rrri: kee: omatta. Thursday. February 91 WAR SCRIBE MEETS THRILLS AT FROIIT IrrU S. Cob Telia of Many Inter eiting Experience with War 1111; European Armiei. CAKE EXAB. LOSIJTQ HIS .LIFE That tna European war will last for a long time parltapa one or two years more la ttaa opinion of Irvln a Cobb, faraoua war correspondent, who came to Omaha for the first time yesterday, to deliver a talk last evening at the Auditorium. Mr. Cobb la strictly Mutual. He ssjrs he relates what he saw during hla three months' trip through Kngland. Belgium, r. n Tl kllva H f rrinn ana wirmwj. ... -- If the allies should close In Oh rmany there will ha a flartit ta the last man. The war has brought frenchmen to gether la a new national spirit Ever maa In France today s a arvidlrr. so to ST." declared the cor' respondent Hs Is not saying much about Russia, biit expects to go there during the early, summer. her aoldlre Fate. Correspondent Oobb Is a humorist, hut he can be Intensely serious and he has viewed this European war with consider able sertousnesa He has (haled a soldtar's fate In the trenches, has trailed the German army for many miles oa foot was up In an observation balloon, was nearly ahot went footsore and hungry, taken all sorts of chances, and, as Fred erick Palmer would say, "He knows how to keep silent m various languages." Notwithstanding his strenuous cam paten with a typewriter In Enron. Mr. Cobb retains his embonpoint and hearty mile. He seems to enjoy work. He Is anxious toget hsck to New Tork where he has a tot of work awaiting Mm. One of the most thrilling experiences Mr. Cobb hsd In Europe wee while trail ing the German army with four other eorreepomlents In southern Belgium. It was near Blnche. The Germans were driving the allies back. The correspond ents walked until they were weary, but their enthusiasm overcame exhausted nature. On a certain day a long train of auto trucks were being taken In light A sympathetic) soldier on one of the autos espied the tired correspondents trudging along. Cobb and his associates had walked thirty miles the day before. Cobb seys his feet were tender and sore. The eoldier Invited the pedesttlsns to Jump lnt his suto truck and have a rids, which Cobb and hla friends did. A little "non com" sergeant In one of the eutoe ahead observed the actions of the correspond ents and called back to the driver to make them get off. 'The driver replied that they were Amerlcaln correspondents. The sergeant grew more Insistent that tea Americans should get off. The driver touched Cobb on the shoulder as a sign thst he had better jump oft. The auto was Just going down a steep hill. Cobb's feet were sore and he thought he would not jump while making the descent (artrlda-e 'Dnea IV Explode. At the bottom of the hill when Cobb had alighted the little sergesnt thinking Cohb had been dallbsraUlv defiant, 1h- bed an automatic against the correspond ent's solar ploxls region. The sergeant nulled the trigger, but the cartridge did not explode, which pleased Cobb. Cobb grabbed the gun to ward off what he be lleved was Impending death. At this juncture Hansen, one of the party of correspondents. In a nonrhalent manner,, said In perfect 2)iKl(eh to the little sergeant, "The driver told us we might ride on the auto." Cobb knew that Hansen wss a German scholar and could speak the language fluently. Cohb said to Hansia: "Hansen, if you ever spoke perfect German In your life, spesk It now or I may never hear you." Cobb had an Interesting sxperienos In a Certnaa oliservatlon balloon over the plateau In front of Leon, along the Alane. He was up with a Gerrruui lieutenant and witnessed a battle which spread out Ilka a vast relief map. He says It was an iraipressiva sight He could command a view of the opposing forces and saw grim r from an elevated angle. "While up In this obser!oa balloon a French flyer made an attack on Cobb's aerial party. The Oftrman lieutenant trained his balloon cannon upon the French airship and chased It away. Cobb took some photographs of the French aerial fiver VUeuteruuit, I will have soms of these photographs ready In about a week, flnall I send you some and how shall I address themr asked the correspondent. The lieutenant gave