. Ill Pyramid Bldg., Marshall. Mich. Kindly send in a Krse sample f Vyrasald Hia Bemady, ta plain wrap per. Nam , Street Cltv . Plata. . POOL HALL KEEPER HELD FOR HINDERING POLICEMAN Police autboritlea today will attempt to revoke -the license of Tony Vetale. keeper of a pool hall at 1KB Houth Thirteenth street, aa well aa to prosecuto hlu for abetting the escape of three chicken thieves being pursued by a policeman. Officer Nick Herbollch early thla morn ing saw three men emerge from the chicken coop of lan Kennedy, keeper ot tho Western lcaguo ball grounds, who llycs t 1447 tSouth Sixteenth. Tho men vera carrying half a dosen chickens, and the policeman ordered them to atop. In stead thuy commenced to run and tin offl-cr followed them as far as the pool hall, wiilcit they entered. When he got there the keeper blandl) assured htm that ho had seen nono of the men and he detained the policeman w-hlU the fugitives escaped through another ilojr. It !s alleged by tho police. Late; Herbullc'.i (found the fowls bidden in thi pool hall. Vetale waa arrested and sent to head qcarters, whera ho Is being held without bend. CIGAR SALE O. 'j. Klpllnger & Son, formerly located at 306 SOUTH 16th S'linKt (Hoard of 'itade Bldg.), have purchased the retail atoro of N. Mantel ("lgar Co.. at 1808 Farnam St., and have moved their stock of High Grade Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes to thla ad dress, and the stnoker will appreciate the bargain prices. COMK AMI SEE 18. O. D. Kiplinger (EL Son 1HOS Farnam1 Street, Phone Douglas 1763. (We Mill own and oMrate the cigar stand In the W. O. W. Bldg.) 5 HOTK1.S. Droadwrxy ai 29 St. ciu Jctk "An Hotel Whers) Cuests ara Mad to Fl at Houm Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible 500 Rooau Modmt ttttttunmt Ckargtt Singls Rooms with Runnlnj Water 11.00 to 12.00 per dty Sln(le Rooms with Tab or Shower Sl.50toS.0l)p.-rdty Detbls Rooms vlth Runnlnj V-'itrr S2.00 to ti.OU pcrdiy OeetU Rooms vlih Tub or Shower $3.00 to $8.00 per day EDWARD C. FOGG, Manuging Vinetor ROT I 3ROWN. Ridmmt Mancfr 'VTJ ell WITEX AWAY FROM BOMB The Uee is The Paper yen aak for; if yoa plaa so bs abaaut mora than a sw sutya, has Tha Boa malle4 ta yew. fir -rv i ufv x - Yi" V ih --V 1513 Douglas Street yp Rebuilt PIANOS on Special Sale This Week at Hospe's .This la your chance to take home a standard, good-as-new piano at your own terms of payment. All completely rebuilt. Very beautiful cases. Come and ee them now. $?75 Mason A Hamlin, original value, $550. 5275 Stelnway, original value $500. JS275 Everett, original value $100. $283 Manlln, original value $4".0. 22f Wegman, original value $350. R150 Schumann, original value $350. A.n hflmttatl nrl.rfnll Vllun t i O aiVf --, w. .c T $350 Universal Player, original valua $600. A.HospeCo.