Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
IK J THE ..BKE: OMAHA, I-'KIDAY, . FEHKCAIUT 20. 1'Jl.x I r i SITE WHERE NEW FONTENELLE HOTEL WAS BUILT Old 0. F. Davit homestead streets, after Douglas street was put to grade. D. T. Mount home across the street, where . 4 ' U mm SOUTH OMAHA MEN FAYOR ANNEXATION Number' of Merchant! Send Letter ' Declaring Themselvei for the -' Union of Cities. ARE OUT FOR HOWELL BILL - (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. U,T(9i'uM.HAa an Indication that all the buslnesa men-of South Omaha are not aMint anaoxatlon of .that city to Omaha mmnbera of the Icslslature were ycslerduy rocftvlng let tera contalnln the "following; 'POtn'H OMAHA. Neb.. Fb., 13-To the Membera of the Legislature: The resi dents and taxpayers of South Omaha are overwhelmingly In favor of the p&sae or the Mowed Ml) for the ,conaildirtlon of ftputh Omaha with Omaha. "If you are In doubt about this send a omtaltteo of fair mlnc!d men to our city , to Investigate and they will find the above statement l .tiuq. , . 'OEOnflBW, MASON. ' ' ' "Commission Merchant, Houth Omaha. "W. W. FISHKU, Dry Oocds. "W. E. REED. ' t Manager, Clny. Robinson & Co. "N; E. CARTER, Architect and Builder. "R O. BEAVERS, Orooer. ' O. Js. HARDING, Coal and Feed. ' F. W. BLACK. letter Carrie' "A. BAKKE. Bakery. , "ELOF NILLSON. Ileal Estate. GV DEAVERH, Ral Estate Qwner." i Ne Aftlom trt Taken. The house committee on cities and towna refused to take any action on A. F. I, the annexation bill, and put the same over until next Tuesday afternoon, when final gctlon will be taken. , The committee reported out favorably Drouse (low's bill. H. R. 403. changing the hours of work for Omaha firemen so that, one shift will work eleven hours, going on at 7 In the morning Instead of S, and working until f at night, eleven hours, while the other shift tills In the balance of thirteen hours. The two shifts change oft each montb. ' ' Faney la Coach. ' , Howard S. Fahey. former Dartmouth athlete and for a time with the Bhlladel I'hla Athlettca. has aigned a contract as coach of the Norwich university bass ball team. Last year be waa with Lynn and Lowell In the New Englnnd league. Legislative ' Proceedings Reured for Pest t fcy, BJ te Staaidlasj lasasatttees. II. R. thi, lnlgan of Uraelry Jlepoala law requiring owners of Joint fences to kep Uiera up. ReeesasBCBidr4 fer Paaeaar hy Sen . V at r.aaltte"f Whole. ' fi. V. 1, Eandsll of York Permits non reaMvnt luriiiiiliiii- wiirftMit for tmt4 in o.urt actions la make cash deposit in llei of norxl. 5. V. in, r-plrk of BullneEnables court, te designate plai of sale of land sold OB execution or at referee s sale. Bills Passed ky lb Sraat. B. F. 41. Howell of Duuglse-Antt-' discrimination iwsuiance rate bill. Aye. U; nays. 14. 6. It, 1UU, Rudrn of Knos-Knsbles county boards to compromise rlliu or JuUKinenl in favor of th tnunty. Ayes, iisys, none. 6. f. l ileal of CVirter-Hegulklr. pr.cti. ol clilrorar(lf. Ayvm. 13; nays, il. Not rei-clving a ronaiitutioii tiajr'ty 1 pans Hb emrrKc-ii.y rlauar. coll tall mas mad without II. e emergeiiry vlause, pass ing. J9 es. it no, 4 si.wnl. . b V. , haundere Empowers metro politan water iliMii.t to con. trait and operate electric plant. Ayes. Si; nays. altai. 1. "' Marshsll'pf Inastr--Pro- for lauuniiili. rleaiarwe between hiKh-puwer rintno transmitter lines and exlnting li'lrihone and telegrsb liuea. Ayes, ii: lus, aunu. BUI futrl by lleaae. H. R. i!l, llotrtm-i.ter and h t earns Relieves eountlva paxnc salartea and e penaas of irrigation awr ronuuisaionsrs and traualers it to tlis stale. Ayes 7r Bays, 10. , ' 11. 