Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Try to Get Together on Some
of the Pledget Made Last
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 21. 'Special.) Demo
crats of the house have found It advisable
to call ft caucus to get together on some
of the platform pledge made the. people
last fall. One of these la the bill to elect
supreme court judged by districts.
There la much opposition to the bill
nnd It may take a lot of r.mendlng before
It meets with the approval of the mem
ber. The Lantgan hill, which IK the on
nndcr controversk. divide the atate Into
.nine districts. This, In the minds of some
of the members; Is too radical a change,
and thrv want, to leave the membership
on the bench as it Is with seven Judges
and then elect the six associates from
each of the six congressional districts,
with the chief Justice elected by the en
tire state. This may meet the approval
of the majority, provided that Lantgan
Is willing to accept the amendment
The Main Thin DImims.
This will be the main thing which wi'l
be taken up by the caucus, although other
things will be discussed, among them the
appropriation bills, which, It la aeported.
w ill be ready some time during the week.
It Is understood that the finance, ways
and means committee Is not yet clear as
to Just how much the departments will
he cut. It Is said that It Is not pleased
with the system of charging up expenses
In the case of examiners of the different
departments. One member of the com
mitttce, so It Is said, favors a plan to
discover Just how much the average ex
aminer needs for his work and. then pay
him a salary sufficient to cover thosfl
needs, and then It is up to him to spend
what he likes.
Make Many Trips.
It Is hsM that some examiners have
been In the habit of making examina
tions in some town a short distance out
In the state, and. instead of staying there
until the examinations are complete, run
Into Lincoln every night, and the state
pays the expense. One round trip Is 'all
the committee thinks an examiner Is en
titled to and if a plan can be arranged it
Is probable that something will be fixed
up which will prevent an examiner from
spending his whole appropriation Just be
i mine he Is afraid that if he does not he
won't get the same amount for the next
ft care Into Departments.
The scare that was put Into the state
liouso departments that clerks would be
cut out promiscuously has to some extent
died out, although there la enough uncer
tainty hanging about -to keep the cold
shivers traveling , up and down the
spinal column whenever the matter is
brought up.
Another matter which may be discussed
Is the difficulty which the university
committee Is having over the Investiga
tion of ' the methods used In spending
money appropriated by the etat?. How
ever, the war clouds have begun to disap
pear since the battle of last Thursday,
una, as the regents have decided to make
nn Itemized statement of their needs, di
viding up the departments about the way
Chairman Taylor contended, there may be
no more" controveray over the matter.
It is understood that tha caucus may
be called some time Monday and an
tigrcement a to future action on legisla
tion taken.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 21. (Special. )-Col-lection
agencies will be compelled to take
out a license to do business if a bill In
troduced by Representative Jerry Howard
of Douglas county, known as H. R. 666
Is passed and becomes a law.
The bill requires a license fee of $25,
w hich shall be paid Into the county treas
ury of the county In which- the agency Is
situated and requiring a bond of $1,000.
The law will not apply to attorneys In
the regular practice of their profession
where the collection of claims is a part.
A failure to comply with the law makes
the offender subject to a fine of not more
than $100.
WEEPING WATER,' Neb., Feb, 21.
(Special.) Herman Dall of near tyanley
has Just received the news of the death
of two of his brothers who were German
soldiers and were, killed In battle. The
two deaths came under peculiar clrcum
" stances. The brothers were killed both
on the same day many miles apart.- One
was an officer on a torpedo boat and the
other w as serving In the infantry. The
one who was killed in the naval battle
bad just been home on a furlough ami
was back In the service only three days
when the fatal battle occurred.
.evrs Xotes from Fairbnry.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. Feb. 21 (Special.)
During the last week Judge L. J. Nuts
man Issued marriage licences to tha fol
lowing parties: Carl H. Bauer and
Kmma Huss. Behrend Albers and Freida
Lohr. F. II. Stafford and Renaldo D.
