Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Image 4
TTTK nKE: OMAHA. MONDAY, FElUtUAttY 22, 1915. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. Te Bee Publishing: Company. Proprietor. PEE BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Fntered t OmtM postofflce as second-clsss matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Py carrier Fr mail per month. per year. kMillv and fltmdav..,. Mc M "0 I'Kllr without Sunday.. ..' SV 4 M Evening n1 "unclay c I 00 ICrenlng without Sunday ISO 4.00 Sunday Bee only 1 On Pend notice of chane of addreee or complalnta of irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Iepartment- REMITTANCE. Remit tv draft, evpreae or poatal order. Only two rent atamne received In payment of email a eminte. r"eraonal ehecka, except on Omaha and eaelarn eschange. not accepted. Omaha The Baa Btilldlng. South Omaha Si N atreet. Council Hluffa 14 North Mala street Lincoln M Little Building. Chicago Ml Hrant Building. Nrw Tork Room 110. DM rifth avenue. t. lxMila--MI New Hank of Commerce. Washington 7 Fourteenth St.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Addree communications relating to nrwe and edt torlal matter to Omaha Bee, Fdltortet Department. J AN C A It V CIIlCt'LATION. 53,714 Stat of Nehraaka. County of Douglaa, aa. Owlght Williams, rlreulatlnn mnr of The Baa Publlahlng company, being duly a worn, aaya that tha average circulatloa for tha month of January, Itla, eras M741. IiWIOHT WIIIAMR. Circulation Manager, ma. this M day of Cr . . V.-..t V A . r. ...... A - k.fM iv or f nmiry , ifis. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public. Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily should have Tbs Bee) mailed to them. .Art. dress will be changed aa often as requested. rr February S3 : Thought for the Day 5eecfeef by Thommt J. Kmlty ratitnc and tranquility of mind amtributt mors to curt our ditUmptr$ than tht whole art of nutdictnt Alowrt. It tu a 300 to 1 shot that did the business St Aha Sciibner haystack. . A sweet consoling thought. Immune to fog, gives assurances that tha aun is shining some A Japanese bull in a China shop would be a devertlng if not a welcome change in 5rlental scenery. The administration's shipping bill dodged the mines only to perish in a windstorm. Its fate lacks the modern touch. Japan's anxiety for tha welfare of the China is whetled by knowledge that other Interested powers are too busy to butt In. ' i . The stock of gold In the United States at the present moment is figured at 11,824,000,000. One yellow streak without a peril. .. A Carnegie hero medal is within reach of any one who can translate war bulletins and ac curately tell where tha warring powers "are at. . 1 , j t) Every note exchanged in the pending neutral ships controversy emphasises the "conciliatory tone." Diplomacy executes the most music In that key. ' German blockaders of the British coast do cot cast their shadows before. Their shadows are submerged, and all the more scarifying for that reason. One feature of the pursuit of tha Mexican desperado should not be overlooked. It proved that pursuing officers could hit a target smaller than a haystack. I - - - . The fewer Irons put In the fire by the Ne braska railroad commission the nearer It will come to performing its alloted' taiks and Justi fying its existence. Happily for the good relations subsisting among the people on tha Louisiana purchase trsct New Orleans pulled off Its Mardl Oraa be fore San Francisco opened the gates of lis show. The New York Central's bond issue of $100, 000.000. recently marketed, was largely over subscribed. The fact that prime securities corn many an abundanct of takers is the best proof of restored confidence. Chicago has a traction reserve fund of large proportions. Omaha is similarly wen fixed In a water fund surplus. In both cities officials re gard Idle money ss economic waste and their palms itch for a chance to spend It on side gambles. In other days and more Joyous times the re tirement of ' Home Run" Baker from the pro fession he adorned would have earthquaked the continent. It didn't produce a tremor outside of the pink section, so great is the world ab sorbed In other doings. 9UVA4 y.A 4J Jamea O'Neill and his 'Monte Criato" company sr. rived for their Omaha eng asement. Waahlnston's birthday failing oa Sunday (today) la to be obeyed tomorrow so far aa cloeln of bank! poatoffUe and public office. 