1c K, Mattdaon and Hosteller Auihoii reiiKUry and burial axaocla lions tu inrlt, sifts and endowments. Aye is; bs, . S. F. . HynlKnd-Herinlis toiinty sg rl uitural ao- ini- s to romli-ma land tor bee Hi iK.Uiii. lairs. Ayes. Sj. nays, nona. . V. to. ituHM-'Uelnurw.1 4u tmnrrmm aa.lng lirlKii..ii survey or Lod f0io i aays, none. m i' i ; Davis Homestead . ...'-V, , J : - - v?. : .: .::! . . - ' . ; ' " -;..- , - - . Air When Douglas St. Was Graded The picture of the 'old Oscar F. Davis home, the large, rambling two-story Structure, shown on this page, gives a correct Idea of how the Fontenelle hotel alta appeared some twenty-alx years ago and after the second cut had been made In Douglas street, In the vicinity of Eighteenth: Only the older residents of Omaha know anything about the Oscar F. Davis home. In Its time It waa one of the pre tentious and palatial homes of the city. It waa close to the crown of the Doug, lua street hill and overlooked the cit J and the country to the eaat for mllea up I Stilt itMM Ik. Vl I . UA J " ... iwwui moa over Into, Iowa... ' The, growth of the city and changes In the style of architecture, the Davh home had . to give way" to the mareh of 'progress: As will be observed by looking at the -plcturei-tha Devta home eMWNtMpM the earner of Eighteenth and Douglas streets, that la now the site of the hotfl proper. It waa located a little to the west and covered the ground that 1 how' occupied by the hotel annex. The corner of the block waa practically always vacant property, though In later COMES BEFORE COMMITTEE PUBLIC UTILITY BILL From a 8taff Oonf non.Uni., , LINCOLN, Feb. :V-(5net'lut.,-ArKU. msnls agalnat house voll 5-1, the Oater man bin regulating public utility fran chise In munlrlnalltl'a and counties, were heard by the cities and towns com mittee of the house at a special station lnt evenlna This ! reee nliril mm of the most Important bills pending be fore1 the ItArislxture, The tommlttoe has not yet acted upon It. Among tl os who donea t-d In aunnurt of the bill were J. It. Bralv. who as si ted In drafting It; C. V. Bryan.-O. W. Merge and O. W. Meier. Representative Osterman lo made a talk to the com mittee. . City Attorney J. A. Rlne of Omaha, who la on of th Lilt support ers, waa present, but 114 not take part In the argument. ' Those who spoke In opposition to the bill were Railway Commissioner Hall and President W. E. Sharp of the Lincoln SALUT! Was Left Hwh in years it waa occupied by the Alrdome, a summer show place. Years prior to this !. waa the site of a little orchard and truck garden. It waa there that Gover nor Cuming raised apples, berries and vt-getablea. Many, many ycara ago when Omaha commenced to take on city airs It waa decreed that the natural grade of Douglas street was too steep and con sequently an early city council ordered a cut of something like ten feet. For a long time this grade seemed satisfactory, and It was ao when the Davis home waa built. Later, however. It was decided that the grade waa still too steep and about twenty-five or six years ago the second out In the street-wss ordered ordlnanoe, . Then the street was cut down between twenty-five and thirty feet This left the street In the condition It appears to be at the time of making the picture. It will be noted that by looking it the figure of the man farthest to the left and estimating hl ..height . at . six. feet, the surface of the lot at this point must have been something Ilk .thirty six or forty feet ,bov th street level, which la also th street level at th present tint. Traction company. Several telephone representatives attended the hearing but did not talk. Mr.