Fanders, Itoy Rolfs and Gertrude Krcbs,
Jacob M. Wooster and Veda WlUey.
F. D. Bradley, agent for the Rock
Island, received $30,000 in pay checks from
the Rock Island and distributed them
among tha Kock Island employes here
Friday. - ...
The Jefferson county Poultry associa
tion has elected the following officers for
this year: W. M. Hare, president; C. M.
Jlurlburt. secretary treasurer. Board of
managera: a. B. Clary, F. E. Richard
eon. Chester Bonsall and John etllwell.
atra from, TrrsuM-k,
TECCMSEIl, Neb., Feb. 21.-Special.)-The
Tecumseh school board haa employed
Prof. V. L. Strickland aa superintendent
of schools for the coming year. This
will be Prof. Strickland's fifth year.
Elghty-our automobile owners to John-
on county have failed to pay their
licenses tor the last year and County
Treasurer Robert J. Nlbbe is notifying
them to call and pay up. .
Dies ( srle fever.
8TELLA. Neb.. Feb. . (Special.) Ths
-year-old daughter of Mr. and . Mr.
Charles Thompson residing northeast of
Stella, die last evening ef scarlet fever.
he was in school at tha Rosettcld dis
trict on Monday.'
Read Tb Bes's "Business Chances"
ao4 get Into your business.
Hearing This Week
On Omaha Bills
( From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 21.-(Speclal. -The two
legislative measures of Interest to Omaha
and Douglas county Just at this time,
both of which happen to be senate files
and both 'having passed that body, are
the Howell annexation bill No. 2 and
the Saunders water board electric light
Both passed the senate by substantial
majorities and will probably come up In
the house very soon. The annexntlon bill
will have another hearing before the aVe
and towns committee, probably this week
before It goes to the mat. It looks as
If It might be able to w in Just now. The
Paunders bUI Is laying dormant In the
hands of the committee and no action
will be taken probably until the Water
board Iwss can leave his arduous duties
In Omaha and come down and direct lis
course through the house. In the mean
time Representative Bob Druei.edow Is
doing valient Service sitting on the lid.
Plan for All-Nations
Reception to Be
Held Monday Night
A Washington birthday reception Is to
be held at t o'clock Monday evening at
the Young Men's Christian association
rooms for members' of the citizenship
clauses and their frlrnds. It Is not a
reception for Americans, that Is. not for!
born Americans, but rather for foreign
born people of all nations. Short talka
on "Cltlxenshlp" are to be delivered by
Secretary Dennlson of the Young Men's
Christian association and others.
A reception committee has been made up
of representative men of eleven nations.
The rooms are to be decorated wifh flags
of all nations, with the American flag
most prominent of all. A large silk flag
Is to be given as a prfxe to the menwhoee
nation haa the largest representation at
the gathering.
On the program Is a flag drill by the
boys of Alapon school, music by the Young
Men's Christian association band and an
Illustrated lecture on "Tht Life of Wash
ington" by Edward Fitch.
Following Is the reception committee
by nations:
Italian Bamua! Mancuso, Louis F. Fa
danelll and -Bennle Ranieri.
German Val Peter and Joseph Weis,
Swedish Nelson T. Thorson, N. P.
Swanson and Richard O. Berg.
Bohemian John Roslcky, Frank Holub,
Vac Buresh, Joseph L Padrnos and J. E.
Bed nar.
8yrlan-S. P. Farhnt and Ellas Gager.
Greek William Macheras and Jim
Polish L. J. Kullwlk and Tom Koxiol.
Lithuanian Albln Drgekonskl.
Hungarian Andy Kovalln and Mike
Danish Chris Kragh and Soph us Neble.
