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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
i 7 -4 l Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Pag IHE E THAI AYOUNGMAftiS SLAVE" WUllS& I 5" Mr. Alsop, Whose Wife, 50 Years Younger Than He, Is Suing for Separation. By Mrs. Effie Pope Alsop. HAD always been brought up to be lieve that there was golden truth la the old maxim: "Better be an old man's darling Than a young man's slave." I know now that this Is not true. I have been an old man's darling. When I was nineteen years old I mar ried an aged multl-mlllionire who is on his way toward his eightieth year. My marriage to old Mr. Alsop was against my own Judgment, my Impulse, my Instinct and my beat reasoning. But 1 was carried oft my feet by the false logic of that wretched adage which I have just quoted above. I should never have married this aged matrimonial partner if I had not been Influenced by the false doctrine of that wickedly misleading maxim. In the hours and hours of repeutance and awakening from this false dream I have taken the trouble to look into the origin of this "mischievous proverb. And it seems to have had a Dutch origin. If I had known as much of the maxims and proverbs and literature of love three years ago, when I married Mr. Alsop, as I know now, when I am suing him for a separation, I would never have married him. For instance, Shakespeare created th idage: "Crabbed age and youth cannot live together." And another similar one is "Gray and green make the worst med 'ey." And there are many others. Why did I not know these truthful naxlms instead of the utterly false one ihat has ruined my life! Yes, ruined. For, although I am now qnly twenty-three years old, I hava 41 ffl : . -A ' A -a (V) i tj Hi , " 1 I i . y i j VIrs. Alsop Demonstrating the Maxixe Step Which Made Mr. Alsop So Angry "He Ordered My Partner from His House, Never to Return." breathed so lonp the atmosphere of age, bave dwelt so long among old people, old houses, old stories and old-fashioned vies of conduct that I am prematurely ld myself. I sacrificed on the marriage 'Jtar the things that make life worth Wing things beautiful, irrevocable ny youth, ray girlhood dreams. Like the rings of bright butterflies imprisoned In i tomb, they have withered to gray dust. "Yet we know that something sweet Follows Youth with flying feet. And will never como again." I do not wish to emphasize my per tonal experiences as the wife of Edward i. Alsop, except as they are figurative f one of the Great Impossibilities the aarriage of a young girl to an old man. 3ut I hold It a solemn duty to present tome of those remarkable experiences is a warning to other potential "old men's darlings," dazzled and deceived. I do not attempt to place blame for the tragedy of my married life. Was H I? 'as it Mr. Alsop? Was it the plate he mashed in the midst of a dinner party tecause I danced with a young man? A'as it my boredom with his antique .'rlenda and my isolation from all triends of my own age? I would not say. 1 would brush, rather, out and away, all the petty personalities and difference) and declare the thing to blame was sim )ly the barrier of the years the intan gible, yet insurmountable, wall wj;ic!i ivides the generations. I'puu that wall The Saddening Young Mrs. Married A Multi-Millionaire Four Times Her Age and Soon Learned How Cruel, False and Illogical The Old Maxim Is is written in letters of fire: "Let youth choose youth In wedlock; age cleave to age." There were two or three "generation barriers" between Mr. Alsop and myself. There Is a speculative possibility that I might have been able to endure the ex clusive society of people of the genera tion before mine. But the faded deni zens of the dim past, from among whom I was called to choose my companions and In whose cackled quips and anec dot?s, venerable as themselves and as often visited upon me, I was supposed lo find amusement, they were a bit too far In the forest of time. As I breathe deep of this free air of California though 1 am not yet free of the legal bonds that hold me to my hus band I can scarcely keep from crying aloud my Joy of emancipation from the society of crones and cronies. Riches? You say that I was surround ed with all the things of luxury and beauty, of culture and comfort, that most women crave? Why, little girl, you who are being pampered and petted, beset with gifts and compliments by some gray-haired courtier. I tell you that I would rather be a free scrubwoman than return to the moral slavery that went with the luxuries. As a matter of fact, Mr. Alsop was parsimonious with me in the extreme after our marriage but I admit the beau tiful old mansion In Washington was stored with treasures. So is an Egyptian tomb. Rather the sight from my window of that graceful, slatternly cowboy riding off to the herds below the blue mountains youth and strength and freedom of the West than all the splendors of the Al sop mansion, where old men and chattering old women pass through the gilded balls to worship at the shrine of obsolete so cial sanctities. That was the trouble, it wasn't' his jealousy, al though when he became jealous of his own son it did seem a pity. It wasn't his being stingy with me about upending money, for I could usually coax btm to pay the bills. It wasn't lack of devotion, for my' husband was much, much too foolishly affectionate. It whs the blind, cruel, im possible idea that be could mould me into the