Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Strongly Fortified Town in Toland
Captured by Pnmian Reserves,
Sayg Berlin Report.
BERLIN, Feb. 15 (Via London)
The town of Prcashyne, Russian
Poland, was yesterday taken by
storm by German forces, according
to official announcement Riven out
In Berlin today. The Germans cap
tured 10,000 Russian prisoners.
The report Is dated February K and
reads as follows:
In Wfrttrs Arena.
"In the Western Arena of the War In
I'liampssne the enemy yesterday con
tinued his desperate cf foils, which, In
spile of the strong- forces engaged, were
atsln absolutely without success. Other-
wire, there has been nothing of Im--
portance on the western front.
"la the eastern arena: The enga-;-ments
on the Memol, Bohr and Narew
rivers. The town of J'raasynss, In l'tiie
' tan Toland, which had been extensively
fortified, was ' stormed yestcrdaj'" by the
Kaet Prussian reserves. After a stub
born flKht we were victorious, capturing
more than l'f.ono prisoners, over fifty
cannon, a large number of machine guns
and a very largo amount af, war ma
terial. V
"In other engagements fought north of
the Vistula In the last few days we have
Isken 8,on Rmelan prisoners.
'HfTolaiHl, south of the Vlstii's. the
Russians advanced to Moglly, whl-h Is
aoulhvast of Ftollmow, and occupied Oils
position. Tlielr forces In this movement
outnumbered ours flvs to one. Otherwise
there Is nothing of Importance to report
In this region.
"It Is characteristic that the commander
the Fifty-aeventh Russian reserve divi
sion, taken prisoner st Augiittowo. asked
German officers whether It was true that
Antwerp was being besieged by the Ger
msns and would soon fall. When the sit
uation on the western front was ex
plained to this Russiim officer he refused
to believe that the Gorman weatern army
was on French soil. . . '
( oiirf alrate Large Foreen.
PKTROORAD (Via London), Feb. 2S.
The Oermsns appear to have concen
trated Urge forces near Prsasynss, the
eenter of their attack In the region north
of the Vistula. The action about Osso
, wets Is becoming less Intense. Serious
fighting Is reported also further north,
at Phtabln and Yastrsemb, points between
Grodno and Auguatowo.
According to offlcol comment the Oer
mass have exaggerated the magnitude of
their victories along the F.ast Prussian
front and .from the" Russian viewpoint
the fighting in northern Poland In "only
now beginning."
A Russian offker expressed the view
that the German claims were made In
the hope of offsetting what he termed
the loss of sympathy by neutral powers as
a result of Germany's submarine tm
pslgn. In Oallcia the Austro-Oerman forces
liave occupied a new front extending from
the Carpathians to BtanUlau. The chirl
w.i.,.r i ,puu inaiun; o mis ironi la ita
thinness. The rear of the Autro-Grman
line touches Koumania. The line of com
t rnunlcatton la maintained, not from t.e
rear, but from the flanks, bolng parallul
with the Carpathians.
The German official statement today
announced that Frsassynsi, referred to
above, lias been stormed.
Kreaeh Offtola- Report.
PARIS, Keb. 2f..-Vla Londonl-At the
war office this afternoon the following
statement was given out:
"Near Ixmibaertiyrie our artillery de
molished, a blockhouse and some of the
enemy's lookouts.
"In Champagne we have maintained
the new petitions which we won yester
day. All of the enemy's coulnter attacka
wererepulsed. Our aviators threw alxty
bomfcs on ralllway stations, trains and
concentrations of the enemy. lib Is bom
bardment waa very effective.
"In 1he Agonne, at Martetherese the
enemy made an attack which Immediately
was checked, f
"Between the Argonne and the Mouse
in the Cheppy Wood, we made further
"Our htavy aHillery destroyed armored
shelters. The enemy was unable to re
take trenches raptured by us.
"At Lorraine near Parnoy there wa a
skirmish between patrola. the Germans
being put to flight."
RLAIR, Neb.. Feb. .-( Special Tele
gram.) Last nlgl.t caah Phillips and wife,
. accompanied by Rrot Halatead. went to
the home of Victor Smith and family to
spend the evening at caids and other
amusements. Smith and Phillips had
(wnt moat of the day tn Calhoun and
bad returned with Smith badly under the
Influence of whisky.
