Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Wants Moray ft Tu Co. Boag. tt.
W, IV, garby a, Sob, general Insurance.
Xavg. keot rrlmt It Ntw Braeon Press
ufMi-QTUlti Oo Lighting fix
.hires. Wuttt Choice reel eatat loan. W.
& Thomaa, 121 8 lata Bank Bldg.
aU ft Mnkertoa Co. -General Insur
ance, moved to (MS State Bank Bldg.
Today"! Complst Mori Program
alasslfled section today, and appear hi
Th Bn EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
th Tartoua moving picture theaters offer.
Uarar? Oloaed Monday The public
library wilt be closed all day Monday aa
far a Issuing or receiving hooka la con
cerned. Tho reading and reference rooma
will be open from 2 to t in the afternoon.
o to Yislt rarest Mrs. F. C.
Beat will leave for San Jose. Cel., March
1. to visit her parents. She expect to
be gfms aome three months visiting the
exposition, also her brother at Ogden.
before returning.
' Quickly locate and easily accessible
are two prime requliltea of a drslrsbl
offloe location. Tenant In The Be
Bullling, "the building that la always
new," find these two conditions of great
ervke in building up their business
Jjnertoaa Express Company Obaages
It la announced that I. 8. Klllott.
president of the Great Northern Express
company ha been appointed to and ac
cepted the position of vice-president In
charge of traffic of the American and
that E. E. Bush, formerly assistant, has
been made traffic manager.
Held for tin Warden Charles II.
Smith 2712 Jackson street, was arrested
by Officer Knutson on complaint of Mrs.
O. Clayton, the formers landlady, who
assert Smith had threatened to set the
house on fire. A small blaze Friday
night Is attributed to the activities of
Smith who is being held for further in
vestigation for the fire warden.
Missionary federation Meeting The
Omaha Women's Missionary federation
will meet Tuesday afternoon at the Y.
W. C. A. auditorium when the annual
business session will be held and Mrs.
Harford will speak on the Women's
World Wide Peace party and will also
tell of the plans for the coming of Billy
Possibilities of
Back Lots Are to
! BeFuUyExplained
The educational department of the
Toung Men's Christian association has
aranged for a series of lecture on agri
culture, horticulture and poultry, de
signed to give Omaha people an Idea of
the possibilities for their vacant lots,
their back yard and other little plots of
ground. Some of the ablest Instructor
of the University of Nebraska have been
engaged to give these lectures. Among
them are Prof. C. W. Pugsley and Dr.
George E. Condra.
The lectures will be on Intensive agri
culture in Europe, on raising poultry on
tha city lot, on small fruit and on soma
of the. fundamental underlying the seed.
The first of the lectures Is Thursday
evening, Tebruary 25. at 8 o'clock, when
Prof. Pugsley will talk on "Let sons from
Intensive Agriculture In Europe." They
are to continue everjr night except Sun
day until Friday, March 5.
"Old Shad", Honored
?. By Valley-Alumni
"Those were the day!" ,'
A rising inflection on "those." and you
have the exact manner in which about
twenty-five Missouri Valley alumni of
the Shattuck Military academy -of Fari
bault, Minn., expreased themselves time
after time last night at the annual ban
quet of the "Old Shad' association."
The affair was given in the green room
of the Loyal hotel, and from 8 o'clock
to nearly midnight, such a good time was !
had as only college mate can produce.
The guests represented classes from
way back In the 'SO to MS. and nearly
everyone found some one present, who
was at "Old Shad' yeara ago.
Colonel E. V. Stolbrand, present rector,
wss one of the principal speakers, al
though everybody present made a short
Among those present were W. O. De
vrles. O. 8. Beno, Council Bluff; W. C.
Beck, Sioux CMy; C. V. Diet, Omaha:
W. T. Dobbins, Bertrand, Neb.; C Z.
Oould, Omaha: I. H. Harte. Omaha; J.
R. Henry. Fremont; E. S. Redick. Omaha:
H. K. Ringland, Wayne; E. T. Swobe,
Omaha; J. A. Tledeman, Sioux City; Dr.
I B. Van Camp, Omaha; A. II. Walsh,
Omaha; George Wright, Omaha.
Tells oi Gratitude ,
.. For Xmas Ship Gifts
Lloyd Wagner, son of Frank Wagner,
66S Marcy street, ha received a letter
of thank from Georgte and Willie' Wag
ner of London. England. The little Wag
ners in London received Christmas gifts
from Lloyd which Lloyd sent over on the
Christmas ship, and it was to thank
Lloyd fir his gift that th letter was
written. Georgle and Willie said that
their father had gone to the war and was
fighting at the front in one of the Flan
ders regiment, snd that the nice Christ
mas gifts from Omaha helped a great deal
to while away the days which sre so
dreary by, the absence of their parent.
