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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
2-B T7IK OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 28, 1915. CHURCH WOMEN ARE ACTIYE Members of the First Presbyterian Church Undertake to Raise a Large Stun of Money. INTEREST IN FINE ARTS EXHIBIT oriel (alrnriar. MONPAY-Orlglrml Mon1ajr nnriga rluh. Toum Auction Brld- club. Mr. V. H. Tvlor, hoMei. TTI ?IAT-Tui aday BrMse rluh Mr. Walter Robrt batena. Ih'hulnnte BrldKo rlub. Mm. J. M. MM.alf, dln npr at hrr hom, MIkkIoii spwlnir, at home of Mn Ivls. Wfildln ot Mini Hortrns Hplrbr.'r and Mr. Hajimrl Hoblnovlrh at Funtnrilo hutid. Twin kle club dam Inn pnrtjr at Mftrnpolltan. N. K N. O. rluh. Mim J ort Whltflold, tioeln.a. IVrttlPHt Ml If lolf rlub, Mra. Northrup. h.ntog. North Hlilp I'rngrra nlvo Card rlub. pnrty at thrlr hall, Trntv-riehth and Kowlrr atr.-ets. WKDNEPPAYWednriirlay ItrWUre rluh. H eln-mlay KvrninK rUilwrrlitlon lub, dnnrinir party at Mrtroolltan. Mr. Koniham. lunrheou for Mra. J. A. Irnry. Mra. A. I.. Own and Mia. E. M. Wratrrf li id. party at home of Mra. ;rvn for lun.lrn Wnmnn'a rlub. TIMNSPA V rdi-n rluh mrrtlu. Mra. I.nthrr Konntze, liotri Palay IllKh yvr rlub, Mra. J. T. Htawart. hoatraa. Sutwrrlptlon dnncr nt I'ratrSi- Pnrk i lub. PuniW Informal I'anHna; rluh, party at InincW hull. Mr. anil Mra. It. K. MiCullry and Mra. F. It. Ptrflght, din ner. ri;ilAV rhl Tvlla Th'tfi. banquet at l.inioln (Jul Vive rluh, diinclriK party at i 'hrwi'hrr' ai'id'niy. FATI'UI A V Went .'"nil Dnnclne; club, party at 'hn niht'ra' m adrmv. llarmnny luh. -"i Mr. and Mra. W. (. Rolby. ri"" Art" a'l-ty, exhibition at Fonte- Tha rarnratnraa, tha rnrrry and hull r.eaa antfrprlac of tha womrn of the Flrat rrebytrrlnn church, In their work or rodcamlnir a plrdtre made to mlxe 130,000 toward tha new church, haa en Hod forth admiration fin every hunt. Already over tll.HV) hni Ixvrt ralaed by the women, by mran of wwkly lunchecna given at the nld rhurch on Heventoeuth and Iodica atrwla and by the sale of srtk'los made by the fcwlnir circle. luteal monry-mnklnir acheme la tbe ananiremmt to have Mlaa Frnnea ."ah and Oenrire llitmlln, th well knnwn tenor of t'htcn (o, uppenr in Joint concert .it the IltanuVia theater on Jlun 'y afternoon, March Tlrketa are U all ovrr the home and the cale of rvsorved aoata boRlna Monday n ornlns;. Hoxea have been taken by Mr Oorite A. Joslyn. Mra. Charles Konnlie, Mra. K. V. Naah. Mra. Metralf, Mia. U. W. Megeath and Mlaa Margaret llreer 1't um. To facilitate their work the women have 1 ecn divided Into eleven grnupa ot ha lrii fifteen and twenty-thrco women inch, each one of thean groups having ptdged themaelvea to rulae at leaat 11,000. Mra. C. M. Willielm la chairman tf the entertainment committee. Mra. O. Is. Hradley aecretary and Mra. Char lea Of fi'tt treaaurer. Kach group In turn haa llf own chairman and treaaurer. Mra. W. F. Mllroy la president of the Ladles' Aid aoclety. An Kaater aale la alao In cluded In the plana tor making money In the future. Excelsior Spring! lfewi. Mr. and Mra. Frank Judeon, Mr. W. n. McKeen and Mr. W. A. C. Johnaon returned Tuesday from Escalator Bprlnga. Mra. McrCeen. Mra. Johnaon, Mra. Klrkcndall and Mra. Remington will probably remain over 8unday at the tiprlnga. Mrs. Wilson Low la expeoted t the Pprlnga today or tomorrow from Chicago. Mr. and Mra. Harry Steal have re turned from a two weeks' atay at Ki te I alor Springs. , Mra. Frank T. Hamilton returns today from tha Springs, where she bag been for a week. Pagalco Club Party. The Pag a loo club gave a dancing party at the Metropolitan Thursday evening. Those present were: Ml lie a ' Mlaaea Raarauaaen, Florence