TITE I3KE: OMAHA, fl Mf ' FT7BRUARY 1915. WANT ADS Want ad rerrtvd at any time, but t tnsur proper riafteincatinn muat be pre sented be'nre 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 SB n. m. for morn! nlng and Funday editions. Want aa received after such hour wilt b under tha beading. Too Lata to Classify." CASRT RATRS. -rw. consecutive times, 1 cant a wort tach Insertion. . ... . Thre time with In on week. 1S4 eenU word each Insertion. On a time, I cent a word. CHARGE RATES. Peven consecuttv time. S centJ a Hn a eh Insertion. . . Thw time within one week. M cents a line each Insertion. Ona tlnvv 11 rant Una. Count six average worn to 1WA Minimum charge, K cents. As flvrrt1emnt Inserted to h tfl discontinued must ba stopped or writ ten order. ATI clalma for errors muat he 1m'", within fifteen days after tha last Inaer tion of tha alvertlaemant. . Too ean placa your want ad In Tha Baa fcy telephone. TELEPHONE TTIAK w Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answers have been HUM for and delivered during th week. It a reasonable to suppose that II of tha reopl below hare mads tha d sired awape, theratora do not call for tne Daianca or tneir answurs. - ads a ure ret results. no, ad ic, fc. HT nt ans i?ii M Ml 4 13.19 I1 HI 41! IOT til r 4is m- til r 4i y..a 1 171 41 1X44 M9 m ! ism 2?i 4?n lVM fffl 236 41 i rt w 4r ivii 2-1 IMI 4i 1JT4 r? 24 4X1 n 1 ftM r4 1.14 Ut 8'4 W? . Iff tfO Ml lioij Ilvt 20 l:m ll4 K 9 )V-I 1403 y"4 in i: ic rt ri ii! i" lut ml lir H C. B.C. Kit if- 1415 1M1 1414 tf.13 141 1424 1--" 14(1 lf 143 14: ,r 1441 14 1446 144 W7 144 1"0 14iA 1S7J lift . wt I4hi 1410 1471 14H1 MM VKsrnn ao rvsr.nkv koticeh DWYn-Mra. Alary. February a. 1816. Bed 1 yeara. iM .. Kuneral from the family reildcnoa. Tin Maple afreet, Tueaday, a. m.. to ta ored Heart church, a m. Interment Holy Hepulchre cemetery, rleaao omit f lowcra. JtMJK NOTICE. Offlra and memhora Waahlnalnn Imiac No. !7, lrpree of Honor, the fuimral of our laic riater. Mary Iwyer will be held from the residence, iWl Maple ft., : a. in., Keh. Zi, in Hacred Heart church. Hlnnert, rlorence Furali'iibnrir, C. f II.: t'.rliltcot loiiiiell , Kecorder. Wcahlngton lodge. A. (J. V. W. BAHRFrr-Charlea I, aed yeara. l'unrral Tncfdiiv inornina, Kehruary SGI, t o clock from family rldcni e. 4U"0 Nlcholaa eireel. to 8t. Ceella'a church t ft o'clock. Interment Holy iepulchre cemetery. BIRTHS ANU DB.iTIIS. Blrtha-J. Irry and Fairy R. Croaby. Jf. North Korty-nlntn, Blrl;-I. J. and rarah llarrahan, ZISi BprnKiio etrect. boy: Kuaeell and lieltlatt lcuch, i41 Kmmet atreet, buy; John A. and Marsaretta J.ongrcn, tkffl North Foity-flrat avenue, boy; It. V. and llaiel Mundltn, FUUeth ami NelirHaka avenue, boy; Kmll and Claris l'nlak, ISjO Houtli Fourtoenth atreet, Mrl: laano T. end Hertha J. Knhrar, 2.'l North Ihlrtleth atreet, rtr); Otto and Clara FchulU. 3.T01 North Thirtieth atreet. tny- Aiylretv nd Franklin Hpatl, Kit Caldwell' Htreet, alrl; John R. and Mary Baton. 4'JI" (irand avenue, boy; William and laa Th"mpon, 1711 Van Camp ave nue, boy; William and Vonlta Tann, im North Twnty-eventlt avenue,-boy; Carl C. and Eva J. Wllaon. Kvana atre.t. alrl: Jay and Helen Town a;, W4 tnnkney atreet, my Deatha Johanna Kratrer, I yaara, 11 1 Martha atreet: Leonard A. Murray, vara. Fortv-flfth and Redford avenue: Thomna F. OIIMan. tti yeara. 4C Rurdetta a I reel; K'lxabrth Jane Pennla, 7& yeara. H l'oppletnn avenue; Pat Ijenmond, 4 J, Fortieth and Roppleton avenue; Martin unhism, 7S, 8IS Bouth Thirty-third atreet; Marrv Anthonv, SO. Sill Bprainia atreet: FTed Tarrant, 29 yoara. Ninth and Foreat venue; Alice Prown, S yeara, Klllon avenue: Nellie Heed Carter. 42 yeara, 4915 Giant atreet: Mr a. Hannah M lirooka, 81 yeara. 813 Koutli Twenty-fifth atreet; NVIUlam P. Matthew. I yeara, XXH Sew ard atreet. . TODAY'S XMn.KTB MOV IK rilOCJItAMS Exclualveljr In Tb IWM. IKiwa Tn. camkrapiionh: 14i ixiuarAB BT. The Clubman'B Wagea. American drania. Kvan'a l.uiky Wiyi, Beauty drama, Through tha Murk, t-T. )nm. drama. KI.ITK Nr"i!. Ul FAKNAM. Affair of tha Daaerted Houaa. Kal. Ura Tha way of tha Woman. (Irene Hough.) The Combination, featuring; Md. Irew. FAKNAM THKATKR, 141 FA RN AM. The laat and final cptaode of tha Mil lion I'oilar Myatery, No. U, will ba ahown next Bunday and Monday. i:ii-i TliliAlttlt, UXU AND HAJKNUY lloma of Paramount Plclurcav irAkti 1'Ma.A'i'a.H. Feature program dally. Keyauma Coruedtea. ail N. MTU J'Altl.Oil Til KATIOK, la lKUUl.A8. Tha Tragedy of Ucar Mountain. J-r. Kal. 1)1 a.; Tl Urluly Oulch Chariot Race. !. Com ; At the Fnd of a I'erfect lay. J'UINCKSM. U17-1 LmiUUIH. fnuline Hueh In Threada of Fate. l-loer tml tha Uirl. Mrown and lollv in Their Latest !anc Creation. North. ALAMO. I4TH AND FORT. r.nvlronme nta. Majeitlo drama.' Tne Maater, 1-reel K-B. drama, Aa a Mnn Thlnketli. lieauty comedy. Cl.lt TON, Military Ave. and 11 ur delta. Tlw Forevt Thieve. Hex drama. Rdl and F.thel at the Kail, komlo com. y.ud.)i, No. 11 i-r. and 1 extra Key Com. ii a'omj! ' iiTo'TakbT titrl of the Keeret Service, -rwel O. beat t-ntn and Seventy, Big V. ringing r'ather. Jokar comedy. DA V t nT'OHT," tdLAVUN I'OKT. The Submarine Fpy. t-raal Imp. A Mietl ip tton moon. Joker comedy. y it a n 'kl J.T" :-a t a an iTtAN kijnT The Molm Ruby, t-rcel. Kal. lira. The I turner of Faith. Vita. Dra. lJit:Ued Bpirtta. Wma Coin. ORAN'l "Tbcalar iiaautlfuL" la-LSiatiey. I lia College lny. l-rwl drama. The lw of the Wild, -r. Waatera lra Kcymone Comedy, 1 reela. lHPI'ulJRUMK, fclt CUiflNU oT, ar Fvatura. V Oman of Myntery. Four-reel tiwlai Kaw-y tme tiMK comedy elra. IT TliKATKR. 