Following Is a list of aubscrlptions to
tn Belgian relief fund reported at
Amount previously reported, $8,788.75.
Cash, Lincoln, 12.
ii: H- 'nd. Lincoln. SI.
Karley Drug store, Lincoln,
Pla'ttsmouth, Neb.. Belgian club. 5.
Tuesday Travel cluh i ii
Librtr"! ChrUUan Temperance union.
Wit Box. Harley Drug store. Lincoln,
Northeast Circle First Congregational
church. Lincoln. si
Christian Endeavor. First Congregational
Legislative Indies lesgue Lincoln. 810.
rmiuiiour sine no, uneom. 19 6
Helenlc Chautauque. Lincoln, $1
Athenla club. Lincoln. Sa.22.
Waeepiaar Cvearfc.
"When my daughter had whooping
eeugh she coughed so hard at on time
that she had hemorrhage of the lunga
X was terribly alarmed about her condi
tio. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy so highly recommended, I got her a
bottle and It relieved the cough at once.
Before she had finished two bottles of
this remedy she was entirely well." writes
T. Grimes. Crooksvtile. O. Ob-
Uiaabi Trrwee Advertisement.
Items of Interest from the Various
Educational Institutions of
York College.
Rev, Mr. Brewer, pastor of the K.van
rc Ileal church, led the devotional exer
cises and gave a short talk at chapel
The Grand Inland college basket ball
team met the York boys In York Friday
night. Preceding the game the faculty
men met the business men of this city In
a voley hall game.
Prof, and Mrs. Davis accompanied the
basket ball team to Lincoln Saturday.
Following the game with Cotner. the
boys were entertained at a dinner given
by Prof. Davis' parents at MS North
Twenty-sixth street.
A meat cutting demonstrstlon was
given before the domestic science classes
Tuesday. Many city women were present
to take advantage of the opportunity to
acquaint themselves with the various cuts
of meats as explained by experts.
Hasting College.
IVan Remn spoke before the Teach
ers' association of Chase county Satur
day, Ex-Oovernor Shallenberger's address
to the students haa lieen changed from
Monday evening to Tuesday morning at
the regular 10 o'clock convocation.
Dr. A. B. Marshall of the. Omaha sem
inary spent the last week with the cf
lege, which observed the week of prayer.
He gave two addresses each day and
held conferences In the afternoons.
President Crone will adiiress the Teach
ers' association of Furnas county next
Saturday, which meets at eHaver City.
He will also occupy the pulpit of the
Presbyterian . church the Sunday follow
ing. E. J. Rlmonds, state secretary of the
student Young Men's Christian associa
tion, apent Friday and Saturday at the
college, spoke to the association on Fri
day afternoon and addressed the student
body Saturday morning.
Grace M. Shepherd, class of '94, state
superintendent of Idaho, is treasurer of
the National Teachers' association,
which meets st Cincinnati next week.
Miss Shepherd also has part In the
program of the state superintendents.
The Glee club trip Is planned to begin
on March 1 to extend for a perlort of
ten days, part of which time will be
taken up by the spring vatlon. They go
to Mladern tlloldrge, Edgar, Nelson,
Superior, Diller, Pawnee, aPnama, Table
Rock and Kenesaw.
Enrico Aresonl, the celebrated tenor,
gave the final concert in the musical
course at the Presbyterian church on
Wednesday evening. Mr. Aresonl had
an open date, which he apent at Hast
ings Tuesday visiting Prof. Fuhr and
looking about the colleg.
Tho student conference, which Is to
convene at Hastings college February
38 to 88, glvea promts of being the lsrgest
conference of the kind ever held In the
state. Word has come that there will
be flftv represents tives from Grand Isl
and college, almost us many from the
State Normal school at Kearney, and
large representations from many of the
other Institutions. Saturday is to be
spent at the college. The women rep
resenting the different churches of the
city have arranged to give free dinner
and auppers to the delegates and the
homes will be opened for, lodging and
breakfast without charge Among the
speakers at thia convention are Bishop
McDowell of the Methodist Episcopal
church, W. T. Elmore of India, repre
senting the Baptist church: Miss Maude
Kelsey of New York City, II. J. Ileinxe
man of Kankakee. 111.. International
Young Men's Christian association sec
retary; Graham Stewart of the Young
Men' Christian association training col
lege of Chicago. Miss Dodge, the Na
tional Young Women'a Christian asso
ciation secretary; Thomaa Donah ugh,
the Canadian secretary for the Metho
dist Episcopal board: J. Lovell Murray,
the educational secretary of the . Stu
iint Volunteer movement: R. L. Kwlng
and J- P. Baileyr representing these or
ganizations in tne etate ot ieDraeaa.