Belgian Dr. E. L. De Lanney and Oc
tave Loncke. -""
Claiborne Talks
To the Credit Men
The monthly meeting of the Retail
Credit Men's association was held Friday
evening at the Home hotel with a large
attendance. Justice of the Peace. Clai
borne spoke on "Costa and Methods of
Collection." - Considerable" Interest was
displayed in connection with Claiborne's
explanation of house roll No. 3jS. upon
which the association took action to the
effect of attempting to have .this bill
There was a paper by Ernest Buffett of
Buffctt & Sons on "General Credit Ex
perience." The meeting was In charge of.,E. E.
Wise- of the Wllke & Mitchell company,
and will be followed by the regular
monthly meeting March 19, when A. L.
Havens of the Haven Coal company will
be chairman.
students of Pacific school presented the
following Washington's birthday pro
gram: Salute to the Flag, school.
Song America, school. '
I Love the Name of Washington,
First A. , ' .
Marching song. Kindergarten.
"Hats Off. the Flag is Passing By,
First B. .
A IJneoln song, Second B.
A salute to the Flag, second A.
February Twenty-second, Helen Phil-
Ml'' .... nu.t -ninrtmi.
.Song Ulir UIIirjr uisi
Eighth grade.
"My Captain," Rose Segal.
Song-Our Flag, Fifth A and B.
Minuet jari suwiu. "y"' B .
George Armour, Alfred Ranerie, Lather
-. i Tn 1. 1 1 o a nil
VOeue, Ir Ll,-i I crai,
Ruth Saslfeldt.
Llnooln's Speech at Gettysburg, Louis
Bablor. . ,. .
"I WOUl j eH OI HIMIlURlwn,
Bablor, Jake Wine. William Singer. Vin
cent Rotolo and Tony Montalbano.
' Mount Vernon Bells," teachers quar
Rev. Finis Idleman of Des Moines, Ta..
wilt speak at a Sunday "booster" meet
ing at the First Christian church. Twenty-sixth
and Harney eta., Tuesday even
ing, Feb. 23d. at 8:00.v Mr.- Idleman
is one of Pes Moines' most popular pas
tors and Is an orator of ability. .He Is
pastor of the Central Church of Christ
and received Into hta church more con
verts from the recent Billy Sunday meet
ing than any other pastor. He has been
heard In Omaha before to the delight of
many. He i being brought here br the
Greater Omaha Christian Mission.
Wfcen Frank Bandle went out of offtt-e
at register of deeds on January 1. IMS, he
completed his second term of office with
a record to be proud of. A summary Just
completed shows that during his second
term he collected fees to the amount of
IM.4H. and the expensees of the office
were Sfi4.HH.S0. leaving a net amount to
be turned over to the county of $33,518.).
The number of Instruments recorded dur
ing this time was 7,6.
Kstt Mrs. Hsrre Got RI4 ( lies
Itoaaac Troabl.
"I suffered with stomach trouble for
yeara and tried everything I heard of,
but the only relief I got was temporary
until last spring I saw Chamberlain's
Tablets advertised and procured a tottle
ef them at eur drug store. I get Imme
diate relief from that dreadful heaviness
after eating and from pais in the stom
ach." writes Mra Linda Harrod, Fort
Wayne, Ind. Obtainable everywhere.
Advertisement. .
Little Anna Leaf to Get Her
Chance to Develop Talent
Here Is little Anna l.eaf. 11-year-old
daught.-r of Mrs. ('. It. Leaf, who has
been charming a'idlcnces of the musical
elite of Omaha for the last several Sun
days at the studio of her Instructor, Slg
mund Landshet-g. Airangcmenta are be
ing made for Anna to give a piano recital
for the April meeting of the Tuesday
Morning- Musical dub, since she was "dis
covered" loo late for arrangements to be
consummated for the March meeting,
which will be held at the new Fontenelle
A number of prominent Omahans have
evinced det-Hed Intrtest In Anna's .career.
