Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
TITE OMATTA Kt'XDAY REE: FKRRITATIV 28. 1915. 7 A ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Sirs. Emma B. Manchester Enter tains Supreme Officers at Wash ing-ton Dinner. SEYMOUR CAMP RELOCATES Mr. Manraester Entertatas. On Monday evening-. February a, Kmmi B. Manchester grove No. V. entertained the supreme officers at a banquet at the Rom hotel. The table, arranged In "V" shape, were placed In the ladles' dining room, and wera beautifully decorated with baskets of red and white carnations, set at different points, with bows of red tulle attached to the handles and forming streamers out over the table. The place cards were appropriate for the day, representing George Washing ton with the hatchet, ready to cut Into a cherry branch, and George Washington sitting on a large hatchet with a hat full of cherries. The favors were email red bankets with red flowers on the handle, filled with candlts. During the dinner, cabaret entertain ment was furnished, which, was very pleasing. The following supreme officers at tended: Mm. Emma B. ' Manchester, supreme guardian. Mrs. Emma F. Campbell, supreme ad viser. , . Miss Dor Alexander, eupreme clerk. Mrs. Ida M. Kelly, supreme banker. Mrs. Mary K. laltocca, ohalrman bu reau of manaeers. Mrs. Jtadaneah H. Johnson, supreme manager. Mrs. Mary Taylor, supreme manager. Mrs. Pnele M. Brteon. supreme manager. . Mrs. Effie Rogers, supreme manager. 15. B. Lewis, sovereign manager of the Woodmen of the World, acted as toaetmaster, making an eloquent address In Introducing to the members the su preme officers. Another gueet of honor was William Ruess, sovereign manager, Woodman f the world, of Ohio, who also addressed the guests In a very pleasing manner. Unite Spaolsk w Veterans. Iee Torby camp No. 1 of the United Spanish War Veterans held an annual bean festival at the Magnolia hall Friday evenlpg. Veterans of the Grand Army were represented and took a prominent part In the program. Comrades Rathbtin and Dunn of George George Crook post No. 26 rave several reusing selections on their violins and were generously applauded. Comrade John Berger of the same post" gave one of the most spirited and enjoyable talks of the evening. Mapes drum and fife corps and rejections on the mandolin by C. B. Mapes were also greatly enjoyed. Short talks wore made by almost everyone present. Then came the beans, cooked and served army style, with black coffee. These were great reminders of the dally bill of fare of the camp life. In spite of a raging snowstorm outside about forty were present. Independent Oriler o Odd Fellows. On Wednesday evening Benson Re brkahn gave a "Hard Times" party at Odd Fellows' hall, which was largely at tended. Unusual Interest was shown In costumes worn, and prizes were won by Mrs. B. R. Morton and Tap Morton. Vis itors attended from ' Ruth and Florence lodges. Hesperian encampment No. t Wllljjave Golden- Rule and Royal Purple degrees next Thursday evening. Refreshments will be served. There were two deaths at the Odd Fel lows' home during the month of Feb ruary. The body of J. A. Hill, 78 years of age, of Lincoln lodge No. 138, was sent to Lincoln for burial. A. H. Preston. 80 years of age, of Beaver City lodge No. 60, was buried In the Odd Fellows' burial plot of the York cemetery. Woodmen of the World. At Its hall Friday evening Columbus camp No, 6 will give a dance, followed by an oyster supper. This camp Is ar ranging for a series of entertainments 1 which It expects will prove an Inspire-1 tion .to the members. I Marconi camp tit. 431 has arranged for i special committee work and is promising! a large class adoption for April 10. t I The entertainment given by South ! Omaha camp No. 211 was pronounced by all present as (Jje most successful enter tainment of the year. The attendance was satisfactory and Indirectly resulted In securing a large class for Initiation at tl.o next meeting, Wednesday, March 3. Toung of the local lode; Past