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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
the ojtaita srxn.vv T?KK: 5 A Jm Married Fifty-Four Ye ars Ago --' Li i-: Mi? y ti MRS. DUFRENE PASSES AWAY Tragic Death of Son Prorei Fatal to Mother When She It Appriied of Remit of Accident- HAD BEEN ILL A LONG TIME Mn. Elizabeth Pufrene. ased 73 years, and a resident of Omaha for more than forty yearn, died at her apartment! in the Farnam hotel yesterday afternoon. While he had been 111 for several weeks, her death la attributed dlrertlv to the shock that followed when Information wa conveved to her of the death of her son. Fred Dufrene, who. while slok with yphold pneumonia. Jumped from a win dow of the hotel, sustaining Injuries that raused his death. The Information relative to the tragic leath of her son was kept from Mrs. Du frene several days. Finally, aa she fre guently asked for him. It was found nec essary that she should know the facts. They were alven to her as itently as pos sible, but the story produced the results that had been feared and she gradually grew weaker I'ntll she passed away. With. Mrs. Dufrene at the time, of her death was her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Hill MR. -AND MRS. FERDINAND SMITH. Mr. and Mr. Ferdinand 'smith Juet celebrated their fifty-fourth wedding an niversary at their apartments in the Winona, surrounded by their children and grandchildren. Assisting in the celt; bratlon was Mrs. Oustava Federow, th mother of Mrs. Smith, who last week was 96 years old. This fine old lady re ceived the congratulations of her chll lren. grandchildren and great-grand-hildren -and enjoyed the festivities as much as the younjerr arncraUoaa. MIEF CITY NEWS scheme as contemplated by the recreation board ordinance. The mayor argued that the school play- Fidelity Storar. ft Taa Co. Bona. S8S. ' 8round should be given a wider use W. Jfc Stlby k loas, genera! Insurance. I months of the year and that there Have moot fH.t rt-N.- cn Preas ! 8ho,lld be -uporvtaed play and recreation. ine mayur uikvu iiini muio should be spent for the Improvement of Burgess-ftranden Co. Lighting futures. Wasted Choice real estate loans. W, B: Thomas, 28 State Bank Dldg. "Today's Complete Moris nogi" Classified eecUon today, and appears In The JJee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out What the various moving picture theaters offer. Mrs. B. Muskla announces that she is no longer connected with House of Menagh and has opened a millinery store at 201 North Sixteenth street. . McShane Assigns Judgments Sheriff iicShane has assigned to M. Dolan-two Judgments against Douglas county for and $1,515.93. Judge roster SI Judge Foster, owing to illness, failed to appear In polico court Saturday morning, so Justice C. W. Brltt pcrLoriuea ine uuuub v. jjuhc uinet trate. Rich Home Tuesday Word comes to the Union Pacific law office that lidaon Rich of the legal department, now in thn south for his health, will reach Omaha Tuesday, feeling well and strong. The . members of his family are coming with him. I Omaha Man Killed Word has been 1 received in Omaha that J. 13. Avondet, j born and raised in Omaha, was run over by a train and killed Friday at Ashton, S. D. He was about 60 years of agd, a j veteran printer of Omaha and his parents i and family lived in Omaha. I Invitation to McTann The Missouri I Car-lot Egg and Poultry Shippers are to ! hold a convention March 8 and 9 in St. Louis. They have invited E. J. McVann, manager of the traffic bureau of the Omaha Commercial club to speak on "The Power of tho Federal Trade Commis sion " The Triple Alliance in office service are location, ease of access and safety. Are you now located where the public the splendid boulevard system already laid out. One of the needs of the near future, he said, was that of widening Twenty-fourth street which already Is congested at such Intersections as Leavenworth, Farnam, Cuming and Lake streets. POLICE ARREST M'CORMICK; FOUND PROWLING IN YARD Barney McCormlck, familiar figure for years In police circles, was arrested early this morning by Detectlvo Rooney and Officer J. T.. Murphy