Omaha Daily Advtrtiaing it th ptmda lam that kttpt baying and telling in motion. TBI WUTUir. Unsettleii VOI XI.1V NO. J17. OMAHA, l'l:ilAV MUJtN'I.N'M, KKIJUiWItV ':. iyj.VTWKLVj; i.v;j;s c Tr4a . h'lxo-u; wn' two cents. THE FOIlTEtlELLE SERVES GAfiQUET TO ITS SPONSORS Donors of Land for New Hotel LEVEL ALL FORTS AT THE ENTRANCE' OF DARDANELLES i'AMERICAII NOTE EELIOIOUS SERVICE PRECEDES TICHT-Cfrmfca aoMieri attend church at Hieucktttl before jcirf into B?ttle. NEW CENTER OF WAR Discussion Th Bee rS Hew Hotel Scene of Brilliant Erent Attended by Those Wttbie ' Effort! Made It Pos . sible. FIRST KAMES PUT ON REGISTER Eirst Regular Meals to Be Senred by Staff of New Initiation . , - This Morning;. GUESTS INSPECT ITS SPLENDORS ..Shortly bff ore 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Arthur D. Brook field of Kansas City swung threw tha en trance T the new Fontenelle hotel, walked up to tlie desk,' and trium phantly affired hid signature- to the accent line on the regiMer, the first ruom of the nw $1,000,000 hotel. The signature of Gordon V. Wattles, president of the Douglas Hotel com pany, tit the firM name on the regis ter, hut Mr. Brook field la the first regular gust to be admitted. lirook field. h. rcprenents the Hiooilenoiv-Biooklield Knitting '.oinpany nf KitnAXH City, was assigned to -ample loom No. lf.'l, and Mr. Peck of King PtcK and llr. Benson of Benson- Thorne, will lie thi first two Omaha im reliant to lnsirt gcvx In the new hotel, when they look over Mr. Erook 1 (eld's 'line. Tihlml Mr. Brookfle'.l lined np a score of other traveling Ten, all anxious , to be among the first 10 register at the new hotel. Mr.- BrooKfMd referred a room for opening nlglit wnw two weeks ago, but hp was iifirmed he would have to be on hand wfjen the register was oiwned If he warned to. bo first person to sign it. Mr. BrookfielJ waa i-iijht on hand and he earned the dis tinction by hla promptnjsa. i Mr. Brook field stopped at .the hotel last night, but he had to take hia din ner elwwhere a tin: first regular meal will not be served ' untit ' breakfast this morning. . .. ... i... . - t . Immediately after Mr. Brook field, the following registered In the order named: Frank H. Jackson of Daltaa. . I).; Will iam Rafferty of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holalag of Chicago. Alan C. Fobes of Syracuse, E. A. Hunt of Syra citse. Thorn J. TUbba of Chicago and C I Bosenberger of Syratiuae. - Btsiiatt Brilliant Eyeat. ' The stockholders' 'bang uet. held It. the hotel last, evening waa one of the most bUlllant events, which ever biarked an Important aeeaejon .in Omaha. " ' About' u""iYueU"'"''wre' 'present, 'con sisting of tta stockholders of tha poug las Hotel corhrany and their wives .and ; friends and tha hotel waa open for their lnxpectlon. " . . - Uurdon WatUe. ' president of tha lougUa' Hotel rCwmpa nr. presided and after hla opening apeech. fntroduced John U. Kennedy, who responded to the toast. "One of tha Man -Who atada tha Hotai Fontenelle Feasible." Kimball rwllu Thomaa K. Kimball, tha architect, will speaK on Archlteoturai