Chancel lor K. P. Beck of Leonldas lodge No. 1. Decsturl Chancellor Commander J. F. McCVnnell of Antlers Indue No. 72. Blkhorn: rest Chancellor H. R. Sword of Gretna lodge No. as, and Test Chan cellor 8. J. culver of St. Albaa'a lodge No. 17. Council Bluffs. Grand Chancel lor Paul Jones of Rerkelmsn waa to have been the guest of honor, but was called to his home In western Nebraska during the day on account of sickness In his family. A later visit will no doubt be arranged for. . All members of No. 1 In Omaha should remember the new meeting night and llace of meeting since the destruriion of our home by the recent fire. Meetings will be held hereafter on Tuesday even ings in Myrtle hall. Continental block, Fifteenth and Douglas streets. Car Party. Banner lodge No, 11 will give a card party next Thursday evening, March 4, at Myrtle hall. Tour presence Is requested. Six prizes for the winners. Admission 15 cents. Frateraal I'alem Aid. The Mondamln lodge No. Ill of the Fraternal Union meets every Tuesday evening at the Baright hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. They are to give a card party soon. The date will be given next week. Judgment Given in Suit Over the Sutton Bank Case Mrs. Kate A. Anderson was awarded a verdict of I2.6S5, the face value, with Interest, of a certificate of deposit on the defunct First National bank of Sutton, against George B. Da it by a jury in District Judge Es telle' s court. Judge Estelle Instructed the Jury that a verdict could not be returned for Mrs. Anderson unless she relied entirely on a representation alleged made by Darr, that he would refund the purchase price with Interest at any time. She purchased the certificate through the agency of Darr, withdrawing her funds from a building and loan association In order to do so. ' Mrs. Anderson Is a widow and a seam, street by trade. s Code Keeps Doctor from Reading War News from Europe At the Union Pacific's wireless station on the top of the headquarters building, Dr. Milliner, the official in charge, is tak ing the dally weather reports from the government weather station at Arling ton, Va. Not only Is the doctor taking weather, but he Is getting numerous wireless war reports filed at various points In Germany, England and France. The only thing that prevents the doctor from getting all of the wireless war re ports is that he has not been able to figure out the codes used by the warring nations. Such matter as follows the regular Morse code he la able to decipher, but where a secret code la used he Is tumped. DID NOT KNOW HE WAS DISCHARGED FROM CUSTODY Mike Pall, charged with being a vagrant, was discharged In police court, but failed to get the drift of Judge Britt's decision. After numerous at tempts, to make the fellow understand that he could go, the court was forced to ask an officer to escort Pall to the front door of the station and let him out. Get competent help through The Bee. FINED TWICE, BUT ONE OF THEM IS SUSPENDED Roy Wackensttne of Pt rat ton, Neb., ar rested for reckless driving while operat ing a Jltnsy bus belonging to Mr, fl. W. White of the ration hotel, was given I1C and costs suspended sentence by Judge Brltt. On a charge of operating without a license he was fined a like amount without the suspended part attached to It. 4 anther Jasper Appears. The Jsspets are monopolising hnse bnll t a rapid rete. Another brother of Harry, also a pitcher, has been signed by the Peoria team of the Three-t league. THROWING SNOW BALLS COSTS WHALEN A DOLLAR George Whalen of the Elk hotel, charged with snowballing pedestrians, was fined $1 and sosta In police court Saturday morning. LOCKED UP FOR WANTING TO SLEEP IN NEW HOTEL An admirer of the Fontenelle hotel ap peared In juvenile court In the person of a S-year-old colored lad, who was there to explain why he slept Thursday night In a big box. at the rear of the hotel. "Ah was de guest ob de management," said the boy. "Ah wasn't doln' any harm. Ah lea' liked de tone ob de place." He