Frank 8. Cow gill, president of the Omaha
Grain exchange and a liberal nation of
the arts, Is especially interested In the
child, as is Mrs. Cowgl.l. Mr. Cowglll,
who Is an amateur violinist of no mean
abl.ltly. Is of the opinion Anna should
devote herself to this Instrument as well.
"The violin hns so much more soul." he
said. He bases his assumption of Anna's
success on the fsct that she can. with
her back turned to the piano, name any
note that is struck on the Instrument, so
true is her sense of tor,e.
Mr. Cowglll contemplates a brilliant fu
ture for this child wonder. "With her
ability and temperament, there Is no
reason why she cannot become a second
Fannie Bloomfield-Zelsler." he exclaimed
enthusiastically. His Interest In Annas
ability was first aroused when he heard
her play by chance one morning when he
dropped In to call at the studio. He be
came ro enthused that he arranged for
an opportunity fof Mrs. Cowglll to hear
the child play. Mrs. Cowglll In turn be
came so enraptured of the child's playing
that a further recital, it which a goodly
number of Omaha's musical coterie were
represented, Was arranged.
Events in Omaha
Of Social Nature
The Daffy tIU Luncheon club met at
the home f Mrs. Neal Haie Thursday
afternoon. A three-courso lunch was
served, the table being beautifully deco
rated representing; George Washington's
birthday. Mrs. Floyd Miller was the
honored member. She received many
beautiful presents. The guests were Mrs.
W. P. Barrett of Council Bluffs. Mrs.
B. 11. Miller and Mrs. U. R. Hasty.
Two new membe, s were taken in, Mra.
W. M. Clark and Mrs. V. R. Hasty.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Ed Jeffers In two weeks.
Those present were:
Mosdames Mesdsmes
C V. Fletcher. I. N. Hammond,
C T. Walker. Kd Jeffers.
P. M. Cochran, C. M. Cochran,
Bert Alexander, W. 8. I.ovec.
I lovd Miller. S. M. Kent.
Neal Haf.e, Arthur Hanson.
Victor Johnson,
Mr. Harry Rothholx entertained at a
dinner at the Loyal Hotel and Orpheum
theater party In honor of his sister's
guest. Miss Fsther Rosenthal of Ban
Francisco. Those present were:
Misses .t , Misses- (
Esther Rosenthal, Roso Rubin,
San Franclhco, Bessie Ornetx,
Rose Rordy, Mollie Klein,
Columbus. Sadie Greenberg,
Bertha Kavlch, Ada Rayner.
Clai'ks Nell Rothholx,
Pauline Frye, Ftella Rothholr.
lska Bloch. Mr. Harry Rothhols.
Minnie Romoneck.
Dick Bruun Out
With Two New Songs
T)lrk Bruun. ta out with two new songs,
words and music by himself. Ha has
tnsde considerable of a hit In the var
ious cabaret entertainments In Omaha In
the last few years and for the last six
months haa been on the road in vaude
ville. TWirn. Walts For Me In Norway by
the Sea," is a song that Is attracting
attention on the Orpheum circuit, wnere
ii- i. twins- featured by Miss Doris Wil
son. The other new song Mr. Bruun haa
Just published is "In the Smoke oi aiy
am Calabash. " This la a tale of a pipe
and the dreams It brings to It owner.
This makes a wholesome little collec
tion os songs Mr. Bruuu has written and
published and his admonition in tne
slogan. "Croon A Bruun Song," Is be
ing heeded by Omaha people. It is said.
Portray Events in
Life of Washington
Five hundred patrons of Castellar school
Friday evening witnessed the presentation
of exercises in honor of George Washing
ton, by forty-five boys and girls at the
school. Alvln Havell represented Wash
ington as a youth, and twenty pupils Im
personated the neighbors of his early life.
After the playlet, the girls danced a
minuet. The young people appeared In
appropriate costumes. Miss Jennie U
Redfleld, principal, wrote the play.