the address of his another, a baroness, explaining: "l may not be here in a Week. I may be sou somewhere. I am the. third man In three weeks In this balloon. Two others wer killed. The average life of a war bal loon operator Is six daya." was the grim reply of the aortal lieutenant Cbb talked along with the lieutenant who wax a fine companion, well educated, patiie. quirk In action, fearless "When we go into tbla kind of service e my good-by to all ef-our relatives and frlcnda. Only slngletien go in theas baliona Tou send the photographs te my mother and maybe I win see them some day maybe. I will them." c ttnued Cobb's aerial companion, as they talked above the din of battle. Than Cobb locked Into' the distant space and ob serves ths French flyer fading from view Mr. Cobb saw the effects of ths 43- conilmeUr guns and was on the firing 10a aiong me Alane. lis bears witness to the wonderful brvry of til llel glana In their hour of.natlunal grief. 9 A sv- waw r hi 1 s r -a asti x mx w m iw p -av it ss'irA 1 1 i m 1 1 a far Mealsmes J. J. Iodls. () O. Ouinter, Ulllllend, lv K Kohler. 1 I,. .Ton neon. K. Hecox, Wedding Announcement. The we.ldln of Mlsa alary rnaien ana Mr. JFarry Willis Rawson was celebrated Monday at high noon. Miss Minnie Phalen end Mrs. James Peanlon. cous ins of the bride, were the only attendants. A dinner followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phalen. Mr.1 and Mrs. Raw son left Tuesday for Montana where they will reside. Pleasures Fait. The fhllathea class of the First Chris tian church Bible school gave their Washington birthday psrty last evening at the home of Mrs. J. II. tSlsberry. The rooms were decorated throughout with red roars and carnations and numerous flags. About twenty-live guests were entertained. ' The Jolly Dosen club entertained Mon day evening at the home of Ruth Nickum at a Washington's birthday party. Those rresert were: Mlsaes Mildred Rockwell, Oertrude Allen, Hnth N Irk urn. Mr Paul Wilcox, Byron Wilcox s By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, February 24, 1915. OCIETY g up In the air tonight as to Just where it will go. With ao many Interesting; attractions to lure, tbey ara some what fussed aa to the choice of path to follow. One would not ex pect auch a pick-up in Lent four Inviting evening entertainment are on-the calendar so It la no wonder their social temperaments are a trifle disturbed. The "Potash and Perlmutter" attraction -at the Brandeis is tempting all against aa Instinct to see something more serious now. irvln Cobb, the Saturday Evfenlng Post war correspondent, Is giving his war experi ences at the Auditorium. His well known fund of humor will be hard to resist. Then there Is Madame Roslka Schwimmer, the Hungarian peace ad vocate, who wllK speak In the interest of universal peace, In the council chamber of the city hall. Last but not least, for the particular benefit of the men, the Knife and Fork club will give their first banquet this evening at the Rome hotel. The men ara planning to attend the banqudt, which, they say, In the words of our friend, Harry Leon Wilson, "is to be com posed of food." Entertain Concordia Club. Mrs. Martin Oberst and Mrs. Irving H. Arey entertained the members of the Concordia Knealngton club at their home In Dundee Mondny afternoon. Musical selections were given throughout the af ternoon. The guests inciudea: Meeds mes G. lwersa-n, A. Bloom, T. R. Brodcn, J M. fow, W. P. Warner. Mlaes- Orace HHllrv, I "orothv Wlloox, Ruth I"nney, MrKMri Kdwln Holomsn. Jtilea Merle, Richard Reynold. Et-A-VirpClub Dance. The Kt-A-Vlrp club gave a Washington party at Jacobs' hall Monday evening. The following guests attended: Measr. and Meadames W. 11. Thorp. franklin bmlth, Meesrs. Clyde Bwancutt, A I Lines. Robert Bheldon. John P. Williams, wiuiam a. Morton. Theodore O'Keefs, v. r- uuuamar. u. w. Knight, M!nw 1.11 lie Rohlff. IiOuIk fchumata. Ijoiitea K Inert, Myrtle warren, Genevlov New- comb, A. D. Wurmer. Messrs. Thor Anderson, Clarence Hall. Charles Pundblad, Oeocjte Rowtea, Harry Deema, . Carl Haarmann, IT. H. Gsantner. Oraoe Tucker, Helen Grady, Winifred loree, Elva Graham. Margaret Wagner, ICvalyn Wilson, OMAHA GIRL TOURS STATE WITH LYCEUM COMPANY' K f . ' : ' " . i '' ' . OBJECTS TO NAME ON CHECK Flattsmonth Man Appeu Ag-ainit Eead, Who Forges Hii Kame to Worthlesi PapeT. IS HELD TO HIGHER COURT Bceing In The Evening Bee that his name had been signed to a 175 check by Elmer A. Reed on th rtrni1.la Hi.iro. 