waa sent to Riverview home for a few days. Royal Xetarhbora. Benson Royal Neighbors held an old fashioned dancing party on evening, which was largely attended. About eighty were served at the supper which followed. On March 11 they will give a card party with prises. An elab orate linen set will' be sold at this time. A large class of candidates will be taken in at an early meeting. Woodmen of the World. Omaha-8eymour camp No. W will meet Monday evening, March 1, at the Swedish Auditorium, M09 Chicago street Tou are earnestly requested to attend this meet ing, as the matter of securing our own home will be before the camp, as well as other Important business In which your hearty co-operation Is desired. drotherhond Ball. Benson Danish Brotherhood No. 304 gave a ball and oyster supper Saturday even ing, attended by local friends and many from Omaha. During the evening a chest of ellver and a quantity of Jewelry which was sold rendered the brotherhood a handsome fund. The social features of the event were especially enjoyed. Mnrtlif Entertain. Omaha tent No. 75 gave a uplendid pro- sram on last Monday evening to celebrate i Washington's birthday. Several musical numbers, with speeches by prominent members of the order appropriate to the day, were delivered, after which refresh ments were served. Good-bye Dyspepsia No More Gurgly Braeh, "Lump of Lead," Bad Dlgeatiou, Heartburn or Stomach Trouble. Qnlok Belief. Costa Vothlng To Try., Tka m.n wha nant helu making faces- I at his stomach, the man er woman with i a grouohy digestion, er with downright I dyspepsia need fret no mors over stomach troubles. Th. v.uw4-t viehaat dinners, the moat Thursday nn.n.kable aulck lunohes, all can be. ', taken care of without Imposing on the i stomach. A scientific digestive eaa do, i the digesting, where the stomach either did not de it before, or did It very Imper fectly. f n Clan fioriloa Ladle. The Ladles' auxiliary to Clan Gordon No. 63 will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Anderson, Bpauld Ing street, next Wednesday afternoon st t o'clock, -Kalahts of Pythias. Nebraska lodge No. 1. Knights of Pythias, had a very large and sucoessful meeting at Its hall In Continental block. Fifteenth and Douglas streets, last Tues day evenln. The rank of esquire was conferred on two candidates, and sev eral applications for the ranks presented. Tha rank of page will be conferred next Tuesday evening on a class of five. After the conferring of degrees. Chan cellor Commander Taylor turned the meeting over to District Deputy Grand Chancellor George W. Oonder, who took charge of the district meeting. Short ad dresses were made by Past Grand Chan mUui Caocare W. Majrntr and W. W. Beauty and Oood BlgeeMoa to Bead la Bead- ataarVa Dyspepsia. Tablets Zasore Both. When you taae one of Stuart's Dys pepsU Tablets after a meal, the food Is digested by the tablet even better than' your own stomach van do It. This is why the use of totuart's Dys pepsia Tablets has become so universal among those who suffer from any kind of stomach troubles. Take on of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, after your next meal and It you are glveni to belching, sour risings, . fermentation, heavy, lumi y feeling In the stomach. In- any other stomach derangement, you will; I find at once a remarkable improvement Btuart 8 Dyspepsia Taojeui m-rw mm mu... wonderful tablets on earth for any kind, W . V.I ' They enrich the gaarno jureee. ana ! the stomach the rest It needs before It! can again be healthy and strong. Try one after your next meal, no mat-) ter what you eat. Tou'U find your eppe tlte return for the meal after and you: will feel fine after eating. Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale! at all druggists at fOc a box. Send coupon below today and we will ! at ieaoe send yon by mall a sample free.) Free Trial Coupon T. aU Stuart Oo 01 ttaart ldg, Kareaall. Ktesv, sand me at once kr retara mall, a free trial package of Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Street Name lty Bute. Sunday, Feb. 28, 1915- -Burgess-Nash Company- -STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -Burgess-Nash Company- -Phone Douglas 137. ECONOMY in the Broadest Sense Demonstrated for Women During ash Something New and Interesting THERE is always something new and Interesting In the dally displays of this big "Service Store." Each week, each day, almost each hour, finds some new ar rival of reigning mode, empha sizing Its continued favor or revealing some new and even more fascinating variation. So It Is that every ono of these days is signalized by the receipt of some new collection of fabrics, apparel or novelty worthy Of a special display and almost every hour brings new merchandise which of It self would make a visit to the store well worth while. We invite you to make free and generous use of: SUB - STATION" NO. 1 OF THE U. S. POSTOFF1CB af fording every accommodation in the postal service. Place to pay ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TELEPHONE BILLS, to buy THEATER TICKETS for ail theaters at box office prices. Make use of these conveniences let us be of service to you. It will be our pleasure. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. wlel Week at Bmur A (IAIN Monday this grent store will demonstrate its fullopt merchandising service. This time it is in the interest of those of you who sew. Home sewing has become intensely interesting to nil women, from the mother who is now, hy the aid of patterns and other helps, enabled to make a charming frook for little girl from big sister's out grown dress, to the society wonjan who enjoys fashioning an artistic ball gown. Home Sewing Week Will Prove Interesting, Instructive and of Inestimable Value to All. Displays have been arranged that give a clear idea of how to use the new patterns; materials that harmonize are shown with the right trimmings to bring out their best qualities come and take advantage of this special event, planned to be of service to you. BUIUJKSS-NASTI COMPANY. These Beautiful NEW SILKS at 98c For Home Sew ing Week Are Values of the Most Unusual Sort AND the very materials in greatest demand are included in this underprice special. For instance: ALL BILK CRKPK 1K CHIXE, 41 inches wtde, in pink, light blue, yellow, lavender, flesh pink, cream, reseda, red, Copenhagen blue, navy, nil green, sand and black, 98c a yard. SILK POPLIN, 41 Inches wide. In almost every possible shade; also black, 98o a yard. Brocaded Charmeuse at 79c 42 inches wide, in pretty light shades, also crepe de chine, with neat floral effects, in pretty colors, 38 inches wide. Black Charmeuse, $1.40 Satin charmeuse, rich black and beautiful lustre, 42 Inches wide and very special. WASH SILKS, 36 inches wtde. white grounds with neat embroidered figures of pretty color combinations for waists and dresses, 98c a PIMJfCEBS MER8AIJXE, 86 inches' SILK MAIIQI ISETTE. 4 2 wide, soft satin finish, all light and Inches wide,- In nent stripe ef dark shades, 98c a yard. facta, 98c a yard. GkMKMMleaae Suiting Bilks, fll.&O 42 inches wide, especially adapted for one-piece dresses and Jackets; brown, sand, wisteria, navy and black. Bilk Meaaaline, 40c All silk messallne, 24 Inches res: Beautiful New Ratine STRIPED VOILES at Wash Bilks, 50c, Striped wash silks, 22 inches wide, in a pretty assortment of new colors. Burrass-Xash Co Xala TUot. wide, in a full line of shades; remarkable value. plain 29c Instead of 50c AS VERY special offer new ratine itrlpe voile in most eve.ry pos sible shade, including rose, blue, pink, green, lavender and tan; also white. 88 Inches wide. Bargssa-irash Ce -Mala Sloo. . Wonderful Line of New Dress Goods for Sewing Week, 89c Instead of $1 & $1.25 THE range of selection embraces the season's most favored mate- rials, such as crepes, tailor suitings, granite crepes, costume serges, French serges, storm serges, shadow Btripe battBtes, Tussah crepes, Panamas,' mixed suitings, epingles and fancy brocades. Dlack and colors. 