Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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f tnp lower iouH wa
Orchard Citizens Ordered to Pay for
Circulation of Stories About
Townsman Who Ran Hotel.
iKYo'ii a Staff I'orroxponilpnt.)
LINCOLN. I'"rh 2S. (Sprrinl.) The rh-
ulntion of St;rin about diaries .1. Dou
jirrr of Orchard, In connection with his
operation of a hotel, hy Sidney V. Thorn
ton. NcIk l.indiiuist. Orn J. Oolridinith.
John Thomas Fletcher and Zacharlah T.
Itlrkx, businessmen of the same village,
will cost ilwm lit.wo, according to the de
cree of the .supreme court, which has
affirmed the decision of the district court
of Antelope county. The opinion was
written by Justice Unmer.
Term of C'aiminlmiloner.
K.Tnest A. Calling will he permitted to
n't as county commissioner for the
county of Dawson until 1317, according In
a decision of the Bupreme court In th
case brought by him apalnst Archie S.
O'llnnrt. The case grow out of the adop
tion of the constitutional amendment pro
viding for biennial elections. The plaintiff
was elected for a term of four years, but
Gilland was elected and qualified for the
position at the 1914 election. Calling main
tained that a vacancy did not exist and
the court hold with him. so that hi term
will not expire until 1917, or for a period
of two years of his successor's term.
The same principles were involved In
the case of Robert Sallng against K. D.
Rnhcnfky, county clerk of Howard county,
and the fin.imu
ellmt on rolli-p.
The find nc of the ilislrit t ruin I of
I.H"t .ifMi t ''n, nt i:i tlie wise of Ki. liob
rrt li.s,.!i t hI., .inint tlie Honl
IlicMii.i is. is revised by an opinion
handrd down l,y tin' supreme court, ami
th.- !.. t dii 'i tcd at nti-r a Judiinicnt
for the piaintiif In accoi dance with tlie
motion of lh iiefcnihints limine thrjtiial
i of th11 ase. i'. t'larenro Hewson rom
Innttcil suicide Aptil 22, inn, and h's heirs.
sued to collect on a policy iu Id by hlni
for J-.tort. The terms of hl.i contract t;li
the fraternal order were thrit his heirs
should receive the sum whit h lie had paid
Into the order If he should commit sui
cide, and they offered to settle on tills
bass, which amounted to S.M.20. The
case was tried and the plaintiffs tccelved
a verdict for $:.'J1. This finding m set
aside and the court ordered to settle with
the plaintiffs for tt'.?"
HopiUfM for l.cunl Krrt Icra.
John 1 Stout, surviving member of the
partnership of Hall & Stout, may recover
$2.rtt with Interest amount inn to $'fM.3;i
from the Omaha. Lincoln Heatrl-e
Hallway enmpanv, iiceordinu to the su
preme court, which has affirmed the
judgment received by the plaintiff in th"
district court of Lancaster county. The
plaintiff sued for .'!. Tor local services.
JiMlnnirnt Affirmed.
The ,i,lmnent received by Nickols J.
Jcrich anainst tlie rnimi Pacific railroad
In Oinahu has lieen affirmed by the su
preme court. Jcrich sueil for Injuries al
leged to have been received by him
wlillo he was In the employ of the de
fendant company at Its shop in Omaha.
Hrvprul of Judmnent.
The Inability of tlie court reporter to
transcribe and Krt up a bill of excep
tions In fifteen days following the dis
missal of the case of Katerine Kerber
against Frank Leise of Cedar county,
and the failure of the trial Judge to re
member a promise made to grant an ad
ditional forty days for the filing of the
bill of exceptions secured a reversal of
Judgment re.-eivrd in the Cedar lounty
I'istrlil couit from the supreme couit.
Itethait chol site t nnr.