Wayne State Normal.
Prof. Archer L. Burnham. formerly
county superintendent of Stanton county,
was a visitor Saturday.
Conrad Jacobson, rlsss of 1914, and now
prlnclpul at Dakota City, has been elected
superintendent of the Bancroft schools
for the ensuing year.
' The workmen have been repairing the
damage done to the wireless aerial, and
the department of physics is again ready
to aend and receive wireless messages.
One of the main features In the chapel
Tuesday morning was a talk on "Inci
dents of Travel" by Prof. Bright. The
speaker seasoned hi discourse with
wholesome humor.
President Conn left Wednesday for Chi
cago, where he will attend a conference
of state normal presidents. From there
he wil go to Cincinnati, to be present at
a meeting of state superintendents and
About forty members of the senior class
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Johnson last Saturday night to enjoy
a reception given to the class by Mis
Sara J. Klllen, the clasa sponsor. The
home was decorated In keeping with St
Valentine' day. Dainty refreshment
were served.
Increased interest In the convocation
exercise has been secured by arranging
a series of practical talk to be given by
he business and professional men or
Wayne. The special lecture course was
opened Friday morning with an addreas
by E. 8. Blair. M. D., who spoke on "The
Advantages uiferea in tne rroreision or
Fremont College.
Lincoln's birthday was celebrated by an
address by Prof. A. Sofllev In the college
chapel February 1Z.
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Swlhart entertained
the orchestra and violin students at their
home on Military avenue Wednesday
Ransom Walker, a Chicago lawyer.
and a graduate of the colege twenty-
three years ago, waa a guest of President
Clemmons last week.
February 18 marked the Passing of
snother milestone for Prof. J. I. Kay.
ms wue aeiignuuiiy surynnea mm oy
inviting th men of the faculty to a (:30
o clock dinner.
The Swlhart orchestra will give a con
cert under the auapicea of the I'nion so
ciety in aoout two weens, it win be re
inforced by several members of the Cox
orchestra of Omaha.
Ray Chase, a scientific of 1313. ha been
appointed county Superintendent of Dixon
county to fill the place made vacant by
Mr. Teea, wno nas Become a member or
Superintendent Thomas' corps of helper
in Lincoln.
The executive committee of the East
Nebraska Teachers' association, which
convene In Fremont March US, 28 and 27.
met at the college laat Saturday and
formulated a most excellent program.
Mr. Clemmons, who 1 president of the
association this year, has secured the
strvicea of Dr. Susxalo of Columbia uni
versity of New York City. Chancellor
Jesaup of the University of Iowa, and
Ir. A. O. Thomaa, whose addresea will
be leading fatures of the association.
Nebraska Wesleyaa Nates.
Chancellor Fulmer delivered the Found
ers' day address at Kansas Wesleyan at
8allna. Kansas, last Tuesday.
Prof. Jensen goes to Blue Springs next
Friday to Judge in a debate between the
high school at Blue Springs and Diller.
Prof. Wells of the history department
has been chosen aa one of the judgea on
manuscript In the Kansas State Oratori
cal contest.
Several ministers and laymen from the
Tecumseh district have been In the city
in consultation with Dr. Bchreckengast
concerning the endowment campaign.
Frank Scherts. who Is doing graduate
work at Northwestern university, ha
recently been elected to membership In
the honorary scientific society Sigma XI.
The registrar reports tht the enroll
ment for this semester Is unusually large
and that in all probability all former reo
orda will bo exceeded. As usual, the
largest gain are in the college of liberal
Rev. Vr. Wasear ef York and Rev. Mr.
Wortheler oi Linooln have been assist
ing In the meetings held by pr. Low
during the last week. The meetings
have been well attended thus fsr and
much good done.
Rapid progress is being made in the re
modeling of the old gymnasium whl'h
Is to serve as temporary quarters for the
newly organized I'niverslty l'lace. Young
Men's Christian hjukm Intlnn Secretsrv
McNIchols. formerly a member of the
Omaha association. Is on the ground and
getting the work started in good shape.
Chedron state Normal School.
Miss Mattle Parsons left for her home
Isst week. She has accepted a position
as teacher of the fourth and fifth graiics
at Harrison, Nrr,
Music rendered bv Harvey's orchestra
and the select inn given by the iiuartet
composed of Miss Copeland, Miss Pollock,
Mr. Itowman and Mr. Irwin, added greatly
to the enjoyment of the senior piny.