42 to 56 inches wide. ' New Storm Serges Monday at 4Rc Also granite cloth, shepherd check, fancy mixtures, phantom checks, henrlettas, nuns' veilings, etc. All new colors and designs. 36 to 42 inches wide. 42 to 44-Inch Dress floods, 00c Including storm serges, poplins, French serges, batistes, taffetas and mohairs. Black and colors. Very special values. Bnrfsa-Nash Co. Main Floor. Big Notion Values for Sewing Week Warren s girde llne, all widths, yard lOo Warren's feath erbone, black and wTiite, yard for 7o Wavy wire col lar stays, 9Tor5c Silk dress shields, p't 1 r for ,-10o Tape measures (60 Inches), each . . lo Machine oil, bottle .... 5a Dress makers pins, -lb. box es for .... 25o Wood button moulds, all sizes, 2 dozen, for .5o Cotton tape, 18 yard bolts 10c m b r oidery edging, all col ors, 6-yard bolt tfor ...... lou Skirt markers, each 25c 100-Yard spool silk 4c 600-Yard spool basting ... ,3c Seam beading, bolt 100 Collar wire, 2 yards Bo Sewing ma chine belts, 250 Snap tape, yard ..... lOo 200-Yard mer cerized m a chine thread, spool 50 Bnrysss-Wash Co. Main floor. SEWING at Home MADE EASY COME and let us demonstrate how thousands of women obtain extensive stylish wardrobes with a limited Income by uslnf the remarkable Hall-Borchert form, noted for its superior ad justable efficiency. linst f orms Jersey covered, latest lines and proportions, well made, special at 80c. Full Forms. Non-adjustable, high grade material through out. Special, $3.50. "Favorite" No. 4 Four sections, adjust able, very latest lines. During this sale, $5.08. "Queen" No. 55 . Twenty-eight sections, highest grade materials and workmanship; club plan, price $18.0o. "Royal" Our Special Ten sections, can be In dependently adjusted at neck, bust, waist and hips. Sale price, $10.50. mi LACES and EMBROIDERIES Bid Fair to Be in Greater Demand This Season Than Ever Before AMD we have planned accordingly. Beautiful! Bxqulslte! Charming! Such words as these give you some idea of what to expect in our new linos of handsome laces and embroideries lor spring and sum mer, 1915 but one muct need see these beautiful creations to fully comprehend the splendid values offered Bilk Chant Illy Laces to $2.00, for B8o Allover Laces, Were $1.50, for 3c 18 and 27-inch silk chantllly laces, black, white The end cream; also 36-lnoh allk allover laces, white and black. Allover Embroideries, 25c Corset cover embroidery; also 18 and 27-inch swisu and nainsook flounclngs. Georgette Orepi $1.50 New Georgette crepe, all colors, black and white, 45 inches wide. New Laces New line of net top and novelty laces for collars, etc., from 4 V4 to 6 inches; price, range, IBo to $1.00 the yard. . With New Embroideries Lace Combinations are attracting wide attention. You'll find organdy, voile and fine Swiss with dainty filet and needle point lace combinations; also now colored embroideries with flouncea and allovers to match. Delicate shade et pink, blue, malse and lavender. ' Allover laces in white and cream; 18, 27 and SO Inches wide; also net top and allk shadow in black, whit aad cream filk 75c to Silk chiffon in a wide assort ment of colors at 76c, f 1.00 and $1.25 a yard. Silk Nets, $1.00 to $2.00 ) Big range of selection for tun ics, overdresses, etc., all colors, white and black, 42 and 47 Inches vlde- New Trimmings New line of fancy Jets and metal trimmings from 15o up to $5.00 the yard. BaxffM-srsB oo. acaia Xleev. Thousands of Yards of New WASH GOODS Repre senting Wonderful Values in the Economy Basement 7i 85c Moire Baitings, 7 He Zlg-sag woven moire suitings, 8 Inches wide, plain desirable shades, highest cost of all the moire cotton suitings, instead of 85c, Bewltig Week sale price, yard. . . . Lortex Suitings, 7Ue Lortex Bedford suitings. Burton's brocaded new cloth, Lortex woven stripes, pique materials that 7l would wholesale as high as 17 Me, the yard. . 