Wilfred Ward, editor of tho Dublin Re
view, London, will lecture at the Crelgh
ton university auditorium Thursday, Feb
ruary , on "Tennyson."
Mr. Ward Is an author, lecturer and
editor. He is the founder of the English
Synthetic society, that numbers among
Mr membera such men as Balfour, Sir
Alfred Lydalt. Baron von Hugel, Lord
Cecil. Prof. Sidgwlek, James Bryce, the
recent British ambassador at Washing
ton, etc. He W'as an Intimate friend of
Tennyson, ' and, it is aald, cornea of a
noted family, his father being William
Oeorge Ward of the Oxford movement,
to whom Tennyson addressed an ode.
The occasion of his visit to America was
an engagement to deliver a number of
lecturea at Harvard and Yale universities
Thirty members of the Hungry club, a
group of young men organised for fun
and food, held one of their monthly ban
quets In the Henshaw rathskeller Satur
day night. Their president, F. II. Han
sen, was toastmaster, and Paul Bauer,
advance man for the Star and Oarter
show at the Gayety this week, was the
special guest of honor. It waa decided
to help a poor widow dispose of a valu
able and exceptionally fine ptees of hand
drawn work.
4 ss shed for Tkrvs Tears.
A grateful sufferer writes, "Your medi
cine. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured
my rough of three years' standing." Wc.
AU drugsiati. Advertisement.
ss ,.7r
Anna. Leaf
The child's muslolanlv rendition of a
Moisrt concerto, beside selections from
Moskowskl and Bach,, made a vivid Im
pression on the music lovers who were
present, all of whom predict a brilliant fu
ture for her.
Brandeis Stores
Buy the Stryker
Stock of Shoes
The insurance companies have adjusted
losses on the stock of shoes of the Stryker
Shoe company,' which was damaged by
water in the recent fire In the Board of
Trade building. Tlila store was located
on the lower floor of the building and
the stock was not reached by the fire or
smoke, but was simply slightly wet by
tho water which came down from the
floors above.
After the adjustment was made George
Brandeis, general manager of the Bran
deis stores, made an offer for the entire
stock of JiVOOO worth of shoes, which
was accepted. The new spring atock of
this firm had Just been received and was
nearly all in the original boxes, so that
the majority was not injured at all.
Auditorium Quickly
Cleared After Show
Forty ears of those exhibited at the
Auto sllow will be shipped Immediately
to Sioux City, to he shown there the com
ing week at the up-river towns annual
auto display. The. cars were left in the
Auditorium last. night, but practically all
others were removed from theie to vari
ous local r a rages within half an hour
after hundreds of horns' signalled the
close of the big show.
Because of the desire of many tired
auto dealers to put their cars away early
and get some sleep after the strenuous
week, the show closed early. Shortly
after 9:30 o'clock the final celebration oc
curred, with an almost deafening honk
ing and tooting of horns and signals ta
Indicate the passing of Omaha's greatest
Auto show. Then within half an hour
all the cars to be taken out last night
were rushed, one by one, down the aisles
and out the passageway to the street
and to the garages and dealers' head
quarters. News Note, of Fort Dodse,
FORT DODGE, la.. Feb. 21.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The repeal of the mulct law
will lose to Fort Dodge $21,600 In annual
revenue and will lower county revenue
by $6,100. Fort Dodge has fifteen saloons,
from which $1,700 each - annually Is re
ceived. Two wholesale liquor houses
contribute $tt a year each. The county
gets $300 of each license.
Artie Lewis, colored, was held to the
grand Jury this afternoon for violating
the Mann white slave act. . The alleged
white slave - is his colored wife, now
serving a penitentiary term for robbery.
Lewis is accused of bringing her here
from Omaha.
Decorations for the northern Iowa au
tomobile show will be placed Sunday and
Monday, and the big show will open
Tuesday with exhibits in place.