The famous ILthanv school case, hard
fought In the courts and at the pods, be
tween the cltirens of the northern anl
southern portions of that Lincoln sub
mb, has been decide. I by the supreme
The court holds nothing else may
Involved with the submission of
question of the issuance of bonds,
even the uroposit Ion ft pun ha'lng
unspecified new site.
4 hnnara Priority
The supreme court holds that the date
of the appropriation of the alfalfa irri
gation distil t was Siplcmler 10, ls.t
Instead of June 1, ivsa The holding
modifies a former Judgment of the high
court and an order of the Irrigation
hoard. It bears on a contest brought by
the Kearney Water and Klectrtc Power
For the Farmer.
The supremo court affirms the Judg
ment of Pawnee countv district court In
the case of Frank Haas against Ftank
.Howard, to re -over on a protested check
given by a horse dealer to a farmer.
Tlie horse dealer claimed that the
farmer misrepresented !! horse he sold
him as sound, she was a
crlbber and windsm Kei.' The Jury
found for the farm-r on an issue of
veracity, . and the high court. In an
opinion written by fustic 1-ettnn.- says
"long experience has shown the writer
that this Is not an unusual result iu
suits of this nature." ,
Helm Bark Land.
Heirs of the Toop estate In Hutler
county are to jtct back the land that
they sold under the mistaken Impression
that they owned only a one-third Interest
In It. the supreme court having affirmed
the Judgment returned In tlnlr lavor In
the. lower court.
There were two sets of heirs, the plain
tii'fs and certain nonresident aliens liv
ing In Lngland. The plaint IM's supposed
that the others, being of an equal degree
of kinship, would come In for two-thirds'
of the estate. They wcte aliens, how
I fvcr. and nonresident, and under the
! laws of Nebraska could not Inherit.
I Mill Owners Uln.
OoHihart A- I'emon. mill owivts on tlie
Arapahoe river, did not lose tin ir water
tight by failure lo demand adjudication
of the same, according to a dci ision
handed down by the supreme ro nt today.
affirming an order of the
ligation. Plaiiitlfls had m
since !?. but did not seek
right sd indicated until I'l.
Hoaid of lr
'I the water
to have their
The -ei..-h-
man valtry hrtgatlon district, holding .
water light on the sme river. untested
the application of the plaltilllls. More
over the latter Bigued the ihxtilno of
'the balance of convenience.' namely
that water for Irilgalion purposes was
more necessary than water fot milling
U more 4 linrcli Calls Pastor.
v. .Mo It K. Neb. Feb. :;.-(Speclall--At
a meeting ot tne Papllst rhureh con
gregation Thursday evening a call was
rvlend-d to the Koc. Mr. Jansen of Wulde
Hock. N'b. Ti e ihurch has leen without
a pastor since last October, when tho
Lev. .Mr. Hoge was i ailed to Friend,
uiin I n era l.a 4 nanty.
rtKATRlCF, Neb.. Feb. W.-i Special Tel
egram.) A heavy snow la falling here
tonight and the ground Is covered to a
depth of six inches.
I Cut Flowers
H Potted Hyacinths, special
urday each, only 19c.
A large assortment of cut flow
nert on tale Saturday at special
- .o Wr yr, .vt ; J
. " i
Men's Suits
Final clearance sale Saturday
of men's aiivl young men's suits
at wonderfully low prices. Read
about it in our other ad in this
paper today.
Hose for the Whole Family
11 Store Open ;: Cjggj v, t 'i' Store Open 11
If UntU 9 P. M. Jlffl( UntU 9 P. M. B
J Saturday. l!!ShT f -" .-JS'dCi! ' uumr&- Saturday. II
Women's Purs Thread Silk Boot
8tocklngt Black, white and fan
cy shades. Full fashioned with
relnforred heela and tor; QC,
double soles, ttOc taJues. . . )DC
Women's Tiber 811k Boot snd Fine
311k Llsls Stockings Full seam
less; double soles, heels snd toes;
ribbed tope. Worth 25c.