As usual, the Jink followed the basket
ball boys to SpesrfiRh last Krlilay morn
ing. The wholo team say that the score,
3i to V. In favor or Suearflsh. was the
only disagreeable item of tho whole trip.
Last Friday the Commercial club In
vited all the school rhielren down to the
Rex theater to enjoy the pictures. On
account of the snowstorm, they were
unable to go. and consequently were very
much disappointed.
Wednesdsy morning at chapel. 'he
Senior class gave a short scene from the
play, "Charley a Aunt." Costumes were
not used, but the students seemed to
draw on their imagination, for a great
deal of enthusiasm waa created.
The young women of the dormitory
were entertained last Saturday evening
by the Misses Nina Tnrechek and Kuth
Sweeney. The first part of the evening's
entertainment consisted of a theater
party, after which all returned to the
dormitory where games made the evening
pass all toe quickly. The guests drew
for Valentine favors, and then lift li re
lreshments were served by the hostesses.
President Sparks left Tuesday niornlnt
tor Uncoln, where he was called to meet
a legislative committee for Normal
schools. From there he will go to Chi
cago for a meeting of Normal school
presidents on the lth and 20th. He will
leave Chicago, February 21 or 22 for Cin
cinnati, where he will attend the Na
tional Superintendents and Prlnclnala' as
sociation. He intends to return to
Chndron about March 1 or !.
The Alice Freeman Palmer society held
Its usual meeting Kriduy In the chapel.
Owing to the absence of the president
and vice president, the secretary, Miss
Margaret Smith had charge of the meet
ing. A business session was held at
which the following new members were
elected to the society: Vivian llyser,
Elisabeth Braddock, lou Schuebel. Mae
Morrlssev and Ruth Sweeney. Some time
during trie week they will be given the
society ribbon and will attend the next
meeting which will be held February IS.
After the business session. Miss Frances
Urewe gave a most excelelnt survey of
Lincoln's life.
Doaae College.
The second number of the college lec
ture course will lie given by "The Rlcltal
Artists" Monday night In the Crete opera
CRETE, Neb.. Feo. 21. (Special. )
The Young Mens Christian association
held Its regular annual meeting Monday
evening at which the following officer
were elected for the coming year: Pres
ident, J. J. F. Sawyer: vice president. H.
C. Hosford; secretary, A. H. Keith:
treasurer, R. 1. Blatter. After the busi
ness meeting the company adjourned to
the parlor of Gaylord hall, where re-,
freshments were served.
The annual meeting of the Young
Women's Christian asoclatlon waa held
In Gaylord hall. After hearing the an
nual reporta of all the committee chair
men, the association elected new offl
cera for the coming year. The election
resulted as follows: President, Trllla
(Gardner; vice preaident, Pansy. Hostet
ter; corresponding secretsrv. Alma Gross
hans; recording eecretary, Clara Koester;
treasurer, Florence Job.
The lntor-oelety debates were won by
the Phi Kappa Delta. The contest was
for the loving run offered by Frank G.
Stephens of Salt Lake City. This is the
second contest for the large new cup.
now held by the Independent Debating
club, but will go to the Phi Kappa Delta
as permanent property If won In two
more contests by tlrem. The question for
discussion waa tl- one chosen for the
Intercollegiate debate of Doane, Cotner
and Bellevue later In the year. The re
resulta of the decisions were: Independ
ent Debating club, three to none over the
Alpha Omega; two to one for the Phi
Kappa Delta over the Independent Debat
ing club, and two to one for the Phi
Kappa Delta over the Alpha Omega.
Pera State Normal.
The Grand Island college played the
Peru Normal basket ball last Thursday
night and were beaten by the score ofj
61 to 20.
Last Monday the lecture course com
mittee presented Ralph Parlette. who
lectured on "The University of Hard
Miss Mattle Elis of the history depart
ment has a class this semester on "The
Nineteenth Century and the Present
European War."
President D. W. Hayes left laat Friday
morning for Chicago to attend the meet
ing of the North Central Association of
Normal School Presidents.
The Rev. G. W. Hylton of the Meth
odist church lectured to the students at
chapel on the subject, "Things Not Com
monly Thought to Be Worth While."
Mlas Abba Bowen. formerly teacher of
German in the Omaha High school, but
now Professor of German in the Normal,
lectured Thursday night to the German
student on "Swltserland." She used
slide made from picture taken by her
self The Investigating committee anDolnted
by the house of representatives listened
to detaila ot methods of bookkeeping, and
or tne financial statu or tne Peru and
Kearney State Normal, as stated by
Presidents Hayes and Dick of those
institutions laat Monday night
Beylea College.