1. concerned. Mr. Charlea M-U and Mlaa Tony Meis attended ha Maennerchor maaked ball In at Jni. i... - iicr trattiBs: attention to her rharmlns eoatuma. -For '-"'" mm nay ( T014 Tou. Oacar DevHea, manacer of tha lllmebaush Tay lor, hardware store, baa Joined a party of Menls headed for New Orleena." '"enjs Aa eahlblt of carving and colored paper work pre- "-' r pumi oi ine public schools la to be con tinued another week. Three carloada f fruit from California, conalsaod to the local eonimJaatca trade, were found on arrival 19 ue in a parxiany noun condition. William Prealon. Twenty. fir, m a ti . . ... , ..... i.v-mn, will ray a liberal reward for aa Ida setter dog that 10 ini iiame ii Major. Wnuld-be anenla fur Hark rin'. w. . - m mw WD,, fUci;.Lrry ttnu," are invited to apply ,or terrU iwry to at. j. corn, Miteenln and Capitol aveaue. - The Railroads aad the Public. The campaign entered upon by the railroads v 1th the purpose of educating the public mind to a point where an Increase In rates will be ac cepted as a matter of course, is being vigorously pursued. Magnates of fifteen railroads recently sgreed together in Chicago that their executive officers go before the governor first, and then sfter approaching the people through hlra, ap pear before the legislature of Illinois to argue the railroads' side of the rate question. In com menting on this, the Rallwsy Age Gstette ssys: By following- thla procedure the railway manaae merle are anowlns rood aenae. Regulation haa hern unfair to the rallwajn In the pat becauae the publlr haa been m lain formed, and. belns mlalnformed, has been prejudiced. Th public will slva the railways a square deal If they will slve It a chance. That It has not Riven them a square deal In the paat has been largely due to tha fart that the railways have not made enough efforts to set the facts regarding their bualneaa before It. If the railroads had always pursued the policy which Is now being adopted, and had treated the public with the frankness that has finally been forced upon them, there Is no doubt they would have been met with equal frankness and fair treatment. In the past the railroads have pursued a policy exactly the opposite. From the highest to the lowest, officials have treated the public, If not as an enemy, at least as one not safely to be trusted. Railroads, with allied corporations, have controlled politics from Washington down to the smallest station along their lines, always in the interest of the rail roads, until the revulsion against this interfer ence hss amounted to actual hostility toward the companies. People have found it almost impos sible to dissociate the railroad as a common csr rler and public servant from the railroad as an intermeddles In local political affairs, and the resentment that comes from this condition has teen exemplified In restrictive legislation, against which the railroads now complain. If any blame Is to be attached because of the situation in which the railroads are placed, it must go to tha men who adopted the policy which is now apparently being abandoned. "Economic: Pressure." The Impending desperate nature of naval warfare promised oa the seas surrounding the United Kingdom readily lends strength to the current Impression that Great Britain's policy of "economic pressure" Is already seriously felt In Germany. There is no available evidence to sustain the Impression. The action of the Ger man government in taking over control and dis tribution of the food supplies of the empire does not necessarily imply present scarcity. It Is more In the nature of a precaution against the eventu alities of war by conserving essential resources and preventing waste, A neutral traveler of wide and varied ex perience, whose credibility is vouched for by the London Times, prints In that paper the -result of recent observations In Germany. The writer discredits reports of distress which have been published In Dutch and Danish newspapers, and affirms that in a three weeks' tour of the empire he found no evidence of food distress or even visible scarcity of the necessaries of life. But economic pressure as a factor In war must be reckoned with. It Is already an indirect source of distress In all the nations Involved, and is certain to increase as the struggle pro ceeds. Germany restricts the pressure at pres. ent by regulating prices as well as consumption. In Great Britain the pressure Is felt In the en hanced cost of necessaries, averaging IS pel cent Increase In meats, eggs, coal, fish and sugar. Should Germany make ita naval blockade ef fective, the British policy of economic pressure msy prove a boomerang. For a Publio Defender. While the house at Lincoln has Indefinitely postponed a bill providing for the creation of the office of public defender, the senate has re commended for passage a similar measure. The necessity for such an office has long been ap parent, especially