FVatures." W. K. Burbank, president of tbe operating company and managing director of the caw hotel, waa acho'Iuled to speak on Ambitions of a Hotel Operator." J. P. Bradley of New York, superin tendent ot agencies ot tha Metropolitan aUfa lnauranx company, reaponded to tha toaaC "Tha MetropollUn Life Inaur anca Company." r , The final toast waa, "Logan Fontenelle, rhlf of the Omaha Trlble." to which lief of the Omaha Trlble, to which ,hn U" Webster. prsldnt of the Ne- j aska Hi.torlc.1 aociety. responded. J John PrrllBlurT arraaaeaaeala. A dapper UtUe young man was busUlag about among an armyof amployea in the Fontenelle hotel kitchen In the morning. The reporter introduced himself. "Ah. monsieur, I am too beesy. But a Ilea. ! will show ycu Monsieur Charlea Mayard, director du restaurant, put an arm about tha ra porler's shaublera and led hlrn .to where liver waa piled high. "Art they not bootiful?". aald "nasleur. (Continued on Page Five. Column Four.) The Weather Khi-eratt tilt T p. tn. Fiiday : Kor ttnaha. Oounoil Bluff and icinlty l iolUy uusctUcd Tea we rat a re at Oaaaha teateraay. Hours. a. m..,.. a. ni... , T a. ra a. m ' a. m J a. m it a- m ivs .... -.J ?4 r.t a s; sr St W- '..t'E:: I P- m 4 p. m i p. m ' p. m ... T p. iu .4. t p m ... t aaweretlT l.aral Iterwrd. 11. Mitt. ISlt . t; M . r; . s ' . : i ? i . .us f .! llicheat teday I ...el t .vl v ..... Xten temwrature Temte'ature and nreciltata depart- iuv rom the iwwmal at tmxaha ami Maivh 1. 114. compared with the last ta "'' Normal tem?ertnr fT Ki-eia for the dav 1 Ksitm unf-e Mar.-h I , ...T4 .oimal r"-evlpiiatkn . ......... K in. h liefli-leitry (f the day ' litlmh I'l-eolpltation atnee klaroh t tt mchoi IVMolanoy all Man-h 1 ...... 11K lehs Wfi.ienry cor. peiid 1' a loh. lficlency rcr. pei"1" lall. t II tm hea Renarra frwaa Stattwaa at T f M. (Station al Haate " Tmv Hth. Raat .f Weather T K nv , el. tall OieiMl, rlouttr ' W lvfitport. i rudy Iear. Mirtlr claajy.. i ' 4 i l"ea Sioinea. clear Tra On, pert cloudy 44 - T Noith rtatte. ckwdy.... i T mii. clear ; T. i;ai.t.i C.iy, cloudy...... tt ft Mo.ix ttity, clear J k M atenttm-. i . . : . a T aiid'tatee iri f precipitation U A. WtU-ii, Xocai t-wrecaater. 1 Ij r" : At : j i-";r:i f L i ii 4 ' ' - m ii i I john u KL.ssr.vr. ARTHUR V. BRANDhlH. PRESIDENT OF THE DOUGLAS HOTEL COMPANY. O. W. WATTLES. LOEBBEH BREAKS RECORDJN STAND Gires Teitimony in the Mattera Case Continuously Since Monday Morning. PROSECUTION MAY REST CASE With w other wttnesaea oa tne stand sfncwIonday noon' In "the feeral eotirt IV- ! L W J Attorney Tlmmaa li. UUra. CO,CpUon of hnB3B Uf ..... . . .Jmirht be renlafiM aritfc a arn!ti IvUial ot prcsMent M. L.'Luebben of the defunct First National bank of Sutton la estab lishing a record for length of testimony. Ha waa still testifying, under redirect elimination by -th oernroent, at th noon reeeaa. His teatimony hss been continuous three full days now, or about twenty hours, ' ln addition -to which ha sras on the rtnd two full daya, or four teen hours, lj?t week, making a total of thirty-four hours altogether. The neat