when they found him prowling about In tho rear of the home of Mrs. Mary Bell, 1106 North Six teenth street Baby of Future is Considered Much thought Juts been given In late years to the subject of maternity. In quipped with modern methods. But I most women prefer their own homes and can find you quickly, get to you easily I them- And ,lnce tnl, ta true w know and feel entirely safe while transacting i from the great many splendid letters their business? The Fireproof Bee Build ing, "the building that is always new," has all these requirements. Open Session for Oloott todge The Olcott ledge of the Omaha Theosuphiral society will have an open meeting Sun day night at the hall of the Dickerman Dramatic club. 151H4 Dodge street, at : written on the subject that our "Mother's Friena" Is a great help to expectant motbera TUer write of the wonderful : relief, how It seemed to allow the ' muscles to expand without undue strain and what a splendid Influence it was on the nervous system. Such helps "Mother's Friend'' and the broader . knowledge of them should have a heloful amatlo club, ltu tjooge su-cei. at . - habiM of th. futu 8 o'clock. Talk by Mrs. A. A. Holtman. , 8clenc nyM that aa Mint derives its subject, "Colors Relative to Vibrations, j BenM Bnji builds Its character from Piano music by Miss May Swift. j cutaneous Impressions. And a tranquil Greer Sere Monday B. B.' Greer, the mother certainly will transmit a more recently appointed assistant ' general healthful Influence than if she Is ex recenuy an ' n tremely nervous from undue pain. This manager of the Burlington lines west of Ja whlt a nost nf mtn beU8v. wUo the Missouri river, came ever from Chi- 1 UP(J "Mother's Friend." cago last night, held a conference with I -These points are more thoroughly ex- General Manager Holdrege, and tonlcht pxainea in a nine doo mauea ir. returns home. Monday he will be back j of Chicago, the only surviving child and near relative. Arrangements for the fu neral have not been completed. Alfred Dufrene. the husband, for a long time one of the leading architects of the city, died several year ago. He was the owner of something like tTP.000 In government bonds when he died. Home years ago, when Omaha property was de pressed for a short period. Mrs. Dufrene realised on the bonds and Invested the proceeds In Farnam street property, east of Twentieth. For I70.0W she bought property that Is now conservatively esti mated to be worth more than rw.flno. On some of this property has since been erected the Farnam and the Illvard hotels. WEST RIVER DAKOTANS RESENT "STARVING' STORIES riF.RRK. P. n Feb. 77 fpeelal Tele gram.) For the first time on the floor of the house this afternoon west river members resented the allegations of starved-out Bottlers and those remaining as rklng out an existence in that part of the state. This was following a strong appeal for such settlers made by Johnson of fplnk. Norby of Stanley derided that It was time for some west river member to call a halt on such statements which have been nisclr In Ion In crial bills, and Ms diM-hir.tllon was Hint ho had never found anyone golnrt hungry In Ptanlcy county nir anyone who was starved-out." The effort to set the new sheriff's snl ary bill past an adverse roinmltte of the house Jtidlclsry committee met with de rat and the sheriff will get alonp with the same compensation as In the past. The house parsed the resolution sub mitting to the people a constitutional amendment allowing the state or muni cipalities to engage In a system of rural credits. The senate amended the resolu tion for a constitutional convention to re quire a vote at the next general election for members of the legislature tl-ljred either for or against such a convention, action of that session to be based upon the votes on Mhlch they are sent as mem bers. The senate railway committee, reported against the twlre-a-month payment of wages for railway employes, and thla will be out for action tomorrow. The senate after a contest passed the Kirch hntitc bill nhlch requires a ma jority of all votes cast nt an election to secure liquor It.