1UTH AND I.OOI bT. lb iroiu ine water lower, Kai. It a. j n i.ieuicnani ijovernor, 2-r. Ea. ira. N anted, a Nurse, Vita, t'orn. loTMKuP, Sin Nortft X4th Ktreet. t.ed atl thla wmh, whUa making aU up-lulal a- rn- Wati h S-eper foi oix'nitig LOVAU 2i CALDWD.LU iuimiir engineer, a-ravi 4nip. Ji.iw Mia hooled Aunty, Victor. And tlio I .. .p hwvre. Nefr comedy. HUt. tMi DAV h. N Rj'tti! I-oie and f-'plrlt. Joker oomedy. 1 i r tn lira of Urdrat, S-ei K'l. fc L' l U" UBAN Tiii-A Hull, tla aud Anea A Race for Life, Vi'a Com. J ne r-iianytiMii-d .iy, -r. laib. TVa. fcoatfc. AMBOR. -U AND ARBOR STX a oi i lu. of Wnr i-rr- li. ht ojm.ua. At D8i fVil: dranu T.-ali'-.-"rd i .inirr. . omlc rontedy. AHi.lA, js.4 II A v oiiTlT 'lit lugnen t'ticult. Jval. Dra, 1-ur Auuiiiera (run. 1-rl. It. Dra. cume a ume-.oiuing. ta. W. Cojo. Tonws oomim kte MOVIE MUX. HAMS Kxrliialvclr In Th lie. Sooth. COLUMBIA, 8. 10TH. Underneath the'Pnlnt. t reel. Vita.' Dra. A Hold. Had Burglar. Kal Com COMFORT, 24T1I AND VINTON The Craven, S-reel.' Reliance. Tha Bottomless Pit. K. H. Ring Around Roeey. Royal. FAVORITK THKATER. 171 VINTON Tha Adventure at Rrlarcllff, I r. Ral. Com. I'mncho Hilly and tlie Ruby. Km. W. Dra. The Onnir a New Member. Iilo. Ora flKM. 12.V1 HUL'TII Till RTKKNTH. Wolvei of Society, J-reel Rex. Hlrht of tha Rllnd, Eclair. ' I'cggy'a 8we-t heart, l-Ko. romedy. LYRICS. JI7 VINTUN. Peril of the Wild, J-reel Hlann. Won With Pynamlte, Joker comedy. " Thief and the 'htef, Eclair. PABTIME. 23D AND LEAVENWORTH. ld lea l.eir'a Will. J-reel Rlaon. I'nnN and Palomaa. Joker comedy, f-reela of rletiirea, Sc. VENKZ1A, LU SO. MTU T. Fonr reel of Mutual plcturaa. Waat. MONROE, Jf FARNAM. Homecomlna; of Henry. Vita. Com. Feat. hid. Irew. language of tha Dumb. iib. Tr. In Ilia Father Footatep. Kll. . RENBON. ' (R36 MAIN BT. Mnater Key, l?th eplaoda. Children of Chance, Ren. Irama. II Fell In Lova with HI Mother-ln-fjiw, Joker. tJvaaicIl Blaflat ELITE NO. 1. 645 BROAD WAT. Hearnt-Sellg No. 1. , War. J-roel. Vita. Com. A (Jueatlnn of Conaclence. Iib.l Pra- Coaaell Dlaff. NICHOLAS, 647 H ROADWAY. Tha Ambition of the Raron, 2-r. tm. Dra. The Chlef'a Ooat. Vita. Com. Mllndr Hot.dolr. Rio. Ira. hoi'KIt, 5;f7 RROADWAY. Animated Weekly, Three Pad Men and a (rl, reel, Rlaon. Ther Lat Haul, L-K. Coin, A Volca In Night, it-r. l. Bnarn baiab. BF5SPE THEATER.. !4TH AND N ST3. The ANtrniMnt Hoiine Myalery, 2-r., Kal. Dra.; The New Teacher, i. Com. ; The NNmelean Fenr, Luh. Ira. MAU1C, 2ITH AND O. Perlla of the Wild. 2-ree Dlson. How Mary Fixed It. Itnp. ae (Seville. ORI'HEUM, 24th and N Street, '.urlcira every Wednesday. Keyton play, featuring Charlea Chap lin dally. AXNOUNCKMKNTH NOTICE. Ladle colnr to count chnnid place their order early to avoid any delay In their plana. ANNA SI8TRK. Ladle' Tailoring and Preanmaklnf, 201- 203 Clly National Rank Rldg. LiKNTIPTKY All kind of dental work done under careful aunervlalon at tha Crolghton Cnlveralty College of Den tlairy, 21u 8. Hth Ht., Omaha. Feea very moderate. Extraction free. HOMEMADE- aauaaae, only ona In Oma ha. Bnm Fluher, ltWB Iavenw'h. D. S.m Wedding annoiincementa. Doug. Ptg. Co, HAZKL Iaf Pile Cone. Reat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllaa; too postpaid; aampleg free, bberinao 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. KNRoLL Dow. Y. M. C. A. night achooL LUCKY wedding rlnga at Rrodugaard'a. AUTOMOBILES 1 100 REWARD for any magneto wa can't repair. Coll repd. Rayadorfer.ltlO N.18. o ONE Cadtilao. in good condition. Stut. 11. FELTON'H OAltAUR 220S Farnam 8t. AUTO PAINTINO. Ford. $16i other. fM up. Rrlgg. 1444 N. 16th. Phono Webater 17M. 1911 4-PAS3. Hupmobtla for aale; In flrat claa condition; car can ba aeen at VAK Farnam Bt. Hpleadld bargain for eaan buyer. FO.NTiaXKLX.lC AUTO CO., dealerg In uaed cara that quarantea aervloo. tit Bo. Mh M. Oraenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 2020 Far. AUTO Clearing llotiao, ZM Farnam, buya and aella uaed cara. Phone Dougiaa Hia. C ELSABSKR, expert radiator and lanin rrtair. i y. o, iwi bwvinwunn. InduaFrial Uarag Co.. 80th 4 Harney Bta. repair, ly. tub, uui L,eavanwortn. Motoreyclea, HARLET-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCT.lt 8. Rargalna In uaed machine. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2ul Iavenwortn. 115 INbfAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; Darguina in uaed macntnea. OMAHA BICYCLK CO., ittt and Chicago. D. J72i, KVSINKSS CHANCES AUTO repair ahop, garage and black- amlth ahop for runt or for aale. cnarle Bmatal. Papllllon, Neb. C. J. Canan can anil your farming land. C. M. EATON, Bua. Broker, 11M W. O. w .. win ncip you in or out or puaineaa. IF YOU want to buy or aell anything, call on Donnlaon Realty Co.. Jul Omaha Na tional Rank. FiR BALK fciioo reinlrlng ahop; money making place for the right man; am leaving town. Addreaa 1.104 Podge Ht. Li ST buelnoaa chant, proiieity Current aale or exchange with me. I will write all manner of Inatirance. W, O. Tern- pleton, Oen.- RROKKK. 6lH Hea. Ty. UflT YOUR RlTSINK&l with ua for aulck action and aauara traatment QUICK BALE COMPANY. 