. Late at night they betame Involved In
a quarrel, reaulting In the stabbing of
Phillips by Smith in half a dcn rlaoes,
Hmith tuliig his pocketknlfe. While
I hjllip U not aertoualy Injured, some of
M wounds are deep.
Sheriff Compton and Policeman Frank
i.ruoKa arrested hmith and after a hard
t '.'. la i) J, J hini in the county Jail.
Smith's hearing la set for Friday and
out,g mislead U held under tlUO bond
a witness.
WASHINGTON, reb. S.-The Rua.Un
(iiilwiHwdor, George Bakhmettetf, sent the
HtHte department today a mamolr frnn
government charging Germany and
trie with violations of the Uenxva
A u
To Put On Flesh
And Increase Weight
A Physician's Advice
Mot thin people eat from four to six
pounds of good solid fat-making food
evfry dav ami atlll do not Inrreaao In
weight one ounce, while on the other hand
many of the plump, rluinkjr folka eat very
IlKhtly and keep gaining all the time. It a
all boeh to my that thla la the nature of
the Individual, ll tmn'i N'atllre'a VIV
at all.
Thin folk ata thin because their now-
jeis of HMMlmllallnn are defective. They
atwnrb Just enough of the food they eat
to maintain life and a semblance of health
and strength. (Muffing won t help them.
A dosen meaia a dav won't make them
gain a alngie "stay there" pound. All the
lat-prmluring elements of their food Just
stay In the Intestines until they pass
from the body sa waste. What such peo
ple need la something that will preparo
inese letty rood elements w that their
blood ran absorb them and deposit them
nil about the body something, too, that
will multiply their red blood corpuscles
and Increase their blood's carrying power.
For such a condition I always recom
mend eating a Hargol tablet with every
meal. Hargol Is not, aa aome believe, a
patented ilrug, but I a scientific dimi
nution of six of the moat effective and
powerful flesh building elementa known
to chemistry. It la absolutely harmless,
et wonderfully effective and a single
tablet eaten with each meal orteti.haa
tlie effect of increaslm; the weight of a
tliln man or woman from three to five
pounds a week. Hargol Is sld hv Hher
man McConnell Ding Stores? Omaha,
and oilier good druggists everywhere on
a positive guaranten of weight !n reas
or money back. Advertisement.
Gypsy Fined for
Beating His Wife
Frank 'Adams, a gypsy living at ir."4
Houth Twelfth street, was fined $.' and
costs for beating his wife Icna. The
woman was arrested several days ago
and fined a like amount for robbing a
man, whoae fortune she was telling, of
Structutnl Knglnoer Rodman M. Brown
of ,ths city building department has
completed a thorough Investigation of
the Tloard of Trade building and he re
ports that the action of the water has
rendered the building absolutely unsafe.
He notes that the building rests on the
ground, an old stylo of construction, and
he sUtes in a report Just written that
portions of the structure show signs of
weakness since the recent fire.
i Louis A. Jsmea, who has filed a divorce
suit against Brma Margaret James, al
leges that his wife frequently told' him
she cared more for a "certain peraon in
falt Lake City, Utah." than for him,
Me alao asserted that she nagged a: him,
felled to get his meals, refused to care
for their baby and threatened to take
poison. They were married November
8, 1912. ' ' ''".
Small British Freight iteamer Sent
to Bottom of Scarborough by a
Mine or Torpedo.
LONDON, Feb. 25. One sailor
lost his life when the small British
steamer Deptford, 230 feet long and
1,208 tons, was cent to the bottom
in twenty minutes, either by, a Ger
man torpedo from a submarine or by
coming In contact with a mine in the
North Sea at 3 o'clock yesterday
morning at a point off Scarborough.
The fifteen other members of the
steamer's crew were saved and were
landed at South Shield at an early
hour this morning.
The engineer of the Deptford says he
was on duty In the etoke hold st the time
the e plosive In the torpedo head, or In
the mine, rent the Oeptford In twain.