'J. M. Buhl, swltrhmsn on the Burlington railroad, appeared at police headquarters and Identified Read as en old acquaint ance. Buhl told Chief of Itntlvci Maloney Wednesday morning that he had worked with Read in the railroad yards at Iu. clflc Junction and that Rrad aloln checkbook froln hint, bearing the head ing of the First National hunk of Platts mouth. At that time Burl had an account with the IMhI turnout h batik. After glanc ing at Ilia alKnature on the had check which the Rrandcls Stores rasacd, Buhl declared it to be a very clever forgery, and no excellent imitation of his own signature. Owing to the fact tlmt Road when ar retted had enough money on his person to make good the f75 check, prosecution on this partic ular check will be dropped unlraa Buhl insists on punning a charge of forgery agulnst the offender. Read was arraigned on a chare of ob taining money under false pretenses, the complaint naming only the check for IX made on the People's Trust and Havings bank of Carroll, la., which the fellow also passed on. ths Brandcia Stores. He was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at 1750. RUBINSTEIN TO NURSE BERNHARDT Ida Rubin stein has announced that her delicate and tapering fingers, and hers only, will smooth the brow and tend to the wants of the divine Sarah Bernhardt. Investors wi;h money read the Real E taio ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. Women Storm the . Mayor's Citadel at tlte City Hall Mayor Dahlman's announcement that he does not expect to appoint a woman on the new public welfare board 1ms had the effect of arousing various women's organlsatlona to increased activity. The mayor's office was visited today by scores of women, moat of whom urged the eppolntment of Mrs. C. W. Hayes. These women declare they will not give up the fight. The mayor Is facing the situation com plscently and hopes to be able to with stand the attacks of the women. Many women who could not leave their housework and little ones hsve tele phoned the mayor's office. The mayor's office hours are from 10 to 12 and from i to i. ' 1 e xs,y.',l'iv 111 I ' j ' ' " - i ir'tf 5 i . .. f J i,(t'v m mi d BOX HOLDERS FOR SUFF MOVING PICTURE SHOW . j Following Is an additional list of box holders for the suffrage play, "Your Girl and Mine." which will be given at the American theater, beginning Thursday evening: W. F. Baxter, J. P. Whito. Frank Crawford, C. F. Harrison, George Doane. jr.; C. J. Ernst, who will attend with the Board of Education.- o U tr . i ;7 t r. -r - t - ' , MyAasiisaejss SHE DISCHARGED HER MAID Here Is the experience of one wo man: "1 read your nd in The Bee and at once attended your demonstra tion. Result 1 let my maid go ordered A WHIRPOOL SANITARY DISHWASHER an am not only saving the maid's salarv. but have cleaner, more sani tary dishes. I cnloy my home more, and aa to .time 1 Wath My Dimhtt in Sevmn Mmuttt then have plenty of time to do the balance of my housework. Rvery afternoon I attend bridge and theater parties as usual. I ADVISE every woman In Omaha' to see your deinonftration and follow my plan of cutting the cost of living." Demonstration Sally. Bring This Ad Oat 10 Discount. Writ for Booklet. B. GRUNWALD Phone Bona. 1911. 1110 Tarnam Bt. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. New Card Club Organised. The Fon tensile Card club was organ ised at the heme of Mrs. B. Manafleld Tuesday afternoon. The members will play rassle-dassle. The first meeting will be held at the horns of Mrs. Mansfield In two weeks. . The members are: Meadames M. Novak. R. Rleroe, F. Z. Frary, Ida Brown, Mead a meal-Id ward Smith. William fthletda. George F. Terry, B. Mansfield. ) Comb Sags Ted Into Gray Hair Ladies' Try Vis! Uara?ns beauti fully and juoJxxrjr can tcil Rrlngs back lu gloss aud thirkneas. Commo. gutem cnl., brwwod Into a heay tea. with sulphur and alcohol ad- f'j' ,Bm T' akea ai.d faded ba r beuutuUy Uark and lasuxlant; re move .very bit ol dandruff, atop -alp Wcnlng and failing hair. Mixing the rea and Bulphur receipt at borne, though. Is troublesome. Aa staler way to to et th rcady-to-uaa taslr. coating abutit (0 nt. a larg. Untla. at drug .tores, known as -Wyeth'. Bags, and Bulphur .onpound.