In the larger cities. It is needed both as a measure of economy and a measure of Justice. In Douglas county a large urn would be annually saved that is now ex pended In fees to attorneys appointed by the court to look after the Interests of Indigent clients. This amount would mora than cover the expense of maintaining the publte defender and his etaff. Ia serving the ends of justice. the publio defender would be much better eitu ated for looking after the true Interests of bis client than would the casual defender appointed by the court on the day of arraignment. A pub lic defender would be of service In providing legal advice aad assistance for poor people who otherwise suffer for lack of information as to their legal rights. Other obvious reasons may be cited for the need of a publie defender. The legislature will do well to eertouely consider the points la favor of this bill before finally acting on it 0a a Joyous Mission. The democrats at Washington have set them selves a task that must give them the maximum of Joy. They are to spend money at the rate of $60,000,000 a day for, eleven days. It Is the public money, and thla will make It all the easier for them. This stupendous task Is part of tha price that will be paid for the time wasted In the ineffectual effort to force through congress a shipping measure that even members of the president's own party could not. support. Ia this connection it will be well to keep in mind thst the enormous appropriations are to be made In face of a steadily diminishing In come. Also, that this Is the second time thts administration haa been called upon to pass the general appropriation bills, and that each has shown a total In excess of the last of the great appropriations passed by a republican congress. The economy promised during the campaign has gone to Join other Issues then brought up and since forgotten or only repudiated. The demo cratic donkey doesn't often get Into the clover, and when It does. It likes to enjoy Itself, hut a Juyrlde of fSO.,000,000 a day is going' some, even for a democrat. Uncle Joe Cannon was not oa hand when the democratic majority Jammed through (he house of representatives the amended ship purchase bill. Danville decreed his return to the next congress, doubtless that he might see with his own eyes how mild and childlike a dictator he was In contrast with deotoraUc methods.- Washington and Weeras ears- Debet Lodfe's BHrraPkr Washington. Many are the myths, and deplorably few the facta, that have come down to ua In regard to Washington's boyhood. For the former we are Indebted to the lllue trlous Weems. and to that personage a few more words muat be devoted. Weema haa been held up to the preaent age In varloivs ways, usually. It muat be ronfeeaed, of an unflattering nature, and "menda-cloua-' la the adjective most commonly applied to him. My profeaalnn a clergyman or preacher, by nature an adventurer. Wreme loved notoriety, numey and a wandering life. So he wrote books which he correctly believed would be popular, and sold them not only through the regular diannela, but by peddling them hlmaelf aa he traveled about the country, Chance brought him near Waahlngton In the cloalng days, and his commercial Inatlnct told him that here was the subject of alt others for his pen and hie market. He accordingly produced the biography which had so much aucreaa. Judged solely ae literature, the hook In beneath contempt. The latj-le Is turgid, overloaded, and at times Mlly. The atatements are loose, the mode of narration confuted and Incoherent, and the moral ising Is flat and commonplace to the last degree. Tet there wss s certain sincerity of feeling underneath all the hombaat and platltudea, and thla saved the book. The biography did not go. and was not Intended to go. Into the hands of the polite 'society of the great eaatern towna. It waa meant for the farmers, the pioneers and the backwoodamen of the country. To them Its heavy and tawdry style, its staring morula, and Its real patriotism all seemed eminently befitting the national hero, and Ihus Weems created the Wash In ton of tha popular fancy. The idea grew up with the country and became so Ingrained with the popular thought that finally everybody waa affected by It. and even the moat stately and solemn of the Wash ington biographers adopted the uaaupported tales of the Itinerant parson and book peddler. Weems was not a cold-blooded liar,' a mere forger of anecdotes. lie was atmply a man destitute of his torical sense, training, or morala, ready to take tho elendereat fact and work It up for the purposes of the market. Weems, of course, had no difficulty with the publio life, but