-ense In a municipality. The resolution (Demoralising congress to apply the appropriations for the upper Missouri, t.i cutting channels across the "necks" of big and llttlo bi nds to securo basis for power plants passed the house tonight. Gospel Meetings ' Draw Large Crowds ARLINGTON, Neb., Feb. IT -fPpeclal.) The revival meetings that have been niulm tcrl here during last week at the Methodist church have attracted more limn local attention and have resulted In more than lu conversions. They will con tinue each evening until a Week from Nundny. In carrying on the revival work. Rev. Mr. Hummel of the Methodist and Rev. Mr Dnvles of the Congregational church have been assisted by Evangelist Jonssen. THREE. SLAYING WOMEN FOR LOVE. DIE IN CHAIR OHSlNtNt.. N. Y., Feb. 77. Three men, all from New York City, were put to denth in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison today for murdering women. Os car Vogt stabled Mme Agnese Guth. a dressmakrr with whom he was Infat uated. Vlm-ento Campenella, a tounter- fclter, shot his wife, after a prison term because on bis return he alleged he found her falthlers. Robert Kane shot Adna Klein because, he snld, she caused him to lose his wife's affections. Iron Cross for Turk ' Minister of War FRANKFURT, Qermany (via Indon). Fob. 27. Ehiperor William has bestowed the decoration of the Iron Cross on Kn- ver Pasha, Turkish minister of war, ad cording to thw Constantinople corres pondent of the Frankfurter Zeltung. AUSTRIA WILL CLOSE . SCHOOLS; LABOR SCARCE IjONDON, Feb. 27. Vienna dispatches forwarded from Venice to the Reuter Telegram company state the Austrian minister of education has authorised the employment of school chlld.-en In the fields where labor is scarce, closing the schools If necessary. " ' al1 ,h,t all of the schools will be closed for the summer ' holidays at the, end of May, a month earlier than usual. ' ENGLAND TO GIVE: WAR ! CORRESPONDENTS CHANCE OTTAWA, Feb. ST. A message from the Rrlttsh war office to' the Cankdlan gov emment Indicates that the war 'corre spondent la soon to have a limited op portunity of seeing fighting. The cable gram, received late today, read: In Omaha to take up the discharge of his official duties and to remain here. Held for Stealing ffhoes Charged with the theft of a dozen pairs of shoes from the Illinois Central freight depot, Joe Adams salved preliminary examination, before Vnlted States Commissioner H. 8. j Daniel and was bound over to the grand Jury unfier tl.CO bond. The shlpmrn was in Interstate commerce, making th alleged theft a federal offense. Con-. mlssioner Daniel has Just returned frc: an eabtern professions rl: Mother's Friend'' is sold In all drug; stores. Write for book. Bradflelo Itegula, tr Co.. ell Lamar Bide. Atlanta. Ga. Dahlman Defends Pardoning Power j DIP : TAfGQ . ...r.- tTT.j A JTvv-' In his talk to members of the Hanscom Park Improvement club 'last evening I Mayor J. C. Dahlman declared he had ! seen innocent men sentenced in the po- ! lice court from thirty to sixty days. He contended there should be a public de fender and he made this suggestion In connection 1th his references to the new i public welfare board. He reviewed the welfare and recreation board ordlnancea He scored the city Jail aa being unfit for hogs. Speaking of the recreation board, he said that one of the grealett problems!"" "f " rTI before th. country today la that of rear-! Th tatat Tan DanCe Hit tng a healthy generation of boys and girls. He contended that the superin tendent of schools should be a member of this new recreation board and he predicted that if the Board of Education does not yield at this time It will later on, his allusion being to the uncertainty of the school boitni member deciding ttt co-ooerete with the clty-wlde recreation THE BIG HIT '- Kvrrybodr Is Buying It. It's popularity unequaled. 