41 Raa Rldg. Pbona Red S4. LIST your bualneaa with ua. Rooming hotiaea a apeclalty. Donelaon Realty 0., Jul Omaha National Rank. LKASK and turnltura of Hotel Ttiden. Inuulia of Rill Rruaan. TUden. Nob. M EKC HANTS' atock reducing and cloa Ing out aale aucceaafully promoted; ad vlca free. Harry Roll, tit West Vlh. St., Kmma City, Mo, ON ft of tha beet retail bakenaa In tha city; no competition. Call Web. 7H or addreaa K tsfl. Re. tir.Na, anaw inriti 'lrk A Hun. t. 117 8Al.Ot)Nfl averywhera In lUta. Harm T OFT In or out of buelneaa. Call on O ANOE STAP. 4H4 Rae Bldg. D. 1477. fTfKATli'RS Buy. leaao or aell your theT aur, machine and auppllea through Theater K hanga Co., 1J Farnam St. Yul'K bualneaa or real aetata quickly viu. tvitia rfim v ray. dioux i,ny. EDCCATIONAf. WINTER TERM MOSHERJ AMPMAN COLLEQa NOW OPEN. Ungurpaaaed rlnutt In bualneaa, abort hand and fc.ngllah oranchea. Graduates guaran'twd good poaiUona Placea pro vided for young people to work fur board. For free caiaau, addreaa llobher-Lampman College Itth and Farnam Straet. Omaha, Neb. FOR aale tha following echoiereldpe la a flrat claa Omaha Isusiaeaa CuRegat On unlunltad oomUiuaOoa buauaeaa and abort hand coura. Ona unlimited bualuaaa eauraa. One Unlimited ataiiogrmphlo oouraa. Oua three ntonliia' feiiaineag or ataaa- gmpHie roura. W in b aold at a dlaoouat at tha offtoa or in oiiimii rte. B0VLES COLLEGE Day School; NUrht School: romplet ou:uaa cour; cvmpleie abonhand or (tcuolyp co u rae: ooinplata talegraphy couiaa, civil awvlc brancbaa and Eug liKh. KtiMWata adrnltlad at any time. win, i;none or ran tor ltu -l'alngli BOtl.V.h COLI.ls.Oh;. H. 11. liuf l-rMnU Boyle Bldg , Ouiatia, Nab. lei. pnuglaa li& LXI'IHT i tujnwtaibar IU tk IUI'I.M. fillililTIUMi I.,.. I t ... Irt;, i l.lc(i. punclunttoa, etc . lauijiii aud wui i i iiaii.iiiK Rivtiu tor buaiiioaa it. it. fil.nl Instruction If uvaUl. 4w4 Uu.hi feu Tel. VSaJuut IXC. EIUVATIONAI. The Van Sant School Stenography Py echool. I 0t to I M. Night achool. :) to (:1a. Utb and Farnam Ht DougTaa IM7. ron s.ALR Furaltare. AtTCTION. TCE8DAY. FER." 23. 10 A. M. 421-8., 25th Ave. Kitchen cabinet, four kitchen ehalra, Icebox, black walnut table, hall pedetal. Free sewing machine, ball hearing; rlln-Ing-room fumed oak table and fo-ir leather "eatert ehalra, fumed oak library table, three leather-eeated rockerg, one tipholatered mahogany rocker, ona rtreaaer, two vernl martin bed, mat treaaea, aprlnga, etc. Fight Beta of pil low, two pair new wool blanket, com forter. Ecllpae ga range, brand new. and plcturea and other article too num. ernu to mention. Thla la all high grade lurnnure. DO WD HALE AND ATTCTION CO.. Auctioneer. Phone Red 226. T-V 1 J. C. Reed, 12H7 Farnam UCSKS """S" " ol- Douglag New 2d -hand furniture, caah or terme; ""Q""i. uwr, nirn. t;o., ei n. lath HTrJH GRAPE PIANO, CrlEAP FOR wrm. h'HH rrJIt 6"t. Bllghtly uaed high grade piano. D. tmi. Tygewrltara. RTJNT Remington, Monaxcne and Rmlth I'remler of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Cn. Trlrnhnna linn,!.. 14. Rental credited If you purchase and only -very neweat and higheit grade mi chinea aent cut. Itatea, three months for K for underatroka machine or (a par month for latoat model vlalble wrltera. TYPEWRlTERet-Muat be aold at once. monarcn. Underwood, Oliver, Bmlth Premier. 4W. lice lildr TYPEWRITERH ao.d. rented, repaired. i rinwnur c;xcnange, ( . i7tn RENT An t)llvor typewriter. S month n. ,ii uiivnr lypewnter co.. it. zstix Miacrllaneaaia. t hand mch. Oioag Wreck Co., SI PauL FOR HALE New and aecond-hand carom and Pocket billiard tablea aiwl Knarllnv Hey and acrorle: bar fixtures of all Kimia. cay nay menu. The Brunswick-Halke-Collender Co., r7-408 0. loth St. 15 NEW automatlo weighing acalea, M and 810. Match miirhlnu. mnA . Iirln rnHchlnea, elextrlo flxturea and auppllea. 'mmr iiarnru, Ionia, Itimoer and Other miacellanaoua article for sa'a or trade. J. U. 1SJI, EXECUTOR ?iBo- 1at Ave. Phone Harney 141. 8KWINO MACHINES for sals cheap. IIKIJ VANTEH FEMALE Clerical a ad Office. NO FILI.VQ FEE. REHT COMMERCIAL I'OHITIONS. Rtenographer. bealnner. hriirhr ni-. gctlc; good future. Kogera Hof. Co., f2Ug Stale Bank Rldg. NO UBI AL F1L1NO FEE. Can ilea acveral rood Llniurranli.M tv M to PS pueltlon. Bualneaa Men's Referencs Aae'n. i:ili-30 Woodman of World Rldg. IF you are a bookkeeper, or have taken a cour In bookkeeping, se us. W have aeverat good place open. nuainea Men Keterenca Ass'n.. ...in w TTWillliBn Of VYOTIQ DlOg. STENtHiRA PHKR MXOO $40.00 K) Re Rldg. ClOAR CLERIC THWCANI) AOHNCY, Factory and Trades. LEARN halrdrsaslng. Oppenh'alm Parlors. W'ANTED Button hols maker and hand flnlaher. Apply Albert Cahn, va Far nam Bt. UunasliMaaM amal .. THB Brvant Girl Problem ftolvsd'. Th 7 -WiU run rvni uirl wanted Ad FRKR until vmt th A-im u...n. " , iT W" DBUl LaV Thla applies to residents of Omaha, South ( irrismhaa. aansl rAIHn bi. m a. The Bs office or telaphons Tyler 10U0. W A N T F D COM PET1DNT OIRL TO D6 WAdKH iPUl v wvt, fL5vV. f-NCK. MRH. LEONARD A. 8PAJLD- W A NTKJt A competent girl for houae- wura. ma Hamilton. Harney 1341 WANTED White girl for general hollaed " w , ""ii lamny. t an walnut az71 WANTED A girl for housework; 1S03 im Tw. narney ajio. COMPETENT and neat-appearing "girl for Venaral hAIIMWA.k. am-ll . . S In family; pleasant room, luj 8. 2d Bt.', iioiifj riHr. vki?. COMPETENT girl for general houe- n V Wl waiiwg; good wages. Ult WANTEI-A girl who attends school FlaVl f airiW (a t ax kr aa Sana a 11 .Liu . - . --.r.v aaV va misyi CUlia I UT DOard antlfl rm Vftlal Warn AKa. 1 a of sr.. Tr. Vfs " U1HL for general houaawork; no wah- WANTED-A girl to aaalst with houa! work; good horn. ItM N. ,Hth. Web. lJOtt. COMPETENT girl for general houaa work, 2 In family, good wagea. Mrs. A. P. Reeaon, m Harney St. NEAT, competent girl for general houaa work In family of two; pretty hbmo, conveniently arranged; good cook necsa eary; references required; permanent V"- in ronacie gin, fnone Harney 31. WANTED Olrl for general housework; German nreferred Mra T a n.,.. ro. a, i ne rs orma no y. W'ANTED Competent girl for general uuuitiiucii, in family; g-ood wagas; white girl only. Phone Webater 4D. WANTED A glii to aaatat with houss- wora liv o. 4tn Bt. WANTED-An experienced general houaa work girl where second trlrt and laua- dreaa I kept. 137 8. SMh Kt. WANTED A young lady to take cara of a Mr. J. B. Kats, 7J0 8. 