- Hall waa very Insistent on the committee considering hi bill, It. R. S07, Instead of th Osteman measure, and bumped up against three or four of the speaker on th- other lde. When he found out that the Osterman bill had been amended by It . friends, he com plained because he had not been given notice of thto before. Another amendment will probably be added allowing telephone companies' to ran long-distance line Vn country hlgh waya by securing th permit from the county board, without going to the trouble of putting the franchise question to popu lar vote. . Cnhm t. Play Yank. The Chicago Cubs and th New Tork Yankees have agreed to play an exhibition gsme at Havannah on April 1. Bresnahan offers to i eatch for the Cubs if Donovan will pitch for the Yankees, but Donovan aaye he wanta to aave himself for Lno vaa day in Detroit SALUT! )$HE long-awaited, modern fireproof hotel of Omaha, dreamed of Yi and conceived by its public-spirited citizens, realized. Friday I its doors open to the public. Its managemcrit is proud of what it may offer. It hopes to merit public approval. No pains or expense have been spared to give to this city all that its progress and enterprise deserve. This is not a hotel for men alone; its Tea Rooms, Lounging Rooms and Rest Rooms are for women, too. Money has been liberally expended in furnishing this house in a manner equalled by no hofej between New York and San Francisco. To these-expditures of 'money and thought, and to fair prices,' courtesy and hospitality, the people of Omaha, we UlieCe, will respond loyally and liberally. A, service is to be' maintained that is seldom found outside, the Metropolis. A cuisine of unusual excellence will set a new standard in this city. , Preparations elaborate are perfected. Dinner de Luxe will be served throughout the evening.. Atrange with Directaire of Restaurants Mayard, and your wishes wiU be in safe hands. The management is content and confident that this strutture, architecturally beautiful, will be supported in a manner deserving. at Eighteenth and Douglas American theater now stands. T. II! 4t 1 1 VETERINARY LICENSE BILL LIKELY TO PASS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 25. (Special.) H. R. 772. the veterinary licensing bill, which waa once killed and afterward resur rected, narrowly escaped a seoond Inter ment In the house committee of the whole Thursday. After being considerably amended the bill waa temporarily saved from death by the ddfeat of Mr. Orr'a motion to Indefinitely postpone .It. th vote being 24 to 29. It was then ment tn third reading, with not assurance that' It 'in finally pas. ALL JIB, HEAD BBXasBBaeBXaBB Severe Itching and Burning.. Red and Sore. Kept Awake at Night with Itching,-Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Head All -Healed. 60i N. Hamilton Ave., Chicago; 111. " My snip trouble began on th lower part ' of my head with severe ttchlna'and humlnt. forming into rumps or pimple which spread all over my 1 head. The would rteh. something terrible, getting red and sore and after some time they got hard. My trouble always seemed to be Y&ik wone- Nights when I would t iVJL'H take down mv hmir mnA mmhIi It the aceles were so thick that I would have nothing but scale In my comb. " I had had tba trouble six month whea I heard about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. The Itching had kept me awake at night but when I used th sample 1 had better rest. I bought a bog of Cuticura Ointment and bar of Cutl- -cur Soap and used them every night and morning for four weeks. My head waa all healed and I would never wash my head bow with anything alas but Cuticura Soap." (Signed) tils Helen Beyer, July SO. 1014. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. Bkra Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T, tea." Sold throughout th world. ' PIMPL SPREAD CHOKING HITCHCOCK BH1 Effort to Oct the Meiuare Oat for Coxuideratioa Fails by Ruling of tht Speaker. PLAN IS TO LET IT EXPIRE 'Prom HKtt Corrpon1nt.) LINCOLN, Ttb. 2B. 48p;ll.