spirit, if not the likeness, of his sged friends, and still keep me happy. He moulded me. I nm an old woman at twenty three. I catch myself look- . ing in the mirror for gray hairs. But n to happiness (and I believe be wished to make me happy, In bis own way) it simply could not exist for me in the atmos phere of the early forties. It was when we gave our first dinner after the wed ding that I was initiated. Mr. Alsop made out a list of people to ask. When I saw that they were all from the other half of the last century I was dis mayed. I suggested that we ask some of my young friends. He would none of it. This was to be a digni fied and formal dinner, not a children's party. If I could not form myself to the high position to which I had been called I could at least refrain from in terfering with the cus tomary tenor of the Alsop regime. I weptand he won. They came. I do not wish to make light of the infirmities of age, 'but when that line of the bald and the gray went bobbing past me my heart went cold. I felt like Rip Van Winkle after be woke up the soul still young in him, but to his eyes the faces of all his human associates suddenly seared with years. It wasn't that I trembled for the future. There didn't seem to be much of any future in this world of people on the verge of the grave. I felt only a clammy, a deadening finality. I thought I had one foot in the grave, too. They talked. I learned that the White House is not what It was In the days of dear President Pierce. I learned that Alice and Phoebe Cary were twin lights of poesy and that Oliver Wendell Holmes w as the greatest humorist that ever lived. I beard stories of "befoh the wah" stories that I was to hear again and yet again. I felt as if some unseen power bad hisked me out of myself and set me back three-quarters of a century. The only up-to-the-moment remarks of tbe evening were the confided chronicles of tbe state of this one's rheumatism and that one's gout. I rebelled and managed to push up a few frightened Spring-shots of Youth through this human mold. I obtained per mission to have a few young people at the dinners. That only led to more bitter troubles. That house was dedicated to old age; my life was to be a sacrifice to Experiences Alsop Who it. Whether the weapon was Jealous rage or silent disapproval, my trembling friends were driven from my doors. Let me recall here a scene or two from among the many "scenes" in the little drama called "An Old Man's Darling:" The Library His two young sons have come home from college for the holidays. They are manly, refreshing fellows. Harold says: "Look out, dad, or we'll run away with mamma." A remark in most shocking taste, but quite forgivable by any one with understanding of a col lege boy's sense of humor. I see the blow coming before it falls. Mr. Alsop flies Into fury. Quivering with rage, he de nounces the startled lad until he flees from the room. Harold has since died. A Dinner Tarty at Our House a few young people have been asked, for I am In open insurrection against senile mo nopoly of my social existence. 1 have even managed to have a little music for dancing. There is a young man sittlr next me who discusses a new step. He will show It to me after dinner. I am bored and nervous 'with the talk of the aged majority. It is between courses and the musicians are playing. "No; let's dance it now," I exclaimed on a sudden impulse. And away "we whisk around the room. There is a crash. The table is in confusion. My husband has raised his plate and smashed it to bits in front of him upon the table. He bad risen red-faced and furious, and the evening is ruined. A dance at our house several weeks later I have moped at home until Mr. Alsop has con sented to the dance. He strides upon thd floor la the midst of a maxixe and hotly orders my young partner from his house, never to , return. These cruel humiliations con tinued and developed new phases. My allowance of spending money was so small that it amounted to practically nothing. But If I went shopping to New York, my fond but Jealous husband let me know that he would pay no hills. That was to bring me home early. My nerves broke under ths strain. In despair I fled to Europe. He came after me and brought ma home. But I shuddered in the air of the quiet house. I shrank from his constant caresses. I fled for tbe last time. Had I ever been In love with him? No. But I had honored and respected the stately courtier who began to dominate my life when I was fourteen years old. Fourteen! A little maid in a sunbonnet on the lawn of a hotei at Lake Toxoway. North Carolina. My mother is with me. Friends from Atlanta have a friend to in troduce to us. It is Mr. Alsop. Instantly he has singled me out from among the others. He bends above me as deferentially as to a queen. He pays me playful com pliments. And I sit and look up, blushing with embarrassment. Into the eyes of the man who is to be for years to come tbe con trolling figure in my life. At Toxoway they called him my "big Newfoundland do." because he followed ma about so faithfully. They are skilled and persistent wooersthese Romeos of seventy. Every day after the first meeting he sent me flowers; every other day, a box of candy. Ha flattered me into silly self-esteem by confiding to roe busi ness "secrets" which he knew I did not understand. I was proud of the trust. When he returned to Washington he continued to send gifts perfectly proper ones, candy and books and flowers, but