Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
Witt. TJli: BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBnUAKY 23, 191.1 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. Th Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. HEB BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha poetofflce aa second-class matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier By mall per month. per year. illy n1 Ptmdar W t " Tal!y without Hunday.... 6o 4 00 Evening and "undav V (no Kvenlng without Sunday 4.00 Sunday Bra only I. Oil Kernl not Ire of crer- of addrese or complaint of Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Circulation Department. REMITTANCB. Remit nr draft expreea or postal erder. Only two cent stamp received In payment of amall aa rounta. Versonal check, except oa Omaha and aaatarn exchange, not accept? d. omcES. Omaha Tha Pea Bullrtin. South Omaha 3iS N street. CoHnrM Wuffs M North Main Street Lincoln N Lltlla Building. rhicairo 901 Hurnt Huildlns; New York-Room 110S. Fifth avenue St. Iil-WS New Bank of rimmrc. Washington 7 Fourteenth Pt.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Address communications relating to news end edi torial matter to Omaha Bee. Mitorial Department. JXSVAllX ORCUIiATIOJf. 53,714 Stat of Kahntaka, County of Dougtaa, ea. DwlKht Will I urns, circulation manager of Tha Baa Publishing company, being duly aworn, aaya that tha average ciroulatloa for tha month of January, 131, waa 7tl. DW'IOtTT WtT,LIAM, Circulation Manager. Buhaciioed my presence and aworn to before m. thla M day of February. 19!S. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public, SubacrTbera leaving Um city temporarily shonlil have Thai Bee mailed to Hum. Ad dress will be changed as often as requested. raaraary 88 i Thought for the Day 5acf aaf by frmJsrich A Fmts Tits man that kath no music in himself, For is not tnowsd ay concord of awes! Bounds, lsJU for treasons, stralagrms, and spoils; Ths motions ot hit spirit art dull as night, And his affections dark as Ertbut. Let no such, man bs trusted. Shakespeare. r Mayor Jim li foinj to hear from the Wo man's club next. Sea America first! Do It right by seeing Omaha on tha way. King Ak-Sar-Ben will be on the job In the fall, and never mind tha weather. Maybe a little Inquiry Into the efficiency of that postoffice efficiency board woAild be in order. Soldlera hug the trenchea, sailors hug the ahorea. Safety flrot la rooting around tha world of war.- That Omaha Indian aupply depot needa sav ing now if It ever did; watch the progreaa of the game. After all, the New Mexican Jingo doea not differ front Massachusetts and Alabama brands. Mot air Is too cheap to be dangerous. ' ' k Down at Lincoln they are inclined to draw pretty fine distinctions these days, especially aa between "lobbyists" and pure patriot. The supreme tent of law efficiency will .be staged when electric light metera are com manded to tell the truth In the monthly bills. Some folks In Omaha are Inclined to think the "efficiency" report wasn't altogether baaed on what the inspectors found out at tk post-office. The-kalser la following up his record In the present war by making good on his talk about establishing a submarine blockade In British waters. Many a fatal affray has taken place that wouldn't if the parties to it hadn't been "heeled." And thla applies to nations aa well as to men. That Omaha la a pretty good place to trade Is fairly proven by the efforts of its commercial rivals to place the Gate City tn aa unfavorable situation as regards railroad rates. The war on its eastern front is putting new jawbreakihg namea on the map instead ot shoot ing ear oft. Thla la not what was expected ot either Von Illndenburg or Grand Duke Nicholas. Considerable progress la being made by the democrats at Washington In their attempt to break all records for expenditure, and they may be able to do so. Also, they will be busy for the next few months explaining , why it waa necee eary. Word from Chryenna tell of tha accidental death tii.-ra ot Captain Edwin Pollock, Ninth Infantry, well known la Omaha, and only a few weeka ago retired by a board amine In apoclal aaaalon In thla city. Tha thaw haa act in convincing- peopta-tbat tha Artie aevcrlty ef tba winter ta a thing erf tba part. The Harney street lot tn tha rear of tha atore c f t . b. Goodrich waa aold today far M.OuO ta 11. O. tiark Co., who. It la aaid, will erect a four- atory building on it for bualneaa purpoeea. A apeclal moating ef tha Board of Trade coafrared alto Sir. Chartaa EL Howe, a Boaton architect, rec ommtttded by Chartea Fraaola Adams, an plana for the proposed new bjildlng. The membership tea was aieo r !'