In describing the boyhood he ws thrown on his own reaources, and out of them he evolved the cherry tree, the refusal to fight or permit fighting among the boya at school, and the Initials In the garden. This last story Is to the effect that Augustine Washington planted seeds In such manner that when they sprouted they formed oa the earth tho initials of the boy's name, and the boy being much delighted thereby, the father explained to him that It was the work of the Creator, and thus Inculcated a profound belief In God. This tale )s taken bodily from Dr. Beattle's biographical sketch of his son, published In England in 1799, and may be dismissed at once. . As to the other two more familiar anecdotea there Is not a scintilla of evidence that they had any foundation, and with them may be Included the Colt story, told by Mr. Custls, a simple variation of the cherry tree theme, which Is Washington's early love of truth. How Mr. Custls, usually so accurate, came to be to far Infeoted with the Weems myth as to tell the colt story after the Weems manner, cannot now be deter mined. There can be no doubt that Washington, like most healthy boys, got Into a good deal of mischief, and It Is not at alt Impossible that he Injured fruit trees and confessed that he had done so. It may be accepted as certain that ho rode and mastered many unbroken thoroughbred colts, and It Is potalble that one of them buret a alood-veeset In tho proceas and died, and that the boy promptly told his mother of the accident. But this Is the utmoat credit which these two anecdotes can olalm. Even so much as this can not be said of certain other improving tales of like nature. That Waahlngton lectured his playmates on the wickedness of fighting, and In the year 1764 allowed hlmaelf to be knocked down In the preaenee of his soldiers, and thereupon begged his assailant's pardon for having spoken roughly to him, are stories so silly and so foolishly Impossible that they do not deserve an Instant's consideration. There Is nothing intrinsically Impossible In either the cherry tree or the colt incident, nor would there bo In a hundred others which might os readily in vented. The real point la that these stories, as told by Weems and Mr. Oustle, are on their face hopelessly and rldiouloualy false. So much aa this hss been said only because these wretched fables have gone throughout the world, and It Is time that they were swept away Into the dust heaps of history. They represent Mr. and Uh w..k Ington aa affected and priggish people, given to cheap moraiuins; ana, wnei is -worse, they htve served to place Washington himself In a rltinuinn nrh - . ago which has outgrown the educational foibles t aevemyuvo jreara ago. waahlngton, to whom the greatest wrong baa been done, not only never did anything common nor mean, but from tho beginning to the end of his life he wss never for an instant ridicu lous or af fee tad, and he was as utterly removed from canting and prlgglahneaa aa any human being could well be. Let us therefore consign the Weems stories and their offspring to the Umbo of historical rubbish. Twice Told Tales 7mn Prejediee. Down in one of the southern states a colored man was baled Into court on a charge ef stealing chickens, and In defending hlra his attorney challenged several of the Jurors oa the ground that they mlghrbe pretu dload. "Are there any more ef the Jurors you wish to be challenged?" finally whispered the lawyer, loaning toward his client "No. sah," returned tho client, negatively shaking his- head, "but I t'lnks yo" bad bettah challenge dat Jedge." "The judge!" exclaimed the amaaed lawyer. "What do you mean?" "It am dls way. boss," explained the client. "I hgb been up befo' dat Jedse seberal time an' I'se a (ears dat he may be a lea lie prejudiced acta me." Itilladelphla Telegraph. A Cowardly Pewl. Mrs. Jones bought a chicken at the family butcher shop and after embellishing It with bread erumba, celery, cranberry sauce and other glad things, she proudly set It before the bead of the family. "What Is tha matter, John?" asked tha young wife, with aa anxious look ss hubby laboriously carved tho bird and began to apply It to his appetite. "Isn't tho chicken all right?" "Why, yes; I guess he Is all right, dear," was the hesitating reaponae of father. "But I fear be waa a very great coward." ' "A great coward!" returned the perplexed wife, "What do you mean?" "Don't they aay, Mary," arnllingly rejoined the old man, "that the braveat are always the tendtraet?" Philadelphia Telegraph. , Strategy, Mrs. Bright and her little nephew, Kenneth, were vtaltlng some relatives in the country aad one morning were croeaing a pasture lot