17 Ih St RELIABLE, colored, want a-enaral houaework or cooking. D. 8f90. WANTED A girl for general houaework. n. mtn rit. W A N TE I Neat ganeral houMiinaid who can cokr m -ll u.niiu. . . OT liih SI. "w W'ANTE1 tllrl or woman for general houaework; email family and good HUH I 'a 1 1 Vf . - rk 1 1 V at.. r1 ... - . , aula 4-.U1- coln Blvd. LADIES at mu- raata. aults. drssses aklrt aamnlea at kAi.u ..i.. u off New York Sampl 8tor. 204 s. 14th. YOUNO woman coming to Oinaha as -""" are inTium 10 virt the Young Women a Chrlxtlan aaaoctatloa building at B , Mary s Av. and 17th Bt., where they Will La rilrfl.it.u4 ...u.ki. , . . . ; ... wauuiiifj ft or oiherwls aaaitd. Look for our trmval.r'a anii-i k 1 : , ..... WOMEN gat government lobs. ? month.' BkURocfh,r.-.,rrN?kYa lnUlUUk " Wtrt T t' D",ilr. an experienced - m ruling maontn. 4T .wwasj fglXtB A SB IIEU WANTED MALE Clertoal a ad Uffiaw. FQUARB ptGS IN BQUARJB HOLES. We find a Poaltlon that (it you. CO-OPEltATlVK REFERfciNCK I CO.. li- City Nat. Bank Blda- A t LU M " . 4re4aasas4.s.l JO tenouhapher .inni:::: : - til ) Y la L.,ra Pu A- 4VATT3 KU.'. tu, M-lfMl Bran. Thea Yol'NO man with railroad offlo exs, Elog. i VoS iFlAJl'R tiALFiSMAN Iki Ai.F.-MAN tDMl'.W) "I! . lx) THE CANt AtiMNCY. tut TliKEE good luauranc men. liood oueoT lag. Rogrs Rsf. Co., suts Bank Bldg, HELP WANTED MALE lorlcol aad 4fflee. HIGH-ORADE commercial portion. WEHT. REF. aV POND AHH'N.. 7f.'J Omaha Nat'l Rank Hldir. WANTKlMian live wire aaloanmn to work In Omaha. Apply F. U McNall. Room 272, J'axton hotel, before 1 a. m. Monday. Aaeata, faleaaaea) and gal lei tore. OIL SALESMAN WANTED To handle an eaat'rn Nebraaka terri tory. Wo aell directly Irom refinery to conaumera, alao dealer. Have competl IKn price, aell on open account and pay 20 per cent commlaelon or aalnry. We are one of the oldrat Independent companiea oiieratlng In the middle writ Address Y-o, Bee. WE hnve an opening for a iecl:ilty anlea man who I capable of mnking fc.mio or more yearly; a men poaacaard of an en raging rersonallty and energy. To auch we cun otter a permanent .oltion pre aentliig great poratl.lhtli . Write, gtvimf experience and reference. National En graving company, 154 Narsau bt., New York City. SALESMAN wanted for side lino of wool flannels and auto robes to retail trad In Iowa, Nchraaka and 8outh Dakota. Addreaa Y 279, Bee. Drug ators naps; job. Knelt. Pes Rldg. THE flrat payment now covers Insurance till July 1. i:i 1.1. Thla makea our policy eaay to aell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Aaa'n. 43-23 City Nat. Rank Bldg . Omi.hr. Neb WANTED Pe.leaman on commiaalnn to aell nationally advertleed Una of floor covering; atate territory you rover and llnea handled. Addrea Y 3S2, Bee. WANTED 6 or 8 neat appearing, reliable young men to travel; those with some selling experience preferred;, men who mean hualnc and are able to leave the city at once. Apply S33 Brandeis Theater Rldg., at a. m. PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour aervloe on prints and flnUhed work. Write for cata logue. Robert Art Lit-., 1420 MctJce, Kan aa City, Mo. Factory a ad Iradra. ATTTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHF.RWI3H Bs wise a I Independent In bualneaa for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped echool and ahop will produce this reault for you. Oct our unusual Interesting offcv with Catalogue "C." Pay a night claaae. Phone D. 8042. 1413-15-17 Dodce St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL FEEDER wanted for cylinder pre. Mut be sxierenced; apply at ones at Chrlatlan home. Council Bluff. la. FIRST-CIflAKS coatmaker and an all around man wanted to work by tha week. Pay from $15 up. Tailor, Box 62, Anwley, Neb. LEARN BAREnR TRArE. Be Independent; wagea and toola given. Electrlo maaeago. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. . mM TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglaa St.. Oin. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. M laeella aeaaa. GOOD YOUNO MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Blggeat demand for our Magneto, Klee Starter Auto Graduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair man; good men posi tively needed. Blf; spring rush. JTrr catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE, 2063 Farnam St., Omaha. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into tha auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shop will bring this reault for you. Writs for free booklot Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha, NeK WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs, 16a Coffe John. 14th and Capitol. WANTED All round automobile painter; no booaer. Ryan Motor Car tihops, Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Ftrat-olass machinist for auto garage: steady work; good wages to right man; no boose; reference. Anthon Auto Ass'n, Anthon, Iowa. HELP WANTED MA LIS AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government jobs opsn to men and women; $K6 to 1160 month. Write for list Franklin InaUtuto. DpL 221B, Rochester, N. Y. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 28. (TO month. Common education sufficient. Sample questions fre. Apply burned lately. Address Y 8U. Bs. WANTED srrrjATioxs YOUNG man. attending American Auto college, wants work avenlraa to helu defray expense of board: am uaed to hard work. Address O 69, Bee. YOUNG man wants piao to work for board, while attending Boylas oollsge. Telephone Douglaa 1546. WTD. Bundle washing. Maddle. W. 6665. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. ssveral years, railroad - and af (lea cxpertanoe: prefer oosltion as traveling aaleauvan or offlo work; can ua Up writer 1 not a atano. K ga. B MAN and wife want work, of any kind. narney 41.H'i. WANTED lO8IT10N BY YOUNG MAN, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, AFTER SCHOOL AND SATVRPAYH. FAIR ED UCATION, AND CAN FURNISH Al REFERENCE. FOR LNTE1HVIKIW ID. DHESS 0-2. REE. E0CPER1ENCED girl for general houaa work: no waahina. gain lawav Av. Tel. Harney 2tt. COIXRED man wants Job a porter or janitor: can furnish the beat of refer ences. Tel. W. KM. Call for Anderson at 6 evenings and evenings. WHITE woman wants day work. D. 2992. Ask lor Boss. YOUNG man, 23, experienced as cashier. hill mnA Africa, ela.rlt mIp.. lr.n in Omaha; am oolleg graduats, good calcu lator and excellent penman; bast of ref erences; will atari at a moderate salary. saurcii ai oov, me. LADY deal re a plaoa as housekeeper; fam ily not preferred; city only: can furnish good referencM. Addrea P S6, Be. EXPERIENCED colored man wishes po sition aa noueeaeeper. V all 11. hms. WASHING and Ironing Ella. Web-3M. EJCPEiRiENCED housekeeper wishes po sition In email family or apartment hotel; excellent reference. Address C R9, Be. REFINED lady wishes to act as com panion In prtvata home to lady or onil- dren for board; references. Address B 22. Bet. EXPERIENCED young man wants work In a hotel or restaurant; can do any work. F 26. Be. WANTED Position by young American man; am willing to work a little for my money; hav never held a job over alx montha ana am naturally luxy. lr you hav anything to offer address K 28. Be offlo. "WANTED Place driving private car; can turnian gooa reierences; wen ex perienced. Address, J !7, Bee. W 'ANTED A position doing houoawork. Douglaa uo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALB lii-ws aad Vehicle. MANY well-matched teama; young marea: soma In foal. Call at Brewing Co.' saloon. Hl4 to. 18th St. ATTENTION! Muat sell Ibis week four husky mares la foal; 1.200 to I.4U0 pounds each; hav bn taktn on a debt. Thi la a bargain. Call and Inveaiigat. out S. IVth St , near Howard realdcnc. TWO teama of well-matched, chunky mares, weight 1.260 each: ages ( and f years old; sound; Insi given if neccMary, private realdeiu-. ttJl lHxig. KVEN iMd good marea, weight 1.100 t 1.4UW pounds; muat aell. ISIS a. SM Bt Take W aat Hanacom Park oar. SHIP 11 v atock to South Omaha. Bav nillsag and ahrlnkagw Your conaign manls rcW iM-oinpt aad careful attan- tlun. FOR SALE 2 teams of nice chunky tin marea, heavy In foal, weight l.00 lbs. apiece, agea 41 and 1 yeara; Inconvenient for party to car for stock; private real dent. Ul ItaMlge St. Lady owner. tH SALE Th Um.1 Uaiaa. weisbt l.uw; on as fol; alao a laaua af aio chunky firm marea; weight 1..V0 Iba a plac. ta foil; uiuat b aold within th next few day: cheap for :ah. laquir James lt-nry. r.'U lVdg St. FARM w axons. j0 and up; harness, tk Juhusoa-i-'aufortn Co., lath Clark Bta LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Veblrlea. FOR SALE M head of horac and mare, age from 4 year to a yenre, all well br.ike to work. Call telephone South JuA M'.'J Harrlaon St., South Omaha. ALL KINDS of florae cheap. Call at once mi N. iRth. 60 horaea tnd innlea, nil kind, off Miaourl ranch. O. L. Ightfont. 2102 Cuming. MARE. 8 geldlnga; weight, 1100-1400. Coal office. 20th and Lake. Live Stork f'omialaaloa Merchants, MARTIN BP.08. CO . Excnauta Bldg. LOST AMI FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL Bf.TTFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Teraona having lot aome article would do well to call up Ihe office of the Omaha It Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In Ihe atreet enrs. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxious to reator tl em to tha rlzh'f-,1 ow.?r. Call Dong. 48. LO.ST Boaton bull terrier, bundle and white, white face, breast and front legs, one blue eye and crooked tail. Lib eral reward If returnd to F. H. Far rlngton, S'I26 A.'c!w..rth Ave. H. 3922. LOST Memorandum book containing pri vate notation. Return to Slav In, Omaha Pee Advertising Department. LOST A string of pearl beads, valued as gift. Reward. Call South 1383. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and tther rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money Said until cured. Wilts for book on rectal laeaaes with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg Rupt iira vurea in a lew oays witnout uxv ...I., f ti w-i t . rt nr.. IM Be Bid . Omaha. Established WH Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from Rt'SI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written HUARANTKH given In vry cas treated. Patient must come to the of fice, 40R-S-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sta. WILLIAM CREIGELTON MAXAVELL, Twenty-sight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hoarltal jledlcal College. New York City, N. Y. rEKSONAL B. THOMPSON of 040 Crescent Place, Chicago. III., wishes to communloat with stocK holder of ths Coliseum com- 1 pany of '''hlcago. III. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as" strangers ar invited to visit th Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St and St Mary's Av., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. $7,000 to Pension Invalids If w receive too subscriptions to Ths Ladles Horns Journal II 60 Th Saturday Evening Post 1.60 Th Country Gentleman 1.60 Each month till April to equal last year's business, tha original $6,000 becomes th pioierty of th Invalids' Psnaion aaan., making 27,000 to pension Invalid. W muat have 7 subscription in February. Your order or renewal adds 60 eta. Phons Doug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB, VERA or Christ Jensen pleas writ Mrs. Marion Ryan Bt Regis Hotel. Tulsa. Ok. viola Butler write Mrs. JJultt Mc Hutt sams addreaa THB Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zine. W collect W dlatrlbuta. Phons Douglas 4134 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dvda St POTJLTRT AST SUPPLIES DON'T forget that thro times mora rhlrlr.n. V. . V. k...l..a ' . Trusty incubators than In any othsr In cubator. CaJalogu fre on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, STEREOTYPE matrices mak th beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses They ar 17x28 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at Th Be offlc. LET chickens par your rent; send for f .'A luWIb ."Til I .. I.. . . . f . . L I - I . mi .111 1 p, IJUfiO JI11U .I11CK- ens Into Dollars," and fre sample world s only hatching chart; book describes Rayo uiuuuftiun; give moil cnicaa; iiatcn on one gallon oil. Rayo Incuhutor rv mis 8. 12th St. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red S3u. Mixed grain. 100 Iba.. 81.76. Wagnor 801 N.16. Leghorn hatching egga. Tel. Floreno 218. LITE WTRH BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA. A B C of Omaha N BW and Id-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, ate, and moh. repair. L Rron Elett Works. 818-20 8. 11 th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 24t7. Renovates fsathera and mattreaaes of all kinds, makea feather roattreaace snd down cover. 7ACUUM cleanera for aal. Vacuum cleaning don In th horn. Sanitary ' Servlc Co.. 808 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell nidls and parts for all sewing machine. NE RRAstrA rYcr.Pi cn 'uiii.i. s lth and Harney. Douglaa IWI Aeenstaata E. A. DWORAK, C P. A.. Address 433 Ramg Bldg., Phone Douglas 740H. Addlasj llacklsu, Dalton Adding Machine. 411 8. IS. D. Uts. Addvr Mch. Co. (Walea). W. O. W. D. 1138. Architects. Everett 8. Dodds, CIS Pszton Blk. D. tSRL at Palatlalr. FORDS. 816; OTHERS, $30 CP. Brlggs, 1446 N. lth. Phono Webater 1730. Aato aad JHsnsatu Usyalrlagt. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. Kll Aaetlaasm. Dowd Auction Co.. Ulfi-M W, O. W. R. Attractloaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion ptcMira machln and film bargaina 811a Prlatlaw. HORNBY BLIU PRINT CO. 801 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Barker. 11 Chair. 10c ahav. nck ahav. iot Tar. Bras Foaadrlo. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. Mil and Martha Bta t srseaten aad I'oatraei. STEVENSON. 83 8. 23d. Douglas SOO, Callfarata Laad. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1111 City Nafl Bk. D Jsi. thlaa Palatta. CHINA for decorating. Mrs. Chamber' Ait Studio. iai w. O. W. Bldg. Firing. Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 4tHl treaai Srsrwtra. Th Bharple Separator Co.. 12th Farn. r lateral aad Well Digaiatg. NEED well or datera clranad or d'.igT 8CHAFFER doe it Phon Wb. bm. TTk. RICKKHTT Wll ConatrucUoa CoT; nothing too big or inipoaaibl; aUmats furnished. 610 N. 21st St.. Omaha. ( tyt aVaartaeer. M. J. IACY. 618 BETS BLDG. DOUO. 4T1S, W. J. McEathron. t4 IX Uul. lulg Om. Nat Coal Dealer. $5 fil l Johnon's special, also Victor aut tlU 8&.U0. Phons Douglas 170J. Dortr aad 8ats llaaceur. B1LOEK do It. Phon Walnut lixtt Has law DOUG. AUDL Spoc'l rates for clubs snd prl danco. Call or tel. Mgr. D. Uii. Turpln'a Pane tug Academy. 2sth A Farn. Try Mackl flrat. U4 Harney. Doug. H4&. CHAMBERS' Academy, claaslc txTu7L LIVE WIKE BlHINKHS ME?T OF OMAHA Deatlata. Dr. Bradbury. No palln 1EIW Farnam. Dr Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4"3 Brandeis Bailey, the Iientlst. 7 OH City Nat l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, lf.17 Tiouglas. D. 2184. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Rank. Detect I vea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. c Paxton Blk. Doug. 1.778. Walnut 1M0, JAMES ALLAN. S12 Neville Blk. Evi dence (nih-ui In allcaes.TylerllW. Dreaamaklagr. Terry Dressmr.k'g college. 2Hh Farnam. EXPHKIENCKD dressmaker wants work oy nay. r none r lorenco ic. WATSON dc LUND, 2U07 Cass bU Electric Sappltea. LERRON Elec. Wks.. 818 S. 12th. T. n7. Drags, DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman at Mo Con ne 1 1 Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Everytbtnar far Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburst. box pleating; covered button, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 210 Douglaa Block. D. 19.t. SWITCHES from combing. $1.60. Psychs free. Mrs H. M. Eck. SOW Marcy. H. 6A46. pHAlRDRESSlNO at your home. R. 6M1. Farters. BEN FENSTER. 1410 T"f. 24th St. W. TT7T. Florlata. A. DONAQH7JB. 1S2J Hamay. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florlHts. 1M4 Farnam St. HESS A SWOBOPA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. l&i. Member Florist Telegraph DeL Aaan. r.atterlnaj and Kpoutlag. FIRE PREVENTION CO , Douglas 4S84. Hair Dreaaiaar. Harper method. R , Ralrd Rldg. D. 81L Llghtlnc Klxtare aad Wlrlaar. THOAIAS DURKIN Electrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. LIt Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 8. 13th. Red 42TJL Meaeeinver aad Teamster. WHITE LINE. 809 8. nth. Douglas 2311 Mask, Costaaars aad Uig gappllcs. MNFR. of lodgs regalia and costume. Th largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben 4t Son. 1614 Howard. D. illfi. CORABELLIXOY StiSS: triM trwAttnarif 1A a a a 11 ' 4 m vauirtuis, w m.. III. J A A 1IL VAPOR BATIISJTM a-'uuaia. ciouce jcniranc downstairs, basement. Cor, of Dodge. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., eleo. bath. 57 713. Open eve., p. m.: Sundays. 12 to 5. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phon .wt. jnour v o s; punoay 11 10 a. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mr. Steele. Mis Fl.)her, mas., elec. treat Red 40a. MASS A. OK 60 BEE building! JliaOO-lUri DOUGLAS 6372. HATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilaon, 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 875L Open evening and Sunday. Clara Leo, bath and maaaago. Doug. 8761. Kathleen Mack, massage & bath. D. 7BSI BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. HoTlar. KiHi. ...al nu. W. C. FERRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oeallata. Byes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Drs. McCsrthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia Physicians. Dr. Renicha. 20S-4 McCagu Bldg. P. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandeis Bldg.. D. 2144. Printing. WATE7RS-B ARNHART Ptg. Co., quality yiiin-ioa. aei. uoug. ziw. azt . ism bt DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY dc M'KEN-ZJB PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIEB-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. P. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 2764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th 8t Patent. H. A. Stursre. tW Brandeis Theater Bldg. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Roaek Gitermlaaioi. B. B. B. Roach powder at "Fregger'g " HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. B728. Plames Reaarated. PLUMES a: flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. 8394. Bate aad Tim Look Kxperta. SAFES Opened, repaired. changed. F. E. Daven- port 1408 Dodge. D. 1821. Skee Reaalrlaa-. Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Marv'a A FRIEDMAN BROS., aho repair. 211 8. 14.' jJE.aH.a sales, scales, showcases, helv ing etc. W buy sell. Omaha Flxtur and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 a 12th. D. 2724 Sign and tkawearis. E. M CLARK A BON. 118 g. 18TH ST. r'Ila.ara. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 a 10. Towel 8BBllea. OMAHA Towel Bupply. 207 a 11th. P. 828. Trank aad Soucaaea. FRELINQ A 8TEINLE. 1808 Farnam St Tailor. CHA8. C. UNPERTOO, 108 K. IBth St OLBEN Ic KOUksJUE. 16U6 Harney, li. Veterlaarlama. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4602 Center. Wal. 80 Wlaea aai Llaaap ALEX JETES. 201-J 8. tSth Bt. Wines. llquora, cigar. Plate dinners. U to 3. lOo. Globe Hquor house, 424 N. 16th; California " aai. vv rue ror price iit. HhttHY P2LL?CK. LIQUOR HOUSeT .-v.. mi.., v-aimui r. 1 en-cent lunch. BUY your family llquora at Klein's Liquor House, ta W. lu. Douglaa 1809. SWAPPER'S OOLTJMJf AITTOMOBILES-Foi other automobile bargains sea th "Automobile" daaslM- cation. ATTENTION. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS n.ui ui, neaxiy new casing, six 36x1. demountable rim and Inner tube; will sell very cheap for cash, or what have you to awapT Addres 8. C. ISai, Be. BEST bargain In city. Oakland roadster coat 21.6UU new. In. best of condition haa new tirea Will aell for H45. or take late model twin motorcycle (Indian pre ferred) as part pay. As I have no us for thla car, can give somebody a verv wnm k.Maln . .1.1 a .... BUSlNESo CHANCE Downtown resT taurant for sale cheap, or will trade for what have you? Business good. Address DEiK Itoll top desk, good condition. Prefer typewriter. V'hat have you? Address, 8. C. tfel. Be. . GOOD, amooth ltiO In Nebraska; yielded 83.4U0 In grain and hay last season: 4 milea to good railroad town; IV mtiea to hool; fenced, no buildings; price, $n6 terms right: no trades. Address Box fcrt' Grand Island. Neb. HAMPTON. 17-Jewel watch, Duber caa. worth ISa. Want diamond ring. Addrea fl. Ce W& HOMER PIGFuNS Mated, to trad for chickens, or what hav you. Will sell for caah. Phone Webster 2ous. LOTS 20 and 21, block T. Military" addi- . I. . n U'lll . ... t - . . ir auio. or as part payment on cottags and lot for rental hunmu I W miill ... 1 1 . - . 11 un very email monthly payments. Have moved from o 14, Underwood, la. -"-"uress, PIANO Swap on well, located building lot; baL cash. Give full d rlptlon 3 mice or nn atttfnll..n rtA . .1 , ' .. I1 oil "U"M O. U, PIANO to swap for an auto to make aerv:" I. wagon out of. Ikon t care for mm" ku'?tj5 oo4 -cUuder running Vear. " Nnk 14 a anted. Address S. c. PIANO Going away; high grade player" and rolls of music; e thla and mak me an offer or would trad for auiomorile. not too expeiudv. oT dU niond. Addreaa 8. C. h), be. SWAPPER'S OOLOHT PIANO, In good shape to swap, on wail located, cloae-ln old style house and lot; will pay balance. Want something that ran be made an excellent place- priced around fci.ono or lesa. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Address a C. eri, nee. PIANO Will trsde a high-grade new piano any case you want to select, for the keeping of two boya, 8 and 6 yeara respectively. Address B. C. 64. Re. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair ot rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I ran tiae; In good condition: sire 91. 