William J. Lockman. class of '1.1, Is now
principal of the bookkeeoinr department
of a business college In North Dakota.
M. 8. Bacon, court reported from Lin
coln, who I reporting in the federal court
In aeasion here this week, caled for a
atenotyp operator to assist In getting
out the dally transcripts ot evidence.
Hoy Nlmmo, a graduate of Boyles Iowa
coljege, was cent over, and is giving ex
celent satisfaction.
John C. McCague, president of the
McCague Investment company and head
of eht Commercial club .addressed1 the
young men student at their assembly
Friday, February 18. He advised tha atu-
i dents to have a plan for their future and
to work to it. Clean life, clean snaerh.
nonesiy oi purpose, were some of the
points he emphasised.
Miss Edith Tobltt. our city librarian.
gave a very Interesting and Instructive
talk to the girls of Hoy lea college Friday
ariernoon, reoruary i, on the value of
reading. She spoke particularly of de
veloping a taste for good reading while
young, and emphasised the fsct that we
should read what w like, not only for
pleasure, but tor culture and Information,
and mentioned various book that might
do ODiainea at tne uorary.
Grand Ialaaa College
The Athenian Literary society visited
Miss Kuialla Lindburs. who haa been
sick, went to her home in Stromsburg on
vveunesaay to recuperate,
The student teachers have had entire
charge of the model rchool this week
owing to the Illness of Miss Hughes.
The boys' basket ball team started on
their eastern trip Wednesday. Theyplayed
two games, losing at Peru and winning at
the Amphlctyons at their regular meettnu.
A short program was given, after whlcU
a social time was had. Later in the eve
ning the girls of bot'i societies had
chafing-diah party.
At the Intercollegiate oratorical contest,
held at Doane college, Crete, Neb., Earl
Lverett, a Junior of Grand Island college.
won the highest honors. This will entitle
him to enter the Interstate contest tills
year. The subject of his orator was "Who
ueaas .'
Prof. Clarence J. Elmore, for many
years an instructor ia the college and
head of the department of biology, re
ceived Monday the title of doctor of
fihllosophy at the University of Nebraska.
t. Elmore's essay on Dlatome won for
him thl honor.
Coals Not Walk will Slheama tlsa.
A satisfied patient writes, "Sloan's
Liniment cured by Rheumatism, am
grateful. I can bow walk without p'n."
Only Soo. All druggist. Advertisement
Nebraska's Action o Foot and
Mouth Disease Situation Dis
cussed at Sanitary Meet.
James Bulla, preeldrnt of the Stale
Sanitary board, ssys that Nebraska
action In taking drastic measures against
the foot and mouth disease was one of
the big questions at the meeting of the
National Sanitary association at Chicago
last week. Dr. U C. Klgln of Nebraska
was one of ths main figure on the floor
of the convention, according to Bulla.
Bulla's own move for ce-operative traf
fic agreements In the movement ot stock
between the different state turned out
to be a big subject, and the matter will
have the endorsement of the national
body, he said. Bulla' Idea is that the
rules tor moving live stock should be the
same in all the states ot the union, thus
eliminating the danger of transferring In
fected live stork.
Carrier Boys Held.
Rsymond Donovan and Everelt Roohe
stool. two S6uth Omaha newspaper car
riers, are held In St. Joseph on suspicion
of having looted the local Newa office of
fST Thursday night. The boys were
caught In St. Joseph after their wild
extravagance In taxicabs had attracted
the attention of the St. Joseph police.
Probation Officer Paul Macauley left last
night for St.. Joseph to bring the boy
back to South Omaha.
Donovan I 15 yeara old and Uvea at
m S street, and Rookestool la 1" year
of age and lives at Twenty-fourth and
N street.
"CnrloS. to Khw,"
Refusal of certain South Omaha office
holder to make a second contribution
to th alleged "pot" that Is to beat tha
Omaha consolidation bill Is said to be
the latest development In the antl ranka
The reason for the alleged refuse! to
contribute Is said to have been a desire
to know where the "pot" was going.
There are persistent rumors of large
sums of money raised In South Omaha
to defeat consolidation. There are also
wide assertions that Governor Morehead's
assistance haa been obtained on the side
ot the ontle. If the latter prove true,
those favoring the bill say. it can be
charged up to the Interests that have
been denying any hand In the game.