Echoes of the Strife
PARIS. Feb. iil.-Three women have
been mentioned In the oidera of the day
for their heroic services aa nurses. They
are Mile. Baccara and Mile. Demalstre,
who are attached to the hoHpi(Hl at Vau
buln, near Solsona, and Mile. Mund wilier
of the hospital at Si. John Dieu.
THE HAGl'E, Feb. 21.-A decree pro
hibiting the exportation of copper, cop
per wire, driving lielts and leather for
belta, is expected to le promulgated by
the Netherlands' government.
BERLIN (Via London), Feb. 21. Em
peror William has conferred the decora
tion of the order ."Pour le Merlte" upon
Flold Mnrshal Hans von Uuelow, com
mander of the Eighth German army, de
fending east Prussia, for his services in
tha recent battle of the Masurian Lakes,
In which the Russians were defeated.
LONDON. Feb. 21.lThe Frankfurter
Eeltung in a leading article today, sug
gests that Austria should make territorial
concessions to Italy to Insure the latter's
neutiailty, according to the Amsterdam
correspondent of Reuter s Telegram com
pany. s ' .
OTTAWA. Ont.. Feb. $1.-The manufac
ture of aeroplanes will bs begun In Can
ada within a few weeks.
WASHINGTON. Feb. M.-Forelgn of
firi dispatches , to the Austro-llungarlan
embassy here, today announce the In
crease f orgonized aid for the civilian
population of foland w'th the co-operation
of the Rockefeller foundation and
under the pationaxe of the American
ani Spanish ambassadors. The dipt-n
also reports the retreat of the reinforced
Russian troops toward Stanislaus,
PET RAG RAD I VIsTLondon). Feb. 21
Rsports from Vilna, near the East Prus
sian frontUir, received by the French
hospital at Petrograd, tell of the capture
by Germans of the French hospital corps.
IjANDON. Feb. Americana to the
number of about 10n. who were temporar
ily niarnnned In Parte, aa a result of the
eanoellatton of sailings bwca English
Chinnel ports because of tho Ottnimn
submarine blockade, arrived in Ixmdou
todvty. They Immediately left for Liver
pool to board the American liner New
York, whose sailing was postponed at tha
reiuct of Amhassador Page, until the
Americana could arrive.
Democratic Party Forced to Call for
Help When Something Must
Be Done.
i From a Staff Correspondent i
LINCOLN. I'd.. 3l.-iSneclnl i It Is he
ginning to be shown thai w hen the herns j
members or the Nebraska legislature j
really git Into their minds that they want
t i transai t huslness and lots of It they
call to the chair either Representative
James Nichols of Madison county, the
Moses to whiiin republicans of the Third
congressional district are looking two
years heme to lead them out of demo.
rallc darkness and the desert of despond,
o.- Representative Dennis Crnnln of Holt
county, the editor-statesman from Tlp
fcrary. i nere are other goiid men who have a
faculty of pulling off business when the
house Is In committee or the whole, two
of them expcclHlly are good men In the
chair Representative Henry Richmond.
the editorial Journalist from Omaha, and
Representative Charles C. Van Dusen,
the farmer-statesman from Washington
These Two Democrats.
These two men are democrats, tried and
true, and they have a faculty of getting
results, but when things have to be done
which will count lor real results and give
the people of the state an Idea that the
democratic legislature Is doing things,
some good democrat awakes from the
slumberous condition he Is In and moves
that the house gi into committee of the
whole with NJchols of Madison, or Cronln
of Holt, In the chair, and the motion
goes through with a whoop and the mem- anaae to a realisation that there Is
a chance to do huslness in a way that
will count.
Nichols and Cronln are remihllran mj
the house Is democratic, hut occasionally
it dawns on the minds of the members
that they have a mission to perform nd
a constituency to renrenent .i.
have the good sense to realise that they
n xo these two republicans to
""P "m rrom gettlnsr In h. win. ....
people and have to sneak In the h-oir
door when they go home some time next
l'rlng to meet their constituents.