Me says he. saw a blue flame shoot up
from the bottom of tho ship tnd through
Its deck. The force of the explosion
threw him violently and stunned him., He
managed to reach the deck, however, as
the vessel was heeling and Just aa the
lifeboat was latinche'd. It was the car
penter of the Deptford who lost his life.
After hours In an open and leaking boat
In a snowstorm, which caused them to
suffer cruelly, the men say they signaled
a steamer, but no notice Was taken of
their appeal. Later, however, they en
countered the steamer Fulgena, which
picked them up and brought them into
South Shields.
Home 'of the members of the crew say
they saw the wake of a submarine after
the, Deptford was struck. a
Small t oaster Sank.
The small British coasting steamer.
Western Coast, haa been aunk by a mine
or torpedo In tha English channel at a
point off Beachy Head. The crew was
landed at Portsmouth today.
Women of Belgium
Wear Soldiers' Hts
BERLIN. Feb. 2. (via London.) A
Tsgeblatt dispatch from Bruasel aysr )
"The latest erase In millinery Belgian
soldiers' hats attained such popularity
that the Oerman armies hsve had to con
fiscate the new style of hrsdgesr.-
"The soldiers' wives and sweethearts
had discarded the flag end the other na
tional colors, adornments they formerly
wore, and adopted the hats of cavalry
men and carbineera. which they tilted at
a rakish angle. The fad threatened to
create a public nuisance as the wearing
of the hats by the women catiaed out
bursts of patriotic enthusiasm at every
"The women took the confiscation good
naturedly, the milliners being the only
ones to grieve." !
MuscoTite Forces Eeported to Have
Made Stand on Northern River
Against Germans.
a. W. Wattles, his Wife and daughters.
will leave Saturday for California, where
they expect to remain during the balance
of the winter at Hollywood, their home
near Ixs Angeles. Mr. Wattles had
thought of going to California much
sooner than this, but he desired to re
main here to attend the opening of the
Fontenelle hotel.
t'ood for Sick Headaches.
Constipation causes sink headache and
Dr. Klng-a New Ufe Pills will cure it.
Take a dose tonight. 26c. Advertisement.
Jitney buses have at last broken away
from Farnam street and drivers have
discovered that there are people living in
Omaha, aside from those along Farnam
and east or Fortieth, A Jitney line has
been established along' Sherman avenue,
running as fsr north as Plnkney street.
Two cars have gone Into the service,
with plans for two mora Saturday.
LONDON. Feb. 2k. A wireless report
from Berlin ssys that further obstacles
have arisen to prevent the Invasion of
Russia and this would seem to confirm
reports from Tetrograd that the Rua
slsns are making ' a successful stand
against the Invaders along their fortress
line on the northern rtver.
The Russians, from all accounts, are
also holding tack the Austrian In
Bukowlna and It Is stated in an official
dispatch that they have reoccupled the
Important railway center of Ftanlslau.
There has been little or no chsnge In
the Carpathians, where fighting of the
meet severe character has been going on
for ncsrly two months.
With regard to the western arena, the
region around Terthes, where the French
hsve been making a long-sustained tffort
to advance, and In the Vosges are appar.
ently the only centers of fighting of Im
portance. A good deal of significance Is attached
by military circles to the operstlons near
Perthes, as a successful off'-nstve by the
French there would relieve Rhelms.
The campaign to the northwest jf Verdun-has
a similar object In view, the
French hoping to drive the Germans frem
Montfaucon. which has been strcngly
fortified, and thus deliver a fatal blow
to the Oerman plans for rspturlng Verdun.
Germany's Reply to
Italy is Friendly
LONDON. Feb. 25. A Rome dispatch t
the Morning Post says:
"The Oerman reply to Italy's uiemo.
rsndum on the blockading of Brltlst
coasts has reached the government here.
The. note declares that in view of th
friendly relations between Germany and
Italy, Germany -will respect the Italian
R B. Greer, who conies from Chicago
March 1 to be assistant general manager
of the Burlington linos west of the Mis
souri river, was a social caller at the
local headquarters, having come In from
the eaat on an Inspection trip over the
Iowa lines. Mr. Oreer will move Ms fam
ily to Omaha as soon as he csn secure a
house. that Is to his liking..