Speclsl, s pslr
Boys' snd Girls' Fine snd Hesvy
Ribbed Stockings lViubto knos,
heeds snd toes. Worth lo n 1
:ro. Special Snt'y, pair. 12C
Men's Fiber Silk Hose Black and
white. Full seamless: double
soles, heels and toes. Worth 25c.
Special for Saturday, 1 n
pair lifC
Jewelry and Leather Goods
Real Leather Bags Real Morocco,
Real Beat and Henl Goat leather;
silk lined and fitted. Worth to
$2.00. Saturday, your
Parlslsn Ivory Hair Brushes
Worth 92.00. Saturday,
:::,h.p:,.e: $1.00
Parlslsn Ivory Trsys In two lots
for Saturday. 50c values Cli.
for 25c; $1 OP values for...OUC
Gold La Vallleres Soldorod link
chains. Worth lo $5.
Saturday, for
Gold Scarf Pine The new
est designs. Worth to
$2.00. Sale price,
Fine Gold-Filled Waldemar Ve
Chains KegulHr val- f Af
ties to $2, Sat'y. each...V""
e new
th to
Saturday-Final Clean-Up Sale B S
of Men Suits and Overcoats J
Men's and young men's
winter suits and overcoats
taken from our regular
stocks go into this great
sale. While they are odd
lots and styles, the styles,
materials and patterns are
most excellent. Men of ev
ery size and build 'will find
suite and coats to fit them
in this great sale.
$10, $12.50, $15 and
$16.50 Suits and Over
coats, Saturday
265 Hirsch-Wickwire and So
ciety Brand Suits go into this
notable Saturday sale. All odd
lots carried over from . our
regular stocks make up
the assortments. Most all
arc in medium weight, all
this season's garments. A
good range of sizes includ
ed, and a large assortment
of shades is represented.
g Suits That Sold as High
as $30 One Lot Sat-
Smart New Neckwear
Dainty Neckwear These new. models sre, we think, the most
becoming styles ever crested. Semi-Military Effects in Sheer
Swiss Embroidered, Hsnd Embroidered and Embrold- on
ered Net Collars. Special Saturday, each LJC
Queen Elizabeth Neck Ruches
With velvet bnnda, finished with
flowers. DOc values, OA
for. LXJC
Collar and Cuff Sets A dainty
Rnd pretty addition to any frock
or coat. Special pric
ing, a net
Oriental Lace and Fine Swiss Vestees Military collars; also frill
oack collars. A very new style. Saturday Cft
up from OXJC
Fetching Styles in Veils at
Special Saturday Prices
The Popular Cape and Mantilla Veils In a
pretty and extensive variety of mcslies, with
attractive borders of chenille and velvet. They
may be had in black, white and col- iq
ors. Worth to 75c. Special Sat'y. each.sjiC
nrJav, Choice
Men, Get a Pair of Stryker's Shoes
Saturday in This Great Sale
HYou will not only get as good shoes as can be made, but you will
it. ffi ... i . .. f . r .
save money, gei me ngni iu ana penecc sausiacuon
Strykers CA
S5and$6 OU
Shnns f nr
( AU )
$3.50 to $
Shoes for
Stryker Shoe Co. was forced out of their store by the Board of Trade
Rniirfinp. fir.-. We bought for cash, their entire stock of late winter early
spring and summer style shoes. They sold at a big sacrifice, which ex-
PllnThereVrershoes ofpraetically every good kind button and late shoes; high shoe and low shoes;
tan, black and patent leather shoes; full leather and cloth top shoes and aU perfect. These shoes have
been in no way injured. . '
D 17 TV 1 17 1 I DEI? Saturday is the last day of this (Ireat Stryker Sale, so
f r.iVl ILIVIdIIiIx. come theu. Early buyers have the best sele'tiou.