! ta rz. and U members applied for ad- mlaton In ooneequenea of a eanraa that la being made. J. S. Tebbetts ha been appointed dlvialon frets-lit agent of taa t'n'tm Paajrtu with headquarter at fcalt I-kkn uy. r. u. Kimoau ana r. p. Bhelby, and Geneial rriht Aft, Millar of tha D AM. have gone to ffcinmo for a meeting of tha executive committee of r.e -jrtinental committee. .Mr. K. M. Hooper leta it he known that he may b onau!l-d aa a clairvoyant and trance medium t tha notliet coiner cf Kiev en th and Caa ai any I nit .Hu 11 A. M. and 10 I. M. The Hotel rontenclle. Omaha will formally note the opening of the aplendld new Hotel Fontenelle this evening, and with that ceremonial will mark the beginning of a new era In the city's life. From the very beginning of things to the preaent, a patriotism unquenchable has marked the renldents of Omaha, to the end that every trlslg has been met and every swell in the tide has been turned to advantage. It was this uplrlt that brought the I'nion Pacific terminals to Omaha in the far past; it was this epirlt that led to the fuller growth and development of the city In the '80s; it was this rplrlt that, when the out look was the darkest, financed and directed to Its magnificent success the great Transmissls ippl Exposition; it waa this spirit that built the great live stock and packing Industry here, and that Is making Omaha one of the great grain marketa of the world; It waa this spirit that has made the Omaha banks and wholesale houses, factories and retail eMablishmentB, solid and re liable institutions, and has given Omaha a stand ing In which its citizens have justifiable pride. When the tornado tore its way through a beautiful residence district two years ago, wip ing out many lives and scattering in bits hun dreds of splendid homes, the spirit of Omaha rose, and with the indomitable courage of Its united citizenship, the city faced the crista and came out of the wreckage fresh and fair, and full of a new determination. And in that time the Hotel Fontenelle was born. Omaha men of means and public spirit have built this hotel as an evidence of the Omaha spirit. It standa high cn the bill top, where it typifies the soul of Omaha, courageously determined on further achievement. To Mr. Burbank, the manager, and his as sociate. The Bee again says, "You are welcome; you will like Omaha, and as you share in the prosperity of the city, you will be glad your lot has been cast among us." Taylor and the University. The gentleman from Custer wants to do something to the University of Nebraska that will bring about the segregation of the College of Agriculture from the other colleges ot the Institution. His public expressions, in commit tee and on the floor ot the house, have not been very coherent, nor do they definitely state any purpose, but he has aald enough to warrant the conclusion that his desire la to divorce the study of farming from the study of languages, litera ture, mathematics and other forma of polite or scientific learning. If this be his purpose, Mr. Taylor Is working along the wrong track. One ot the great ad vantages of having the College of Agriculture connected with the other schools of the Univer sity of Nebraska Is that it permits the agricul tural student to gain a wider knowledge and broader grasp of other sciences than those which pertain strictly and exclusively to farming. It must be kept in mind, too, that farming today consists of something more than the mere turn ing over of the soil, planting of the seeds, culti vation of the growing stalks and harvesting of the crops. The properly equipped farmer is a scientifically trained roan, versed in the science of botany and its various branches, with a knowledge of chemistry and a working grasp of the fundamentals at; least 6f animal physiology and anatomy; " Some of these! branches are- taught at the agricultural school, but others must be taken In connection with the general university course. If the divorce that Mr. Tay lor pleads for is granted it would necessitate duplication of equipment, instructors and plant to properly provide for the needs of the agricul tural school. Other objections are obvious. It is plain that the College of Agriculture will suffer If it be segregated from the Univer sity of Nebraska. The strongest argument pre sented in favor of the consolidation of the great university on a aingle campus, and one which applies with aa much force today as ever, waa that through, that consolidation the students of agriculture would gain great advantage by rea son of accessibility ot the other schools In which they must take part ot their work. It would be a grievous mistake to deprive these students of their opportunity to acquire elementa of broader culture which should properly accom pany scientific instruction in farm methods. Mr. Taylor'a xeal is misdirected. The university administration has little cause for apprehension so far aa an honest in quiry Into Its details of management Is con cerned, but It has cause to apprehend the effect of making the