1Q le latest Tango Dance Hit A Not to play "Tallow Candle Dip" counts you a back number. A. HOSPE CO. 131:1 Douglas hit. . Mall Orders Filled Promptly. FREE FARE EVtRYWHtRE 1- ACCEPT THIS 10 i GOOD ON ANY RAILROAD OR STEAM SHIP LINE IN THE WORLD Clip the coupon at the bottom of this page and mail today. It starts you on your next journey anywhere any time by any route. You plan the details "Shoppers' Mileage" pays the bills. Just think how glorious it is now that you can make every dollar you spend for the absolute necessities of life earn free travel. How? Simply by saving "Shop pers' Mileage" the free travel certificates Issued with each cash purchase made at the better class of stores everywhere. Beginning tomorrow morning every dollar you spend with "merchants" Issuing "Shoppers' Mileage" you will re ceive a one-mile "Shoppers' Mileage" cer tificate. With each fifty cent purchase you will receive a half mile certificate. With each twenty-five-cent purchase a quarter mile certificate, and so on down the line to the one-twentieth-mile certificate with each five-cent purchase. "Shopper s Mileage" eliminates for all time that feeling that you "can't afford" to travel. It's the modern magic which transports you from one city to an other, free of cost and annoyance. And there is nothing problem atical about it, either. You know from the time you start saving "Shoppers' Mile age" just what you are going to get in ex change for your certificates. They mean one specific thing free railroad or steam ship tickets to any point in the world. Insist upon getting "Shopper's Mileage" with everything you buy. If your dealer don't issue it now send us his name and address. Some live dealer in your neighborhood will have this service before another forty-eight hours. See that this dealer is your dealer. Write for our free travel fold er, "Seeing America" via "Shoppers' Mile age" and ten-mile complimentary ticket. Clip coupon. Mail now. V Shopper's Mileage Association Gen. Offices, City Nat. Bank Bldg., 0mahaf Neb. ALWAYS ASK FOR W OUR DEALERS IN OMAHA AND BENSON GROCRRIK9 AND MEATS. Tuchman Bros., 26th and lavenport StS. Tuchman Bros., XSth and Harncr ftta. ' Tuchman Bros.. 18th and Chicago 8ts. R. Ktilakofuky. J4th and Ames Ave. Tom Johnson, ' .' 30th and Lke Sts. Morller Bros.. 17 th and Clark BU. Marks Hro.. 1201 Military Ave. Fred Haselln, ' 14th nd Parker Sts. ' Henry Haman, . 17th and Clark 8U. Henry Sohnauber. 4th and Parker Sta. ' Henry P. Marquardt. . f 10th and Hickory Bts. diss. Kathsn, V t4U and Leavenworth Bts. r on rroBJct. ' ' Btrrker Shoe Co.. ' II flouth llta St. Shoe Market. tat South Mth St' CLOTHfHO Aim MJBTPi ri RAUHJXOS. Oeo. Pray Co., 10 South lsth St ; OIOAH STORKS. " Traey Pros. Co., 1415 Iourlee St ' Tracy Bros. Co., II South loth . Wote Bach band from "TRACT SPECIAL." la strelirht rtsars will be exohenfred at either of the above tares for 1-IO-mlle certificate. tRVO rroRJCft. H. B. Klnf. 14th and Farnam Bts. Baratosra Druar Co.. S4th and Ames Ave. ' Adams-Halvht Drus; CoH Vith and Lake Sts. Adams-Halcht Drug; Co.. 94th and Fort Bta. J.H.Schmidt, t4th and Cumins; Bts. Auditorium Drus; Co- KOI Chlrag-o Ft, Hanscom Park Phermacv, Park Ave. and Woorworth. Pone Drur Co, ' llth and Farnam Bts. PHOTOGRAPHERS. The Heyn Studio, llth end Howard Bts. COWFECTIOKIcnV. The A. B. Sweet Shop, 124 South llth Ht. The Olympla Candy Kitchen, 111 Harney St. POOI, AD BILLIARDS. C. C. Cannam, 1511 Harney St. ' , MRWB TAit.onixa. Dreeher The Tailor, Inc., 1116 Farnam Ht. r.I.RCTKICAt, FITTIHE9. Jsmea Corr Klectrlral Co., . 201 South llth Bt. MILL! BRV. Mia Butler, Hat Shop. 307 South llth St. TAXI SKRVICB. Omaha Taxi Service, 2102 Farnam St. ' , PAIWT ABfD OILS. Barker Bros. Paint Co., 1I0IH Farnam St. . . It ARB ICR SHOP. Hennhaw Hotel Barber Shop, 1B07 Karnara St. i'HBBR AWI Bt'tLDIKO MiTKHIlli. Independent Lumber CoM lilt Leavenworth St. DKJVTAL PARLOR. Dr. J. B. Klckea. ... : , 724 City National Bank Bids;. PUBLISHER!. Omaha Nebraakaa, ur Karbach Block. : BEJfSOK, REI, Chaa. Sprarue. Drugi. Conrad Hwuiion, Paints, eto. Smith Corrinston, Barbara. C. C. Johnson. Hardware. WATCH THIS LIST GROW O'1 Free Pare Everywhere Here Is a Facsimile of the Half Mile Certificate CLIP COUPON BELOW GOOD AS A GOVERNMENT BOND Every certificate issued to you by the merchant is backed by a GUARANTEE RESERVE FUND on deposit in the German-American State Bank, Omaha, li,S. A. Start Now-SAVE SHIPPER'S MILEAGE its. . 7fsc7m w a?" ef ? J V 4T V