-Dum-dum bullata my b In th Europn wr, IUpiMntatlv Irrrf Howard belnf ... i . . itn th linucrfpwiui in mn witui i Httchrock resolution thl mortilnic In th I . ... . m IJI 4 I house, ror ine purpaw, n plnt the ue of dum-dumi by the belllger ent natlona. The bill, which If In the nature of Joint resolution, which haa paased the iwnate and now repoaea In the handa of n, hnua Indiclarr committee, did not MIK j 1. 1 j i v 1 1. 1 j - - ' ' ' t a chance because the apeaner ruiea that at insi mm tiic ' ' out by the committee It would not be In ordr to call It up. It la understood that ... . . A. 1 . . 1 Will Jl. the hill had not been reporxea the c Ommltlffe inienns 10 in inc uin ra In committee to avoid fight on the floor. MadeeU Visit. One hundred and fifty students from the state farm visited the legislature this morning, and on motion of Peterson, pleasure was expreeaed by the house that they were present and for th edification of the visltora, on motion of Norton, the house went Into committee of the whle with Lanlxan In the chair, that the atu- dents might get a taate of real oratory from the house. Departmefit Orders. WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 (Special Tele gram.) Postmasters sppoimea South, Dakota ureenwsy McPherson county. Rose Luti vice J. M. JMti. rc- signed. . Wyoming Clifton, Weston county. Ti,nnnr. I HimmT vice J. H. Leek, re- iintH- Krvmv. Natrona county, Klmer Anderson, vice M.. L. Gaston, resigned; (inrlsnd. Park county, Arthur B. Camp bell, vice U J. Wood. postmaster reappointed polntd: Ferdinand Wemlt. Belmont. Dawes county. Ne- hrsska. and William M. ommr. Moun tain View, Uintah county. Wyoming. AT OUR FIRST wumm SATURDAY (Intrimcied Shapes at 0 All Trimmed llils; . Worth Op b $10.69 Wrsi R. UmMdn 284 II. 16th SL NO ELEVENTH-HOUR TSBVRAXQE v may never ne too late to reform, but .. 7 w"n it is too late for ... ...,llu jjuur. Dm not ror life in uranca. .These truths ought to start an inni in. the mind of each individual reader which ahould result In your taking an In ventory. After It Is taken, then decide If .. ..?.!" .,We U ur"cnt to protect the lability aide In case of your sudden or fiShfiSK-1- let.h- In. ""tlngaeyollJ lh V-Im downot overlook the need of k. ,y re no longer with Vi . f r2u' mmu ar touni to be In- policy in y t"n TheMidwestLife A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY sbidic soi-mnarims un ntstJiAnci omi FIKST mnOWAt BANK BUOPIHO, IWCOUf, CITV NATIONAL BANK gtUILOIN CIltlRAl AOIMISt CI0RCI CrOCIIB. kMU Z r- a) Hotel TotoELLE HOWARD ill AND Golfine Suits. Coats, Skirts A most acceptable cloth for 6pring apparel Golfine has met with instant success and popularity in Eastern Style Centers. It wears well, is good looking and cleans easily. Suits Coats $32.50 up $24.50 up Something ' New They have every ad vantage of . taffeta, but with a softness and long life that taffeta never possessed. Pussy Willow Silks Only a Few Offices But Some Very Choice Ones While we can only offer you a choice of five offices at the present time, recent changes make it possible to offer you several par- ticularly desirable offices and suites in The Bee Building ; We would advise you to make your choice now and 1 ,: not wait until spring,, a it Is very probable at that time we will have nothing to offer. The selection Is: Suite 222: This Is a very choice office on the second loor, facing the corridor around the court. It is par titioned for a very comfortable waiting room and two private offices. It has north light. Price, per moittb. Room 420: Thia i one oC the sidered so very desirable. It is 20x20 feet, and has