longest record tor testimony given In the Matters trial waa made by Cashier. Theodore Mnier. with eighteea hours. JLuebben Is almost through testifying now, and the government will probably not rail jnore than two or three, other witnesses after Luebben. it is understood, so there Is a goad chance tor the prose cution to rest iia case tonight or to morrow. T5-.rtflrtJ T1 17 rOpOSeO. lullSe in - ' T M "P IT tO IKjL 11 ItCtU J. al Co Has Been Suspended WAfHtNOTOX. Feb. SL InereaardX naasengar .farea with railroads In west- rrra and. eojth western. paaaengr aaaocia- tion territory proposed to put .into effect March l were aupendd"by the Inter atate Commerca cojnciission ; until i June . A hearing will he. held. In ChiraaToVk May n, -before CnnHulastoer . Daniela Tha roads iatereausl . proposed, ia.-reasea amounting in wiost 'caaee to -about ene- k.l e. M.U aaJ aaVawa raiaa Ika iw-aa a" a-n intr... -nnw an arv. aw a aaxasar w-..w - - ..... . a ... Chiropractors Get ! Prtmfnrf I lrrfir A M 1 ATI b Vf Vil. ilWUUUj (Trom a Staff Corre.pondeeit.) IJXCD'JV. Feb, jr. 5nectal The ehl ropraclera ara aaw l.tvet!uag.more easily. S. F. Na. S, rVmator Beal s bill authoris ing and reguyting thetr rro'fii hav- hig Kaied the senate on third reading ay th comfortable vat of 1 It. H. R. ;i.the xhirauraotic bill, and H. B. 1T. reorganiclag th a t e Board of Oeteonathy, were taken off the general file of th houae ThurWlay and seat hack to tha mcdiial txMnntttW fc.r amendment, Thi. was done at tha Veueat of Chairman kteredlth of th com.nitte. MUST COME TO WASHINGTON TO TAKE THE EXAMINATION (Prom a Ptaff Cot-rrrtvirideBt t WASHINUTGN. Frtv! l.V-.Sj.ll Tele gram. By reaaoa of the rongnatioa of Mr. Oieoadeiv national tank amtor, with headquartrra at Cna ha, . a ,'d.vaea or more gwntlemea have ma .4 at ntioa tVia for th pla- CWAOtrotier John j-kett.w Williams stated, this sfternooa that th aipltcaata tor th plac wsiuld bare ta ooma ta Wah oarton at thetr own aapeaa aad tak an etairilnatloa for th Joe. CnngTwaamaa Lioaecfc said that tale did not atri him aa feeing at ail reaaaaahta aad ha arwaiA ak tha coanrtralier ta h44 h enamlnaOoa a Omaha aad that tf K dMr4 hav the candidate tha bet record I town oa t Washington for a roraoaial taear !viw with tha cwniftrol'" SKETCH OF LIFE OF LOGAN FONTENELLE John Lee Webster Cirei Chronicle of Events ia History of Fa mous Chieftain. NEGOTIATED TREATY OP 1854 John Lee Webster's address on Logan PonteDrlle, at the dinner at tha Hotel Fontenelle last nifbt la j man w viri la nn nf hm Ikct stiArt hik. ; torlcal sketches jJr. Webster hasj T' f M'n "taiy reeptrnded that j ... Ihe as uw)i' that lnsvooff had tns4e ) ever written. It was so retired byjMr utJl u-meot. but i added -tbe ! the lsrre assemblage of guests and j augment I have n iliat V Kaaie-j the excerpts herewith presented will : ff had m! that the vnt on the Ruaao- j sen e to give an idea of tbe character i Of the addfetss. Mr. Webster said: "Logan Footenelle Shoo-ga-cka.' a Frenchman an Indian. Ob hla father'a aide there, was ancestral I ,, . i lineage of French nobility, from