Erlokaon, tiladya Hedhouae, F. Martin, Fraucla Kedhouawt Thereaa lJohae, Alstead, Alma, iroderdorp, Florence Chambers, H'lnra ilroderdorp. nerry uiwoia, mriruoa Wliaon, llmoka J.uellla Parrlah. Harker, Her Ih a Tobta. Alta hanforU, linlle Cook, ?oohn Jolden, lelcn ronaldaon, Mary McAdama, Jeale Fuller, Irene ciHaer, iKthcl Harry, Frand Mlholland. Matin JHcuulth. I.olu Marvh, Janet M throe, hiexa Antony, Alice Froiume, Agalha Oawold, Jranne IniHoia, Km ma Mnrtlaon, Ktbel Jorgenaen, Meaars Meaara Gtorae lnahelm, K. J. t'alberg. A. Volney Knaa, J. A. Hwanaun, K. It. Mwanaon, V. W. Seleroe, O. T. lKiwnlng, Klnr l'atton K. Anderson. K. V. Kelly. ieorge A. Goodman F. W. (llenKer, ?. K. Kline. F. M. Carlisle. W. H. Joio-a. Arthur llempcl,' .. K Wetla. Cliaiiea It. Verity, Arthur I.yon. I. II. MacCrone, It. P. Moore, JoaepU Jaake, iW. V. McFarlane, i. w. uennia. charlea I'. Marvin. . If. Itelmont. J. A. M-Jrath, M. J. Grant. May Soreneon, Archie Forbea, Y.. M. May. Walter Sommera, If. H. Kuffner. R. F. Smith, Mr. and Mra. William U Keep, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ennls. The Twinkle Club. The Twinkle rlub will entertain at a Panrlng party Tuesday evening. March !. at the Metropolitan hall. Birthday Surprise Party A birthday surprise party was given In honor of Richard Iloye at his home Wedneaday. The evening was spent In mualc and games. Prises were won by Miss Olga Harmon and Mr. John Eber hardt Thoae present were: Mlaaea Mlaaea Kiina lialaer, Auguaia Krelle, Victoria union. Ktiiina Ilomlg, Marnnret iticnaraaonMinnie itoe, Irene Kelnoehl, Marie ret Iloye. Aneta Jehu, Meaara Adrian Khlleda. Roy Overholt, lxuls richmlis, Krnnet k, leonard Tibka. Julia Jberiiardt. Ulga Harmon, FYneat Ptrom. Iennla Cmipmtn, Walter Mattern, I'aul Wliaon. Oiarlea llailiar, Itlll Iloye. With the Winter TraTelers. The gay world ta starting off for Its pleasurea and conquests In other lands. Mrs. W. J. Connell and daughter, Mrs. Edward Crelghtoa, leave Monday for Cor- onado Beach, Cat, where they plan to atay for a few weeks. Mr. and Mra. Q. W. Wattles and daugh ters left Saturday for their Hollywood heme, where they will remain during the summer for the expoaltlona. Mr. and Mra. John T. Brain will leave Monday (or a six weeks' visit la Call fornla. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters and the Mlaaea Gladys and Daphne Patera expect to leave on Monday for a tour of Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Ieaaa Congdon leave the first of the week for C ail fornla to apend several weeka. Mr. and Mra. Gerrtt Fort left Tuesday for a Us days trip to Collfornla. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Love left Thursday for three weeka at Hot Springs, Ark. Wednesday Mr. E. E. Bruce, with bis daughters, Miss Margaret and Miss Ellaa- Two Former - Is at '"-"its MRU. WII.MAM FITZGERAU) Of Troy. N. Y. CALIFORNIA GIRL ENJOYED THE SNOW IN OMAHA. 133 Hoore beth, will leave for Chicago on their way to New Orleans and Texas, and thence to California, to see the Panama and Ban Diego expositions. Mra. T. M. Orr, accompanied by her mother. Mra Rusaell. left last weok. for Saratoga, Fla. Mrs. Orr wlil return next wees, leaving airs. Kussell In the south for a few weeka. Mr. and Mra W. II. McCord plan to leave In tan days for White 8ulphur Springs, Va.' Thoy will be joined there by their daus-htar. Mlaa Marlnrla tnr he Easter vacation from Ml as Spenea'i school in Mew Tork City. Miss Gretchen McConnell left fne Rati Plego to Join her mother, who haa been there for some time, but who will return home In a few weeks. Miss MoConnelL however. Diana to atav three nmntha in California. Acacia Club Party. The Acacia Dancing club of the Scot- tlsh RltS save Ita cilHitilnr itinc TimuIow evening. February U, at the Scottish Rite rainearai. xiua club will siva dances the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Among those present Tuesday were: Mia Misses I-lllle l.ubmsn, Mae Muchltrh, (.eoraia Hrxirt, oiler llllnl, Ruth Loerr, Lucille iJennla, . MadeJene Adams, Katnlla Ieach, Zella Reebe. Ann Bock, . Meaara. 