Men's Furnishings
boat 76 Dnu BKaa'a Una Madras, Pancy Stripad c.
atta and aroala Bliirta MoUy aaiupies. All QQn
neat patterns. Worth to II. &U: Saturday vwu mzs's rm bhiktb au m (e stoop. co"1u
lag mostly of aamplaa and brokan lota of Ina sMrta,
both aafUcaa and iolf atyla. AU aaat naw RRfi
spring- pattaraa. Valoaa to $1.36; Saturday. -., " " "
o'a Mit SM ot Man'a Flbar BlU Koaa. Vll nrins'
ahsnlfs. All Biae. Regular :&c ajid 35c values O I Q
Special Saturday, a pair a. IV
60 Doiaa Maa'a Uk roor-lu-Kaad Tlaa l-arge op-i
end. Made of fine quality alia. Regular 5Uc ORC
nualitv. Saturday, rai-li ; .
186 DORV KIH1 rm HSU mo Black, tan.
whita, fray aad nary. Worta ISO. Satur. I OlAfi
day. pi
Final Clean - Up of Boys'
Long Pant Suits
Boys' Dapt. iacond Tloor.
$10, $12.50 and even $15 Suits go at $6.50
I'lenty of desirable patterns in this sea
son's models. Aires 14 to 18 years. Blue
Serges, Fancy Tweeds, t'assimeres and
Worsteds. Many ar medium weight gar
ments, suitable for early spring ! r f
wear. Saturday, for.. $V.OV
Men's $2.00 and QC
S2.50 Hats for .
Saturday a sale or the entire floor stork of
Balniaraan hats, stitched crowns and - brims,
bought from Uernsteln Brow., bl Vest 3d street.
New York City. These bats were bought st
less than 50c on the dollar.
. There are: All t'olors; All 81cm.
Thfse liata when sold in regular way won Id be
priced 2 ami 'ZJtO. Kulorday
all in one lot, choice for only . . . .
New Model Suits for
Little Chaps, $2.45
Second Floor
f3.00 and $4.00 Oliver Twist
Suits, Vestee Suits, Middy
Suits, Balkan
Buits for
Here are plsin Hlue Serges
and serge combinations. New
color combinations of Cassl
roeres and Worsteds, In light
eight wool fabrics. Ages 3
(o 8 years. 13 to $4 values.
Your choice Saturday, $2.43.
its. Middy m
$2.45 Q
My! What Stunning Blouses!
. One can hear delighted customers in the
Blouse Shop so exclaiming many times a day
now and' with excellent reasons, too:
Naver before have we had such complete line of
fascinating blouses as now; never before, we be
lieve, neve there been such delightful styles, such
lovsly coloring. Prices, toe, are of especial In
terest now.
Georgette Crepe Blouses $5.00 to $8.96'
Crepe de Chine Blouses..... .... $2.98 to $8.98
Black Iace Blouses $5.98 and $6.98
Striped Crepe de Cbltie Blouses. . . .$5.00 and $3.50
Radium Silk Blouses for $6.00 and $5.98
, All have come in the last few days--all
are in newett colorings and newest styles
fj a i ,i
VI i a' 1 1
Candy Specials
R for Saturday
ftoaclsl Old-Fashioned Blsck OA-
Walnut Taffy Pound XtVC
Brazil Nuts Dipped In vanilla fla
vored cream. Special Sat- Oft
urday, a pound JC
Special. Delicious Maple Pecan Nut
Nougats Regular 40c grade. Of
Saturday, a pound OC
8peclal Coceanut Balls Vanilla,
strawberry and chocolate. r
Saturday, a pound IOC
Our Delicious Maple Confections
Freeh every Saturday. A Oft
pound. aUC
Pompelan Chocolate Bitter Sweets
and Swiss Style Milk Choeolstes
With crsamy fruit and nut centers
Regular 40c grade. Sat- Oft
urday, a pound aC
Special' Chocolate Dipped Cherries
In cream. Regular 50c
grade. Saturday, lb. box..