together. When they were about half-way acroaa Mrs. Bright ssw two oxen, snd paused doubtfully. "I really don't know whether It is aafa for ua to go so near those oxen, Kenneth." she said, stopping. "Oh. don't be afraid of the oxen, auntie," said Ken neth, aa ha tightened hla hold on her head enoourag Ingly. "They won't hurt us. The first time I canto out bare I was afraid of them. I didn't dare to gu back of them, and I didn't dare to go In front of them. But I thought of a fine way at last, auntie; I juat got down and crawled under them." Harper's Mage-sine. Meeeeaartly Slew. A California youngster bad been permuted to visit a boy friend on tho strict condition that be was to leave there at S o'clock. He did not arrive borne till T and bla mother was very angry. Toe youngster In sisted, however, that he bad obeyed her orders and had not lingered unneceeaarlly oa the way. "Do you expect me to beUave." said hla soother, "that It took you two hours to walk a quarter of a mile?'' 8he reached for the whip. "Now. air, will you tell me the truth?" , "Ve-ee, mamma, " sobbed the boy. "Charlie Wllsoa gave nie a mud turtle aad I was afraid to carry It so I led it home." Boston Traaacrlpt Cat Meat's Hlatory. CUT MEAT. ft. r.. Feb. 14.-To the Bdltor of The Ilee: In your paper of February 5. I noticed a letter about Cut Meat. Tour friend. Mr. Bowlea, seems to take exceptions to the name of our little town of Cut Meat. We have always been very proud of the euphonlus deep meaning name and moat grateful that we are not afflicted with such a name as Scabby Creek or lie Dog's Camp, which ramps lie on either side of our camp. And there are many other names much more objectionable than these. Tou know our names are not like white people's names and there Is something In them a meaning. Each name haa s meaning all Its own. Tour names do not aeem to mean anything. To ua, there Is a great meaning In the name of Cut Meat. Years ago, a large band nf Indians camped on this creek for a few daya to cut and dry their meat. Always afterwards they re ferred to the place as the place where they cut their meat. Hence tha name. Cut Meat. It was In the old days when there was bvffalo meat. It Is an old historic place and we are all proud of the name Cut Meat. FANNT HOLT MEDICINE. "Maale Teaekera' Trait." OMAHA, Feb. l.-To the Editor of The Bee: There Is a bill before the Nebraska senate that Is undoubtedly Intended to create a "music teachers' trust." Tho professed Intention Is to establish a standardisation of the musio teaching profession. The bill requires all teachers of muelc to conform to certain standards and to take an examination before a state board except where they are grad uates of a three-year normal college. Thus all private muelo teachers of pri vate scholars, ss also all music teachers of private and church schools would be under the supervision of a state board. Pome years sgo a simitar bill was in troduced into the Iowa legislature. It soon developed thst the bill -was backed by a combination of music teachers who had axes to grind, and the bill was promptly turned down. A few years prior to that, the Illinois legislature passed a bill requiring all teachers of private scholars and private and church schools to be under the control and be examined by state boarda. The people so rose up against thst Infraction of their constitu tional rights that at the next election they overwhelmed the political party that was responsible for the passing of that bill. After the election the Chicago Trib une, In a lengthy editorial, showed that the party owed Its disastrous defeat to listening to the combination of teachers who wanted to control all kinds of edu cation. Such a bill as the one before the Ne braska legislature la a dlatinct invasion of private, constitutional rights. The state may have' the right to examine muale teachers tor state and - public schools,, for these schools are under state and publio control. The state may de mand sufficient education for children to prevent danger to the public from Ignor ance, it also requires licenses from phy siclsns and surgeons, becauae health and life are at stake. It requires licenses for englneern because life and property are at stake.