0. Block, . . M. Hlock, .' John Vols, W.J. Kmrt, v C. F. Tangeman, I C. Dell, William Nevattl, J. C Nlttle, A. B. Adams, A. 8. Nuroe. Violu U'llllBma lhnlly HridKes,' lluhla Armbruat, Kathryn Krug, Mm Ma lterrv Marin Krug,' K thniaii, WUhelmlna A rmh.n.l Geneva Roamarln, Sam (Dim, John Hi bultx, K. J. Wotowa. lnnard Bergman, Is. .1. Hrhruin, Wlllla Miller, Henry K. Rock, W. 11. I'lers, Victor Whlta, J. J. Davtiy, I. c Meaara. and Meadameaw George W. Greene, O. Martlg, K. II Bureon. J. V. Rnaenblum. Jeaae Jarobaon, M. Poott, J. C. Lawrence, N. W. Nlchola, W, U. Nichols. Dr. W. Berry. T. J. Anderson. Fred Btrlffert, Wedding Announcement Mr. and Mrs. I U Bolts announce tha marriage of their daughter, Emily May, to Mr. Ernest B. Conant, which was cele brated Tuesday, February 13, In San Diego. CaL Alpha Phi Banquet The annual banquet of tha AJph-Ph was given Saturday evening la Lincoln at the Lincoln hotel. Among thoae at tending from Omaha ware: Mlaaea Mlaaea Louise Stegner. Josephine Huae, Ruth Thompaon, MeiHlairira Kllrt Urake of Norfolk, Meadames Charles Wright Wedding Plana. The wedding of Mlsa Ruth EUUabeth Lane, daughter of Mra. Evelyn A. Lne, and Fracklln Terry Smith of Fremont will be celebrated Tuesdajr evening, March t, at Trinity cathedral. Dean Jamea A. Tancock officiating, Mlaa a ret a Lane, sister of tha bride, will be maid of honor and Mr. Frank Perkins of Fremont will be best man. The wedding will be a small one, only relatives and close friends being present After the wedding, the young people plan to leave on an extended trip to Ha waii, to be gone possibly mora than all months. Out-of-Town Enragement The engagement haa been announced of Mlaa Mildred Massey of Sheridan. Wyo niece of Mr. II. C. Boat wick and Mra McClur of this city and a visitor here quit often, to Lieutenant John T. Hlnemon. jr.. First United States In fantry, tlia wedding- to take piaoa after Easter. Mlsa Massey visited Colonel and Mrs. D. L Howell at Bchofleld Barrack near Honolulu, where Lieutenant Hlna tnoa Is stationed, and their engagement 1 4 i ftmmnmrm Omaha Girls Return for Visit V V. "sX.l 1 Cramner vr POPULAR TWIN WILL BE WEDDED ON TUESDAY v c T ' " ' v 1 - I was announosd upon Iter return. She is with her mother and Mr. Boat wick In New Tork at present Lieutenant Hlne mon has a leave for two months with permission to return to tha states on the April transport Fine Arte Exhibit. The exhibition eommtttee of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts haa completed ar rangements for the opening next Satur day of Ita annual exhibition, which will be held this year In the ball room of tha Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. T. R. Kimball will superintend the hanging ot the canvases, as In former years. The flrat night will be a private view only for members and their friend, the following week being open to the public!. Tha exhibition committee Includes Mrs. Charlea T. Kounlse. chairman, and Mes damea J, K. Summers, - Ward Burgess, Warren Blackwell. George Prlns, K. P. EVERYBODY V Road ttils ad mroua----epc will surely te something tliat you will neod--tuke advantage of our exceptionally low prices SAVE TIME9AVE MJOFEY 10c Skat Hand Soap Only FREE! A 25-cent Tooth Brush with every 25c sale at our Toilet Goods de partment. 