Suits, the Style Arts
tocrats, are shown
now in the models a
new spring brings,
FASHIONSEaC suits combine
perfection In workmsnshlp with
the most fashionable materials
snd meat sttrsctlvs exclusive
ness In their every detail.
Featured now in modes that are
original are the fetching plain tail
ored effects and the jaunty belted
and plaited or pointed coat styles
with the full flared gores and plait
ed skirts. All portray the season's
very newest ideas and are in the
shades that belong distinctively to
this new spring:
Sand, Putty, Battleship Gray, Bel
gium Blue and Navy, as well as
Black and the Fancy Mixtures and
the very smart Checks.
Siyts comprising all of the lines and
grace of much higher (nr
priced garments, here for p3
Dresses Like the One Pic
tured Here Sat- $1 O50
urday for 1 C
BEAUTIFUL dresses in the very
newest style, made of Crepe
de Chine and Taffeta, in combina
tion chiffon waist and jacket ef
fects. Included in the selection arc
plain and dainty trimmed styles
with full flared or plaited skirts.
All of the shades for early spring
wear are shown in a variety of
most pleasing styles.
Saturday price, and a very special one it is, too,
J I?Wf Models for spring In
iV Irr Gabardine. Poplin.
Herges. Coverts. Fancy Tweeds
and Checked Materials. They are
shown In the full flared or plait
ed models with yoke and cuff, or
in plain tailored effects. Black,
nsvy, sand, putty, gray and check
skirls. Priced spe- AQ
daily, at $0,170
JVJTLI Styles for spring In
" w w fine Serges, Uabar
dines. Poplins, Coverts and Fancy
Mixtures in the modish medium or
three-quarter lengths. There are
some full lined, others half lined
styles. All spring's newest shades
are represented. Including checks
and mixtures. Many CIA
styles, too ylU
New Sty I es in Chi I d ren's Wear, Too
Dresses of fine ginghams, per
rales and cbambray In conserva
tive checks, stripes and fancy
plaids or In plain colors. There
are self-strapped models, piping
nnd embroidery trimmed styles
and both light and dark shades.
All sizes, 6 to 14 years, and a
wide variety to select
from, special only
Dresses in all the latest Ideas for
early spring wear In repps, linens,
rhambrays, fine ginghams and
lawns. The variety Is wide, em
bracing checks, plaids, stripes and
plain colors or striking combina
tion effects In self-strapped, cord
and button trimmed and coat
style. All sizes 6 to 14 years
$1.75, $1.98, $2.50,
$2.98, $3.50 & $3.98
Drugs and Toilet Specials
Llthls Tablets 3-gralnJ
Special, per o
bottle l&U
Sal Hepatica Special
Saturday, 50c Oft-.
bottle, for jC
Mentholatum Speclsl,
25c size box, 1
for IDC
Witch Hsxel Special, s
full quart bot- on
tie, for aCOC
Beef, Iron and Wine
Special full
pint, for
Babcock'a Toilet Water
Special, $1.00 (
sire, for OSC
4711 Toilet Water A
tide size bot- 99
tie, for )uC
Hays' Hslr Hsslth
Saturday, $1
size bottle..
Kirk's Juvenile 8osp
Special Saturday,
a rake ,
Essex Peroxide Sosp
Special Saturday,
a cake DC
O. K. Spanish Type Cas
tile Sosp Sat- -t n
urday, a cake....lC
Savoy Face Enamel
Specially priced J
Saturday luC
Meloroie Cresm Spe
clal, 50c size, 9o
for JJC
Melorose Rouge Sat
uraay, buc size, jO
for JJC
Madonns Rice Powder
Special, 25c
size, for 1CC
Darbrook's Locust Blos
som Toilet Wster
50c size, for. . .