the ! days of King Louis XV Marquis dej Fontenelle. On bla mother's fide there was Wood of Indian rhlef talna. I traceable back to the days f the celebrated warrior of the Omaha j Waeb-in-ga-sabe. He was elected head chief of this India nation ia 1S53, when but 28 rears of age. Ha negotiated tbe great treaty of '1IS4. whereby hla nation ceded to the United Plate s our surrounding rich and beautiful prairie. He intended and desired by that document that the dim chanter of deeariar of a aioioH uveruuiateQ.iwriKuuuifavr mignt oe replaced with n man 'a civilization aad a modern form of civil government. Soon after he had signed ' this treaty.' which ex hibits evidences' of the philosophical wisdom and noblenese of character of this Indian chief, he waa killed ! assassinated, I might say by a band of hostile Sioux In the year Such in a few sentences is a brief sketch of the remarkable man after whom this magnificent hotel la named Fontenelle. "It waa said of a sage of Salamanca that by th waive of hia wand be could ring the be iia of Notre Pane. Fonleateile Waa a mirtr w K UmA rmrm lL 1 Z1ZZZ? iZJZJi .fcTtTi tofJweeK tt mo I ,k- " "V" , ta tha generou, imfMilae. of oar rople, I ,K"1 " of anoaey aaoBtaBewaaly came fort to build thi. palatial etruenre named in roemory ef this Iadiaa rtiW- Hr. Webster, with aauofkaI aaal-1 ais, compared tbe characters f. the Freach and the Indian men. and ehoired TConttnued oa Page Flva. Column Iaat U. S. Makes Ports in i British Isles Special! "W'AS-HIXGTOX, th British I alee Feb. a An port ia made "arial - r i ITlluHuta Vi-CMa fealTO C1I J I rial K ifkftaralflhraw frWf-l tfrSa. ar fH'am aunt MV i b rdr iiKvj tftfticht bi :retary af the Treasury McAdoo. The only j pert! aorts in tha I'nhed Kinrdom ' 1 under former Aroera im tbr.w .m tk, i North free north of JUmdon. The order a'. rib-od th anertal nart oa the ooaUaew to Include for- deauv The prevtoua limit waa PuRtbi. Th? bur-fan rer-s th right to refuse tasuraaoe ta the aorta arrni rn si t n km i ?v - ARE CUT BY COMMITTEE (Prom a S laff Oorreanondeiti i IJVOOIA,-, Teh S -.Sr.Wl -Aro- IV iaTia-arval f .Va- snainlanattna aaia.Uu called fc by th hills whir wera iwtra- i ac4 in ,he boua by 0,airmaa Xorto1 ef th f lnar.c. w ays and moans oomaui- i ; .i-r w in rniir atat ha bom tux . conaideraMy, th toaJ rut oa the tw ? items aVaa being Th Snatntenaane arHvtpristtan. if H ' moots wiih tbe anoroval of th hoaae. wi'l ' b S2 asfiae, araiw.t H.2W i at the taat ! at-ewa. Saiat-wv. ar placed at vaa, aa against S CASE OF ALB EN MADSEN REOPENED BY L0BECK iProat a Staff CMr.onua..n w.VTtrvflTrtv, ru - Th case of Albea Madaea of r.