5c a Pound Any of the following EPSOM SALTS, COPPERAS, SULPHUR, SODA BIOARB. WHITING. (AXJtTlNfr DOG BREADBEST 1TX aaa DODOS TBM SVOTAXi rKABaCAOT SOTUSb aVOTAX V Peck, O. T. Eastman. Ming Carrie Millard and Alias Edith Tobltt. Pleasures Past. The Wednesday Brldjre club met yester day afternoon with Mlaa Daphne Peters to sew for the Visiting Nurse association. Thoae present were: Mesdamas Mesdamea Harold 1'ritchett. John P. Webster, Ben Wood, Mlaxea Mlaaes Katherlne Thummel. Elizabeth Brue, Marv Burkle.v, JVilldred Butler. Gliidya Peters, I lizabeth Davis, Daphne I'etera, Mrs. Sol Degen entertained at dinner Friday evening In honor of Mra. Becker of Philadelphia, The table was decorated with Jonquils and violets, snd tho guests Included: Messrs. and Mesdarres Samuel Frank, Werthelmer. llarry Fellhelmer. William llarrle, Jlenry Rosenthal, Mrs. lxMJlae Strass. Mlaa DeKen. . Mr. Morton Deren. Mr. L. P. Slpe entertained at a birthday party Saturday evening In honor of his daughter, Gladys. The evening was spent in music and games. Those present were: Mlaaea Mlaaes Gladys Slpe, Myrtle Graham, Gladys i'renlca, phllomena Worden. Meaara. Meaara. Rusaell Wlrta, Hlmon Waxenberg, Jaok Beaoon, Haymon Leaman. One of tho dinner parties at tha Fon tenelle last night Included: Messrs. and Meidames II .rru 1 1 V N. A. Van Orsdell. Charles JunoJ, Lioyd Willis. Uuy Cox. MILps Blandish. Robert Uantt. John Morrison. Rusaell Harris. Clinton Brume, Uoyd Wilson, Raymond Hsyward, William Ramsey, Mrs. Allan J. Murphy, Lincoln. Mra Warren Rogers entertained In formally at lunoheon Tuesday at her apartments In the Beaton complimentary to Mrs. John Patrick of Sheridan, who Is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Brown. The Girls' Bridge club waa entertained Saturday afternoon at the home of Mlsa Gladya Miller. Mlsa Luclle Derail the guest of the club. Mrs. J. C. McClure entertained Inform ally at bridge Saturday afternoon. Young Omahans in New York. At the annual Alpha Delta Phi cotillion at the Waldorf In New York Friday night of last week, Miss Josephine Congdon and Mlsa Harriet 6mlth were the guests of Mr. Casper Offutt and Mr. Jarvls Offutt who are both Alpha Delta Phis and went Tr- " ' nil Don't Miss This, Fear'a TL'naceat ed Boap, ' made in England .... 10c Borden's Ea gle Brand Milk-only THINK OF IX $1.00 Listerine only 59 50c Syrup of Figs , 34 &0c Bromo Seltzer, only 29 C0o Fape's Diapepsin, only ......... 29 J $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, only 69 Mentholatum 25c Hill's Cascara Quinine .-...14 WELL KNOWN TOILET ARTICLES 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream 15c 4711 White Rose Soap 50c La Blache Face Powder 25c Packer's Tar Soap 50c Hind's Honey and Almond 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 4 CUT PRICE REXALL down from Tale for the affair. A Tale glee concert preceded the dance, which Is one of the smart oollefra events of the yesr. The Omaha young people from college were guests at the apartment of Mrs. Arthur C. t?mfth and Miss Harriet Smith. With the Visitors. Mlaa Helen Clarke expect Mlaa Mar garet Wiley of Brookllne, Mars., to ar rtve Monday to vlult her en route to Cali fornia. Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith, who was the guest if Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hoirtrene left Tuesday to visit her father, ex-aen-ator Dlotrlch, at Hastings for ten days' before returning to her home at Farm Ington, Conn. Mr. Robert Morse of Vancouver, B. C, and little daughter have been guests this week of his mother, Mrs. W. V. Morse. Miss Marguerite Moore of Sacramento, Cel., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Kli'llnirer for a month, re turned to her homo the hist of the week. Miss Moon was honor guest at many Informal affairs during her stay. Mra. F. E. Sundwahl will entertain the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of rtouth Omaha Wednesday afternoon at ;3J o'clock. Miss X. B. Griffiths, who recently returned from Japan, will speak of the foreign field. All women Interested in the missionary work are cordially In vited. Mrs. W. H. Cramner of Denver will leave for her home the middle of this week. Mrs. Cramner has been with her mother, Mrs. R. B. Wood, at the High land apartments since before Christmas. Prof, and Mrs. George R. Chatburn of Lincoln are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent for the week-end, Prof. Chatbum and Mr. Vincent being old classmates at Ames. Prof. Chatburn was the speaker at the publlo affairs luncheon at the Commercial club Satur day and In the evening made an official visit to Maple Leaf chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of which he is state grand patron. For twenty years he has been head of the department of applied mechanics at the state university. Golf Club to Entertain. The first social affair of the Prettiest Mile Women's Golf club will be held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. D. Northrup. The assisting hostesses will be Mesdames H. 8. Wilbur, F. H. High and W. A. Meyer. Following la the program arranged for this affair: Vocal solos. Miss Dorette Arndt and Miss Grace Northrup; piano solo. Mrs. Edward Burke; reading, Mr. Clifton Smith; duet. Mrs. C. J. Parrott and daughter. Miss Frances Parrott. About fifty women will attend. In Army Circles. On the army transport Thomas that sailed February 5 for the Philippines were Captain and Mrs. Walter Harvey and baby, en route to their new station either In China or the Philippines. Mra. Harvey was formerly Miss Josephine Toung of this city. Among the passengers arriving In San Francisco February 14 on the transport Logan were Colonel and Mrs. James B. Erwln, who have been In Manila and Camp Stotsenberg for two or three years past. Colonel Erwin Is assigned to the western department as adjutant of that department Colonel Van Vllet, who has Just retired as colonel of the Fourth Infantry, Is succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel F. , Hatch, now on duty at the War College In Washington. He will not Join his regi ment for a few months. Captain and Mrs. Stritzlnger expect to leave Monday for their new station at Galveston, Tex. Newt of the Wayfarers. Mlsa Fanny Livingston is visiting her uncle and aunt. Rabbi and Mrs. Julian H. Miller, at Chattanooga. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Spragua will be home Monday from Florida, where they have been six weeks. Mlsa Henrietta Singer is spending a fortnight with friends In Detroit Mra Samuel Goldsmith Is visiting with frlenda in Creston, la. Future Affairs. The Dundee Informal Dancing club will meet at Dundee hall Thursday evening. Mrs, Charles Klrschbraun will entertain at bridge Thursday afternoon at the Fon tenelle. The Omaha Woman's Press club will have luncheon at the Hotel Loyal Thurs day ot thla week. The N. L X. O. crab will give a card 12c Kirk's Ju venile Soap Monday . . . MONDAY ALL, DAY 25c Carter's Liver Pills, only 12 35c Fletcher's Castoria, only 21 35c Pluto Water (quart) 24- 50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 34 $1.00 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp. . . .64 75c Jad Salts 49 $1jOO Horlick's Malted Milk .! 