university the subject of partisan debate or division. Keep the university safely out ot politics, and It wiil prosper in spite of material obstacles. - Serbian Ambitions Aeaoelated rreaa Oorraapoadaaaa. ' The Railroad Campaign for Higher Bates. The Nebraska Railway commission calls at tention to the condition that baa developed In connection with the railroad campaign for in creased passenger and freight tariffs. It is that commercial clubs and similar organizations are being persuaded by the' railroads to paaa reso lutions' making requests ot the railway com missioners that the asked for Increases be granted. The danger in this lies tn the ex parte presentation of the plea. The Nebraska com missioners direct attention to the fact that the commissions of fifteen states are now acting together to give calm and careful consideration to the railroad' petitions, and will be thereby better enabled to determine if the advance in rates Is justified For thla reason It Is sug gested that organized bodies of railroad patrons exercUe a little prudence in connection with the manifest effort of the railroads to enlist public sympathy for their cause. Eastern newspapers are wasting valuable space In publishing the text of the "declaration ot London" governing naval warfare, and ap proved by warring and neutral powers. It ia one ot "scraps of paper" shot to ptecea by the war, and Is beyond hope of resurrection by news paper pulmotors. Nieit, Serbia, normally a town of some iJi.ono. ha been transformed by tha war Into a city of more than soula. The atrangcr within tha city galea wondr-re where all tha people een on tlx street sleep at night. Tha email public park, as well as tha two principal chopping atreeta. are aa crowded during the daylight hpurs aa Broadway and Fifth avenue on a late afternoon. The problem of carina for the thousand who fled here from Belgrade and the northern eommunltlea of the country when war wa declared has been a difficult one. Kvery house with vacant room a waa comman deered by the government, but even thla action failed to provide shelter for hundreds of fugitive from th battle dlatticta. In the dilemma In which the Serbian people found themaelvrs the American Ked Croea mis sion came aa a veritable Oodaend. Everywhere tha Asaoriatad Preia correspondent has traveled he has noountered evidence of good work done by American citizens and has everywhere found gra-tful apprecia tion on the part of the Serbian people. Thla apprecia tion waa officially expressed by M. Mlloah Petronle vltch, one of the administrators of the diplomatics pre bureau, who speaks Englleh perfectly. "Our conetltutlon," said M. Petronlevttchk "and all of our institution are really modeled from those of tha Vnlted States of America, and some day wa hope to be really an American state here at the end of Europe and the beginning; of Asia. That, as well aa the sympathy and aid for our wounded aent ua by the American Red Croas during all three of our re cent ware, account for the very warm welcome we hall always give to any American who cares to coma out and study us at closer range. "We are riot ao hoepltable to all foreigner. Serbia la more accustomed to having enemlea than friend. From tha time tha Herblan empire came under tha Turks In tha fourteenth century, until it liberation in the early part 'of the nineteenth century, Serbia waa cut off as a state from all the rest of the world. Her Turkish tyrant had hut one idea, to destroy the soul of the race, the memory of it glorlou and marital past, of Ua aristocratic tradltlona and of its racial unity with the other Slav peoples. It chivalry per ished in the great battle of Koasova in V9. Koeaov la a vast plain about 100 mllea eouthweat of Nlsh, where the battle of Turkish conquest between the foroe of Sultan Murad I and the Rerbian emperor Tracer waa fought In the fourteenth century. This great battle ended with the. complete overthrow of tha Serbian empire and the 600-year domination of the whole ot southwest Europe by the Turks. This domination Included ell the people now comprising tha Balkan statea. All ef the sons of the noble Serbian families were carried off tn Constantinople to form the famous guard of the Janissaries. They were reared In complete ignorance of their parentage, and with but one Ideal, the sultan. A certain number of the great Serbian families escaped Into Russia, Austria and Montenegro. From thee and subsequent emigra tion a have aprung the members of the race who are today outalde the kingdom of Serbia, Boanla. Herxe govlna and DaJmetls, are Integrally a part of the kingdom, though detached from It by European poli tics at the congr' of Berlin." Mr. Petronlevltch pointed to a large map which bung in hi office, ahowing tha ancient confine ot the Serbian empire, aa well aa the marginal Una ot the frontiers of that Oreater .Serbia, the creation ot which