-ba was arSeeM Jnorred f eaa 3,i 1. sad, f rw'WNl 1 1 at In last, ra , been reopened throw ta tatneiaatnn 1 of ktr. yberk and th AenortsnV orAer ' aaerewded anri afrldaVts of relamva ta 1 Chwahe anay W orocorea. jodg-. is thai ' Madaea mill avH beoom a cbara-a ca th 1 oomtButit-, ' ! Britain Officially AnnoyBce. Dt- ! I r. J D. KIKI UUSiOJOf lllllll dated by Ahxet' ! Goes- ' RUSSIA CAS HAVE FREE POST Ztgitii in Eatife Acco:d with j cor;U Dctire for Accm to J tae Sfa. I CZAR VTA5TS C05STA5n50PTi LONWJN. Keb. 2. All tb forts! at the entrance of tb Iardatelle ' hate bn rejced tr the allied flet. . , . -. . A - ' Iclally tonlrbt. fjrjSl)S. Vb. ri-f'r K3sd ir. th foreita arery, tit"Vd io 1ie ltue of enmotf Utsr O"" Bftaia lu jilr eeevrd Ru- ! I I dMre fW -rr tl eS. I ""W'Hh Ruorts'S otre f-fr t j the e. Ki'Sand 1 a entire 'fw4," 1 'the frs' eTeiay ed In reejK.nae j j to a ietl.a frwm PrvGrtlm W. Jwtt. j isibether rjill knew of snd apl'rove the naLerm-t wf the PvOS-ian foeejan , mn4tT. M Kasono'f. to the Ourna. ' lcta4 ni) tA-fUr t erauty Coa- j etaatinoi le Turkiak fion'. ier would iTjef r.urri Jeeiomie prblem Uiuni vp wit fa Kua- j , jamas avoe u the sea.. i - Km frwatikr. liii tbeee aepiraiion." h contieued, ' "p1", ln a anpau.y. Wh.t form j the.r rralisaUon will take will no Orubt , lbe vT M - Tbe annoisoemrBt of Mr Edward 5"y ' nsrt.s one f tbe Important development ta the XV. ttu1' Ljr, for a warm water pert and tmre-i etrif ted outlet from the Biak ea long ; has beea ooe f Ha taoxt rbej touted a- aepraUna Krieaking te the Dbraa t February, t. PttaHt Goreiny-kia aata" , "Tarltey ha anarrbwd with ur enemy. bwt tta teatetabc a irrtiy bas ben sbat- trred fcy onr Klvrit, Caaieaasoai trooj aal the radiastt rvtu? of the Buaaians oa t)e Btaek S"a 1s heglaBlng la near the araJla mt OotmantiwoFila. 1 Th " the Chat the temmea of -arar ehaagf tn atrurrle wttn Tur- T a oeai uewtn. " Nebraska Land Makes Boone Man i One of Wealth;" IFiufa a fcaJT Oarrewpooaent.) XOOLA-. Feb, Special -l et-idenc baa taeen rrreo Mi mk that Kebraska laad ts a good inveatmant and that tbe maa w-ha aune ekr'y to the state naa wi awe to ra a r it e waa frugal and atteooed atricUy taMwl - - Thotnas Ftevwaon, repry jttrrUitive ia the leglalatur. reprwnttn Boone oountr. rSoaetd a 4J this veek for 21 iini li-lrta wtal ia called the Bona. Be , fif fh ifl u )u ,rr the Uu '. " hefr rouaty asd ia devoted te raa- , tupe The U3 ia earn, worth IK aa ' w w ,, ... m,.,,rA fr . th. Wv fur, UM, ... praccalty , - fV i . e . ,r ..a .. . , . . , j eutaklrta of rivilisatioa and t.ourbt a petv 1 of railroad land, paying SS aa ar for t . I. t k. . x - acre- He already ewns arrea ; upper Pima creek valiey and with his new acoulsttioa sri-ea him nearly anrea ef land. He baa tour gTowa beys and twa girl, aad tn thta way be is prer-iding fnr tha futuare of rbildroa em the farm. ' m"hn the lanoed tn Nhraka he was without tneaaa aad for years "batrhea" ta a eod ahaaty a tha c-iaian. . , OMAHA MAN CnOaSLA F0 RREVEKUE INSPECTOR I WAJHIMiTW. r neciaj 1 1 'am i .wnmnm. m old-lim' dructnat T that cttj. oa l i reeorn-mondatjoa of ' oncrfaaman ijooec-a. :... apKated o Weotvtary aiiom to- joay, to b aa ins.-e'tw of fntomal m- 'n utmWt Aeting olleow jvoitn. sar. t : . 'Holat's duties wUl take Uiroiigbout i ' v,n ' ,B wert ' Jf opium and other warcotios under th Harrtaow act. Th ala. siww. ana uv'1 VB' T1 O "Nat inTi !?1 f:iriltrl A XMaUUUdl Vttaraaas, lararT , lata, Ta ttuie. I V ha te reeumod ow aarrtcurt uraJ bill. T he Ma 1 V ha i e resumed OW t-onora! dcfi twrj bill - i ooferea. report a etamea'a bin coa eKterea. WANTED f TV:V"Cx"R PHVT-t AVT1 f-h-A-nT.