two i windows facing north and two west. The large vault is particularly desirable for some classes of business. The door of this office is directly at the end of. the hall, so that the sign may be seen by everyone walking down the corridor. Price, per month. . $40.00 ' . This suite offers exceptional space and deslra- Suite 426: unity ior me price, it is amaea into a wait ing room and two private rooms. It has north light and its occupants receive aU the service and comforts of a well kept office building. Price, per month $37.50 Suite 432: This consists of waiting room and two private room. It faces 17th t but wilt be available Price .per .month. i Sulie rots: This office, is. on the sixth floor and Is a beau tiful, 'light, cheerful suite It consists of wait-' ing room and two private offices. Offices, like this are in great demand and, if interested, we would suggest your applying at once. Price, per month .$30.00 Especially adapted for printing office. This has been occupied by a printer for many years and on account of its location in an office buUdlng and in the heart of the office building district, the location itself is an asset in this business or any similar business. It has an entrance (from the court on the ground floor and also from the alley. There is very satisfactory light and ventilation. It likewise has the advantage, -from the standpoint of insurance and safety, of " being in a fireproof building. The floor space is 1,232 feet. ' Price, per, month. .... ...... .$100.00 Ground floor Room: Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY All the Latest Victor Records of Evan Wil liams who appears at Brandeis Theater ..Feb ruary 28 now on sale at SCOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. - 131143 Farnam Street m J THE OMAHA BEE - . THE HOME PAPER AMUSEMENTS. DOYD MOB TOHTOKT MAT. TOMOSAOW m -iay o uaU CEVEN DAYG Baa-. We, Tavr., Bat, SSe. artgkta, sso, eo. Xxtnv aek aran.lOTtta A alar la Ball aVoesa aaea. Vsvt Week i -The Mas frota Sons." mmwm. m-iwmj aif, BUvss, IVyrla Boptao. HIPP f MCATlJn Dgla 0g lBtlt and kua.ii Today and Saturday Omi X. XAAjct rrMata MARSHALL NEILAN la geiwya's Big BroeAwey Doooeea, "Tho Country Doy,y yu lrolag 'ADTAMCBB TAVDBTrtXB gaur Matine. gaa Jli-bf gas. m tVi o'ri A I Otbee AeU: Imeolt. Cssa A ltrtrrl I I-llls A Lata.; 1 Saarha riatr; tiMevt. ". Altra larpn: Oria Tranl Wvaklr rf.l tS: statlaw. !' IV. Beat aaate Hamt eatiuda aa b 1 laa. MsM, aw.- saa,- OIXTCCNTH STREETS ! Skirts - - - $8.75 up No Extra Charge for Alteration. Pussy Willow Silks Pussy Willow Silks have a soft, satiny finish and, being 40 ins. wide, cut to great advantage and with economy. will not crack or break. 45.00 corner, offices which is con street. It is now occupied, ' about March 10. . 830.00 AMUSEMENTS. BRAFIDEIS Tonight. 8:15 THEATER "-Week " Mat. Bat, g, IS. Tae World'g Bigger Comedy ait POTASH & PERLMUTTER Wit ALEXANDER OARR BARNEY BERNARD t!StiU JPr playd Mat, soa to gl.SOt vng-, SOo to (axM, SEATS TODAV 3 Days Than., FrL, Sal. MUCH 4, 5, I UATIXEIJ FEJ5AT kti JATUSDAT aiUSZfj "ta soa. 3Zrr vaa, la-gA-M.7. rtrat Tlai i Tw Beaaoaa ef . -STAR & GARTER SI0WSS1 Orall Jack Ceevar. Babbtlna "Blllle- Hill Jchaay gckHanli. M.bal dark mm th li. ar O Quartet. tMamcni acanla sroduettaa. Criatai suitfa Beautr Chorus. Muoaa et,hf Frldar. Uilar Dim Matiaaa Week .,, Saaay a wa.k: taa AsMiicaa kwwm" AMERICAN THEATRE MattSM, t:M BaUy. Wurkt, t;0, rous Says Only Thars, Trt.. gat.. Man. Tmm. SS, SS, 87. g. Vaa MaswriMat WmIA rua CruraUsa a-auto Wlmr. YOUR GIRL AND MINE A Wonderful Drwmatie raniw la T Acta rodae4 Vnln th Auaulo of Tke BattwaaJ Wtau'i Buffraa Ass'a. Beats 10 and as. Honry cailler DRAriDElO Suiday Matinee Mg2J February 28 f 1 1 ! IT Vi