There I a growing suspicion that the
t'nlon Stock yards Is being made to ap
pear on the skle of the antts. This sus
picion I buttressed by the fact that men
connected with the yard company as
representatives have been active In fight
ing the merger.
ore Bill Beaten.
Talk of the necessity ot raising more
money waa current In South Omaha yes
terday, and the officeholder, led by
Mayor Hoctor, said that "thing were
looking better and that the bill would
probably be beaten In the house." Mayor
Hoctor Is quoted a having retired from
the actice work at Lincoln In favor of
City Attorney Henry C. Murphy, who
would stay on the ground, according to
the mayor.
One of tho- chink through which some
of the officeholder have shown their
handa Is their refusal to concur In tha
emergency clause In case the bill get a
majority on th house vote. These men
Insist that they will hold office until
July. The contractor also Insist that
they can get many contract between
now and August, it Is asserted also. In
the meantime the work of the anfls and
their lobbyists 1- being followed with
much Interest. '
Senator Howell still feel that the bill
will come out of the committee on cities
and towns with a majority vote and that
the report of the committee will bo upheld
in the house.
Eagle Committees.
President J. C. Walker of th local aerie
of Eagle has announced the different
committees to serve In preparation for
the big Eagle carnival that will bo staged
here thl spring. The affair Is heralded
as the most gorgeous, grand, inspiring
demonstration of tun that ever came to
the local lodge. The proposed consolida
tion bill will not affect the convention or
carnival becauao th show can be hold as
well whether the town is Omaha or South
Omaha tn name, Preaident Walker say.
The committee are:
Publicity Del Pearce. J. M. Tanner and
Henry Murphy.
Carnival J. C. Walker. Jay Williams.
Harry White and Jud Wlneguard.
House John Hlnchey. Hoy Water and
John Ford.
The Art of
Thia is a high-sounding
title. We have to stand for
a great deal of high-sounding
rhetoric flapdoodle in
the name of Advertising.
But, after all, the principles
that underlie successful ad
vertising are very simple.
The "art of presentation" in
Advertising is the applica
tion of literature to sales
manship. Advertising is too
often m er c 'literatnre."
Tli is is because Advertising
has drawn copy-writers
largely from the ranks of the
4 'literary fellows." The av
erage salesman cannot write
a good advertisement, and
the average literary fellow
cannot write a good adver
tisement because he is not a
It is one thing to give in
formation about a salable
commodity, and quite anoth
er thing to create a desire
for it. It is one thing to cre
ate a desire for an article,
and quite another thing to
create a demand for it. I
might write an advertise
Decorating C. J- Southard. John Flvnn,
George tlrlbble, Mike Culkln snd G. A.
1'aiaoe J A. Parka, Joe Koutaky and
Fred Mower
lintel F. 1l. Junes, Q. Chrlsih-nsen and
Charles Riley.
Entertainment- E. D. O'Sulllvan and J.
M. Tanner.
Reception J. II. Malln. M. V. Doyle and
11. w. Warner, d 111 team.
Woman's Reception-Indies' Booster
Dance -John Martin, James Regan and
Charles Vols.
Maale I II)' .! p.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mercell are spend
ing pome days In Lincoln.
Mavor Hoctor Issued s. Washington
day proclamation yes'erday.
Junior Endeavor at 3 o'clock at the
Christian church Sunday afternoon.
Ous Beaver, old-time local grocery
man, haa sold his business to I. Klinkel.
Herb Garlow spent some time In town
visiting with friends and relatives last
J. T. ("Jack") Sullivan. 1113 North
Twenty -fifth street, left yesterday for El
Paso, Tex. ,
Karl Lee Is confined to his home at
Twenty-first and J streets with an at
tack of grip.
For Rent T-room house and 4-room
basement, fth and 1. A. L. Hunter.
Phono South K2.
Mrs. Ion Welch Is 111 with grip and
nervous prostration at her home, Twenty
filth and L streets.
Lew Etter, who has been 111 at home
with an attack of rheumatism. Is abl
to be about his duties.
Office space for rent in Bee office, 2318
N stret. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27
Spring fishermen are taking side sipilnts
at tho fishing tackle beginning to appear
In the different show windows.
Solid oak sldebosrd, dining table and
leather-seated chairs; party leaving town.
1112 N. 2'Jd. Telephone South Stil.
Th Northeast Improvement club held a
meeting Friday evening. The next meet,
ing will be held March fi st the Garfield
E. K. Buckingham, A. F. Strj ker and
W. B. Tagg have apent aome days at
Lincoln looking after local Interests be
fore the legislature.
Phlll Kearney post. No. 2, will hold
Ira regular meeting ut the home of .1.
W. Cress, North Twenty-third street,
Saturday, night.