8. C 4,1. Be. SADDLE Sid aaddle, good as new; will sell or trade or what have you? Ad drea 8. C. tif0 Bee. SIG XS. ahowcard. Clark A Son. D. 1378. TOOL SHARPENER Never used; cot wholeaale, 87. Will trade for anything, as have no use for It. Address 8. C. 648, Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES-Havs 2no well known vacuum washing ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran teed machine. Agents here la your chance to make a cleanup thua apring. Will swap for auto, or what have you? Address S. C, 6J0, Bee. VIOLIN I have a good violin worth $75 and Ensign camera (postal card slue), worth 26; both In good condition. Camera Is nearly new. Will trade for anything of equal value. Address S. C. 813, Bee. WADERS, ETC.-One pair good No. S canvass waders. What have you tl swap One 16-lnch Oen. Electric fan for wall or desk. Used months. Will sell or swap. City only. Address S. C. 646, Bee. WATCH What have you to trade for 26 year esse, open face, 17-1ewel Illinois works watch; used but 8 yeara, and 17 gold chain? Have a watch and don't have use for this one. What have you? Addres H. C. 642, Bee. WILL exchange section good land on mile from Sidney, Neb., fiftO acres under cultivation. 300 acres In winter wheat for good eastern Nebraska farm. Write J. A. Bentley, Sidney. Neb. WATCH Ladle' gold watch, worth $7.00; also fine hand-crotchet dresser scarf, Ji.st finished, worth lin.oo, for good cut glass water set; alao have all kinds of fine hsnd-crochet work which I will swap for hand-painted dishes or cut glaas, or what you have, or will sell for cash. Ad dress S. C. $39, Bee, FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th A Jackson Sta Phone Douglas 2S8. SIX-ROOM steam heated modern flat will decorate to suit tenant. $26 In win ter, 215 In summer. Fell A Plnkerton Co., 6X State Bank Bldg. OODEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, oom with kitchenette, steam heat Phon 444 6-r., modem flat 2308 B. 24th. 822. H. 4711. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fln Uhed and up-to-date 8. 4 and S-room apartment In city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2fl Jones St MOST up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water heat large lawn. D. 669L H. 1803. unshinV Rooms"J 1 FURNISHED ROOM, batd, 4614 North rat Av. NICE room In Uintah Apt. Harney 2963. ONE large room, gas plate; private fam ily; 616 8. 22d St D. 6683. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; 110 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.699X OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam heated rooma, 13 per week. Phone 64. La Verna, 1812 Cap., front rma. Stem, ht FARNAM 2607 Strlotiy modern rooms. 812; gentlemen. NEWLY furnished, heated rooma. 621 S. 16th. Apply Apt. 11. THE COLLINS Steam heated, nicely furnished rooms. Good location. 2406 Harney. DODGH, 2M7 Steam heated room with board; suitable for two. Garagre. BUTLDTNO, 1409-U Harney St. 44x132 ft I beet downtown location in tie city for garag. O. c kispiuk, Attorney. 224 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1611 llonaekeeplna Rooms. . - SLEEPING and housekeeping rooma fur naoe heat 726 8. 18th. Tyler 1021-W. FRONT room and housekeeping rooms, warm, well heated and every conveni ence, 617 N. 20th. Farmlshed Hsmkeeplag Rooms. Fur. housekeeping rma., 2222 Farnam St Hotels and Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates 2 and? up. Douglas T088. DODGE HOTEL- Madera Reasonable. B oases aad Cottwarea. 5-ROOM cottage. Walnut 1600. ALL sixes. 88 Per month up. 607 Paxtoav t-r . modem. 719 a 87th Bt. 7-r., modern. 8614 Leav. St, good location. Web. 2690. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern cottage on block from th car. Inquire at 2869 Meredith Ave. Phon Web, 1414. (ROOM cottage, 1106 S. 13th St; $20. Fell A Plnkerton Co.. 685 Stat Bank. 12-ROOM modern house, with barn, hot water heat 26U Harney St, vacant March L Insula T. J. O'Brien, H. 104, D. 1211 Downtown store. L. II. H11L t30 Bran. Th. GordonVanCo. S!l Storage. tit N. Uth St Phon D 8MorWh.Ul Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: S-hcgs van and 2 men. $1.26 per hr.; storage $1 per mo. Satlafactloa guar. D. 4338 Ty. 130. J. C. Reed Kip. oo., moving, packing A storage. la7 Farnam. D. 614. Brtnaoa n ail parts of ths city. MOUBtJBCrigh Sons Co.. Bs Bldg. Maggard's Van aad Stor age Co., Larg van. 1 men. 81.M per nr., oiy, t men. U.2S ner hr. 1718 Webster. Doug. 14ML FOR RENT W have complet lbit of all houses, apartments and flats that ar for rant. This list can be aeen fre of charge at Omaha Van A Storaga Co.. 806 So. ;6th St -ROOM modern house, 706 N. 30th., $30 per monm. iiui neowva. AM leaving city and wish to rant my horn at 414 N. 2Mb St.: T room and bath, all modern, vacant about March 1U. lei. uarney ii. WANTED TO BUY WANTED For cah, clothing show , iiKiii unlivery wagon Wltn top. Harney txirt today. GET Ksplans prices for d hand furn.. oeior selling. Web. 7603. ONE or two carloads sawdust forpacklng , "a. aiaung price, rremoul Icn and Sand Co.. Fremont. Neb. Yale buy everything td nand. Tyler 1418. OF ICE f urnltur bought and sold. i. ireaju, imi rarnam. Doug. 6146. WK BUY 2d-haud clothes. 14Z1 N. 34th. REAL ESTATE FARM aft RANCH LA ADS FOR SALB Colorado TO SETTLERS ON LY 520-acre f6r $206; rich com, alfalfa and wheat land, ce end. J. A. Tracy. Ft Morgan. Colo. Kane. BARGAIN 240-acr dairy farm, near 8a- llna. KlA.! arlta fn, full .1 .-a i ' H 1 1 1 1 1 . n ..a list of hut Kansas farina for aal Ui central nauaaj. y. c. INiquetie. DatUia, Kgn. MuasarL GOOD Itnd, do to R a tow. In acre. fc monthly: 40 acrea. f.oa. M mouthly; to acre. tl.iKiO; no liiUreot. k luutiiun, oeai oargaui la South 1iiuiiii.i. iif..i,, iJTrt.. , i . i w. 1 1 aar rtam, Ellis A Benton. K ansae C3ty, Kan. GOOD homea In aouth Mo. ahaap and on easy Unna. Writ m for Price, J. C. WjukooB. Mountain .View, Ma.