1'Srk Leader.
However, there are a lot e .a
among the democrats In the house if
they only had a leader. Two years ago
they had a half dosen leaders, hut im-
year no man seems tn ki. ... .
- "v. . tin- iu KCl
Into the limelight Just exactly right. Tay
lor looked good for a while, but he got in
bad when he criticised the university
methods of spending the people's money,
o msny of the members had to pledgo
themselves to the V. H. C. E. C. (uni
versity home campus extension commit
tee) to support downtown extension or b
defeated, that It has) resulted In Taylor
losing his grip on the members and he
Is a partially discredited leader. How
ever, the mantle might fall upon the
shoulders of Norton of Polk, but Just
now It Is flitting around In a sort of un
decided manner like a war aeroplane,
looking for a chance to drop a "bum."
Nobody knows Just what Taylor Is golnn
to pull off on the appropriations bill
covering Important atate Institutions un I
therefore are shying nt the thing until
Norton shows his hand. Pome of the
members are for slashing at everything,
while others have business Ideas that will
not permit them to allow state efficiency
to suffer, so that It may be some time
yet before tho real king Is crowned.
Ho that In this chaotic condition tho
democrats are doing what they have done
for the last fifty yeara In the nation,
looking to republicans for relief and suc
cor, and Nlcholls and Cronln, having the
real Interests of the state at heart and
feeling sorry for their dcmocratlo breth
ren, are helping them In their dire din
tress and saving the state from calamity.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad
through The Bee's "Business Chances."
Interest Shown in
Studebaker Cars
A Studebaker truck a day was the rec
ord of "Studobaker Wilson at the show.
Intense Interest was also shown In the
1,500-pound truck used In many towns aa
the profitable Jitney bus. In the pleasure
car exhibit was a stripped chassis with
black enameled natural wood wheela con
trasted with red. AU working parts were
The surest way to stop a cold la to liven
the liver and cleans the bowels, and tho
nicest rsthartlc to do this Is a 10-ccnt box
of Cascarets. Take ono or two Cascarets
tonight and your cold may bo gone by
morning. Advertisement,
Farms and Ranch Lands
that are being developed under the best and most scien
tific methods are offered you daily in The Bee's Want Ad
Section. (
The city man who buys a farm now docs not have to learn through
last year's mistakes what crops are best suited to his land nor how to
make his land yield the greatest returns. He has the advice of men
of experience and training who will help him make his farm pay from
the day he buys it. ' -
Watch and read the farm land Ads that appear in The
1 1 1 I 1 . ll !..
tjee ana you cannot ian 10 ue interested in tne possiDilities.
of scientific farming.
TeUphon Tylmr 1000
Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads
Forgets War in
Paris Pleasures
(Correspondence of the Associated Press )
PARIS, Feb. l.-So far as the public
knows, the military courts have thus far
had few sensational case. In view of the
frequency of spy stories, many, people
are astonished not to hear every day or
so of a traitor or .-t foreign spy lelng
condemned to death. As a rule these
cases am handled by drum-head court
martial, and the culprit bus already been
shot before the story of his exploits
reschea the public, If the story Is true.
It Is more the routine business with
which the rcgu'ar fitting of tho court
martial Imve to do. Desertions, dis
respect to superiors, nggresslons of all
sorts and misdemeanors make up the
A class of cases that is common Is like
that of Abdullah ben Snld Yaholn, Al
gerian rifleman, who fell a victim to the
'warm hospitality of Purls. Recovering
from a wound, he was ordered to re
Join his regiment, near Marseilles. He had
never seen Paris and so many people
showered things upon him he thought it
was a pity to leave. 11c lived like a
prince s'x w'eeks, without spending a
son; when finally cauglit ho had no de
fense excepting the wenkness of human
nature and simply declined: " brave mini
want fight."
(Correspondence of tho Arsoclatcd Press.)