Shaving Brushes Are
worth 00c. Sut- t g
urday, for laC
Cupid Toilet Sosp Spe
cial Saturday, n
a cake C
Cream Marquise Spe
cial, 25c size, 1 J.
for 14C
Extra Quality Msnloure
Files Special, o
each OC
Eyebrow Pencil Slides
Chamois Powdsr Puffs
Special Satur
day, each
French Plate Hand Mir
rors Sstur-
day, each . . . ,
Lee's Hospltsl Cotton-
Saturday, lib.
I roll, for
29c! FREE
A Face Chamois with every box
of Face Powder Sold Saturday
Bargains in
Wall Paper
Ixt from the R. Campbell auction
stock of wall paper selling at an
average ssvlng of about one-half.
10 New Patterns of Light and Dark
Papers With borders to match. A
regular 5,4c grade. Satur-
day, a roll JC
Parlor, Dining Room and 8tore Pa
pere A wide selection to choose
from. These pspers sell usually
for 10c, Our price for Sat- fl
urday, a roll OaC
Bedroom Papers A well-selected
line with cutout borders to match.
Regular 15c value. gat- Q
urday, a roll OC
Nsw Liquid Gold Papers 20 pat
terns to select from. Very suitable
for living room, reception ball, etc.
Worth up to 25c. Special I
Saturday, a roll 1&2 C
R. Campbell's Imported and Do
mestic Oatmeal Papsrs A big se
lection, worth up to 50c; In two
ro'n . 15c and 27c U
Good Books A Special Price
BBaaSS I s '
lLs "i
Special Sale of the good late fiction
that formerly told up to 11.35, for .
Ttiaaa titles and othera at thia low
P. O" Mr Heart by H. Hartley
l-aat of Pr.aiUr, The by W. Hom
er. Maugham.
Ycara af Dlacrrtlaa by F. and F. I.
He fmrm Im Saalllaa by i'harlea
i'il 1 .11
, - c I nncrman.
1 1 I Vtmr Featliera by Wm. PenlKon.
jt I Tlie by Albert 1'aynon Ter-
JJ IkV. I DlBM Hi PitkUk-hv AltMt rv.
Jar I eon Terhune.
- . w J i i a I I UIU .-li , I I. 1 1 1 ,
Jaaceaeat Haaae, Iwe by tStr Gil
bert Parker.
Cry ta th WIMarmeaa by
Marv F. Waller.
Kla-h RMrra, Tka by
Rllwell Cullum.
riuarkr, Th by Theo
dore Dreleer.
Ufe" Maak, Th by The
Author of "To M. L. O."
Dm Cva Tiae by
Richard Harding Davie.
The H4 Pa hi U by Itobt.
W. C'hambera.
teld by Htewart Edward
A Sena ( Slaaeaee by
Frederick Arnold Hummer.
The Mar.hall by Mery
Kaymond Hhipman Andrew
& 1-jovri L -N
The Devll'a Admiral by
Frederick Ferdinand Moor
aUloa by W i n a t o n
Air Pllel by Ftandall Jr-
Alta f Saaaape by Har
old lilndloaa
Bark Hae by Irvln fl.
ahhacea aad Klawa by O.
f'orarlla Blo.enn- by Geo,
Handolph Cheater.
J rul Hrathrrhy by Payne
'Ih SUIy-Plret Serad by
Owen Johnaon.
Mail OrHra r:il--1...PMtae'. Pvtra,
More Than 1,000 Unframed S
Pictures In a Great Sale
Saturday a Clean-up of
What Remains From a
Year's Selling of Pictures,
offering both imported and
"Made-In-America" Pic
tures in Two Great Lots:
The reproductions of the work of
nearly all prominent painters are rep
resented in this sale. A sale offering
a very unusual chance to secure a
good reproduction for your home, at
about the price of a postcard. Some
of the nuts are slightly soiled and
shopworn, but in every instance ,the
picture is in perfect shape.