ten pounds of candy at a time, crates of flowers and whole sets of authors' works. The five years of his courtship were Why Doctors Endorse Military NATIONAL defense Is perhaps the" leading question to-day, and no profession Is more vitally interested than the medical, for none must contrib ute more of its personnel to the military forces, writes the editor of American Medi cine. There are no differences of opinion as to tbe necessity for us to be prepared to repel invasion, but the kind and amount of preparedness are the points in dispute. Even the extreme pacificists who argue that armaments ought to disappear and will disappear in time, seem to be unani mously of opinion that for the present we must be able to defend . ourselves. All nations depend upon a citizenry trained and accustomed to arms, and that fact Is accepted In this country. We must now determine, bow many citizens should be trained and bow long? The English speaking nations have never made any efforts in this direction in times of peace, snd have trained only the few ' C'ODvrlsht. ISIS bv th Rt r--- or -.- n i ... - ; . v r- '- .,: . . . . v' xoung wira. Alaop, Who I ells happy years, although, unconsciously, surely, subtly, I was being severed from my youth. About me, even then, were being forged the shackles of which only an "old man's darling" can know the ul timate pain. With young companionship as a background for his love, all was well. But even the young friends spoke the lying adage in a cynic chorus that I then thought sincere. I had come to rely upon Mr. Alsop in all things. He wrote me pages of love mingled with pages of business confi dences. So it went on for five years. Of who volunteer for service In the small army and navy. The Swiss go to the opposite extreme and train every one a certain number of hours or days each year but per mit them to go about their civil employ ments in the meantime. The rest of the Continental nations adopted a half way measure. They train only those needed to keep the regular army up to a certain strength which varies according to the supposed need of having a force for instant use about 1 per cent of the population more or less being kept under arms. It takes a long time to recruit an army and equip It Tbe Russians required eighteen months to get ready to fight tbe Japanese, who won out by preparedness. Tbe war ended because of domestic disturbances In Ku rope Just when the Manchurian army was ready to fight Whether or not we should be furnished with a large army for instant use need Orsat "'lUIn RirhU nservtd. f ! xiMH-Vv- y;v . W 'N -r vvv..;."? , . ' "a ....'vW-..-v-; V";,'; H .'v. M' , v. ' . : . . v ... r ... ... ' ' ' .--'( v " t-...f s-.i - Here Why Life a "An Old Man'a Darling" Must; End in Failure. course, then It was settled. The shackles were beyond breaking. He had formed all sorts of combinations in restraint of my doubting heart. The love of an aged millionaire is as monopolistic as one of great industries. At the age of nineteen the two A's won Alsop and the Adage. I married him. . I did not marry for money. 1 do not think that, after five years of courtship, I could be said to have married blindly. I married for happiness. I liked, honored and respected him. Honored and respected! Dangerous Training for not be discussed, because the people think they do not need it, and they will not have It, though they all confess that we might have a bigger one than at present. The only thing left Is an extensive training of civilians to constitute a reserve from which to recruit an army needing little training. Arms and ammunition must be made in advance, but no one seems to know to what amount. The wear and tear on clothing is so great in war as to necessitate a new out fit every mouth or two, so that the means of making It must be Improvised anyhow and the lack of tbe Initial supply is not so serious as the lack of trained men and arms. Tbe whole matter bolls down to a question of training, and nothing can ba done until public opinion demands It A large percentage of our population is foreign born, and so glad to escape thai necessity for training that they will not consent to it until dire need forces them. words, little lass, on the dizzy, dazzling verge of becoming an "old man'a dar ling." Beware of them. Look forward to the time when you are a prisoner in your palace of dreams, when spectral senility besets your doors, when youth )s banished from your life. But there. I have told you my story, After all, Shakespeare said 4t all, bluntjy, and truthfully, centuries ago: 4 "Crabbed Age and Youth Cannot live together." American Boys The problem before us then, .s tar more complicated than usually admitted. For the present we must depend upon patriotic volunteers, but there is no objection to making military drill a part of the public school curriculum. As a callsthenlc and hyglenlo measure It will serve an excellent purpose. Target shooting would be hailed with Joy by every normal boy and would add test for school. As a public health measure the profession can safety advocate the innovation with out treading on the toes of the extremists who want peace at any price even the price of liberty. Germans and French men have repeatedly asserted that their armies had given back to the soldier fat more than he had contributed to nations defense. As hygieuists, we should rejolc at the prospect of developing our youth morally, mentally and physically by mill tary training. t. r