- But publio safety does not de mand . that children have good music teachers or that they have any at all. Parents have to pay for tho teaching, so that the state bss nothing to do with tt. As there are rood and bad music teach ers, so there are good and poor laborers, good and poor mechanics and good snd poor clerks: but the state, does not require that any - of these appear before a board for examination. It Is wholly left to the employer and the employed. Political heads will drop Into the basket of public opinion hers In Nebrsska as they did la Illinois If this bill U paaaed. - Those be hind the bill evidently want positions for favorites who have failed as musical per formers and ar trying to hide this de ficiency behind their modernised methods and books of self-made rules, for which thty hope to secure profitable sales when a stste board composed of their number does the examining, thus forcing those who are their betters to conform to their Ideas and standards in so-called mualn. Lit will literally produce a truat control or mualo teaching. The bill ahould bs exposed and squelched st once. 8. Seat Osaah aad Annexation. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. H.-To the Ed itor of Tha Bee: I see there is a great bowl being put up by the mayor, city attorney and a few of the city council that If we were annxed to Omaha we would not get aay Improvements tn this end of the city, especially la the south end of Sooth Omaha. Now I want to say that If we never did get anything, we would get as much ss we are getting or have got In the last few years. Ws bavs not got a crosswalk, on one crossing out of forty, and that is not making It too high. Of course we do not need any crosswalks unless they lead, to a saloon, for some or the offi cial4 elected from the south end would never have any use for them anyway. Now I think that 0 per cent of the people living south of N street and 7S per sent of all the people la the entire city would vote for annexation If it 'were left to a vote. I have lived In South Omaha twenty five years, and will say that the city today Is getting less Improvements than it over had and spending twice tbs amount of money, taxes higher, more sinecure officeholders that do sot kven earn a dollar a month who are draw ing large salaries for doing nothing. We have a park superintendent who draws tie per month who has not sees) a park since last August, and I am In doubt If ho knows that there are any more parka ta the city eutalde of Syn dicate aad Highland A plumbing- Inspector who draws 1100 per month who bss "not turned in SaO for fees since his appointment. Aa i ne pec tor of weights sad measures st ttt who Inspects schooners mostly, ' Wo have officials who draw ,M per month and attend law school every day In the year. Bvery other man on the fire department la a captain. Same con dition exists oa tho police department. A street eoratniaeiener and a street fore man to oversee four laborers sweep the aUweta la front of tha city hoU. A ao lioewentaa whose duties are to go to tho picture shows aad to attend dsnoas. Two sanitary Inspectors, one whoa of fice la Tweaty-eixth aad O streets. So I think If we were annexed we would at least get service for the money that Is being- glvea away to pay polit ical debts, and the taxpayers made to suffer, and the members of the lesiala ture should do Just as the Ban ale did and paas the annexatioa bill with the emergency clause attached. I. W, W. Editorial Siftings Indianapolis News: Inasmuch ss we tnay have serious occasion to uao our flan ourselves some time, we dor.'t wont peo ple to get any mistaken notion as to Just what It means. Hence our protest. Loulavllle Courier-Journal: An Italian profeeaor In an American educational in stitution says there will be no more European emigration to America after the war because labor will be scarce and high tn Europe. Pause, profeasor, and connlrler the fact that It takea capital to make a labor market. Faltlmoie American: The attorney general of New Tork la to make an in quiry Into the rise of the price of wheat There should be full and plenty tn thts country and that we should be required to pay a war tax to apeculatora la some thing which the public hss a right to look Into. Buffalo Exprees: Between the bellig erents who uae their flags and those who suspect such uae, the neutral nations aro somewhst in the position of being between the devil and the deep aea,- with danger of attack from either, without fault of their own. In other worda, the uaual fate of the Innocent byatander In the fight. Chicago Tribune: This la the nation which offers aaytum from political In Juatlce. which offers Its plenty for the relief of distress. Wherever there In a disaster the American hand is reached out to the survivors. This is the only na tion which ever undercook to feed a starving nation and to s.'