Woman's Health j
Requires Care
Women are so constituted as to be
peculiarly sunreptlble to constipation,
and their general health dependa In
large measure on 'careful regulation
and correction of this tendency. Their
delicate organisms rebel at the vio
lence of cathartic and purgative rem
edies, which, while they may afford
temporary relief, shock the system and
eerloualy disturb the functional organs.
A mild laxative la far preferable and,
if . Ijropcrly compounded, much more
effective. i ; t i ..
The combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin sold in, drug stores
under the name of Dr. Caldwell's i
Syrup Pepsin, Is Ideal forewomen's use.!
A free trial bottle can be obtained by;
writing to Dr. W.- B.- Caldwell,;;
Washington St.',' Montlccllo, ,111s. ';
Pain Gone! Rub
Sore, Rheumatic
Aching Joints
flop "doHlng" Rheumatism, v
It's pain only; not one caae In fifty re
quires internal treatment. Rub soothing
penetrating "8t Jacobs OH" right on the
"tender spot," and by the tlma you say
Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic
pain and dlntress. "St. Jacobs OH" la a
'harmless rheumatism .liniment whlph
never disappoints and doesn't burn th
skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness
from aching Joint, muscles and bones;
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache arid
neuralgia. . , '
Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of
old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from
any drug store, and in a moment, you'll
be free from pains, aches and stiffness.
Don't suffer! Rub rheumatism away
winter Trips to 8
ummcr Lanes
Reduced rate, round trip, winter excursion tickets oa Bale
dally to many points in the South and Southeast, via the
ilwouE.eo & 'St. Paul
cw Oilcans $41.18 Tampa, Fla. .
Mobil .....S41.18 ralmUeach.
Jacksonviilo $."0.8 Auausta, Cm.
Miami, rU 8 715.78 Havana, Cib.
nnai return limit, juu i, ii6, except tickets to Havana.
Cuba, limited to return In hi months from date of. sale. Liberal
stopover privileges. Attractive diverse route tickets also pn sale
rates for which will be furnished on application. Dellehtful toura
to the West Indies, Raulb America and through the Panama Canal
to Ban Francisco. - ..
Three splendid daily trains provide service of the well known
high standard of the. Milwaukee" Road and connect at Chicago
with through trains for all points South and East, For particulars
call on or address
W. E. BOCK, O. P. . C, M. & St. P. Ry.,
817 Farnam St,, Omaha, Neb.-
Tho Fink of HcaSlh
Is every " " woman's right:
but marrtf are troubled
with sallow complexions,
headaches, backaches, low
spirits until they learn that
sure relief may be found in
Uracfcea a! Sekl Vala te wmea wtt tejy Sss.
SaU ewjafciM. la kana, tSa Its. , y
You Can Save Largely in Friday's Sales
Household Linens
Bed Spreads and Sheets
Pattern Table Cloths, ready hem-
med, full 72-ln. length fj flfl
.new designs, each... VIlVU
0-ln. All Linen Silver Bleach.!
Table Dajuask, fi.00 7 ft.
grade, yard IOC
'-In. All Linen Napkins, A Hi
heavy satin damask, for vl
IzM Bleaohed Bed Sheets heavy
round thread cotton, a-ln. Cfla
hem, each .' DUG
KarseUea Bed Spreads, full
bed size, hemmed, $3 val. "
PearllM laawa 3-ln. daintv 4f,o
white drees fabrics, 4tn
III.. .HI IM I "JJJ '.".lull 1
Wa$h Goods Section
Friday's Bale
We offer 2,500 yards of Novelty Was'i
Fabrics all new 1910 designs, 36 to
a-lncb widths; dainty printed crepeH.
rice cloths, shadow voiles: lengths of
I to it yards, easily matched; posi
tively Z5c to 49c fabrics; in I Rr
this eale at, yard I vl
Greatly Undcrpriced Friday
A bis line of the new Spring;
Patterns for selection.
r-yd. and O-yd. Loom trlpe
Embroideries worth 10c yd., at Bo
ICmlirolilerlea worth 15c yd...TVe
Kmhrolderles worth 35i vd....l5e
Corset Cover Embroideries and
Skirt rlounclngs, 18-ln. wide
Friday at, yard ...ISO
SOe rionadngsj Friday at, yd. 8 So
75c riounolnf s, 27-ln. wide. yd. 39o
1 rionnclnrs, 27-in. wide, yd.. 590
Big Savings in Our Notion Section for Friday
The Greatest Notion Sale of the Season with Staple and Faucy Notions at 1-4 to 1-5
; " ". regular retail prices.