- Tk v.1 st i-a. r t r? t i.ks '"ir-, tMTrl f.VlI:RKl.lC tMT.RIKViT. P R K K K K K N CC Wll.l. MC MTTCM TYV irUCVT aiTH i.fvai. on MM'iriK vxptKn.Ni-K vit .rrsiivT- VI . NT tV rtaOMTT. HWrVRK CAtA lNCi f tKSOX A IA . afaraaawae ahowt thta Toitaaity. a V aat Ad a. one at soaara na. f .u 5 ii - V V C'. 1 .1 i 1 L.! - -4 ;'jf:& . t tva VifeSA r RUSSIA DENIES jTAKE ROBBER T?H0 KAISER'S CLAIIIS1 SLEW BANK OFFICER j , CtSeral Staif Sayi Only Tire Corp Were Affected by AHeped Lout in Latt Prrsiia. ' lnTTTTT TTCf! ACinCfJ r.rTVTgS PETROGFJID. Feb. 2L. The gvn- era of tbe Ruasian army has j iM,B0 a statement oonoeming the reorat owurreanoea in Ruasian Poland and the O raise t4aima to n ra eeplng rlrtory, whiih fd aa Ibllova: Ortk-iaJ" tunwanniMite out la Zih rJ - r-erlls to he effajt tiiaut tt armr suffered a severe revera ta je'jtat to the rvere Xtemaa and Bt-br are atieolutfiy nr enrrwt- The Omiaa oeeiwtinn that the twnth army ha. , enmpvie-y annihilate caw te oawgorifar.r 6end. matter oT fart, tie fnnijmi-ra twa of our eo-ps. the twentieth . and itim. finding tlH-elv. t a UBWutahie and angrnua mtuatioa. aa we . tha poeitiona at WlrtuJlen, Kuaaisn I'o- i land, w ith heavy loanea. ! "As te our either nons. troin. ; ' aTter having fulXid an anemia f the mmvuni th,fn. t.cauinc the J.t ; mt,n, .Utl.e5 ta tharn, and tor aevnaai ' fi- past Uiey have barsi engaging the ' .rerr,y. ; ,)nTlf OUT ,tire frmrt our armie anr ' . . m. 1iiiuii HU mi, nil) uif. Mim 'lt. Inirlns th lMt Irw t , . Knrmg ta the Twetreirth oorpa, advooea ; frja the Augusaow arw aad ralliud ' 9UT cnem " i - w T Tl eacaae troaa a nag nf unsaa 'tr;j of. twa Twrnmapts ef tlar Twutl'- '"'. - rounoeg flurtng tha retreat troas Bktat Pruaaia, ia reooraVd rn an o"t-jaJ muniraticiB 0iws out try the ai-.neral staff are inajiing continuous ananas along Trie froat froro tl Bot diatrtm at Jetfwawn aa far a. tbe Vistula the regioa nf 1-ftcu.nio-v jemnr urOtwint ynr vnc tui- aiua ia the Carithi4aia ar claimed aa tbe reauit of dealers te firhtmg. j Railroad-Heads To Visit Committee' iTYnm a Jharf C-i tin.aAMtu 4 UVOOIA", y(.h. 2, i pr'-lr.l i At th rurta of rei.reaetiiatit a iii th raUraada lt,ere ai t a fulilir reonnr t-tore the oranititTte on raf'ro. oa tVrii.raday vrie, Varch X. for tV nurn'iat of a j ji,iw. of th ? pttaacnger Tare'! ;fcju ! , rrenih-ma of aha dirfi.nen ; - "in , oTesent to show no their aula f ihe 'mau.-r TU nnrnmiu- rofuoel to ml r ' , th, mttu r he: ore a brmae a,na uiiow the ( tnumtwr to wit a lwrh.iT thy anulu hL-e to hear tt rtW1 aide of rh bill or ni-t. but did aw ii.Mvt ta a hear- rng t.iot tt rosnrait'iy The raj'wav repreaeutaJv aaunua ta gtw ajt wmin nr tbe l' -i aa tula lure an opiort unity tn hoar their mu the mattor. hut the .ihaiuiu.. of iht foirniiltee ohjrte4 arreni'oiil--". su 'nt he a as a raid hey were irvinc ta 1 UK antel).Ui. cTrincum uuiruiL't uif OILAWnir M,lft.t4ri-.nM 1 1MJ tlVLT I1AU r'ttTkGhKS 1 NKW TCiRlk.. Pwh The Vlrnnehaha of th Atlantic Trananort Mna. w huh !ai)ea yeatordav for tendon railed onl? ' two raaaenrera lEmo.W riant and Kosh Inald Martheaa. aha TUnn4 ta Join The Brfitah arm. Th Wrnaehaha narrtoa ; more than tfcof son of rn-Mrtt moat!? 