-.iport It "See America first" In the real sense. See It flmt and hold it first. Philadelphia Record: The confidence of the government officials that they csn teach bueinese to merchants and manu facturers and bankers is delicious. The great merit of a government fleet Is alleged to be that It would show American capitalists how to make the shipping bualness pay; It Is claimed that It pays from JO to GO per cent but the timid American capitalist will not go into it until three public officials show him. A etate department official comes back from South America convinced that what Is needoj Is to educate the bankers. It Is lovely to think of the bureau chiefs in Washington who are willing to explaist to bankers and ship owners snd merchants how they csn make money. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. First Young Thins Don't you Juat dots on Shakespeare? recond 1 ltto I adore him. Our club gave his "School for Hcanclel" laat month and It waa perfectly lovely. Boaton Transcript. "There sre sermons In stonea." "Poaalblv," replied Mlaa Cayenne, "that arrnunta .'for the fact that aome of the aermona Intended to reform big cities re mind you of a msn throwing rocks." Washington Star. "Toung Mrs. Mlllyuns certainly did prove a devoted nurae to her husband In hia critical llneas. She must lovs hlra, after all." "Love him. rot! She knows she looks fierce In black." Baltimore American. Doctor What you need is a period of complete mental rest. Patient Hut. doctor. I've been In Waah lngton for the laet two weeks sitting In the a-allery of the house listening to the debates. Life. Mrs. Bllton Thst Mrs. Jinks la always very well drpased. while her huaband al ways looks shabby. Bllton Well, ahe dreaaes according to fashion, and he according to hia means Judge. "Jones la making money fast these days. How doea he do It?" ' "The time he uaed to put In kicking about being poor he's now putting in working to Ret rich." Indianapolla Star. Jones What's the oh Joy silver mine stock selllnn for now? Broker We Just sold the lsst W rolls of it for wall paper. Philadelphia Bulle tin . FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, i ;r William Cullcn Bryant. Pale is the February sky. And brief the mlddav sunny hours; The wind-swept foreat seems to slrh For the sweet time of love and flowers. Yet hss no month a prouder dsy. Not even when the summer broods O'er meadows In their freah array. Or autumn tints the glowing woods. For this chill season now sgaln Brings, In its annual round, the morn When, greatest of the sona of men. Our glorious Washington was born. ixi. where, beneath an icy ahteld. Calmly the mlarhty Hudaon flows! By snow-clad fell and frozen field. Broadening, the lordly river goes. The wildest storm that sweeps thro' spaoe And renda the oak with sudden force. Can raise no ripple on his face. Or slacken his majestic course. Thus, 'mid the wreck of thrones, shall live. Unmarred, undlmmed, our hero's fame, nd years succeeding years shall give increase of honors to his name. JjOW gas VId B- 1 1 TTi itt J ssfl JTT ij W Enjoy the Southland's balmy climate during this coming , 'winter beautiful beaches, groves of palm trees and everything that makes fog a summer in winter in'fhe aemi-tropics. ' ' TickeU on t&lo daily to April 30th with return Limit of June lei, 1915 ' Only $50.68 for the round trip to Jacksonville, Fit., $87.18 to Havana, Cuba, with corresponding reductions to other points In the South and Southeast. Liberal Stopover Privilege Connecting service via Rock Island Line Automatic Block Signah Finett Modern All-Steel Equipment Absolute Safety j Superb Dining Car Service Writs, phone r call at Rock Island Travel Bureau, U2S Farnara Street, for tickets, reservations, iaforsas- tion. J. S. MeNALLY, Divtasssi Pseefa AsjecA Pkoae DossjUs 418 TitpiTf You can have your choice of either a Boy's or GirFs Wheel it is a famous WORLD MOTOR BIKE It has a 20-inch Frame with Coaster Brake. Motor : Bike Handle Bars, Eagle Diamond Saddle, Motor Bike Pedals, Motor Bike Grip, Luggage Carrier Holder, Folding Stand, Front and Rear Wheel Guards, Truss Frame and Front Fork. 1 Spring will goon be here and some little boy or girl will be riding this wheel. Are you the lucky one? Tou have until March 0th to try for 1C This picture of the bicycle will be la The Bee every day. Cut tliem all out and ask your friends to save the) pic tures in their paper for you, too. Bee how' many pictures you can get and bring them to The Boa office, Saturday, March 6th. The bicycle will be given Free to the boy or girl that eead us the moat pictures be- fore 4 p. m., Saturday, March Oth. Subscribers can help the children in tte contest by asking for picture certifi cates when they pay their subscription. "We give a cer tificate good for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. Payments should be made to our authorized carrier or agent, or sent direct to us by mail.