Coats' Machine Thread, per spool . . .
BOO yards Basting Thread, per spool
200 rards Machine Threud, per spool
10c quality Pearl Buttons, per dozen
Be quality Pearl Buttons, per dosen .
ZBc Silk Drews Shield, pair
20o Celluloid Dressing Ootwba, each
lOc Needle Books, on sale at . .N .
. ..Sttc
.. .2?e
4 He
And Scores of Other Articles at Equally Attractive Pricings
Be Hooks and lives, per card . . . .
Be Pin Cubes, each ............
10c Curling Irons, each
10c Hair lin Cabinets, each . . . .
Be quality Snap Fasteners ... . , ,
Be quality Nursery Pins, 3 dozen
Shoe Tree, per pair e
Silko Crochet Cotton, per ball
,'. . . 1C
. . ,5c
L ISBSI " in ' n .mm
J teii-nf f
Geweral Distributers
Osnafca, Nek.
Underwear Section
Domestic Room -
Ladies' heavy fleeced Union
Suits, all sizes, 1. 00 values,
at ....... . 69c
Knit Waist Union Suits ' for
. boys or girls, all sizes 4 to 12
yrs. 39c values, at 25c
Men's Handkerchiefs, plain
white, Turkey red and Indigo
blue. 10c value, at, 6 for 2&c
Misses' and Boys' heavy fleeced
Union Suits, sizes 2 to lb
years, at ' .35c
Ladles' medium weight cotton
ribbed. Union -Suits, all sizes,
5 Cc .Values, at 35c
Men's heavy cotton ribbed Un
ion Suits, all sUes, $1 values,
at ........ 6$e
Ladies' and ' Children's Outing
Flannel Gowns, 5 Oc .values,
at 25c
Men's heavy fleeced Under
wear', , shirts or drawers, 60c
values, at 25c
Note These
Drug Dept. Prices
50c bot. Warner's Llthla Tablets 25c
50c bottle . Phenolas Tablets Laxa-
tive .25c
25c bottle Dr. Hinkle's Cascara Tab-
, lets ; ' .12c
55c pkg. Thedford's Black Draugfht
Tea for ..,15c
50c bottle Sloan's Liniment for ,14c
50c jar Mentholatunk for ......34c
25c jar Peroxide Face Cream . . .15c
76c jar Pompelan Massage Cream 40c
60c jar Pompelan Massage Cream 85c
25c bottle Benzoin and Almond
Cream for lc
$1.60 bottle Oriental Cream . ..08c
25c can, 1-lb. Parma Talcum 124c
10c can Sweetheart Talcum ....5c
25c bottle Orris Rpot Tooth Pow.- Oc
SBc box Peerless Face Fowder. . . . ...16o
PJer Kiss Face Powder .660
75c. Red Rubber Houaecleaning Glovea
for 39o
75c Ideal Hair Brushes 49o
1.25 Hot Water Bottles, closed out 490
2.00 Combination Syringe for. .. .$1.60
J.00 WeHlngton Combination Syringe:
guaranteed for 3 years, for 93.00
No Phone Orders Taken.
-i r. v. 7 s A
'Distributors -
PtMJM Douglas 1K89 a ad hav eaaa
CBt home. .
i.fl troas convention and of part of
Tht Hague convention, with rsutllatloa
st.l Killing of wounded Ruaslans, with
putting to desth Russian prisoners, with
H'aVks on thf, Russian Uoopa by the
civil population of Germany and Austrian
terrlt t. the use by Austriana of dum
dum bulieU, and the doeecratloB and pll
IsRlng tf chnrchee.
'1 he document, was presented to rhe
t-tU department. It was stated, not aa
pmteat, but as a matter of Information.
t he or r Last Resort.