'food for th Brtrinh fatoa j Th at earner Prednrte Ttn. aa0in to. daw or wv, tta rarnrlng o th Pan- ' tab flag oa ia de. fllummated a Ith ! oleetrw light A larcv rtaniah flag will Ify at the maat and at wietit will h j wuJI ooaantouoaa y tha rtama at a i iwrf ul awarcUiarna, 1m I jay i-H y . i 4 f: Si- I! I . 4 i . -f . Jr e- Baxdit Ehncta . ui Till Aaaist&Dt CaEhiex TTiio Demurs About Going to Vault. FIXES VrrH CASH 05 E0EEE FTERL1NG. Colo Feb. IT.. John Brunk, .5 4. assintAnt caatiier f tbe FaJTmers' Btate lank ft Hartnn. a ril- lkM titrflW m ;m m at Km , " " - was t&ot and inmnt3y icCW late t - fiay fey a robber. Tta Tt'l'ber was , OSp",i"a fler T W w2iB m paaae o cnoena. g,aTe the Same of Jay Thomparm. ' & Use. y, u, the aauik -wlUi thai j t. iraon. ara. 1 limtshtwn. , H. cixmt Brui.he w?ith a revolver, loeo- . hl hun haiA into the vault. larunae at - , 1u mu.u . 1r . .u-ir j , M , ... . .. ' . i In sirtit and made a danh Tram the tu!ld- i from tlw town firuig froni tww Trwtni at the rfowd of cttiaena wiii'h Jd gath ered at the tfouud ef ttie Zirat ahot. rmm ta S"r4C. Fnawea, tmatlly ir-tra.nir.ed ajul armed, tarred in purautt. The robbar waa ovnr taUen is a field eirht mls east vf Haxtao where he turtmd to tawa kue inmsuwra j ii iiiv ' mi i ,i i. wiiu' w u i im ftnijuiefl "hi g-une and atratn attampicd : a naah Inr lihert.v, hut a .member of the I poaar hnt his lierae and he was catuuiwd Cattlemen Want . Troops Sent to -Chase Renegades KA!T LACE CTTTT, rtah. Feb. - I aPex'W to tha Xiaaare Xewa from BluO. ' 0dn Awm OaaJ atJ Aaaiatant Iiatct Attoraoj " Cauk. wha imMt nifr mi " om,""mi wltk I Vr,rtjLl J-hear. Agent Jenkma and i ciuxrna m niurr reararaing vne ora hwil- i oa in ajipreimno xne nawtiie z-iinaa. Bew 'iuiaa. Sew- 'era! aeeaitty nattle arnara at ! farensa are uriring that trnona III m L niii;( , , fii.uwillus u n i fcig . Rated tryond tlie Indian snrnnahoUl aae ' ( tn 3amt Bluff la under haary gnard. 1 whh laokouta statumed at all aotnta a! : vartaaa Anrnrdwc t a tatr entorad ' tn-n mkn th Indiana tr. 1 aaalat te th capture of any outlaw mem- !hoe of tltetr trlht Aaaiatant Iiwtriitt 1 Attorney -Conk aava thai IT the rra-ndlf rtos drt Tint observe the iet provaunns thev will t rocarded a armaaanriaa afiar fan. An rnrt will he tnada hy Aamtta Jonkine and Own! to hav the fnondhj t'toa broua-ht into town inrmodV alolv TWmiU aruoa rorardtn aba. of rmim to h followwd ia evneoted J, House Committee Votes to Kill Fort Crook Saloon Bill iTYom a oMaff dtrraKivindem ) TVb S,. Sn(Ha.l.