PARIS, Feb. ld.-Thls tory Is going the
rounds of the French papers:
One of tho most distinguished violinists
of France, who waa n.arrled only one
month before the beginning of the war,
said to his bride on leaving for the front,
that If any misfortune huppened to him,
he would arrnnge to lot her know It In
advance of tho official rotlflcatlon.
Weeks and months went by, without
any bad news, and tho bride almost had
forgotten the singular statement made
by her husband In the emotion of separa
tion, when an Sunday morning, January
24, she felt an Irresistible desire to play
a certaltr melody that her husband Reml
was particularly fond of. She opened the
case, took out the violin end all color
loft her cheeks. Two of the strings were
broken, the "ti" and the "ml," I un
derstand," she stammered and staggered
to a chair. The following day toward
noon, an official from the war depart
ment came to Inform her that the Her
geant Rem) hnd rlel upon the field of
An appropriation of $40,000 has Just been
made by the Oaklnnd Motor Car company
to be spent In advertising In farm papers.
The Phelps Publishing company and the
Orange Judd company have been selected
as the mediums. They have a combined
circulation. It Is clHlmed, of 1,140,000. This
Is said to be the largest automobile advet-
Some day you are going to order - the- Lehigh Valley
Anthracite. Why not today?
You will find your coal bill growing smaller for your coal
will last longer.
You will find your house cleaner (or your coal will make
less dust.
You will find that your fire is more even, gives a steadier
heat. You will find that
The Coal 'That Satisfies
is the coal you should have had long ago. This is the finest
of anthracite coal. Because it is hard it lasts longer than
ordinary coal. For the same reason it is cleaner to handle
and to burn. It gives a better
Ws Sail
This Sl Is Displayed Wy Dealers
McCormick Building
u ai 71
ttslng contract ever mado with any one)
group of papers.
Washington Affairs
The trsde halnnce as shown by excess
of exports over Imports touched a nese
high mark In the. history of the country
InM month with a totnl of $I5.MA,10R, sc
cordlng to complete figures for January
given out tortny hv the Department of
Commerce. Exports for .tannery werei
$-';. sill. 370. agninst H-'iM.iws.noa a year ago,
and lniorts were $12i,anf).irt7. against $1.'4,
74'.'.!23 In .Isnunrv, IHM. Gold Imports last
month were $t.Rti.rei, against $10,4?,.t7 n
year ago. while gold exports were $1,!509,
against $i!,9l ,w in January, 1914.
The unemployment situation waa rtls
cussed with Secretaries Houston snd W11-.
son (,f the Agriculture and Labor depart
m nt at H Joint meeting by a delegation)
bended hv Mrs. llsvllsnd H. Lund of
Nrw York, which presented a plan to bo
given further consideration next week.
The prnposnl Is the creation of a bureat
of IhikI Information for the purpose of
getting city-bred men on farms. Largei
amounts would he made avsilable for that
purpose by plillsnthrople organisations oi
cltlcens, the rlclegstea believe, and under
experienced guldnnre the city men would,
muke good farmers.
Neuralgia !
Those nerve-racking pains
ttpftdt You experience a
welcome feeling of com
fort and ease, and can attend to
your affairs after applying
Excellent for Neuritis, Tooth. H
ache and Sciatica.
1 Mra. J. McGmw. New Orleans. La.,
write that itis ssdNenraliisIa hwirn
for ftve rssrs, altar uiios Sloan's Lini
ment lor one week was completely
cured." Huy a bottle to-day
At ". easier. Price. tSc, $0c A flM
Dr. Earl S.S!a3B,lnc. Pbila.1 SLLoois
Thono Douglas 1880 and hay Cass,
sent home.
fire because it burns more evenly
does not flash hot for a few
minutes and then die out.
Your dealer will sell von I Ivlori
... .1 ' 6
Valley Anthracite.
. Chicago, 111.
v- - - -- - a
. I t