Around the stove of the cross reads
grocery la ttie real court of last resort,
f.jr It finally over-rules all others. Cham
berlain's Courh Remedy has been
brought before thla court tn almost every
rioea ruads griK-ery la this country, and
l.aa alwars received a favorable verdlit.
It i in the couiiliy u,, nmu tnu
to .crelve full value for hla inoncy thai
IJ.ia nmdy in most epprrcUUtU. Ol'lailn
n' tvryine.
YOUR Coal DNIg Not
a uurtion If You
ajUJi it
SmokoloQo SooflcoG
Ignites quickly, and being a coking coal holds
fire LONGER than any other gratie of Fuelv
Our list off satisfied customers, has grown WHY?
COilAtlZfl CicsAh3!d3 C:!isf::iicn. Econcny
4, Vlithrjt ChcsDfcrL Qslck Uest IVbea Yea Vaat It,
And at niht or during; mild weather CAN BE CHECKED without going, out.
To Further Advertise bonanza (-y rfTfti
Price Reduced to v bH34V
WE KNOW a trial NOW wiU make you a CUSTOMER NEXT SEASON. '.
OClco Opposite Orpheum Theatre Phono Doug. 1221
New Silks Greatly Underpriced
Hundreds of Remnants of Silks that sej
regularly up to 75c yard, Taffetas, Messa
lines, Foulards, Silk Crepes, iq q q
etc., at, yard ........... . . . IOC-JOC
Chiffon Taffetas and Messalines, $1 quali
ties, in twenty of the-season's q
choicest colorings, yard. . . . .DOC
All, Silk Crepe do Chines and; Silk
Poplins, 40 ins wide, beautiful finish in
every wanted street and even- QQ
ing shade, at, yard. ............ . . .OOC
Faille Fran raise Bilk Suitings and Gros de Londrew,
in the new . sand shades, greys, putty, ry
old rose and black. 36 ins. wide, yard 9 1 efrQ
Yard Wide Black chiffon Taffeta and Dress Mesca
lines, two splendid qualities, at.
splendid qualities, at, 68 C
t M
Exceptional Value-Giving Friday 1
In, Wool Dress Goods I
Domestic Room
Best Values With Largest Sav
ings Here In Friday's Sale. .
Bleached Muslin, mill lengths
of the best known brands 9c
to 12c qualities, Friday, yard;
at 5?4c
Unbleached 4-4 Sheeting, qual
ity usually 6c, Friday, yard;
at ,. 4Hc
Apron Check Ginghams,' fast
color blues, Friday, yard 4Mc
Mill lengths Suitings, Percales
and Lining Fabrics, "worm
7c to 12c, good, Friday,
yard 5c
Bleached ' Toweling, heavy 6c
twills, Friday, yard ...S&c
Towels, extra large, hemmed
Hrtrk, colored or all white
borders, Friday, each . . . 10c
Fine Cambric yard wide, mill
lengths up to 10 yardslOc,
12 Vtc and 15c qualities, Fri
day, yard . . e4c
All Trimmed Fabric Hats
That sold regularly to $6.50 not fhCh fsfl
cA"7?.T. ..... vAdy
There's a Splendid Assortment of Shapes for your selection,
black, white and colors, all artistically trimmed. Don't miss them.
, Exceptionally Nobby Styles at , a Big Saving.
Surges, 44 ins. wide, full line of new
colors, including blacks, at, yd.
59c French Wool Crepes and Pacific Mills 1
$1 All Wool Granite Cloths and Novelty I
o.,::;. : lj J .... . m
ouuuiga, in uay, orowns, iiupe ana black f
54 inches wide on sale CQ
at, yard '..;UOC 8
New Coverts, TaffeUs, Epingles, Tussahs, Poplins, 1
etc., 42 to 60 Ins. wide, to $1.25 yard OO
values, yard C5oC t
New Covert Suitings, 54 Ins. wide In the new sands I.