Phil Kearney Woman's Relief Corps
will meet with Mrs. J. W. Cress, Sat
urday at 2 In the afternoon at Sun North
Twenty-third atieet.
Officer John Jackman of the South
Omaha police force, after several weeks'
Illness, left yesterday for Excelsior
Springs, Mo., where he will recuperate.
P J. Martin, city treasnirer. haa re
turned from Chicago, where he spent
some time visiting with his wife, who is
III there. Mrs. Martin' condition Is Im
proving. Service st the Christian church by
Rev. Mr. Dunleavy of Kansas City at II
o'clock. Sunday school at M. Chrlstlsn
Endeavor at 6:30. Vnlon services In the
Want ads for The Bee may be left at
The Bee's branch offlis'. 2318 N St. Rates
2c a word for one lime. lVjc a word each
day for three days and lc a word each
day for a week. Prompt and courteous
Ralph Towle, who has been a salesman
for M. Culkln for a mimtwr of years, will
embark In the haberdaahery business for
himself. He has leased a location on
Twenty-fourth near L street and will
open hi new business- shout March 1.
"Irish Eyes of Love," Chauncey Olcotf
Immense song hit. will be enjoyed by
Besse patrons today a a pipe organ
number. Alice Joyce In "Her Sunreme
Sacrifice." O. M. Anderson In "A Breese
of tha West," and Kate Price In "Cab
man Kate," are screen entertainers.
Harry Barrier, assisted by La Petite
KUIirn tiff Mr a sneclaltv both novel and
diversified, in the vaudeville line at Besae
Roeletr Note.
Mis Viola Williams entertained In
honor of Miss Patlense Kelly at her
home, 1307 North Twenty-fourth atreet
Friday evening. A three-course luncheon
waa served, after which the evening waa
spent In dancing. The guests were:
Mlsse Esther Miller. Gladys Vansant,
Hasel Barrett, Helen Tyner, Marie King,
Patience Kelly, Margaret Fltxgerald, Ann
Maurer. Dorothy Davis and Viola Will
iams. Miss Helen Tyner entertained at a din
ner Thursday evening, In honor of Miss
Patience Kelly. Covers were laid for
ten. Miss Kelly wHI leave for Newton,
la., Monday evening, her future home.
Member ot the X. L. club were de
lighted with the pleasant evening pre
pared for them last Tuesday by the hos
tess, Miss Pauline Kaufhold and Miss
Marie Neary, at the horn of Miss Kauf.
hold. Mr. James Nearv and Miss Agnes
Brennan were also present.
Herman Kessler ha returned from
New York.
J. L. McCarty. who ha been In New
York for some time on a buying trip for
the Brandels Stores' Garment section, has
returned. '
W. F. Holmes, formerly of Omaha, now
of Hastings, Is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. McKey and Mr. and
Mr. M. J. Porter.
Mr. and Mr. O. D. McKey of Oska
looaa, la., who have been the houae
?:uest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKey
or the last week, have returned to their
"Talks on Newspaper Advertising"
By TRUMAN A. DeWEESE, Buffalo, N. Y.
ment, phrased in faultless
diction, describing the Vic
trola and keep on writing
advertisements without ever
inoculating a human being
with a desire to possess one.
The reader would say to
himself "that Victrola must
be a wonderful invention"
but the idea of possessing
the instrument is to the
reader a remote possibility
something for the other
person. That is because the
man who wrote the adver
tisement is not a salesman.
Now, suppose we put a lit
tle salesmanship into the ad
vertisement, taking advan
tage of the popular craze for
dancing. Let us show iiow
easy it is to reproduce the
new dance music in all its
rhythimic beauty in the
home. Through picture and
clever phrasing it gradually
inoculates the young lady of
the household with a desire
to possess a Victrola. It con
veys a new idea of the Vic
trola and creates in the
young lady's mind a new
want. The desire that has
been created in her brain
becomes a demand and
this demand eventuates in a
Now, this line of appeal
will not do for all house
John Callahan, Inmate of County
Poor Farm, Once Belonged to the
James and Younger Raiders.
John Callahan, formerly known as
"Omaha Jack," who for years has been
an Inmate at the Douglas county poor
farm, la one of the few survivors of tho
.lamee-Younger fang. He was well
qualnted with Frank James, who dle.l
Thursday at Excelslo.- Springs, Mo.
"Omaha Jack." now between 70 and 80
years old. Is crippled as the result of a
bullet wound. He carries a cane, and Is
a mild snd amiable old man. He served
a penitentiary sentence of twenty yeara
in Missouri ns a result of having been
convicted of robbery.