-wrif,ri r . is, tn imums h:i tor a aulnnn near rnr Orooa., cam HO In the bnuaa thai ! morning, n waa erjonefi Oiai a futtlt wouio r nuoe 1 1 oi-omue dw work of the onmmitlea on -it.e and tnna rer-wtod tt 'or rnrte'lnf 'ronerrxni. hut tt t Kpoiaed ihai whll tn ronort of th nmmirim wa aoaiuoa thl tnornirig. rnonda ta tha bill may lt- p" aria tt out tomorrow j Th ofimmlrto o i h bill am ant ' fnr tnoofini iMMtmnasWoat 'Broan, Burgeaa. H irnnn, ljaStouay. Veiaoa ana Smith, voting to kill a: wnill Rtohmnnd. Barroti. TonuaAow aad r.r- wowed fnr th oa aoeount of ai It ia the atroac awohaht dry ao nt wt ta tha St dor. that timaot Lobcoe Papeia Are Inclined ta Z est IiEjiiiei JCoe to Interfere vitii Prcjoed IocL&e f rnti8xy. 0ETE2 IS ZZPECTED I2ICRIXT treat Bntai Frcba-lly Will Jveaerre j Riffct t Decltrt Ftatuft I Contraband a-t Axy Xlnrt. I USTLLX BXP5ETS CC?TOUI?:CT Tb Day' War Nert ka eadwel ar-Vr M- gM f t et Ta artr. xeaaaer. vat itb MMt ar awls feyrlaaily wewveta. aw-aa aW4eatu aoea awtt waa rasF.g cEiats tMtrr SMtve ks s alan. a'ow Ma- aw Sw sate aVreSe aauf ak m aaf SMer fcrutMaai" c.aiaf l"itt ar rtrlM etaw (Ive aili TVrwtai , iaara-waitr r Se Sn mm 1 mtmtt. M w an wis - 4mm av aa laa. ccatMan mmmr a taM ba ilww ar awrakaMaT SwitatTf aiVwaa aiHaws Swaaaa1 w IwStac a eaaripaiaaia Siattli at ailwinat afctta ) ann f ar rcravtecaxat a Sat Waaueaaa ts mm tm awaat wl a aianert cte saw atan- fi LOICtiOX. Feb. - 2u. Tb prtrptt aala of WwthinOos la Creart Brltavhi and Oejrmar.y, vtssch avre in lndou. aeirarfC mfaravoe the Abausflcn-.' 1 . .. . nent tw uermncy g roeciajwa war , OD th flqy.Ucm fry the "faellia- nrantg f bbh iemil polity t ' carting- JondawM -Snr-tfce cfribaa jmjrtOaUoiia. Jisvn vurtieeaibly ur.fe Dfl the public interest, both In this , " , Cal flil"omtiC "aium. Brltiah jrreaja in cenernl ia 1--' ! etmlned Jn tone, nut the averraxa I r- i.i s-- i eonauOnrg g huM aat an attempt to iS- terfetre with the nbeoltrie bluuhade J of Oemuary ahould Iceland vnr to la tlie nmanwtilia and hj wnire f -the ' amtclna of faur Brrctsh nun cliantmew ta wprmg the lows of Sour Uvea. Onat 3ln tiaa atiU tnnlda irfT tna Aaclarina: Tood owstinad ta Oimiimuw ta to etmUahajnl. kt as awUe4 tt tMa aawp ia aauae tt weltl . untU tha American aim sataala haws tana a. 3 aat what tifia lanpnaaft aoth hare smd sb terltai as waiy -rnf in mathia iaa taaea taw wnaagwr said nuelUkad difrpaiecfc WaaMnansrav ThawwwaauiA wrtU the Tisrrrt aw deoiare taod aonrnr- aaad at maty time tt aNMnss K ami aweary, aanwiaially aa Or-rmanrT ao-ealtad tolwea- iaa lias aaea anfaraad wrtth X ttar awaaar Omattary has at tia commas Inr a wim. A.Paat i , j Brk Mm m ttrta ;rTou "W'U mdtrs d far tn artateonwata anayda toy (('oDlmuiKl on Pa Pout. Column FtrnrJ j . ' . j - i , i ' ' -it iEveryday . INecessities I r- j t " - - ... i - I Cil iTililli ill L.. S ' TTlTl nPsi PArt? Agxtv OT J J ( iV TT1 Tf rl f CLPiH T.TT! H the Tor Sale" colmzns 1 -if "T"5-i r T.-r - r-"n C " -Or- jhOUSe!lOd g'OCXlS, ClClil ing:, vehicles, etc. The business xaaa can save niny food dollars in office furniture, type 'writers, etc ! Tjf)MT over the offers !' every day. If yoa ure interested in mLldnz every dollar count, you will not overlook thcra opportunities. Ttkpbsae Tyler THE 0LIL EZ2 s)eilinia . a writ k a rvHat- aw Mm Wriir warlaw avaVitaaaiia W w aatr aa fci lin f" aaaiai 4 gtrtrWtk aim aiaaeaisa. fcwl ar Saw tr .WaTama aat waan l aaa Ck IwMui Saaiaw aaaal an n i t imwrth. as Tha -rnihttr aVaaTRwtA' "TWBal