Is tn some quarter regarded aa the cause of the war. Be this aa It may, it will certainly be one of tha moat Important changes In the map of Europe If Serbia and Its powerful allies are successful against the German and tha Aflstrlans. "You can see," continued Mr. Petronlevltch, "how difficult haa been the position of Serbia, with the Turks, on. the one hand, longing to conquer what they had lost; the Auatrlana, on the other hand, urged by the German, whose own expansion could only take place by pushing the Auatrlana Into posses sion of all the Slav kingdoms of the Balkans, thua leaving free the German province of Austria for Germany! There la no doubt In our mind that Ger many has had the Idea of absorbing the dual mon archy of Austria-Hungary, thus dreaming of a king dom extending .from the shores of the- North sea to tha Atan, at Salonika, the aloephorus and the Sea f Mamoia at Constantinople, and reaching eut to a supreme control of the Mediterranean and even tha Black sea. No one who haa not lived am the shore of the Danube has any real conception of -the fanatic ism with which Austria haa worked to achieve thla end, nor of the designing care with which Germany has ever promoted it design. A part of the plan alwaye haa been to keep the state of the Balkans from any federation or cohesion among themselves. This might have been more difficult had not several of the states had German princes for rulers. Serbia and Montenegro, you know, wlthi the exception of Italy, are the ouly state of Europe that have rulers of their own blood and faith. "Bulgaria, rtoaely allied to Serbia In feudal times and whoee liberation from Turkey, -waa effected by Russia, haa ever been tha working ground of that Austro-German diplomacy which has been so active at Constantinople. Tba Bulgarian war pf'last year, aa welt aa Turkey's participation In the present war, was the outcome of this diplomacy and Intrigue. Servla haa been wiser than Bulgaria or Turkey. We have not been any too fond of atrangers. Too many of those who have come In the gulae of fnlend have turned out .to be Austrian aplea. There never wa i country so beset by aplea and mischief makers of all kinds as Serbia has been during the laat fifteen years, or ilnce the German emperor made up hla mind that a European war would be the only means of acquiring new territory for Germany. "Serbia la trying to demonstrate to the whole world that its civilisation Is on as high a plane n that of ' England and America, even tnough It re sources and facilities are not greater than those of eome of the American statea 100 year ago. It wa the history of the American Revolutionary war, read by Kara George, grandfather of our present king, which Inspired him with a deal re to lead hla people in the uprising against the Turks tn 1S04 " Twice Told Tales . Senator Fall of New Mexico aaya General Villa could "take the United States In two fweeka." Evidently the senator haa not heard what happeued-to the Mexicans who tried to ."shoot tip" a strip of Nebraska last week. If the Jingoea have their way. Uncle Sam ill soon bristle with guns and other weapons: but the old gentl man will do ery well without too ninth ot thes-e v.arike trimmings. 1 Mlaplaceal AaBatratloa. The late W. W. Rockhlll. who" died In, Honolulu, had a deep and Intelligent knowledge of the Chinee. "Wa Americana." Mr. Rockhlll once aaid in New Tork, "don't underatand the Chineee. W misread them a a visiting Chinaman once misread an accident in Broadway. "As this Chinaman was passing beneath a huge electric algn on which a man wa at work, the man lipped and fell on the Chinaman' head. " 'Wall, well,' aald the Chinaman to himaelf, ad miringly, as he roae from the pavement; well well, how will theaa wonderful Americana advertise nextT' St. Lou la Olobe-Democrat Carauea. Mme. Calve, the (unoui Carman, aaid. aa alia aped under aaure skiea and blight, warm aunahlne over the blue Mediterranean toward snow and tee and New York opera: "There's a atory that Illustrates the spirit of Car men. If you keep thla atory In mind you won't go far wrong in playing the part It a atory about a beautiful, wild. Cexmenllke girl, whose huaband aaid to her on their wedding day: " 'Now I've married you. and remember thla tha first time you deceive me, I'll kill you.' "The girl blew a cloud ef cigarette smoke into her husband' face, laughed caraleaaly. and said: " 'And tha second time I deceive you. what will you do then.' deerr "New Tork Times. Theerr amd Practice. During a school Ua a' kindly lady sat regarding ona of the young guest with evident alarm, t'ndla mayed by the lady's giancaa the young hopeful de molished plate after plate of bread and butter and rake. At laat tha lady could stand It no longer. Going up to the urchin ah aald: "My boy, have you never read any book which would tali you what to eat. what to drink, and what to