The Northflcld, Minn., bank robbery,
which, according to Callahan's recollec
tion, took place In the early '70s. Is par
ticularly remembered by him. although
Ms memory of manv of his exploits Is
uncertain. He got $'.. "00 aa his share of
the loot from the bank, he asserts.
It was during the latter yeara of the
existence of the James-Younger gang
that Callahan was a member ot It. He
first met Jesse James at Dallas, Tex.,
Just, when Callahan Is not certain, and
according to hta story waa later sum
moned to go to St. Joseph. Mo, From
there, ho said, the gang went to North
flold. Jesse James was a heroic man, who
did not know the aensatlon of fear, ac
cording to Callahan, who asserts, how
ever, that his brother, Frank, was not
more courageous than the average. Jesse
had nothing on Cole Younger In the mat
ter of courage, however, aald Callahan.
In the bank robbery. Callahan, John
Younger and Johnny Young looted the
bank, while Jesse James and Cole
Younger guarded the door.
Callahan was asked If he would recom
mend tho life of an outlaw to aspiring
young men.
"Not In these days." replied the old
man, "the Mexlran who, ahot Detective
Ring waa aa brave as any of us, but he
had no chance to get away."'
Suffragists will be stationed at drug
stores all over the city the early part
of the week, selling ticket for the suf
frage movie, "Your Girt and Mine,"
which Is to he shown st the American
theater for four days, beginning Thurs
o's y. Tickets may be aeeured at these
pharmacies: Sherman ft McConnell, Six-
A few desirable offices
in Omaha's
Best Located
Thoroughly modern
Well lighted
Easily accessible
'The building that u alwayt new"
holds. You cannot confine
the appeal to those who have
gone crazy over the "Fox
Trot," for, after all, they are
only a small percentage of
the population. Iiow about
the man who loves the good,
old Kbuthern negro melodies
who never heard 4 4 My Old
Kentucky Home" without
the tears coming to his eyes. .
And then there is the home
pervaded by a deeply relig
ious atmosphere where one
of the good old hymns
brings a hush of reverential
silence like a benediction of
beauty from the spirit world.
You cannot reach that
household by picturing the
delights of the Tango.
I have before me the ad
vertisement of an Associa
tion of Florida Fruit Grow
ers who have banded them
selves together to give the
public a guarantee of qual
ity through a trade-mark.
The purjiose of the Associa
tion is to educate the con
suming public to look for
this trade-mark when buy
ing oranges or other citrus
fruits. But one has to scru
tinize this advertisement
very carefully before he
finds the trade-mark, and
when he finds it there is
nothing in it that suggests
u-enth and Dodge; Beaton, Fifteenth and
rarnam; Cnltt-Dncekal. Seventeenth and
larnam; Kuibs, Twenty-ninth and Wool
worth: Marsh. Twenty-fourth and Lake;
Huff. Parke avenue and Leavenworth
street; Meyers. Park avenue and Leav
enworth street; Dundee Pharmacy, J. II.
Schmidt, Twenty-fourt!; and Cuming;
Remls Park, Thirty-third and Cuming,
and Barnes, Fortieth and Dodge, Mrs.
S. A. Capen Is in chsijl of these Com
mittees. Sore Throat
Cold inChest
First rub the chest or throat with
Omeg Oil; then soak a piece of flan
nel with the Oil and put it around the
neck or throst, and cover with a piece
of dry flannel. This simple treatment
usually girts relief, Trul bottle loc
With ua provides
I. A safe way to carry
II. A sure way to pay
III. An easy way to ac
count for money.
May we enroll you aa
a depositor?
Ota ana Taraaaa.
aoae . SS4S, Stoorn a. Saldrige snag.
the fruit to the popular in
telligence. The word 4 'cit
rus" does not mean any
thing to the great body of
consumers. The trade-mark
ought to be suggestive of the
wholesome, healthful lus
ciousness of oranges and
grapefruit. It ought to
4 'make the mouth water,"
and so long as the purpose
of the advertising is to fix
this trade-mark in the popu
lar mind it should be the
most prominent thing in the,
This is the "art of presen
tation" which lies at . the
basis of all successful adver
tising and which employs
all the arts of the clever
salenman. In the printed ad
vertisement it must, do in a
few moments in thousands of
homes what the salesman of
cleverness and impressive
ersonality may do with one
p o s 8 i b 1 e purchaser. This
"art of presentation" is
more important in newspa
per advertising because it is
the newspaper" advertising
which must create the de
mand for a product. Maga
zine advertising mav give in
formation about a product,
but the newspajer must
move the goods.