69 14rS 34 14$ 12 39 14 Cream 34 .34 50o Canthrox, only 29 50c Sempre Giovine 29 25c Massatta Talcum 12 25c Rexall Tooth Paste 19 50c Carmen Face Powder 29 25c Victor's Tooth Powder 12 FOOD FOR DOGS, lOc, ISc, 25c, 5Qc, 25 lb. Box S1.7gJ WILL BE ONE OF THE EARLY MaPcw ppttitc IK I i HiwIfulliBlxateutL ante. r uto M m v as, tsrr party Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Doris Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McCulley and Mrs. F. R. Strelght will entertain at dinner Thursday of next week. Mrs. A. Is. Oreon and Mrs. EX H. West- erfield will entertain the cast of "A Thou sand Years Ago," of the Dundee Woman's club at the home of Mrs. Green Wednes day. The North Side Progressive Card club will entertain Tuesday afternoon at their hall at 2 p. m. Mesdames L. Burllnghoff, W, J. Cuslck and J. J. Walker will be the hostesses of the afternoon. The Garden club will meet next Thurs day with Mrs. Luther Kountze. At this meeting plans will be made for the seed bazar which the club will hold on Satur day. March 27, at the home of Mrs. Luther Kountze. A special feature of the bazar will be the child's garden packages, which Will make charmlntr lltrin Trn for children with a taste for gardening. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. Jerome Magee Is in Chicago. Mr. Ben Cotton haa gone to New Tork on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Redlck returned Thursday from New York. Mrs. E. G. McGtlton returned Tuesday from a month's visit In Texas. Mrs. Charlea Metz arrived home Sat urday morning from New York City. Dr. F. W. Slabaugh and G. C. Gutnter will return from a trip to California to day. Mrs. Edward Lang returned home to day after a two months' stay In the south. Mr. and Mrs. George: Prlnz, who spent two weeks In New York, returned Fri day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Burke have gone to Washington, D. C, to attend a wedding In that city. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith and (Continued on Page Three Col. Four.) Omaha's Oriental Gift Shop offers a new selection of Japan ese Flowers, Japanese Table Linen and many new Sk I I rare Oriental I A rl Pces. TOP 211-12 City National Bank Bldg. 8e Shinola Complete Outfit with large box lUacking 9o S . I I J -. Any and all lOc Cigars lVfonclay for STORED - - 4 ! 17332 "Tl S TRUE VALUES FOR OVER 25 YEARS That's what this store has dona. It has given the peo ple of Omaha honest mer chandise at honest prices for over 25 years. That seems a long time, to some, but to us It has passed quickly and pleasantly for we enjoy knowing that we have attained the absolute confidence of all our pat rons. Bear this in mind the next time you need Jewelry store servlte. II stAttrTfwEB- 7 !3iSia ' . ..... :. t . NO MORE RED HANDS What does the average housewlfo or young bride Iread7 Red Hands. How do they get them? Washing dishes. Make your wife, sister or mother happy buy her A "Whirlpool" Sanitary Dishwasher Nothing will be more practical and appreciated. She will not only lose the Sled Bands, but you will be sure no germs lurk on the dishes. Hand Do Not Touch WaUr But acaldlntr water la always used. Only Seven Minutes' Time Required to Waah. Sterilise and Dry Dishes. Happintf Rmignt Suprmmu as well an health. In every home where a "Whirlpool" la used gives plenty of time to entertain or do other neglected work. Demonstration Daily. Bring This Ad Set 10 Discount. Write (or Booklet. B. GRUNWALD Phone Doug. 1911. 1110 Farnam St. 1 need now, or Monday Special S"4 Oombl nation Hot Water Bag & Fountain 8y. moRer s! aoo Iadin Brands. IwlA " VI I 1 ll mm. ti vsr y .... fM.aj.,.. (S $5.00 Gillette Razors, Monday Tot . 40 Mark Cross Razors, in red box Shave perfectly and last . . 17$ $1.00 Ever Ready Razors.. 69 on DBtra co. lta aad Xarsver. BTAJtTAKS PHAKIUCT 4Ua aad Tax nam.