- thus avoiuu a IX of fcsM. Whlla wUpy. gray, fVt hair to not inful. w. n Wr to ruun-0ur ouih U sPPwrtacs andV.vretlva.. , By darkening your hair wteh WyaU'g Ba nd Bulphur. idomnji tell, bscauss It e it a aaturally. so avaaly. To J"t dampen a epotuie or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak ing one amaa strand at a time; by morn. all gray hair, hava dtoappMu-ad. After another application ar tw yaur hMr bocomaa brauttfuRy dark, gloMy, (.It and luxurUmt aod yoa appMT years Xoiuuar.- AavtrtlMDMut. At Prairie Park. The Needle Craft Guild of Pralrta Park entertained Tuesday aftenonn at the club house.' Mesdamea B. Jeftras. A. B. Northrup and J. R. Bell were the hos tesses of the afternoon and the guests of the club Included Meadames Whitman, Hammond, Van Dorr and George. Ilano numbers were given by Miss Francos Roes and llttla Miss Katherlne Ross a vocal solo. About thirty grueets were Present. The next meeting of the club will be oa March at the club house. Afternoon Bridg Party. Complimentary to Mlsa Iietla Raoon, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf entertained at bridge this afternoon at her home on "outh Tenth street After the bridge game tea waa served In the dining room.' which was profusely decorated with pink earnatlona The table centerpiece was a huge mound of .earnatlona In the deep pink ton a Mrs. Met calf. iinti were: Meadames- , Meadames Walter Grirftth! Rrayton "arson. Frank Hacon, Ml wee- - Mleses- I.uclU Hcon. TOnanor Mackny, Francee Horhstetler, Blanche IVurl, Ptulla Thummal, Anntffrd, KiiKvnle Tatterson, Marion Kuhn. Hln t'lark. Helen Van lnieen, Nellie Wakeley. Wednesday Bridge Club. Miss Katharine Thummel was lutstess It la afternoon at the ' meeting of tha Wednrsdsy Bridge club. .Those present were: ' Mlaaee Misses r.llaahrth Bnico, Fl'b-th Psvla, Katherlne Thummil. Mildred Butler, klary Hurkley. Cindy a Inters. Meedamee MMianiea l'en Witwd. John fuller Web Kalph 1'eters, ster. Adxya.Ta.ytk Locke Miss Adrya Fsyth Locke of this eity has gone to Lincoln to Join the "Wright company," .which Is . touring under the management of the Brttt Lyeeam bureau, Rhe studied With Prof. H. W. Muneon, dean of the drsmetto department of Fre mont college. Her plana are to appear at ehautauquas during next summer. Mlsa Locke has received many congrat ulations upon her success on the tyceum and Chautauqua platform. With the Visitors. Mrs. Wbitmaa of Timber Lake. S. is. the guest of Mra B. Joffres. D.. 8ew for Belief. The .tiuadee circle of the Belgian re lte( was entertained this afternoon at tha home of Mra Esra Millard. About twenty-five members wsra present Distinguished Guest Here. Rev. fherrard Billings, assistant head .SI KABiaU: ! I Tii cats fua-nt. rcttcs h cow ji'.tfo xRiica" UCM TALKING AOT TAUatt, master of Oroton school, Groton. Masa. was In the city Tuesday and Wednesday at the Omaha club. , Whlla here Rev. Blllmga waa entertained by Mr. and Mrs. .', wnose nepnew, John Knox, is attending school there. . For the Future. Covert lodge. No, 11, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, will glva a dancing party on Friday evening at the Scottish Kite cathedral. - Dancea Tonight. The Ctnoaam Dancing club will enter tain this evening at ths Scottish Rita cathedral. The. Wednesday Evening Subscription Dancing club will entertain this evening at tha Metropolitan club. Those present win ne: , - , Messrs. and Meadames r. R. Hastings, W. R. W lit son. Keens Abbott. C. C. Padler. BoSneV A "cluh". Hungry Woman Who Walks Streets Goes to Station for Food Mra Bern Ice Hsss of Santa Cms. Cel., arrived la Omaha Tuesday., afternoon from Rock Springs. Wyo., and having spent her last penny for railroad fare, had not eaten since leaving the Wyoming town. After wandering about the streets sll afternoon In an unsuccessful search for employment she finally came to police headquarters end was taken In charga by Polios Mstron Ellen Gibbons, who will attempt to