avoid?" "Why. Nesa you. ma'am." replied the young gen tleman, wllh hla mouth full of cake. "I eata all 1 Van. i drink all I can an' I avoid buattn'." London via ae rpad(llT fas' awl ef Jest eeaeaaaatlew ay edttea Try It. KOl'TH OMAHA, Feb. 21 -To the Edi tor of The Bee. Should like to answer 1. W. W. on annexation In thla morning's Bee. but 1 am afraid anyone opposed to annexation cannot get a hearing through the Omaha pener. In the first place, this man la afraid to algn hi nam. If he had of told tha truth he had nothing to fear by hla algnature. Hays we have no Improvement. I aay there Is not a city the slse of South Omaha that can how a better rerorU in the United State. Another person says: If annexed we would get all kind of high school and factory improvements; this I also say, wa have now. put up by the tax payers of the Magic City and beat in the world, nnd a new tannery; also aa for tha ef ficiency of our offices Omaha can show us nothing. J. 9. BL.E6SIKG. t till Water Power. NORTH LOUP. Neb., Feb. 18. To the Editor of The Bee: Suppose the present legislature adjourns, not having passed a few measures demanded by the people. Their prospects -as future officeholders will be materially lessened. The power ful lobble want adjournment In hope ot defeating those measures. Various men of the office-holding clase have been urging that water power legislation I uncertain, speculative and theoretical. This writer Is not the first to advance the Issue. Thomas A. Edison say: "In perhaps fifteen or twenty years depending on the financial condition of the country the locomotive will pass altogether out of use, and all our main trunk railways will be operated by elec tricity. "A new fertilizer will spring Into ex istence, containing a large percentage ot nitrogen. This will be drawn from the air by electricity and will be used to In crease the arablllty of the land. Even now this la done to a large extent In. Sweden (by government ownership). "All our water power will be utilised by electricity to an extent now almost unthought of and will be used with great advantage, both industrially and for railroads." Twenty"-flve quotations from statesmen and scientists of the standing of Edison may be produced in strong support of water power. The object Is to keep down legislation In order to monopolise the country's resources. We have the rivers with the power, there Is no question, but can we turn the power to electricity by proper methods of engineering? The proper way to find what may be done la to spproprlate tlOO.000 and appoint a competent man to do the necessary work by which to find the engineering faets. If the matter is placed with tha Board of Irrigation, see that the state engineer Is In sympathy with the public demands. To do anything less will mean failure. General Grant dlacharged some good lieutenant, not for what they did. but for what they failed to do. This legisla ture ahould not adjourn unUI these mat ters are fully adjusted. Opposition comes from the lobbies. WALTER JOHNSON. Railroad and the People. SILVER CREEK, Neb., Feb. 22. To the Editor of The Bee: I -wish nubiici to expreis my unqualified approval of your editorial In The Bee of this datte on "The Railroads and the Public." and In so doing 1 am sure that I am quite in accord with publio sentiment generally at leaat in the state of Nebraska. You say: "If the railroads had always pursued the policy which Is now being adopted and had treated the public with the frankness that has finally been forced upon them, there la no doubt they would have been met with equal frankness and fair treatment." That is true. The people would alwaye have been fair to the railroad, if the railroads had been fair to the people; but, as you say, they took an opposite course. Their purpose was "to exact all the traffic would bear." t e., to skin the people toxfue limit, and for more than a veneration they bevy been doing It to the queen's taste. About a year before our legislature reduced passenger fares to two cents per mile, as I now remember. 1 wrote Gen. Charles F. Manderson, then general solicitor ot the B. V M. railroad company, proposing to hlro that ha ahould oae Jil Influence to have the railroad agree together on an anti-pass bill to present to the next legislature, and of their own accord to reduce fares to two and one-half cents per mile, assuring him that if the rallroada would do ao, and trust the people to do the right thing by them, they would have no further cause of complaint; but. that If they would not they might expect farea to be reduced to two centa per mil. Gen eral Manduraon wrote me back a nice letter, which I have today, but there was "nothing doing," and the war went on. And now whan .they find themselves de feated and crushed throughout the whole United Statea they eome to us (the "people") with soft, pleading words and winning smile, streaked