2t 9c Fancy Crepes, 84c Rice cloths, ratines, etc., an al most endless variety of de- o 1 sirable wash goods, yard OJC 85c ChalUos for lie Half wool fancy kimono and waist ing challles, worth 35c, yard Burfsis-BTash Ooooomy Bassmant. , 19o Foulard Suiting at Bo Fancy figured mercerized ifoularl suit ings, one of the most desirable fabrics for spring wear; 19c quality, choice, at. the yard 12 He White Pique, Be Medium weight, white pique, made by Mills Mfg. Co., to retail at 12V&C, at, the yard Fancy Lawns, 8fce Batistes, crepes, ratine suitings, etc., waist and dress QJL, ....... aJS the Bear 5c lie lengths, yard Bnrgsss-Wash Co. Main Floor JUar. Women's Kid Gloves, Monday $1.15, Made to Retail at $1.50 to $2.25 AN exceptional offering brought about by a very fortunate purchase and to which we have added many styles from our regular lines. The g'oves are good quality kid in white with black embroidery; also colors; were $1.50 to $2.25; sale price. Monday, $1.15 the pair. Bnrss-Wash Oo. Main floor. Perfection in Style and Fit That's what Pictorial Review JPnttcrns mw Here are four of a wonderful ooH action of smart EMPIRE dresses. The FASHION BOOK for Spring; Costa only 10 cents when purchased with one 15 cent pattern. Cuhv m W.I till Cvrfapt (tit Ctmnp. t!M B-W.I5S ' BraSliS . BoUntlfl Bola. SIM Surt 14 Skirt 0V4 SUt V11 atfct M4 II Mti lm Mch l ta iWn aaabma to rails Ins foots Ust FASHION BOOK for Sprhtf Mm fabfct mjtmm APRIL PICTORIAL REYIEW PATTERNS new ready. Surn.uli Co. Mala Tloor. First Payment Five Centt Bring. You the Best Sewing Machine THE STANDARD ROTARY This great "New Era" 6&le gives you advantages that can not be offered at any other time. There are no interest charges and no extra expense no drawing no chance no delay. Instead, the Plan pays cash dividends in advance to those who will help themselves to the dividends. Only ft Limited Number of Machines for This Sale. Don't Wait Wa hava the arencr for the STANDARD ROTARY. It is the best sewing machine in the world. This "New jsra" Belling righted and all rights reserved. store here. TABLE OF WEEKLY PAYMENTS Plan Is copy- It cannot be advertised by any other mmmmm 80.05 80,55 81.05 81.55 1st Week 11th Week i 1st Week 8 1st Week .10 .GO . 1.10 1.00 2nd Week 12th Week 22nd Week 8 2nd Week TT5 .05 1.15 . 1,05 3rd Week 13th Week 23rd Week 3 3rd Week 720 770 1.20 1.70 4th Week 14th Week 24th Week 3 4th Week Sth Week 1 6th Week 26th Week 36th Week l30" .80 1.30 1.80 6th Week 16th Week 36th Week 36th Week ,35 l85 1,35 . 1.85 7th Week 17th Week 27th Week 37th Week 0 .00 . i.40 1.00 8th Week 18th Week 28th Week 38th Week "755 705 1.45" nJ Px- 9th Week 10th Week 29th Wtfek ment U3R T5o Too" " 1.50 1-05 10th Week 20th Week 30th Week 39th Week $05.00 (List Price) Flx-lrawr etyla the world's best machine, look Slid chain stitch central tidle style Slaiuinra Jtotary, $30,041 5c First Payment Immediate deliv ery then every week you pay 6 rents more thaa the previous week's payment. 10 c Cash Dividends Take advantage of the cash divi dend offer by re versing the pay ments by paying the final payment first and in advance before they arc due. For each final pay ment you take uo In advance you get 1 rent rah dividends. In this way you can nve 13.80 extra on this 139.00 Standard Itotary In tha cash dividends. UNLIMITED CHOICE Take your choice of any style or type on ."New Era" Jerms. There are several styles to select from, including Circassian walnut and mahogany, fancy cases and par lor cabinet. EVERY MACHINE COMPLETE WITH THE BEST GREIST ATTACHMENTS Come at : 80 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tnla is the surest, safest and most profitable saving agree, ment for securing a good machine. We urge you to act quickly bring your five cents first payment to the department. The machines will be delivered at once. Sewing Ixwsons Free. Coyprlaht. 1114. aryas-aah Co. TMrd floor. We Develop Vour films free when you leave an order for printing. mm: Y TT 1 i"" 1 T. fe " " ill. I B tat v 11 "EVE RYD OUYSCkGTOnc" Free Lessons In knitting and cro cheting in Art Em broidery Section, on Third Floor. J? 9