secure work for her. Mra Hess, who Is about l years of ate, aald her husband died six years ago of tuberculoala and since Uiun ahe has had a hard atruggle to make a llvellliood. Having heard that work was plentiful In Omaha she took the chance of get ting ImmedlaU employment and spent hsr last tittle fund of money to get here, "I walked ths streets all afternoon, and when I passed a bahsry window it was all I could do to keep from breaking thlnga I was so awfully hungry, I was afraid I would do something despsrats. so 1 learned whore ths station was aud came down here to see If the pollcs wouldn't help ma." the HtUe woman declared- - HENRY MAGEE WILL MAKE . TRIP ACROSS THE WATER A further continuance la. the suit of Jerome P. Magee aralnst his father. Henry W. Magoe of Chicago and brother. Way land Magee of Bennington, for par tition of the Colonel Pratt estate has been granted by District Judge Wlllla G. Sears. The continuance was allowed to permit ths eider Magee te attempl a trip to Sweden In aplta of Tranaatlanttc and North Hru mine daagers, for the pur pose of finding out whether or not his stitter-ln-law willingly and knowingly sold ber :v.( share la tl- Pratt estate to Jiruuie Magee fur tOO.OOO. MB 1 Wlk I.T -T n " miViT - '' i 'i iiiii"iiiTiiii'iiiiiii r iHzfsi .'t11"! tiryker (Board of Trade BIdg., 316 So. 16th St.) Entire Stock of Men's Fine Shoes 7,148 Pairs Will Be On Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday These Shoes Were Secured By Us At a Fracticn of Their Real Worth Because of the Fire in the Board of Trade BIdg., 16th and Farnam Sts., Which Has Tempqrarily Forced the Stryker Co. Out of Business, and Which Caused Them to Seek New Quarters. They Will Go On Sale Thursday Morning in the Shoe Department. Main Floor, at These Two Prices--Very; Very Small for Such Shoes: IIP cor s $5.00 & $6.00 (hisses D O If j I 1 1 i is t. -a. u (l fr' y JJssBssssssai $3.50 to $5.00 Shoes nod Stryker Shoes Are Known and Celebrated Far and Wide for Their Many Points of Superiority, Their High Quality and Style forced to dispose or tneir stocks quiciuy ana tor cash the- Stryker Company came to the Brandeis Stores, knowing our ability to swing any deal, no matter how large. Our cash offer was at once ac cepted by them, and we have this large and fine stock of shoes to sell at prices far less than usually is asked for such shoes. v Included in This Sal . . Hundreds of Pairs Topped Low Shoes You Would Expect to The shoes that we shall sell are in no wav iniured every pair is practically perfect. The firemen cov ered the stocks, protecting them from water. What few shoes were injured about 20 per cent of their stock will not be sold now, but will be offered at a big sacrifice later on. You are assured of getting not only perfect shoes, but the best shoes made. , e Are Not Only the Best Style for Late Winter and Earlv Sorinp. But There Arm of Spring and Summer Shoes Oifordsia Many of the4!estSvliih Shanes: Cloth : Dancini and Full Dress Shoes and fWosin Fact All of ihe Kind of Shn- All Sizes: Find in a Well Stocked, Wtil Masked, Up-Tc-the-Misute Shoe Store AH Leathers: AH Styles: All Shades: More Smart New Blouses Have Arrived to Sell at&RlQR gaaw T i 1 s 1 , . . in tms selection will be found all of the new colorings those that the new season ap proves. paliomia Rose, Bisque, Corn Yellow Arlsona S lver. Delaware Peach, flesh. Sand and White, tier are Just the blouses for the arioue afternooo funetiona of the present social season. Modea most appropriate to such occasions. They are made of excellent quality Crepe de Chine, vhich is destined to be so popular for spring and summer wear. And, too, ttiis fact is of interest Crepe de Chine is getting scarce, meaning that, those who admire this beautiful fabric will do well to se lect the blouse they wish soon. We show now all of the newedt models the very latest style creations. Among them the new pocket blouse well-tailored shoulder, with the yoke, collar, cuff and armholes hem stitched. They are finished with the dainty pearl buttons, which add much to their attractiveness. s- a Many other Crepe de Chine blouses at $1.98, $2.98, $3.69 and $5.00 Nw Shantung Pong Blouse specially r m priced bow at j1.95