with croco dile tear, and ask us to now give them ef our substance since they are no longer able to rob ua of It. Welt maybe the people will consent to do It. but. In my opinion, the railroads will not find them o comolacent aa a'dosen railroad pres ident lately found the president of the United States, who. notwithstanding his pre-election utterances against trust, and all that, had not been long In office before he went over to Wall Street and tha corporation "body and breeche." I apoko of "crocodile tear." Take no tice then that at thla very minute, while the rallroada are apending aoine hundreda of thouaanda of dollara. they have wrongfully taken from the pocketa or the farmers, la paying for newapaper article to make the farmers aee that they ought to conaent to atill further robbery, the Union Pacific railroad com pany la reaorUng to every means In Ita power to take from farmers In Nebraska. Kaheaa, Colorado and Wyoming rauliona of acrea of land worth perhapa on an average, $100 per acre, that they have been farming for more than a generation, and which tha company claim aa a part of Ita right-of-way, but w hich It haa not uaed and from the nature of the caae, never could ae. la the legitimate operation of ita road! If tha people of Nebraska were per! milted to vol on the question, outside of those under the Immediate control of the rallroada, not ona in one hundred would vote to give the rallroada an In-" crease In rate. Tha people can eaaily aee through I hi thin railroad veneering of honeaty and fair dealing, which would Inatantiv n.i j ff If they ahould succeed In their present purpose or securing aa incraaaa la rate. CHARLES WOOSTER. Editorial Shrapnel Houston Post: The war cost the allies just $10,000,000,000 this year, not to men tion the loss due to deaths, suffering and non-production. It's a great old drunk that will leave a headache for many a year. Ft. Louis Globe-Democrat: Carranxa's arrest of 10 priests after their failure to pay a ransom of 500,000 pesos furnishes another Indication that he la not In the revolution buslnes on the advice of his physician. - Wall Ftreet Journal: Wonderful how the local authorities csn solve the wheat problem primarily connected with mil lions of acres of land In the west and are unable to solve financial problems right under their eyes. Cleveland Plain Dealer: England re ports a new howitzer that cast be heard twenty miles away. One cannot resist the sweetly solemn thought that this new piece of ordnance can maybe be hearl almost as far as Tlpperary. GRINS AXD OEOASfS. "Pa. I was the most popular boy in our clase." Did you pass? "No. That'll lust the reason. The teacher liked me so well that she de cided to keep me in her room for an other term." Detroit Free Press. 'You approve of your' wife's public speaking?" Yea. ' replied Mr. Meeaton. 1 o rather ah told her views about eco nomies and sociology to the throng than 1 1 hare her handing them out te we as little bedtime stories. ,r "Ah, KHHr!" saluted the villa- bore. "What are you doing fr your rheuma tism theae days?" Examining the doctors one after an other," snarled the old codger, "to see how much they don't know!' Judge. THE PARAGON. He never made his mother any trouble. Never waded In tha water or the slush. Never swiped his mother's Jam or cake or Jatlv. Never grumbled when she fed him milk mid mush. Ha never hooked a ride behind a wagon, Never punched a sneering bully la the noae; Never crossed the street before a speed ing auto. And he never almost never tore Ms elothee. He never caused hie teacher eny trouble, Never tampered with a pin when It wae bent. Never threw a single epit-fcall at the celling. Never used the phrase, "I wish I hadn't went." He never, never, never broke a window. Never put explosive substance In his Ink, Nor, even when the teacher wssn't look ing, Did be ever give a pretty girl a wink. He never mad his neighbor any trouble, Alwaya aeemed to be afraid he'd put them out. Never raising a stir by citing an opinion. And no one elee's ever dared to doubt. Now you'll think hi path was, maybe strewn with rosea No the fact Is he was met with much abuse For the boy who hasn't spunk to make some trouble. Is too bloomtn' good for any earthly use. Omaha. BATOLL NB TRELLE. lhat Deli looms Nataral Salt" Tlavor 9 Sea in oysters indicates that they have been packed in their own juice; that they aresound and whole some; that preservatives have not been used. If you would have the finest oysters in the world, get Boom Guaranteed Oy. They are put up in her metically sealed cans to preclude contamination with foreign odors. They are classified ac cording to size "Stand ards," "Selects," and "Jumbo Counts," but the size has nothing to do with the quality. Every oyster is guaran teed. Order from your dealer today. Booth Fisheries Company Seafood Branches in All Principal Cities J Nrna.