and greys, two choice tf AO J M no I
qualities at $1.48 Elld SL98 I
Tailored Skirts to Measure, fit and work- r f nrt
- manship guaranteed J) 1 ,UU
See the new models In Dress Goods Section. Gar
ments will be delivered in 10 days after order Is
taken. s
! In the Busy Domestic Room Cloak Section
Another Great Bargain Event for Fridav
DRESS SKIRTS Another big shipment from our recent purchase', newest
styles and materials, all best colors, made to sell at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.50,
your cuoice
Nice SUk Petticoats, pleated or ruffled styles, wide
flounce, ail colors, very special bargains q f
Friday OOC
Double Texture Rain Coats, $3.98 values, in all slses
16 to 46, Friday, g qq
choice ......... .V. I 4ls70
Duiwalow Aprons In good percales, light, medium or
dark piped or Dram nnisned, snap. at, OC
sale price a DC
Silk Poplin lresse, nobby styles In new shirred
high waist lines; best colors, made to a a ff'
sell at 7.50 to $9.00, at $4,170
All Flunnelette House Dresses and Wrappers r? ti
that sold at $1.00 and $1.25. Friday, choice OVC
A Lot of obby Tailored Suits that sold at $12 50
, to $17.50,. well made, good colors and f A 'p I
Ktvlaa m .kln. S l Uk I
New Waists Plain and fancy tailored stvlea. whitP.VlAn TV riPW cfnnV in 7rn .... 1 rm 1
The Quality Goods end a Saving of 25 to 50 Per Cent on the Cost ofLivin
i?VTfublf Mrk or tae Feo.u
lB,ih;- rf.1 Coul" i-olatcS. lolt
Tt Vavdea's irirs 1 Vara.
Tloar a)cl&i for rrlday -lb. sack
vhisli araita Dltimornl H Klour
nothlna finer for bread, ptes or
-ikfui; inaila from No. 1 nolertrd
whrat: every sack ruarantead. 3Prl-
T sraolal, pr saak liJ
Jour wm brvadt tt pays.
J 7 brat Oranulalvd Suaar. . tlM
Urn. beat Whits or Yellow Coranienl
for .- lYa
T lta. beat rolled white lireaafaat
tMlinec.1 .....SSe
lbs. fancy Japan Rice SOe
li. beat Mo. 1 Hand flcked Navv
Beans S5a
10 bars Beat -'Em-All, Ienoz or laun-
ery wueen wnite Iaundry Boao SSe
I 1
a n
S ra
I The
I eel
l-ounoe cans Condensed Milk... Tito
i eai roam, pkgr . 3o
K. C. Porn Flakes, pk. tViO
2-1 b. cans Wax. String, Green or
Lima Beans .714
S-lh. cans Kaniy Sweet Suaar Com
fr To
S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, rtomliiy.
baked lieanx or Bauer Kraut.. TMiS
fiallon cans Oolden Table Syrup. 38o
iershey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lb... SOe
Oolden tianlns Coffee, lb. ...... SOe
W Laren s'Feanut Butter, lb...isH
Aclvo Jell for dessert nothlna I'ke
It; per pk 74,
Xla-biaad STavel Oraasa aala rrlday.
-raa erare er tjoauty.
a T1 tt.K mmtJi m..''mU'''"
Thm, i. 1 . , a-nosa
bulkr'lb rMnery -utter- ton or
1L' Wiry ' tabli' Butter! Vb'alo
m?. ,w 1 Cou,,try Creamery
xiutter. lb. ................ aia
Ooort llry Butter, lb. .'.isi
! lM. Good Butterine g5
Tbe beat, equal to creamery butter
per lb a8
Full Cream AVlilte, Colored or Younir
Amerlra Cheese, lb goo
Imported Swiss or Koquefort Cheese,
" 40
S cai.'oiieardVn;. .Trrr.S v, 7 7h - VW"lr- , "aia Tridiy - I J i
I Tall cans Alaska fcalmon 10 Kissed by the rfun. moon and stars carloa,f ot the famous Ohaae brand f f I
I The Wt IX-meatlo klacaroal. Vernil- for Hayden Bros. Tt doaaa 11 Ho. extra fanev. 4 sine: that retail I 1 I
J eelll or pks , . .TWa . lsa. toa, aoe, m. ef Callforala! Sttt-,, ft
j it Payo-Try E-3AYDEW-S Firnt-it Payo j